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The Rostock research in animal nutrition has underlain in continuation and progressive development of Kellner's starch value system, net energy fat as measuring unit for energetic feed evaluation. Net energy‐fat was used as an uniform unit of measure for all farm animals with different performances. The scientific basis for the net energy‐fat system was created by numerous studies on energy retention and utilisation efficiency of pure nutrients and nutrients of feedstuffs and rations. For the estimation the energy content of feedstuffs and rations, multiple regression equations were derived on the basis of experimental results of the energy research group. The regressions for the estimation of energy values are used directly and modified in feed evaluation systems for practical use. The Rostock research group in energy metabolism created also essential contributions to factorial derivations of energy requirement of farm animals. In the presented paper selected results on maintenance energy requirement in relation to partial energy requirement values and utilisation efficiencies in growing, pregnant and lactating animals, especially cattle and pigs, are comprised. The Rostock results are compared to those from literature.  相似文献   

The energy availability from the feedstuffs and the energy requirement of animals are characterized by the metabolizable energy. The metabolizable energy of the feed (feedstuff, ration) is interpreted as potential energy.

For comparative analyses within and between animal species with regard to the energetic feed value of single feedstuffs the parameter “relative fat retention effect” is introduced.

The metabolizable energy of a ration is estimated in consideration of live weight and protein production (protein in body gain and egg). The energy requirement is calculated factorial ‐ as a rule by the partial utilization of metabolizable energy for partial performances (kf, k p, k o) in connection with the level and kind of partial performance; k m is not used in the system.

The proposed system of energetic feed evaluation is available as “computer variant” as well as “manual variant”. The computer programme is fitted first of all to application in research and teaching. (The complete documentation of the proposal for energetic feed evaluation for fowls including a diskette for using of the computer programme for scientific application can be claimed in limited extend from the author.)  相似文献   

The paper describes the energetic feed evaluation systems for ruminants, pigs, poultry and horses presently used in Germany. During the last ten years the “Ausschuß für Bedarfsnormen”; (AfB; Committee of Nutrient Requirements) of the “Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie”; (GfE, Society of Nutritional Physiology) introduced new recommendations for energy requirements of domestic animals including national and international references.

The energetic requirements were factorially deduced (demand for maintenance and various performances) under consideration of partial efficiency of utilized metabolizable energy (ME) for various performances (k‐values). Except for lactating cows (Net Energy Lactation; NEL) the energy requirements of other ruminants as well as of pigs and poultry are given in ME. At present, the energy requirement of horses is still expressed as digestible energy (DE).

Besides several energy requirements reported there are equations to determine and to calculate the energy content of feeds (GfE, 1986–1998) and corresponding tables which include the nutritive values of feedstuffs for various species. The energy content of mixed feeds may be estimated by specific equations.  相似文献   

The accuracy and precision of the National Research Council (NRC), Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie (GfE) and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) systems for predicting the digestible energy (DE) value of hays were determined from the results of 15 digestibility trials with natural grassland hays and 9 digestibility trials with lucerne hays that all met strict experimental and a tight corpus of methods. The hays were harvested in the temperate zone. They covered broad ranges of chemical composition and DE value. The INRA system was more accurate than the other two systems, with the bias between the predicted and measured DE values of natural grassland and lucerne hays averaging −0.11 and −0.04 MJ/kg DM with the INRA system, 0.34 and −0.70 MJ/kg DM with the NRC system and −0.50 and −1.69 MJ/kg DM with the GfE system (P < 0.05). However, the precision of the three systems was similar; the standard error of prediction corrected by bias was not significantly different (P > 0.05). The GfE system underestimated the DE value of hays, especially of lucerne hays. The differences between the predicted and measured DE values resulted mainly from the errors in the prediction of organic matter digestibility and energy digestibility for both natural grassland and lucerne hays. Discrimination according to botanical family (grassland v. lucerne) can help improve the prediction of the DE value of hays. The choice of appropriate predictive variables is discussed in the light of differences in chemical composition and digestibility of the various cell wall components of grassland and lucerne hays. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) may thus be preferable to ADF in the prediction equation of the DE value of lucerne hays, whereas ADF and NDF may both be relevant for natural grassland hays.  相似文献   

In vivo and in situ digestive characteristics of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia L., a tannin-rich forage) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L., a tannin-free forage) were compared to evaluate the effects of condensed tannins (CT) and growth stage (vegetative v. early flowering) in experiment 1. In experiment 2, the hays of the two forages, harvested at early flowering, were compared. Ingestibility, organic matter digestibility (OMD) and nitrogen (N) retention were measured in sheep fed sainfoin and lucerne fresh forages and hays. The loss of dry matter (DM) and N from polyester bags suspended in the rumen, abomasum and small intestine was also measured using rumen fistulated sheep and other intestine fistulated sheep. Nitrogen content was lower in sainfoin than in lucerne. Content of CT in sainfoin decreased with growth stage (3.5 to 2.5 g CT/kg DM) and was lower for sainfoin hay (0.6 g CT/kg DM). Ingestibility and OMD did not differ between fresh-fed forage species. Total N tract digestibility in vivo was much lower for sainfoin than for lucerne fresh forages (mean value 0.540 v. 0.721, P < 0.001) and for sainfoin hay than lucerne hay (0.464 v. 0.683, P < 0.001). In both species, N digestibility was not altered by growth stage. The rumen degradation of N was lower in sainfoin than in lucerne, resulting in a lower proportion of N intake excreted in urine. The intestinal digestibility of sainfoin was also lower than that of lucerne, resulting in a higher N excretion in faeces. Hence the efficiency of N utilisation by sheep (ENr) was similar (mean value 0.205 and 0.199 g N retained/g N intake for fresh sainfoin and lucerne, respectively). The coefficient of N retention by the animal was higher for sainfoin at the vegetative stage than for all the other forages. Nitrogen degradability in the rumen determined by the nylon bag technique (DegN) was lower for sainfoin than for lucerne when forages were studied both fresh (mean value 0.608 and 0.818, respectively) and as hays (0.631 and 0.767). The efficiency of forage N digestion (ENd) was higher for sainfoin at the vegetative stage. Compared with lucerne, sainfoin greatly increased the in situ estimate of forage N escaping the rumen but decreased its intestinal digestibility.  相似文献   

香港山坡地草本、灌木群落的植物能量生产   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用收获法和植物热值分析,在研究香港桃金娘灌木群落、芒萁群落和鸭嘴草+野古草+金茅草地植物的生物量和净生产量的基础上,探讨群落各组分的干重热值以及植物能量现存量、净固定量和现存净增量.结果表明,芒萁具有较高的热值,而禾草植物的干重热值较低.草地、芒萁、灌木群落植物的能量现存量分别为18683、38436和65632kJ·m-2;能量净固定量为13286、20354和18784kJ·m-2·a-1;能量现存净增量为3437、9626和6695kJ·m-2·a-1.与地带性植被南亚热带常绿阔叶林相比,草地、芒萁、灌木群落的能量现存量、能量净固定量和能量现存净增量都较低.刈割实验也表明,随着人类干扰活动强度加大,植物能量净固定量明显下降.  相似文献   

森林具有生态、经济、社会和文化等多种功能和多重价值。森林文化价值是人类与森林生态系统长期交往互动、和谐共生中所发育形成并提供人们的精神服务和文化产品的总和,作为森林资源价值构成的重要组成部分,其价值评估理论和方法尚在探索完善中。通过理论分析和案例验证结合的方法,提出了"人与森林共生时间"的核心理论和森林文化价值评估方法,构建了包括8项一级指标、22项二级指标、53项指标因子的森林文化价值评估指标体系,核定了指标权重和综合指标系数,并对森林文化价值物理量和价值量开展评估。研究发现,森林文化价值与人在森林中停留、互动共生的时间成正比,人与森林的共生时间是相对的和动态变化的;其价值高低,与自然力的作用、森林资源要素和环境结构密切相关;不同区域森林文化价值存在梯度差异。通过我国各省区市案例结果表明,森林文化价值量与森林覆盖率、森林常驻人口、森林质量、森林的文化和自然遗产、森林游憩和森林的文化产业、区域居民收入呈现正相关关系。  相似文献   

The economic and environmental sustainability of beef cattle from pasture use and preservation in specific biomes is still not well evaluated. In this context, the study of the feasibility of beef production in the Pampa biome stands out because of its relevance in southern Brazil. Thus, this paper aims not only to know the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in different feeding management systems of beef cattle, but also to evaluate the economic and environmental feasibility of that production. Seven typical production systems in the region were considered, and it was aimed to determine which one would be the most viable in the environmental and economic perspective. To achieve this aim, the paper was developed in two stages: the first considers greenhouse gases emissions calculation in all systems and; the second uses some investment analysis tools, such as the net present value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR) and the annualized profitability index (API). According to the results obtained from system production VII it is possible to optimize low greenhouse gases emission of beef production with a significant economic return, under certain feed conditions. Furthermore, the results verified from system production II it is possible to obtain beef production increases without the need of new livestock areas, and contribute to the proper use and preservation of the Pampa biome.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the condensed tannins (CTs) in wrapped silage bales of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) and examine their potential action on in vivo and in situ digestive characteristics in sheep. Silage was made from sainfoin, cut at two phenological stages. The first phenological stage, at which silage was made, was from the first vegetation cycle at the end of flowering and the second stage silage was made from regrowth, 5 weeks after the first cut, but before flowering. The silages made from the two phenological stages were fed to 12 rumen-fistulated sheep in a crossover design. Of the 12 sheep, six received polyethylene glycol (PEG) to bind with and remove the effects of CT, whereas the other six were dosed with water. Organic matter digestibility, total-tract N digestibility and N (N) balance were measured over 6 days. Kinetic studies were performed on total N, ammonia N (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in rumen fluid before and 1.5, 3 and 6 h after feeding. The kinetics of degradation of dry matter and N from Dacron bags suspended in the rumen were also determined. Biological activity of CT (protein-binding capacity) and CT concentration were greater for the silage made from sainfoin at the early flowering stage. Total-tract N digestibility was increased by the addition of PEG (P < 0.001) to the sainfoin silage before flowering (P < 0.001). CTs decreased N excretion in urine (P < 0.05) and increased faecal N excretion (P < 0.001), but had no effect on body N retention, which is beneficial for the animal. Ruminal N degradability was smaller in the presence of active CT (P < 0.001) at both phenological stages; however, soluble N (P = 0.2060) and NH3-N (P = 0.5225) concentrations in rumen fluid remained unchanged. The results of this experiment indicate that CT in the sainfoin retain their ability to affect the nutritive value of preserved forage legumes.  相似文献   

为了客观真实地反映分级诊疗制度实施效果和不同利益群体权益诉求,从公共政策评价的角度进行评价是关键。探索分级诊疗制度评价体系,在评价原则前提下,确定健康改善情况、效率、经济性、可及性和患者就医体验5个评价标准,在评价标准的基础上构建评价指标体系,总结评价方法和识别评价客体,并提出评价主体多元化的建议。  相似文献   

为确定果袋颜色的生态学和生物学效应,以JYK番茄为试材,采用不同颜色果袋进行套袋处理,以不套袋为对照,研究了不同颜色果袋内微环境的变化及其对果实生长发育、产量和品质的影响.结果表明:不同颜色果袋均具有降低光强、提高温度、增加湿度的作用,并均可促进番茄果实膨大,增加单果质量,促进果实提早成熟.其中,以黑色果袋增温促长效果最好,其果实成熟期较对照提早10 d,单果质量增加27.2%;无色、蓝色及红色果袋处理的果实成熟期分别较对照提早8、3和2 d,单果质量分别增加11.8%、6.4%和4.8%.此外,套袋还可促进果实着色,显著提高番茄红素含量,但所有处理的果实硬度及可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量均低于对照.表明番茄套袋虽增加了产量,但降低了其营养品质.  相似文献   

Genotypes of cereal grains, including winter barley (n = 21), maize (n = 27), oats (n = 14), winter rye (n = 22), winter triticale (n = 21) and winter wheat (n = 29), were assayed for their chemical composition and physical characteristics as part of the collaborative research project referred to as GrainUp. Genotypes of one grain species were grown on the same site, except maize. In general, concentrations of proximate nutrients were not largely different from feed tables. The coefficient of variation (CV) for the ether extract concentration of maize was high because the data pool comprised speciality maize bred for its high oil content. A subset of 8 barley, 20 rye, 20 triticale and 20 wheat samples was analysed to differ significantly in several carbohydrate fractions. Gross energy concentration of cereal grains could be predicted from proximate nutrient concentration with good accuracy. The mean lysine concentration of protein was the highest in oats (4.2 g/16 g N) and the lowest in wheat (2.7 g/16 g N). Significant differences were also detected in the concentrations of macro elements as well as iron, manganese, zinc and copper. Concentrations of arsenic, cadmium and lead were below the limit of detection. The concentration of lower inositol phosphates was low, but some inositol pentaphosphates were detected in all grains. In barley, relatively high inositol tetraphosphate concentration also was found. Intrinsic phytase activity was the highest in rye, followed by triticale, wheat, barley and maize, and it was not detectable in oats. Substantial differences were seen in the thousand seed weight, test weight, falling number and extract viscoelasticity characteristics. The study is a comprehensive overview of the composition of different cereal grain genotypes when grown on the same location. The relevance of the variation in composition for digestibility in different animal species will be subject of other communications.  相似文献   

The effects of (i) medium and high feed value (MFV and HFV) maize silages and (ii) MFV and HFV grass silages, each in combination with a range of concentrate feed levels, on the performance of finishing lambs were evaluated using 280 Suffolk-X lambs (initial live weight 36.1 kg). The MFV and HFV maize silages represented crops with dry matter (DM) concentrations of 185 and 250 g/kg, respectively, at harvest, and had starch and metabolisable energy (ME) concentrations of 33 and 277 g/kg DM and 9.6 and 11.0 MJ/kg, respectively. HFV and MFV grass silages had DM and ME concentrations of 216 and 294 g/kg and 11.0 and 11.5 MJ/kg DM, respectively. A total of 13 treatments were involved. The four silages were offered ad libitum with daily concentrate supplements of 0.2, 0.5 or 0.8 kg per lamb. A final treatment consisted of concentrate offered ad libitum with 0.5 kg of the HFV grass silage daily. Increasing the feed value of grass silage increased (P < 0.001) forage intake, daily carcass and live weight gains, final live weight and carcass weight. Increasing maize silage feed value tended to increase (P = 0.07) daily carcass gain. Increasing concentrate feed level increased total food and ME intakes, and live weight and carcass gains. There was a significant interaction between silage feed value and the response to concentrate feed level. Relative to the HFV grass silage, the positive linear response to increasing concentrate feed level was greater with lambs offered the MFV grass silage for daily live weight gain (P < 0.001), daily carcass gain (P < 0.01) and final carcass weight (P < 0.01). Relative to the HFV maize silage, there was a greater response to increasing concentrate feed level from lambs offered the MFV maize silage in terms of daily carcass gain (P < 0.05) and daily live weight gain (P = 0.06). Forage type had no significant effect on the response to increased concentrate feed level. Relative to the MFV grass silage supplemented with 0.2 kg concentrate, the potential concentrate-sparing effect of the HFV grass silage, and the MFV and HFV maize silages was 0.41, 0.09 and 0.25 kg daily per lamb, respectively. It is concluded that increasing forage feed value increased forage intake and animal performance, and maize silage can replace MFV grass silage in the diet of finishing lambs as performance was equal to or better (depending on maturity of maize at harvest) than that for MFV grass silage.  相似文献   

Short-term feed preferences were studied in individually caged chickens fed sequentially in order to understand a previously described imbalance in the intake of diets offered. Sequential feeding (SF) was carried out for four 48 h cycles in male broiler chickens. The diets varied in energy (2800 (E−) and 3200 kcal/kg (E+)) and protein (230 (P+) and 150 g/kg (P−)) contents. SF was compared to standard feeding (C) (3000 kcal/kg ME and CP = 190 g/kg). In experiment 1, three treatments were used: C, SE (E− followed by E+) and SE′ (E+ followed by E−). Four treatments were used in experiment 2: C, SP (P+ followed by P−), SE and SEP (P+E− followed by P−E+). Total feed intake was measured during the SF period. After this, short-term preferences were evaluated with a choice test on chickens previously fed with the same feeds during the SF period (experienced birds) and in C chickens (naïve birds). In both experiments, total feed intake was similar among treatments and the percentage of each feed consumed was not significantly different from controls (50%). In experiment 1, SE and SE′ chickens over-consumed E+ and under-consumed E− diets only during the first 15 min of the fourth cycle. The choice test indicated that experienced chickens preferred E+, while naïve chickens preferred E−. Similarly, in experiment 2, chickens over-consumed E+ and E+P− during the first 15 min of the fourth cycle, but the intake of diets varying in protein content was not different from controls. During the choice test, as in experiment 1, experienced chickens preferred E+, while naïve chickens preferred E−. There was a slight preference for the protein-poor diet in naïve birds and there was no preference in the diet varying in both protein and energy contents. Experience modified choice between feeds varying in energy content but not in protein. When feeds were known, preference for energy affected the feed intake immediately after switching from one diet to the other, although lower with the diet also varying in protein, it did not influence the total intake of each diet. Interactions between the nutritional properties and sensorial cues of feed could explain these results.  相似文献   

SUSAN B. ROBERTS, MARGERY NICHOLSON, MYRLENE STATEN, GERALD E. DALLAL, ANA L. SAWAYA, MELVIN B. HEYMAN, PAUL FUSS, ANDREW S. GREENBERG. Relationship between circulating leptin and energy expenditure in adult men and women aged 18 years to 81 years. Recent studies suggest that leptin may be an important metabolic signal for energy regulation in rodents, but the role of leptin in human energy regulation remains uncertain. Because adaptive variations in energy expenditure play an important role in human energy regulation, we investigated the relationship between leptin and energy expenditure parameters in 61 weight-stable men and women aged 18 years to 81 years who were not obese. Measurements were made of circulating leptin in the fasting state, body fat and fat free mass, resting metabolic rate (n=61), free-living total energy expenditure (n=52), and the thermic effect of feeding (n=33). After statistically accounting for age, body fat, and fat free mass, there was no association between leptin and any measured energy expenditure parameter. In addition, there was no effect of age on the relationship between circulating leptin and body fat mass. These results indicate that physiological variations in circulating leptin are not linked with adaptive variations in energy expenditure in humans, in contrast to indications of this phenomenon in the ob/ob mouse.  相似文献   

We measured resting metabolic rate (RMR), daily energy expenditure (DEE) and metabolisable energy intake (MEI) in two breeds of dog during peak lactation to test whether litter size differences were a likely consequence of allometric variation in energetics. RMR of Labrador retrievers (30 kg, n=12) and miniature Schnauzers (6 kg, n=4) averaged 3437 and 1062 kJ/day, respectively. DEE of Labradors (n=6) and Schnauzers (n=4) averaged 9808 and 2619 kJ/day, respectively. MEI of Labradors (n=12) was 22448 kJ/day and of Schnauzers (n=7) was 5382 kJ/day. DEE of Labrador pups (2.13 kg, n=19) was 974 kJ/day and Schnauzers (0.89 kg, n=7) were 490 kJ/day. Although Labradors had higher MEIs than Schnauzers during peak lactation, there was no difference in mass-specific energy expenditure between the two breeds. Hence, it is unlikely that litter size variation is a likely consequence of differences in maternal energy expenditure. Individual offspring were relatively more costly for mothers of the smaller breed to produce. Therefore, litter size variations were consistent with the expectation that smaller offspring should be more costly for mothers, but not that smaller mothers should per se invest more resources in reproduction.  相似文献   

东北草原盐碱植物虎尾草的热值和能量分配特征的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
虎尾草全株、茎和叶的热值的季节变化规律相似,从7月初至8月初出现2个峰值,然后呈逐渐下降趋势.穗的热值变化呈U字型,2个峰值分别出现在8月初和9月中旬.立枯体热值变化不规则,最大在8月初.虎尾草种群地上部能量的季节动态呈双峰曲线,峰值分别出现在8月初和9月初,最大值在9月初为7381.27kJ  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the variability in in situ CP degradation characteristics of 15 batches lupin grains from nine genotypes in a standardised approach. This study also investigated whether differences in CP degradation can be described by protein fractionation using the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) and also whether thermal processing of lupins has an effect on CP degradation in the rumen and analysed protein fractions. The rising political and consumer demand for milk products from dairy production systems based on domestic protein sources and the wide range of lupin types and varieties that can be chosen as protein feed in dairy nutrition requires research to determine the variability in CP degradation characteristics in the rumen. For CP degradation measurements, ground grains were incubated in the rumen of three lactating Jersey cows fitted with a ruminal cannula for different times from 2 to 48 h, and the washing loss of non-incubated samples was also measured. Protein fractions were analysed according to CNCPS and used for the estimation of ruminally degraded protein. In situ CP degradation parameters varied widely between untreated samples. The mean value for the washout fraction was 29.3% (from 16.4% to 43.6%). The potentially degradable fraction averaged 70.5% (from 55.6% to 83.7%), hence maximal degradation of CP was close to completeness. Mean degradation rate was 16.6%/h (from 12.6 to 21.0%/h). Variation in estimated parameters led to variation in the effective degradation (ED) averaging 76.6% (from 67.3% to 83.0%) when calculated assuming a ruminal outflow of 8%/h. Thermal treatment of lupins induced changes in degradation characteristics, primarily by lowering degradation rates, and also led to a significant reduction in ED. The ED calculated from analysed protein fractions averaged 10 percentage points higher than ED calculated from in situ parameters for untreated grains. The ED based on protein fractionation was also reduced by heat treatment, but the correlation with in situ based ED was poor. It can be concluded that the variation in ED indicates a potential to increase the amount of rumen undegraded protein without additional chemical or physical treatment and the effect of genetic factors and agronomic practices on ED of lupin grains should be investigated in systematic studies in the future.  相似文献   

Evolutionary morphological and physiological differences between browsers and grazers contribute to species‐specific digestion efficiency of food resources. Rumen microbial community structure of browsers is supposedly adapted to characteristic nutrient composition of the diet source. If this assumption is correct, domesticated ruminants, or grazers, are poor model animals for assessing the nutritional value of food consumed by browsing game species. In this study, typical spring and summer foods of the European moose (Alces alces) were combined with rumen fluid collected from both dairy cows (Bos taurus) and from moose, with the aim of comparing fermentation efficiency and microbial community composition. The nutritional value of the food resources was characterized by chemical analysis and advanced in vitro measurements. The study also addressed whether or not feed evaluation based on in vitro techniques with cattle rumen fluid as inoculum could be a practical alternative when evaluating the nutritional value of plants consumed by wild browsers. Our results suggest that the fermentation characteristics of moose spring and summer food are partly host‐specific and related to the contribution of the bacterial phyla Firmicutes and Bacteriodetes to the rumen microbial community. Host‐specific adaptations of the ruminal microbial community structure could be explained from the evolutionary adaptations related to feeding habitats and morphophysiological differences between browsers and grazers. However, the observed overall differences in microbial community structure could not be related to ruminal digestion parameters measured in vitro. The in vitro evaluation of digestion efficiency reveals that equal amounts of methane were produced across all feed samples regardless of whether the ruminal fluid was from moose or dairy cow. The results of this study suggested that the nutritional value of browsers' spring and summer food can be predicted using rumen fluid from domesticated grazers as inoculum in in vitro assessments of extent of digestion when excluding samples of the white water lily root, but not of fermentation characteristics as indicated by the proportions of individual fermentation fatty acids to the total of volatile fatty acids.  相似文献   

 对青海海北地区高山草甸主要植物群落小嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草甸、矮嵩草(K.humilis)草甸、藏嵩草(K.tibetica)沼泽化草甸地上生物量动态和能量分配的研究结果表明,不同植物群落年地上净生产量及其年际动态和主要植物类群生物量季节动态具明显的差异,其生物量季节动态可由如下模型表示: Wi=Ki/(1+exp(Ai-Bit)) 植物群落地上、地下生物量的垂直分布呈典型的金字塔和倒金字塔模式。小嵩草草甸、矮嵩草草甸和藏嵩草沼泽化草甸的地上净生产量依次为368.4g·m-2·a-1、418.5g·m-2·a-1和518.4g·m-2·a-1,所固定的太阳能值依次为6655.16kJ·m-2·a-1、7610.09kJ·m-2·a-1、9488.77kJ·m-2·a-1。光能利用率分别为0.1097%、0.1256%、0.1568%。  相似文献   

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