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Relationships among 37 North American octoploid strawberry populations were studied by evaluating 44 morphological traits and 36 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Both data sets were analyzed by principal components analysis and UPGMA clustering based on genetic distances. Morphological data defined five groups: east of the Missouri River (Fragaria virginiana ssp. virginiana), the Black Hills (F. virginiana ssp. virginiana and ssp. glauca), from the eastern Cascades to the eastern Rocky Mountains (F. virginiana ssp. glauca), the western Cascades and Olympic Peninsula (F. virginiana ssp. platypetala), and the Pacific coast (F. chiloensis). Canonical discriminant analysis clearly discriminated populations into these provenances, suggesting that these groups are morphologically distinct. RAPD data defined three groups, one with F. virginiana ssp. virginiana and ssp. glauca, another with F. chiloensis, and a third with F. virginiana ssp. platypetala. The latter was more similar to F. chiloensis than F. virginiana, suggesting it is likely a subspecies of F. chiloensis. All octoploid North American strawberries have likely derived from a common ancestor and have differentiated into F. chiloensis and F. virginiana by adapting to moister and drier environments, respectively.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to develop microsatellite markers for the wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana, to evaluate segregation patterns of microsatellite alleles in this octoploid species, and assess genetic variability at microsatellite loci in a wild population. A genomic library was screened for microsatellite repeats and several PCR primers were designed and tested. We also tested the use of heterologous primers and found that F. virginiana primers amplified products in cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa Duch. and Fragaria chiloensis. Similarly, microsatellite loci developed from cultivated strawberry also successfully amplified F. virginiana loci. We investigated four microsatellite loci in detail, three developed from F. virginiana and one from cultivated strawberry. A survey of 100 individuals from a population of F. virginiana in Pennsylvania demonstrated high heterozygosities (He or gene diversity ranged from 0.80 to 0.88 per locus) and allelic diversity (12–17 alleles per locus), but individual plants had no more than two alleles per locus. Segregation patterns in parents and progeny of two controlled crosses at these four loci were consistent with disomic Mendelian inheritance. Together these findings suggest that the genome of F. virginiana is "highly diploidized" and at least a subset of microsatellite loci can be treated as codominant, diploid markers. Significant heterozygote deficiencies were found at three of the four loci for hermaphroditic individuals but for only one locus among females in this gynodioecious species.Communicated by J. Dvorak  相似文献   

Thomas W. Jurik 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):394-403
Summary The CO2 costs of producing sexual and vegetative reproductive propagules were calculated for two species of wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana and F. vesca. Five populations on sites representing a gradient of successional regrowth near Ithaca, New York, USA, were studied for two or three years each. Field studies of phenology, biomass, demography, and environment and laboratory studies of CO2 exchange were integrated using a computerbased model of CO2 dynamics to estimate costs of propagules.The percentage of plants flowering and the number of flower buds produced were highest in an open, recently disturbed habitat and lowest in a forest habitat. The openhabitat plants had the greatest success in converting flower buds into ripe fruits and also produced the highest numbers of runners and runner plantlets. On the basis of total investments in structure and respiration minus any photosynthetic gain of all reproductive structures, the cost per seed was lowest in the most open habitats and highest and increasingly variable in the more closed habitats. The cost of plantlets also was lowest in the most open habitat. The differences among habitats in cost of plantlets alive after one or two growing seasons increased due to differential survivorship of plantlets, with the open habitat continuing to have the lowest cost per plantlet. Theoretical treatments of life history characteristics such as reproductive effort should recognize that costs of equivalent type and size of propagule may vary among environments.  相似文献   

Florivores are antagonists that damage flowers, and have direct negative effects on flowering and pollination of the attacked plants. While florivory has mainly been studied for its consequences on seed production or siring success, little is known about its impact on mating systems. Damage to flowers can alter pollinator attraction to the plant and may therefore modify patterns of pollen transfer. However, the consequences of damage for mating systems can take two forms: a decrease in flower number reduces opportunities for intra-inflorescence pollen deposition (geitonogamy), which, in turn, may lead to a decrease in selfing; whereas a decrease in floral display may also reduce overall visitation and thus increase the chances of self-pollination via facilitated or autonomous autogamy. We investigated the effects of damage by a bud-clipping weevil ( Anthonomus signatus ) in Fragaria virginiana in an experimental setting mimicking natural conditions. We found that increased damage led to an increase in selfing, a result consistent with the increased autogamy pathway. We discuss the implications of this finding and evaluate the generality of florivore-mediated mating system expression.  相似文献   

In this study we dissect the causes of variation in intra-inflorescence allocation in a sexually polymorphic species, Fragaria virginiana. We separated out the effects of resource competition during flowering from those of inflorescence architecture, as well as identified the effects of sex morph and genotype. We found position-based variation in petal length, ovule, pollen, and flower number to be influenced more by architecture than by our resource manipulations during flowering. We also found both genotype- and sex-specific intra-inflorescence patterns. Furthermore, our data indicate that the sex morph-specific intra-inflorescence patterns result from architectural modifications of the basic pattern. In fact, sex-differential intra-inflorescence patterns suggest that fitness through male and female function may be maximized by different resource distribution patterns within the inflorescence and may have been modified by past selection. Specifically, females invested heavily in ovules at positions where fruit set was most likely (primary and secondary), at the expense of flower number and allocation per flower at more distal positions. Whereas functional males invested minimally in ovules at all flower positions and produced the most abundantly flowered inflorescences, hermaphrodites, on the other hand, showed intermediate patterns, implying a compromise between sex functions. We suggest that consideration of intra-inflorescence allocation and inflorescence architecture may reveal the mechanism underlying sexual dimorphism in flower allocation and number.  相似文献   

A tetraploid (2n = 28) clone of Fragaria from SW Finland is described. The clone is true-breeding with respect to tetraploidy. The tetraploid strawberry shows RFLP similarity with F. vesca , a common species, and, to a lesser extent, with F. viridis , a southern species, whose nearest reported occurrence was about 80 km away during the 1940s. The following alternatives are considered as possible reasons for the tetraploidy: unreduced gametes in an interspecific hybrid or hybrid derivative; hybridization followed by induction of tetraploidy either by viruses, or by industrial pollutants, e.g. chlorophenols and their congener compounds in the soil. The original seed might also have been brought from abroad unintentionally with other seeds for field trials which have been conducted since 1928 in the vicinity. A hexaploid ( F. moschata )× diploid hybrid leads directly to tetraploidy and a tetraploid derivative from an octoploid ( F . × ananassa ) × diploid hybridization can be obtained but the current tetraploid has different morphology.  相似文献   

Although fundamental to the study of invasion mechanisms, the relationship between mode of reproduction and plant invasion is not well understood. Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed), a highly aggressive invasive plant in both Europe and North America, serves as a model species for examining this relationship. In Britain, F. japonica var. japonica is a single female clone reproducing solely through vegetative growth or obligate hybridization with other Fallopia spp. In the U.S., however, there is more evidence for sexual reproduction. Here, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed, and three Massachusetts populations were sampled at regular intervals. The amount of sexual and clonal reproduction in each population was determined based on within-population genetic diversity. Clonal growth was apparent, but the populations together contained 26 genotypes and had evidence of sexual reproduction. One genotype that was present in all populations matched the single aggressive British clone of F. japonica var. japonica. Also, a potentially diagnostic marker for the F. sachalinensis genome provided evidence of inter- and intraspecific sexual reproduction and introgression. These differences observed in U.S. populations compared to European populations have significant implications for management of Fallopia spp. in the U.S. and underscore the importance of regional studies of invasive species.  相似文献   

Spigler RB  Lewers KS  Main DS  Ashman TL 《Heredity》2008,101(6):507-517
The evolution of separate sexes (dioecy) from hermaphroditism is one of the major evolutionary transitions in plants, and this transition can be accompanied by the development of sex chromosomes. Studies in species with intermediate sexual systems are providing unprecedented insight into the initial stages of sex chromosome evolution. Here, we describe the genetic mechanism of sex determination in the octoploid, subdioecious wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana Mill., based on a whole-genome simple sequence repeat (SSR)-based genetic map and on mapping sex determination as two qualitative traits, male and female function. The resultant total map length is 2373 cM and includes 212 markers on 42 linkage groups (mean marker spacing: 14 cM). We estimated that approximately 70 and 90% of the total F. virginiana genetic map resides within 10 and 20 cM of a marker on this map, respectively. Both sex expression traits mapped to the same linkage group, separated by approximately 6 cM, along with two SSR markers. Together, our phenotypic and genetic mapping results support a model of gender determination in subdioecious F. virginiana with at least two linked loci (or gene regions) with major effects. Reconstruction of parental genotypes at these loci reveals that both female and hermaphrodite heterogamety exist in this species. Evidence of recombination between the sex-determining loci, an important hallmark of incipient sex chromosomes, suggest that F. virginiana is an example of the youngest sex chromosome in plants and thus a novel model system for the study of sex chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed in Spiraea virginiana, a federally threatened native shrub found along stream banks, to identify clonal genotypes and measure population genetic variability. ? Methods and Results: Eleven primer sets were developed using a non-radioactive protocol. These revealed a moderate level of genetic variation, as indicated by the number of alleles per locus (range = 1-4) and an average observed heterozygosity of 0.595. Select loci also amplified successfully in the related species Spiraea japonica. ? Conclusion: Development of the markers described here is critical for the genetic identification of clonal plants as a first step in demographic analyses, and is necessary for the future conservation of this rare species. Amplification of the markers in S. japonica suggests their potential utility in research regarding this species.  相似文献   

In clonal plants, vegetative reproduction and clonal architecture can produce unusual population structures including populations composed of a single genetic individual and mosaics of discrete or intermingled genets. Fragaria chiloensis is a rapidly and diffusely spreading, stoloniferous, perennial herb that forms relatively isolated populations on coastal sand dunes in California. We predicted that populations would consist of a few, large, intermingled genets; and that genetic and spatial distances would be more closely correlated for clonal fragments than for genets. Using allozyme markers from four enzyme systems (Est, LAP, PGI, and TO), we measured genotypic differences among fragments in a population on the central coast of California. Contrary to predictions, the population contained numerous genets, and most were found only within areas of 10 × 10 m. However, fragments of some genets did occur at least 80 m apart, and genets intermingled. Genetic and spatial distances were correlated for both genets and fragments. These results suggest that clonal growth and sexual reproduction are both important in structuring this population.  相似文献   

The strawberry genus, Fragaria (Rosaceae), has a base chromosome number of x = 7. Cultivated strawberries (F. ×ananassa nothosubsp. ananassa) are octoploid (2n = 8x = 56) and first hybridized from F. chiloensis subsp. chiloensis forma chiloensis × F. virginiana subsp. virginiana. Europe has no known native octoploid species, and only one Asian octoploid species has been reported: F. iturupensis, from Iturup Island. Our objective was to examine the chromosomes of F. iturupensis. Ploidy levels of wild strawberry species, include diploid (2n = 2x = 14), tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28), pentaploid (2n = 5x = 35), hexaploid (2n = 6x = 42), octoploid (2n = 8x = 56), and nonaploid (2n = 9x = 63). Artificial triploid (2n = 3x = 21), tetraploid, pentaploid, octoploid, decaploid (2n = 10x = 70), 16-ploid, and 32-ploid plants have been constructed and cultivated. Surprisingly, chromosome counts and flow cytometry revealed that F. iturupensis includes natural decaploid genotypes with 2n = 10x = 70 chromosomes. This report is the first of a naturally occurring decaploid strawberry species. Further research on F. iturupensis and exploration on northern Pacific islands is warranted to ascertain the phylogeny and development of American octoploid species.  相似文献   

Andrea L. Case  Tia‐Lynn Ashman 《Oikos》2009,118(8):1250-1260
Populations of gynodioecious species vary in the ratio of female versus hermaphroditic individuals they contain, and many exhibit higher frequencies of females under poor resource conditions. One important factor limiting female frequencies within populations is predicted to be pollen limitation of seed production, caused by either low abundance of pollen donors or insufficient pollen transfer. However, empirical studies measuring variation in pollen limitation with population sex ratios or resource gradients in gynodioecious plants are inconsistent. Part of this inconsistency may be that pollen limitation and its causes are context-dependent. Another possibility is that sex-specific daily flower production and/or sex-biased visitation are more relevant to the likelihood of pollen limitation than sex ratio based on counting individual plants. In this study, we examined context-dependent pollen limitation in gynodioecious/subdioecious Fragaria virginiana . We specifically examined the potential for resource availability to influence sex-specific daily flower production, sex-biased pollinator visitation, and their relationships with pollen limitation in experimental populations that contained either high or low frequencies of female plants. High resource availability reduced apparent female frequency by increasing daily flower production by hermaphrodites relative to females. This is important because pollinators increasingly discriminated against female flowers as floral sex ratios became more female-biased. Contrary to expectation, females in high-female populations were not consistently more pollen limited than those in low-female populations. The level of pollen limitation of females was better explained by sex–biased pollinator foraging and visitation frequency than by the plant sex ratio or floral sex ratio. Thus, negative frequency dependence of female pollen limitation was evident only considering sex ratio bias mediated by pollinator visitation.  相似文献   

Root colonisation byGlomus fistulosum BEG 31 of a plant population from the outbreeding wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) ranged from 42 to 80%; this was correlated with a significant increase in fruit trusses, berries and leaves. The mycorrhizal plants produced significantly more primary and secondary runners but less lateral runners. One hundred randomly selected seeds were multiplied in vitro and 4 clonal populations were selected. Root colonisation in the clones varied from 16 to 75%, with significant difference in the % colonisation between some of the clones. Percentage mycorrhizal colonisation was positively correlated with effects on host growth.The positive correlation between mycorrhizal root colonisation and growth effects in the clones was not reflected in their respective susceptibility, in the non-mycorrhizal state, toPhytophthora fragariae infection. Clones showing the highest and lowest mycorrhizal root colonisation showed high disease susceptibility whereas a clone with intermediate colonisation was resistant. When the clones were colonised with mycorrhizal fungi, the two susceptible clones became resistant toP. fragariae whereas the resistant and partially-resistant clones were less affected. Only one clone showed variation in vesicle formation when challenged withP. fragariae.  相似文献   

Floral induction and development requirements of a range of latitudinal and altitudinal Norwegian populations of the wild strawberry Fragaria vesca L. have been studied in controlled environments. Rooted runner plants were exposed to a range of photoperiods and temperatures for 5 weeks for floral induction and then transferred to long day (LD) at 20°C for flower development. A pronounced interaction of temperature and photoperiod was shown in the control of flowering. At 9°C, flowers were initiated in both short day (SD) and LD conditions, at 15 and 18°C in SD only, whereas no initiation took place at 21°C regardless of daylength conditions. The critical photoperiod for SD floral induction was about 16 h and 14 h at 15 and 18°C, respectively, the induction being incomplete at 18°C. The optimal condition for floral induction was SD at 15°C. A minimum of 4 weeks of exposure to such optimal conditions was required. Although the populations varied significantly in their flowering performance, no clinal relationship was present between latitude of origin and critical photoperiod. Flower development of SD-induced plants was only marginally advanced by LD conditions, while inflorescence elongation and runnering were strongly enhanced by LD at this stage. The main shift in these responses took place at photoperiods between 16 and 17 h. Unlike all other populations studied, a high-latitude population from 70°N ('Alta') had an obligatory vernalization requirement. Although flowering and fruiting in its native Subarctic environment and after overwintering in the field in south Norway, this population did not flower in the laboratory in the absence of vernalization, even with 10 or 15 weeks of exposure to SD at 9°C. Flowering performance in the field likewise indicated a vernalization requirement of this high-latitude population.  相似文献   

Fragaria ananassa (strawberry) callus, which produced high amounts of anthocyanin in the dark, was isolated from a cell line not producing anthocyanin. The isolated callus (FAR) was homogeneous and more than 90% of the cells were pigmented. The FAR callus accumulated more than 1000 g of anthocyanin per g fresh cell in the dark. Four different basal solid media were examined to maintain FAR callus: Though growth rate and anthocyanin concentration were different on each media, total anthocyanin production was about the same at 400 g anthocyanin/0.1 g fresh cell wt after 22 days. This FAR cell line could therefore be used for the industrial production of anthocyanin.  相似文献   

A unique reproductive system has previously been described in Wasmannia auropunctata, a widespread invasive ant species, where males are produced clonally, female queens are parthenogens, and female workers are produced sexually. However, these findings were mostly based on samples originating from only a limited part of the native range of the species in South America. We used microsatellite markers to uncover the reproductive modes displayed by a large number of nests collected in various invasive W. auropunctata populations introduced 40 years ago into New Caledonia, where the species now forms a single 450-km-long supercolony. Although the main reproduction system in New Caledonia remained clonality for both male and female reproductives, we found evidence of rare sexual reproduction events that led to the production of both new queen and male clonal lineages. All clonal lineages observed in New Caledonia potentially derived from sexual reproduction, recombination, and mutation events from a single female and a single male genotype. Hence, the male and female gene pools are not strictly separated in New Caledonia and the two sexes do not follow independent evolutionary trajectories. Our results also suggest genetic determination for both parthenogenesis and caste. We discuss the evolutionary implications of the emergence of sex in the clonal reproduction system of introduced populations of W. auropunctata.  相似文献   

The relative importance of sexual and clonal reproduction for population growth in clonal plants is highly variable. Clonal reproduction is often more important than sexual reproduction but there is considerable interspecific variation and the importance of the two reproductive modes can change with environmental conditions. We carried out a demographic study on the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca), a widespread clonal herb, at 12 sites in Switzerland during 2 years. Study sites were selected in two different habitats, i.e., forest and forest edge. We used periodic matrix models to estimate annual population growth rates and carried out prospective analyses to identify life cycle components that influence population growth rates most. Retrospective analyses were applied to study how the two different habitats affected population dynamics. Furthermore, we tested whether trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction occurred. There were large differences in annual population growth rates between sites and large within-site differences between years. Results of the prospective analyses clearly indicate that clonal reproduction is the dominant reproductive pathway whereas sexual reproduction is rather insignificant for population growth. Compared to forest habitats, forest edge habitats had higher population growth rates in the first year but smaller growth rates in the second year. We attribute these differing habitat effects to different water availabilities during consecutive years. No trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction were found. In conclusion, population growth of F. vesca relies heavily on clonal reproduction. Furthermore, reproduction and survival rates of F. vesca depend highly on spatio-temporal variation of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Li J  Koski MH  Ashman TL 《Annals of botany》2012,109(3):545-552

Background and Aims

Gynodioecy is a phylogenetically widespread and important sexual system where females coexist with hermaphrodites. Because dioecy can arise from gynodioecy, characterization of gynodioecy in close relatives of dioecious and sub-dioecious species can provide insight into this transition. Thus, we sought to determine whether Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata, a close relative to F. chiloensis and F. virginiana, exhibits the functional and population genetic hallmarks of a gynodioecious species.


We compared reproductive allocation of females and hermaphrodites grown in the greenhouse and estimated genetic diversity (allelic diversity, heterozygosity) and inbreeding coefficients for field-collected adults of both sexes using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. We estimated mating system and early seed fitness from open-pollinated families of both sex morphs.

Key Results

Under greenhouse conditions, females and hermaphrodites allocated similarly to all reproductive traits except flower number, and, as a consequence, females produced 30 % fewer seeds per plant than hermaphrodites. Under natural conditions, hermaphrodites produce seeds by self-fertilization approx. 75 % of the time, and females produced outcrossed seeds with very little biparental inbreeding. Consistent with inbreeding depression, seeds from open-pollinated hermaphrodites were less likely to germinate than those from females, and family-level estimates of hermaphrodite selfing rates were negatively correlated with germination success and speed. Furthermore, estimates of inbreeding depression based on genetic markers and population genetic theory indicate that inbreeding depression in the field could be high.


The joint consideration of allocation and mating system suggests that compensation may be sufficient to maintain females given the current understanding of sex determination. Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata exhibited similar sex morph-dependent patterns of mating system and genetic diversity, but less reproductive trait dimorphism, than its sub-dioecious and dioecious congeners.  相似文献   

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