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Activated protein C (APC), a natural anticoagulant protease, can trigger cellular responses via protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), a G protein-coupled receptor for thrombin. Whether this phenomenon contributes to the physiological effects of APC is unknown. Toward answering this question, we compared the kinetics of PAR1 cleavage on endothelial cells by APC versus thrombin. APC did cleave PAR1 on the endothelial surface, and antibodies to the endothelial protein C receptor inhibited such cleavage. Importantly, however, APC was approximately 10(4)-fold less potent than thrombin in this setting. APC and thrombin both triggered PAR1-mediated responses in endothelial cells including expression of antiapoptotic (tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced a20 and iap-1) and chemokine (interleukin-8 (il-8) and cxcl3) genes, but again, APC was approximately 10(4)-fold less potent than thrombin. The addition of zymogen protein C to endothelial cultures did not alter the rate of PAR1 cleavage at low or high concentrations of thrombin, and PAR1 cleavage was substantial at thrombin concentrations too low to trigger detectable conversion of protein C to APC. Thus, locally generated APC did not contribute to PAR1 cleavage beyond that effected by thrombin in this system. Although consistent with reports that sufficiently high concentrations of APC can cleave and activate PAR1 in culture, our data suggest that a significant physiological role for PAR1 activation by APC is unlikely.  相似文献   

Platelet activation and aggregation are mediated by thrombin cleavage of the exodomain of the PAR1 receptor. The specificity of thrombin for PAR1 is enhanced by binding to a hirudin-like region (Hir) located in the receptor exodomain. Here, we examine the mechanism of thrombin-PAR1 recognition and cleavage by steady-state kinetic measurements using soluble PAR1 N-terminal exodomains. We determined that the primary role of the PAR1 Hir sequence is to reduce the kinetic barriers to formation of the docked thrombin-PAR1 complex rather than to form high affinity ground-state interactions. In addition, the exosite I-bound Hir motif facilitates the productive interaction of the PAR1 (38)LDPR/SFL(44) sequence with the active site of thrombin. This locking process is the most energetically unfavorable step of the overall reaction. The subsequent irreversible steps of peptide bond cleavage are rapid and allosterically enhanced by the presence of the docked Hir sequence. Furthermore, the C-terminal exodomain product of thrombin cleavage, corresponding to the activated receptor, binds tightly to thrombin. This would suggest that an additional role of the Hir sequence in the thrombin-activated receptor is to sequester thrombin to the platelet surface and modulate cleavage of other platelet receptors such as the PAR4 thrombin receptor, which lacks a functional Hir sequence.  相似文献   

Covic L  Gresser AL  Kuliopulos A 《Biochemistry》2000,39(18):5458-5467
Thrombin activates platelets in an ordered sequence of events that includes shape change, increase in cytoplasmic Ca(2+), activation of the alphaIIbbeta3 integrin, granule secretion, aggregation, and formation of a stable hemostatic plug. Activation of this process has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, stroke, and thrombosis. There are two identified thrombin-activated receptors on the surface of human platelets. PAR1 is a high-affinity thrombin receptor, and PAR4 is a low apparent affinity thrombin receptor of uncertain function. The goal of these studies is to determine the kinetics of thrombin activation of PAR1 and PAR4 and to relate the individual inputs from each receptor to platelet Ca(2+) signaling, secondary autocrine stimulation, and aggregation. Using a combination of PAR-specific peptide ligands and anti-PAR1 reagents, we separated the biphasic thrombin Ca(2+) response of platelets into two discrete components-a rapid spike response caused by PAR1, followed by a slower prolonged response from PAR4. Despite having a 20-70-fold slower rate of activation, PAR4 produces the majority of the integrated Ca(2+) signal that is sustained by the continuous presence of catalytically active thrombin. Surprisingly, PAR4 activation is much more effective than PAR1 activation in mounting secondary autocrine Ca(2+) signals from secreted ADP. The strong ADP response due to activated PAR4, however, requires prior activation of PAR1 as would normally occur during treatment of platelets with thrombin. Thus, the late signal generated by activated PAR4 is not redundant with the early signal from PAR1 and instead serves to greatly extend the high intracellular Ca(2+) levels that support the late phase of the platelet aggregation process.  相似文献   

We studied the actions of the human and murine proteinase-activated receptor 4 (PAR4) derived receptor-activating peptides (APs), GYPGQV-NH2 (GQV-NH2) and GYPGKF-NH2 (GKF-NH2), (i) to activate-desensitize either PAR1 or PAR2 in cultured cell systems (calcium signalling in PAR1/PAR2-bearing human HEK cells and in rat KNRK cells expressing either rat or human PAR2) and (ii) to affect contractility in rat aorta (RA) and rat gastric longitudinal muscle (LM) preparations in vitro. We found that neither PAR1 nor PAR2 was affected by concentrations of the PAR4-APs (800 microM) that caused both an endothelium-dependent nitric oxide mediated relaxation of preconstricted RA tissue and a contractile response in the LM preparation. The potencies (EC50 values 300 to 400 microM) of GQV-NH2 and GKF-NH2 for causing a relaxant effect were identical and comparable with the potency of GQV-NH2 for causing a contractile effect in the LM. However, the potencies of the PAR4-APs in the RA and LM preparations were 20- to 150-fold lower than the potency of the receptor-selective PAR1-AP, TFLLR-NH2. We conclude that the PAR4-APs do not activate either PAR1 or PAR2, and we suggest that along with PAR1 and PAR2, PAR4 may also be present in rat vascular and gastric smooth muscle.  相似文献   

We previously reported that C-terminal fragment of ADAMTS-18 induces platelet fragmentation through ROS release. We have shown that thrombin cleaves ADAMTS-18 and that a short form of ADAMTS-18 in in vitro translational assay. However, the exact thrombin cleavage site and whether a short form ADAMTS-18 presents in vivo are not clear. In this study, we first identified that the thrombin cleavage site is between Arg775 and Ser776 by thrombin cleavage of ADAMTS-18 peptide following mass spectrum assay. We then showed that a short form ADAMTS-18 presents in brain, kidney, lung, and testicle from C57BL/6 mouse embryo. Since alternative form of ADAMTS-18 could be a mechanism to regulate its activity, we then investigated the mechanism involves in the generation of ADAMTS-18 short form. However, neither protease inhibitors nor mutations in catalytic domain of ADAMTS-18 have any significant effect on the generation of ADAMTS-18 short form. Thus, our data demonstrate a thrombin cleavage site and confirm a short form of ADAMTS-18 presents in vivo.  相似文献   

A cDNA corresponding to almost the entire coding region of the mRNA for the beta chain of chicken fibrinogen was sequenced. At the protein level, significant homology to the beta subunits of other vertebrate fibrinogens was found, with the highest degree of amino acid identity localized in the C-terminal region. In general, features conserved in the fibrinogens from other species also characterize the chicken sequence, including the cysteine motifs bordering an alpha-helical permissive region of fixed length and a single glycosylation site in the C-terminal region. However, the site of thrombin-catalyzed cleavage, which in other species consists of an Arg-Gly peptide bond, is instead an Arg-Ala bond in the chicken beta chain. The Ala was confirmed directly from a sequencing analysis of the purified beta chain of chicken fibrin. This finding may explain the observed slow clotting time of chicken fibrinogen relative to that of other species.  相似文献   

A general procedure for the purification of histidine-tagged proteins has been developed using immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography. This two-step purification method can be used for proteins containing a hexahistidine tag and a thrombin cleavage site, yielding high amounts of purified protein. The advantage of this method is that thrombin is used instead of imidazole in the final purification step. Imidazole can influence NMR experiments, competition studies, or crystallographic trials, and the presence of imidazole often results in protein aggregates. Removal of the His-tag results in a form of the protein of interest in which no additional tags are present, resembling the native form of the protein, with only three additional amino acids at the N-terminal side. Our method is compared with a more conventional method for the purification of the Azotobacter vinelandii NIFL PAS domain, overexpressed in Escherichia coli. It also proves to be successful for three different His-tagged proteins, the Klebsiella pneumoniae NTRC protein, and the A. vinelandii NIFA and NIFL proteins, and therefore it is a general method for the purification of His-tagged proteins.  相似文献   

Two different classes of gizzard heavy meromyosins (HMMs) were prepared from phosphorylated myosin by chymotryptic digestion in the presence and absence of ATP and were compared with respect to their actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase reactions. One class of HMM, named HMM(+), had a cleavage at site 1 in the N terminal portion of the heavy chain and the other class of HMM, named HMM(-), had no cleavage at this site. Maximum turnover rate (Vmax) of the skeletal acto-gizzard HMM Mg2+-ATPase reaction was obviously different between HMM(+) and HMM(-). The Vmax value of HMM(+) was 2.5-fold larger than that of HMM(-). On the other hand, the apparent association constants (Ka) of skeletal muscle actin for both HMMs which were deduced from double reciprocal plots (v-1 versus [actin]-1) seemed to be identical. The difference in Vmax value was attributed to the cleavage at site 1 since a following chymotryptic cleavage of HMM(-) at site 1 caused a 2.5-fold increase in the Vmax value. That site 1 in the N terminal portion of the gizzard myosin heavy chain was the key locus for the actin-myosin interaction was shown in addition to our previous finding of the effects of cleavage at site 1 on the ATPase activity and nucleotide binding ability of gizzard HMM (Okamoto, Y. & Sekine, T. (1981) J. Biochem. 90, 833-843; 843-949).  相似文献   

Ectodomain cleavage of the ErbB-4 receptor tyrosine kinase generates a membrane-associated fragment of 80 kDa (m80) that has been subjected to N-terminal sequencing. The sequence obtained shows that the N terminus of this fragment begins with Ser-652 of ErbB-4. When a 12-residue peptide corresponding to ErbB-4 residues 646-657 was incubated with recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme, fragments representing residues 646-651 and 652-657 were obtained. These data indicate that ectodomain cleavage of ErbB-4 occurs between His-651 and Ser-652, placing the cleavage site within the ectodomain stalk region approximately 8 residues prior to the transmembrane domain. Several experiments have characterized other aspects of the m80 ErbB-4 fragment. Inhibition of ErbB-4 tyrosine kinase activity with pan-ErbB tyrosine kinase inhibitors indicates that kinase activity is stringently required for heregulin-dependent, but not 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced, ErbB-4 ectodomain cleavage and formation of the m80 fragment. When the m80 ErbB-4 fragment is generated by cell treatment with heregulin or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, the fragment associates with intact ErbB-2. However, this fragment does not associate with the intact ErbB-4 molecule.  相似文献   

Huang SC 《Regulatory peptides》2007,142(1-2):37-43
Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), PAR2 and PAR4 activation can alter the gastrointestinal motility. To investigate effects mediated by PARs in the lower esophageal sphincter, we measured contraction or relaxation of transverse strips from the guinea-pig lower esophageal sphincter caused by PAR1 (TFLLR-NH2 and SFLLRN-NH2), PAR2 (SLIGKV-NH2 and SLIGRL-NH2) and PAR4 peptide agonists (GYPGKF-NH2, GYPGQV-NH2 and AYPGKF-NH2) as well as PAR protease activators (thrombin and trypsin). In resting lower esophageal sphincter strips, TFLLR-NH2 and SFLLRN-NH2 caused moderate concentration-dependent relaxation whereas thrombin did not cause any relaxation or contraction. Furthermore, in carbachol-contracted strips, TFLLR-NH2 and SFLLRN-NH2 caused marked whereas thrombin caused mild concentration-dependent relaxation. These indicate the existence of PAR1 mediating relaxation. Similarly, in resting lower esophageal sphincter strips, trypsin caused moderate concentration-dependent relaxation whereas SLIGRL-NH2 and SLIGKV-NH2 did not cause any relaxation or contraction. In addition, in carbachol-contracted strips, trypsin caused marked whereas SLIGRL-NH2 and SLIGKV-NH2 caused mild concentration-dependent relaxation. These indicate the existence of PAR2 mediating relaxation. The relaxant response of thrombin, TFLLR-NH2, trypsin and SLIGKV-NH2 was insensitive to atropine or tetrodotoxin, suggesting a direct effect. The relaxant response of trypsin was not affected by apamin, charybdotoxin, indomethacin and capsaicin but was attenuated by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, indicating involvement of NO. FSLLR-NH2, a PAR1 control peptide, and VKGILS-NH2, a PAR2 control peptide, as well as all three PAR4 peptide agonists, GYPGKF-NH2, GYPGQV-NH2 and AYPGKF-NH2, did not cause any relaxation or contraction. Taken together, these results demonstrate that PAR1 and PAR2 but not PAR4 mediate relaxations in the guinea-pig lower esophageal sphincter.  相似文献   

We recently found that fibronectin (FN) had a functional site [YTIYVIAL sequence in the heparin-binding domain 2 (Hep 2)] that was capable of suppressing the integrin-mediated cell adhesion to extracellular matrix. However, our results also indicated that this anti-adhesive site seemed to be usually buried within the Hep 2 domain structure because of its hydrophobic nature, raising a question as to the physiological significance of the cryptic anti-adhesive activity of FN. The present study demonstrates that the cryptic anti-adhesive activity can be exposed through the physiological processes. A 30-kDa chymotryptic FN fragment derived from Hep 2 domain (Hep 2 fragment), which had no effect on adhesion of MSV-transformed nonproducer 3T3 cell line (KN(7)8) to FN, expressed the anti-adhesive activity after treatment with 6 M urea. Light scattering and circular dichroism measurements showed that the urea treatment induced the conformational change of the Hep 2 fragment from a more compact form to an unfolded one. Incubation of the Hep 2 fragment with heparin also induced similar conformational changes and expression of anti-adhesive activity. Additionally, both the urea and heparin treatments made the Hep 2 fragment and intact FN much more accessible to the polyclonal antibody (alphaIII14A), with a recognition site near the anti-adhesive site of FN. Specific cleavage of either the Hep 2 fragment or intact FN by matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) released a 10-kDa fragment with the anti-adhesive activity, which was shown to have the exposed anti-adhesive site on the amino-terminal region. Thus, the cryptic anti-adhesive activity of FN can be expressed upon conformational change and proteolytic cleavage of Hep 2 domain.  相似文献   

The serine protease thrombin plays multiple roles in many important physiological processes, especially coagulation, where it functions as both a pro- and anticoagulant. The polyanionic glycosaminoglycan heparin modulates thrombin's activity through binding at exosite II. Sucrose octasulfate (SOS) is often used as a surrogate for heparin, but it is not known whether it is an effective heparin mimic in its interaction with thrombin. We have characterized the interaction of SOS with thrombin in solution and determined a crystal structure of their complex. SOS binds thrombin with a K(d) of ~1.4 μM, comparable to that of the much larger polymeric heparin measured under the same conditions. Nonionic (hydrogen bonding) interactions make a larger contribution to thrombin binding of SOS than to heparin. SOS binding to exosite II inhibits thrombin's catalytic activity with high potency but with low efficacy. Analytical ultracentrifugation shows that bovine and human thrombins are monomers in solution in the presence of SOS, in contrast to their complexes with heparin, which are dimers. In the X-ray crystal structure, two molecules of SOS are bound nonequivalently to exosite II portions of a thrombin dimer, in contrast to the 1:2 stoichiometry of the heparin-thrombin complex, which has a different monomer association mode in the dimer. SOS and heparin binding to exosite II of thrombin differ on both chemical and structural levels and, perhaps most significantly, in thrombin inhibition. These differences may offer paths to the design of more potent exosite II binding, allosteric small molecules as modulators of thrombin function.  相似文献   

A study of the cis-acting elements involved in the 3' end formation of the RNAs from the major late L4 family of adenovirus-2 was undertaken. Series of 5' or 3' end deletion mutants and mutants harboring either internal deletions or substitutions were prepared and assayed for in vitro cleavage. This first allowed the demonstration of a sequence, located at -6 to -29, relative to AAUAAA, whose deletion or substitution reduces cleavage efficiency at the L4 polyadenylation site two to three fold. This upstream efficiency element 5' AUCUUUGUUGUC/AUCUCUGUGCUG 3' is constituted of a partially repeated 12 nucleotide long, UCG rich sequence. The activities of the 2 sequence elements in cleavage are additive. We also searched for regulatory sequences downstream of the L4 polyadenylation site. We found that the deletion or substitution of a 30 nucleotide long UCG rich sequence, between nucleotides +7 and +35 relative to the cleavage site and harboring a UCCUGU repeat reduces cleavage efficiency at least ten fold. A GUUUUU sequence, starting at +35 had no influence. Thus, the usage of the L4 polyadenylation site requires down-stream sequences different from the canonical GU or U boxes and is regulated by upstream sequence elements.  相似文献   

Signal transfer between the protease-activated PAR1 thrombin receptor and membrane-associated heterotrimeric G proteins is mediated by protein-protein interactions. We constructed a yeast signaling system that resolves domain-specific functions of binding from coupling in the Galpha subunit. The endogenous yeast Galpha subunit, Gpa1, does not bind to PAR1 and served as a null structural template. N- and C-terminal portions of mammalian G(i2) and G(16) were substituted back into the Gpa1 template and gain-of-function assessed. The C-terminal third of G(16), but not of G(i2), provides sufficient interactions for coupling to occur with PAR1. The N-terminal two-thirds of G(i2) also contains sufficient determinants to bind and couple to PAR1 and overcome the otherwise negative or missing interactions supplied by the C-terminal third of Gpa1. Replacement of the N-terminal alpha-helix of G(i2), residues 1-34, with those of Gpa1 abolishes coupling but not binding to PAR1 or to betagamma subunits. These data support a model that the N-terminal alphaN helix of the Galpha subunit is physically interposed between PAR1 and the Gbeta subunit and directly assists in transferring the signal between agonist-activated receptor and G protein.  相似文献   

Neuronal mitochondrial dynamics are disturbed after ischemic stroke. Optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) and its GTPase activity are involved in maintaining mitochondrial cristae and inner membrane fusion. This study aimed to explore the role of OMA1-mediated OPA1 cleavage (S1-OPA1) in neurons exposed to cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. After oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) for 60 min, we found that mitochondrial fragmentation occurred successively in the axon and soma of neurons, accompanied by an increase in S1-OPA1. In addition, S1-OPA1 overexpression significantly aggravated mitochondrial damage in neurons exposed to OGD for 60 min and 24 h after OGD/R, characterized by mitochondrial fragmentation, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial cristae ultrastructural damage, increased superoxide production, decreased ATP production and increased mitochondrial apoptosis, which was inhibited by the lysine 301 to alanine mutation (K301A). Furthermore, we performed neuron-specific overexpression of S1-OPA1 in the cerebral cortex around ischemia of middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion (MCAO/R) mice. The results further demonstrated in vivo that S1-OPA1 exacerbated neuronal mitochondrial ultrastructural destruction and injury induced by cerebral ischemia-reperfusion, while S1-OPA1-K301 overexpression had no effect. In conclusion, ischemia induced neuronal OMA1-mediated cleavage of OPA1 at the S1 site. S1-OPA1 aggravated neuronal mitochondrial fragmentation and damage in a GTPase-dependent manner, and participated in neuronal ischemia-reperfusion injury.Subject terms: Stroke, Cell death in the nervous system  相似文献   

Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites are among the most frequent DNA lesions. The first step in the AP site repair involves the magnesium-dependent enzyme AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) that catalyzes hydrolytic cleavage of the DNA phosphodiester bond at the 5′ side of the AP site, thereby generating a single-strand DNA break flanked by the 3′-OH and 5′-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) groups. Increased APE1 activity in cancer cells might correlate with tumor chemoresistance to DNA-damaging treatment. It has been previously shown that the multifunctional oncoprotein Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1) interacts with APE1 and inhibits APE1-catalyzed hydrolysis of AP sites in single-stranded DNAs. In this work, we demonstrated that YB-1 stabilizes the APE1 complex with double-stranded DNAs containing the AP sites and stimulates cleavage of these AP sites at low magnesium concentrations.  相似文献   

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