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Aquaporins (AQP) have important solute transport functions in many tissues including the epididymal efferent ducts (ED) and in the liver. We investigated the effect of neonatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) on AQP9 expressions in the ED and in the liver of rats. DES was administered from day 2 to day 20 postnatally at a dose of 4,8 microg/day, and AQP9 protein and mRNA were measured by immunoblotting and real-time PCR, respectively, along with immunohistochemistry. DES caused hepatic downregulation of AQP9 at both the protein and mRNA level; however, decreased AQP9 labeling was only observed in the periportal zone. In the ED, AQP9 protein expression was increased in the DES-treated animals by 300% that could be ascribed to a widening of the ED lumen, whereas no difference was observed in AQP9 mRNA expression. Immunohistochemical findings revealed that AQP9 expression was confined to the epithelial cells of the ED. In conclusion, neonatal DES exposure appears to upregulate AQP9 channels in the ED in male rats, whereas a downregulation in the hepatic expression was observed, particularly in the periacinous area.  相似文献   

The present study examines the mechanism of endocytosis of testicular prosaposin by the nonciliated cells of the efferent ducts. Testicular prosaposin is secreted by Sertoli cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules as a 70 kDa isomer where it binds to the tail of spermatozoa. In the efferent ducts, after dissociating from the plasma membrane of the spermatozoa, prosaposin is endocytosed by the nonciliated cells, presumably by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The initial step of receptor-mediated endocytosis usually results from the binding of a ligand's terminal oligosaccharide to a receptor on the cell surface. Thus, in the present study, several monosaccharides were injected in the lumen of the efferent ducts to compete with the binding and endocytosis of prosaposin. A quantitative electron microscopic approach was utilized and the number of gold particles, indicating anti-prosaposin immunoreactive sites, were scored over the various cell compartments including the plasma membrane, endocytic vesicles, early endosomes, and late endosomes. The length of the plasma membrane and the areas of endocytic vesicles, early endosomes, and late endosomes were measured with an image analyzer and the number of grains expressed per μm (plasma membrane) and μm2 (endocytic vesicles/endosomes) respectively. The quantitative analysis was performed in untreated animals (controls) and animals treated with various sugars (i.e., glucose, galactose, mannose, mannose 6-phosphate, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine) injected into the lumen of the efferent ducts at a concentration of 20 mM. Sialic acid caused the greatest decrease in the labeling density of the endocytic elements. Mannose 6-phosphate also caused a decrease in labeling but to a lesser extent. Various amounts of sialic acid (0.02 mM, 0.2 mM, 2 mM, 20 mM, and 200 mM) showed that most of these concentrations produced a significant decrease in the labeling density of endocytic vesicles and endosomes. Moreover, Western blots of prosaposin isolated from seminiferous tubular fluids followed by glycan analysis with Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) and Maackia amurensis agglutinin (MAA), revealed that this protein has sialic acid residues that are terminally linked to galactose and/or N-acetylgalactosamine ( α-NeuNAc-[2->6]-Gal and α-NeuNAc-[2->6]-GalNAc). These data indicate that testicular prosaposin is removed from the lumen of the efferent ducts by the noncialiated cells via a receptor that recognizes prosaposin's terminal sialic acid residues. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:156–166, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe seasonal variations of the histology of the seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts of the tropical, viviparous skink, Mabuya brachypoda, throughout the year. The specimens were collected monthly, in Nacajuca, Tabasco state, Mexico. The results revealed strong annual variations in testicular volume, stages of the germ cells, and diameter and height of the epithelia of seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts. Recrudescence was detected from November to December, when initial mitotic activity of spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules were observed, coinciding with the decrease of temperature, photoperiod and rainy season. From January to February, early spermatogenesis continued and early primary and secondary spermatocytes were developing within the seminiferous epithelium. From March through April, numerous spermatids in metamorphosis were observed. Spermiogenesis was completed from May through July, which coincided with an increase in temperature, photoperiod, and rainfall. Regression occurred from August through September when testicular volume and spermatogenic activity decreased. During this time, the seminiferous epithelium decreased in thickness, and germ cell recruitment ceased, only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia were present in the epithelium. Throughout testicular regression spermatocytes and spermatids disappeared and the presence of cellular debris, and scattered spermatozoa were observed in the lumen. The regressed testes presented the total suspension of spermatogenesis. During October, the seminiferous tubules contained only spermatogonia and Sertoli cells, and the size of the lumen was reduced, giving the appearance that it was occluded. In concert with testis development, the efferent ducts were packed with spermatozoa from May through August. The epididymis was devoid of spermatozoa by September. M. brachypoda exhibited a prenuptial pattern, in which spermatogenesis preceded the mating season. The seasonal cycle variations of spermatogenesis in M. brachypoda are the result of a single extended spermiation event, which is characteristic of reptilian species. J. Morphol. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA was analyzed qualitatively as well as quantitatively from ovaries of the fresh water teleostHeteropneustes fossilis for twelve months. The tRNA samples were found to be pure and devoid of any high molecular weight RNA or DNA contaminations. The quantity of tRNA as well as its biological activity, assayed byin vitro aminoacylation using homologous aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, were found to be higher during resting and preparatory (pre-vitellogenic) phases, i.e. from November to March, as compared to vitellogenic and spawning phases of the fish, i.e. from April to October. The highest tRNA pool and its activity was found in the month of February, which coincides with the early preparatory phase. The results indicate that the accumulation of active tRNA starts in the resting phase. Such an accumulation of tRNA may be a part of the enrichment of mature eggs with complete translational machinery before ovulation in order to cope with the high rate of protein synthesis after fertilization.Abbreviations aaRS aminoacyl tRNA synthetase - [14C] APH [14C]-algal protein hydrolysate - ATP adenosine triphosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid - GSI gonado somatic index - TCA trichloroacetic acid - tRNA transfer RNA  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of female Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus was studied throughout an annual cycle from January to December 2007 in Pagasitikos Gulf, a large semi-enclosed Gulf in the central west Aegean Sea, in Greece. Six ovarian maturation stages were described to follow gonadal development, based on the combined external observation and histological examination of the ovary. Reproduction showed clear seasonality both in terms of ovarian maturation and brooding period. The proportion of fully mature females in the catch increased from January to the summer months with a peak in June. The species has a protracted brooding period that peaks in November and December, while the release of eggs from females' pleopods occurs from January to March. The size at which 50% of females reached sexual maturity was estimated, using a logistic model, to be 28.1 mm of carapace length. The undiscovered reproductive dynamics will be valuable for optimizing population models and management strategies for this important fishery resource.  相似文献   

This study investigated the morphology and immunoexpression of aquaporins (AQPs) 1 and 9 in the rete testis, efferent ducts, epididymis, and vas deferens in the Azara’s agouti (Dasyprocta azarae). For this purpose, ten adult sexually mature animals were used in histologic and immunohistochemical analyses. The Azara’s agouti rete testis was labyrinthine and lined with simple cubic epithelium. Ciliated and non-ciliated cells were observed in the epithelium of the efferent ducts. The epididymal cellular population was composed of principal, basal, apical, clear, narrow, and halo cells. The epithelium lining of vas deferens was composed of the principal and basal cells. AQPs 1 and 9 were not expressed in the rete testis. Positive reaction to AQP1 was observed at the luminal border of non-ciliated cells of the efferent ducts, and in the peritubular stroma and blood vessels in the epididymis, and vas deferens. AQP9 was immunolocalized in the epithelial cells in the efferent ducts, epididymis and vas deferens. The morphology of Azara’s agouti testis excurrent ducts is similar to that reported for other rodents such as Cuniculus paca. The immunolocalization results of the AQPs suggest that the expression of AQPs is species-specific due to differences in localization and expression when compared to studies in other mammals species. The knowledge about the expression of AQPs in Azara’s agouti testis excurrent ducts is essential to support future reproductive studies on this animal, since previous studies show that AQPs may be biomarkers of male fertility and infertility.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycle of seasonally breeding fish is synchronized with changes of photoperiod and temperature in environment. We hypothesize that arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT) are involved in timing and synchronization of seasonal reproductive activity in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). To verify this hypothesis, we examined the annual profiles of brain AVT and IT in round goby males and females in relation to their reproductive cycle. Wild round gobies were exposed to annual environmental changes in their natural habitats from where they were sampled monthly over a year. AVT and IT were measured using HPLC with fluorescence detection preceded by solid-phase extraction. This study shows seasonal variations in brain AVT and IT levels. Profiles of changes were similar in males and females: the peak of AVT was observed before spawning in March-April, whereas that of IT during spawning in May–June. Furthermore, the lowest AVT level was noted out of breeding season from November to January, while the level of IT decreased immediately at the end of the spawning. The results show that high AVT levels correlate with pre-spawning period whereas the highest IT levels correspond to spawning. A significant decline in AVT and IT in non-spawning season coincided with the quiescent phase of gametogenesis in both sexes.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that individuals should adjust their reproductive effort according to the expected fitness returns on investment. Because sexually selected male traits should provide honest information about male genetic or phenotypic quality, females may invest more when paired with attractive males. However, there is substantial disagreement in the literature whether such differential allocation is a general pattern. Using a comparative meta-regression approach, we show that female birds generally invest more into reproduction when paired with attractive males, both in terms of egg size and number as well as food provisioning. However, whereas females of species with bi-parental care tend to primarily increase the number of eggs when paired with attractive males, females of species with female-only care produce larger, but not more, eggs. These patterns may reflect adaptive differences in female allocation strategies arising from variation in the signal content of sexually selected male traits between systems of parental care. In contrast to reproductive effort, female allocation of immune-stimulants, anti-oxidants and androgens to the egg yolk was not consistently increased when mated to attractive males, which probably reflects the context-dependent costs and benefits of those yolk compounds to females and offspring.  相似文献   

利用天然树洞繁殖的五种鸟的巢位特征及繁殖成功率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王海涛  高玮  万冬梅  刘多  邓文洪 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1377-1385
对吉林省左家自然保护区次生阔叶林中的大山雀 ( Parusmajor)、沼泽山雀 ( Paruspalustris)、普通跓( Sitta europacea)、白眉姬? ( Ficedula zanthopygia)和灰椋鸟 ( Sturnus cineraceus) 5种利用天然树洞繁殖的次级洞巢鸟进行了巢位选择和繁殖成功率研究。本研究中共发现 1 41巢。五种鸟对树洞类型的选择存在种间差异 ,普通跓不利用裂洞 ,沼泽山雀不利用啄洞 ,其它 3种鸟对 3种洞均有利用 ,但有一定的倾向性。对 5种鸟 9个巢位变量的比较中 ,只有洞口方向差异不显著 ( p >0 .0 5 ) ,其它 8个变量均差异显著 ( p<0 .0 5 ) ,该结果说明 5种次级洞巢鸟对巢位的选择具有其各自的需求。洞口横径、洞口纵径、洞处树直径、洞内径、巢距地高是巢位选择重要变量 ,它们决定不同种类对树洞的利用。巢损失多数出现在产卵之前和孵化阶段 ,44个繁殖失败的巢中有 35个在这两个阶段损失。大山雀的巢成功率最低 ,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。 5种鸟的孵化率都超过 90 %。人为破坏和动物捕食是繁殖失败的主要原因 ,占总数的 61 .4%。洞巢鸟巢位选择中的重要变量影响繁殖成功。普通跓繁殖是否成功受洞口横径和巢高影响 ,沼泽山雀受洞口纵径、树胸径和洞内径影响 ,大山雀受洞口横径、巢高和洞内径影响 ,灰椋鸟受洞内径和洞深影  相似文献   

The accessory reproductive glands of female S. gregaria are tubular extensions of the paired genital ducts, which in the mature female contain large amounts of a proteinaceous secretion used in the formation of the egg pod. In the 4th and 5th-instar female the glands are indistinguishable from the remainder of the mesodermally derived genital ducts. Towards the end of the 5th stadium, however, the accessory gland region only acquires characteristic convolutions which persist throughout the adult stages. At this time the epithelium of the entire ducts becomes reorganized into a unicellular epithelium. Only one cell type occurs throughout the length of the glands, and also in the egg calyces and lateral oviducts. The cells are inactive immediately after final ecdysis and remain in this state until the level of juvenile hormone in the haemolymph rises. The hormone acts directly on the cells triggering a rapid proliferation of organelles associated with protein secretion, and thereby increasing the volume of apical cytoplasm. Microvilli develop at the luminar plasma membrane, while irregular infoldings form at the base of the cells. As the gland matures the major organelle, the rough endoplasmic reticulum, changes from the lamellar to the vesicular form. Secretion is released into the lumen by the ‘microapocrine’ method.  相似文献   

Seasonal reproductive cycle of the freshwater mussel, Lamellidens corrianus has been studied. These mussels are functional or simultaneous hermaphrodites. The spawning was at its peak during the months of September to December. The gonads were in growing stages with reduced gonadal activity during January to April, whereas the maturation of gonads was found to be intense during May to August.  相似文献   

The functional state of the thyroid gland and the concentration of thyroid hormones in the peripheral blood were studied in 20 mature female albino rats during their estral cycle. Evaluation of the thyroid functional state was made according to data of histological, morphological (the diameter of folliculi, the height of the thyroid epithelium) and histochemical analysis (determination of NAD and NADP-dehydrogenase, succinatedehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, peroxydase, acid and alkaline phosphatase) as well as biochemical determination of iodine bound with protein (IBP) in the blood plasma and investigation of the ratio of the parameters in question under conditions of the sex cycle. The cyclic changes of the morphological state of the thyroid gland attended by the phases of the estral cycle were revealed. The activation of the organ was observed in proestrus and estrus which was evidenced by high levels of activity of the enzymes under study, high concentration of IBP in the blood and increased height of thyreocytes. A decreased function of the thyroid parenchyma was observed at the period of metaestrus-diestrus.  相似文献   

This paper, using modern Darwinian theory, proposes an explanation for the increasingly high incidence of breast cancer found among pre-and post-menopausal women living today in westernized countries. A number of factors have been said to be responsible: genetic inheritance (BRCA-1), diet (specifically the increased consumption of dietary fat), exposure to carcinogenic agents, lifetime menstrual activity, and reproductive factors. The primary aim of this paper is to demonstrate the value of a perspective based on Darwinian theory. In this paper, Darwinian theory is used to explore the possibility that the increased incidence of breast cancer is due primarily to the failure to complete in a timely manner the reproductive developmental cycle, beginning at menarche and continuing through a series of pregnancies and lactation. On the basis of comparative data, we assume that most women in ancestral populations began having children before age 20 or so and tended to remain either pregnant or nursing for most of their adult lives. If a woman did not have a child by age 25 or so, she probably would never have one. Therefore, selection would probably not have acted against deleterious traits, such as cancer, that appeared after that age, just as it does not act against such traits in old age. This article is based upon a paper presented at the Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, June 18th, 1994, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Kathryn Coe is a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at Arizona State University and project director of an NCI grant focusing on cervical and breast cancer in Hispanic women. Field research for her doctoral dissertation focused on the health, fertility, and culture of the Chachi Indians of the coastal rain forest of Ecuador. Lyle Steadman is an assistant professor of anthropology at Arizona State University. He has conducted research for more than two years among the isolated Hewa of Papua New Guinea. His research interests include evolutionary theory and culture, particularly religion and kinship.  相似文献   

The oviducts of 24 tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) were examined using histological techniques and scanning electron microscopy to determine endometrial morphology. Measurements of endometrial characteristics (epithelial cell height, cilia length, thickness of endometrial glandular layer, and glandular diameter) in the uterus and tube (tuba uterina) were obtained to determine changes during the reproductive cycle. Epithelial cell height increases in both the uterus and the tube during vitellogenesis and remains hypertrophied during gravidity. Cilia length increases in the uterus during late vitellogenesis and gravidity, but the length of tubal cilia does not change during the reproductive cycle. The ratio of secretory to ciliated epithelial cells in the oviduct increases from quiescence to gravidity. The thickness of the glandular endometrial layer increases in both the uterus and tube during vitellogenesis. In the uterus, the glandular layer decreases in thickness during gravidity. The diameter of the uterine glands increases throughout vitellogenesis and gravidity; however, following ovulation glandular cells become depleted of secretory granules and cell height diminishes. The diameter of the tubal glands is unchanged during the reproductive cycle. Oviductal hypertrophy during vitellogenesis coincides with elevated circulating estradiol, whereas during gravidity progesterone concentrations peak (Taylor, '82, PhD Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville) and may induce secretion of albumen and eggshell components.  相似文献   

The possible role of a brain hormone in oogenesis of Poecilobdella viridis has been investigated by brain extirpation and brain extract injections during non-reproductive (November to January) and reproductive (March to May) periods. Brain extirpation during the non-reproductive period ceased maturation of the ovary. It is inferred that brain secretion bears possibly a gonadotropic principle which governs and regulates the oogenesis during the annual reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

We know little about the process of spermatogenesis in bats, a great and diverse clade of mammals that presents different reproductive strategies. In the present study, spermatogenesis in six species of Neotropical bats was investigated by light microscopy. On the basis of chromatin condensation, nuclear morphology, relative position to the basal membrane and formation of the flagellum, three types of spermatogonia were recognized: dark type A (Ad), pale type A (Ap), and type B; the development of spermatids was divided into seven steps. With the exception of Myotis nigricans, the seminiferous epithelium cycle of the other five species studied was similar to those of other mammals, showing gradual stages by the tubular morphology method. Asynchrony was observed in the seminiferous epithelium cycle of M. nigricans, shown by overlapping stages and undefined cycles. The frequencies found in the three phases of the cycle were variable with the greatest frequency occurring in the postmeiotic phase (>50%) and the least in the meiotic phase (<10%). The similarities observed in the five species of Phyllostomidae appeared to be related to their phylogenetic relationship and shorter divergence times, whereas the differences in M. nigricans appeared to be related to its greater phylogenetic distance because the Vespertilionidae family diverged earlier. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The reproductive potential of Heterakis gallinarum was substantially higher in the ring-necked pheasant than in any of the eight other species of galliform birds used on the 67 tests here reported. Pheasants on four tests yielded an average 19·4 times as many eggs that embryonated as were used to infect the birds, while for those on tests with a highly virulent strain of Histomonas meleagridis present the return was 21·1 eggs per egg used. Corresponding returns for chickens were 5·2 and 2·4; for guinea fowl, 9·7 and 1·3; and for turkeys, 1·9 and 0·17. Birds of the other five species gave even poorer returns. Previous studies had indicated that 10–30 times as many heterakid eggs must embryonate as survive to be ingested, under natural conditions. Inasmuch as the traditional host of Heterakis gallinarum must also have been that of the virulent strains of Histomonas meleagridis that have become man's contemporaries, we regard the ring-necked pheasant, or some very close relative, as being the most likely host of these parasites in the late Cenozoic and Recent Eras.  相似文献   

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