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Connective tissues such as ligament, tendon and skin are composites of strength-bearing collagen fibers embedded in a hydrated matrix. The tensile response and failure properties of rat-tail tendon are thought to represent those of the collagen fiber itself. In this study, the tensile failure properties of rat-tail tendon (tendon collagen) were determined for specimens of various test length. The experimental results indicated that failure strain, based on the test grip-to-grip dimension, and failure strain energy density decreased as specimen length increased. The failure stress, on the other hand, did not change appreciably with specimen length. Thus, tensile failure data cannot simply be normalized by the grip-to-grip length of the test specimen. Experimental data from various laboratories must clearly document the length of the test specimen.  相似文献   

Tendons are exposed to complex loading scenarios that can only be quantified by mathematical models, requiring a full knowledge of tendon mechanical properties. This study measured the anisotropic, nonlinear, elastic material properties of tendon. Previous studies have primarily used constant strain-rate tensile tests to determine elastic modulus in the fiber direction. Data for Poisson's ratio aligned with the fiber direction and all material properties transverse to the fiber direction are sparse. Additionally, it is not known whether quasi-static constant strain-rate tests represent equilibrium elastic tissue behavior. Incremental stress-relaxation and constant strain-rate tensile tests were performed on sheep flexor tendon samples aligned with the tendon fiber direction or transverse to the fiber direction to determine the anisotropic properties of toe-region modulus (E0), linear-region modulus (E), and Poisson's ratio (v). Among the modulus values calculated, only fiber-aligned linear-region modulus (E1) was found to be strain-rate dependent. The E1 calculated from the constant strain-rate tests were significantly greater than the value calculated from incremental stress-relaxation testing. Fiber-aligned toe-region modulus (E(1)0 = 10.5 +/- 4.7 MPa) and linear-region modulus (E1 = 34.0 +/- 15.5 MPa) were consistently 2 orders of magnitude greater than transverse moduli (E(2)0 = 0.055 +/- 0.044 MPa, E2 = 0.157 +/- 0.154 MPa). Poisson's ratio values were not found to be rate-dependent in either the fiber-aligned (v12 = 2.98 +/- 2.59, n = 24) or transverse (v21 = 0.488 +/- 0.653, n = 22) directions, and average Poisson's ratio values in the fiber-aligned direction were six times greater than in the transverse direction. The lack of strain-rate dependence of transverse properties demonstrates that slow constant strain-rate tests represent elastic properties in the transverse direction. However, the strain-rate dependence demonstrated by the fiber-aligned linear-region modulus suggests that incremental stress-relaxation tests are necessary to determine the equilibrium elastic properties of tendon, and may be more appropriate for determining the properties to be used in elastic mathematical models.  相似文献   

The tensile stress-strain behavior of ligaments and tendons begins with a toe region that is believed to result from the straightening of crimped collagen fibrils. The in situ mechanical function is mostly confined to this toe region and changes in crimp morphology are believed to be associated with pathological conditions. A relatively new imaging technique, optical coherence tomography (OCT), provides a comparatively inexpensive method for nondestructive investigation of tissue ultrastructure with resolution on the order of 15 microm and the potential for use in a clinical setting. The objectives of this work were to assess the utility of OCT for visualizing crimp period, and to use OCT to determine how crimp period changed as a function of applied tensile strain in rat tail tendon fascicles. Fascicles from rat tail tendons were subjected to 0.5 percent strain increments up to 5 percent and imaged at each increment using OCT. A comparison between OCT images and optical microscopy images taken between crossed polarizing lenses showed a visual correspondence between features indicative of crimp pattern. Crimp pattern always disappeared completely before 3 percent axial strain was reached. Average crimp period increased as strain increased, but both elongation and shortening occurred within single crimp periods during the application of increasing strain to the fascicle.  相似文献   

We continuously monitored the microstructure of a rat-tail tendon during stretch/relaxation cycles. To that purpose, we implemented a new biomechanical device that combined SHG imaging and mechanical testing modalities. This multi-scale experimental device enabled simultaneous visualization of the collagen crimp morphology at the micrometer scale and measurement of macroscopic strain-stress response. We gradually increased the ultimate strain of the cycles and showed that preconditioning mostly occurs in the first stretching. This is accompanied by an increase of the crimp period in the SHG image. Our results indicate that preconditioning is due to a sliding of microstructures at the scale of a few fibrils and smaller, that changes the resting length of the fascicle. This sliding can reverse on long time scales. These results provide a proof of concept that continuous SHG imaging performed simultaneously with mechanical assay allows analysis of the relationship between macroscopic response and microscopic structure of tissues.  相似文献   

Sections of tendons from the base of the tail of rats were taken at eight time intervals from 18 days in utero until 244 days after birth and were examined in the electron microscope. For each time period, measurements were made of the relative area of fibroblasts, collagen and interstitial material, of the number of fibroblasts per unit area of tendon and of the average area of individual fibroblasts. The spatial arrangement of fibroblasts in the tendon sections was described quantitatively using the "nearest neighbor" method. Initially there was a rapid increase in the area of collagen accompanied by a decrease in the area occupied by fibroblasts but after 104 days of age these values changed very little. The numbers of fibroblasts per unit area decreased steadily from the embryo until 104 days whereas the average size of each cell increased to reach a maximum area at 40 days of age and then declined. At all time intervals cells were arranged in a regular, dispersed pattern across the tendon fascicles. Growth in width of the rat tail appears to involve the secretion of collagen and other intercellular material symmetrically around each fibroblast, so as to gradually separate the cells until a stage is reached at which cells are sufficiently far apart that there is little contact between adjacent cell processes. This may interfere with the integration of metabolic activity in the tissue. As a consequence, there is shrinkage of the cell bodies and a reduction in secretory activity so that, between 55 and 104 days of age, the tendon enters a period of terminal senescence.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation has been implicated as an important regulatory factor in tendon homeostasis. In this study, a custom-designed tensile loading system was used to apply controlled mechanical stimulation to isolated tendon fascicles, in order to examine the effects of 5% cyclic tensile strain at 1 Hz on cell proliferation and matrix synthesis. Sample viability and gross structural composition were maintained over a 24 h loading period. Data demonstrated no statistically significant differences in cell proliferation or glycosaminoglycan production, however, collagen synthesis was upregulated with the application of cyclic tensile strain over the 24 h period. Moreover, a greater proportion of the newly synthesised matrix was retained within the sample after loading. These data provide evidence of altered anabolic activity within tendon in response to mechanical stimuli, and suggest the importance of cyclic tensile loading for the maintenance of the collagen hierarchy within tendon.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study of collagen fibrils from fixed tail tendons of rats has revealed that from some time shortly after birth until maturity, the fibril diameters have a bimodal distribution. The “two” types of fibril are indistinguishable in both transverse and longitudinal section. Unfixed specimens of eight-week-old-tail tendon showed a similar bimodal distribution of diameters though the positions of the peak values compared to fixed specimens of an eight-week-old-tail tendon were shifted upwards by about 30%. It has also been shown quantitatively that the polar collagen fibrils are directed randomly “up” and “down” with respect to their neighbors. Whilst it has been suggested by others that anastomosis is a feature of collagen structure, the results presented here do not support this hypothesis. Fibrillar units ~ 140 Å in diameter have been observed and the possibilities that these are elastic fibers or the breakdown products of collagen fibrils have been considered.  相似文献   

It is difficult to define the 'physiological' mechanical properties of bone. Traumatic failures in-vivo are more likely to be orders of magnitude faster than the quasistatic tests usually employed in-vitro. We have reported recently [Hansen, U., Zioupos, P., Simpson, R., Currey, J.D., Hynd, D., 2008. The effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of human cortical bone. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering/Transactions of the ASME 130, 011011-1-8] results from tests on specimens of human femoral cortical bone loaded in tension at strain rates (epsilon ) ranging from low (0.08s(-1)) to high (18s(-1)). Across this strain rate range the modulus of elasticity generally increased, stress at yield and failure and strain at failure decreased for rates higher than 1s(-1), while strain at yield was invariant for most strain rates and only decreased at rates higher than 10s(-1). The results showed that strain rate has a stronger effect on post-yield deformation than on initiation of macroscopic yielding. In general, specimens loaded at high strain rates were brittle, while those loaded at low strain rates were much tougher. Here, a post-test examination of the microcracking damage reveals that microcracking was inversely related to the strain rate. Specimens loaded at low strain rates showed considerable post-yield strain and also much more microcracking. Partial correlation and regression analysis suggested that the development of post-yield strain was a function of the amount of microcracking incurred (the cause), rather than being a direct result of the strain rate (the excitation). Presumably low strain rates allow time for microcracking to develop, which increases the compliance of the specimen, making them tougher. This behaviour confirms a more general rule that the degree to which bone is brittle or tough depends on the amount of microcracking damage it is able to sustain. More importantly, the key to bone toughness is its ability to avoid a ductile-to-brittle transition for as long as possible during the deformation. The key to bone's brittleness, on the other hand, is the strain and damage localisation early on in the process, which leads to low post-yield strains and low-energy absorption to failure.  相似文献   

Acid soluble rat-tail tendon collagen was prepared from animals rendered diabetic by treatment with either streptozotocin or alloxan and from matched controls. In comparison to the normal, the diabetic collagens consistently demonstrated decreased solubility of reconstituted fibrils, marked increase in intrinsic viscosity and a decreased ratio of alpha to beta components. Electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels revealed a marked decrease in migration of alpha1, alpha2, and beta components from both types of diabetic collagen. These data indicate that diabetic collagens are larger than normal and are capable of higher degrees of polymerization due to increased intra- and inter-molecular interactions. These changes could explain, in part, the altered response of diabetic connective tissues to inflammation and trauma.  相似文献   

Tendon stiffness is calculated by dividing changes in tendon force by tendon elongation. For this purpose, participants are commonly asked to perform a maximal muscle contraction (“active” method). Alternatively tendon elongation can be achieved by means of a passive joint rotation (“passive” method). The purpose of this study was to compare Achilles tendon stiffness obtained from both methods across different tendon strain rates. Twenty adults performed a series of ramped maximum isometric plantarflexions of different durations. Passive ankle rotations of different angular velocities were also performed. Achilles tendon stiffness was obtained from a combination of motion analysis, isokinetic dynamometry and ultrasonography and compared across methods at three strain rates. At all strain rates, tendon stiffness obtained from the active method was 6% greater compared to the passive method. In spite of this systematic bias, there was good agreement between the methods. Intraclass correlation coefficients were greater than 0.98, and more than 95% of data points fell into the 95% confidence intervals. This agreement will be acceptable in many research contexts. We also found a linear increase in tendon stiffness with increasing strain rate, which must be taken into consideration when interpreting or reporting tendon stiffness.  相似文献   

Root tensile strength plays an important role in soil stabilization and fixation. Testing and separating the different factors that affect root tensile strength are important. In the present study, the effects of four factors, namely, gauge length, strain rate, species, and root diameter, on root tensile strength were studied. Uniaxial tensile tests were conducted to acquire the root tensile strength of five tree species commonly growing in the mountains of northern China, namely, Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.), Larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.), White birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.), Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolicus Fisch.), and Elm (Ulmus pumila L.). Based on the results, Elm and White birch roots were the most resistant to tension, followed by Mongolian oak and Chinese pine roots. Larch roots were found to be the least resistant to tension. A power relationship was established between root diameter and root tensile strength. Based on linear regression analysis, gauge length was negatively correlated with root tensile strength. Tensile strength decreased with increasing gauge length. In addition, an unexpected variation of tensile strength was observed between two strain rates (10 and 400?mm?min?1). The present study can serve as a basis for further studies on mechanical properties of root system and root reinforcement under different test circumstances, although this should be done with caution.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans (PG) and their associated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains are known to play a key role in the bearing of compressive loads in cartilage and other skeletal connective tissues. In tendons and connective tissues that are primarily loaded in tension, the influence of proteoglycans on mechanical behavior is debated due to conflicting experimental evidence that alternately supports or controverts a functional role of proteoglycans in bearing tensile load. In this study we sought to better reconcile these conflicting data by investigating the possibility that GAG content is differentially related to tensile tendon mechanics depending upon the anatomical subregion one considers. To test this hypothesis, we quantified the mechanical consequences of proteoglycan disruption within specific tendon anatomical subregions using an optical–mechanical measurement approach.Achilles tendons from adult mice were treated with chondroitinase ABC to obtain two groups consisting of native tendons and GAG-depleted tendons. All the tendons were mechanically tested and imaged with high-resolution digital video in order to optically quantify tendon strains. Tendon surface strains were locally analyzed in three main subregions: the central midsubstance, and the proximal and distal midsubstance near the muscle and bone insertions, respectively. Upon GAG digestion, the tendon midsubstance softened appreciably near the bone insertion, while elastic modulus in the central and proximal thirds was unchanged. Thus the contribution of PGs to tensile tendon mechanics is not straightforward and points to a heterogeneous and complex structure–function relationship in tendon. This study further highlights the importance of performing local strain analysis with regard to tensile tendon mechanics.  相似文献   

The effect of a lathyritic diet on the sensitivity of tendon to strain rate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the tensile failure properties of rat-tail tendon depend on strain rate, the sensitivity to strain rate decreases with age, especially during sexual maturation. The object of this study was to determine the effect of an experimental model of chronic lathyrism on age-dependent changes in the sensitivity of developing tendon strength to strain rate. Tensile failure experiments were conducted at high and low strain rate on tendons excised from test and control animals aged 1 to 6 mo. The tensile "yield" response of tendon was significantly affected by the diet resulting in a reduced tensile strength and failure strain. While the sensitivity of tendon failure to strain rate was slightly elevated by the experimental diet, age-dependent changes compared with controls. Since the diet supplement is thought to inhibit covalent crosslinking of collagen in the developing tendon, other factors are likely responsible for decrease in the sensitivity of tendon strength to strain rate during maturation.  相似文献   

Colles' fracture, a transverse fracture of the distal radius bone, is one of the most frequently observed osteoporotic fractures resulting from low energy or traumatic events, associated with low and high strain rates, respectively. Although experimental studies on Colles' fracture were carried out at various loading rates ranging from static to impact loadings, there is no systematic study in the literature that isolates the influence of strain rate on Colles' fracture load. In order to provide a better understanding of fracture risk, the current study combines experimental material property measurements under varying strain rates with computational modeling and presents new information on the effect of strain rate on Colles' fracture. The simulation results showed that Colles' fracture load decreased with increasing strain rate with a steeper change in lower strain rates. Specifically, strain rate values (0.29s(-1)) associated with controlled falling without fracture corresponded to a 3.7% reduction in the fracture load. On the other hand, the reduction in the fracture load was 34% for strain rate of 3.7s(-1) reported in fracture inducing impact cadaver experiments. Further increase in the strain rate up to 18s(-1) led to an additional 22% reduction. The most drastic reduction in fracture load occurs at strain rates corresponding to the transition from controlled to impact falling. These results are particularly important for the improvement of fracture risk assessment in the elderly because they identify a critical range of loading rates (10-50mm/s) that can dramatically increase the risk of Colles' fracture.  相似文献   

The effects of strain rate on tensile failure properties of human parasagittal bridging veins were studied in eight unembalmed cadavers. While bathed in physiological saline at 37 degrees C, the intact vessel was stretched axially by a servo-controlled hydraulic testing machine at either a low strain rate of 0.1-2.5 s-1 or a high rate of 100-250 s-1. The mean ultimate stretch ratios for low and high strain rates, respectively, were 1.51 +/- 0.24 (S.D. n = 29) and 1.55 +/- 0.15 (n = 34), and the ultimate stresses were 3.24 +/- 1.65 (n = 17) and 3.42 +/- 1.38 MPa (n = 20). Neither difference between strain rates was significant (p greater than 0.45). Thus, our results do not support the hypothesis that sensitivity of the ultimate strain of bridging veins to strain rate explains the acceleration tolerance data for subdural hematoma in primates [Gennarelli, R. A. and Thibault, L. E. (1982) Biomechanics of acute subdural hematoma. J. Trauma 22, 680-686].  相似文献   

The ultrastructural mechanism for strain rate sensitivity of collagenous tissue has not been well studied at the collagen fibril level. Our objective is to reveal the mechanistic contribution of tendon’s key structural component to strain rate sensitivity. We have investigated the structure of the collagen fibril undergoing tension at different strain rates. Tendon fascicles were pulled and fixed within the linear region (12% local tissue strain) at multiple strain rates. Although samples were pulled to the same percent elongation, the fibrils were noticed to elongate differently, increasing with strain rate. For the 0.1, 10, and 70%/s strain rates, there were 1.84±3.6%, 5.5±1.9%, and 7.03±2.2% elongations (mean±S.D.), respectively. We concluded that the collagen fibrils underwent significantly greater recruitment (fibril strain relative to global tissue strain) at higher strain rates. A better understanding of tendon mechanisms at lower hierarchical levels would help establish a basis for future development of constitutive models and assist in tissue replacement design.  相似文献   

The knee ligaments and patellar tendon function in concert with each other and other joint tissues, and are adapted to their specific physiological function via geometry and material properties. However, it is not well known how the viscoelastic and quasi-static material properties compare between the ligaments. The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare these material properties between the knee ligaments and patellar tendon.Dumbbell-shaped tensile test samples were cut from bovine knee ligaments (ACL, LCL, MCL, PCL) and patellar tendon (PT) and subjected to tensile testing (n = 10 per ligament type). A sinusoidal loading test was performed at 8% strain with 0.5% strain amplitude using 0.1, 0.5 and 1 Hz frequencies. Subsequently, an ultimate tensile test was performed to investigate the stress-strain characteristics.At 0.1 Hz, the phase difference between stress and strain was higher in LCL compared with ACL, PCL and PT (p < 0.05), and at 0.5 Hz that was higher in LCL compared with all other ligaments and PT (p < 0.05). PT had the longest toe-region strain (p < 0.05 compared with PCL and MCL) and MCL had the highest linear and strain-dependent modulus, and toughness (p < 0.05 compared with ACL, LCL and PT).The results indicate that LCL is more viscous than other ligaments at low-frequency loads. MCL was the stiffest and toughest, and its modulus increased most steeply at the toe-region, possibly implying a greater amount of collagen. This study improves the knowledge about elastic, viscoelastic and failure properties of the knee ligaments and PT.  相似文献   

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