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SYNOPSIS. Studies were made with the light microscope of live sporozoites of E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. ellipsoidalis as well as sporozoites fixed with Schaudinn's, Stieve's and Zenker's fluids, methanol and ethanol saturated with picric acid. Sporozoites were stained with Giemsa, bromphenol blue, modified PAS-AO, Feulgen, Harris’hematoxylin and eosin Y, and iron hematoxylin. Sporozoites of the above species as well as those of E. auburnensis and E. bovis were also fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide or negatively stained for study with the electron microscope. Living sporozoites had gliding, pivoting, flexing, and probing movements. Each sporozoite of each species was covered by a pellicle consisting of an outer limiting unit membrane that was continuous around the sporozoite and an inner membrane that terminated at the polar ring. Twenty-four subpellicular microtubules were longitudinally arranged just beneath the inner membrane. At the anterior end of the sporozoites was a protruded or retracted conoid composed of spirally-arranged fibrillar structures, 2 rings anterior to the conoid, and the polar ring, a thickening at the anterior termination of the microtubules and inner membrane. Other organelles observed with the electron microscope were a nucleus with or without a net-like nucleolus, club-shaped organelles, refractile bodies, micronemes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria with tubular cristae, micropores, lipoid-like bodies, oval polysaccharide bodies and ribosomes. The fine structure of these sporozoites is compared to that of related Sporozoa.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Chickens experimentally fed sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella were necropsied 5–300 minutes later to study excystation, especially in apparently unbroken oocysts. In birds killed 75–125 minutes after inoculation, there was evidence of excystation in some oocysts recovered from the small and large intestines. Altho not visibly broken, the shells of about 10% of the ones studied were wrinkled or otherwise deformed; many contained active sporozoites, some inside and some outside the sporocysts. During examinations, numerous sporozoites emerged from the sporocysts. Altho evidence was not obtained that excystation from unbroken oocysts was occurring inside the birds, the fact that it occurred in some oocysts during examinations may indicate that it could be taking place. Evidence of excystation was not seen in oocysts with shells that were not visibly altered.  相似文献   

This report describes a new, gentle procedure for rapid and efficient excystation of large numbers of infective sporozoites of Eimeria vermiformis and Eimeria stiedai. Excysted sporozoites are purified using modifications of a previously described ion-exchange chromatography method. The procedure avoids physical breakage of oocysts and results in greater than 70% recovery of the sporozoites present as sporulated oocysts (i.e. 5–6 sporozoites per sporulated oocyst). The recovered sporozoites are greater than 95% pure and are infective in vivo. We routinely isolate greater than 2 times 108 sporozoites without the use of specialized or expensive equipment.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An electron microscope study of sporozoites of Eimeria nieschulzi Dieben, 1924 revealed that they have a pellicle which is thickened at the anterior end to form 2 polar rings. Radiating posteriorly from the rings, directly beneath the pellicle, are approximately 25 microtubules which may aid in support and locomotion of the sporozoite. Within the polar ring is a dense conoid. Numerous toxonemes extend posteriorly from the area of the conoid. Two paranuclear bodies are present and some toxonemes are closely associated with the anterior body. Numerous ribosomes, bodies containing granular material, and osmiophilic vesicle bounded bodies are also present. Each sporozoite has a single nucleus with a diffuse karyosome and distinct nuclear double membrane.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria nieschulzi Dieben, a rat coccidium, were exposed for 1 hr to Cobalt-60 γ-radiation (15, 30. or 60 k-rads), to heat (35, 40, or 45 C). or to both concurrently (15, 30, or 60 k-rads at 35 C) to compare the excystation capabilities of treated vs nontreated parasites. Intact, treated oocysts appeared structurally unaltered when viewed with the light microscope. Excystation of sporozoites occurred in all treated groups when their sporocysts were exposed to a trypsin-sodium taurocholate (TST) fluid, but after 150 min in TST the excystation rate was significantly lower than in non-treated sporocysts. Sporozoites which excysted from treated sporocysts were abnormal both in the excystation process and in their form and movement once outside the sporocyst.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Activities of sheep coccidia in stages of in vitro excystation, and of Eimeria tenella removed in stages of excystation from the chicken were arrested by lowering the temperature of the parasites; in a cooled condition, the parasites remained apparently unchanged for at least 1-2 days. When transferred later to the warming stage of the microscope, they quickly resumed excystation. A cold storage technic for E. tenella was developed. The technic might also help in studying other gastrointestinal parasites and might also provide material for classroom work.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Irradiation of sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella with 7,000; 13,000–14,000; or 20,000–21,000 rads does not kill the sporozoites or diminish their ability to penetrate cells in chicken kidney cell culture. Schizogony is the developmental stage most influenced by irradiation of oocysts. Effects on division and formation of merozoites correspond to irradiation levels.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Using intervals up to 5 hours, attempts to excyst sporozoites of Eimeria acervulina from intact oocysts in vitro were unsuccessful.
Examination of crop, gizzard, and intestinal contents of chicks fed large numbers of sporulated oocysts indicated that (1) no obvious change in the oocysts occurred in the crop, (2) a high percentage of the sporocysts were quickly released from the oocysts in the gizzard, (3) the sporozoites escaped from the liberated sporocysts in the duodenum and jejunum, and (4) the action of the digestive juice was apparently on the sporocysts rather than on the oocysts.
In vitro attempts to excyst sporozoites from free sporocysts with various pancreatic preparations in the absence of bile produced low or insignificant percentages of excystation. In the presence of bile, bile salts, and other surface-active agents, the action of the pancreatic preparations was greatly increased. The heaviest suspension of motile, nonaggregating sporozoites was obtained with 0.25% trypsin 1–300 in 5% chicken bile at pH 7.6.  相似文献   

Normal human milk (NHM) has antiprotozoal activity unrelated to immunological components; this activity extends to sporozoites of Eimeria tenella . This activity may be due to free fatty acids (FFA) enzymatically hydrolyzed from tnacyl glycerols by a bile salt-stimulated lipase (BSSL) found in NHM. Sporozoites were therefore incubated in the presence of several saturated and unsaturated FFA. Anticoccidial activity was observed for many unsaturated fatty acids and for some saturated fatty acids. In addition, sporozoites were added to solutions of triglycerides (trilinolein, triolein and trilinolenin) preincubated with BSSL and sodium cholate. which resulted in killing of the parasites. Triglycerides alone showed no anticoccidial activity. These results were duplicated with first generation merozoites. Intracellular stages of E. tenella were affected by FFA only at concentrations that inhibited host cells.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The stimulus necessary to initiate in vitro excystation of the chicken coccidium Eimeria tenella was provided by exposure of intact sporulated oocysts to an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. This stimulus produced a thinning and indentation at the micropylar region and oocysts became permeable to trypsin and bile. Sporozoites became active and began to escape from sporocysts into the oocyst cavity and then to the outside thru the altered micropyle after incubation in the enzyme-bile mixture. Activation of sporozoites when CO2-pretreated oocysts were incubated in trypsin and bile, was used as the criterion to determine the number of oocysts responding to the initial stimulus. Thus, activation of sporozoites within intact oocysts was an indirect measurement of the number of oocysts stimulated during CO2-pretreatment. Approximately 90% of the oocysts contained active sporozoites after 18 hr of pretreatment with carbon dioxide and 8 hr incubation in trypsin and bile at 38 or 41 C, respectively. Pretreatment of oocysts with air, N2, O2, or He resulted in 8% or less activation during incubation in trypsin and bile. Approximately 83% of the oocysts responded to the stimulus during 8 hr CO2-pretreatment at 41 C, whereas at 38 C, 16 hr of pretreatment were required for a similar response. The stimulus did not elicit a response from oocysts held at 23 C during the pretreatment gasphase. No significant difference occurred in number of oocysts containing active sporozoites after sufficient CO2-pretreatment for maximum stimulation of oocysts and incubation in trypsin and bile at 38 or 41 C.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Oocysts of Eimeria crotalviridis sp. n. are described from prairie rattlesnakes, Crotalus viridis viridis in New Mexico on the basis of light and electron microscopy and in vitro excystation of sporozoites. Sporulated oocysts of E. crotalviridis are elliptical, 26.4 × 22.3 (23–29 × 20–24) μm with ovoid sporocysts 11.7 × 8.1 (11–13 × 7–9) μm. A micropyle, micropyle cap and polar bodies are absent, but oocyst and sporocyst residua and Stieda and substieda bodies are present. Excysted sporozoites are 12.4 × 2.8 (11–13 × 2–3) μm and have 1 large posterior refractile body and a nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. Ultrastructurally, the oocyst wall has 2 layers, a thick, electron-dense, highly sculptured outer layer composed of a fine granular matrix and a thin, granular, osmiophilic inner layer, separated from the outer layer by at least one unit membrane. These layers are 441 (353–510) and 21.6 (19–29) nm thick, respectively. Within 15 min after exposure to a trypsin-sodium taurocholate fluid, sporozoites of E. crotalviridis excysted from 5-month-old sporocysts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Whereas excystation of sporozoites from oocysts of most coccidian species requires exposure to reducing conditions followed by pancreatic enzymes and bile salts, sporozoites of a bovine isolate of Cryptosporidium excysted without exposure to either reducing conditions or to pancreatic enzymes and bile salts. Without prior exposure to reducing conditions, a high percent excysted after incubation in a mixture of trypsin and bile salts in Ringer's solution; fewer excysted after incubation in tap water, even fewer after incubation in salt solutions, and none after incubation in saliva. Excystation, generally greater at pH 7.6 than at pH 6.0 and at 37°C than at 20°C, was observed as early as 1 h after incubation in water or the trypsin-bile mixture. These findings provide circumstantial evidence that oocysts of Cryptosporidium can excyst in extraintestinal sites and liberate sporozoites that can initiate autoinfection.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sporozoites and 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation merozoites of Eimeria meleagrimitis were inoculated into primary cultures of turkey kidney cells. In vitro-excysted sporozoites developed into mature macrogamonts in 8 days; in vivo-excysted sporozoites developed into 2nd- or 3rd-generation schizonts within 5 to 7 days. First-generation merozoites obtained from infected turkeys produced mature 2nd-generation schizonts within 24 h. Second-generation merozoites from turkeys produced mature macrogamonts and oocysts within 72 h, whereas 3rd-generation merozoites produced these stages within 48 h. The oocysts that developed from 3rd-generation merozoites sporulated at 25 C and were infective for turkeys. The timing of the early stages and the intervals between schizogonic generations in cultures were comparable with those in turkeys. Morphologic parameters, however, indicated that some differences existed between in vitro and in vivo development. Second- and 3rd-generation schizonts and gamonts that developed after inoculation of cultures with merozoites were similar to stages in turkeys. Oocysts, however, were significantly smaller (P < 0.05) in cultures. All stages that developed after inoculation of cultures with sporozoites were smaller (P < 0.05) than their in vivo counter parts.  相似文献   

Primary turkey kidney cells and Eimeria meleagrimitis sporozoites were treated with cationized ferritin (CF) or neuraminidase (NANase), and the effects on the invasion of the cells by the sporozoites were measured. Cultures of host cells pretreated with either compound contained significantly fewer intracellular sporozoites than did control cultures. There was little additive effect if cultures were first treated with NANase and then with CF. In contrast, pretreatment of sporozoites with CF or low concentrations of NANase had no effect on invasion. The inhibition of invasion was apparently due to an interaction between treatment substances and host cell surface rather than to direct effect on the sporozoites. The CF bound to the randomly distributed anionic sites on the surfaces of both host cells and sporozoites and then rapidly aggregated. Sporozoites, probably in the process of invading cells, were invariably found with the conoid in close association with aggregates of CF on the host cell membrane. The CF on the sporozoites was apparently shed before or during invasion because all intracellular sporozoites were completely devoid of the label.  相似文献   

The interaction of Eimeria falciformis sporozoites with the intestinal epithelium and with the intestinal contents from the cecum and colon of normal and specifically immunized mice was studied by light (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy. Fecal (FM) and enterocyte-associated (EAM) mucus were removed from the cecum and colon of normal mice and mice that had been immunized 1, 6, 12, or 20 days earlier with a series of oral inoculations of E. falciformis oocysts. Sporozoite-specific IgA, but neither IgM nor IgG, was detected by the immunofluorescent antibody test in FM and EAM from immunized mice. No sporozoite-specific immunoglobulin was detected in normal mice. When examined by LM, sporozoites exposed to all FM and EAM preparations exhibited greater motility and excystation from sporocysts. At 4 h after incubation in FM or EAM from normal or immune mice, about 10% of the sporozoites appeared damaged, being non-motile and non-refractile. Immune FM and EAM caused agglutination of sporozoites and sporocysts and oocyst walls of E. falciformis. but did not agglutinate those of E. ferrisi. Scanning electron microscopy of in vitro interactions between E. falciformis sporozoites and intestinal contents revealed that sporozoites exposed to immune EAM were coated with particulate material whereas those exposed to normal EAM were relatively clean. Sporozoites exposed to immune FM were usually embedded within the mucus whereas those exposed to normal FM were situated on top of the mucus. No significant differences occurred between the length/width (L/W) ratios of sporozoites incubated in normal FM and EAM or in PBS. Sporozoites exposed to immune FM had significantly greater L/W ratios than those exposed to normal FM whereas those exposed to immune EAM had significantly shorter L/W ratios than ones exposed to normal EAM. Few of the sporozoites observed on the luminal surface of the colon and cecum of normal mice were covered by mucus and none was altered in shape or showed pellicular damage. Only a few sporozoites were observed on the luminal surface of the colon and cecum of immunized mice. Most of these were covered by mucus and some exhibited pellicular alterations.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of Haemoproteus columbae sporozoites has been studied and compared to sporozoite structure as revealed by the light microscope. The sporozoites are ultrastructurally similar to those of other Haemosporidia in that they possess a 3-layered pellicle, subpellicular microtubules, polar ring, micropore, free ribosome-like particles, micronemes, a structure resembling a Golgi complex, an irregular mitochondrion, and a large nucleus. In the anterior region of the sporozoite there are 21–22 regularly arranged longitudinal subpellicular microtubules located peripherally around the cell. In the apical region the microtubules appear thickened on 1 side. The sporozoite of H. columbae has a microneme system in which 1–3 micronemes are associated with the outer pellicular membrane at the anterior end. Micronemes are found throughout the cytoplasm, but occur in greater concentration in the anterior region of the sporozoite. A clear pellicular cavity, located between the polar ring and the termination of the inner pellicular layer, is present at the anterior end of the sporozoite. Vesicular invaginations of the inner pellicular layer have been observed in the anterior region; their function is unknown. Spherical osmophilic bodies are found throughout the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The surface of merozoites and sporozoites of Eimeria tenella was affected by incubation with E. tenella -immune chicken serum (ICS). Normal chicken serum (NCS) and heat-inactivated ICS had no effect on the pellicular surface of either developmental stage. Sporozoites formed surface bulges or swellings after 10 min of incubation with ICS, and by 15 min postincubation, the morphology of the sporozoites was distorted by a surface coating of fibrinous material. Merozoites exposed to ICS were similarly coated, but surface swelling was not as severe. The coating formed rapidly and was seen as early as 5 min postincubation. Sporozoites incubated with heat-inactivated ICS supplemented with normal chicken serum were coated with a fibrinous material and in some cases lysed. These data indicated that complement must be present for the surface interaction to occur.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Monolayers of bovine kidney cells were overlaid with Eimeria magna sporozoites and observed with phase-contrast optics until penetration of the cells by the parasites had begun. Cells and penetrating parasites were fixed with glutaraldehyde and OsO4-containing ruthenium red, dehydrated, and embedded in situ. Cells being penetrated were selected for study in the electron microscope. The lack of intracellular staining with ruthenium red and intact plasmalemmas of cells being penetrated, was accepted as evidence that the sporozoites did not disrupt the plasma membranes. The sporozoite caused invagination of the host cell plasmalemma until the parasite was entirely within the cell, after which the invagination was sealed off by short pseudopodia enclosing the sporozoite within a membrane-lined vacuole inside the cell. Often myelin-forms, apparently of host cell origin, were seen in the space between the sporozoite and the cell.  相似文献   

Albumin was found to have a striking stimulatory effect on motility of Plasmodium sporozoites, while serum globulins had an inhibitory effect. Albumin also preserved viability of sporozoites in vitro at 4 C for several days. P. berghei, P. cynomolgi, and P. falciparum sporozoites each had a distinct and characteristic type of motility. P. berghei sporozoites from oocysts had a different type of motility from that of salivary gland sporozoites, each type presumably associated with different invasive capacities at different times during the life cycle of the parasite. This change in sporozoite motility during development was also associated with other physiologic developmental changes in the sporozoite. The degree of motility of a given pool of sporozoites was to some degree associated with other parameters of metabolic activity of these sporozoites, i.e. infectivity, immunogenicity, and secretory activity. Secretions of the rhoptry-microneme complex may play a role in sporozoite motility.  相似文献   

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