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Experiments were conducted in controlled growth chambers to evaluate how increases in CO2 concentration ([CO2]) affected carbon metabolism and partitioning into sorbitol, sucrose, and starch in various ages of apple leaves. Apple plants (Malus domestica), 1 year old, were exposed to [CO2] of 200, 360, 700, 1000, and 1600 μl l−1 up to 8 days. Six groups of leaves (counted from the shoot apex): leaves 1–5 (sink), 6–7 (sink to source transition), 8–9 (sink to source transition), 10–11 (nearly-matured source), 21–22 (mid-age source), and 30–32 (aged source), were sampled at 1, 2, 4, and 8 days after [CO2] treatments for carbohydrate analysis. Increases in [CO2] from a sub-ambient (200 μl l−1) to an ambient level (360 μl l−1) significantly increased the concentrations of sorbitol, sucrose, glucose, and fructose tested in all ages of leaves. Continuous increase in [CO2] from ambient to super-ambient levels up to 1600 μl l−1 also increased sorbitol concentration by ≈50% in source leaves, but not in sink and sink to source transition leaves. Increases in [CO2] from 360 to 1600 μl l−1, however, had little effect on sucrose content in all ages of leaves. Starch concentrations increased in all ages of leaves as [CO2] increased. Rapid starch increases (e.g. 5-, 6-, 20-, and 50-fold increases for leaf groups 1–5, 6–7, 10–11, and 21–22, respectively) occurred from 700 to 1600 μl l−1 [CO2] during which increases in sorbitol concentration either ceased or slowed down. Our results indicate that changes in carbohydrates were much more responsive to CO2 enrichment in source leaves than in sink and sink to source transition leaves. Carbon partitioning was favored into starch and sorbitol over sucrose in all ages of leaves when [CO2] was increased from 200 to 700 μl l−1, and was favored into starch over sorbitol from 700 to 1600 μl l−1 [CO2].  相似文献   

The influence of row orientation on spectral distribution of light received by growing soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. (cv. Coker 338)] plants was measured under field conditions, and light spectrum effects on photosynthate partitioning were studied under controlled environments. Light received by leaves under field conditions differed among those grown in north-south vs east-west oriented rows. In morning and late afternoon, the far-red/ red ratio received by leaves at the surface of the canopy differed about 3-fold from the east to west sides of north-south rows, but only 1.3-fold from the south to north sides of east-west rows.
In controlled environments, brief exposures to red or far-red light at the end of the photosynthetic period influenced partitioning of photosynthate among leaves, stems and roots. The top/root ratios differed significantly between the red and far-red treated plants. Red treated plants partitioned less photosynthate to stems and more to roots than did those treated with far-red. Also, plants with larger root systems developed more nodules. Phytochrome effects on photosynthate partitioning between tops and roots may influence yield of soybean plants grown in soils with low water-holding capacity.  相似文献   

Processes involved in leaf photosynthetic acclimation to light and throughout the growing season were investigated in two hardwood species (Acer saccharum and Betula alleghaniensis), which differed in their level of shade-tolerance. For both species, variation in traits related to (i) leaf morphology (LMA, leaf mass:area ratio), (ii) leaf N content (NA, leaf nitrogen content on an area basis and NM, N concentration in leaf dry mass), (iii) leaf N partitioning among photosynthetic functions (Pr, N allocated to Rubisco, and Pb, N allocated to bioenergetics), and (iv) leaf photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax, maximal carboxylation rates, and Jmax, maximal light-driven electron flow) were assessed at three different times during the growing season (early, mid- and late summer) and under four contrasting light regimes (40, 17, 6 and 2% of full sunlight). For both species, light-driven variation in most traits was greater than their seasonally driven variation. Furthermore, results showed for both species the pre-eminence of LMA changes in the light-driven acclimation of NA. Importance of NM to variation in NA was restricted to seasonal acclimation, especially for the less shade-tolerant species, B. alleghaniensis. Similarly, for both species, light-driven acclimation of leaf photosynthetic capacities was tightly related to variation in NA, which was related to LMA changes. However, variation in Pr and Pb better explained seasonally driven variation in Vcmax and Jmax, specifically under lower light levels, where NA was low. Thus, the great variability observed for leaf activity in response to contrasting light environments was related to efficient morphological adjustments, regardless of species level of shade-tolerance. Finally, physiological adjustments were mainly involved in fine-scale changes observed during seasonally driven acclimation of leaves, when LMA was constrained to a slight range of variation.  相似文献   

Víctor O. Sadras 《Oecologia》1996,106(4):432-439
Damaged cotton plants in which reproductive organs were manually removed to simulate shedding induced by Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera) were compared with undamaged controls grown under contrasting availability of resources. Plant growth and partitioning were analysed and fruit mass was taken as a measure of compensation. Under high availability of resources (low plant density, high fertility) damaged plants had a large potential compensatory capacity due to increased vegetative growth that enhanced their ability to assimilate carbon and nitrogen with respect to undamaged controls. These plants shifted from vegetative to reproductive growth when they were allowed to set fruit in the recovery period. Actual compensation was complete, however, only when the duration and conditions of the recovery period were favourable. Under multiple stresses (high plant density, low fertility, low temperature), damage triggered a marked increase in the allocation of biomass to roots which was not reversed when plants were allowed to set fruit. The apparent shift in the allocation pattern of damaged plants under stress-which matches well the survival strategy described for many perennials-probably restricted compensatory fruit growth.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of phosphorus (P) and light on the physiological and morphological components of growth of young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Capita). The importance of dry‐mass partitioning and starch accumulation in explaining the effects of P limitation on growth was examined more closely. Plants were grown at a wide range of exponential P supply rates (between 70 and 320 mg g?1 d?1) and one free‐access treatment (1 mm ). Two light levels (70 and 300 µmol m?2 s?1) were applied. Growth response coefficients (GRCs) were calculated to address the importance of different growth parameters in explaining relative growth rate (RGR). At both light levels, net assimilation rate (NAR) was more important than leaf area ratio (LAR) in explaining the effects of P on growth as indicated by GRCs. At less severe P limitation, LAR became more important and NAR less important. Dry‐mass partitioning to both roots and leaves played a minor role in determining the effects of P limitation on growth as indicated by low GRCs. The increase in starch at mild P limitation showed that the assimilate supply was not limiting. At severe P limitation, the rate of photosynthesis was decreased, as suggested by the decrease in starch accumulation.  相似文献   

The possibility that gibberellins (GAs) mediate the photoperiodic regulation of photosynthate partitioning into stored leaf carbohydrates (starch and soluble sugars) was investigated with the dwarf-5 mutant of Zea mays L., a single-gene recessive mutant with greatly reduced endogenous GA content relative to tall maize. The mutant responded to daylength as did tall maize, with higher rates of carbohydrate accumulation observed under short daylength (8.5 h of light) than under long day-length (14 h of light). Neither inhibitors of GA biosynthesis (CCC, [(2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride], ancymidol[α-cyclopropyl-α-( p -methoxy-phenyl)-5-pyrimidine methyl alcohol], and tetcyclacis [5-(4-chlorophenyl)- 3,4,5,9, 10-penta-azatetracyclo-5,4,1,02.6,08.11-dodeca-3.9-diene]) nor treatment with GAs further modified the response of partitioning to daylength even though biologically active GAs stimulated plant growth. The results indicate that photoperiodic modulation of endogenous GA titre is unlikely to be responsible for the photoperiodic response of photosynthate partitioning in Z. mays .  相似文献   

Soil solarization is a preplanting technique used in hot climates to control weeds and soilborne pathogens consisting of mulching the soil surface with polyethylene sheets. The increase in temperature associated with solarized soil could affect nitrogen availability for grain legume crops through effects on nitrogen fixing soil microorganisms or other mechanisms. To examine the effects of solarization on natural root nodulation and nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in the plant, two solarization field experiments were carried out over two planting seasons, involving genotypes of both faba bean (Vicia faba) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The effect of sowing date was also studied in the first season. Solarization increased the maximum soil temperature by 9–10 °C in the first, and by 13–15 °C in the second season. At 5 cm below the solarized soil surface, a temperature of over 46 °C prevailed for 146 and 280 h over the two respective seasons, while this temperature was not attained in unmulched soil. Solarization delayed the initiation of nodulation and consistently reduced the nodule number per host plant, but generated an approximate doubling of mean nodule weight. The total nodule mass per plant was not affected by the treatment in the first season, but was reduced in the second season. Solarization significantly increased the concentrations of NO3 -N, Na+, Zn2+, Ca2+ and K+ in the soil extract, and the total nitrogen accumulated in the whole plant. This latter increase was due to both higher plant growth and a greater plant nitrogen concentration. The increased nitrogen level in the plant was not uniform with respect to plant component, varying from 57% in the roots to 198% in the pods and seeds. The plants grown in non-solarized soil accumulated about 31% of their total N content in the shoots of the parasitic weed Orobanche crenata. Solarization dramatically improved grain yield by 300–900% in both seasons and in all genotypes studied, due to increased N availability in soil, N accumulation in plants, improved plant growth, and complete control of the parasite weed O. crenata. On the basis of these beneficial effects, soil solarization, which avoids site contamination and is suited to organic farming, should be a good opportunity in Mediterranean areas where the level and stability of grain yields are low, and the infestation of O. crenata is high.  相似文献   

Increasing P-use efficiency within the plant is one of the acclimations to P-limiting conditions. In this work, we studied the effects of P withdrawal during flag-leaf expansion on sink-source relationships and P-use efficiency in two detillered wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L., CA9325 and JM2) under controlled conditions. The study period was divided into two phases of one month each. In the first period after withdrawing P from the medium, the rates of dry weight gain were unaffected compared with the control plant. However, the net dry matter deposition in the ear, and P remobilization within the plant were accelerated in both cultivars. In control plants and in the first period, P transported in the xylem came mainly from the roots current uptake in both cultivars; in the second period, however, phloem retranslocation of P from the shoot and cycling through the root contributed 86% in CA9325 and 95% in JM2 to the xylem-transported P. In the P-deficient plants of both cultivars, almost all of the P transported in the xylem was remobilized, exported from vegetative organs and recycled through the phloem. Over the entire duration of the experiment, the net dry matter deposition and P allocation to grains were not synchronous, indicating independent regulatory processes. Although withdrawing P from the medium markedly reduced the net dry weight gain of whole plants in both cultivars, the final dry weight of the grains was hardly influenced. The percentage of grain dry weight to whole plant dry weight increased from 42.5% in control plants to 44.7% in P-deficient plants in CA9325, and from 41.0% to 45.0% in JM2, and that of P increased from 24.8% to 87.7% and from 25.5% to 84.3%, respectively. The results showed that withdrawing P from the medium during flag-leaf expansion did not influence grain growth and its final P content. The possible mechanisms to regulate P redistribution and reutilization in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

This study has tested the hypotheses that the dietary compositions of the six large and abundant fish species in the 46 km2 basin of a seasonally open estuary (Wilson Inlet) will differ significantly, change with increasing body size and vary with water depth and season. These species comprise four marine species, the sea mullet Mugil cephalus, yellow‐eye mullet Aldrichetta forsteri, King George whiting Sillaginodes punctata and Australian herring Arripis georgiana, and populations of two species that are confined to the estuary, the cobbler Cnidoglanis macrocephalus and the southern blue‐spotted flathead Platycephalus speculator. Non‐metric multidimensional ordination and associated tests showed that, overall, the dietary composition was influenced to a far greater extent by the species of fish than by either water depth or season. At even a relatively broad level of taxonomic discrimination, the dietary compositions of each pair of species were significantly different, except for those of A. georgiana v. P. speculator, and even in that case those of their larger individuals differed. Differences among the diets of the six species, which represented five families, are related to differences in feeding morphology and location within the water column. Mugil cephalus ingested almost exclusively sediment and fine organic material. Although A. forsteri and S. punctata both consumed substantial amounts of polychaetes (including nereids, capitellids and orbiniids), the former ingested relatively larger volumes of small crustaceans (copepods) and relatively lower volumes of large crustaceans (the carid Palaemonetes australis), nemertines and bivalve siphons. The diets of A. georgiana and P. speculator were both typified by the consistent and high contributions of large crustaceans and fishes. Among fish prey, however, A. georgiana focused to a far greater extent on the small clupeid Engraulis australis, whereas P. speculator consumed a wider range of teleosts, which included species of atherinid and goby. Although the diets of A. forsteri and C. macrocephalus both contained substantial amounts of coarse organic material, the latter differed markedly from those of all other species by the frequent presence of mytilids (mainly Xenostrobus spp.) and other bivalves (especially Tellina deltoidalis and Irus crenata). The diets of each species except M. cephalus changed with increasing body size and, for comparable size classes, did not differ between shallow and deeper waters. The partitioning of food resources within and among the six large and abundant fish species found in Wilson Inlet would reduce the potential for competition for these resources and help account for the large numbers of those species in this seasonally open estuary.  相似文献   

Carbon allocation to the source leaf, export and partitioning to the sink were studied in mungbean supplied by additional carbon from the source leaves subjected to high CO2 concentrations (600 and 900 cm3 m-3) in three metabolic and functional source-sink combinations. The plants were pruned to a source-path-sink system. With CO2 enrichment there was an appreciable increase in net photosynthetic CO2 uptake in earlier formed and physiologically younger leaves. Most of the carbon fixed as a result of enrichment was translocated out of the source leaf within one diurnal cycle. The carbon remaining in the source leaf was unchanged. Partitioning of extra carbon into starch or sugar depended upon the amount of extra carbon synthesized. The unloading of the extra carbon into sinks depended on whether it was used for growth or stored. Under increased carbon content, the leaf as a sink was able to reorganize its metabolic reactions more rapidly to maintain the required gradient for unloading than the pod acting as the sink.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species richness in calcareous grassland is discussed against the background of historical dispersal processes associated with traditional land-use management such as grazing, but also the artificial establishment by hayseed. Important vectors in the traditionally man-made landscape were sheep and cattle or other livestock such as goats. Calcareous grasslands were not only connected to each other but also to other habitats such as villages, forests, arable fields and heathlands by these vectors which could cover large distances (e.g. transhumance shepherding), which is not the case in the current man-made landscape. Species richness after restoration management of abandoned and afforested calcareous grasslands was predicted by using characters of dispersability in space and time. These were the persistence of the species in the vegetation and the diaspore bank after abandonment or afforestation and the dispersal capacity through wind and sheep. The results reveal that reintroduction of sheep grazing is necessary to reestablish the original species richness. The first validation of the prediction of the succession on clear-cut sites and a comparison with data of species composition in abandoned quarries and the surroundings made it obvious that a species' own dispersal capacity in space is very low except for some well wind-dispersed species. Therefore, it is recommended to include and to simulate dispersal processes in future management to be able to restore the original species richness.  相似文献   

In recent years, Mycosphaerella leaf disease (MLD) has become very common in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Galicia, northwest Spain. The aetiology of MLD is complex and is associated with several species of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria. A survey of the fungal mycobiota associated with juvenile and adult leaves and with leaf litter of the same trees in MLD‐affected plantations was made. The goal was to identify pathogens and endophytes, to determine whether the mycobiota of each leaf type differed and whether leaf litter might be a reservoir of MLD inoculum. Fungi belonging to 113 different species were isolated from the leaves of juvenile and adult trees sampled at 10 locations; 81 species occurred in juvenile and 65 in adult leaves. The average number of species obtained from juvenile leaves was significantly greater (P > 0.01) compared to adult leaves. This difference suggested that juvenile leaves are not only more susceptible to a group of pathogens, but to a wide range of fungi. Therefore, a general resistance mechanism might be lacking or be less effective in juvenile than in adult leaves. Several pathogenic species were identified in both leaf types. Leaf litter and living leaf mycobiotas were very different. However, some of the species they shared were MLD pathogens, suggesting that leaf litter could contribute to the inoculum of MLD.  相似文献   

Morphological and physiological measurements on individual leaves of Leucaena leucocephala seedlings were used to study acclimation to neutral shading. The light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pn max) ranged from 19.6 to 6.5 mol CO2 m–2 s–1 as photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) during growth decreased from 27 to 1.6 mol m–2 s–1. Stomatal density varied from 144 mm–2 in plants grown in high PPFD to 84 mm–2 in plants grown in low PPFD. Average maximal stomatal conductance for H2O was 1.1 in plants grown in high PPFD and 0.3 for plants grown in low PPFD. Plants grown in low PPFD had a greater total chlorophyll content than plants grown in high PPFD (7.2 vs 2.9 mg g–1 on a unit fresh weight basis, and 4.3 vs 3.7 mg dm–2 on a unit leaf area basis). Leaf area was largest when plants were grown under the intermediate PPFDs. Leaf density thickness was largest when plants were grown under the largest PPFDs. It is concluded that L. leucocephala shows extensive ability to acclimate to neutral shade, and could be considered a facultative shade plant.Abbreviations the initial slope of the photosynthesis vs PPFD curve - Pn max the light-saturated photosynthetic rate - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density  相似文献   

Bayberry whitefly (Parabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) crawlers were placed on young and mature lemon leaves and were allowed 7–9 days to settle. Afterwards, the nymphs were fixed and sectioned in situ on the leaves and the area of leaf under each whitefly was examined at 1 000 x for stylet penetration. Both stylets and stylet tracks were readily visible in the sections. The path of penetration was mostly intercellular and the objective appeared to be the phloem. Passage of the stylets through the plant tissue did not cause detectable damage to most cells; however, damaged plant cells occasionally were noticed. Nymphs that had moulted during the 7–9 day settling period reached the phloem significantly more often than those that were still in their first instar. In each of the three replicates, penetration in the mature leaf occurred significantly less often than penetration in the young leaf (4% vs. 72%, p<0.01, 2). Penetration appears to be inhibited in the mature leaf either by the leaf cuticle or by factors detected by the nymphs after very shallow penetration into the leaf. The cuticle of mature leaves was much thicker than the cuticle of young leaves and may have been a barrier to stylet penetration.
Résumé Des larves de premier stade (avant la fixation) de l'aleurode, Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana), ont été placées, pour qu'elles se fixent, pendánt 2 à 9 jours, sur des feuilles jeunes ou mûres de citronnier. Des morceaux de feuilles avec des larves fixées ont été trempés dans 2% d'agar; ce procédé a permis de maintenir les larves à leurs sites de fixation finale. Des pièces d'agar contenant les morceaux de feuilles avec les larves ont ensuite été trempées dans de la paraffine, et sectionnées en séries de 10 . Il était nécessaire de maintenir une basse température pendant l'opération afin d'obtenir de bonnes sections des feuilles mûres durcies. Les stylets et leurs traces étaient faciles à voir dans les sections teintées aux safranins, et fast green. Presque toutes les traces des stylets étaient intercellulaires et leur destination semblaient être de phloème. En général, la plupart des cellules ne semblaient pas endommagées, les larves qui avaient mué pendant la période de 7 à 9 jours de fixation avaient atteint significantivement plus le phloeme que les larves du premier stade. Dans trois essais, la pénétration des feuilles mûres était significativement moins fréquente que celle des feuilles jeunes (p<0.01, 2).La pénétration dans des feuilles mûres semble être empêchée par la cuticule ou par des facteurs perçus par les nymphes après une pénétration superficielle. La cuticule des feuilles mûres était beaucoup plus épaisse que la cuticule des jeunes feuilles et pourrait donc représenter une barrière à la pénétration des stylets.

Protoplasts of Vitis rotundifolia Michx. cv. Summit were isolated from mesophyll of axenic shoot cultures under different enzyme concentrations and digestion times. Viability and plating efficiency were assessed and related to the cortical microtubule network, visualized using immunofluorescence. Higher concentrations of enzyme isolation medium significantly decreased protoplast viability and plating efficiency. However, the cortical microtubule network appeared stable, at all concentrations with dense, continuous microtubule strands in both random and parallel arrays. In contrast, longer vs shorter enzyme incubation duration resulted in significantly lower plating efficiency, which was correlated with changes in cortical microtubule organization. With longer incubation, the frequency of parallel microtubule strands decreased; microtubule organization showed increasing disruption, microtubule strands were shortened, fragmented and exhibited only a weak fluorescence labeling. Both high enzyme concentration and prolonged incubation periods negatively affected protoplast regenerability, but in different ways. Microtubule organization was sensitive to duration of incubation, but not to enzyme concentration. It is concluded that the presence of a well-developed cortical microtubule network does not gurantee regeneration. Other factors related to isolation appear to be involved.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the effect of genetic material and light source and their interaction on plant performance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), we studied the influence of two light sources, white fluorescent tubes (WF) and red blue LEDs with ratio 8:1 (RB) and two cultivars, ‘Avanti’ and ‘Colomba’ grown in phytotron, on growth, leaf photosynthesis and photochemistry and tuber quality. Under WF, net photosynthesis (NP) increased from the vegetative phase until flowering, then decreased during tuber bulking, with no differences between the cultivars. Lighting with RB increased the NP and the PSII maximum quantum use efficiency compared to WF. RB reduced stem elongation in both cultivars, as well as the number and area of leaves, and the aerial biomass per plant in ‘Colomba’, compared to WF. Conversely, tuber yield was higher in plants under RB light in both ‘Avanti’ and ‘Colomba’. Light source did not influence the tuber content of starch and total glycoalkaloids, while it affected differently in the cultivars the protein content and the glycoalkaloid profile. Our results highlight how interactions between light source and genotype need to be considered for potato cultivation in controlled environment under artificial lighting.  相似文献   

Availability of assimilates in apple trees ( Malus domestica cv. Jonagored) was affected by removing young fruits to obtain 3 ranges of fruit/leaf ratios with average values of 130, 268 and 381 fruits per kg leaf dry matter. Fruit analyses were carried out at fruit harvest and 4 times during a 3-week ripening period. The analyses included detection of volatile aroma components from the juice by headspace gas chromatography. At a low fruit/leaf ratio, higher concentrations of total dry matter, soluble solid and titrateable acids were found. The flesh was also firmer, and ethylene development proceeded at a lower rate and reached a lower maximum value. Aroma compounds consisted of ca 20% esters, 73% alcohols and 6% C-6 aldehydes. The production of butylacetate and hexylacetate, which were the dominating esters, peaked during the ripening period and was most pronounced at the lowest fruit/leaf ratios. At the last sampling date this was also the case for butanol, which was the dominating alcohol. Other esters and alcohols behaved similarly, while C-6 aldehydes showed no significant differences in the fruit/leaf ratio. We suggest that the greater availability of assimilates when internal competition is relieved at a low fruit/leaf ratio causes increased accumulation of fatty acid aroma precursors and aroma compounds as well as of sugars, acids and other compounds in the fruits.  相似文献   

The integration of spatial information concerning animal species into static, rule-based spatially explicit non-probabilistic models for decision-making regarding the planning of landscapes and regions provides generalised habitat-described landscape-structural parameters. As a basis for an individually developed model, a discussion is first of all presented which involves general data and parametric requirements, necessary for the development of a species-referenced, spatially explicit model for analysis and evaluation. The parameters necessary for an assessment of habitat characteristics of birds in Central Europe will be discussed on the basis of landscape and structural information, using the Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) as an example. A spatial analysis and assessment procedure supported by geographical information system (GIS) for this species has been developed for the definition of regulations and assessment categories and subsequently applied to the example of an open agricultural landscape in Saxony-Anhalt. Within the area of examination of approximately 42.4 km2, 56 songbird perches were located (density of 1.34 territories/km2). A comparison with the 45 mapped territories from the year 2004 indicated a good correlation with the model assumptions. Indeed, 16 of these 45 territories were only briefly occupied and the establishment of breeding pairs was ascertained in only 17 territories. The analysis and assessment model as presented yielded reality-based results after the utilisation of relatively little landscape-structural entry data, and is well suited for support of the decision-making process for spatial planning. The model framework presented in this paper can be modified and transferred to other species.  相似文献   

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