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Two months before beginning an autumn breeding season, ten 18-month-old Debouillet rams were randomly allotted to one of two dietary treatments. Five rams were offered a complete pelleted diet containing 3.5% cottonseed meal (CSM) and five were fed a similar diet containing 7% undigested, irradiated (1 Mrad gamma-irradiation) sewage solids (SS, Las Cruces, NM, municipal sewage) during the ensuing nine-month period. Ram body weights did not differ (P>0.10) between treatments nor was grease fleece weight (six-month clip) influenced by dietary SS. Analysis of serum constituents did not reveal any treatment effects. Neither quantity nor quality of sperm was influenced by treatment. Rams were mated to both CMS- and SS-fed ewes and dietary SS did not adversely influence (P>0.25) ram or ewe reproductive performance. Paternal sewage consumption did not alter (P>0.10) preweaning performance of lambs; however, ewes consuming SS produced lambs that weighed less (P<0.05) at weaning. Neither paternal nor maternal treatments influenced (P>0.10) lamb weights or gains during an 84-day postweaning feedlot trial. When each ram was challenged with 50 mug gonadotropin releasing hormone, both groups responded with a similar testosterone surge. These data suggest that a diet containing 7% SS does not impair reproductive function, testosterone production, offspring performance or health of fine-wool rams.  相似文献   

Dietary Zn has significant impacts on the growth and development of breeding rams. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of dietary Zn source and concentration on serum Zn concentration, growth performance, wool traits and reproductive performance in rams. Forty-four Targhee rams (14 months; 68 ± 18 kg BW) were used in an 84-day completely randomized design and were fed one of three pelleted dietary treatments: (1) a control without fortified Zn (CON; n = 15; ~1 × NRC); (2) a diet fortified with a Zn amino acid complex (ZnAA; n = 14; ~2 × NRC) and (3) a diet fortified with ZnSO4 (ZnSO4; n = 15; ~2 × NRC). Growth and wool characteristics measured throughout the course of the study were BW, average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed efficiency (G : F), longissimus dorsi muscle depth (LMD), back fat (BF), wool staple length (SL) and average fibre diameter (AFD). Blood was collected from each ram at four time periods to quantify serum Zn and testosterone concentrations. Semen was collected 1 to 2 days after the trial was completed. There were no differences in BW (P = 0.45), DMI (P = 0.18), LMD (P = 0.48), BF (P = 0.47) and AFD (P = 0.9) among treatment groups. ZnSO4 had greater (P ≤ 0.03) serum Zn concentrations compared with ZnAA and CON treatments. Rams consuming ZnAA had greater (P ≤ 0.03) ADG than ZnSO4 and CON. There tended to be differences among groups for G : F (P = 0.06), with ZnAA being numerically greater than ZnSO4 and CON. Wool staple length regrowth was greater (P < 0.001) in ZnSO4 and tended to be longer (P = 0.06) in ZnAA treatment group compared with CON. No differences were observed among treatments in scrotal circumference, testosterone, spermatozoa concentration within ram semen, % motility, % live sperm and % sperm abnormalities (P ≥ 0.23). Results indicated beneficial effects of feeding increased Zn concentrations to developing Targhee rams, although Zn source elicited differential responses in performance characteristics measured.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been reported that impotence in the stallion has a physiological basis that involves decreased serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol-17beta, but not testosterone. We have found such a hormonal profile in two of nine stallions studied during an ongoing investigation of the endocrinology of the normal stallion. Nevertheless, both of these stallions possessed vigorous libido and normal seminal characteristics. We conclude that the hormonal profile of low LH, low estradiol and normal testosterone, although it may accompany impotence in the stallion, is not predictive of, or causally related to, abnormalities in sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The effect of melatonin implants on semen quality on semen samples at 43°S has been studied. Scrotal circumference and plasma testosterone levels have also been determined. Sixteen (experiment 1) and twelve rams (experiment 2) were used from September to December 2011 and 2012, respectively. Half of the rams were treated with melatonin (M groups), the remaining rams being the control group (C groups). M rams presented a higher scrotal circumference than C animals (p < 0.01) from 30 days after melatonin implantations up to the end of experiment 1 and from day 45 to day 75 in experiment 2. No differences between groups were detected for any of the seminal parameters under study and plasma testosterone levels. In conclusion, the use of melatonin implants during the seasonal anoestrus at 43°S produces a significant increment of the scrotal circumference of rams without changing seminal quality parameters of fresh and frozen/thawed semen.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of luteinizing hormone, testosterone and cortisol in sexually experienced Ile de France rams to the introduction of estrous females were studied during the nonbreeding season. Blood sampling were collected from males for 7 h at 20-min intervals, starting 3 h before stimulation by estrous females. The differences in hormonal secretions were tested by comparisons between pretreatment and treatment Periods in 45 stimulated rams. Comparisons were conducted between rams that had increased LH pulse frequency and those that did not, between rams that ejaculated and those that did not, and between rams that were in direct physical contact and those that were kept at a distance of 30 cm from estrous females. Twenty-five rams (55% of the total) showed significant increases in LH pulse frequency (range, 0.80 to 4.00 peaks/ram/6 h, P<0.05), in basal and mean LH levels (1.5- and 2.5-fold, respectively), and in mean testosterone levels (3.5-fold). More frequent LH pulses had been found during the pretreatment period in 20 rams without increased LH pulse frequency. Eight ejaculating rams showed higher cortisol and mean, basal, and peak LH amplitude levels. Deprivation of physical contact with estrous females was associated with an absence of endocrine response. These results suggest that olfactory and/or tactile cues may be involved in the female effect on hormone levels.  相似文献   

The use of progestins to suppress endogenous testosterone production to reduce agonistic behavior and prevent semen production was studied in gerenuk. Five male gerenuk (20 months to 3 years of age), housed as a bachelor group, were treated with 3 monthly injections of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA; 2.5–20 mg/kg), followed by a melengestrol acetate implant (MGA; 0.3 g/kg) for 2 months. Blood samples collected monthly were assayed for serum testosterone and cortisol using enzyme‐linked immunoassays. Quantitative behavioral data were collected for 30 min 3/week starting 1 month before treatment. Body weight, testes volume, and semen traits were measured before treatment, after MPA treatment, and after MGA treatment. Results showed lower (P<0.05) mean serum testosterone concentrations after MPA (4.34 pg/ml) and MGA (5.02 pg/ml) treatment compared to pre‐treatment values (65.9 pg/ml) in four of five gerenuk. The remaining sub‐adult gerenuk had low testosterone initially (4.9 pg/ml) that did not decrease further with treatment (1.4 and 7.8 pg/ml for MPA and MGA, respectively). Mean serum cortisol concentrations decreased markedly after treatment with MPA (6.0±3.7 ng/ml) and MGA (0.8±0.3 ng/ml). Cortisol concentrations were regained rapidly post‐treatment (42.8±4.8 ng/ml) and were not significantly different from the pre‐treatment value (60.6±12.6 ng/ml; P>0.05). The mean incidence of combined aggressive/dominant behaviors (horning, sparring, supplanting, threat) was not different before and after treatment. Body weight, total numbers of spermatozoa produced per ejaculate, percent motility, and percent normal spermatozoa declined maximally 8 months after treatment. Mean testes volume decreased (P<0.05) after MGA treatment (10.53 cm3vs. 11.96 cm3 pre‐treatment). Elevated hepatic enzymes and bile acids were seen in three of five animals after progestin treatment and anorexia was noted in two males after MGA implant removal, however two of three males had elevated liver enzymes before progestin treatment began. Results show that reducing serum testosterone concentration does not seem to modify agonistic behavior in bachelor gerenuk groups. Zoo Biol 26:245–257, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective was to characterize seasonal changes in serum testosterone concentration, testicular volume and sperm quantity and quality in captive coatis (Nasua nasua) from Pantanal, MT, Brazil. Sampling was done once monthly for 1 y. Mean (± SEM) serum testosterone concentrations (767.37 ± 216.2 ng/ml) and total and progressive sperm motility (79.6 ± 3.9%; 3.8 ± 0.3, on a scale of 0 to 5) peaked in July. The highest combined testis volume (10.3 ± 0.4 cm3) and sperm concentration (403 million ± 102 sperm/ml) occurred in August, at the peak of the winter breeding season. No seasonal effects on percentages of morphologically normal sperm, acrosome integrity, or live sperm were detected; however, the percentage of secondary sperm defects was higher in the winter. In conclusion, intricate relationships between testosterone concentration, testis volume, semen concentration and total and progressive sperm motility with high levels of breeding activity were observed during the dry season in the winter (June, July, August), followed by a subsequent decline in these activities during the wet season (i.e., summer: December, January, February). There was no seasonal pattern for production of functionally intact and morphologically normal sperm.  相似文献   

A regimented electroejaculation protocol (120 electrical stimulations; 10-30 V) was used to collect semen and characterize ejaculate quality from 9 adult, free-ranging African elephants under anaesthesia. Eight of the 9 ejaculates contained high concentrations of progressively motile spermatozoa. The overall mean ejaculate volume, sperm concentration/ml ejaculate, sperm motility, sperm status and ejaculate pH were 93.3 ml, 2408.6 X 10(6) spermatozoa/ml, 70%, 3.9 and 7.4, respectively. A high percentage (mean 77.5%) of spermatozoa within each ejaculate was morphologically normal. Of the aberrant spermatozoa, 72% had a cytoplasmic droplet defect. When sperm viability was tested in vitro at 37 degrees C, sperm motility rating declined by at least half of the initial assessment within 3.5 h of semen collection. Generally, spermatozoa maintained motility in vitro for less than 6 h. Serum testosterone ranged from 1.4 to 8.2 ng/ml in 4 males evaluated in the morning (07:30-08:00 h). In 4 of the 5 bulls assessed in the afternoon (15:00-18:00 h), testosterone levels were less than 0.9 ng/ml. The remaining bull, evaluated at 16:00 h, had exceptionally high testosterone concentrations (peak 25.6 ng/ml) and a preputial discharge potentially indicative of 'musth'. The present study demonstrates that high quality semen can be collected consistently from the African elephant and that striking differences exist in serum testosterone amongst free-ranging males which may be due, in part, to a diurnal rhythm.  相似文献   

The coyote is a seasonally breeding mammal, with most copulations occurring between December and April (depending on location). The objective of this study was to characterize seasonal changes in serum testosterone concentrations, testicular volume, and ejaculate quantity and quality in captive male coyotes. There were seasonal differences in testicular volume, with the greatest volume (20.2+/-5.4cm2), mean+/-S.E.M.) in February, corresponding with peak breeding season. Circulating serum testosterone concentrations peaked (3.31+/-0.9 ng/mL) during January and were positively correlated (P< or =0.001, r=0.413) with testicular volume. Ejaculate volume (1.67+/-0.4 mL) and sperm concentration (549.2 x 10(6)+/-297.7 spermatozoa/mL) both peaked during January and February, consistent with the height of the breeding season. Ejaculate volume and sperm concentrations were positively correlated with testicular size (r=0.679, P< or =0.001 and r=0.499, P< or =0.001, respectively) and with serum testosterone concentrations (r=0.368, P< or =0.01 and r=0.208, P< or =0.05). Progressively motile, viable, and morphologically normal spermatozoa fluctuated seasonally, peaked (90.4+/-4.5, 84.8+/-4.1, and 87.9+/-2.9%) during the breeding season, and then subsequently declined (period of aspermatogenesis). All three of these end points were positively correlated with testicular size (r=0.589, P< or =0.001; r=0.586, P< or =0.001; and r=0.469; P< or =0.001) and serum testosterone (r=0.167, P< or =0.05; r=0.190, P< or =0.05; and r=0.221, P< or =0.01). In conclusion, there were intricate relationships among testosterone concentrations, testicular volume, and the production of both functionally intact and morphologically normal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to build a character process model taking into account serial correlations for the analysis of repeated measurements of semen volume in AI rams. For each ram, measurements were repeated within and across years. Therefore, we considered a model including three environmental effects: the long-term environmental effect, which is a random year* subject effect, the short-term environmental effect, which is a random within year subject* collection effect, and the classical measurement error. We used a four-step approach to build the model. The first step explored graphically the serial correlations. The second step compared four models with different correlation structures for the short-term environmental effect. We selected fixed effects in the third step. In the fourth step, we compared four correlation structures for the long-term environmental effect. The model, which fitted best the data, used a spatial power correlation structure for the short-term environmental effect and a first order autoregressive process for the long-term environmental effect. The heritability estimate was 0.27 (0.04), the within year repeatability decreased from 0.56 to 0.44 and the repeatability across years decreased from 0.43 to 0.37.  相似文献   

The effect of immunization against gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) on sexual behavior, total scrotal size, semen characteristics and serum concentrations of testosterone, was evaluated for 24 wks in sexually mature camels (Camelus dromedarius). Eight bull camels were randomly divided into a treatment and control group. Four male camels were immunized using 2 mg GnRH - tandem-dimer conjugated to ovalbumin, (Pepscan Systems, the Netherlands) administered subcutaneously, 4 wks apart. Control male camels received the same amount of saline solution. Significant decline in serum testosterone level was observed in three immunized camels out of four, whereas one camel showed no effect. The testosterone levels reached to <1.0 ng/mL serum by week 4 after booster injection and remained suppressed through the course of the study. The total testicular volume was not affected until the end of the experiment. In treated animals, the sexual behavior negatively affected after the booster injection. Anti-GnRH vaccine had a seriously detrimental effect on the acrosin amidase activity and normal acrosome percentages in treated male camels. It is concluded that the vaccine was effective in reducing serum testosterone levels and libido, and it had a serious harmful effect on the acrosin amidase activity and percentages of spermatozoa with normal acrosome. The immunogen did not affect the total testicular volume.  相似文献   

The relationship between social dominance and serum testosterone concentration was evaluated in 24 male Macaca fascicularis in 14 dyads at 2-week intervals over an 8-month period. No associations between testosterone concentration and dominance ranks were found in dyads with "clear dominance" relationships. A significant positive association was found between testosterone concentration and dominance ranks in dyads that exhibited "contested dominance" or dominance reversals. Thus, higher testosterone concentration corresponded to social dominance in subjects dominant as the result of a contest, rather than a consequence of high relative rank.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to define the seasonality of reproduction in rams in the southern hemisphere by repeated measurement of semen characteristics and of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone and prolactin concentrations. These parameters were studied for 16 months in Romney rams on pasture, with Merino and Polled Dorset rams included for comparison.Semen from all three breeds showed regular seasonal changes in ejaculate volumes, with peak values being recorded during March. A similar autumnal peak of seminal fructose levels was noted for ejaculates from Romney and Merino rams, but not for those from Polled Dorsets. Most of the other semen parameters measured showed little tendency for seasonal variations. However, a change in semen collection technique, from predominantly artificial vagina to entirely electroejaculation, may have masked some seasonal changes.Plasma hormone levels also varied in a regular manner, with peak levels occurring in summer and autumn: highest levels for prolactin were recorded in November–March, for LH in December–February and for testosterone in January–March. An exception to this pattern was recorded from the Merino rams, for which there was no definite peak of LH secretion.It is suggested that these seasonal changes resulted primarily from changes in daily photoperiod.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to modulate seminal plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) by dietary energy and assess the relationship among testosterone and IGF-I levels, semen quality and fertility in adult rams. Twenty-four 1-yr old adult Nellore rams were equally divided into three groups (n = 8) and fed with three different concentrate mixtures formulated using conventional ingredients and finger millet (Eleucine corocana) straw to ensure rams received with similar amount of crude protein with three levels of energy. Rams in low-energy group were offered diets with 20% less energy than the control energy group (optimum energy, 100%, recommended energy level), whereas rams in high energy group were offered diets with 20% more energy than the optimum energy group. Semen was collected from rams 60 days after start of the experimental feeding. The percentages of progressive forward motility, functional membrane integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential of the spermatozoa were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in control and high energy groups as compared to low-energy group. Feeding of low-energy diet significantly (P < 0.05) decreased spermatozoa VSL, VCL and VAP when compared to control and high energy fed groups. The number of spermatozoa binding/oocyte was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in control (11.23 ± 0.20) and high energy (10.57 ± 0.19) groups as compared to the low energy (6.14 ± 0.01) group. The serum and seminal plasma IGF-I levels were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in control and high energy fed groups as compared to the low-energy group. The serum testosterone and cholesterol levels were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the control group as compared to the low-energy group. The seminal plasma fructose levels in optimum energy fed animals were significantly (P < 0.05) higher as compared to other two groups. The seminal plasma IGF-I level had positive correlation with progressive forward motility (r = 0.7) and other velocity (linearity, r = 0.7; straightness, r = 0.7) parameters. The study suggested that the modulation of seminal plasma IGF-I levels by dietary energy is possible and the optimum level of seminal plasma IGF-I is necessary and sufficient to influence semen quality.  相似文献   

Melopsittacus undulatus is a companion parrot worldwide diffused. Many parrots are considered endangered or vulnerable. The preservation of semen is crucial in endangered species, thus, M. undulatus could be a good model to study sperm characteristics and semen cryopreservation in these other endangered parrots. In this study the effect of the breeding management (males bred in promiscuous aviary or in couple) on sperm characteristics (motility, membrane integrity and morphometry) of fresh and cryopreserved semen was evaluated. The computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) revealed a significant effect of the husbandry method on semen characteristics in budgerigars: male housed in couple with the female in individual cages allowed the higher results in term of both semen quantity and sperm quality. Total and progressive motility were significantly higher in males bred in couple (68.7 ± 8.9% and 54 ± 15.9%, respectively) than in promiscuous aviary (48.3 ± 15.1% and 24.4 ± 12.4%, respectively), such as sperm velocity (average path velocity, straight line velocity, and curvilinear velocity). The type of sperm movement (amplitude of lateral head displacement, beat cross frequency, straightness, and linearity), sperm membrane integrity and morphometry parameters seemed not affected by the husbandry method. The standardization of a CASA procedure for the semen analysis in M. undulatus allow further studies on parrot semen manipulation and cryopreservation, but the method used for the breeding of the male could have a significant effect on the semen quality.  相似文献   

Adult rams were exposed to photoperiod treatments over 2 years to study the influence of light regimes on pituitary-testicular activity and semen quality. Initially, all rams (12 per group) were exposed to 3 months of long days (16L:8D). Group 1 was then exposed to a regime of continuous short days (8L:16D) and Groups 2, 3, and 4 were exposed to 4 months of short days alternated with 1, 2, or 4 months, respectively, of long days. Every 2 weeks, serum hormone levels and scrotal circumference were determined and semen quality was evaluated. Regular cycles in pituitary and testicular activities corresponding to the period of the lighting regime resulted in Groups 2, 3, and 4, but not in Group 1. In general, the change from long days to short days induced increases in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels, scrotal size and sperm numbers and a decrease in prolactin. The reverse occurred after subsequent exposure to long days. After 4 months of long days, testicular regression was complete, but when long-day exposure was reduced, less regression occurred. With continuous exposure to short days, FSH and testosterone remained above basal levels, prolactin levels were depressed, scrotal size remained near the maximum, and elevated numbers of motile sperm were sustained.  相似文献   

The squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis) has a well-defined breeding season during which adult males undergo androgen-dependent morphological changes, with acquisition of active spermatogenesis. To assess the hormonal events of this annual cycle, blood samples were obtained weekly from ten adult males, and serum was assayed for testosterone (T), androstenedione (ΔA), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). A significant seasonal variation was noted in mean serum T (P < 0.02), ΔA (P < 0.02), and DHEA (P < 0.001) concentrations. Mean ΔA concentrations increased from a nonbreeding season nadir of 91.4 ± 12.9 ng/ml (mean ± standard error) to a prebreeding concentration of 139 ± 10.5 ng/ml and breeding season peak of 167.5 ± 15.4 ng/ml (P < 0.05). Mean DHEA concentrations increased from a nonbreeding season nadir of 8.3 ± 0.8 to a breeding season peak of 14.3 ± 1.2 (P < 0.001). Mean T levels in the nonbreeding (52.2 ± 11.6 ng/ ml) and prebreeding season (48.6 ± 7.4) were similar. However, T significantly increased during the breeding season to 103.5 ± 12.8 ng/ml (P < 0.05). Progressive changes in body weight and morphology paralleled the rise in serum ΔA levels. The pattern of peripheral serum androgen concentrations throughout the year would suggest annual activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and/or hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axes.  相似文献   

The effect of immunoneutralization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on serum concentrations of testosterone and sexual behavior was evaluated in sexually mature male sheep. In Experiment 1, GnRH1 rams (n=16) were passively immunized against GnRH (300 ml antiserum), control rams were either passively immunized against keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH, n=15) or surgically castrated (Wethers1, n=4). Sexual performance of the rams was assessed weekly for 3 weeks before and 6 weeks after immunization, using ovarihystertomized ewes actively immunized against GnRH. Experiment 2 evaluated the effects of repeated immunization. Rams were immunized with two aliquots (400 and 300 ml, respectively) of anti-GnRH sera (GnRH, n=5) or normal sheep serum (NSS, n=4), 2 weeks apart. Surgically castrated animals were used as a second control group (Wethers2). Administration of anti-GnRH sera, but neither anti-KLH nor NSS sera, resulted in marked reduction (P<0.05) in serum concentrations of testosterone. Sexual behavior was not consistently affected by administration of one aliquot of anti-GnRH sera, however repeated immunizations resulted in more persistent reduction in serum concentrations of testosterone and more consistent suppression of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Reproductive development was monitored in 13 1 2 Brahman (BX), 20 3 4 BX, 8 1 2 Sahiwal (SX) and 11 3 4 SX crossbred bulls between one and two years of age. Liveweight increased during wet season (0.7 kg/day) and decreased during dry season conditions (-0.25 kg/day). Scrotal circumference (SC) increased from 18.6 to 25.0 cm, but decreased slightly during the later stages of the dry season. First ejaculates containing 50 x 10(6) spermatozoa were obtained from 25% of the bulls at 15.3 months of age and from 84% by two years of age. Sperm motility and morphology showed no consistent pattern, but number of sperm per ejaculate increased and seminal fructose concentrations decreased with advancing age. Significant genotype differences were noted for SC and seminal characteristics. Estimated age and liveweight at puberty were 570, 563, 578 and 542 days, and 251, 265, 247 and 256 kg for 1 2 BX, 3 4 BX, 1 2 SX and 3 4 SX bulls, respectively.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨不同剂量的外源性睾酮对去势 (双侧睾丸切除 )雄性家兔性激素以及血脂和载脂蛋白水平的影响。方法 :成熟雄性新西兰白兔 40只 ,随机分成 5组 (n =8) :对照组、单纯去势组、低睾酮血症组 [去势后肌注十一酸睾酮 (TU) ,3mg/kg ,每 2周一次 ]、生理水平组 (去势后肌注TU ,6mg/kg ,每 2周一次 )及高睾酮血症组 (去势后肌注TU ,1 2mg/kg ,每 2周一次 )。 8周后测量血清总睾酮 (TT)、雌二醇 (E2 )、脱氢表雄酮 (DHEA)及总胆固醇 (TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDL C) ,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (LDL C) ,甘油三酯 (TG) ,载脂蛋白A1 (ApoA1 ) ,载脂蛋白B(ApoB)。结果 :雄兔血清TT水平在去势后明显下降至极低水平 ,明显低于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,3mg/kgTU补充后轻度升高 ,仍明显低于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,形成低睾酮血症 ,6mg/kgTU补充后与对照组相比无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5) ,接近生理水平 ,1 2mg/kgTU补充后明显高于对照组和低睾酮血症组 (P均 <0 .0 1 ) ,形成高睾酮血症。血清E2 水平在对照组和生理水平组相近并且最低 ,单纯去势组和低睾血症组相近 ,高睾酮血症组最高。E2 /TT比值在对照组和生理水平组相近并且最小 ,在单纯去势组最大 ,低睾酮血症组大于高睾酮血症组。单纯去势组、低睾酮血症组和高睾酮血症  相似文献   

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