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During embryonic development, signalling molecules known as morphogens act in a concentration-dependent manner to provide positional information to responding tissues. In the early zebrafish embryo, graded signalling by members of the nodal family induces the formation of mesoderm and endoderm, thereby patterning the embryo into three germ layers. Nodal signalling has also been implicated in the establishment of the dorso-ventral axis of the embryo. Although one can infer the existence of nodal gradients by comparing gene expression patterns in wild-type embryos and embryos in which nodal signalling is diminished or augmented, real understanding can only come from directly observing the gradients. One approach is to determine local ligand concentrations in the embryo, but this is technically challenging, and the presence of inhibitors might cause the effective concentration of a ligand to differ from its actual concentration. We have therefore taken two approaches to visualise a direct response to nodal signalling. In the first, we have used transgenic embryos to study the nuclear accumulation of a Smad2-Venus fusion protein, and in the second we have used bimolecular fluorescence complementation to visualise the formation of a complex between Smad2 and Smad4. This has allowed us to visualise, in living embryos, the formation of a graded distribution of nodal signalling activity. We have quantified the formation of the gradient in time and space, and our results not only confirm that nodal signalling patterns the embryo into three germ layers, but also shed light on its role in patterning the dorso-ventral axis and highlight unexpected complexities of mesodermal patterning.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients, which provide positional information to cells in a developing tissue, could in principle adopt any nonuniform profile. To our knowledge, how the profile of a morphogen gradient affects positional precision has not been well studied experimentally. Here, we compare the positional precision provided by the Drosophila morphogenetic protein Bicoid (Bcd) in wild-type (wt) embryos with embryos lacking an interacting cofactor. The Bcd gradient in the latter case exhibits decreased positional precision around mid-embryo compared with its wt counterpart. The domain boundary of Hunchback (Hb), a target activated by Bcd, becomes more variable in mutant embryos. By considering embryo-to-embryo, internal, and measurement fluctuations, we dissect mathematically the relevant sources of fluctuations that contribute to the error in positional information. Using this approach, we show that the defect in Hb boundary positioning in mutant embryos is directly reflective of an altered Bcd gradient profile with increasing flatness toward mid-embryo. Furthermore, we find that noise in the Bcd input signal is dominated by internal fluctuations but, due to time and spatial averaging, the spatial precision of the Hb boundary is primarily affected by embryo-to-embryo variations. Our results demonstrate that the positional information provided by the wt Bcd gradient profile is highly precise and necessary for patterning precision.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a test for Nijhout's (1978, 1980a) hypothesis that the eyespot patterns on butterfly wings are the result of a threshold reaction of the epidermal cells to a concentration gradient of a diffusing degradable morphogen produced by focal cells at the centre of the future eyespot. The wings of the nymphalid butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, have a series of eyespots, each composed of a white pupil, a black disc and a gold outer ring. In earlier extirpation and transplantation experiments (Nijhout 1980a; French and Brakefield, 1995) it has been established that these eyespots are indeed organised around groups of signalling cells active during the first hours of pupal development. If these cells were to supply the positional information for eyespot formation in accordance with Nijhout's diffusion-degradation gradient model, then, when two foci are close together, the signals should sum, and this effect should be apparent in the detailed shape of the resulting pigment pattern. We give an equation for the form of the contours that would be obtained in this manner. We use this to test the morphogen gradient hypothesis on measurements of the outlines of fused eyespots obtained either by grafting focal cells close together, or by using a mutation (Spotty) that produces adjacent fused eyespots. The contours of the fused patterns were found to satisfy our equation, thus corroborating Nijhout's hypothesis to the extent possible with this particular type of experiment.  相似文献   

The importance of morphogens is a central concept in developmental biology. Multiple-fate patterning and the robustness of the morphogen gradient are essential for embryo development. The ways by which morphogens diffuse from a local source to form long distance gradients can differ from one morphogen to the other, and for the same morphogen in different organs. This paper will study the mechanism by which morphogens diffuse through the aid of membrane-associated non-receptors and will investigate how the membrane-associated non-receptors help the morphogen to form long distance gradients and to achieve good robustness. Such a mechanism has been reported for some morphogens that are rapidly turned over. We will establish a set of reaction-diffusion equations to model the dynamical process of morphogen gradient formation. Under the assumption of rapid morphogen degradation, we discuss the existence, uniqueness, local stability, approximation solution, and the robustness of the steady-state gradient. The results in this paper show that when the morphogen is rapidly turned over, diffusion of the morphogen through membrane-associated non-receptors is a possible strategy to form a long distance multiple-fate gradient that is locally stable and is robust against the changes in morphogen synthesis rate.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent experimental findings, we propose a novel mechanism of embryonic pattern formation based on coupling of tissue curvature with diffusive signaling by a chemical factor. We derive a new mathematical model using energy minimization approach and show that the model generates a variety of morphogen and curvature patterns agreeing with experimentally observed structures. The mechanism proposed transcends the classical Turing concept which requires interactions between two morphogens with a significantly different diffusivity. Our studies show how biomechanical forces may replace the elusive long-range inhibitor and lead to formation of stable spatially heterogeneous structures without existence of chemical prepatterns. We propose new experimental approaches to decisively test our central hypothesis that tissue curvature and morphogen expression are coupled in a positive feedback loop.  相似文献   

A previously investigated basic model (System B) for the study of signaling morphogen gradient formation that allows for reversible binding of morphogens (aka ligands) with signaling receptors, degradation of bound morphogens and diffusion of unbound morphogens is extended to include the effects of membrane-bound non-signaling molecules (or non-receptors for short) such as proteoglycans that bind reversibly with the same morphogens and degrade them. Our main goal is to delineate the effects of the presence of non-receptors on the existence and properties of the steady-state concentration gradient of signaling ligand–receptor complexes. Stability of the steady-state morphogen gradients is established and the time to reach steady-state behavior after the onset of morphogen production will be analyzed. The theoretical findings offer explanations for observations reported in several previous experiments on Drosophila wing imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Statistical physicists have become interested in models of collective social behavior such as opinion formation, where individuals change their inherently preferred opinion if their friends disagree. Real preferences often depend on regional cultural differences, which we model here as a spatial gradient g in the initial opinion. The gradient does not only add reality to the model. It can also reveal that opinion clusters in two dimensions are typically in the standard (i.e., independent) percolation universality class, thus settling a recent controversy about a non-consensus model. However, using analytical and numerical tools, we also present a model where the width of the transition between opinions scales , not as in independent percolation, and the cluster size distribution is consistent with first-order percolation.  相似文献   

In a recent publication, we identified a novel F-box protein, encoded by fates-shifted (fsd), that plays a role in targeting Bcd for ubiquitination and degradation. Our analysis of mutant Drosophila embryos suggests that Bcd protein degradation is important for proper gradient formation and developmental fate specification. Here we describe further experiments that lead to an estimate of Bcd half-life, <15 min, in embryos during the time of gradient formation. We use our findings to evaluate different models of Bcd gradient formation. With this new estimate, we simulate the Bcd gradient formation process in our own biologically realistic 2-D model. Finally, we discuss the role of Bcd-encoded positional information in controlling the positioning and precision of developmental decisions.  相似文献   

The idea that morphogen gradients are established by a process of repeated cycles of exocytosis and endocytosis-so-called planar transcytosis-has been gaining acceptance. This is now challenged by a theoretical approach that experimental biologists should not dismiss; diffusive mechanisms of gradient formation may be correct after all.  相似文献   

During development, secreted morphogens such as Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh), and BMP emit from their producing cells in a morphogenetic field, and specify different cell fates in a direct concentration-dependent manner. Understanding how morphogens form their concentration gradients to pattern tissues has been a central issue in developmental biology. Various experimental studies from Drosophila have led to several models to explain the formation of morphogen gradients. Over the past decade, one of the main findings in this field is the characterization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as an essential regulator for morphogen gradient formation. Genetic and cell biological studies have showed that HSPGs can regulate morphogen activities at various steps including control of morphogen movement, signaling, and intracellular trafficking. Here, we review these data, highlighting recent findings that reveal mechanistic roles of HSPGs in controlling morphogen gradient formation.Embryonic development involves many spatial and temporal patterns of cell and tissue organization. These patterning processes are controlled by gradients of morphogens, the “form-generating substances” (Tabata and Takei 2004; Lander 2007). Secreted morphogen molecules, including members of Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh), and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) families, are generated from organizing centers and form concentration gradients to specify distinct cell fates in a concentration-dependent manner. Understanding how morphogen gradients are established during development has been a central question in developmental biology. Over the past decade, studies in both Drosophila and vertebrates have yielded important insights in this field. One of the important findings is the characterization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as an essential regulator for morphogen gradient formation. In this review, we first discuss various models for morphogen movement. Then, we focus on the functions of HSPGs in morphogen movement, signaling, and trafficking.  相似文献   

An expansion-repression mechanism by which morphogen gradients can adjust to size and growth had been postulated as a model. Now, its molecular nature has been uncovered.  相似文献   

The dependence of the spatial concentration profiles of morphogens on a characteristic dimension is obtained by continuation techniques for Gierer and Meinhardt's activator-inhibitor model of morphogenesis. The study of the behaviour of the system during growth, where the linear and exponential increase of the characteristic dimension is considered, revealed that more complex patterns of morphogen spatial concentrations appear regularly in a reproducible way.  相似文献   

The developing limb is an excellent model for pattern formation in vertebrate embryos. Signalling by the polarizing region controls limb pattern across the antero-posterior axis of the chick limb. It was suggested first on theoretical grounds that signalling by the polarizing region could involve a morphogen gradient. Embryological manipulations provided evidence consistent with this model and, more recently, signalling molecules associated with the polarizing region have been identified and tested for their role as morphogens. It is still not clear whether any of the known molecules act directly as a morphogen. The extension of the morphogen model to patterning along the other axes of the limb has been proposed but this may not be applicable.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradient formation and vesicular trafficking   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Morphogens are secreted signaling molecules which form spatial concentration gradients while moving away from a restricted source of production. A simple model of gradient formation postulates that the morphogens dilute as they diffuse between cells. In this review we discuss recent data supporting the idea that movement of the morphogen could also occur via vesicular trafficking through the cells. We explore the implications of these results for the control of gradient formation and the determination of the gradient slope which ultimately encodes the coordinates of positional information.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients are proposed to organise cell fates during development via the long-range activity of secreted molecules. Their existence in vertebrates, however, has been debated. A recent study has identified the Nodal-related protein Squint as a bona fide morphogen in vertebrate mesoderm.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients play a key role in multiple differentiation processes. Both the formation of the gradient and its interpretation by the receiving cells need to occur at high precision to ensure reproducible patterning. This need for quantitative precision is challenged by fluctuations in the environmental conditions and by variations in the genetic makeup of the developing embryos. We discuss mechanisms that buffer morphogen profiles against variations in gene dosage. Self-enhanced morphogen degradation and pre-steady-state decoding provide general means for buffering the morphogen profile against fluctuations in morphogen production rate. A more specific “shuttling” mechanism, which establishes a sharp and robust activation profile of a widely expressed morphogen, and enables the adjustment of morphogen profile with embryo size, is also described. Finally, we consider the transformation of the smooth gradient profile into sharp borders of gene expression in the signal-receiving cells. The integration theory and experiments are increasingly used, providing key insights into the system-level functioning of the developmental system.In order for a uniform field of cells to differentiate into a reproducible pattern of organs and tissues, cells need to receive information about their position within the field. During development, positional information is often conveyed by spatial gradients of morphogens (Wolpert 1989). In the presence of such gradients, cells are subject to different levels of morphogen, depending on their positions within the field, and activate, accordingly, one of several gene expression cassettes. The quantitative shape of the morphogen gradient is critical for patterning, with cell-fate boundaries established at specific concentration thresholds. Although these general features of morphogen-based patterning are universal, the range and form of the morphogen profile, and the pattern of induced target genes, vary significantly depending on the tissue setting and the signaling pathways used.The formation of a morphogen gradient is a dynamic process, influenced by the kinetics of morphogen production, diffusion, and degradation. These processes are tightly controlled through intricate networks of positive and negative feedback loops, which shape the gradient and enhance its reproducibility between individual embryos and developmental contexts. In the past three decades, many of the components comprising the morphogen signaling cascades have been identified and sorted into pathways, enabling one to start addressing seminal questions regarding their functionality: How is it that morphogen signaling is reproducible from one embryo to the next, despite fluctuations in the levels of signaling components, temperature differences, variations in size, or unequal distribution of components between daughter cells? Are there underlying mechanisms that assure a reproducible response? Are these mechanisms conserved across species, similar to the signaling pathways they control?In this review, we outline insights we gained by quantitatively analyzing the process of morphogen gradient formation. We focus on mechanisms that buffer morphogen profiles against fluctuations in gene dosage, and describe general means by which such buffering is enhanced. These mechanisms include self-enhanced morphogen degradation and pre-steady-state decoding. In addition, we describe a more specific “shuttling” mechanism that is used to generate a sharp and robust profile of a morphogen activity from a source that is broadly produced. We discuss the implication of the shuttling mechanism for the ability of embryos to adjust their pattern with size. Finally, we consider the transformation of the smooth gradient profile into sharp borders of gene expression in the signal-receiving cells.  相似文献   

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