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The freeze-dry autoradiographic method devised originally by Stirling (J Cell Biol 53:704, 1972) to localize Na+ pump sites with (3H)ouabain is reviewed. Biochemical, physiological, and autoradiographic data are discussed which establish that ouabain binding to intact tissue conforms to rigid criteria for high Na+ pump specificity. Among these are that glycoside binding exhibits saturation kinetics, ligand dependence, and close correlation with degrees of inhibition of Na+-K+-ATPase and Na+ transport. Moreover, localization of Na+ pump sites by this technique shows a cell and membrane specificity which mirrors that obtained by cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods. In addition to resolving cell-specific patterns of localization in heterogeneous tissues, the demonstration of Na+-K+-ATPase by these techniques indicates that Na+ pumps are distributed uniformly along plasmalemmal surfaces and are restricted to the basolateral interface in reabsorptive and secretory epithelia despite the opposing polarity of net transepithelial electrolyte transport.  相似文献   

Summary When secretagogues stimulate Cl secretion in canine tracheal epithelium, apical membrane Cl conductance (G a Cl ) increases, and then basolateral membrane K conductance (G b K ) increases. Conversely, inhibition ofG a Cl results in a secondary decrease inG b K . The coordination of the two membrane conductances and regulation ofG b K is critical for maintaining constant intracellular ion concentrations and transepithelial Cl secretion. The purpose of this study was to test two hypotheses about the regulation ofG b K . First, we asked whetherG b K is directly linked to the activity of the Na,K-ATPase. We found that pump activity could be dissociated from K conductance. Inhibition of the Na pump with ouabain, in nonsecreting tissues led to an increase inG b . Elevation of the bathing solution K concentration produced a similar effect. Addition of ouabain to secreting tissues did not appear to alterG b . These results indicate thatG b K does not directly parallel Na pump activity. Second, we asked whether changes inG b K are voltage dependent. We prevented secretagogue-induced depolarization of the electrical potential difference across the basolateral membrane b by clamping b at its resting value during stimulation of Cl secretion with epinephrine. Despite maintaining b constant, the typical changes in transepithelial resistance and the ratio of membrane resistances persisted. This observation indicates that depolarization is not required for the secretagogue-induced increase inG b K . In addition we examined the effect of depolarizing and hyperpolarizing b by passing transepithelial current in secreting and nonsecreting epithelia. Despite depolarizing and hyperpolarizing b within the physiologic range, we observed no significant changes in transepithelial resistance or the ratio of membrane resistance that would suggest a change inG b K . This observation indicates that changes in b are not sufficient to alterG b K . Thus,G b K appears to be regulated by factors other than membrane voltage, or direct coupling to the Na pump.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of thezonula occludens in the secretory epithelium of the salt gland of the domestic duck was determined by thin section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. These glands secrete an effluent with a NaCl concentration four times that of plasma, and thus maintain a steep ionic gradient across their secretory epithelium. Freezefracture replicas from salt stressed ducks demonstrate that thezonula occludens is surprisingly shallow in depth (20–25 nm) and generally consists of two parallel junctional strands which are juxaposed along their entire length. In addition to the simplicity of the junction separating mucosal and serosal compartments, the ratio of junctional length to apical surface area is large since luminal surfaces of secretory cells are narrow and intermesh with one another. Thezonula occludens in nonsecreting fresh water-adapted birds is similar to the salt stressed group except that two sets of double strand junctions are seen in addition to junctions consisting of a single set. Based on previous ultrastructural, cytochemical and physiological studies in salt glands and in other epithelia, a model for salt secretion was suggested in which intercellular space Na+, generated by basolateral ouabain-sensitive Na+ pumps, reaches the lumen via a paracellular route (Ernst & Mills, 1977,J. Cell Biol. 75:74). The simplicity of the morphological appearance of thezonula occludens in the salt gland, which resembles that described for several epithelia known to be leaky to ions, is consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Patches of membrane on cells isolated from the nasal salt gland of the domestic duck typically contained two types of K+ channel. One was a large-conductance ("maxi") K+ channel which was activated by intracellular calcium and/or depolarizing membrane voltages, and the other was a smaller-conductance K+ channel which exhibited at least two conductance levels and displayed pronounced inward rectification. Barium blocked both channels, but tetraethylammonium chloride and quinidine selectively blocked the larger K+ channel. The large K+ channel did not appear to open under resting conditions but could be activated by application of the muscarinic agonist, carbachol. The smaller channels were open under resting conditions but the gating was not affected by carbachol. Both of these channels reside in the basolateral membranes of the Cl- secretory cells but they appear to play different roles in the life of the cell.  相似文献   

Until recently the mechanism for the enrichment of milk with calcium was thought to be almost entirely via the secretory pathway. However, recent studies suggest that a plasma membrane calcium ATPase, PMCA2, is the primary mechanism for calcium transport into milk, highlighting a major role for apical calcium transport. We compared the expression of the recently identified secretory calcium ATPase, SPCA2, and SPCA1, in the mouse mammary gland during development. SPCA2 levels increased over 35-fold during lactation with expression localized to luminal secretory cells, while SPCA1 increased only a modest 2-fold and was expressed throughout the cells of the mammary gland. We also observed major differences in the localization of PMCA2 and PMCA1. Our studies highlight the likely specific roles of PMCA2 and SPCA2 in lactation and indicate that calcium transport into milk is a complex interplay between apical and secretory pathways.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells embedded in Lowicryl K4M has been used to localize invertase and plasma membrane (PM) ATPase in secretory organelles. sec mutant cells incubated at 37 degrees C were prepared for electron microscopy, and thin sections were incubated with polyclonal antibodies, followed by decoration with protein A-gold. Specific labeling of invertase was seen in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and secretory vesicles in mutant cells that exaggerate these organelles. PM ATPase accumulated within the same organelles. Double-immune labeling revealed that invertase and PM ATPase colocalized in secretory vesicles. These results strengthen the view that secretion and plasma membrane assembly are biosynthetically coupled in yeast.  相似文献   

Summary This study provides information on the rates of DNA synthesis, sites of DNA synthesis, and DNA content of the avian salt gland during the osmoticstressing (plasma membrane synthesis) and destressing (plasma membrane turnover) cycle, in an effort to better understand the relationship of cell turnover to the initial events in plasma membrane amplification, differentiation, and turnover. The rate of DNA synthesis increases 12–24 h after the onset of osmotic stress, is maximal at about 24 h of osmotic stress, and decreases thereafter in fully stressed and destressed glands. The maximum DNA and protein content, and the maximum protein/DNA ratio are obtained after about 3 days of stress. Autoradiograms show that at 24 h of stress 70–80% of DNA synthesis occurs in connective tissue cells and 20–30% in parenchymal cells, but by 6 days of stress, synthesis occurs about equally in these cell groups. Because destressing is characterized by a large decrease in plasma membrane and in glandular protein, but by little DNA turnover or loss, the loss of plasma membrane is likely due to some type of cell dedifferentiation rather than cell turnover.  相似文献   

Summary Ion channels permeable to barium and calcium were reconstituted from theAplysia nervous system into phospholipid bilayers formed on the tips of patch electrodes. With asymmetrical concentrations of barium or calcium on the two sides of the bilayer, the single-channel currents reversed at the calculated barium or calcium reversal potentials, indicating that the channels were cation selective. Channels with conductances of 10, 25 and 36 pS were routinely observed. Calcium and barium were equally effective as charge carriers for the 36-pS channel, whereas magnesium was at least fifteenfold less effective. The gating of all three channels was independent of the voltage across the bilayer, but was affected by the dihydropyridine calcium channel agonist Bay K 8644 (Bay K). In the presence of Bay K but not in its absence, long discrete gating events were routinely observed, suggesting that the dihydropyridine increased the probability of long open states as it does for calcium channels in other systems.Bilayers invariably contained more than a single channel (or conductance state). This was observed even when theAplysia nervous system membranes were prepared in the presence of cytoskeleton disrupting agents, or when the membrane proteins were diluted extensively with exogenous phospholipid. Furthermore, transitions between conductance levels were observed with high frequency. These findings, together with the fact that all of the conductance states share certain properties including voltage-independence and sensitivity to Bay K, suggest that the apparent multiple channel types may in fact represent subconductance states of a single ion channel.  相似文献   

Summary In the secretory epithelium of the chicken mandibular gland, glycoconjugates have been studied by means of histochemical methods of light and electron microscopy. In light microscopy, a series of histochemical procedures have been employed which included lectin—peroxidase—diaminobenzidine methods and a digestion technique with neuraminidase or-amylase. In electron microscopy, a battery of methods were used that corresponded to those employed in light microscopy. In the secretory cells of the chicken mandibular gland, vicinal diol- and sulphate-containing glycoconjugates with sialic acid,-d-mannose,-d-glucose and-d-galactose residues were visualized and the possible histophysiological significances of such glycoconjugates were discussed with special reference to the functions of the salivary gland.  相似文献   

NaPi IIb cotransporter is expressed in various tissues including mammary glands of mice. The physiological role of NaPi IIb in lactating mammary glands is still unclear. Therefore, it was the aim of the study to detect and to localize NaPi IIb protein in lactating goat mammary glands by Western analysis and immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, Na(+)-dependent P(i) uptake into apical membrane vesicles isolated from goat milk was determined using rapid filtration technique. NaPi IIb protein could specifically be detected in the apical membranes of lactating alveolar epithelial cells. Na(+)-dependent P(i) uptake into apical membrane vesicles could be measured, which was inhibited by phosphonoformic acid. The kinetic parameters were V(max) with 0.9 nmol/mg protein/10 s and K(m) with 0.22 mmol/L for P(i) affinity, K(m) value for Na(+) affinity 11 mmol/L. Stoichiometry of this mammary gland Na(+)/P(i) transport across the apical membranes seemed to be 1:1 P(i):Na(+) without cooperativity in P(i) and Na(+) binding as assessed by Scatchard and Hill plots. These features of Na(+)/P(i) transport suggest that it could be mediated by NaPi IIb. The quantitative role of this P(i) transport which is directed from the alveolar lumen into the epithelial cell of goat mammary gland will be the topic of further investigations.  相似文献   

The electron-microscopic localization of ouabain-sensitive, K-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase (K-NPPase) activity of the Na - K-ATPase complex was studied in the exorbital lacrimal gland of the untreated rat with the use of a newly developed one-step lead-citrate method (Mayahara and Ogawa 1980; Mayahara et al. 1980). In the rat lacrimal gland fixed for 15 min in a mixture of 2% paraformaldehyde and 0.25% glutaraldehyde, an electron-dense reaction product was observed on the plasma membrane of the basal infoldings and the lateral interdigitations of the ductal cells. The most intense reaction product - and thus the major site of the Na - K-ATPase activity - was evident on the basolateral membranes of the cells of the large interlobular ducts; a weak reaction was seen on the basolateral, extensively folded plasma membranes of the small intercalated ducts; no reaction product was observed on the plasma membranes of the acinar cells. Addition of 1) 10 mM ouabain, 2) p-chloromercuri-phenyl-sulfonic acid (PCMB-S), 3) elimination of K-ions from the incubation medium, or 4) preheating abolished completely the K-NPPase reaction. The activity was also substrate-dependent. Mg-ATPase-activity was observed not only in the basolateral membranes of all ductal cells but also in the basal part of the acinar cells and on the walls of blood vessels. This reaction was neither inhibited by ouabain nor activated by K-ions. The precipitate of the Mg-ATPase-activity was localized at the extracellular side of the plasma membrane, whereas the K-NPPase-reaction product was restricted to the cytoplasmic side of the plasmalemma. In contrast, non-specific alkaline-phosphatase (ALPase) activity was missing in cells of the large interlobular ducts, but obvious on the apical plasmalemma of cells lining the small intercalated ducts. With respect to its localization and reactivity pattern the activity of the K-NPPase (member of the Na - K-ATase complex) differs markedly from the Mg-ATPase- and ALPase-activity.  相似文献   

The distribution of intracellular ions in the avian salt gland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(5):1389-1399
To investigate the mechanism of salt secretion in the avian salt gland, we used quantitative electron probe microanalysis to measure the intracellular elemental concentrations in dry cryosections of unspecialized and partially specialized secretory epithelial cells from fresh water- and salt water-adapted ducklings, respectively. In conjunction with this, human and duckling erythrocytes were also analyzed, since these provided the experimental basis for using in situ erythrocytes as standards for determining the local water content of epithelia from the analysis of dried cryosections. The microprobe results from both types of erythrocytes compared favorably with chemical determinations of elemental concentrations. The nucleated avian erythrocytes, whose wet-weight elemental concentrations were determined by a compartmental analysis that required neither a peripheral standard nor a measure of the local mass, revealed a marked accumulation of P and K in the nucleus (388 and 190 mmol/kg wet wt, respectively) relative to the cytoplasm (67 and 85 mmol/kg wet wt). In both developmental states of the epithelial cells, the nucleus and apical cytoplasm had essentially similar and unremarkable concentrations of Na (76 and 83 mmol/kg dry wt, respectively, in the adapted cells vs. 72 and 81 mmol/kg dry wt in the control cells) and K (602 and 423 mmol/kg dry wt vs. 451 and 442 mmol/kg dry wt). Chloride, however, which was in general rather high, was significantly depressed in the apical cytoplasm of adapted cells only (164 and 124 mmol/kg dry wt in the nucleus and cytoplasm, respectively, of adapted cells (P less than 0.05) vs. 138 and 157 mmol/kg dry wt for control cells (P less than 0.05). Cation concentrations (Na + K) were elevated approximately 15% in the basal regions of adapted cells as compared with apical cytoplasm. When tissue water variations are accounted for, the results suggest that: (a) an active, energy-requiring process is responsible for chloride accumulation in this cell; (b) the apical membrane is a regulatory site for secretion; and (c) there are regional distinctions in the distribution of ions and water, particularly in the salt water- adapted cell. These conclusions are consistent with active chloride transport as the basis for salt secretion in this tissue.  相似文献   

Electrolyte and fluid secretion by the avian salt gland is regulated by activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (R). In this study, these receptors were characterized and quantitated in homogenates of salt gland from domestic ducks adapted to conditions of low (freshwater, FW) and high (saltwater, SW) salt stress using the cholinergic antagonist [3H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). Specific binding of the antagonist to receptors in both FW- and SW-adapted glands reveals a single population of high affinity binding sites (KdFW = 40.1 +/- 3.0 pM; KdSW = 35.1 +/- 2.1 pM). Binding is saturable; RLmaxFW = 1.73 +/- 0.10 fmol/micrograms DNA; RLmaxSW = 4.16 +/- 0.31 fmol/micrograms DNA (where L is [3H]QNB and RL the high affinity complex). Calculated average cellular receptor populations of 5,800 sites/cell in FW-adapted glands and 14,100 sites/cell in SW-adapted glands demonstrate that upward regulation of acetylcholine receptors in the secretory epithelium follows chronic salt stress. The receptor exhibits typical pharmacological specificities for muscarinic cholinergic antagonists (QNB, atropine, scopolamine) and agonists (oxotremorine, methacholine, carbachol). In addition, the loop diuretic furosemide, which interferes with ion transport processes in the salt gland, competitively inhibits [3H]QNB binding. Preliminary studies of furosemide effects on [3H]QNB binding to rat exorbital lacrimal gland membranes showed a similar inhibition, although the diuretic had no effect on antagonist binding to rat brain or atrial receptors.  相似文献   

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