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Hydroxylation of estrogens at C(2) or C(4) effects differentially their binding affinity to and dissociation rate from the estrogen receptor. The X-ray crystal structure of 4-hydroxyestradiol (4-OH-E2) is reported here and compared with that of 2-hydroxyestradiol (2-OH-E2), the 2- and 4-hydroxylated derivatives of estrone (E1) and with that of the parent estrogens, E1 and E2. The overall molecular shape and hydrogen bonding patterns of each were examined for their possible relevance to their binding to the estrogen receptor and their biological activity. A shift in the B-ring conformation away from the symmetrical 7 alpha,8 beta-half-chair form toward the 8 beta-sofa form is induced by both 2- and 4-hydroxy substitution. This shift appears to be larger in the case of E2 than E1 derivatives and to be correlated with an observed change in the hydrogen bonding potential of the C(3) hydroxyl. In 4-OH-E2, as in E2 and 4-OH-E1, the C(3) hydroxyl functions both as a hydrogen bond donor and acceptor. In contrast in 2-OH-E2 the hydroxyl functions only as a donor. The markedly reduced affinity of 2-hydroxylated estrogens for the estrogen receptor could be due to a combination of steric interactions, competition between O(2) and O(3) for hydrogen bonds for a common site on the receptor, and to general interference with hydrogen bond formation of O(3). The C(4) hydroxyl participates in the formation of a chain of hydrogen bonds in the solid state that is similar to a chain seen in single crystals of E2. The presence of a similar chain of hydrogen bonds involving O(3) in the receptor site could account for the decreased dissociation rate of the 4-OH-E2 receptor complex.  相似文献   

Improved electron micrographs of the shadow-cast bovine fibrinogen molecule have been obtained establishing its general morphology and dimensions in the dry state. It consists of a linear array of 3 nodules held together by a very thin thread which is estimated to have a diameter of from 8 to 15 A, though it is not clearly resolved. The two end nodules are alike but the center one is slightly smaller. Measurements of shadow lengths indicate that nodule diameters are in the range 50 to 70 A. The length of the dried molecule is 475 +/- 25 A. Adopting the molecular volume from previous physical chemical data and the general morphological features and length from electron microscopy, we calculate the diameters of the end nodules to be 65 A and the center one as 50 A. The model of the molecule so obtained is consistent with the electron microscopical observations and the data from physical chemistry. The intermediate polymers formed when fibrinogen is activated with thrombin were also examined and found to be end-to-end aggregates of altered fibrinogen molecules which shrink in length during the process. Intermediate polymer lengths are from 1000 to 5000 A. The nodular nature of fibrinogen, its shrinkage and end-to-end aggregation on polymerization permits us to deduce an explanation for the system of cross-bands previously observed in stained fibrin fibrils.  相似文献   

Sterol molecule: structure, biosynthesis, and function.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
K Bloch 《Steroids》1992,57(8):378-383
This review briefly summarizes key researches on the structure of the sterol molecule from its very beginnings to the definitive elucidation in 1932. Cholesterol biosynthesis treated in somewhat greater detail covers the period from the 1930s to the 1960s. As a historic contribution, it presents researches previously published in numerous books, reviews, and original papers. The selection of topics, dictated by limits of time and space, is necessarily arbitrary and a personal choice. Readers of this journal will be familiar with the relevant chemical structures. Structural formulas are therefore omitted.  相似文献   

Generalized concepts of some structural peculiarities of fibrinogen, its transformation into fibrin and assembly have been considered on the basis of author's and published data. The role of local conformational changes in different areas of fibrinogen molecule and of separate reaction centers in formation of single- and double-stranded rod-like equilibrium fibrin oligomers and flexible branched copolymers of fibrinogen with fibrin E fragment has been considered. The mechanism of compactization has been discussed.  相似文献   

Intramolecular melting of fibrinogen and its degradation products has been studied by a scanning microcalorimetric method in various solution environments (especially variations in pH), and inferences are made about the features that seemed to be independently folding segments (“domains”), as evidenced by their independent resistance to thermal denaturation. It was shown that there are 12 more or less independent co-operative regions of ordered compact structure in fibrinogen, which can be considered as structural domains of this macromolecule. Of these 12 domains, two are in the central part of the molecule, corresponding to the E fragment, four are in each terminal part, corresponding to the D fragments, and two are formed by the carboxy-terminal portions of the α-chains. All fibrinogen domains can be divided into two groups according to their thermodynamic properties: (1) thermolabile domains, to which belong three domains from each terminal part of the molecule and the domains formed by the carboxy-terminal portions of the α-chains; (2) thermostable domains, to which belong both domains from the central part and one domain from each terminal part of the molecule. This division seems to reflect the structural differences between the domains.  相似文献   

Hamster cell fibronectin is a glycoprotein consisting of two 230,000-dalton subunits in a disulfide-bonded dimer. The molecule is composed of domains which can be separated by partial proteolytic cleavage. The carbohydrates, disulfide bonds, and a single free sulfhydryl group per chain are distributed nonuniformly among these regions. All the interchain disulfides are within 10,000 daltons of the end of the molecule and are removed by mild proteolysis which also generates 200,000- and 25,000-dalton fragments which do not contain interchain disulfides. The 200,000-dalton fragment contains all or most of the carbohydrate side chains, and the free sulfhydryl group, but is relatively poor in cystine. The 25,000-dalton fragment is carbohydrate-free and cystine-rich but has no free sulfhydryl groups. There is heterogeneity in carbohydrate content among the monomeric chains of intact fibronectin and the 200,000-dalton fragments. The gelatin binding site of fibronectin is in the 200,000 fragment. Intact disulfide bonds are required for binding of fibronectin to cells and to gelatin and blockage of the free sulfhydryl groups prevents binding of fibronectin to cells, suggesting that intermolecular disulfide bonding may be important.  相似文献   

A brief review of the chemical structure of the fibrinogen molecule, its proteolytic fragmentation, physicochemical and functional properties of proteolytic fragments is presented. The previous notions on the structure of the fibrinogen molecule are considered as well as new data obtained by the methods of scanning microcalorimetry, electron microscopy and by other methods which permit suggesting some models for structural organization of the fibrinogen molecule.  相似文献   

The chaperonin HSP60 (GroEL) proteins are essential in eubacterial genomes and in eukaryotic organelles. Functional regions inferred from mutation studies and the Escherichia coli GroEL 3D crystal complexes are evaluated in a multiple alignment across 43 diverse HSP60 sequences, centering on ATP/ADP and Mg2+ binding sites, on residues interacting with substrate, on GroES contact positions, on interface regions between monomers and domains, and on residues important in allosteric conformational changes. The most evolutionary conserved residues relate to the ATP/ADP and Mg2+ binding sites. Hydrophobic residues that contribute in substrate binding are also significantly conserved. A large number of charged residues line the central cavity of the GroEL-GroES complex in the substrate-releasing conformation. These span statistically significant intra- and inter-monomer three-dimensional (3D) charge clusters that are highly conserved among sequences and presumably play an important role interacting with the substrate. Unaligned short segments between blocks of alignment are generally exposed at the outside wall of the Anfinsen cage complex. The multiple alignment reveals regions of divergence common to specific evolutionary groups. For example, rickettsial sequences diverge in the ATP/ADP binding domain and gram-positive sequences diverge in the allosteric transition domain. The evolutionary information of the multiple alignment proffers attractive sites for mutational studies.  相似文献   

Insulin from an elasmobranch, the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) has been purified to near homogeneity by means of acid-ethanol extraction and salt precipitation. The amino acid sequences of the performic-acid-oxidised A and B chains have been determined and exhibit some unusual features. The A chain contains a total of 22 amino acids; only the insulin from coypu (a member of the Rodentia suborder, Hystricomorpha), has previously been reported to contain an extension past the A21 asparagine. The B10 histidine, which is involved in the formation of the insulin hexamers in higher vertebrates through the co-ordination of zinc, is present in this elasmobranch insulin. Several substitutions relative to bovine insulin occur in the proposed receptor binding region (A5Gln leads to His, B21Glu leads to Pro, B22Arg leads to Lys, B25Phe leads to Tyr). In spite of these substitutions, the maximal response in the rat epididymal fat cell assay is the same for bovine and dogfish insulins; the concentration required to produce the half-maximal response is, however, approximately threefold greater for dogfish insulin than that of bovine insulin. The use of interactive computer graphics model-building predicts that the dogfish insulin can attain a three-dimensional structure very similar to that of bovine insulin; circular dichroic spectra are presented which support the model-building studies.  相似文献   

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