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Polyclonal antisera against a fusion protein of β-galactosidase and the 20 C-terminal amino acids of the Arabidopsis thaliana sucrose carrier AtSUC2 were used to determine the cellular localization of the AtSUC2 protein. Using fluorescence-labelling on sections from different organs of Arabidopsis the AtSUC2 protein was immunolocalized exclusively in companion cells. The presented data indicate that phloem loading in Arabidopsis may be catalyzed by the AtSUC2 sucrose carrier which transports sucrose into the companion cells. No evidence for a participation of the second Arabidopsis sucrose transporter AtSUC1 has been obtained.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes (RKN; Meloidogyne incognita) are phytoparasitic nematodes that cause significant damage to crop plants worldwide. Recent studies have revealed that RKNs disrupt various physiological processes in host plant cells to induce gall formation. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of gall formation induced by nematodes. We have previously found that RNA expression levels of some of genes related to micro-RNA, cell division, membrane traffic, vascular formation, and meristem maintenance system were modified by nematode infection. Here we evaluated these genes importance during nematode infection by using Arabidopsis mutants and/or β-glucronidase (GUS) marker genes, particularly after inoculation with nematodes, to identify the genes involved in successful nematode infection. Our results provide new insights not only for the basic biology of plant–nematode interactions but also to improve nematode control in an agricultural setting.  相似文献   

The cDNA corresponding to the open reading frame T17M13.3 from Arabidopsis chromosome II was isolated and the encoded protein was characterized as a member of a subgroup of higher plant sucrose transporters. The AtSUC3 (Arabidopsis thaliana sucrose transporter 3) open reading frame encodes a protein with 594 amino acid residues, being 81 and 82 residues longer than the previously described Arabidopsis sucrose carriers AtSUC1 and AtSUC2. About 50 of these additional amino acids are part of an extended cytoplasmic loop separating the N-terminal from the C-terminal half of the protein. For functional characterization the AtSUC3 cDNA was expressed in baker's yeast. Substrate specificities, energy dependence and K(m) values of the recombinant protein were determined. Removal of the enlarged cytoplasmic loop and expression of the truncated cDNA caused no detectable change in the kinetic properties of the protein, suggesting a transport-independent function for this cytoplasmic domain. Immunolocalization with an AtSUC3-specific antiserum identified the protein in a cell layer separating the phloem from the mesophyll and in a single, subepidermal cell layer of the carpels that is important for pod dehiscence. These localizations suggest a possible role of AtSUC3 in the funnelling of sucrose from the mesophyll towards the phloem, and possibly in pod shatter.  相似文献   

蔗糖调节拟南芥花青素的生物合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨糖在花青素合成过程中的调节作用,采用蔗糖和其代谢糖(葡萄糖 和果糖)组合处理拟南芥幼苗.实验结果表明,60 mmol/L蔗糖处理显著提高拟南芥 幼苗的花青素、还原糖含量,并上调花青素合成相关基因(CHS, FLS-1, DFR, LDOX, BANYULS)的转录,对叶绿素含量和UGT78D2基因的转录无影响;20 mmol/L 葡萄糖+20 mmol/L果糖处理,对花青素、叶绿素和还原糖的含量无影响,对花青素 合成相关基因转录影响不一;20 mmol/L蔗糖+20 mmol/L葡萄糖+20 mmol/L果糖处 理后,花青素和还原糖含量介于前两个处理之间,也上调花青素合成相关基因的转 录;但和蔗糖处理组相比,上调UGT78D2基因转录,下调FLS-1基因转录.在不同处 理组之间,花青素含量变化和还原糖含量变化趋势相同,有可能糖在调节花青素 合成的同时也调节还原糖含量.因此,蔗糖既可以通过蔗糖特异信号途径,也可以 和其代谢糖通过其他途径共同调节拟南芥花青素的生物合成.  相似文献   

In higher plants, shoots show negative gravitropism and rootsshow positive gravitropism. To elucidate the molecular mechanismsof root and hypocotyl gravitropism, we segregated the secondmutation from the original phyB-1 mutant line which impairedboth root and hypocotyl gravitropism and characterized thisnovel mutation named rhg (for root and hyzypocotyl gravitropism).The rhg is a single recessive nuclear mutation and it is mappedon the lower part of the chromosome 1. Analyses on the gravitropicresponses of the rhg mutant indicate that root and hypocotylgravitropism are severely impaired but inflorescence stem gravitropismis not affected by the rhg mutation. In the rhg mutant seedlings,amyloplasts (statoliths for gravity-perception) were presentin the presumptive statocytes of roots and hypocotyls. Phototropismby roots and hypocotyls was not impaired in the rhg mutant.These results suggest that the RHG gene product probably actson the gravity-perception and/or the gravity-signal transductionin root and hypocotyl gravitropism. This is the first reportabout the genetic locus specifically involved in both root andhypocotyl gravitropism but not inflorescence stem gravitropism,supporting our hypothesis that the mechanisms of gravitropismare genetically different between hypocotyls and inflorescencestems. (Received March 11, 1997; Accepted April 17, 1997)  相似文献   

低磷供应对拟南芥根系构型的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王学敏 《植物研究》2010,30(4):496-502
在人工气候箱中,采用Johnson培养基对拟南芥在低磷供应条件下根系构型的变化进行了研究,结果表明:拟南芥在磷饥饿诱导下,主根缩短,侧根密度、根毛的数量和长度显著增加,并且,根尖到第一侧根和第一根毛的距离也大大缩短。这些改变增加了根系比表面积,并且使得根系分布更加靠近土壤表层,有利于提高植物吸收土壤中有机磷的效率。低磷胁迫还导致拟南芥根系分生组织区细胞形状变异,柱细胞数量减少;主根生长和细胞伸长的动力学分析显示,磷饥饿促使拟南芥主根生长变缓,细胞长度随磷饥饿程度的加深迅速缩小。CycB1;1:GUS染色分析结果表明,低磷破坏拟南芥根系分生组织细胞分裂能力,这些结果说明磷胁迫同时抑制了细胞的伸长和分裂,从而引起拟南芥主根的缩短。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) stress responsive genes have been identified and characterized, including the high-affinity phosphate transporter AtPHT1;4 from Arabidopsis thaliana. This gene encodes a membrane protein that is primarily expressed in roots under phosphorus deficiency. A 2.3-kb promoter region from AtPHT1;4 has been fused with the β-glucuronidase (GUS) encoding gene and introduced into maize via biolistic bombardment to evaluate its spatiotemporal activity in a heterologous system. AtPHT1;4::GUS expression is detected preferentially in transgenic maize roots under P deficiency. Further analysis of transgenic plants has also revealed that GUS activity is higher in roots than in leaves by about sixfold. These results demonstrate the ability of AtPHT1;4 promoter to direct expression of the reporter gene in a monocot root system under P stress. This property of AtPHT1;4 promoter makes it useful to engineer maize plants to modify the soil’s rhizosphere and increase efficiency of P acquisition under P stress conditions.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the extent to which transposable elements (TEs) have contributed to protein-coding regions in Arabidopsis thaliana. To do this, we first characterized the extent of chimeric TE-gene constructs. We compared a genome-wide TE database to genomic sequences, annotated coding regions, and EST data. The comparison revealed that 7.8% of expressed genes contained a region with close similarity to a known TE sequence. Some groups of TEs, such as helitrons, were underrepresented in exons relative to their genome-wide distribution; in contrast, Copia-like and En/Spm-like sequences were overrepresented in exons. These 7.8% percent of genes were enriched for some GO-based functions, particularly kinase activity, and lacking in other functions, notably structural molecule activity. We also examined gene family evolution for these genes. Gene family information helped clarify whether the sequence similarity between TE and gene was due to a TE contributing to the gene or, instead, the TE co-opting a portion of the gene. Most (66%) of these genes were not easily assigned to a gene family, and for these we could not infer the direction of the relationship between TE and gene. For the remainder, where appropriate, we built phylogenetic trees to infer the direction of the TE-gene relationship by parsimony. By this method, we verified examples where TEs contributed to expressed proteins. Our results are undoubtedly conservative but suggest that TEs may have contributed small protein segments to as many as 1.2% of all expressed, annotated A. thaliana genes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Root architecture can be profoundly affected by the carbon availability in the plant. We hypothesized that this effect could be mediated by the carbon status of root cells involved in elongation and branching processes. Arabidopsis thaliana plants were grown at several photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD) and were supplied with various sucrose concentrations in the root medium. Hexose and sucrose concentration was estimated in individual roots in the apical growing region of the primary root and of secondary roots as well as in the zone of primordia development. Local sugar concentration was high in fast‐growing and in highly branched roots and robust relationships between root elongation rate or branching and hexose concentration (but not sucrose) were found that were common to all situations experienced. Moreover, these relationships accounted for the plant‐to‐plant variability within a treatment as well as for the variability among individual secondary roots within a plant. These results support the view that local hexose concentration integrates changes in carbon availability from several sources and acts as a signal to induce at least part of the response of the root architecture to the environment.  相似文献   

Tip growth of plant cells has been suggested to be regulated by a tip-focused gradient in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c). However, whether this gradient orients apical growth or follows the driving force for this process remains unknown. Using localized photoactivation of the caged calcium ionophore Br-A23187 we have been able to artificially generate an asymmetrical calcium influx across the root hair tip. This led to a change in the direction of tip growth towards the high point of the new [Ca2+]c gradient. Such reorientation of growth was transient and there was a return to the original direction within 15 min. Root hairs forced to change the direction of their growth by placing a mechanical obstacle in their path stopped, reoriented growth to the side, and grew past the mechanical blockage. However, as soon as the growing tip had cleared the obstacle, growth returned to the original direction. Confocal ratio imaging revealed that a tip-focused [Ca2+]c gradient was always centered at the site of active growth. When the root hair changed direction the gradient also reoriented, and when growth returned to the original direction, so did the [Ca2+]c gradient. This normal direction of apical growth of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root hairs was found to be at a fixed angle from the root of 85 ± 6.7 degrees. In contrast, Tradescantia virginiana (L.) pollen tubes that were induced to reorient by touch or localized activation of the caged ionophore, did not return to the original growth direction, but continued to elongate in their new orientation. These results suggest that the tip-focused [Ca2+]c gradient is an important factor in localizing growth of the elongating root hair and pollen tube to the apex. However, it is not the primary determinant of the direction of elongation in root hairs, suggesting that other information from the root is acting to continuously reset the growth direction away from the root surface. Received: 22 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 May 1997  相似文献   

Transfer cells are specialised transport cells containing invaginated wall ingrowths that generate an amplified plasma membrane surface area with high densities of transporter proteins. They trans‐differentiate from differentiated cells at sites at which enhanced rates of nutrient transport occur across apo/symplasmic boundaries. Despite their physiological importance, little is known of the molecular mechanisms regulating construction of their intricate wall ingrowths. We investigated the genetic control of wall ingrowth formation in phloem parenchyma transfer cells of leaf minor veins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Wall ingrowth development in these cells is substantially enhanced upon exposing plants to high‐light or cold treatments. A hierarchical bioinformatic analysis of public microarray datasets derived from the leaves of plants subjected to these treatments identified GIGANTEA (GI) as one of 46 genes that are commonly up‐regulated twofold or more under both high‐light and cold conditions. Histological analysis of the GI mutants gi‐2 and gi‐3 showed that the amount of phloem parenchyma containing wall ingrowths was reduced 15‐fold compared with wild‐type. Discrete papillate wall ingrowths were formed in gi‐2 plants but failed to develop into branched networks. Wall ingrowth development in gi‐2 was not rescued by exposing these plants to high‐light or cold conditions. In contrast, over‐expression of GI in the gi‐2 background restored wall ingrowth deposition to wild‐type levels. These results indicate that GI regulates the ongoing development of wall ingrowth networks at a point downstream of inputs from environmental signals.  相似文献   

小麦耐逆基因-TaLEA2转化拟南芥的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究小麦第3组LEA基因中T aLEA2对耐旱和耐盐性能的影响.将小麦第3组LEA基因T aLEA2连接在双元表达载体pB I121 C aM V 35S启动子下游,构建了能在植物中高效表达的载体pB I121-T aLEA2.通过农杆菌介导的真空渗透法,将其转入野生拟南芥中,经抗性筛选及PCR验证,获得T0代转基因植株,并用不同浓度的PEG 4000和N aC l对转基因拟南芥的耐逆性进行检测.结果表明,这些转基因植株可明显改进拟南芥在10%PEG及0.8%N aC l培养基上的生长状态.在实验条件下,转基因拟南芥的耐旱性及耐盐性均有所提高,提示T aLEA2基因在植物水分调节方面有重要作用.  相似文献   

The gene coding for a putative chlorophyll synthase gene (C4) from Arabidopsis thaliana was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and cloned into the expression vector pQE- 31. Lysates of bacteria (E.coli) that had been transformed with this construct were used for in vitro enzymatic assays. The chlorophyll synthase catalyzed esterification of chlorophyllides a and b at the same rate but preferred geranylgeranyl-PP over phytyl-PP. This corresponds to the enzyme specificity previously described for etiolated plants and differed from that of green plants.  相似文献   

We have isolated and analysed a 2 kb region of the mitochondrial genome of Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia) showing a high level of nucleotide identity with the mitochondrial (mt) rps14 small-subunit ribosomal protein gene from Oenothera berteriana and Vicia faba, as well as with an open reading frame (ORF) located upstream of the nad3 locus in O. berteriana. The rps14 locus is present as a single copy in the A. thaliana mt genome and has a translational stop codon located near the initiation codon, as well as a deletion of one nucleotide that disturbs the coding sequence. The cloning and sequencing of nine amplified mt rps14 cDNAs clearly demonstrated that this gene is transcribed and that the mRNA precursors are edited at three positions, all involving C-to-U conversions. No editing events changing the stop codon and restoring the correct coding sequence were witnessed within the 9 individual cDNA clones. Therefore, we conclude that the single rps14 sequence of the mitochondrial genome from A. thealiana is in fact a pseudogene that is transcribed and edited but not translated.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana is known to produce the phytoalexin camalexin in response to abiotic and biotic stress. Here we studied the mechanisms of tolerance to camalexin in the fungus Botrytis cinerea , a necrotrophic pathogen of A. thaliana . Exposure of B. cinerea to camalexin induces expression of BcatrB , an ABC transporter that functions in the efflux of fungitoxic compounds. B. cinerea inoculated on wild-type A. thaliana plants yields smaller lesions than on camalexin-deficient A. thaliana mutants. A B. cinerea strain lacking functional BcatrB is more sensitive to camalexin in vitro and less virulent on wild-type plants, but is still fully virulent on camalexin-deficient mutants. Pre-treatment of A. thaliana with UV-C leads to increased camalexin accumulation and substantial resistance to B. cinerea. UV-C-induced resistance was not seen in the camalexin-deficient mutants cyp79B2/B3 , cyp71A13 , pad3 or pad2 , and was strongly reduced in ups1 . Here we demonstrate that an ABC transporter is a virulence factor that increases tolerance of the pathogen towards a phytoalexin, and the complete restoration of virulence on host plants lacking this phytoalexin.  相似文献   

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