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Aequorin is a bioluminescent protein which consists of a polypeptide chain (apoaequorin), coelenterate luciferin, and bound oxygen. Aequorin produces blue light upon binding Ca2+. We have isolated six recombinant pBR322 plasmids which contain apoaequorin cDNA sequences. A mixed synthetic pBR322 plasmids which contain apoaequorin cDNA sequences. A mixed synthetic oligonucleotide probe was used to identify these cDNAs. An extract of an E. coli strain possessing the largest cDNA contained apoaequorin. This apoaequorin can be converted to aequorin in the presence of coelenterate luciferin, 2-mercaptoethanol, and O2. This cDNA is therefore apparently full-length.  相似文献   

The gene that codes for the surface antigen of Plasmodium knowlesi sporozoites (CS protein) is unsplit and present in the genome in only one copy. The CS protein, as deduced from DNA sequence analysis of the structural gene, has an unusual structure with the central 40% of the polypeptide chain present as 12 tandemly repeated amino acid peptide units flanked by regions of highly charged amino acids. The protein has an amino-terminal hydrophobic amino acid signal sequence and a hydrophobic carboxy-terminal anchor sequence. The coding sequence of the gene has an AT content of 53%, compared with 70% AT in the 5′ and 3′ flanking sequences, and is contained entirely within an 11 kb Eco RI genomic DNA fragment. This genomic fragment expresses the CS protein in E. coli, indicating that the parasite promoter and ribosome binding site signals can be recognized in E. coli.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-binding protein of mol. wt. 68 000 ( p68 ) is a major component of a Nonidet P-40 insoluble fraction of human and pig lymphocyte plasma membrane. An affinity-purified rabbit antibody has been produced against p68 and used to study its cellular distribution. The antibody stained fixed and permeabilised human B lymphoblastoid cells, peripheral blood lymphocytes and sections of human tonsil. Whole cells, however, were not stained, indicating that the protein was not represented at the cell surface. This assignment was consistent with the detection of p68 in immunoprecipitates from biosynthetically- but not surface-labelled cells. It is concluded that p68 is located on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Subcellular fractionation experiments confirmed that p68 was largely membrane-bound in lymphocytes, although a small soluble fraction (approximately 10% of the total) was detected. Sub-fractionation of lymphocyte membranes revealed that p68 was associated not only with the plasma membrane but also with other endomembrane systems. As judged by immunoprecipitation, p68 was present in a variety of cultured cell lines of both lymphoid and non-lymphoid origin. p68 demonstrated a diffuse distribution in fixed and permeabilised fibroblasts which did not correspond to the distribution of either microfilaments or intermediate filaments. However, in detergent-extracted cells the protein was localised in a lamina-like network. A similar immunofluorescent staining pattern has recently been observed for spectrin-related proteins in the detergent-resistant cytoskeleton of fibroblasts. It is suggested that p68 is part of a sub-membranous cytoskeletal complex not only in lymphocytes but also in other cell types.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated protein, MAP2, is a calcium-binding protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcium has been suggested to be an important element in the regulation of microtubule dynamics 'in vivo'. In this report we have analyzed the possibility that microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) binds calcium. MAP2 was blue-stained with the cationic carbocyanine dye 'stains-all' in a similar way to that of calcium-binding proteins and bound 45Ca as estimated from dot-blotting experiments. The calcium-binding characteristics of MAP2, determined by equilibrium dialysis, indicated that MAP2 bound about 3 mol (n = 2.9 +/- 0.4) of calcium per mol of protein (Kd = (0.9 +/- 0.2).10(-5) M). Analysis of the Scatchard plots from equilibrium dialysis and dot-blot assays indicated that MAP2 also presented low-affinity calcium-binding sites (Kd = (0.3 +/- 0.2).10(-4) M). Incubation of nitrocellulose blots of proteolytically digested MAP2 with 45Ca indicated that the calcium-binding sites were located in the region that is not involved in the interaction with tubulin (projection region).  相似文献   

Calexcitin (CE) is a calcium sensor protein that has been implicated in associative learning. The CE gene was previously cloned from the long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, and the gene product was shown to bind GTP and modulate K(+) channels and ryanodine receptors in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. We cloned a new gene from L. pealei, which encodes a CE-like protein, here named calexcitin B (CE(B)). CE(B) has 95% amino acid identity to the original form. Our sequence analyses indicate that CEs are homologous to the sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein subfamily of the EF-hand superfamily. Far and near UV circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance studies demonstrate that CE(B) binds Ca(2+) and undergoes a conformational change. CE(B) is phosphorylated by protein kinase C, but not by casein kinase II. CE(B) does not bind GTP. Western blot experiments using polyclonal antibodies generated against CE(B) showed that CE(B) is expressed in the L. pealei optic lobe. Taken together, the neuronal protein CE represents the first example of a Ca(2+) sensor in the sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein family.  相似文献   

We have purified a prominent 110-kDa protein (p110) from 1.6 M NaCl extracts of rat liver nuclei that appears to bind Ca2+. p110 was originally identified by prominent blue staining with 'Stains-All' in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and was observed to specifically bind ruthenium red and 45Ca2+ in nitrocellulose blot overlays. In spin-dialysis studies, purified p110 saturably bound approximately 75 nmol Ca2+/mg protein at a concentration of 1 mM total Ca2+ with half-maximal binding observed at 105 microM Ca2+. With purification, p110 became increasingly susceptible to proteolytic (likely autolytic) fragmentation, although most intermediary peptides between 40 and 90 kDa retained "Stains-All", ruthenium red, and 45Ca2+ binding. N-terminal sequencing of intact p110 and a 70-kDa autolytic peptide fragment revealed a strong homology to nucleolin. Two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)/IEF revealed autolysis produced increasingly acidic peptide fragments ranging in apparent pI's from 5.5 for intact p110 to 3.5 for a 40 kDa peptide fragment. Intact p110 and several peptide fragments were immunostained with a highly specific anti-nucleolin antibody, R2D2, thus confirming the identity of this protein with nucleolin. These annexin-like Ca2+-binding characteristics of nucleolin are likely contributed by its highly acidic argyrophilic N-terminus with autolysis apparently resulting in largely selective removal of its basic C-terminal domain. Although the Ca2+-dependent functions of nucleolin are unknown, we discuss the possibility that like the structurally analogous HMG-1, its Ca2+-dependent actions may regulate chromatin structure, possibly during apoptosis.  相似文献   

Hseu MJ  Yen CH  Tzeng MC 《FEBS letters》1999,445(2-3):440-444
Utilizing Marathon-ready cDNA library and a gene-specific primer corresponding to a partial amino acid sequence determined previously, the complete nucleotide sequence for the cDNA of crocalbin, which binds crotoxin (a phospholipase A2) and Ca2+, was obtained by polymerase chain reaction. The open reading frame of the cDNA encodes a novel polypeptide of 315 amino acid residues, including a signal sequence of 19 residues. This protein contains six potential Ca(2+)-binding domains, one N-glycosylation site, and a large amount of acidic amino acid residues. The ability to bind Ca2+ has been ascertained by calcium overlay experiment. Evidenced by sequence similarity in addition, it is concluded that crocalbin is a new member of the reticulocalbin family of calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

In all eukaryotes examined so far, hsp70 gene families include cognate genes (hsc70) encoding proteins of about 70 Kd which are expressed constitutively during normal growth and development. We have investigated the structural relationship of heat-inducible and cognate members of the human hsp70 gene family. Among several human genomic clones isolated using Drosophila hsp/hsc70 probes, one contained an hsc70 gene. Its complete sequence is reported here. It is split by eight introns and encodes a predicted protein of 70899 d that would be 81% homologous to hsp70. Structural comparisons with corresponding genes from other species provide one of the most striking examples of gene conservation. Isolation of a corresponding cDNA clone, RNA-mapping and in vitro translation data demonstrate that the gene is expressed constitutively and directs the synthesis of a 71 kd protein. The latter is very likely to be identical to a clathrin uncoating ATPase recently identified as a member of the hsp70-like protein family.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a region of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) DNA located between map positions 61.7 and 71.4, which covers the gene form the 72 kD DNA binding protein (DBP) and the sequence encoding the amino-terminal part of the 100 kD protein. Sequence analysis of cDNA copies of DBP mRNA revealed the existence of two abundant species of spliced mRNA molecules. One species consists of two short leader sequences from positions 75.2 (67 and 68 nucleotides long) and 68.8 (77 nucleotides long), respectively, and the main body of the RNA molecules. The other species contains only the leader sequence from position 75.2 and the main body. The amino acid sequence of DBP is encoded entirely by a long open reading frame of 1587 nucleotides in the main body of DBP mRNA. From the nucleotide sequence of the DBP gene it can be derived that DBP contains 529 amino acid residues and has an actual molecular weight of 59,049 daltons. The sites of mutation in the mutants H5hr404 and H5ts125 were determined at the nucleotide level. Single nucleotide alterations were detected in H5hr404 and H5ts125 in the sequences corresponding to the amino-terminal part and the carboxy-terminal part of DBP, respectively. The implications of these mutations are discussed.  相似文献   

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