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DNA fragments were amplified by PCR from all tested strains of Aeromonas hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria with primers designed based on sequence alignment of all lipase, phospholipase C, and phospholipase A1 genes and the cytotonic enterotoxin gene, all of which have been reported to have the consensus region of the putative lipase substrate-binding domain. All strains showed lipase activity, and all amplified DNA fragments contained a nucleotide sequence corresponding to the substrate-binding domain. Thirty-five distinct nucleotide sequence patterns and 15 distinct deduced amino acid sequence patterns were found in the amplified DNA fragments from 59 A. hydrophila strains. The deduced amino acid sequences of the amplified DNA fragments from A. caviae and A. sobria strains had distinctive amino acids, suggesting a species-specific sequence in each organism. Furthermore, the amino acid sequence patterns appear to differ between clinical and environmental isolates among A. hydrophila strains. Some strains whose nucleotide sequences were identical to one another in the amplified region showed an identical DNA fingerprinting pattern by repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence-PCR genotyping. These results suggest that A. hydrophila, and also A. caviae and A. sobria strains, have a gene encoding a protein with lipase activity. Homologs of the gene appear to be widely distributed in Aeromonas strains, probably associating with the evolutionary genetic difference between clinical and environmental isolates of A. hydrophila. Additionally, the distinctive nucleotide sequences of the genes could be attributed to the genotype of each strain, suggesting that their analysis may be helpful in elucidating the genetic heterogeneity of Aeromonas.  相似文献   

cDNA molecular cloning of Geotrichum candidum lipase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The cDNA clone of Geotrichum candidum (Geo.) lipase was isolated from the Geo. cDNA library by colony hybridization using 32P-labeled oligonucleotides corresponding to a partial amino acid sequence of this enzyme. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA determined by the dideoxy chain terminating method included some partial amino acid sequences determined by Edman degradation, and the overall amino acid composition deduced from the cDNA coincided with that from amino acid analysis of this protein. The cloned cDNA coded a protein of 554 amino acids and a hydrophobic signal sequence of 19 amino acids. Geo. lipase contained the -Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly- sequence which is believed to form part of the interfacial lipid recognition site.  相似文献   

We describe a Tn551 chromosomal insertion in Staphylococcus aureus S6C that results in sharply reduced expression of extracellular lipase. With Tn917 as a probe, the insertion in the original mutant (KSI905) was localized to a 12.6-kb EcoRI DNA fragment. The 12.6-kb fragment was cloned and used as a probe to identify a 26-kb EcoRI fragment containing the Tn551 insertion site in the S6C parent strain. Restriction endonuclease analysis of the 12.6- and 26-kb EcoRI fragments confirmed that the Tn551 insertion in KSI905 was accompanied by a deletion of 18.7 kb of chromosomal DNA. Tn551 was transduced from KSI905 back into the S6C parent strain. All transductants exhibited the same lipase-negative (Lip-) phenotype and contained the same mutation with respect to both the insertion and the 18.7-kb deletion. The inability to produce lipase was not caused by disruption of the lipase structural gene, since all Lip- mutants carried intact copies of geh. Moreover, the Tn551 insertion was localized to a region of the staphylococcal chromosome at least 650 kb from geh. Taken together, these results suggest that the Tn551 insertion occurred in a region of the chromosome encoding a trans-active element required for the expression of extracellular lipase. A 20-bp oligonucleotide corresponding to a sequence within the region encoding RNA II near the Tn551 insertion site in ISP546 (H.L. Peng, R.P. Novick, B. Kreiswirth, J. Kornblum, and P. Schlievert, J. Bacteriol. 170:4365-4372, 1988) and a 1.75-kb DNA fragment representing the region encoding RNA III were used as gene probes to show that the Tn551 insertion did not occur in the agr locus. We conclude that the genetic element functions independently of agr or as an unrecognized part of that regulatory system.  相似文献   

《FEMS microbiology letters》1997,151(2):197-204
A DNA fragment (pCHI5422) containing two genes encoding a 54-kDa and a 22-kDa chitinase was isolated from a cosmid DNA library of Serratia marcescens KCTC2172. The complete nucleotide sequence of pCHI5422 consisting of 4581 bp was determined. The nucleotide sequence of the 22-kDa chitinase consists of 681 bp of open reading frame encoding 227 amino acids and is located 1422 bp downstream of the translation termination codon of the 54-kDa chitinase sequence. The 54-kDa chitinase gene consisted of 1497 bp in a single open reading frame encoding 499 amino acids. The genes encoding the 54-kDa and 22-kDa chitinase were separately subcloned in Escherichia coli and the individual chitinases were expressed and purified from the culture broth using chitin affinity chromatography. When chitohexaose was used as substrate, the major product of the enzymatic reaction of both the 54-kDa and 22-kDa chitinases was a (GlcNAc)2 dimer with a minor amount of monomer. The specific activity of the 54-kDa and 22-kDa chitinases were 300 μM (min)−1 mg−1 and 17 μM (min)−1 mg−1 on the natural swollen chitin, respectively.  相似文献   

Characteristics of pre-S2 region of hepatitis B virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nucleotide sequence of our cloned HBV DNA (subtype adw) has been determined. When the 165-nucleotide sequence of the pre-S2 region was compared with 7 other published sequences (subtypes adw, adr, ayw, and adyw), we found 38 nucleotide substitutions among different subtypes and 4 (adr) or 6 (adw and ayw) substitutions within the same subtype. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence from the known nucleotide sequences indicates that: there are 20 amino acid substitutions, the longest conserved amino acid sequence is located between amino acids 23 to 34, and the 54th amino acid is identical within the same subtype but varies in different subtypes.  相似文献   

本文首次报导了经典型霍乱弧菌569B株毒素基因的全部核苷酸序列,并与其他经典型和ELTOR型毒素基因的核苷酸序列以及由此推导的氨基酸序列进行比较。发现此两型毒素基因的A亚基核苷酸序列完全相同,而B亚基有2至3个碱基的差别,从而导致相应氨基酸的改变,它们分别位于第18、47和54位氨基酸残基。  相似文献   

K H Kim  T Akashi  I Mizuguchi  A Kikuchi 《Gene》1999,236(2):293-301
We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of a 5544bp genomic DNA fragment from Aspergillus nidulans that encodes DNA topoisomerase II (topo II). It contains a single open reading frame of 4740bp that codes for 1579 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 178kDa; when expressed in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae the molecular weight was 180kDa. The gene (TOP2) is divided into three exons. Two introns, 54bp and 60bp in length, are located at nucleotide positions 187 and 3214 respectively. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with other eukaryotic topo II sequences showed a higher degree of identity with other fungal enzymes than the human topo IIalpha. One of monoclonal antibodies raised against human topo II, 6H8, can cross-react with Aspergillus topo II.  相似文献   

A 1.7 kilobase HindIII fragment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA was cloned by cross-hybridization with the Escherichia coli secY gene. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 2.6 kb fragment of the yeast genomic DNA containing the cross-hybridizing HindIII fragment was determined. The sequence showed no apparent similarity with that of the E. coli secY gene with the exception of a completely matched sequence of 21 bp, but it contained a 1,623 nucleotide open reading frame coding for a protein of 541 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 59,600. The N-terminal portion of 303 residues of the predicted sequence was homologous to the cytosolic domain of the alpha-subunit of the signal recognition particle receptor (SR alpha), including consensus sequence elements for a GTP binding site, whereas the C-terminal portion of 238 residues had an unusual methionine-rich domain containing several repetitive sequences. An mRNA of 2.0 kb was detected on Northern blotting analysis. The predicted sequence was 48% identical with the reported sequences of the 54K subunit of the mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP54) (Romisch K. et al. (1989) Nature 340, 478-483; Bernstein, H.D. et al. (1989) Nature 340, 482-486). We designated this gene as SRH1 (SRP54 homologue). Gene disruption experiments showed that the SRH1 gene product is essential for cell growth.  相似文献   

Z H Ye  C Y Lee 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(8):4146-4153
The nucleotide sequence of a staphylococcal bacteriophage L54a DNA fragment containing genes involved in site-specific recombination was determined. Mutations generated by in vitro mutagenesis were used to map and characterize the int and xis genes. The site-specific recombination functions are tightly clustered within a 1.75-kilobase stretch of DNA fragment with the gene order of attP-int-xis. The int and xis genes are transcribed divergently. The Int protein deduced from the nucleotide sequence has a molecular weight of 41,000. Int is a basic protein with 354 amino acids of which 72 are basic and 38 are acidic. The Xis protein consists of only 59 amino acids with a molecular weight of 7,180. Unlike the Xis proteins of the lambdoid bacteriophages which are all basic proteins, L54a Xis is an acidic protein containing 13 acidic and 8 basic amino acids. The Int protein is required in both integrative and excisive reactions, whereas Xis is only required in excisive reaction. A well-conserved 40-residue region, including three perfectly conserved residues found in 15 site-specific recombinases of the integrase family that have been characterized, was also found in the L54a Int protein.  相似文献   

Viola IL  Gonzalez DH 《Biochemistry》2007,46(25):7416-7425
HAT3.1 is a member of the PHD-finger homeodomain protein family. The HAT3.1 homeodomain is highly divergent in sequence even at positions that are almost invariable among homeodomains. In this work, we have applied the random oligonucleotide selection technique to investigate if the HAT3.1 homeodomain is able to recognize specific DNA sequences. Analysis of the selected molecules followed by hydroxyl radical footprinting experiments and yeast one-hybrid assays indicated that HAT3.1 shows a preference for the sequence T(A/G)(A/C)ACCA, different from those bound by other homeodomains. Binding was dependent on homeodomain residues located at positions 47, 50, 51, and 54, the same positions that usually participate in DNA binding in most homeodomains. The study of the interaction of mutants at these positions with DNA carrying nucleotide changes at specific sites suggested that H51 and K50 most likely interact with nucleotides 2 to 4 and 5 to 6, respectively, while W54 would establish contacts with position 4. The presence of H51 and W54 represents an innovation among homeodomain structures. The fact that the HAT3.1 homeodomain is able to interact with specific DNA sequences is evidence of the inherent plasticity of the homeodomain as a DNA binding unit.  相似文献   

Mitochondria prepared from the yeast nuclear pet mutant N9-84 lack a detectable F1-ATPase activity. Genetic complementation of this mutant with a pool of yeast genomic DNA in the yeast Escherichia coli shuttle vector YEp13 restored its growth on a nonfermentable carbon source. Mitochondria prepared from the transformed host contained an 8-fold higher than normal level of the F1 alpha-subunit and restored ATPase activity to 50% that of the wild-type strain. Deletion and nucleotide sequence analysis of the complementing DNA on the plasmid revealed a coding sequence designated ATP1 for a protein of 544 amino acids which exhibits 60 and 54% direct protein sequence homology with the proton-translocating ATPase alpha-subunits from tobacco chloroplast and E. coli, respectively. In vitro expression and mitochondrial import experiments using this ATP1 sequence showed that additional amino-terminal sequences not present in the comparable plant and bacterial subunits function as transient sequences for import.  相似文献   

Rad54 is a dsDNA-dependent ATPase that translocates on duplex DNA. Its ATPase function is essential for homologous recombination, a pathway critical for meiotic chromosome segregation, repair of complex DNA damage, and recovery of stalled or broken replication forks. In recombination, Rad54 cooperates with Rad51 protein and is required to dissociate Rad51 from heteroduplex DNA to allow access by DNA polymerases for recombination-associated DNA synthesis. Sequence analysis revealed that Rad54 contains a perfect match to the consensus PIP box sequence, a widely spread PCNA interaction motif. Indeed, Rad54 interacts directly with PCNA, but this interaction is not mediated by the Rad54 PIP box-like sequence. This sequence is located as an extension of motif III of the Rad54 motor domain and is essential for full Rad54 ATPase activity. Mutations in this motif render Rad54 non-functional in vivo and severely compromise its activities in vitro. Further analysis demonstrated that such mutations affect dsDNA binding, consistent with the location of this sequence motif on the surface of the cleft formed by two RecA-like domains, which likely forms the dsDNA binding site of Rad54. Our study identified a novel sequence motif critical for Rad54 function and showed that even perfect matches to the PIP box consensus may not necessarily identify PCNA interaction sites.  相似文献   

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