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Calcium- and other divalent cation-binding properties of the vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein isolated from the duodenal mucosa of chicks were studied using the flow dialysis technique and 45Ca. It was found that the calcium-binding protein along with the high affinity binding sites has approximately 40 low affinity binding sites with Ka of about 1000 M?1. The low affinity sites possess of certain specificity towards binding of Ca. The affinity of the calcium-bindin protein for other divalent cations depends on the ionic radius. It is suggested that the low affinity binding sites of the calcium-binding protein take part in calcium transport organization across the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

The hormonally active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3, is known to induce in the intestine and kidney of chicks the synthesis of a calcium-binding protein (CaBP). Here we report a correlation between the tissue levels of CaBP and the levels of apparent messenger RNA in total polysomes as determined by the vitamin D and dietary calcium status. Polysomes from pooled duodenal mucosa and kidney were prepared by the Mg2+ precipitation method. After translation in a heterologous, rabbit nuclease-treated reticulocyte system, the immunoprecipitated pellet of CaBP was dissolved and the proteins were separated on 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. When 13 nmol of D3 was given to 4-week-old rachitic chicks which were sacrificed 48 h later, it was found that the duodenum had eightfold more apparent mRNA for CaBP in the polysomes than the kidney. This was also reflected in the values of CaBP/mg protein in these tissues (duodenum, 7 μg/mg vs kidney, 0.9 μ/mg). Also, after giving D3, there was a twofold increase in both apparent mRNA levels in the polysomes and in CaBP levels in the duodena of chicks which were raised on low-calcium diets versus chicks raised on high-calcium diets. While apparent mRNA for CaBP was present in polysomes from rachitic chick kidney, it was not detectable in the duodenum. From these studies it appears that the induction of CaBP by 1,25(OH)2D3 in both the intestine and kidney is determined by similar control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Total and ionic calcium content, calcium binding capacity of sarcoplasmic proteins and calcium insensitive proteins were examined in atrophying leg muscles of frog after 1-5 months period of denervation. Different muscles showed different levels of atrophy and the total calcium content varied with reference to the type of muscle. Ionic calcium levels doubled in the gastrocnemius muscle after three months denervation. Calcium binding capacity of proteins and calcium insensitive proteins decreased rapidly up to four months after denervation in the gastrocnemius muscle. However no significant changes in the levels of calcium binding capacity and calcium insensitive proteins were found with reference to the type of muscle. Since total calcium content remains constant and wet muscle mass (expressed as atrophy) decreased markedly, an apparent increase in calcium concentration occurs in each muscle on denervation.  相似文献   

The vitamin D-dependent calcium binding protein (CaBP) of chick duodenum has been localized by immunocytochemistry and by radioimmunoassay. Light microscopically, CaBP was seen to be present in the absorptive cells of the villi while in other cell types of the villi and the crypts, including goblet cells and endocrine cells, no CaBP was seen. At the electron microscopic level, CaBP was shown to be localized in the cytosol and the euchromatin of the nucleus but not in membrane-bounded cytoplasmic compartments. Quantitative evaluation of the immunocytochemical protein A-gold label showed that the terminal web and the cytosol of basal cellular regions were most highly labeled while the brush border was weakly labeled. The radioimmunoassay evaluation of intestinal subcellular fractions indicated that 96% of the homogenate CaBP is in the cytosol high-speed supernatant fraction. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that the vitamin D- dependent intestinal CaBP may play a role in either regulation of intracellular calcium concentration or movement of calcium across the brush border membrane from the gut lumen.  相似文献   

Stimulus-dependent changes in calcium metabolism in rabbit neutrophils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have found that the changes in calcium metabolism in rabbit neutrophils produced by the chemotactic synthetic peptide f-Met-Leu-Phe are not sensitive to the calcium chelator EGTA. The present results demonstrate unambiguously that the previously described chemotactic factor induced changes in 45Ca fluxes in rabbit neutrophils do indeed reflect intracellular events. The pool of calcium mobilized by f-Met-Leu-Phe and increase in cell associated 45Ca upon stimulation are both insensitive to the presence of EGTA.  相似文献   

Despite the relatively long time since the isolation, characterization, and complete chemical synthesis of the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), very little information has become available which has elucidated the manner by which this hormone evokes gonadotropin release from the pituitary. Recently, a line of evidence has developed which suggests that calcium (Ca2+) may play a central role in GnRH stimulation of gonadotropin release from cultured rat pituitary cells.  相似文献   

Vitamin D3 and its biologically active metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] are shown to induce in the chick intestine and kidney the biosynthesis of a calcium binding protein (CaBP). In vitamin D3-replete chickens raised under adequate dietary calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) conditions, the steady-state level of intestinal CaBP (30–50 g/mg protein) is 5- to 20-fold greater than that of renal CaBP. Whereas dietary phosphorus restriction is known to elevate both intestinal and renal CaBP levels, dietary calcium restriction elevates only intestinal CaBP. The present study reports the rates of biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro, and of biodegradation in vivo, of both intestinal and renal CaBP after administration of vitamin D3 or 1,25(OH)2D3 to rachitic chicks. The apparent rate constant of degradation for intestinal CaBP was 0.024 h?1 (t12 = 29 h) and that for renal CaBP was 0.019 h?1 (t12 = 36 h) while total cellular soluble protein in the intestine and kidney had half-lives of 43 and 70 h, respectively. The time course of induction of the synthesis of CaBP was determined in intestine and kidney after administration of a physiological dose of 1,25(OH)2D3 to rachitic chicks. Intestinal CaBP synthesis was detectable by 3 hours, reached a maximal rate by 10 hours, and sharply decayed by 16–20 hours. The time course of induction of renal CaBP synthesis was very similar, although the rate of renal CaBP synthesis was readily detectable at the initial time of administration of 1,25(OH)2D3. The relative rates of synthesis of CaBP in the intestine and kidney under a variety of dietary Ca and P conditions in the vitamin D3-replete chick exactly paralleled the steady-state level of CaBP in these two tissues. These results are consistent with a model in which the steady-state levels of intestinal and renal CaBP are solely determined by their respective rates of biosynthesis; the CaBP biosynthetic capability, in turn, is regulated by the availability of 1,25(OH)2D3 to each target organ.  相似文献   

Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-treated macrophages exhibited a two-fold increase in the rate of 45Ca++ efflux and over a three-fold increase in the size of the exchangeable calcium pool, resulting in almost a seven-fold increase in the slow phase of calcium efflux. The calcium antagonist 8-(N,N-diethylamino) octyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate hydrochloride (TMB-8) by itself did not affect calcium efflux in macrophages; but abolished the PMA-induced increase in the rate of calcium efflux. The divalent cationphore A23187 increased the rate constant of the fast phase of calcium efflux two-fold when applied alone or when applied with PMA. These effects might be linked to ionophore enhancement and TMB-8 inhibition of PMA-induced macrophage chemotaxis and spreading (previously reported in Cell Calcium 3:503-514 and Cancer Research 43:3385-3391). No change in calcium efflux was observed if cells were exposed to PMA only during the efflux experiment suggesting that a prolonged exposure to PMA is required to elicit changes in calcium flux. Increased 45Ca++ remained in treated cells at each time point perhaps reflecting the PMA-induced increase in exchangeable calcium.  相似文献   

The calcium hypothesis of cystic fibrosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data have been presented which suggests that various CF cell types show evidence of alterations in calcium homeostasis. The significance of these observations and the exact nature of the putative calcium defect in CF remains to be elucidated. It must also be determined whether this possible defect is primary, or is secondary or tertiary to some more basic lesion. The data reviewed suggests that altered calcium homeostasis may play some focal role in the aetiology or the pathogenesis of CF.  相似文献   

Illumination of isolated type A spinach chloroplasts causes a rapid increase in their activity of fructosebisphosphatase, as assayed at physiological substrate and Mg2+ concentrations. Activation is accelerated by addition of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to the chloroplasts and decreased by inorganic phosphate concentrations greater than those optimal for CO2 fixation. At all times, measured fructosebisphosphatase activity was greater than was necessary to account for the observed rates of CO2 fixation. Activation of purified fructosebisphosphatase in vitro by dithiothreitol or reduced thioredoxin is extremely slow, but is greatly accelerated in the presence of physiological concentrations of Mg2+ and fructosebisphosphate if Ca2+ ions are present. Increased concentrations of fructosebisphosphate greatly increase the rate and extent of activation whereas in the absence of fructosebisphosphate Ca2+ ions have no effect. Neither inorganic phosphate nor dihydroxyacetone phosphate significantly affect the rate of activation. Ca2+ ions strongly inhibit the activity of the activated form of fructosebisphosphatase. It is proposed that free Ca2+ ions within chloroplasts are involved in preventing fructosebisphosphatase from functioning in the dark, and that free and/or bound Ca2+ facilitates the rapid reductive activation of this enzyme when the light is turned on again.  相似文献   

In calmodulin-stripped inside-out human red cell membrane vesicles /IOV/ ATP + Mg2+-dependent active calcium uptake is stimulated by the addition of calmodulin. Calmodulin increases the maximum calcium transport rate /Vmax/, decreases KCa, and does not affect KATP of calcium uptake. The action of both membrane bound and external calmodulin is competitively inhibited by phenothiazines. Drugs reacting with SH groups of proteins reversibly inhibit calcium pumping by decreasing Vmax and not affecting KCa and KATP. The relative magnitude of calmodulin stimulation of calcium transport is unaltered by SH reagents.Mild proteolytic digestion of IOVs stimulates active calcium uptake and mimics the effects of calmodulin on the kinetic parameters — that is converts the system to a “high calcium-affinity” state. Proteolysis eliminates calcium-dependent calmodulin binding to IOV membranes and any further stimulation of calcium uptake by calmodulin. Based on these results the presence of a calmodulin-binding regulatory subunit of the red cell calcium pump at the internal membrane surface is postulated.  相似文献   

The significance of the macrophage in the inflammatory response that occurs concurrently with phorbol ester induced tumor promotion has not yet been determined. Biologically active phorbol ester tumor promoters modify several functional responses of macrophages including chemotaxis, cytotoxicity, secretion and prostaglandin synthesis and release. The present study examines calcium metabolism as a possible underlying biochemical mechanism through which 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) exerts its effects on macrophage chemotaxis. The chemotaxis of mouse resident peritoneal macrophages was evaluated in the presence of pharmacological agents known to alter cellular calcium metabolism. The calcium ionophore A23187 in microM concentrations enhanced macrophage chemotaxis to TPA by approximately 41%. This enhancement was dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium. TPA-induced chemotaxis was also enhanced by the histological dye ruthenium red (RR), an agent known to modify mitochondrial calcium fluxes and calcium-dependent neuronal transmission. Ruthenium red (0.1 and 1.0 microM) produced a maximal stimulation of macrophage chemotaxis to TPA of approximately 62%. An intracellular calcium antagonist, 8-(N,N-diethylamino) octyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate hydrochloride (TMB-8) inhibited macrophage chemotaxis to TPA in a dose related fashion (1.0 to 100 microM). Varying extracellular calcium concentrations (0-3.6 mM) had no effect on macrophage chemotaxis in response to TPA. In drug combination studies neither A23187 nor RR was able to overcome the inhibitory effects of TMB-8 on macrophage chemotaxis to TPA. These results indicate that intracellular calcium metabolism may be playing a significant role in modulating TPA's effect on macrophage chemotaxis, while extracellular calcium may be of little import. A possible mode of TPA's effect on the macrophage via mobilization of calcium from cellular storage sites is discussed.  相似文献   

Stimulation of steroid production by isolated cat adrenocortical cells is partially dependent upon the presence of extracellular Ca2+ when elicited by prostacyclin (PGI2) and completely dependent upon extracellular Ca2+ when elicited by corticotropin. TMB-8, an intracellular Ca2+ antagonist, completely blocked PGI2-evoked steroid output in the absence of external Ca2+; this inhibition was partially reversed by the addition of Ca2+. The increase in secretion caused by corticotropin or PGI2 in the presence of Ca2+ was also reduced in a dose-dependent manner by TMB-8. The steroidogenic action of pregnenolone, which is induced by a Ca2+ independent mechanism, was not blocked by TMB-8, either in the presence or absence of Ca2+. Corticotropin significantly potentiated the Ca2+-independent aspect of PGI2 action. These studies provide evidence for an internal, PGI2-sensitive Ca2+ store in cat adrenocortical cells.  相似文献   

Sodium inhibits in a dose-related fashion the translocation of calcium from an aqueous milieu into an organic phase containing the divalent-cation ionophore A23187. This inhibitory effect is reproduced by other monovalent cations, modulated by the nature of the anion in the sodium halide, and inversely related to the absolute amount of calcium translocated. The inhibitory effect cannot be attributed to a change in osmolarity or ionic strength, to sequestration of the ionophoretic molecule at the interface between the aqueous and organic phases, or to translocation of sodium or chloride. These findings indicate that sodium may directly affect the handling of calcium by ionophoretic systems specifically mediating the transport of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis in adherent P388D1 (D1) cells was monitored utilizing formalin treated Listeriamonocytogenes (Lm) previously labeled with 125iododeoxyuridine. The dependence of this phagocytic process on calcium was studied by using several agents which alter calcium metabolism. The calcium antagonist ruthenium red (RR) produced a dose and time dependent stimulation (60–70%) of Lm phagocytosis by D1 cells. Utilizing another calcium antagonist, D-600, a prolonged inhibition (4 hours) of phagocytosis (40%) was observed. The addition of the cation ionophore A23187 produced a transient stimulatory increase (38% at 2 hours) in the phagocytic response. The concomitant addition of RR and D-600 did not alter the phagocytosis of Lm by D1 cells as compared to control cells. However, this complete drug/drug antagonism was not seen with the combinations of A23187 and D-600 or RR and A23187. The addition of A23187 and D-600 resulted in a time dependent inhibition of phagocytosis which did not become maximal until 3 to 4 hours. A23187 and RR produced a time independent stimulation of phagocytosis which was significantly less than that which was observed for RR alone, but was of longer duration than the response produced by A23187 alone. The use of these calcium probes in the P388D1 macrophage model suggests a role for calcium in the phagocytic process.  相似文献   

Isolated mussel mitochondria produced a less pronounced transient stimulation of respiration upon the addition of Ca2+ in a reaction medium containing Pi and a slower rate of Ca2+ transport compared to rat liver mitochondria. The initial rates of Ca2+ transport in the absence of Pi were more similar and both types of mitochondria possessed a sigmoidal relationship between the initial rate of Ca2+ transport and the free Ca2+ concentration (‘Km’ ? 5μM). Ruthenium red produced an equal maximal inhibition of the initial rate of Ca2+ transport in both types of mitochondria but mussel mitochondria were rather more resistant to the inhibitor. The major difference found was that approximately 15 nmoles La3+ mg protein?1 was required to produce maximal inhibition of the initial rate of Ca2+ transport in mussel mitochondria compared to approximately 1.0 nmole La3+ mg protein?1 in rat liver mitochondria. It is concluded that mussel mitochondria possess a comparable Ca2+ transporter to vertebrate mitochondria and possible reasons for resistance to La3+ are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing morphological and physiological evidence indicates that axoplasm of squid axons sequesters calcium by both mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial buffers. The present work demonstrates that essentially all of the non-mitochondrial component is located in organelles. Extruded axoplasm was loaded with varying amounts of calcium by mixing with small volumes of solutions containing pH buffered 45Ca. Ethyleneglycol-bis(β-amino-ethyl ether)N,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) was used to stabilize the free calcium. The axoplasm was then sucked up in a polyethylene tube and centrifuged at 100,000 g for 2–3 hours to produce a loose pellet comprising 10–20% of the axoplasm volume. After centrifugation, the tube was frozen, sliced into segments, and counted by liquid scintillation. No significant pellet accumulation of exogenous calcium occurred at physiological concentrations of free calcium (ca. 50 nM); however, a threshold for accumulation existed at 150–200 nM. Essentially complete pellet sequestration of the exogenous load occurred at a free calcium concentration above 1 μM. About half of the pellet buffering capacity was sensitive to carbonyl cyanide, p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone (FCCP). Variation of exogenous load between 0.1 – 3 mmole/kg axoplasm did not affect the buffering capacity of either the FCCP sensitive or insensitive components when the free calcium concentration was above threshold.  相似文献   

High affinity binding sites (Kd = 1.7 nM) for [3H] imipramine have been characterized in membranes prepared from human brain. The binding of [3H] imipramine was found to be saturable, reversible, and inhibited by pharmacologically active tricyclic antidepressants. Other psychoactive compounds as well as most neurotransmitter substances were ineffective in inhibiting [3H] imipramine binding at concentrations up to 10 μM. The hypothalamus was found to contain a relatively high density of these binding sites and is enriched approximately 4-fold when compared to cerebral and cerebellar cortex. A very good correlation (r = 0.97) p < 0.001 was found between the abilities of a series of clinically active tricyclic antidepressants in displacing specifically bound [3H] imipramine from human brain and platelet membranes, suggesting that the binding sites from these two tissues are very similar.  相似文献   

The divalent cation ionophore A23187 has been used extensively to demonstrate the importance of Ca2+ in the control of pancreatic enzyme secretion. The relative importance, however, of the ability of the ionophore to facilitate Ca2+ movement across plasma and intracellular membranes in the stimulation of amylase release is not clear. We therefore studied these relationships in isolated pancreatic acini, a preparation in which it is possible to precisely measure both 45Ca2+ fluxes, Ca2+ content and amylase release. A23187 increased the initial rates of both 45Ca2+ uptake and washout. In addition, the content of both exchangeable 45Ca2+ and total Ca2+ were reduced. These results indicated, therefore, that A23187 increases Ca2+ fluxes across both plasma and intracellular membranes. Consistent with this observation, the initial stimulation of amylase release by A23187 was independent of extracellular Ca2+. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, however, A23187 caused a rapid fall in acinar Ca2+ and subsequent amylase release was abolished. Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ by the ionophore also blocked the subsequent stimulation by cholecystokinin (CCK). The results indicate certain similarities in the actions of A23187 and CCK on pancreatic acini; both the agonists have striking effects on intracellular Ca2+ which in turn mediates their actions.  相似文献   

A membrane fraction was isolated from the smooth muscle of the pig stomach by density gradient centrifugation. It was observed that the ATP-dependent Ca uptake in this fraction was diminished if the microsomes were pelleted by differential centrifugation. The decrease of the oxalate-independent Ca uptake was relatively small, but the oxalate-stimulated Ca uptake was reduced dramatically. Evidence is presented which indicates that the selective decrease of the oxalate-stimulated Ca uptake is mainly caused by mechanical damage of the vesicles. Since the oxalate-stimulated Ca uptake can be largely preserved by avoiding pelleting during the membrane fractionation, this observation may be very useful for the further study of Ca transport in subcellular fractions of smooth muscle.  相似文献   

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