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The events accompanying the inhibitory effect of alpha-tocopherol and/or ascorbate on the peroxidation of soybean L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine liposomes, which are an accepted model of biological membranes, were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance, optical and polarographic methods. The presence of alpha-tocopherol radical in the concentration range 10(-8)-10(-7) M was detected from its EPR spectrum during the peroxidation of liposomes, catalysed by the Fe3+-triethylenetatramine complex. The alpha-tocopherol radical, generated in the phosphatidylcholine bilayer, is accessible to ascorbic acid, present in the aqueous phase at physiological concentrations. Ascorbic acid regenerates from it the alpha-tocopherol itself. A kinetic rate constant of about 2 X 10(5) M-1 X s-1 was estimated from the reaction as it occurs under the adopted experimental conditions. The scavenging effect of alpha-tocopherol on lipid peroxidation is maintained as long a ascorbic acid is present.  相似文献   

Li X  May JM 《Mitochondrion》2003,3(1):29-38
Vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol is crucial for mitochondrial integrity. We studied the distribution of alpha-tocopherol in rat muscle mitochondria in relation to the capacity of the electron transport chain to recycle the vitamin. Fractionation studies showed that almost 90% of the alpha-tocopherol in mitochondria is located in the outer membrane. This distribution was confirmed with the finding that ferricytochrome c, which does not penetrate the outer membrane, oxidized 70-80% of mitochondrial alpha-tocopherol in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Despite the predominant outer membrane distribution of alpha-tocopherol, succinate and other mitochondrial respiratory substrates spared alpha-tocopherol from oxidative loss by both agents. Sparing of alpha-tocopherol by succinate was prevented by 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone, but not by myxothiazol, which suggests that ubiquinol is the electron donor. Ferricytochrome c significantly increased total F2-isoprostanes, an effect that was prevented by succinate. Most alpha-tocopherol in muscle mitochondria is located in the outer membrane, where it is susceptible to oxidative loss. Nonetheless, alpha-tocopherol is partially spared by ubiquinol in the electron transport chain.  相似文献   

Sulfinpyrazone, a potent uricosuric drug, was tested in vitro for its scavenging action against oxygen free radicals. In this study, sulfinpyrazone was able to scavenge 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical with IC 50 value of 29.82 μg/ml compared to butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, IC 50 value=20.15 μg/ml) and Trolox (IC 50 value=16.01 μg/ml). It was able to scavenge superoxide anion with IC 50 value of 27.72 μg/ml compared to Trolox (IC 50 value=22.08 μg/ml) and ascorbic acid (IC 50 value=14.65 μg/ml). The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of sulfinpyrazone is in a concentration-dependent fashion. In the range of concentrations used, sulfinpyrazone was not a scavenger toward H 2 O 2 . However, the intracellular H 2 O 2 -induced 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCF-DA) fluorescence in HL-60 cells was significantly reduced by sulfinpyrazone during 30-60 min of incubation. Finally, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate induced-lucigenin chemiluminescence in whole blood was markedly inhibited by sulfinpyrazone. Our results suggest a new direction for the pharmacological actions of sulfinpyrazone in free radical scavenging properties.  相似文献   

Divergent literature data are found concerning the effect of lactate on free radical production during exercise. To clarify this point, we tested the pro- or antioxidant effect of lactate ion in vitro at different concentrations using three methods: 1) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the scavenging ability of lactate toward the superoxide aion (O(2)(-).) and hydroxyl radical (.OH); 2) linoleic acid micelles were employed to investigate the lipid radical scavenging capacity of lactate; and 3) primary rat hepatocyte culture was used to study the inhibition of membrane lipid peroxidation by lactate. EPR experiments exhibited scavenging activities of lactate toward both O(2)(-). and.OH; lactate was also able to inhibit lipid peroxidation of hepatocyte culture. Both effects of lactate were concentration dependent. However, no inhibition of lipid peroxidation by lactate was observed in the micelle model. These results suggested that lactate ion may prevent lipid peroxidation by scavenging free radicals such as O(2)(-). and.OH but not lipid radicals. Thus lactate ion might be considered as a potential antioxidant agent.  相似文献   

In the series of cytotoxic intercalating compounds derived from ellipticine, we tried to correlate free radical scavenging properties with cytotoxic activities. Scavenging properties were determined in vitro on two experimental models: a) antioxidant activity of the drugs during the autoxidation of methyl linolenate induced by azo-bis-isobutyronitrile; this activity was measured either by the initial rate ratios in the presence and in the absence of the drug or by the length of the inhibition period of the reaction in the presence of the drug and b) ability to reduce DPPH free radicals. Cytotoxic properties were expressed by ID50 the dose which reduces by 50% the L 1210 cell growth rate as compared to controls after 48 h. It appears that antioxidant activity and reduction of DPPH both require the presence of a free OH group on the ellipticine ring. A good correlation is observed between cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity of the hydroxylated derivatives; minor structural modifications which result in a loss of cytotoxic activity also result in a loss of antioxidant properties. No such correlation is observed with DPPH reducing properties of ellipticine derivatives.  相似文献   

Free radical tissue damage: protective role of antioxidant nutrients   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Highly reactive molecules called free radicals can cause tissue damage by reacting with polyunsaturated fatty acids in cellular membranes, nucleotides in DNA, and critical sulfhydryl bonds in proteins. Free radicals can originate endogenously from normal metabolic reactions or exogenously as components of tobacco smoke and air pollutants and indirectly through the metabolism of certain solvents, drugs, and pesticides as well as through exposure to radiation. There is some evidence that free radical damage contributes to the etiology of many chronic health problems such as emphysema, cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, cataracts, and cancer. Defenses against free radical damage include tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), beta-carotene, glutathione, uric acid, bilirubin, and several metalloenzymes including glutathione peroxidase (selenium), catalase (iron), and superoxide dismutase (copper, zinc, manganese) and proteins such as ceruloplasmin (copper). The extent of tissue damage is the result of the balance between the free radicals generated and the antioxidant protective defense system. Several dietary micronutrients contribute greatly to the protective system. Based on the growing interest in free radical biology and the lack of effective therapies for many of the chronic diseases, the usefulness of essential, safe nutrients in protecting against the adverse effects of oxidative injury warrants further study.  相似文献   

Carotenoid radical chemistry and antioxidant/pro-oxidant properties   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The purpose of this review is to summarise the current state of knowledge of (i) the kinetics and mechanisms of radical reactions with carotenoids, (ii) the properties of carotenoid radicals, and (iii) the antioxidant/pro-oxidant properties of carotenoids.  相似文献   

Free radicals derived from reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species are generated in our body by normal cellular metabolism which is enhanced under stress conditions. The most vulnerable biological targets of free radicals are cell structures including proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Since antioxidants synthesized in the body are not sufficient under oxidative stress, their exogenous supply is important to prevent the body from free radical-induced injury. Recent researches have shown that antioxidants of plant origin with free radical scavenging property could have great importance as therapeutic agents in management of oxidative stress. Mangrove plants growing in inhospitable environment of the intertidal regions of land and sea in tropics and sub-tropics are equipped with very efficient free radical scavenging system to withstand the variety of stress conditions. These mangrove plants possess variety of phytochemical and are rich in phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, isoflavones, flavones, anthocyanins, coumarins, lignans, catechins, isocatechins, etc., which served as source of antioxidants. Isolation and identification of these antioxidant compounds offer great potential for their pharmaceutical exploitations. However, no comprehensive literature is available on antioxidants’ studies in mangrove plants in particular. Hence, the present review discusses the antioxidant potential of mangrove plants with its specific role under salt stress as well as the progress made so far in evaluation of antioxidant activities of different mangrove species.  相似文献   

A series of Biginelli adducts bearing different substituents at C-4 position were synthesized by using p-sulfonic acid calix[4]arene as a catalyst. The in vitro potential to scavenge reactive nitrogen/oxygen species (RNS and ROS) and the ability to inhibit cancer cells growth were then investigated. Four adducts were found to be potent scavengers of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (RNS) and/or superoxide anion (ROS) radicals. The antiproliferative activity against cancer cells was disclosed for the first time for 16 monastrol analogs. The capacity of all compounds to inhibit cancer cells growth was dependent on the histological origin of cells, except for BA24, which was highly active against all cell lines. BA20 and BA33 were as potent as the reference drug doxorubicin against adriamycin-resistant ovarian and prostate cancer cells, respectively. These results highlight some monastrol analogs as lead compounds for the design of new free radical scavengers and anticancer agents.  相似文献   

The natural vitamin E tocotrienols possess properties not shared by tocopherols. Nanomolar alpha-tocotrienol, not alpha-tocopherol, is potently neuroprotective. On a concentration basis, this finding represents the most potent of all biological functions exhibited by any natural vitamin E molecule. We sought to dissect the antioxidant-independent and -dependent neuroprotective properties of alpha-tocotrienol by using two different triggers of neurotoxicity, homocysteic acid (HCA) and linoleic acid. Both HCA and linoleic acid caused neurotoxicity with comparable features, such as increased ratio of oxidized to reduced glutathione GSSG/GSH, raised intracellular calcium concentration and compromised mitochondrial membrane potential. Mechanisms underlying HCA-induced neurodegeneration were comparable to those in the path implicated in glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Inducible activation of c-Src and 12-lipoxygenase (12-Lox) represented early events in that pathway. Overexpression of active c-Src or 12-Lox sensitized cells to HCA-induced death. Nanomolar alpha-tocotrienol was protective. Knock-down of c-Src or 12-Lox attenuated HCA-induced neurotoxicity. Oxidative stress represented a late event in HCA-induced death. The observation that micromolar, but not nanomolar, alpha-tocotrienol functions as an antioxidant was verified in a model involving linoleic acid-induced oxidative stress and cell death. Oral supplementation of alpha-tocotrienol to humans results in a peak plasma concentration of 3 microm. Thus, oral alpha-tocotrienol may be neuroprotective by antioxidant-independent as well as antioxidant-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

A number of investigations have implicated free radicals in the progression of ischemic/reperfusion injury. alpha-Tocopherol has been found to attenuate alterations due to ischemia and reperfusion in an isolated heart model. The present study was intended to directly examine neonatal rat cardiac ventricular cell cultures exposed to a free radical generating system catalyzed by xanthine oxidase. The effectiveness of alpha-tocopherol in the attenuation of the resultant changes and the mechanism by which the effects of alpha-tocopherol may be exerted were evaluated. Cultures were either nontreated or pretreated for 18 h with 20 microM alpha-tocopherol or the subcomponents of the alpha-tocopherol molecule, phytol and Trolox. Exposure of cell cultures to free radicals resulted in significant increases in lipid peroxidation products, release of both lactate dehydrogenase and 3H-arachidonate, and structural alterations. Pretreatment with alpha-tocopherol showed significant attenuation of the changes associated with exposure to free radicals. Trolox and phytol at equal molar doses were not as effective as alpha-tocopherol in protecting the myocytes against injury. Thus, alpha-tocopherol seems beneficial in its ability to reduce free radical-mediated changes by functioning as a lipophilic antioxidant. Additionally, the intact, native alpha-tocopherol molecule exceeded the protective capabilities of either of its subcomponents.  相似文献   

Studies were made of the ability of alpha-tocopherol, incorporated into unilamellar liposomes from saturated or unsaturated phospholipids (donor liposomes) to inhibit the accumulation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) products in unilamellar liposomes from rat cerebral cortex lipids (acceptor liposomes) in the presence of LPO inducer (Fe + ascorbate). With the molar alpha-tocopherol: phospholipids rations from 1:1000 to 1:100 in donor liposomes, obtained through sonication of lipid dispersions, alpha-tocopherol was incorporated into both monolayers of liposomes and was distributed in monomeric form without forming clusters. Based on the dependencies of LPO inhibition on the alpha-tocopherol concentrations, we chose the ones that completely prevented the accumulation of LPO products in donor liposomes. Under these conditions LPO inhibition in mixtures of donor and acceptors liposomes was fully determined by the antioxidant effect of alpha-tocopherol in acceptor liposomes due to its intermembrane transfer. The efficiency of the "intermembrane" antioxidant action of alpha-tocopherol increased in the course of preincubation of donor and acceptor liposomes (up to 60 min) and this increase was more pronounced when the donor liposomes contained unsaturated phospholipids. Evidence was obtained that the intermembrane transfer of alpha-tocopherol did not result from the fusion of donor and acceptor liposomes during preincubation.  相似文献   

Free radical reactions of curcumin and its ethoxy substituted derivative (C1) 1,7-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-ethoxy phenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione have been studied using a pulse radiolysis technique in homogeneous aqueous-organic solutions like acetonitrile-water and isopropanol-water mixtures, as well as in neutral TX-100 and cationic CTAB micellar solutions. The phenoxyl radicals of curcumin or C1 were generated by one-electron transfer to several oxidants like N(3)(.), Br(2)(-.), CCl(3)O(2)(.), glutathione radicals which exhibit absorption from a 300-600-nm wavelength region with the maximum at 490-500 nm. Other important properties of the phenoxyl radicals such as extinction coefficient, radical lifetime and their formation and decay rate constants were also determined in these systems. The antioxidant property of curcumin and C1 were estimated in terms of their ability to inhibit the lipid peroxidation in liposomes and also in terms of trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC). The results were compared with alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   

Intermembrane transfer and exchange of tocopherol are not well understood. To study this we tested the ability of alpha-tocopherol containing unilamellar donor liposomes to inhibit the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in acceptor liposomes. With molar ratios of alpha-tocopherol:phospholipids from 1:100 to 1:1000 in donor liposomes prepared by sonication of lipid dispersions, alpha-tocopherol was incorporated into both monolayers and was homogenously distributed in monomeric form without forming clusters in the liposomes. Concentrations of alpha-tocopherol which completely prevented the peroxidation of lipids were chosen for donor liposomes. Hence inhibition of lipid peroxidation in mixtures of donor and acceptor liposomes was determined by the antioxidant effect of alpha-tocopherol in acceptor liposomes which resulted from intermembrane transfer and exchange of alpha-tocopherol. Evidence was obtained that this was not due to fusion of donor with acceptor liposomes. The efficiency of the "intermembrane" antioxidant action of tocopherol was more pronounced when donor liposomes contained unsaturated phospholipids, indicating that the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the outer monolayer phospholipids facilitates intermembrane tocopherol exchange.  相似文献   

Inhibition of root growth and modification of root morphology are the most sensitive responses of Lupinus luteus cv. Ventus L. to lead ions - Pb(NO3)2. Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), we found that at the lead concentration of 150 mg.L–1, the level of free radicals remained at control level, whereas at the higher, sublethal concentration of 350 mg.L–1, they markedly increased. The EPR signal with the g-value at the maximum absorption of 2.0053 implied that the paramagnetic radical is derived from a quinone. The response of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, catalase (CAT, EC, peroxidase (POX, EC and ascorbate peroxidase (APOX, EC, to exogenously applied lead ions was also examined. Enzyme activity was estimated as a function of time and concentration. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by specific staining revealed an increase in the activity of SOD, CAT, POX and APOX coinciding with the time of cultivation. A lead-dependent increase in activities of SOD and POX from root tip extracts was observed, whereas CAT and APOX activities decreased at the higher lead concentrations. These results suggest that at higher lead concentrations, the formation of both free radicals and reactive oxygen species is beyond the capacity of the antioxidant system, which in turn may contribute to the reduced root growth.  相似文献   

The present study investigated changes in rate of free radical production, antioxidant enzyme activity, and glutathione status immediately after and 24 h after acute muscle stretch injury in 18 male New Zealand White rabbits. There was no change in free radical production in injured muscles, compared with noninjured controls, immediately after injury (time 0; P = 0.782). However, at 24 h postinjury, there was a 25% increase in free radical production in the injured muscles. Overall, there was an interaction (time and treatment) effect (P = 0.005) for free radical production. Antioxidant enzyme activity demonstrated a treatment (injured vs. control) and interaction effect for both glutathione peroxidase (P = 0.015) and glutathione reductase (P = 0.041). There was no evidence of lipid peroxidation damage, as measured by muscle malondialdehyde content. An interaction effect occurred for both reduced glutathione (P = 0.008) and total glutathione (P = 0.015). Morphological analysis (hematoxylin and eosin staining) showed significant polymorphonuclear cell infiltration of the damaged region at 24 h postinjury. We conclude that acute mechanical muscle stretch injury results in increased free radical production within 24 h after injury. Antioxidant enzyme and glutathione systems also appear to be affected during this early postinjury period.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) exposure on oxidative status in chloroplasts isolated from soybean ( Glycine max cv . Hood). Chloroplasts were isolated from soybean leaves excised from either control seedlings or those exposed to 30 and 60 kJ m−2 day−1 of UV-B radiation for 4 days. Chloroplastic oxidative conditions were assessed as carbon-centered radical, carbonyl groups and ascorbyl radical content. Treatment with UV-B increased the carbon-centered radical-dependent EPR signal significantly by 55 and 100% in chloroplasts from leaves exposed to 30 and 60 kJ m−2 day−1 UV-B, respectively, compared to radical content in chloroplasts from control leaves. The content of carbonyl groups increased by 37 and 62% in chloroplasts isolated from soybean leaves irradiated for 4 days with 30 and 60 kJ m−2 day−1 UV-B, respectively. The content of soluble metabolites in isolated chloroplasts should not be taken as absolute in vivo values; however, these data are valuable for comparative studies. UV-B exposure did not significantly affect ascorbyl radical content compared to controls. The content of ascorbic acid and thiols in chloroplasts isolated from leaves exposed to 60 kJ m−2 day−1 UV-B was increased by 117 and 20.8%, respectively, compared to controls. Neither the content of total carotene nor that of β -carotene or α -tocopherol was affected by the irradiation. The results presented here suggest that the increased content of lipid radicals and oxidized proteins in the chloroplasts isolated from leaves exposed to UV-B could be ascribed to both the lack of antioxidant response in the lipid soluble fraction and the modest increase in the soluble antioxidant content.  相似文献   

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