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Summary Holmsella australis Noble andKraft ms. is a colourless red algal parasite, forming whitish pustules on its photosynthetic red algal host,Gracilaria furcellata Harvey. In the infected region, host cortical tissue continues to grow and enclose the expanding pustule. Filaments of both host and parasite grow apically, the cells being connected by primary pit connections (PCs). Secondary PCs form between cells of the same species, and in addition,H. australis initiates the formation of secondary PCs with cells ofG. furcellata. All three types of secondary PC are morphologically distinct. In hostparasite PCs the surface adjoining the host cell is similar in structure to a host-host PC, while that adjoining the parasite cell has the structure of a parasite-parasite PC. The plasma membrane is continuous between the cells of the unrelated host and parasite. In addition, a cap membrane is typically produced only on the host surface, though occasionally the parasite side is enclosed by a cap membrane as well. Cap membranes are absent from parasite-parasite PCs (making them intracellular), while host-host PCs are typically extracellular, both cells producing cap membranes. The presence or absence of a cap membrane in certain positions appears to vary, and suggests that cells may be able to regulate its presence. Since transport of nutrients would be expected to occur from host to parasite cells, and between parasite cells, the morphological evidence presented here suggests the PCs may be the pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Pit connections (PCs) develop between the parasitic red algaHolmsella and its hostGracilaria. Only parasite cells initiate the formation of host-parasite pit connections. The parasite produces a small connecting cell (termed the conjunctor cell) which moves through the cell wall to fuse with either an adjacent host or parasite cell. The parasite secondary PC, which forms between the conjunctor cell and the parasite cell, is structurally different from a parasite primary PC, and has the distinct structure of a host-parasite PC. Only if the conjunctor cell fuses with another parasite cell will the former parasite-conjunctor cell PC be altered to a typical parasite-parasite PC. If the conjunctor cell fuses with an adjacent host cell the PC continues to develop as host-parasite. Occasionally a conjunctor cell fails to fuse with an adjacent cell (whether host or parasite), and the conjunctor cell and PC eventually breakdown in the cell wall. The parasite overcomes several barriers in order to infect the host, including the formation of host-parasite PCs which appear to be a necessary component of the parasiticHolmsella-Gracilaria association.  相似文献   

R. Wetherbee  G. T. Kraft 《Protoplasma》1981,106(1-2):167-172
Summary The thick and anatomically complex stalks of a Western Australian species ofCryptonemia (Cryptonemiales, Rhodophyta) are characterized by growth rings in cross-section. Cells of the medulla may die as the diameter of the stalks increases to maximum widths of over 2 centimeters, the remaining cell walls appearing to function as purely supportive tissue (a phenomenon hitherto unreported in the red algae). All cells of the stalk are enclosed by thick, compact cell walls and are interconnected by pit connections which become progressively more convoluted and fluted with increasing distance of the cells from the stalk surface. This is the first report of such a pit-connection morphology. It is suggested that the modification may serve to aid transport of solutes towards the more deeply-buried layers of living cells.  相似文献   

Summary A unique type of cytokinesis is described in tetrasporocytes of the alloparasitic red alga,Harveyella sp. Cytokinesis takes place immediately after four post-meiotic nuclei are formed and may result from coalescence of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. As a result of this cisternal fusion, a double-membraned cleavage channel is formed. This channel lacks wall material and is usually oriented tetrahedrally. Membranes of the peripheral portions of the cleavage channel fuse with the existing tetrasporocyte plasmalemma, delimiting four tetraspores. Subsequently, wall material is secreted within the preformed cleavage channels to form a continuous tetraspore wall between adjacent tetraspores. Wall secretion usually occurs in a centrifugal direction, beginning at the juncture of the cleavage channels, but it also may be random or centripetal. Dictyosome activity is absent during the first wall secretion stage but contributes to secondary wall deposition.Portions of this study were conducted at the University of Washington's Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor, Washington.  相似文献   

Summary Calcification inRhodogorgon carriebowensis J. Norris et Bucher was associated with a particular cell type in the cortex. Calciferous cells were 4–6 times the length of cortical assimilatory cells. The distal two-thirds of the calcifying cell was invested with a thick wall that stained with periodic acid Schiff. Thick fibrils formed a reticulum and surrounded grains of calcium carbonate that ranged in shape from rhombohedral to subspherical and were up to 200 nm in greatest dimension. The proximal third of the cell was a tapering uncalcified stalk. The narrow base of the cell was attached to the subtending cell of the fascicle by a normal septum with a pit plug. The cell within the calcified wall matrix was usually flattened and had a very small volume. Cellular contents were dense; even when organelles could be discerned, they could not be identified. X-ray microanalysis revealed that other elements commonly found mixed with calcium carbonate are virtually absent from mineral deposits inR. carriebowensis, but electron diffraction study showed d-spacings that varied from those of pure calcite. Current models of red algal calcification are discussed in light of the findings on this alga.Abbreviations CaCO3 calcium carbonate - DIG differential interference contrast - PAS periodic acid Schiff - SEM scanning electron microscopy - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

Summary High concentrations of proteinaceous crystalloids accumulate in vegetative cells of the red algaWrangelia plumosa Harvey but disappear prior to sporogenesis. The distinctly structured crystalloids lack a bounding membrane and appear to autopolymerize within the cytoplasm. Chemical analysis of isolated crystalloids showed the presence of all amino acids except cysteine and cysteic acid. Carbohydrate accounted for 7.5% of the preparation. The crystalloids appear to have a storage function during growth and development.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the recently described red algaRhodogorgon carriebowensis J. Norris et Bucher was studied by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy to aid in the ordinal placement of this unusual alga. Most significant in this context were findings that pit plugs had two-layered plug caps, the outer layer of which formed a large dome and was composed of glycoprotein. Cap membranes appeared to be absent. Medullary cells were remarkable in having extremely thick, layered cell walls, whose inward deposition left little room for cytoplasm. Medullary filaments branched little except near the base of the cortex. The assimilatory filaments that made up most of the cortex contained almost all the pigmentation and starch reserves of the thallus. These filaments terminated in either slender apical cells with smooth cell walls or bulbous apical cells bearing spinulose projections. Two types of elongated cells were found in the cortex, those with calcified cell walls and those surrounded by multiple, spreading layers of wall material. Neither cell type was pigmented. The latter type sometimes supported normal assimilatory cells.The hypothesis is proposed thatRhodogorgon is a descendant of the marine progenitors of the Batrachospermales and thus is a member of this order.Abbreviations DIC differential interference contrast - PAS periodic acid Schiff - PTA-CA phosphotungstic acid-chromic acid  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies specific for the excitatory amino acid, kainic acid (KA), were raised in rabbits. The antibody recognized KA but did not cross-react with other structurally related amino acids, including glutamate. We used this anti-KA antibody to localize KA immunohistochemically in the KA-producing red alga Digenea simplex. KA immunoreactivity was most dense in the fine cylindrical thallus, which covers the middle to upper part of the alga. The cortical cells, but not the inner layers of the main axis, and cells of the rhizoid were also stained with this antibody. The presence of KA in cells that cover the surface of the alga might reflect its role in chemical defense. At the subcellular level, KA immunoreactivity was most intense in the nucleus, pit plugs, and the electron-dense areas denoted as “granule bodies”, which were found only in the pericentral cells of the thallus. This research was supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to R.S. (13660206).  相似文献   

PsbU is one of the extrinsic proteins in red algal Photosystem II (PSII) and functions to optimize the availability of Ca(2+) and Cl(-) cofactors for water oxidation. To determine the functional residue of PsbU, we constructed various PsbU mutants from a red alga Cyanidium caldarium and reconstituted these mutants with the red algal PSII. The results revealed that Tyr-92 of PsbU, especially its aromatic ring, was essential for maintaining its function. From the crystal structure of PSII, Tyr-92 is located close to Pro-340 of D1, suggesting that the aromatic ring of Tyr-92 interacts with the CH group of Pro-340 of D1, and this CH/pi interaction is important for the optimal function of the Mn(4)Ca-cluster.  相似文献   

Addition ofl-methionine-dl-sulphoximine to cells ofCyanidium caldarium brings about a loss of glutamine synthetase activity. Concomitantly ammonia assimilation is prevented.Under physiological conditions nitrate reductase [NAD(P)H: nitrate oxidoreductase EC] is reversibly converted into an inactive enzyme upon addition of ammonia. In the presence of methionine sulphoximine, when glutamine synthetase activity is lost, nitrate reductase is no longer inactivated by ammonia. It is suggested that ammonia itself is not the actual effector of nitrate reductase inactivation.Concomitantly with the failure of nitrate reductase to undergo ammonia-inactivation, in the presence of methionine sulphoximine nitrate reduction is an uncontrolled process, thus, in media with nitrate ammonia continues to be produced and excreted into the external medium at a constant rate.Abbreviations NR Nitrate reductase - GS Glutamine synthetase - GOGAT Glutamate syntase - MSX l-methionine-dl-sulphoximine  相似文献   

Algal responses to nutrients, grazing by Helicopsyche borealis, and concurrent grazing by Helicopsyche and Baetis tricaudatus were examined in recirculating stream chambers. Alagl communities, dominated by Achnanthes minutissima, Cocconeis placentula, and Synedra ulna, were primarily phosphorus-limited. Algal populations responded after only 6 days of nutrient enrichment. Initially, both the adnate diatom Cocconeis and erect diatom Synedra showed positive response to nutrient enrichment. Accumulation of algal biomass between day 3 and 6 in the P enriched treatment was resulted primarily from the growth of Synedra, an overstory rosette-like diatom colony. Such a shift in dominant growth from adnate to erect diatoms is a general phenomenon in periphyton succession in the absence of disturbance. Algal species showed differential responses to an increase of Helicopsyche densities. The accrual rate of Achnanthes continuously decreased with increasing grazer densities. The accrual rates of both Cocconeis and Synedra declined but reached plateaus between medium and high grazing densities. Baetis effectively and exclusively depressed Synedra and had no significant impact on Cocconeis. After concurrent grazing, algal communities were mainly dominated by Cocconeis (approximately 80% of total algal biovolume). The grazer' s mouth structures, grazing efficiencies, and mobility may account for the differential effects of concurrent grazing on algal communities. Significant interactive effects of P and grazing by Helicopsyche indicated that both nutrient addition and grazing may exert significant impact on algal communities. However, grazing may have a much stronger effect on algae than nutrients. Our results indicate that enhancement of algal biomass by P was dampened by grazing activities and that P had no effect on algal biomass in the presence of grazers.  相似文献   

R. Bauer  F. Oberwinkler 《Protoplasma》1990,154(2-3):157-160
Summary The cellular interaction ofTetragoniomyces uliginosus andRhizoctonia sp. was restudied by transmission electron microscopy. During the first stages of interaction a body of medium electron density is visible at the center of the haustorial apex in close association with the plasmalemma. A single micropore is produced between the haustorial filament and the host cell. Cytoplasmic connection via the pore always occurred. The pore membrane is continuous with the plasmalemma of both cells. The protoplasts of both the haustorium and the host cell fuse via the micropore. An electron transparent to dense body occlude the pore. Among basidiomycetes, direct connection between the parasite and host protoplasts represents a hitherto unknown type of parasitic interaction.Part 65 of the series Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Summary Mitosis in the marine red algaLomentaria baileyana (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) was studied with the electron microscope. Nucleus associated organelles known as polar rings (PRs) migrate to establish the division poles at prophase. At prometaphase, shallow invaginations in the nuclear envelope (NE) form on two sides of each PR and soon rupture. The gaps that are consequently formed contain several small fragments of NE. A larger region of NE remains intact between the two gaps. By metaphase several cisternae of perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (PER) have enclosed most of the nucleus but remain absent from the polar regions. The nucleolus disperses partially and a typical metaphase plate of chromosomes is formed. Each PR has disjoined into separate proximal and distal portions. MTs converge widely on all regions of the polar area, but do not extend into the cytoplasm. Some MTs end near or at the chromosomes while others extend slightly farther past the chromosomes or diagonally to the NE. As chromosomes move to opposite poles at anaphase, they are accompanied by nucleolar material. An interzonal midpiece (IZM) is created as the pole to pole distance increases and the NE remains intact except for the polar gaps. Following detachment from the IZM, the daughter nuclei are separated by a large central vacuole as a cleavage furrow develops and eventually constricts to form two cells following pit connection formation. It is suggested that mitosis inLomentaria represents an evolutionary intermediate between that seen in the higher and lower groups of red algae. This conclusion is in agreement with conventional morphological and light microscopic criteria used to placeLomentaria in theRhodymeniales, which is considered to be the next to most advanced order in theRhodophyta.  相似文献   

J. Scott  Sharon Broadwater 《Protoplasma》1989,152(2-3):112-122
Summary Uniseriate filaments of the freshwater red algaCompsopogon coeruleus were examined by transmission electron microscopy for details of vegetative organization and cell division with the goal of providing useful taxonomic characters. Each cell's single, complex chloroplast contains a peripheral encircling thylakoid, and unlike the vast majority of red algae, the cis-regions of dictyosomes are not consistently juxtaposed with mitochondria. These subcellular features, which are present in all examined genera in theCompsopogonales, Erythropeltidales, andRhodochaetales, along with certain unique reproductive characteristics, unify these three orders. During mitosis in uncorticated axial cells, a small, ring-shaped nucleus associated organelle (NAO) is located at each division pole, an intranuclear spindle comes to a moderately acute focus at the flattened, fenestrated metaphase-anaphase division poles and perinuclear ER partially encloses dividing nuclei, including a well-developed interzonal midpiece. The cleavage furrow penetrates the large, central vacuolar region to separate daughter nuclei. These cell division features most closely resemble the pattern described for the orderCeramiales. Our observations of vegetative and dividing cells ofC. coeruleus supplement the growing volume of evidence in favour of uniting all red algae into a single class without subclass designations.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - IZM interzonal midpiece - MT microtubule - MTOC microtubule organizing center - NAO nucleus associated organelle - NE nuclear envelope - PER perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites is known to affect selection on recombination in hosts. The Red Queen Hypothesis (RQH) posits that genetic shuffling is beneficial for hosts because it quickly creates resistant genotypes. Indeed, a large body of theoretical studies have shown that for many models of the genetic interaction between host and parasite, the coevolutionary dynamics of hosts and parasites generate selection for recombination or sexual reproduction. Here we investigate models in which the effect of the host on the parasite (and vice versa) depend approximately multiplicatively on the number of matched alleles. Contrary to expectation, these models generate a dynamical behavior that strongly selects against recombination/sex. We investigate this atypical behavior analytically and numerically. Specifically we show that two complementary equilibria are responsible for generating strong linkage disequilibria of opposite sign, which in turn causes strong selection against sex. The biological relevance of this finding stems from the fact that these phenomena can also be observed if hosts are attacked by two parasites that affect host fitness independently. Hence the role of the Red Queen Hypothesis in natural host parasite systems where infection by multiple parasites is the rule rather than the exception needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   


Red algae have the highest known selectivity factor (Srel) for CO2 over O2 of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RUBISCO). This allows the prediction that a red alga relying on diffusive supply of CO2 to RUBISCO from air-equilibrated solution should have less O2 inhibition of photosynthesis than would an otherwise similar non-red alga with a lower Srel of RUBISCO. Furthermore, RUBISCO shows an increased Srel values at low temperatures. The prediction that O 2inhibition of photosynthesis should be small for marine red algae relying on diffusive CO2 entry growing in the North Sea with an annual temperature range of 4–16°C was tested in O2 electrode experiments at 12°C. Phycodrys rubens and Plocamium cartilagineum, which rely on diffusive CO2 entry showed, as predicted, only a small inhibition at lower inorganic C concentrations. Palmaria palmata, which has a CO2 concentrating mechanism, had the expected negligible O 2 inhibition of photosynthesis at any inorganic C concentration except (non-significantly) for saturating inorganic C.  相似文献   

Phototaxis of the unicellular red alga Porphyridium cruentum was studied by staining the slime tracks of individual cells as well as with the aid of a population method. Because of the increased straightness of the movement the mean linear velocity of a unilaterally illuminated population exceeds considerably that of an only photokinetically stimulated one. In white light the phototactic reaction is saturated already at 100 lx. The zero threshold lies at about 1 lx. Spectral sensitivity curves of phototaxis obtained at high photon fluence rates (>=10–11 mol cm–2 s–1) display two main peaks which shift against each other at intermediate irradiances and, finally, form a single maximum in the blue range (443 nm) at low photon fluence rates (10–12 and 10–13 mol cm–2 s–1). Photon fluence rate-response curves reveal that supraoptimal irradiances decrease the phototactic reaction, especially in the range of the highest sensitivity of the cells. The action spectrum of phototaxis was calculated on the basis of the photon fluence rate-response curves. It shows a maximum at 443 nm and shoulder at 416 nm and between 467 and 477 nm. Wavelengths longer than 540 nm are phototactically inactive even at very high irradiances (25 W m–2). Thus, this is the first phototactic action spectrum of a biliprotein-containing organism which does not indicate the participation of biliproteins in the absorption of phototactically active light. DCMU and potassium iodide have no specific effects on phototaxis.Abbreviation DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

Summary p-Nitrophenol (PNP),m-nitrophenol (MNP), 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) and catechol were tested for their effects on algal population in a soil and on pure cultures of two algae isolated from soil. Both PNP and MNP, even at 0.5 kg ha−1 level were toxic to the soil algae; high doses effected increase in toxicity. Inhibition of algae was relatively more with PNP compared to the other two nitrophenols. Catechol treatment up to 1.0 kg ha−1 led to a significant initial enhancement of algae with a subsequent far less toxic effect. The toxicity of the phenolic compounds towardChlorella vulgaris, a green alga andNostoc linckia, a blue-green alga, decreased in the order: MNP≧PNP>DNP>Catechol. However, algicidal or algistatic effect of the test chemicals was fairly more againstC. vulgaris, suggesting that the eukaryotic alga is highly sensitive to such soil pollutants compared to the prokaryotic alga.  相似文献   

C. M. Pueschel 《Protoplasma》1995,189(1-2):73-80
Summary The red alga,Antithamnion kylinii Gardner, was found to have needle-shaped inclusions about 10 m long and less than 0.4 m thick. They ranged in abundance from one or a few in young cells to hundreds in fully enlarged cells. Under polarized light, the inclusions were birefringent, indicating crystallinity. Solubility tests suggested that the inclusions were composed of calcium oxalate: they dissolved in 1 N hydrochloric acid and in a saturated solution of aqueous cupric acetate, but they were not soluble in 10 N acetic acid or 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. X-ray microanalysis confirmed the presence of calcium. Calcium oxalate crystals were present in cells of indeterminate axes, but cells of determinate lateral filaments lacked them. Light and electron microscopic study demonstrated that the crystals were associated with the parietal cytoplasm. Calcium oxalate crystals were also present inA. defectum Kylin, but they were not found in ten more distantly related taxa.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of plastids in the early stages of differentiation has been studied during the carposporogenesis of the red algaNitophyllum punctatum (Stackh.) Grev. A membranous body has been found in the plastidial matrix, which shows connections either with thylakoids, or with the plastidial genophore. More than one membranous body may be present and in some instances they show a morphological relationship also with the plastidial limiting membranes. The presence of such bodies has been observed also in fully differentiated plastids in a number of other red algae currently under study.It has been shown that the plastidial envelope may release in the matrix vesicles that give rise to the single thylakoids typical of the red algal plastids.The research project received the financial support of Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (Roma).  相似文献   

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