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赵文  余博识  王婷  宋亮 《应用生态学报》2006,17(8):1521-1525
为了解淡水枝角类对海水盐度的适应性,在实验室内采用种群实验生态学方法研究25 ℃±0.5 ℃恒温条件下不同盐度(0、1、2、3、4、5)对近亲裸腹溞(Moina affinis)生存、生长和生殖的影响.结果表明,在各盐度梯度范围内,近亲裸腹溞的平均寿命随盐度升高而缩短,盐度4和5组内禀增长率与其它各组差异显著;盐度4和5组平均每窝产幼量与对照及其他组差异显著.一生产幼量除盐度1组和对照组较高外,其他各组均显著下降.对照组体长增长幅度与日增长率均低于各处理组.日增长率随着盐度的升高而增大.个体平均每胎产幼量以盐度1、2组最高.盐度5为近亲裸腹溞的生存和生殖盐限,但经过短期的海水驯化,其生殖耐盐上限有所提升,可达6.5.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of the effects oftemperature on the growth, reproduction and longevity of thecladoceran Moina salina, a species of potential use as livefood in marine aquaculture. The growth rate of M.salina increasedwith increasing temperature. Some parameters of development,such as length at death and the number of adult instars, werealso positively related to temperature. Other parameters (durationof juvenile and adult instars) decreased with increasing temperature,while the number of juvenile instars was unaffected. An increasein temperature resulted in a reduction in age at maturity anda decrease in the number of days between broods. The numberof young per female, the number of broods per female, the numberof youngper day of reproductive life, and the number of youngper brood, increased up to a temperature of 25°C. At 15and 20°C. substantial degeneration of eggs and/or embryosoccurred. Likewise, temperature affected the type of reproductioncarried out by sexual females. Temperature and longevity wereinversely correlated. It was concluded that temperature actsas a very important factor regulating the life cycle of M.salina.Temperature >30°C may correspond to sublethal levels,while a temperature of 15°C is considered to impose stress.The range 20–25°C is optimal for the development andreproduction of this species.  相似文献   

Ovie  S.I.  Egborge  A.B. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):41-45
Six densities (0.5 × 106, 1.0 × 106, 1.5 × 106, 2.0 × 106, 3.0 × 106, and 4.0 × 106 cells ml–1) of the micro-alga Scenedesmus acuminatus, were fed to the cladoceran, Moina micrura, in 40-litre glass aquaria. Moina population increased with increasing cell densities of Scenedesmus only up to treatment 3 (i.e. 1.5 × 106 cells ml–1) where a peak population of 11303 individuals per litre was obtained. Moinapopulation growth was inhibited at higher algal densities. The percentage of egg-bearing females and the number of eggs per egg-bearing females, followed a similar pattern. Comparatively, the peak production density of approximately 11000 Moina per litre, is interesting from a mass production point of view and indicates that S. acuminatus is a satisfactory micro-alga food for M. micrura.  相似文献   

温度和盐度对蒙古裸腹Sou种群内禀增长能力的影响   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
报道了蒙古裸腹Sou(Moina mongolica)在20℃-33℃温度和5-40ppt盐度条件下和种群内禀增长率(rm),结果表明,20℃-30℃范围内蒙古裸腹Sourm随温度升高,超过30℃后继续升高,rm显著降低,在低盐度下蒙古裸腹Sou的种群增长能力相对较强,盐度为10ppt时rm最高,20-40ppt范围内Sou的rm差别不明显,本实验表明,25℃-30℃和10ppt分别是蒙古裸腹Sou种群增长较快的温度和盐度条件,在海水中长期培养对蒙古裸腹Sou的种群增长能力不会产生明显的不良影响。  相似文献   

报道了蒙古裸腹氵蚤 (Moinamongolica)在 2 0℃~ 33℃温度和 5~ 40 ppt盐度条件下的种群内禀增长率(rm) .结果表明 ,2 0℃~ 30℃范围内蒙古裸腹氵蚤rm 随温度升高而升高 ,超过 30℃后继续升温 ,rm 显著降低 ;在低盐度下蒙古裸腹氵蚤的种群增长能力相对较强 ,盐度为 10 ppt时rm 最高 ,2 0~ 40 ppt范围内 氵蚤的rm 差别不明显 .本实验表明 ,2 5℃~ 30℃和 10 ppt分别是蒙古裸腹 氵蚤种群增长较快的温度和盐度条件 ,在海水中长期培养对蒙古裸腹氵蚤的种群增长能力不会产生明显的不良影响  相似文献   

Laboratory observations on the egg production, development and growth in the Cladoceran Moina micrura show that this species has a life span of 13 days during which it produces 6M 8 eggs. Two preadult and eleven adult instars were recorded at a temperature range of 28°–30°C. The rate of egg production calculated on a cumulative basis was found to be lower (a = 1.0368) than that of other tropical species. The embryonic stages in Moina micrura closely resembled other cladoceran species, although with a short development period of 24 h. The total life span, growth rate and the total number of eggs produced in Moina micrura have been compared with those of allied tropical, temperate and arctic daphnids. The significance of this relationship to secondary productivity in tropical ecosystems has been discussed.  相似文献   

Life history in reproductive pattern in hares are affected by ambient temperature. We hypothesized that European hares dwelling in areas of higher energy demands would have larger body sizes, larger fat depots and a delayed first reproduction. To test this assumption we compared yearly reproductive output as well as age, body size, body weight and body condition of female European hares from Belgium (temperate oceanic climate) and Lower Austria (temperate continental climate). Our results reveal that there was no effect of study site on annual reproductive output in female European hares. However, adult female hares from Belgium were significantly smaller and had significantly lower body condition in late autumn compared to the Lower Austrian sample, although Belgian individuals were actually older than Lower Austrians. These findings suggest that females in Belgium are more under an r-selection regime whereas Lower Austrian females might be more under K-selection within the r-K-continuum.  相似文献   

光照对蒙古裸腹溞摄食强度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵文  郭莉  徐宪仲  何志辉 《生态学报》2005,25(2):210-214
利用细胞计数法对不同光照强度、光谱成分、光周期对蒙古裸腹摄食强度的影响进行了研究。结果表明 :光强在 70 0 0 lx时蒙古裸腹对小球藻的摄食强度最高 ,成的滤水率和摄食率分别为 0 .5 2 8± 0 .0 0 9ml/ (ind· h)和 1.113± 0 .0 15μg C/ (ind· h) ,幼的滤水率分别为 0 .4 95± 0 .0 14 ml/ (ind· h)和 1.0 5 1± 0 .0 0 8μg C/ (ind· h)。在蓝光下蒙古裸腹对小球藻的摄食强度明显高于绿光组。光周期 L∶ D为 12∶ 12时蒙古裸腹对小球藻的摄食强度最高 ,成和幼的滤水率分别为0 .4 6 1和 0 .35 5 ml/ (ind· h) ,摄食率分别为 1.2 4 2和 1.0 0 5μg C/ (ind· h) ,而在 L∶ D为 0 :2 4时摄食强度最差 ,成和幼的滤水率分别为 0 .0 70和 0 .0 5 0 ml/ (ind· h)。在自然光照下 ,蒙古裸腹对小球藻的摄食强度在 7∶ 0 0~ 11:0 0和 15 :0 0~ 19:0 0最高  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of sublethal concentration of insecticide on the growth, development and reproduction of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), the sublethal and transgenerational effects of the LC30 of six insecticides on adults and progeny (F1 and F2 generations) were studied using age-stage, two-sex life tables. Exposure to six insecticides had significant negative impacts on the life-history traits of B. dorsalis and led to reduced adult longevity and fecundity in F0, a longer larval stage duration in F1, and reduced fertility and survival. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), finite rate of increase (λ), and net reproductive rate (R0) were reduced in F1, with the greatest reduction observed in the chlorpyrifos treatment. In the F2 generation, the adverse effects were weakened, only the cyantraniliprole treatment had lower values than the control, and the fecundity of other treatments returned to normal. Obvious “hormesis” phenomena were not observed in any of the generations. Based on the population hazard index, chlorpyrifos had the best control effect in the early stage, and cyantraniliprole had the best control effect in the long term. These results indicate that the LC30 of the six insecticides exert different transgenerational effects on the B. dorsalis population.  相似文献   

The effects of individual larval biomass, and salinity experienced during embryogenesis (i.e., prehatching salinity) on starvation tolerance and growth of zoea 1 of the estuarine crab (Chasmagnathus granulata) were evaluated in laboratory experiments. Freshly hatched zoeae 1 were obtained from broods maintained at three salinities (15‰, 20‰ and 32‰), and cultured at 20‰ under different initial feeding periods and subsequent food deprivation (“point of reserve saturation” experiment: PRS) or under initial periods of food deprivation and subsequent feeding (point of no return experiment: PNR). Another group of larvae were used for determination of biomass (dry weight, carbon, and nitrogen) of zoea 1.Larval survival and duration of development depended on the length of feeding period: no larvae reached the second instar under complete starvation; survival was higher and duration of development shorter as the feeding period lengthened. After different initial feeding periods (PRS experiment), zoeae 1 that hatched from eggs incubated at the prehatching salinities of 15‰ and 20‰ showed higher survival and shorter duration of development than those at 32‰. Prehatching salinity also affected the amount of reserves accumulated during the first 2 days after hatching, with larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ showing the highest percentage of total accumulation of carbon and nitrogen. Initial larval biomass did not affect survival, but it had a slight effect on duration of development, with larger larvae (in terms of biomass) developing faster. After different initial starvation periods (PNR experiment), prehatching salinity did not affect survival, but it affected duration of development: larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ reached the second instar earlier. Variability in survival and duration of development was explained in part by among-brood variability in initial larval biomass: larvae with higher biomass showed higher survival and shorter duration of development. Thus, C. granulata, survival and duration of development under food stress depend on the interaction between environmental conditions experienced before and after hatching (pre- and posthatching factors, respectively).  相似文献   


Analysis of developmental patterns of Botryllus schlosseri colonies from the eastern Mediterranean coast has been performed on 143 genets under different temperature regimens (15,20,27 °C) for up to 22 weeks. While the average maximal size as the length of the blastogenic cycle (BC) varied in respect to water temperature, ontogeny at all temperatures was characterized by 4 developmental stages: 1. the lag phase (the first 1–3 BCs, 1 bud/BC), 2. the exponential growth phase (5.5–7.8 BCs, up to 3 buds/BC), 3. the plateau phase, (7.4–8.2 BCs, 1 bud/BC), 4. the degenerative or the variable phase. Many (40.6%) colonies were not sexually reproductive, the others were male only (30.1%) or hermaphrodites. Colonies at the peak of reproduction develop 1.2 oocytes/zooid, and up to 57.7% produced >4 clutches. Analysing onset of reproduction with maximal colony size revealed 4 patterns, two for “male only” colonies and two for hermaphrodites that varied at different sea water temperatures. In two patterns, the onset of reproduction precedes colony maximal size, and in the others it starts at the peak size or thereafter. Zooids at the colony's periphery developed almost twice as many buds as did zooids at the center, but produced significantly lower numbers of eggs. Fragmentation was recorded in large colonies and was temperature dependent. Results are compared with the data available on populations from other localities indicating for dramatically different developmental modes characteristic to this cosmopolitan species.  相似文献   

Moina micrura is a cosmopolitan, cyclic parthenogenetic, cladoceran with ample morphological and ecological plasticity that inhabits temperate, tropical, and subtropical regions of the world. Sexual reproduction in cladocerans is a phenomenon induced by environmental factors, mainly associated with adverse conditions, including crowding. In this study we have assessed the effects of population density combined with the volume available for individual development, on the number of newborns and on the sex ratio in the progeny. Three parthenogenetic female densities (D 1 = 33 ind l−1, D 2 = 66 ind l−1, D 3 = 100 ind l−1) were assayed in combination with three culture volumes (V 1 = 30 ml, V 2 = 60 ml, V 3 = 120 ml), at 21°C. Once the reproduction began, progeny was isolated daily and counted, identifying female and male neonates. Culture volume was the only factor that had a significant effect on the total progeny, as well as on the number of males in the progeny; the highest sex ratio was recorded in D 2 V 1 (0.58), whereas the lowest was for D 1 V 3 (0.06). Female density had no significant effect on the number of sexual M. micrura. We hypothesize that male production (quantity and frequency) was higher in the lowest tested volume because of a reduction in the space available per individual, but not necessarily associated with the physical interaction related with a high encounter rate in more crowded conditions. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   

Kept in the laboratory at 28°–30° C, the cosmopolitan cladoceran, Scapholeberis kingi produces about 239 eggs during a life of 20.56 days duration. It has two pre-adult and seventeen adult instars. The duration of preadult and adult instars was compared with other tropical Cladocera. Egg production was found to be uniformly high with minor fluctuations. The various events in the life cycle and their significance have been compared with those of related species. The rate of egg production, expressed on a cumulative basis was found to be higher (a = 1.3326) than that of Simocephalus acutirostratus King, Moina micrura Kurz and Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars and lower than that of Daphnia carinata King.The general pattern of embryonic development of S. kingi shows close similarities to that of allied tropical and temperate species, though differences in duration of the embryonic period were recorded.  相似文献   

M. G. McManus  J. Travis 《Oecologia》1998,114(3):317-325
While the life history traits of animals usually exhibit substantial phenotypic plasticity, such plasticity might reflect either a simple alteration in the level of energy accrual and use or a genuine shift in energy allocation tactics between environmental conditions. The latter would represent genuine plasticity in the life history itself, and thus it is important to distinguish which of these two processes underlies the observed plasticity of life history traits. We investigated this issue by examining the effects of temperature and salinity variation during ontogeny on the allocation of biomass and lipid storage in male sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna. We raised males from four natural populations from birth to maturity in controlled laboratory conditions. Neither distinct temperatures (23 or 29°C) nor different salinity regimes (2, 12, or 20 parts per thousand) affected body mass, although males from different populations differed substantially in body mass. However, males raised at the higher temperature had a greater allocation of biomass to testis and a lower allocation to viscera mass. The amount of stored lipid was altered by temperature variation but the direction and magnitude of the effect varied substantially among males from the different populations. Salinity variation affected neither biomass allocation nor the level of lipid storage. These results indicate that male mollies possess a flexible developmental program with respect to temperature that canalizes body size and alters the allocation of biomass among competing demands for reproductive readiness and capacity for energy storage. Received: 25 November 1996 / Accepted: 1 December 1997  相似文献   

He  Z.H.  Qin  J.G.  Wang  Y.  Jiang  H.  Wen  Z. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):25-37
Moina mongolica, 1.0-1.4 mm long and 0.8 mm wide, is an Old World euryhaline species. This paper reviewed the recent advances on its autecology, reproductive biology, feeding ecology and perspective as live food for marine fish larviculture. Salinity tolerance of this species ranges from 0.4–1.4 to 65.2–75.4. Within 2–50 salinity, Moina mongolica can complete its life cycle through parthenogenesis. The optimum temperature is between 25 °C and 28 °C, while it tolerates high temperature between 34.4 °C and 36.0 °C and lower temperature between 3.2 °C and 5.4 °C. The non-toxic level of unionised ammonia (24 h LC50) for M. mongolica is <2.6 mg NH3–N l–1. Juvenile individuals filter 2.37 ml d–1 and feed 9.45×106 algal cells d–1, while mature individuals filter 9.45 ml d–1 and consume 4.94×106 algal cells d–1. At 28 °C, M. mongolica reaches sex maturity in 4 d and gives birth once a day afterward; females carry 7.3 eggs brood–1 and spawn 2.8 times during their lifetime. A variety of food can be used for M. mongolica culture including unicellular algae, yeast and manure, but the best feeding regime is the combination of Nannochloropsis oculata and horse manure. Moina mongolica reproduces parthenogenetically during most lifetime, but resting eggs can be induced at temperature (16 °C) combined with food density at 2000–5000 N. oculata ml–1. The tolerance to low dissolved oxygen (0.14–0.93 mg l–1) and high ammonia makes it suitable for mass production. Biochemical analyses showed that the content of eicospantanoic acid (20:53) in M. mongolica accounts for 12.7% of total fatty acids, which is higher than other live food such as Artemia nauplii and rotifers. This cladoceran has the characteristics of wide salinity adaptation, rapid reproduction and ease of mass culture. The review highlights its potential as live food for marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

Life history traits within species often vary among different habitats. We measured female fecundity in mollies (Poecilia mexicana) from a H2S-rich cave and from a neighbouring surface habitat, as well as in laboratory-reared individuals of both populations raised in either light or continuous darkness. Compared to conspecifics from surface habitats, cave-dwelling P. mexicana had reduced fecundity (adjusted for size) in the field. In the laboratory, the fecundity of surface mollies was higher in light than in darkness, whereas fecundity in the cave mollies was almost unaffected by the ambient light conditions. Our results suggest a heritable component to the reduction in fecundity in female cave mollies. Moreover, the reduced plasticity in fecundity of cave mollies in response to light conditions might be an example of genetic assimilation or channelling of a life history trait in a population invading a new environment.  相似文献   

The reproductive bionomics and life history traits of two corophiid amphipods (Ampithoe laxipodus, Cymadusa filosa) and one melitid (Mallacoota schellenbergi) were studied in Mauritius (Indian Ocean) for the period March 1999 to February 2000. Results on the population structure, monthly size class variations, sex ratio, female reproductive states and fecundity are presented. The study demonstrates multivoltinism and continuous reproduction in the three species. Increase in number of juveniles was observed in warmer months for C. filosa and A. laxipodus. Sexual maturity was attained at smaller sizes in warmer months in the three species. Linear relationship on body length and number of eggs in brood pouch are presented. Size-independent analysis of egg number revealed a decrease in number of eggs in cooler months. Sex ratio is male skewed in M. schellenbergi and female skewed in C. filosa and A. laxipodus. Some of the plausible explanations for the reproductive strategies adopted by these three species in a tropical system are discussed.  相似文献   

To understand the biological significance of the southern hogchoker's seasonal migration pattern, the effects of salinity (0, 7 and 15 ppt) on survival, growth, metabolism, and behavior were examined. Survival averaged 96% and salinity did not affect (p = 0.25) the growth rates of juvenile hogchokers during the 60 day experimental growth period. However, oxygen consumption rates suggest that juvenile metabolism is influenced by salinity. Circadian patterns of metabolic rates were present in the 7 and 15 ppt treatments, but absent in the freshwater group. The juveniles in the 7 ppt treatment exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) lower overall rates than the freshwater fish, while the fish in the 15 ppt condition had intermediate metabolic rates. Juvenile hogchokers also showed shifts in diel activity and feeding patterns among salinities, with the active time period shortening with increasing salinity. The main conclusion is that juvenile salinity intolerance is not the driving mechanism of their migration pattern, but salinity does affect juvenile metabolism and behavior. The metabolic effects of salinity can explain summer migration in juvenile hogchokers. Additionally, the shifts in their behavioral responses can generally be explained by the summer migration movements.  相似文献   

Qin  Zhong  Yang  Mingyu  Zhang  Jia-En  Deng  Zhixin 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(14):3103-3114
Hydrobiologia - Pomacea canaliculata, a freshwater snail native to tropical and temperate South America, has become an important invader and agricultural pest throughout tropical and subtropical...  相似文献   

Life history variation can be genetically based, or it may be due to environmental effects on the phenotype. In this paper we examine life history variation in relation to differences in habitat in the parasitoid Asobara tabida. Differences in the spatial distribution of host patches, the length of the season, host suitability, and competition between parasitoids all contribute to the selection for differences in life history between strains from northern and southern Europe. Strains were compared with respect to the allocation between reproduction and survival in experimental environments that varied with regard to the availability of food or to the number of hosts offered per day. Upon emergence parasitoids originating from southern Europe have higher egg loads and smaller fat reserves than parasitoids originating from northern Europe. Parasitoids from both southern and northern Europe show plasticity in allocation: food shortage causes a decrease in egg production, and rich breeding opportunities an increase in egg production. This plasticity is greater in the northern strain. Fat reserves play a central role in the physiology of this allocation. Fat can be used for both reproduction and survival. There is no oosorption, so once fat is allocated to reproduction it can no longer be used for survival. Differences in plasticity in allocation can therefore be considered as differences in the timing of egg production.  相似文献   

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