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Increased local angiotensin II formation in aneurysmal aorta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the levels and locations of angiotensin II-forming enzymes, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and chymase, in aneurysmal and normal aortas. Aneurysmal aortic specimens (n = 14) were obtained at the time of operative aneurysm repair from 14 patients ranging in age from 57 to 84 y. Normal aortic specimens (n = 16) were obtained from 16 patients (48 to 72 y) who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. The ACE and chymase activities were determined using each specimen. Sections of each specimen were immunostained with antibodies for ACE and chymase. The ACE activities in the aneurysmal and normal aortas were 0.82 +/- 0.10 and 0.14 +/- 0.05 mU/mg protein, respectively, and this difference was significant. The chymase activities in the aneurysmal and normal aortas were 17.9 +/- 2.40 and 1.02 +/- 0.18 mU/mg protein, respectively, and this difference was also significant. In the aneurysmal aorta, ACE-positive cells were detected with macrophages in the intima and media and chymase-positive cells were detected with mast cells in the media and adventitia, whereas positive ACE and chymase cells in the normal aorta were located only in the endothelium and adventitia, respectively. Angiotensin II-forming enzymes, chymase and ACE, were significantly increased in the aneurysmal aorta, and increased angiotensin II may be associated with the development of aneurysmal formations.  相似文献   

Regulation of the expression levels of the rat angiotensin II receptor mRNA in the adrenal, aorta, kidney, and brain was assessed by the competitive polymerase chain reaction method. The bilateral nephrectomy or the administration of Dup753 markedly reduced the expression levels of this receptor mRNA in the adrenal and brain stem, but not in the kidney nor aorta. A continuous infusion of angiotensin II increased the expression level of this receptor mRNA in the adrenal but not in the other tissues. It is suggested that the expression level of this receptor mRNA in the adrenal is dependent on the renin angiotensin aldosterone system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of endothelin in mediating the renal hemodynamic and arterial pressure changes observed during chronic ANG II-induced hypertension. ANG II (50 ng x kg(-1) x min(-1)) was chronically infused into the jugular vein by miniosmotic pump for 2 wk in male Sprague-Dawley rats with and without endothelin type A (ET(A))-receptor antagonist ABT-627 (5 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1)) pretreatment. Arterial pressure increased in ANG II rats compared with control rats (149 +/- 5 vs. 121 +/- 6 mmHg, P < 0.05, respectively). Renal expression of preproendothelin mRNA was increased by approximately 50% in both the medulla and cortex of ANG II rats. The hypertensive effect of ANG II was completely abolished in rats pretreated with the ET(A)-receptor antagonist (114 +/- 5 mmHg, P < 0.05). Glomerular filtration rate was decreased by 33% in ANG II rats, and this response was attenuated in rats pretreated with ET(A)-receptor antagonist. These data indicate that activation of the renal endothelin system by ANG II may play an important role in mediating chronic renal and hypertensive actions of ANG II.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AII) is a central factor involved in the pathophysiology of arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. On the other hand, polyamines represent a family of organic cations with low molecular weight, playing intracellular regulatory roles essential for the cellular growth and differentiation. The cellular contents, the synthesis and the transport of polyamines are increased following the actions of AII, as well as of other cellular growth factors. Our results show that the administration of polyamines as pre-treatment modulates the contractile effects of extracellular AII (80 nM). This modulation is concentration-dependent and dual: the lower concentrations amplify and the higher concentrations reduce the effects of AII in the isolated rat aorta rings without endothelium. Moreover, DL-alpha-Difluoromethylomithine (DFMO), a specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, does not significantly modify the contractile effects of AII. Thus, these data suggest that polyamines generated through this metabolic pathway are not involved in the contractile effects of AII in rat aortic vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Central administration of AT1 receptor blockers prevents salt-sensitive hypertension and inhibits progression of CHF. We investigated in Wistar rats the effectiveness of peripheral administration of two AT1 receptor blockers, losartan and embusartan, in exerting central AT1 receptor blockade. Losartan or embusartan at doses of 30 and 100 mg/kg were administered subcutaneously (s.c.) as a single dose, or one dose daily for 6 days. The BP responses to intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of Ang II, i.c.v. infusion of Na+-rich aCSF (0.3 M NaCl), and intravenous (i.v.) injection of Ang II were then measured. Losartan or embusartan at 30 and 100 mg/kg both inhibited the BP increases induced by i.c.v. Ang II and, to a lesser extent, by Na+-rich aCSF. After a single dose, this inhibition was more pronounced for losartan. However, after 6 days of treatment, there were no significant differences between the effects of losartan and embusartan. Losartan and embusartan blocked responses to Ang II i.v. to a similar extent. These results indicate that results from single-dose studies may not reflect the chronic steady-state, and that during chronic treatment both AT1 receptor blockers are similarly effective in inhibiting AT1 receptors in the central nervous system, when assessed by pressor responses to acute increases in CSF Na+ or CSF Ang II.  相似文献   

Male rats (175 g) were given 30 mg of diazepam in their food daily for 35 days. The animals became drowsy and ataxic from this high dose of drug. After the 35-day dosing, the rats were killed daily, and specific binding of [3H]diazepam and [3H]flunitrazepam was determined in synaptosomal preparations from these and corresponding control rats. On days 3, 4, 6, and 7 after the treatment period the specific binding and specific binding of [3H]diazepam was double that of the control binding and specific binding of [3H]flunitrazepam was 1.67 times that of control. The data indicate that very high doses of diazepam, given for long periods, cause increased specific binding of radiolabeled ligand to brain subfractions. The possible mechanisms and implications are discussed. When lower doses or shorter dosage regimens are used, increased binding is not observed.  相似文献   

Renin expression in principal cells of collecting ducts (CD) is upregulated in angiotensin II (ANG II)-dependent hypertensive rats; however, it remains unclear whether increased CD-derived renin undergoes tubular secretion. Accordingly, urinary levels of renin (uRen), angiotensinogen (uAGT), and ANG II (uANG II) were measured in chronic ANG II-infused Sprague-Dawley rats (80 ng/min for 14 days, n = 10) and sham-operated rats (n = 10). Systolic blood pressure increased in the ANG II rats by day 5 and continued to increase throughout the study (day 13; ANG II: 175 ± 10 vs. sham: 116 ± 2 mmHg; P < 0.05). ANG II infusion increased renal cortical and medullary ANG II levels (cortical ANG II: 606 ± 72 vs. 247 ± 43 fmol/g; P < 0.05; medullary ANG II: 2,066 ± 116 vs. 646 ± 36 fmol/g; P < 0.05). Although plasma renin activity (PRA) was suppressed in the ANG II-infused rats (0.3 ± 0.2 vs. 5.5 ± 1.8 ng ANG I·ml(-1)·h(-1); P < 0.05), renin content in renal medulla was increased (12,605 ± 1,343 vs. 7,956 ± 765 ng ANG I·h(-1)·mg(-1); P < 0.05). Excretion of uAGT and uANG II increased in the ANG II rats [uAGT: 1,107 ± 106 vs. 60 ± 26 ng/day; P < 0.0001; uANG II: 3,813 ± 431 vs. 2,080 ± 361 fmol/day; P < 0.05]. By day 13, despite suppression of PRA, urinary prorenin content increased in ANG II rats [15.7 ± 3 vs. 2.6 ± 1 × 10(-3) enzyme units excreted (EUE)/day, P < 0.01] as was the excretion rate of renin (8.6 ± 2 × 10(-6) EUE/day) compared with sham (2.8 ± 1 × 10(-6) EUE/day; P < 0.05). Urinary renin and prorenin protein levels examined by Western blot were augmented ~10-fold in the ANG II-infused rats. Concomitant AT(1) receptor blockade with candesartan prevented the increase. Thus, in ANG II-dependent hypertensive rats with marked PRA suppression, increased urinary levels of renin and prorenin reflect their augmented secretion by CD cells into the luminal fluid. The greater availability of renin and AGT in the urine reflects the capability for intratubular ANG II formation which stimulates sodium reabsorption in distal nephron segments.  相似文献   

The angiotensinase (EC activity of the subcellular fractions of guinea pig aorta has been studied in relation to their [14C]angiotensin binding capacity. The enzyme activity occurs in the following decreasing order: supernatant greater than plasma membrane fraction greater than 105 000 X g pellet greater than mitochondrial fraction. The specific binding of [14C]angiotensin to these fractions follows the same pattern. Pretreatment of the subcellular fractions at 47 degrees C for 20 min was performed in an attempt to differentiate binding of angiotensin to the pharmacological receptor from binding to the destroying enzymes. This procedure decreased the angiotensinase activity in the plasma membrane fraction only whereas the specific binding of [14C]angiotensin to this fraction was not significantly decreased, suggesting that the plasma membrane angiotensinase is a thermolabile enzyme.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the expression of EGF receptor mRNA after EGF administration in hCG producing tumor (choriocarcinoma). We transplanted the tissue of choriocarcinoma into female nude mice and investigated the effects of EGF on the growth of tumors, the binding activity of EGF receptor and the expression of EGF receptor mRNA in the tumor tissues. Two doses of EGF 5.0 micrograms, 50 micrograms and phosphate buffered saline as a control were injected subcutaneously every day for four weeks. Removed tumors were used for immunocytochemical studies and EGF receptor mRNA investigations. HCG and EGF receptors were detected immunocytochemically in the tumor. The low dose EGF employed stimulated the tumor growth while the high dose EGF inhibited the tumor growth compared with that of the control group. The binding activity of EGF receptor and the expression of EGF receptor mRNA also changed in accordance with the stimulation or inhibition of tumor growth. The growth of hCG producing tumor by EGF administration appeared to be dependent upon the binding activity of EGF receptor and the expression of EGF receptor mRNA.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for angiotensin II were localized in the developing rat kidney (18th day of pregnancy and immediately before birth) by autoradiography using [125I]-ileu-5-angiotensin II either perfused in vivo through the fetal aorta or added in vitro to frozen sections in an incubation mixture. Specific binding was localized in the walls of the afferent and efferent arterioles, in the intraglomerular cells and in the peritubular arterioles of the subcapsular cortical zone. The immunohistochemical analysis, carried out on receptors saturated with unlabelled angiotensin II perfused through the mother's aorta, confirmed the autoradiographical localization. Antisera against ileu-5-angiotensin II were used in the indirect immunofluorescence technique and in the PAP method. Immunolocalization of angiotensin II was also found in the proximal tubule and in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop.  相似文献   

The effects of aging on contractile response to angiotensin II and tachyphylaxis to it were investigated using aortic strips from rats aged 1.5, 4 and 22 months. Whether the endothelium was present or not, the contractile response to angiotensin II was greater and tachyphylaxis to it was less in 1.5-month-old rats than in 4- and 22-month-old rats. The differences between 4- and 22-month-old rats were not significant. Removal of the endothelium enhanced angiotensin II-induced maximal contraction and depressed the tachyphylaxis, these endothelial effects being greater in 4- rather than in 1.5-month-old rats. When the contractile force of angiotensin II was adjusted to a similar level for 1.5- and 4-month-old rats, the endothelial effect on the tachyphylaxis was greater in the 4-month-old rats, but no significant difference was noted in the endothelial effect on the contractile force. These results suggest that during growth, the contractile response of rat aorta to angiotensin II decreases while the endothelial effect on it increases.  相似文献   

125I-angiotensin II (125I-AII) binding was examined in the hypothalamic-thalamic-septal-midbrain (HTSM) region of HLA-Wistar rats in the presence of CNS-active agents. Angiotensin I, II, and III and saralasin competed for 125 I-AII binding, whereas structurally unrelated peptides such as arginine and lysine vasopressin, oxytocin, LHRH, TRH, bradykinin, and substance P did not. In contrast, ACTH and neurotensin exhibited a weak, dose-dependent competition for 125 I-AII binding. The relative potencies of AII, AI, neurotensin and ACTH were 100:1:0.1:0.05, respectively. Neurotensin and ACTH competition was not additive with AII suggesting interaction at shared binding sites. Most importantly, a wide variety of other CNS active agents such as methyldopa, naloxone, catecholamines, clondidine, and reserpine, failed to inhibit 125 I-AII binding, thus further defining the specificity of the CNS AII receptor.  相似文献   

Fukada M  Kato S  Miyoshi M  Yamaguchi K  Imoto T  Watanabe T 《Peptides》2005,26(11):2215-2221
We investigated whether angiotensin II (AII) peptide is induced in the rat kidney under endotoxemic conditions. Immunohistochemistry revealed strong AII-like immunoreactivity in the renal tubules of rats given high-dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 1000 microg/kg) intraperitoneally (i.p.). AII-like immunoreactivity in renal tubules was slight at 1h after the LPS injection, but marked at 3 h. There were few signals in the kidney in saline-injected control rats. When injected at 0.1, 10, or 1000 microg/kg i.p., LPS-induced a dose-related increase in AII-like immunoreactivity in renal tubules that was unaffected by treatment with the prostaglandin-synthesis blocker indomethacin. ELISA measurement of the AII concentration in the whole kidney supported the above findings. These results suggest that systemically administered LPS induces AII peptide expression in renal tubules by a prostaglandin-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HO) is a heme-catabolizing enzyme that converts heme into biliverdin, iron, and carbon monoxide. HO-1, an inducible form of HO, is thought to act as an endogenous antioxidant defense mechanism. To determine whether chronic administration of angiotensin II affects HO-1 expression in the heart, expression and localization of HO-1 were investigated in the heart of rats receiving angiotensin II infusion (0.7 mg. kg(-1). day(-1)) via osmotic minipump for up to 7 days. Angiotensin II induced formation of granulation tissue, characterized by myofibroblast proliferation, fibrous deposition, and inflammatory cell migration. Angiotensin II also upregulated cardiac HO-1 expression. Immunohistochemistry revealed that HO-1 was intensively expressed in the granulation tissue. The selective AT(1)-receptor antagonist, losartan, completely, but hydralazine only partially, suppressed angiotensin II-induced granulation tissue formation and HO-1 upregulation. Chronic norepinephrine infusion (2.8 mg. kg(-1). day(-1)) did not induce granulation tissue formation or HO-1 upregulation. Our data suggest that angiotensin II upregulates cardiac HO-1 expression in the newly formed inflammatory lesion, which may represent an adaptive response to angiotensin II-induced cardiac damage.  相似文献   

Y H Ku  Y F Jia  Y Z Chang 《Peptides》1999,20(2):171-176
In urethane-anesthetized rats, microinjection of angiotensin II (AII) into either the subfornical organ (SFO), nucleus paraventricularis (NPV), or rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVL), respectively, all induced pressor responses, but the heart rate remained unchanged. Preinjection of [Sar1, Thr8]-angiotensin II (ST-AII, an AII antagonist) into bilateral NPV blocked the SFO-pressor response to AII. Bilateral RVL pretreated with ST-All markedly attenuated the pressor response of the SFO or NPV to AII. Hexamethonium or methyl atropine (IV) also reduced the SFO-pressor response. The results show that All can activate the SFO, NPV, and RVL successively, thereby inducing the pressor response; both excitation of sympathetic nerves and inhibition of the cardiac vagus are involved in this response.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular responses to angiotensin II(AII) at the preoptic area (POA) were compared between normotensive Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rat(SHR) by measuring blood pressure and heart rate under unrestrained, conscious state via a catheter implanted chronically into the abdominal aorta and by injection of drugs into POA through a chronic guide cannula. AII injected into POA at doses of 0.3 ng and 1 ng produced a dose-dependent pressor response, accompanied with a slight decrease of heart rate, in both WKY and SHR. However, in SHR, the pressor response to AII was more than 2 times greater than that in WKY and was quick in onset and lasted about 30 min. When AII in combination with [Sar1, Ile8]-angiotensin II (0.5 microgram), an AII receptor antagonist, were simultaneously administered to POA, the pressor response to AII was strongly inhibited in both WKY and SHR. The results suggest that the pressor response to AII due to its receptor stimulation at POA is markedly potentiated in SHR.  相似文献   

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