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G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K(+) channels (GIRK) play a major role in inhibitory signaling in excitable and endocrine tissues. The gating mechanism of these channels is mediated by a direct interaction of the Gbetagamma subunits of G protein, which are released upon inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor activation. This gating mechanism is further manifested by intracellular factors such as anionic phospholipids and Na(+) and Mg(2+) ions. In addition to the essential role of these components for channel function, phosphorylation events can also modulate channel activity. In this study we explored the involvement of redox modulation on GIRK channel function. Extracellular application of the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT), but not reduced glutathione, activated GIRK channels without affecting their permeation or rectification properties. The DTT-dependent activation was found to mimic receptor activation and to act directly on the channel in a membrane delimited fashion. A critical cysteine residue located in the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain was found to be essential for DTT-dependent activation in hetero- and homotetrameric contexts. Interestingly, when mutating this cysteine residue, DTT-dependent activation was abolished, but receptor-mediated channel activation was not affected. These results suggest that intracellular redox potential can play a major role in tuning GIRK channel activity in a receptor-independent manner. This sort of redox modulation can be part of an important cellular protective mechanism against ischemic or hypoxic insults.  相似文献   

Activation of the heteromeric G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K(+) channel (GIRK) GIRK1 and GIRK4 subunits gives rise to I(KACh), which controls excitability in atrial tissue. Although homomeric GIRK4 channels localize to the plasma membrane and display moderate function, GIRK1 channels fail to localize to the cell surface and do not exhibit significant function as homomers. Using oocytes to express GFP-tagged GIRK1 and GIRK4 and chimeras between these two proteins, we have identified two regions, one in the proximal C terminus and another in the distal N terminus that are critical for their subcellular localization. Replacement of both of these regions in GIRK1 with corresponding regions from GIRK4 was required for efficient expression of GIRK1 on the plasma membrane. Replacement of either region by itself was ineffective. The distal N terminus and proximal C terminus have been previously suggested to play important roles in ER-export and subunit co-assembly respectively in this family of channels. Our data indicate for the first time that both of these regions need to work in concert to mediate efficient targeting of these channels to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Various antidepressants are commonly used for the treatment of depression and several other neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition to their primary effects on serotonergic or noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems, antidepressants have been shown to interact with several receptors and ion channels. However, the molecular mechanisms that underlie the effects of antidepressants have not yet been sufficiently clarified. G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK, Kir3) channels play an important role in regulating neuronal excitability and heart rate, and GIRK channel modulation has been suggested to have therapeutic potential for several neuropsychiatric disorders and cardiac arrhythmias. In the present study, we investigated the effects of various classes of antidepressants on GIRK channels using the Xenopus oocyte expression assay. In oocytes injected with mRNA for GIRK1/GIRK2 or GIRK1/GIRK4 subunits, extracellular application of sertraline, duloxetine, and amoxapine effectively reduced GIRK currents, whereas nefazodone, venlafaxine, mianserin, and mirtazapine weakly inhibited GIRK currents even at toxic levels. The inhibitory effects were concentration-dependent, with various degrees of potency and effectiveness. Furthermore, the effects of sertraline were voltage-independent and time-independent during each voltage pulse, whereas the effects of duloxetine were voltage-dependent with weaker inhibition with negative membrane potentials and time-dependent with a gradual decrease in each voltage pulse. However, Kir2.1 channels were insensitive to all of the drugs. Moreover, the GIRK currents induced by ethanol were inhibited by sertraline but not by intracellularly applied sertraline. The present results suggest that GIRK channel inhibition may reveal a novel characteristic of the commonly used antidepressants, particularly sertraline, and contributes to some of the therapeutic effects and adverse effects.  相似文献   

The weaver mutation (G156S) in G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels alters ion selectivity and reveals sensitivity to inhibition by a charged local anesthetic, QX-314, applied extracellularly. In this paper, disrupting the ion selectivity in another GIRK channel, chimera I1G1(M), generates a GIRK channel that is also inhibited by extracellular local anesthetics. I1G1(M) is a chimera of IRK1 (G-protein-insensitive) and GIRK1 and contains the hydrophobic domains (M1-pore-loop-M2) of GIRK1 (G1(M)) with the N- and C-terminal domains of IRK1 (I1). The local anesthetic binding site in I1G1(M) is indistinguishable from that in GIRK2(wv) channels. Whereas chimera I1G1(M) loses K+ selectivity, although there are no mutations in the pore-loop complex, chimera I1G2(M), which contains the hydrophobic domain from GIRK2, exhibits normal K+ selectivity. Mutation of two amino acids that are unique in the pore-loop complex of GIRK1 (F137S and A143T) restores K+ selectivity and eliminates the inhibition by extracellular local anesthetics, suggesting that the pore-loop complex prevents QX-314 from reaching the intrapore site. Alanine mutations in the extracellular half of the M2 transmembrane domain alter QX-314 inhibition, indicating the M2 forms part of the intrapore binding site. Finally, the inhibition of G-protein-activated currents by intracellular QX-314 appears to be different from that observed in nonselective GIRK channels. The results suggest that inward rectifiers contain an intrapore-binding site for local anesthetic that is normally inaccessible from extracellular charged local anesthetics.  相似文献   

Summary The voltage- and time-dependent properties of whole-cell, multi-channel (outside-out), and single channel inwardly-rectifying K+ currents were studied using adult and neonatal rat, and embryonic chick ventricular myocytes. Inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship was found in the whole-cell and single channel measurements. The steady-state single channel probability of opening decreased with hyperpolarization from EK, as did the mean open time, thereby explaining the time-dependent inactivation of the macroscopic current. Myocytes dialysed with a Mg++-free K+ solution (to remove the property of inward rectification) displayed a quasi-linear current-voltage relationship. The outward K+ currents flowing through the modified inward rectifier channels were able to be blocked by the local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic agent, lidocaine.  相似文献   

The voltage- and time-dependent properties of whole-cell, multi-channel (outside-out), and single channel inwardly-rectifying K+ currents were studied using adult and neonatal rat, and embryonic chick ventricular myocytes. Inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship was found in the whole-cell and single channel measurements. The steady-state single channel probability of opening decreased with hyperpolarization from EK, as did the mean open time, thereby explaining the time-dependent inactivation of the macroscopic current. Myocytes dialysed with a Mg++-free K+ solution (to remove the property of inward rectification) displayed a quasi-linear current-voltage relationship. The outward K+ currents flowing through the modified inward rectifier channels were able to be blocked by the local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic agent, lidocaine.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms couple heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) to cellular effectors. Although alpha subunits of G proteins (Galpha) were the first recognized mediators of receptor-effector coupling, Gbetagamma regulation of effectors is now well known. Five Gbeta and 12 Ggamma subunit genes have been identified, suggesting through their diversity that specific subunits couple selectively to effectors. The molecular determinants of Gbetagamma-effector coupling, however, are not well understood, and most studies of G protein-effector coupling do not support selectivity of Gbetagamma action. To explore this issue further, we have introduced recombinant Gbetagamma complexes into avian sensory neurons and measured the inhibition of Ca(2+) currents mediated by an endogenous phospholipase Cbeta- (PLCbeta) and protein kinase C-dependent pathway. Activities of Gbetagamma in the native cells were compared with enzyme assays performed in vitro. We report a surprising selective activation of the PLCbeta pathway by Gbetagamma complexes containing beta(1) subunits, whereas beta(2)-containing complexes produced no activation. In contrast, when assayed in vitro, PLCbeta and type II adenylyl cyclase did not discriminate among these same Gbetagamma complexes, suggesting the possibility that additional cellular determinants confer specificity in vivo.  相似文献   

M Pessia  S J Tucker  K Lee  C T Bond    J P Adelman 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(12):2980-2987
Kir 4.1 is an inward rectifier potassium channel subunit isolated from rat brain which forms homomeric channels when expressed in Xenopus oocytes; Kir 5.1 is a structurally related subunit which does not. Co-injection of mRNAs encoding Kir 4.1 and Kir 5.1 resulted in potassium currents that (i) were much larger than those seen from expression of Kir 4.1 alone, (ii) increased rather than decreased during several seconds at strongly negative potentials and (iii) had an underlying unitary conductance of 43 pS rather than the 12 pS seen with Kir 4.1 alone. In contrast, the properties of Kir 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 or 3.4 were not altered by coexpression with Kir 5.1. Expression of a concatenated cDNA encoding two or four linked subunits produced currents with the properties of co-expressed Kir 4.1 and Kir 5.1 when the subunits were connected 4-5 or 4-5-4-5, but not when they were connected 4-4-5-5. The results indicate that Kir 5.1 associates specifically with Kir 4.1 to form heteromeric channels, and suggest that they do so normally in the subunit order 4-5-4-5. Further, the relative order of subunits within the channel contributes to their functional properties.  相似文献   

Activation of several inwardly rectifying K(+) channels (Kir) requires the presence of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P(2)). The constitutively active Kir2.1 (IRK1) channels interact with PtdIns(4,5)P(2) strongly, whereas the G-protein activated Kir3.1/3.4 channels (GIRK1/GIRK4), show only weak interactions with PtdIns(4,5)P(2). We investigated whether these inwardly rectifying K(+) channels displayed distinct specificities for different phosphoinositides. IRK1, but not GIRK1/GIRK4 channels, showed a marked specificity toward phosphates in the 4,5 head group positions. GIRK1/GIRK4 channels were activated with a similar efficacy by PtdIns(3,4)P(2), PtdIns(3,5)P(2), PtdIns(4,5)P(2), and PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3). In contrast, IRK1 channels were not activated by PtdIns(3,4)P(2) and only marginally by high concentrations of PtdIns(3,5)P(2). Similarly, high concentrations of PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) were required to activate IRK1 channels. For either channel, PtdIns(4)P was much less effective than PtdIns(4,5)P(2), whereas PtdIns was inactive. In contrast to the dependence on the position of phosphates of the phospholipid head group, GIRK1/GIRK4, but not IRK1 channel activation, showed a remarkable dependence on the phospholipid acyl chains. GIRK1/GIRK4 channels were activated most effectively by the natural arachidonyl stearyl PtdIns(4,5)P(2) and much less by the synthetic dipalmitoyl analog, whereas IRK1 channels were activated equally by dipalmitoyl and arachidonyl stearyl PtdIns(4,5)P(2). Incorporation of PtdInsP(2) into the membrane is necessary for activation, as the short chain water soluble diC(4) PtdIns(4,5)P(2) did not activate either channel, whereas activation by diC(8) PtdIns(4, 5)P(2) required high concentrations.  相似文献   

Based on electrophysiological studies, Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels and voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels appear to be located in close proximity in neurons. Such colocalization would ensure selective and rapid activation of K(+) channels by local increases in the cytosolic calcium concentration. The nature of the apparent coupling is not known. In the present study we report a direct coassembly of big conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (BK) and L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels in rat brain. Saturation immunoprecipitation studies were performed on membranes labeled for BK channels and precipitated with antibodies against alpha(1C) and alpha(1D) L-type Ca(2+) channels. To confirm the specificity of the interaction, precipitation experiments were carried out also in reverse order. Also, additive precipitation was performed because alpha(1C) and alpha(1D) L-type Ca(2+) channels always refer to separate ion channel complexes. Finally, immunochemical studies showed a distinct but overlapping expression pattern of the two types of ion channels investigated. BK and L-type Ca(2+) channels were colocalized in various compartments throughout the rat brain. Taken together, these results demonstrate a direct coassembly of BK channels and L-type Ca(2+) channels in certain areas of the brain.  相似文献   

The inwardly rectifying K+ channels, Kir1.1, Kir2.3, Kir4.1-Kir5.1, and Kir4.2-Kir5.1, are candidate chemosensory molecules for CO2/H+. Here, we determined the mRNA expression and immunohistochemical localization of these channels in the carotid body (CB) and petrosal ganglion (PG) of the rat. RT-PCR analysis revealed mRNA expression of Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 in CB, and Kir1.1, Kir4.1, and Kir5.1 in PG. Immunohistochemistry identified the glomus cells in CB to express both Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 protein, while the nerve fibers in CB were immunoreactive for Kir1.1, Kir4.1, and Kir5.1. In the PG, immunoreactivity for Kir1.1, Kir4.1, and Kir5.1 was observed in some ganglion cells. Our findings suggest that Kir channels in the peripheral chemoreceptors play a role in sensing hypercapnic acidosis and maintaining the resting membrane potentials.  相似文献   

Direct interactions of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) with inwardly rectifying potassium channels are stronger with channels rendered constitutively active by binding to PtdIns(4,5)P2, such as IRK1, than with G-protein-gated channels (GIRKs). As a result, PtdIns(4,5)P2 alone can activate IRK1 but not GIRKs, which require extra gating molecules such as the beta gamma subunits of G proteins or sodium ions. Here we identify two conserved residues near the inner-membrane interface of these channels that are critical in interactions with PtdIns(4,5)P2. Between these two arginines, a conservative change of isoleucine residue 229 in GIRK4 to the corresponding leucine found in IRK1 strengthens GIRK4-PtdIns(4,5)P2 interactions, eliminating the need for extra gating molecules. A negatively charged GIRK4 residue, two positions away from the most strongly interacting arginine, mediates stimulation of channel activity by sodium by strengthening channel-PtdIns(4,5)P2 interactions. Our results provide a mechanistic framework for understanding how distinct gating mechanisms of inwardly rectifying potassium channels allow these channels to subserve their physiological roles.  相似文献   

Numerous heptahelical receptors use activation of heterotrimeric G proteins to convey a multitude of extracellular signals to appropriate effector molecules in the cell. Both high specificity and correct integration of these signals are required for reliable cell function. Yet the molecular machineries that allow each cell to merge information flowing across different receptors are not well understood. Here we demonstrate that G protein-regulated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK) channels can operate as dynamic integrators of alpha-adrenergic and cholinergic signals in atrial myocytes. Acting at the last step of the cholinergic signaling cascade, these channels are activated by direct interactions with betagamma subunits of the inhibitory G proteins (G betagamma), and efficiently translate M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M2R) activation into membrane hyperpolarization. The parallel activation of alpha-adrenergic receptors imposed a distinctive "signature" on the function of M2R-activated GIRK1/4 channels, affecting both the probability of G betagamma binding to the channel and its desensitization. This modulation of channel function was correlated with a parallel depletion of G beta and protein phosphatase 1 from the oligomeric GIRK1 complexes. Such plasticity of the immediate GIRK signaling environment suggests that multireceptor integration involves large protein networks undergoing dynamic changes upon receptor activation.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of Mg2+ in the inactivation of inwardly rectifying K+ channels in vascular endothelial cells. Inactivation was largely eliminated in Mg(2+)-free external solutions and the extent of inactivation was increased by raising Mg2+o. The dose-response relation for the reduction of channel open probability showed that Mg2+o binds to a site (KD = approximately 25 microM at -160 mV) that senses approximately 38% of the potential drop from the external membrane surface. Analysis of the single-channel kinetics showed that Mg2+ produced a class of long-lived closures that separated bursts of openings. Raising Mg2+o reduced the burst duration, but less than expected for an open-channel blocking mechanism. The effects of Mg2+o are antagonized by K+o in manner which suggests that K+ competes with Mg2+ for the inactivation site. Mg2+o also reduced the amplitude of the single-channel current at millimolar concentrations by a rapid block of the open channel. A mechanism is proposed in which Mg2+ binds to the closed channel during hyperpolarization and prevents it from opening until it is occupied by K+.  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca2+- and voltage-gated Slo1 BK channels are allosterically activated by depolarization and intracellular ligands such as Ca2+. Of the two high-affinity Ca2+ sensors present in the channel, the RCK1 sensor also mediates H+-dependent activation of the channel. In this study, we examined the comparative mechanisms of the channel activation by Ca2+ and H+. Steady-state macroscopic conductance-voltage measurements as well as single-channel openings at negative voltages where voltage-sensor activation is negligible showed that at respective saturating concentrations Ca2+ is more effective in relative stabilization of the open conformation than H+. Calculations using the Debye-Hückel formulation suggest that small structural changes in the RCK1 sensor, on the order of few angstroms, may accompany the H+-mediated opening of the channel. While the efficacy of H+ in activation of the channel is less than that of Ca2+, H+ more effectively accelerates the activation kinetics when examined at the concentrations equipotent on macroscopic voltage-dependent activation. The RCK1 sensor therefore is capable of transducing the nature of the ligand bound and transmits qualitatively different information to the channel's permeation gate.  相似文献   

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