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In the present study, we investigated the degree of congruence between phylogeny, as inferred from mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequences, and cranium shape variation of crested newts (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in the Balkans. These newts belong to four phylogenetic clades defined by mtDNA analysis, and significantly differed in cranial shape. Allometry explained a high percentage of shape variation in crested newts. The clade‐specific allometric slopes significantly diverged for both the ventral cranium and dorsal cranium, indicating that differences in shape between clades could not be a simple consequence of their difference in size. The analysis of hierarchical and spatial variation showed similarity in the patterns of global and spatially localized hierarchical variation of cranial shape. We also found significant congruence between the pattern of cranial shape variation and molecular phylogeny. The differences in morphology of Triturus dobrogicus in comparison to other crested newt clades, including marked differences in cranium shape, is discussed in the context of the evolution and ecology of crested newts. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 348–360.  相似文献   

Turtles (Testudinata) are a diverse group of reptiles that conquered a broad set of habitats and feeding ecologies over the course of their well‐documented evolutionary history. We here investigate the cranial shape of 171 representatives of the turtle lineage and the relationship of shape to different habitat and diet preferences using two‐dimensional geometric morphometrics. The skull shape of extant turtles correlates with both ecological proxies, but is more affected by habitat than diet. However, the application of these correlations to extinct turtles produces mostly flawed results, as least when compared to external data such as sedimentary environment, highlighting that the morphospace held by extant turtles is not necessarily the optimal location in tree space for a particular ecology. The inability of this study to correctly predict the ecology of extinct turtles is likely related to the fact that the shape of turtle skulls is dominated by the emarginations and jaw closure mechanisms, two shape features unrelated to habitat or feeding ecology. This indicates that various specializations that are apparent in the skull only contribute little to overall shape.  相似文献   

Melanosuchus niger is a caimanine alligatorid widely distributed in the northern region of South America. This species has been the focus of several ecological, genetic and morphological studies. However, morphological studies have generally been limited to examination of interspecific variation among extant species of South American crocodylians. Here, we present the first study of intraspecific variation in the skull of M. niger using a two‐dimensional geometric morphometric approach. The crania of 52 sexed individuals varying in size were analysed to quantify shape variation and to assign observed shape changes to different types of intraspecific variation, that is, ontogenetic variation and sexual dimorphism. Most of the variation in this species is ontogenetic variation in snout length, skull depth, orbit size and the width of the postorbital region. These changes are correlated with bite force performance and probably dietary changes. However, a comparison with previous functional studies reveals that functional adaptations during ontogeny seem to be primarily restricted to the postrostral region, whereas rostral shape changes are more related to dietary shifts. Furthermore, the skulls of M. niger exhibit a sexual dimorphism, which is primarily size‐related. The presence of non‐size‐related sexual dimorphism has to be tested in future examinations.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Homo erectus sensu lato has been a source of debate since the early 1980s, when a series of publications suggested that the early African fossils may represent a separate species, H. ergaster. To gain further resolution regarding this debate, 3D geometric morphometric data were used to quantify overall shape variation in the cranial vault within H. erectus using a new metric, the sum of squared pairwise Procrustes distances (SSD). Bootstrapping methods were used to compare the H. erectus SSD to a broad range of human and nonhuman primate samples in order to ascertain whether variation in H. erectus most clearly resembles that seen in one or more species. The reference taxa included relevant phylogenetic, ecological, and temporal analogs including humans, apes, and both extant and extinct papionin monkeys. The mean cranial shapes of different temporogeographic subsets of H. erectus fossils were then tested for significance using exact randomization tests and compared to the distances between regional groups of modern humans and subspecies/species of the ape and papionin monkey taxa. To gauge the influence of sexual dimorphism on levels of variation, comparisons were also made between the mean cranial shapes of single-sex samples for the reference taxa. Results indicate that variation in H. erectus is most comparable to single species of papionin monkeys and the genus Pan, which included two species. However, H. erectus encompasses a limited range of variation given its extensive geographic and temporal range, leading to the conclusion that only one species should be recognized. In addition, there are significant differences between the African/Georgian and Asian H. erectus samples, but not between H. ergaster (Georgia+Africa, excluding OH 9 and Daka) and H. erectus sensu stricto. This finding is in line with expectations for intraspecific variation in a long-lived species with a wide, but probably discontinuous, geographic distribution.  相似文献   

The existence of cryptic species in the midday jird (Meriones meridianus) has been suggested in literature, although based on little empirical data to support this hypothesis. In this study, a two‐dimensional landmark‐based geometric morphometric approach was used to investigate whether patterns in intraspecific variation in skull shape and size exist, using 110 skull specimens from more than 20 different localities along the distribution range of M. meridianus. This is the first study of morphological differences on such a big sample size and geographical range, and it tries to find whether skull shape variation in this species is best described as being clinal or rather reflecting cryptic diversity. The latter seems to be the case, as a dimorphic skull phenotype was found, reflecting a geographic disparity between the Middle East and the Far East specimens both in shape and in size. Distinct cranial differences were found in the overall cranial size and, also at the level of the inflation of the bulla, the elongation of the nasal, the length of the teeth row and the incisive foramen, as well as the distance in between the latter two. It thus seems that M. meridianus from Middle East is morphologically distinct from that of the Far East. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that clinal variation could explain variation within Middle East populations, whereas a more heterogenous pattern is found for those of the Far East. The hypothesis that the observed phenotypic variation may reflect cryptic species is discussed, with the recommendation for a thorough taxonomical revision of the genus in the region.  相似文献   

To date, all statements about evolutionary morphological transformation in Crocodylia have essentially been based on qualitative observations. In the present study, we assessed the morphological variation and covariation (integration) between the scapula, coracoid, humerus, radius, and ulna of 15 species of Crocodylidae, Alligatoridae, and Gavialis + Tomistoma using three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics. The results obtained reveal that the variation of elements within species (intraspecific) is large. However, despite this variability, variation across species (interspecific) is mainly concentrated in two dimensions where the disparity is constrained: ‘robusticity’ and ‘twist’ (forelimbs) and ‘robusticity’ and ‘flexion’ (pectoral girdle). Robusticity (first dimension of variation) embodies a set of correlated geometrical features such as the broadening of the girdle heads and blades, or the enlargement of proximal and distal bone ends. The twist is related to the proximal and/or distal epiphyses in the forelimb elements, and flexion of the scapula and coracoid blades comprises the second dimension of variation. In all crocodylians, forelimb integration is characterized by the strong correlations of a humerus–ulna–radius triad and by a radius–ulna pair, thus forming a tight forelimb module. Unexpectedly, we found that the humerus and coracoid form the most integrated pair, whereas the scapula is a more variable and relatively independent element. The integration pattern of the humerus–coracoid pair distinguishes a relatively robust configuration in alligatorids from that of the remainder groups. The patterns of variation and integration shared by all the analyzed species have been interpreted as an inherited factor, suggesting that developmental and functional requirements would have interacted in the acquisition of a semi‐aquatic and versatile locomotion at the Crocodylia node at least 65 Mya. Our findings highlight the need to incorporate the humerus–coracoid pair in biodynamic and biomechanical studies. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

South America has been influenced by different geoclimatic events ever since its separation from Africa. The inland water fauna has evolved in response to the changing landscape. Currently, there are indications of variations in populations, occurring to different degrees that would indicate a clinal pattern in morphology. Among South America's fauna, the freshwater anomuran, Aegla, is an enigmatic group as a result of its endemicity and is composed of only one genus. Of all the species in this family, Aegla uruguayana has the broadest distribution. Its native habitats have been influenced by several marine transgressions during the Miocene–Quaternary Periods; thus, it is likely that their current distribution has been more recent. Its habitat spreads across a number of isolated basins and sub‐basins that display distinct degrees of isolation/connection, making clinal variation patterns in the morphology of this species possible. The present study aimed to evaluate the pattern of carapace shape variation in A. uruguayana and how it relates to the isolation and/or connection of populations from different basins and sub‐basins, allowing the determination of any extant clinal patterns. The specimens studied belong to 25 separate populations, representing all areas in which the species currently exists. A total of 523 crabs were analyzed. We identified 13 landmarks and four semi‐landmarks in the carapace. The aeglids were divided into seven size intervals to avoid an allometry effect. In each size category, shape relationships analyzed by principal component analysis suggest a geographical pattern corresponding to the distribution of the populations studied. An evaluation of covariation between body shape and geographical coordinates reveals a strong pattern and shows that population distribution had a significant effect on species morphology. Additionally, according to covariance analysis, the variation in shape was not associated with the environmental variables studied. We observed a clinal pattern throughout the species distribution, which could be attributed to genetic drift. It is possible that this process is being amplified by the geographical isolation of the basins, differences in environmental characteristics, and low dispersal ability. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 914–930.  相似文献   

Morphological convergence is a central concept in evolutionary biology, but convergent patterns remain under‐studied in nonvertebrate organisms. Some scallop species exhibit long‐distance swimming, a behaviour whose biomechanical requirements probably generate similar selective regimes. We tested the hypothesis that shell shape similarity in long‐distance swimming species is a result of convergent evolution. Using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics, we quantified shell shape in seven species representing major behavioural habits. All species displayed distinct shell shapes, with the exception of the two long‐distance swimmers, whose shells were indistinguishable. These species also displayed reduced morphological variance relative to other taxa. Finally, a phylogenetic simulation revealed that these species were more similar in their shell shape than was expected under Brownian motion, the model of character evolution that best described changes in shell shape. Together, these findings reveal that convergent evolution of shell shape occurs in scallops, and suggest that selection for shell shape and behaviour may be important in the diversification of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 571–584.  相似文献   

Recent interest in diagnoses and relationships between lineages of the alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) present conflicting patterns of molecular variation across the taxon's range. This study uses geometric morphometric techniques to test molecular hypotheses. We analyse alligator snapping turtle cranial variation amongst populations (i.e. drainages) with the hypothesis that populations of turtles recovered as monophyletic by previous molecular studies are more similar to each other in cranial shape. Dorsal, lateral and ventral cranial shape analyses corroborate the uniqueness of populations recovered by molecular genetic hypotheses. Additionally, analyses reveal near equal separation between drainages that were assigned to monophyletic clades by previous phylogenetic studies. These results reveal the potential for more independent lineages that have yet to be diagnosed, and unique cranial shapes are described for our three most heavily sampled drainages.  相似文献   

Abstract. Here we report on the first quantitative survey of morphological variation in the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma within Western Australia and distinguish between two subspecies found to co‐occur in this region. We surveyed urchins at multiple spatial scales along the Western Australian coastline to assess variation in dermis and spine color and, using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics, spine morphology. Both color and morphology proved to be useful for separating subspecies within Western Australia. There were four major color morphs: red dermis/violet spines (56%), red/violet‐green (23%), red/green (7%), and white/green (10%). Members of the first two color morphs had bulbous spines with wide, flattened tips, a morphology that is unique to Western Australia and characteristic of H. e. armigera, and members of the latter two consistently exhibited the narrow, pointed spines typical of specimens of H. e. erythrogramma, which has a broader distribution. In Western Australia, H. e. armigera was relatively abundant both within and among sites, but H. e. erythrogramma was found only in a few localized patches. Shifts in the relative abundance of these two subspecies occurred at fine spatial scales (<5 km), although environmental correlates of these transitions were unclear. Contrary to expectations, neither dermis color nor spine morphology varied with relative wave exposure: individuals with a red dermis or thickened spine morphology occurred at most sites regardless of exposure, and while white dermis and thinner spines only occurred at high‐exposure sites, these features were not common across the majority of exposed sites. Both color morph frequencies and spine morphology remained stable within sites over the 3‐year duration of this study. While the ecological significance of this morphological variation remains unclear, the consistency of the association between color and spine morphology, occurring across fine spatial scales, suggests that strong environmental or genetic factors are involved in maintaining morphological differentiation between these two subspecies.  相似文献   

Most research on bivalves from the south-western Atlantic used morphological (shell) characters for taxonomic discriminations. Dominant Veneroids from Argentinian Quaternary coastal deposits exhibit wide morphological variation – often making objective discriminations difficult/impossible, which could be objectively described and compared through geometric morphometrics techniques. This work focuses on comparison of geometric morphometrics methods applied to fossil and modern shells, to assess inter- and intra-generic variations. Three approaches were considered: landmarks (L), semi-landmarks (SL) and outlines. Shell shape analyses for different time spans (Pleistocene, fossil Holocene and modern) and areas (Patagonia and Bonaerensian) showed that Elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA), Landmarks and Landmarks plus Semilandmarks (L+SL) can discriminate at generic levels: Mactra, Mulinia (Mactridae) vs. Pitar, Protothaca, Eurhomalea, Clausinella (Veneridae). L and L+SL are powerful for inter/intraspecific distinctions of Mactra. Variability of Mactra isabelleana includes the remaining nominal ‘species’ (transitional morphs). Causal environmental factors of (phenotype) variation could be addressed for modern environments (substrate, salinity and energy). Subtrigonal-inflated shells predominate in muddy, quieter, shallow mixo-polyhaline waters; ovate-elongate-compressed in sandy, poly-euhaline, deeper habitats. Differential spatial distribution (and abundance) across time responds to Late Quaternary high sea-level stands: transgressive maxima allowed higher salinity in marginal-marine areas and optimal conditions for Mactra isabelleana contrasting with scarcer records in the Mar Argentino today.  相似文献   

We employed landmark‐based 3D geometric morphometrics to assess cranial size and shape diversification in Trichechus manatus and T. inunguis to compare it with patterns among all manatee taxa (T. manatus latirostris, T. m. manatus, T. inunguis and T. senegalensis), and to analyse geographic variation within American manatee populations, using a sample of 189 skulls. Chromosome G‐ and C‐banding techniques were performed in T. m. manatus from Brazil. All taxa were statistically discriminated by skull shape. Trichechus m. manatus and T. m. latirostris have larger skulls than T. inunguis. A morphological discontinuity was noted within T. m. manatus, with the Brazilian population south of the Amazon discriminated from the T. m. manatus Caribbean and T. m. latirostris USA populations. Specimens from Suriname and Guyana had a skull shape more similar to the one from the Caribbean population. The Brazil Antillean manatee population exhibited morphological differences similar in magnitude to those found between the Amazonian and African species. Additionally, structural chromosome differences were detected between that population (chromosome pair 4 is metacentric and 10 is submetacentric) and manatees from Puerto Rico and Florida. Based on such morphological discontinuity and chromosomal divergence, we hypothesize that the Amazon River mouth may be acting as a reproductive barrier for the T. m. manatus population in Brazil, thus indicating that its taxonomic status and conservation strategies need an urgent reassessment.  相似文献   

We analyzed mandible shape variation of 17 genera belonging to three superfamilies (Cavioidea, Chinchilloidea, and Octodontoidea) of South American caviomorph rodents using geometric morphometrics. The relative influence of phylogeny and ecology on this variation was assessed using phylogenetic comparative methods. Most morphological variation was concentrated in condylar, coronoid, and angular processes, as well as the diastema. Features potentially advantageous for digging (i.e. high coronoid and condylar processes, relatively short angular process, and diastema) were present only in octodontoids; cavioids showed opposing trends, which could represent a structural constraint for fossorial habits. Chinchilloids showed intermediate features. Genera were distributed in the morphospace according to their classification into superfamilial clades. The phylogenetic signal for shape components was significant along phylogeny, whereas the relationship between mandibular shape and ecology was nonsignificant when phylogenetic structure was taken into account. An early evolutionary divergence in the mandible shape among major caviomorph clades would explain the observed strong phylogenetic influence on the variation of this structure. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 828–837.  相似文献   

Horns of Onthophagus beetles are typical examples of phenotypically plastic traits: they are expressed as a function of environmental (nutritional) stimuli, and their reaction norm (i.e. the full set of horn lengths expressed as a response to different degrees of nutritional states) can be either linear or threshold-dependent. Horned males of Onthophagus ( Palaeonthophagus ) fracticornis (Preyssler, 1790) bear a single triangular cephalic protrusion of vertex carina, which has received phylogenetic support as the most primitive horn shape in the genus. Inter- and intra-sexual patterns of horn expression were studied in O. fracticornis by means of static allometries while associated variations in head shape were assessed using geometric morphometric techniques. The relation between log-transformed measurements of body size and vertex carina supported an isometric scaling in females. On the contrary, a sigmoidal model described better the horn length-body size allometry in males, with a switch point between alternative morphs at a pronotum width of 3.88 mm. Sigmoidal static allometries of horns in Onthophagus populations arise from a threshold-dependent developmental process of horn growth. This process underlies the expression of both plesiomorphic and apomorphic horn shapes in the genus. Given that the single-horn model has been identified as primitive, we propose that such a developmental process giving rise to it may be evolutionarily ancient as well. Horn expression was accompanied by a deformation of the head which makes minor and major morphs appear even more different. Therefore, in this species both horn and head shape expression contribute to male dimorphism.  相似文献   

Using a geometric morphometric approach, we explored the variation in skull size and skull shape in banded newts (genus Ommatotriton). The genus Ommatotriton is represented by two allopatric, genetically well‐defined species: Ommatotriton ophryticus and O. vittatus. Within each species, two subspecies have been recognised. The samples used in this study cover the geographical and genetic variation within each species. We found statistically significant variation in skull size between species and among populations within species. When corrected for size, there was no significant variation in shape between species. Our results indicate that the variation in skull shape within the genus Ommatotriton is almost entirely due to size‐dependent, allometric shape changes. The exception is the shape of the ventral skull in males. Males of O. ophryticus and O. vittatus significantly diverge in the shape of the ventral cranium. The ventral skull, more precisely the upper jaw and palate, is directly functionally related to feeding. In general, our results indicate that allometry is a significant factor in the morphological variation of banded newts. However, the divergence in the ventral skull shape of males indicates that sexual selection and niche partitioning may have influenced the evolution of skull shape in these newts.  相似文献   

The wing shape and size morphology of populations of the medically important phlebotomine sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi, were examined in two endemic (south of the Atlas Mountains) and nonendemic (north of the Atlas Mountains) foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis by using geometric morphometrics in Morocco. Although it is present in all of Morocco, P. papatasi is the main vector of Leishmania major in only southern part of the Atlas Mountains. There are four major mountain ranges that serve as geographical barriers for species distribution in the study area and at least four gaps were recognized among these barriers. We found statistically significant differences in wing shape morphology between southern and northern populations. Analysis clearly recognized two main groups of populations on both sides of the mountains. The graphical depiction of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) confirmed our morphometric study suggesting that the difference in wing morphology between the populations indicates that the population of P. papatasi shows phenotypic plasticity in the study area. According to centroid size analyses, which were used as measures of wing size differences among different sites, the north population of P. papatasi had relatively larger wings than the south population.  相似文献   

A new and phylogenetically basal species of Carpolestes, the youngest and most derived genus of the plesiadapoid family Carpolestidae in North America, is described from a late Tiffanian (Ti-5) site in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, USA. Carpolestids differ from closely related plesiadapoid clades in having an enlarged, multicuspidate, blade-like P4 that is partly convergent on that of multituberculates and other mammals showing plagiaulacoid dental adaptations. With some notable exceptions, the evolutionary history of North American carpolestids is characterized by the progressive development of larger and more elaborate P4 blades through time. In particular, species of the monophyletic genus Carpolestes differ from species assigned to the earlier and apparently paraphyletic genus Carpodaptes in terms of both the size and shape of their P4. A geometric morphometric analysis reveals that, with respect to P4 shape, the closest approximation to the highly derived morphology of Carpolestes is made by Carpodaptes hobackensis, which is one of the smallest known species of Carpodaptes. In contrast, the largest known species of Carpodaptes, Carpodaptes jepseni, has a P4 that falls within the metric range of variation for species of Carpolestes, yet Carpodaptes jepseni shows a uniquely derived P4 shape that seems to exclude it from any special phylogenetic relationship with Carpolestes. A phylogenetic analysis based on dental characters reconstructs Carpodaptes hobackensis as the sister group of the Carpolestes clade. Shape seems to have been a more important factor than size during the final transformation of the blade-like P4 of North American carpolestids.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:212F9ECC-DA9A-44F8-BE7E-43F3EBAD636A  相似文献   

Caste shape dimorphism (CShD) has previously been studied in wasps through comparison of different body parts, originating from different imaginal discs. Using geometric morphometrics with a new protocol for measuring wings of pinned specimens from natural history collections, we tested CShD of three hornet species in an organ developed from a single imaginal disc: the forewing. Gaussian mixture models retrieved most castes and species levels, confirming that caste is an important component of wing variations in females of these hornets. Size and allometry - the influence of size on shape - contribution to wing dimorphism between castes was major, but failed to explain the entire shape dimorphism. This deviation from simple allometric scaling was not similar in the three species: in Vespa tropica, allometric directions in the shape space differed between castes, whereas in V. crabro and V. velutina, they were similar but a significant part of CShD resulted from lateral transpositions. These results clearly indicate that queens are not just enlarged workers. They also support that the different patterns of CShD may result from different developmental mechanisms. Finally, they highlight that even in a highly social group like hornets, there is still variation in caste dimorphism among species.  相似文献   

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