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Food selectivity by the common freshwater carp, Esomus danricus (Ham.) was studied through Ivlev's equation of electivity. The selective feeding seemed to be influenced by many factors, including the accessibility, abundance and taste, of the food items, the mechanical and physiological adaptations on the part of the fish to capture and digest those food organisms, as also the inherent and instinctive property of the fish to prefer certain types of food over the others. The absence of strong specific selectivity by the fish for a variety of planktonic food organisms was found to be a phenomenon compensatory to stenophagism, in order to make use of whichever food items remained in the habitat at the time when the preferred genera of plankton were not available, due to the process of succession.  相似文献   

Feeding electivity was investigated in a non-outbreaking population of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci (L.) from North Sulawesi, Indonesia. A null model-based approach was used to assess the feeding pattern of Acanthaster in relation to the availability of coral prey in the field. Of a total of 70 species of corals recorded as prey, massive species, particularly of Faviidae, tended to be more frequently consumed than would be expected under the assumption of random feeding by A. planci. Branched and encrusting/laminar forms of corals that occurred in relatively exposed sites were apparently not preferred, pointing to the importance of non-acroporan massive species of corals in cryptic habitats as prey for A. planci. The null model-based electivity index Z introduced here directly measured the deviation from random feeding, while two common indices (Ivlev’s and Vanderploeg and Scavia’s) only partially reflected such deviations (hence, prey selection cannot be accurately demonstrated by these). Electivity values (Z) for poritid species and Acropora palifera, the most common Acropora species in the study site, were significantly negative, indicating apparent avoidance of them by Acanthaster. Our results indicate that accessibility to different coral species and the choice/avoidance of certain species are the important elements of feeding in non-outbreaking populations of Acanthaster inhabiting spatially variable reef environments. A similar consideration may apply to the feeding patterns of other corallivores that possess superior/inferior mobility to Acanthaster. The present study emphasizes the merit of testing the observed patterns, using null models for a rigorous assessment of feeding preferences.  相似文献   

The ability to detect bitter tastes is important for animals; it can help them to avoid ingesting harmful substances. Bitter taste perception is mainly mediated by bitter taste receptor proteins, which are encoded by members of the Tas2r gene family and vary with the dietary preference of a specific species. Although individuals with different genotypes differ in bitterness recognition capability, little is known about the relationship between genetic variation and food selection tendencies at the intraspecific level. In this study, we examined the relationship between genotypes and diet in plateau zokor (Eospalax baileyi), a subterranean rodent endemic to the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau that caches food for the winter. We assayed the composition and taste profile of each plant contained in temporary caches and vicinity quadrats, which were representative of selected and available food, respectively. Bitter plant selection indices (Ebitter) were estimated. We also sequenced 26 candidate Tas2r genes from zokors and determined their relationships with the Ebitter of their caches. We identified four key results: (1) zokors varied considerably in both bitter food preference and Tas2r sequences; (2) five genes (zTas2r115, zTas2r119, zTas2r126, zTas2r134, and zTas2r136) exhibited allelic variation that was significantly associated with Ebitter; (3) synonymous SNPs, nonsynonymous SNPs, and pseudogenization are involved in the genotype–phenotype relationship; (4) the minor genotypes of zTas2r115, zTas2r134, and zTas2r136 and the major genotypes of zTas2r119 and zTas2r126 cached more bitter plants. Our results link Tas2r variation with food selection behavior at the population level for the first time.  相似文献   

This study investigates the adaptation of certain feeding strategies by a population of Atherina boyeri inhabiting a freshwater ecosystem (Lake Trichonis, Greece) and links feeding habits with ecosystem interactions, using stomach content analysis and food availability. The use of Ivlev's electivity index (E) revealed the selection of different prey categories in respect to size, species and even gender. A. boyeri showed positive selection for larger zooplankters such as adult copepods and the egg‐bearing females of Eudiaptomus drieschi (0.53 < E < 0.92 and 0.24 < E < 0.99, respectively) or the cladocerans Diaphanosoma orghidani and Daphnia cucullata (0.25 < E < 0.53 and 0.23 < E < 0.37, respectively) in spring and/or summer. In contrast, the fish totally avoided rotifers and copepod nauplii, while showing negative selection for smaller prey items like copepodites (?1.00 < E < ?0.14). A shift to larger prey was recorded as age increased. Larger specimens showed cannibalistic behaviour by consuming larvae of A. boyeri and the endemic, threatened, fish Economidichthys trichonis. The results provide certain indications that, through selective predation, A. boyeri is able to affect zooplankton abundance and community composition, the vertical distribution and migration of crustaceans and the abundance of other fish species, However, more research on the dynamics and feeding ecology of A. boyeri and other fish species is necessary.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation is to demonstrate the reasons of an opportunist feeder to select some components of the available food supply and to avoid others. Object of this test is the eurytopic and euryhaline sand goby,Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas), from the Luebeck Bight. It inhabits both sand habitats as well as bottoms mixed with pebbles or continuous hard substrates. Therefore, it is often in close contact withMytilus-belts which present a very rich food supply of small crustaceans. The selectivity behaviour of sand gobies from a sand/clay ecotone was compared with that of populations from a stony pier and a sand bottom during the reproduction period. Regarding the numbers of prey organisms, crustaceans of the periphyton were generally preferred at the pier but avoided in the ecotone. The same is valid for prey organisms of the psammal which were preferred by gobies of the sand bottom but mostly avoided by populations of mixed bottoms. Analyses of size selections revealed that the preferred gammarids orJaera isopods were between 2 and 5 mm length. A balanced relation of goby biomass and utilizable food supply (predatory impact index) seems to effect positive selectivity of gammarids in theMytilus-belts or of harpacticoids in the sand bottom.  相似文献   

This study examined the diet composition, feeding preferences, and mouth morphology of the silver therapon (Leiopotherapon plumbeus, Kner 1864) larvae under captive conditions. Larvae were reared in outdoor tanks (4 m3) with natural food grown 2 weeks prior to start of larval rearing. Food preference was measured by the Chesson's electivity index (αi). Gut content analysis of larvae sampled between 5 and 25 days after hatching (DAH) showed the dominance in the diet by zooplankton, mainly copepod nauplii, cladocerans and insect larvae. Small fish larvae (5–9 DAH; 3.32–6.29 mm standard length) preferred cladocerans, ciliates and copepod nauplii; whereas older larvae (12–25 DAH; 5.45–19.26 mm standard length) preferred insect larvae over cladocerans and adult insects. The mouth gape size at 5 DAH was 359 μm and increased to 3.75 mm at 40 DAH when body size grew at an average rate of 0.59 mm d?1. The standard length (SL) of L. plumbeus larvae was strongly associated with mouth size (r2 = 0.98, P < 0.05), indicating a progressive increase of ingested prey size of the fish larvae. These results clarified the early life feeding ecology of this species, which is essential in developing effective hatchery techniques.  相似文献   

The diet and feeding habits of Eurasian otters Lutra lutra were studied by spraint analysis over a 2- year period, on three sections of the Drava River and three backwaters, in south-west Hungary. The primary food was fish (mean: 89.8% and 87.5% for riverine and backwater habitats, respectively); otters living in riverine habitats compared to backwaters, consumed more birds (3.9% and 0.7%, respectively), less mammals (0.5% and 0.9%, respectively), less reptiles and amphibians (5.6% and 10.2%, respectively) and less invertebrates (0.1% and 0.6%, respectively). In riverine habitats otters preyed more frequently on larger fish than in backwaters, but the main fish prey was small-sized (below 100 g in weight, 85.6% and 91.7%, respectively). On river sections they preyed more frequently on reophil (flow preferring fish, 18.9% and 3.3%, respectively), and less on stagnophil fish (stagnant waters preferring, 9.8% and 24.5%, respectively) than in backwaters. The main fish prey was eurytopic (tolerant of rivers and stagnant waters, 71.3% and 72.2%, respectively). Preference (by Ivlev's electivity index, Ei) in the Drava River for various fish guilds differed, as the otters preferred eurytopic (Ei= 0.30) and stagnophil fish (Ei= 0.24), and avoided reophil fish (Ei=−0.58). Otters did not threaten the rare, flow preferring fish species and the main diet consisted of economically unimportant species.  相似文献   

The spatial ecology of sloths was studied in an agricultural landscape in Limón Province, Costa Rica. Two sloth species, the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) and the two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni), actively used and traveled through a cacao agroforest and its contiguous living fence rows and riparian forests. This agroecosystem was embedded in an agricultural landscape dominated by banana and pineapple plantations and pastures with dispersed trees. The two-toed sloth (C. hoffmanni) was found in 101 tree species and used 34 for food; the three-toed sloth (B. variegatus) was found in 71 tree species and used 15 for food. Choice of preferred species differed between the two sloth species. Trees commonly used by sloths for food and/or refuge in the cacao agroforest included Erythrina poeppigiana, Cecropia obtusifolia, Leucaena leucocephala; in the living fence rows, Cordia alliodora, Erythrina poeppigiana, Ocotea sinuata and Trophis racemosa; in the riparian forests, Coussapoa villosa, Cecropia obtusifolia, Hura crepitans, Pterocarpus officinalis and Spondias mombin; and in the pastures with dispersed trees, Cordia alliodora, Coussapoa villosa, Erythrina poeppigiana, Ocotea sinuata and Hura crepitans. This study demonstrates the importance of the cacao agroforest as well as arboreal elements in other land uses in providing resources for sloth conservation in a larger agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat selection among vertebrates entails decision making at a number of spatial scales. An understanding of factors influencing decisions at each of these scales is required for the effective management of wildlife populations. This study investigates the foraging ecology of a population of Glossy Black‐cockatoos in central New South Wales. We took advantage of the characteristic feeding sign produced by Glossy Black‐cockatoos to examine factors influencing habitat selection at multiple spatial scales. Birds preferred to forage at sites where food was abundant and avoided open sites where the predation risk may be greater. Their two food species, Allocasuarina diminuta and Allocasuarina gymnanthera, differed in profitability (kernel intake rate as measured by the ratio of seed weight to total seed and cone weight), as did trees within a species. Both species were utilized extensively, although foraging intensity was greater at sites where the more profitable species was present. In order to maximize their food intake, birds selected individual trees on the basis of cone abundance and profitability. Cones produced in the previous year were preferred.  相似文献   

V. S. Ivlev [Experimental Ecology of Nutrition of Fishes, 1955, Moscow (in Russia)] has shown that the food uptake by fishes during a fixed interval of time is an exponential function of the concentration of food. Ivlev's equation is derived here, and it is shown that it can hold only for non-stationary conditions, such as prevailed in Ivlev's experiments. For a stationary state, the rate of food uptake should tend asymptotically to a limiting value as the concentration increases, but the variation is not exponential. Different other aspects of the problem are investigated, and definite new experimental procedures suggested. The implications of Ivlev's findings on the effect of non-uniformity of food distribution upon the rate of food consumption are studied from a mathematical point of view. The conclusion is reached that whereas a fish does not, in the process of eating, move directly to an individual food particle which it perceives, it does move more or less directly to large aggregates of particles, if the latter are distributed nonuniformly.  相似文献   

  • 1 Numbers of gypsy moth larvae feeding on each of 922 randomly sampled trees in a Quercus—Acer—Fraxinus forest in southwestern Quebec, Canada were counted in 1979 and in 1980 to quantify the larval feeding preferences as observed in the field for eighteen deciduous and one coniferous tree species at the northern range limit of the gypsy moth.
  • 2 Both the diameter at breast height (dbh) and the estimated foliage biomass of the sampled trees were used to calculate the relative proportions of foliage represented by each of the nineteen tree species in the forest canopy. With these data on availability and utilization of the tree species by the gypsy moth larvae an Ivlev-type electivity index was used to quantify the larval feeding preferences. These preferences observed in the field define the susceptibility of a tree species to attack by the gypsy moth.
  • 3 The feeding preferences calculated using estimated foliage biomass were comparable to the simpler calculation based on dbh (Spearman's rho = 0.79; P= 0.0001). The dbh-based feeding preferences remained almost unchanged in 1979 and 1980 (Spearman's rho = 0.83; P= 0.0001).
  • 4 The composite 1979—80, dbh-based feeding preferences show Quercus rubra, Populus grandidentata, Ostrya virginiana, Amelanchier spp. and Acer saccharum were preferentially attacked by gypsy moth. Prunus serotina, Betula lutea, Acer rubrum, A. pensylvanicum, Fraxinus americana, Ulmus rubra, P. pensylvanicum and B. papyrifera were avoided. All nineteen tree species were, however, utilized to at least some degree by gypsy moth larvae.
  • 5 These results quantitatively affirm and clarify earlier reports of gypsy moth feeding preferences in North America and Eurasia. The advantages and limitations of using an electivity index to estimate the susceptibility of different tree species to attack by folivores like the gypsy moth are discussed.

1. Four gastropods common in Wisconsin lakes, Amnicola limosa, Gyraulus parvus, Physella gyrina and Helisoma anceps, were exposed to predation by three crayfish congeners, Orconectes rusticus, O. propinquus and O. virilis in the laboratory to determine prey preference. 2. There were no differences in prey choice among the crayfish congeners, but there were clear differences in electivity for the different snail prey. 3. Crayfish had higher electivities for the thin-shelled, plano-spiral pulmonate Gyraulus parvus, despite its lower abundance in samples, than the thicker-shelled prosobranch Amnicola limosa. Electivity for another plano-spiral pulmonate, Helisoma anceps, was low, evidently because of its relatively thick shell and larger size. Amnicola limosa and the thin-shelled pulmonate Physella gyrina (present at roughly the same relative abundance as Gyraulus parvus) were neither selected nor avoided. 4. Crayfish electivity appears to be a function of the resistance of shells to chipping by crayfish mandibles. Although different species are preferred, this is similar to the previously described selection of thin-shelled species by sunfish.  相似文献   

Data on intraspecific dietary variability has important implications for understanding flexibility in foraging behavior, habitat utilization, population dynamics, and social behavior and may also assist in conservation efforts. We compared food availability and diet of a group of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) at a high altitude site and 2 groups at a low altitude site in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, from September 2001 to August 2002. Plant species diversity was greater at the low altitude site than at the high altitude site. The two groups at the low elevation consumed more plant species (140 species vs. 62 species), and a greater number of fruit species per mo (7 vs. 3 species) and per yr (36 vs. 11 species) than the high altitude group did. Furthermore, each group shared <51% of important fibrous food items in their diet with the 2 other groups. There is no significant difference in the proportion of days fruit remains were found in the dung among groups. Finally, according to Ivlev's electivity index, all groups positively selected the majority of food items in their diets. We attribute a large proportion of dietary variation between locations to differences in fruit availability and plant species composition between sites. Differences between groups at the low altitude site may be due to variation in food profitability—more profitable foods available to choose in the same area—within their overlapping home range, or group traditions. A comparison of our results with the diets of gorillas of the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda and Kahuzi-Biega, DRC shows that eastern gorilla populations have highly variable dietary patterns with limited overlap in species consumed among groups and populations.  相似文献   


The oriental fruit moth (OFM) is one of the most serious pests of commercial fruit orchards worldwide. Newly planted peach trees in particular, can be very attractive for mated OFM females for oviposition. Samples of airborne host plant volatiles from intact young peach shoot tips and old leaves of the same potted plants were collected and analyzed with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Chemicals present in young shoot tips, but not in old leaves, were used for field trials. Moth capture by traps with the synthetic chemicals was compared to that of the standard terpinyl acetate (TA) food trap. The TA food trap caught OFM males and mated females, but tested synthetic chemicals trapped only OFM males. We observed that the mixture of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate: (E)-β-ocimene: (E)-β-farnesene in proportion 1:2:2 attracted OFM males. Further, 1 mg of (E)-β-ocimene, and that of (E)-β-farnesene also attracted OFM males.  相似文献   

Yağcı  Meral Apaydın  Alp  Ahmet  Akın  Şenol  Yağcı  Abdulkadir  Yeğen  Vedat  Uysal  Rahmi  Bilgin  Fuat  Cesur  Mehmet 《Aquatic Ecology》2021,55(4):1273-1283

We studied feeding behavior and prey selection of topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva), big-scale sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) and pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) in Lake E?irdir, the second largest freshwater lake in Turkey. Fish specimens were collected between January and August in 2010 and 2011 using gill-nets and purse seines. A total of 941 specimens were analyzed for stomach contents analysis. We expressed the importance of the food items present in their guts with the relative importance index (IRI) and estimated their diet selectivity indices with Pearre’s index. Pseudorasbora parva had a diverse diet comprising mainly Nitokra hibernica (copepod), Chydorus sphaericus, and Bosmina longirostris (cladoceran) (each, at p?<?0.01), but Chironomus sp. (insect) was not a significant component of its diet (p?>?0.05). Big-scale sand smelt often preferred B. longirostris, N. hibernica, and Alona quadrangularis (each at p?<?0.01). Pike-perch positively, but not statistically significant, selected Atherina boyeri (p?>?0.05), Carassius gibelio was not preferred by pike-perch as food item (p?>?0.05). Our results indicate that invasive species altered the food chain in Lake E?irdir. Thus, because these fish species constitute a major threat for native fish species for food and breeding grounds, extensive care should be taken to prevent invasive fish species entering lakes in Turkey.


Abstract. Goat grazing is examined as a possible tool for grassland management. In this paper, goat grazing preferences are described. The proportion of biomass of particular species eaten by a goat was estimated on the basis of comparison of paired quadrats. The control quadrats were clipped before grazing and their biomass was compared with the biomass in grazed quadrats. Estimates of the proportion consumed were calculated for frequent species; they were significantly different among species; the most preferred species was Polygonum bistorta, a species with broad, soft, nutritious leaves. The least grazed species were Agrostis tenuis and Galium harcynicum. Various indices of food selectivity (e.g. forage ratio, electivity index) were calculated and their behaviour was compared. Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Redundancy Analysis with appropriate covariates reflecting the block design of the experiment were used to evaluate overall changes in species composition and yielded results similar to those from the direct estimation of the proportion consumed.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding electivity of two epiphytic orthoclad chironomid species, Psectrocladius sp. and Thienemanniella cf. fusca, was investigated using gut content analysis of larvae collected from Typha stems in Lake Padgett, Florida. Electivity values, computed using Strauss's Food Selection Index, were strongly positive for Cosmarium and negative for Oedogonium and Bulbochaete. Diatoms either were avoided or grazed in proportion to their abundance in the environment. Patterns of electivity were similar for both chrionomid species during all seasons studied. Pairwise food preference experiments were conducted in the laboratory using the algal species, Cosmarium impressulum, Navicula pelliculosa, Selenastrum capricornuatum, Oedogonium cardiacum, and Synedra sp. Preferences were hierarchical and consistent for both larval genera. Preference ranking for the algae offered were CosmariumSynedra>Navicula>Oedogonium>Selenastrum. Larvae seemed to be feeding electively based upon algal genus, size, position in the epiphytic community, and possibly extracellular chemistry.  相似文献   

In 20-year-old longleaf pine, we examined short-term effects of reduced live leaf area (A L) via canopy scorching on sap flow (Q; kg H2O h−1), transpiration per unit leaf area (E L; mm day−1), stem CO2 efflux (R stem; μmol m−2 s−1) and soil CO2 efflux (R soil; μmol m−2 s−1) over a 2-week period during early summer. R stem and Q were measured at two positions (1.3-m or BH, and base of live crown—BLC), and R soil was measured using 15 open-system chambers on each plot. E L before and after treatment was estimated using Q measured at BLC with estimates of A L before and after scorching. We expected Q to decrease in scorched trees compared with controls resulting from reduced A L. We expected R stem at BLC and BH and R soil to decrease following scorching due to reduced leaf area, which would decrease carbon supply to the stem and roots. Scorching reduced A L by 77%. Prior to scorching, Q at BH was similar between scorch and control trees. Following scorching, Q was not different between control and scorch trees; however, E L increased immediately following scorching by 3.5-fold compared to control trees. Changes in E L in scorched trees corresponded well with changes in VPD (D), whereas control trees appeared more decoupled over the 5-day period following treatment. By the end of the study, R stem decreased to 15–25% in scorched trees at both stem positions compared to control trees. Last, we found that scorching resulted in a delayed and temporary increase in R soil rather than a decrease. No change in Q and increased E L following scorching indicates a substantial adjustment in stomatal conductance in scorched trees. Divergence in R stem between scorch and control trees suggests a gradual decline in stem carbohydrates following scorching. The absence of a strong R soil response is likely due to non-limiting supplies of root starch during early summer.  相似文献   

内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区荒漠沙蜥春秋季生境选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为更好的了解及保护荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)资源,于2017年5—6月和9—10月,在内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区采用样线调查法对其春、秋2季的生境选择进行研究。春季测定了92个荒漠沙蜥生境利用样方和64个对照样方、秋季测定了71个荒漠沙蜥生境利用样方和76个对照样方的共13种生态因子。利用拟合优度卡方检验、VanderploegScavia′s选择指数、 Mann-White U检验和逐步判别分析确定影响其春秋季生境选择的关键因子。结果表明,荒漠沙蜥的生境选择存在季节性差异。春季一般选择食物丰富度高,隐蔽性好,光照强,地表温度高、湿度低的生境,既保证安全因素又利于达到最适体温,满足繁殖需求;秋季偏好选择土壤质地疏松,食物丰富度高和中的草甸地区,便于隐蔽及累积食物,以满足其躲避天敌、储存越冬能量的需要。  相似文献   

Abstract: Apex predators are often threatened with extinction, and reintroduction is one method conservation managers are using to secure their persistence. Yet the ability to predict what these predators will eat upon reintroduction is lacking. Here we test predictions of the diet of the lion (Panthera leo), derived from dietary electivity index and optimality theory, using independent data collected from reintroduced and resident populations. We solved the Jacobs’ index preference equation for each prey species of the lion using values calculated by Hayward and Kerley (2005) and prey abundance data from 4 reintroduction sites and one resident lion population over several years. We then compared these estimates with actual kill data gathered from each site and time period, using the log-likelihood ratio and linear regression. The model precisely predicted the observed number of kills in 9 of the 13 tests. There was a highly significant linear relationship between the number of lion kills predicted to occur at a site and the number observed for all but one site (x̄r2 = 0.612; β = 1.03). Predicting predator diet will allow conservation managers to stop responding and start planning in advance for reintroductions and environmental variation. Furthermore, ensuring that sufficient food resources are available is likely to increase the success of reintroduction projects. In addition, managers responsible for threatened prey species will be able to predict the vulnerability of these species to predation in the event of predator reintroductions or changes in abundance. These methods are applicable to virtually all large predators that have been sufficiently studied.  相似文献   

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