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We have examined the behavior of pre-replication complex (pre-RC) proteins in relation to key cell cycle transitions in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. ORC1, ORC4 and Cdc6 were stable (T1/2 >2 h) and associated with a chromatin-containing fraction throughout the cell cycle. Green fluorescent protein-tagged ORC1 associated with chromatin throughout mitosis in living cells and co-localized with ORC4 in metaphase spreads. Association of Mcm proteins with chromatin took place during telophase, approximately 30 min after the destruction of geminin and cyclins A and B, and was coincident with the licensing of chromatin to replicate in geminin-supplemented Xenopus egg extracts. Neither Mcm recruitment nor licensing required protein synthesis throughout mitosis. Moreover, licensing could be uncoupled from origin specification in geminin-supplemented extracts; site-specific initiation within the dihydrofolate reductase locus required nuclei from cells that had passed through the origin decision point (ODP). These results demonstrate that mammalian pre-RC assembly takes place during telophase, mediated by post-translational modifications of pre-existing proteins, and is not sufficient to select specific origin sites. A subsequent, as yet undefined, step selects which pre-RCs will function as replication origins.  相似文献   

Recent work has dramatically changed our view of chromosome segregation in bacteria. Rather than being a passive process, it involves rapid movement of parts of the circular chromosome. Several genes involved in chromosome segregation have been identified, and the analysis of their functions and intracellular localization are beginning to shed light on the mechanisms that ensure efficient chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Initiation of DNA replication involves the ordered assembly of the multi-protein pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) during G1 phase. Previously, DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) was shown to associate with the DNA replication origin located in the lamin B2 gene locus in a cell-cycle-modulated manner. Here we report that activation of both the early-firing lamin B2 and the late-firing hOrs8 human replication origins involves DNA topo II-dependent, transient, site-specific dsDNA-break formation. Topo IIβ in complex with the DNA repair protein Ku associates in vivo and in vitro with the pre-RC region, introducing dsDNA breaks in a biphasic manner, during early and mid-G1 phase. Inhibition of topo II activity interferes with the pre-RC assembly resulting in prolonged G1 phase. The data mechanistically link DNA topo IIβ-dependent dsDNA breaks and the components of the DNA repair machinery with the initiation of DNA replication and suggest an important role for DNA topology in origin activation.  相似文献   

Flagellation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during the cell division cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flagellation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during the cell division cycle was examined by scanning electron microscopy. A new flagellum grows on an old polar end located at the opposite position of the parental flagellum in the late stage of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Dynamics of Tetrahmpena macronuclear lamina during cell division   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During mitosis,the nuclear lamina in higher eukaryotic cells undergoes a distinctly morphological change.It breaks down into lamin polymers or monomers at prophase.At telophase,the lamins reassemble around the condensed chromatin to form the layer of lamina.Using antiserum to mammalian lamins,we studied the dynamics of lamina during cell division in the macronuleus of Tetrahymena shanghaiensis,which divided in the way of amitosis.In contrast to those in higher animal cells,the typical perinuclear lamin distribution in the macronucleus persisted throughout the whole cell cycle.It was further found that in some synchronized cells,the lamin distribution bisplayed an unusual pattern consisting of a series of spots within the macronucleus.Using South-western hybridization,we found that the purified 66 KD lamin in Tetrahymena showed specific affinity with the telomere DNA sequence in the same species.Therefore,we propose that pattern of immunofluorescence may be due to the interaction of lamin protein with the nucleoli and the condensed chromatins in the macronucleus.  相似文献   

The arrangement and dynamics of chromosomes inside the nucleus of mammalian cells have been studied intensively over the last two years. Although chromosomes are relatively immobile and occupy non-random positions in interphase, their dynamic movements in mitosis have traditionally been assumed to randomize this arrangement. New methods of live cell imaging now make it possible to follow chromosome movements directly and quantitatively in single cells. Such studies have generated models of chromosome positioning throughout the cell cycle and provide a new basis to address the underlying mechanisms in future experiments.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, all macromolecules that traffic between the nucleus and the cytoplasm cross the double nuclear membrane through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). NPCs are elaborate gateways that allow efficient, yet selective, translocation of many different macromolecules. Their protein composition has been elucidated, but how exactly these nucleoporins come together to form the pore is largely unknown. Recent data suggest that NPCs are composed of an extremely stable scaffold on which more dynamic, exchangeable parts are assembled. These could be targets for molecular rearrangements that change nuclear pore transport properties and, ultimately, the state of the cell.  相似文献   

This study examines the abundance of the major protein constituents of the pre-replication complex (pre-RC), both genome-wide and in association with specific replication origins, namely the lamin B2, c-myc, 20mer1, and 20mer2 origins. Several pre-RC protein components, namely ORC1-6, Cdc6, Cdt1, MCM4, MCM7, as well as additional replication proteins, such as Ku70/86, 14-3-3, Cdc45, and PCNA, were comparatively and quantitatively analyzed in both transformed and normal cells. The results show that these proteins are overexpressed and more abundantly bound to chromatin in the transformed compared to normal cells. Interestingly, the 20mer1, 20mer2, and c-myc origins exhibited a two- to threefold greater origin activity and a two- to threefold greater in vivo association of the pre-RC proteins with these origins in the transformed cells, whereas the origin associated with the housekeeping lamin B2 gene exhibited both similar levels of activity and in vivo association of these pre-RC proteins in both cell types. Overall, the results indicate that cellular transformation is associated with an overexpression and increased chromatin association of the pre-RC proteins. This study is significant, because it represents the most systematic comprehensive analysis done to date, using multiple replication proteins and different replication origins in both normal and transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

The position of chromosomal neighborhoods in living cells was followed using three different methods for marking chromosomal domains occupying arbitrary locations in the nucleus; photobleaching of GFP-labeled histone H2B, local UV-marked DNA, and photobleaching of fluorescently labeled DNA. All methods revealed that global chromosomal organization can be reestablished through one cell division from mother to daughters. By simultaneously monitoring cell cycle stage in the cells in which relative chromosomal domain positions were tracked, we observed that chromosomal neighborhood organization is apparently lost in the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. However, the daughter cells eventually regain the general chromosomal organization pattern of their mothers, suggesting an active mechanism could be at play to reestablish chromosomal neighborhoods.  相似文献   

The members of the family of Rab11 small GTPases are critical regulators of the plasma membrane vesicle recycling system. While previous studies have determined that the Golgi apparatus disperses during mitosis and reorganizes after cytokinesis, the fate of the recycling system during the cell cycle is more obscure. We have now studied in MDCK cells the fate during mitosis of an apical recycling system cargo, the polymeric IgA receptor (pIgAR), and regulators of the recycling system, Rab11a and its interacting proteins myosin Vb, Rab11-FIP1, Rab11-FIP2 and pp75/Rip11. Rab11a, pIgAR and myosin Vb containing vesicles dispersed into diffuse puncta in the cytosol during prophase and then became clustered near the spindle poles after metaphase, increasing in intensity throughout telophase. A similar pattern was observed for Rab11-FIP1 and Rab11-FIP2. However, Rab11-FIP1 lost colocalization with other recycling system markers during late prophase, relocating to the pericentriolar material. During telophase, Rab11-FIP1 returned to recycling system vesicles. Western blot analysis indicated that both Rab11a and pIgAR remained associated with membrane vesicles throughout the cell cycle. This behavior of the Rab11a-containing apical recycling endosome system during division was distinct from that of the Golgi apparatus. These results indicate that critical components of the apical recycling system remain associated on vesicles throughout the cell cycle and may provide a means for rapid re-establishment of plasma membrane components after mitosis.  相似文献   

Stepwise changes in the rate of phosphatidylethanolamine and phospholipid synthesis during the cell division cycle of Escherichia coli B/r were observed. The cell ages at the increases were found to be a function of the growth rate. At each growth rate, the increase occurred around the time new rounds of chromosome replication were inaugurated in the cycle.  相似文献   

Changes in cell diameter during the division cycle of Escherichia coli   总被引:20,自引:17,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Extensive measurements of steady-state populations of several Escherichia coli strains have consistently indicated that cell diameter decreases with increasing cell length. This was observed both after electron microscopy of air-dried cells and after phase-contrast microscopy of living cells. The analysis was made by considering separately the unconstricted cells and three classes (slight, medium, and deep) of constricted cells in the population. During slow growth, cells with the average newborn length were up to 8% thicker than unconstricted cells twice as long. This decrease in diameter is less at higher growth rates. Despite the small changes and the large variation of the diameter in any particular length class, significant negative correlations between diameter and length were obtained. Cell diameter increases again at the end of the cell cycle as indicated by an increase of average diameter in the three consecutive classes of constriction.  相似文献   

The bacterial peptidoglycan, the main component of the cell wall, is synthesized by the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). We used immunofluorescence microscopy to determine the cellular localization of all the high molecular weight PBPs of the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, for a wild type and for several PBP-deficient strains. Progression through the cell cycle was investigated by the simultaneous labelling of DNA and the FtsZ protein. Our main findings are: (i) the temporal dissociation of cell wall synthesis, inferred by the localization of PBP2x and PBP1a, from the constriction of the FtsZ-ring; (ii) the localization of PBP2b and PBP2a at duplicated equatorial sites indicating the existence of peripheral peptidoglycan synthesis, which implies a similarity between the mechanism of cell division in bacilli and streptococci; (iii) the abnormal localization of some class A PBPs in PBP-defective mutants which may explain the apparent redundancy of these proteins in S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Synthesis of ribosomal proteins during the yeast cell cycle   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The synthesis of ribosomal proteins during the cell division cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been examined. A technique was utilized whereby cells in unique phases of the cell cycle were selected from an asynchronous culture after the period of pulse labeling. Some of the proteins of the small and large ribosomal subunits were synthesized continuously throughout the cell cycle and there was no evidence of discontinuous synthesis for any of the ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

The growth and division of mitochondria during the cell cycle was investigated by a morphometric analysis of electron micrographs of synchronized HeLa cells. The ratio of total outer membrane contour length to cytoplasmic area did not vary significantly during the cell cycle, implying a continuous growth of the mitochondrial outer membrane. The mean fraction of cytoplasmic area occupied by mitochondrial profiles was likewise found to remain constant, indicating that the increase in total mitochondrial volume per cell occurs continuously during interphase, in such a way that the mitochondrial complement occupies a constant fraction( approximately 10-11(percent)) of the volume of the cytoplasm. The mean area, outer membrane contour length, and axis ratio of the mitochondrial profiles also did not vary appreciably during the cell cycle; furthermore, the close similarity of the frequency distributions of these parameters for the six experimental time-points suggested a stable mitochondrial shape distribution. The constancy of both the mean mitochondrial profile area and the number of mitochondrial profiles per unit of cytoplasmic area was interpreted to indicate the continuous division of mitochondria at the level of the cell population. Furthermore, no evidence was found for the occurrence of synchronous mitochondrial growth and division within individual cells. Thus, it appears that, in HeLa cells, there is no fixed temporal relationship between the growth and division of mitochondria and the events of the cell cycle. A number of statistical methods were developed for the purpose of making numerical estimates of certain three-dimensional cellular and mitochondrial parameters. Mean cellular and cytoplasmic volumes were calculated for the six time-points; both exhibited a nonlinear, approx. twofold increase. A comparison of the axis ratio distributions of the mitochondrial profiles with theoretical distributions expected from random sectioning of bodies of various three-dimensional shapes allowed the derivation of an "average" mitochondrial shape. This, in turn, permitted calculations to be made which expressed the two-dimensional results in three-dimensional terms. Thus, the estimated values for the number of mitochondria per unit of cytoplasmic volume and for the mean mitochondrial volume were found to remain constant during the cell cycle, while the estimated number of mitochondria per cell increase approx. twofold in an essentially continuous manner.  相似文献   

Cdk specificity is determined by the intrinsic selectivity of the active site and by substrate docking sites on the cyclin subunit. There is a long-standing debate about the relative importance of these factors in the timing of Cdk1 substrate phosphorylation. We analyzed major budding yeast cyclins (the G1/S-cyclin Cln2, S-cyclin Clb5, G2/M-cyclin Clb3, and M-cyclin Clb2) and found that the activity of Cdk1 toward the consensus motif increased gradually in the sequence Cln2-Clb5-Clb3-Clb2, in parallel with cell cycle progression. Further, we identified a docking element that compensates for the weak intrinsic specificity of Cln2 toward G1-specific targets. In addition, Cln2-Cdk1 showed distinct consensus site specificity, suggesting that cyclins do not merely activate Cdk1 but also modulate its active-site specificity. Finally, we identified several Cln2-, Clb3-, and Clb2-specific Cdk1 targets. We propose that robust timing and ordering of cell cycle events depend on gradual changes in the substrate specificity of Cdk1.  相似文献   

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