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Phosphoinositol kinase isolated and purified from germinating mung bean seeds has been further characterized. The rate of phosphorylation varies with different inositol phosphates and this is consistent with the Km and Vmax for each of the substrates. The phosphate transfer from ATP has been found to be mediated by a phosphoprotein intermediate. In a particular step of the reaction the immediate product of the reaction has been found to be most inhibitory, other products being less or non-inhibitory. The inhibition has been found to be competitive in nature. The Kis have been found to range between 0.6 and 1 × 10?4 M. ADP also inhibited non-competitively with respect to IP5. Ki for this has been found to be 2.3 × 10?4 M. The purified enzyme migrated as a single protein band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate it is dissociated into 3 subunits in the ratio 1 : 1 : 1. The MW of the three subunits are approx. 86 000, 56 000 and 35 000. The MW of the enzyme has been found to be approx. 177 000.  相似文献   

A protein inhibitor of phosphoinositol kinase has been detected in the later stages of ripening of mung bean seeds. This has been isolated and purified from the ungerminated seeds. It migrated as a single protein band when subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The MW of the inhibitor is approx. 86 000. The phosphoinositol kinase inhibition has been found to be dependent on the protein concentration of the purified inhibitor. It seems that 1 molecule of the inhibitor is necessary to inhibit 1 molecule of enzyme. The nature of the inhibition has been found to be non-competitive, the Ki of which is around 1·47 × 10?6 M. The enzyme inhibitor complex dissociates on gel electrophoresis without any loss of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Phytase isolated from mung bean cotyledons was purified about 80-fold with a recovery of 28%. The enzyme is stable at 0°, has a pH optimum at 7·5 and optimal temperature of 57°. The energy of activation is approximately 8500 cal/mole between 37° and 57°. Inhibition by Pi has been found to be competitive, the Ki value being 0·40–0·43 × 10−3 M; the Km value with phytate is 0·65 × 10−3 M. Divalent cations are not required for activity. Lower members of inositol phosphates are better substrates, as shown by their Vmax and Km values. When subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis two bands have been resolved; one (major) corresponds to phytase and the other (minor) to phosphatase and pyrophosphatase activity. Filtration through Biogel P-200 partially resolves phytase from phosphatase and pyrophosphatase. The molecular weight of phytase is approximately 160,000.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositol kinase, the key enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of higher inositol phosphates has been isolated from the cotyledons of mung beans germinated for 24 hr and has been resolved into two different forms, phosphoinositol kinase A and phosphoinositol kinase B. Both forms were purified to homogeneity and characterized. The Km values for ATP with phosphoinositol kinase A (1.78 × 10?4 M) and phosphoinositol kinase B (3.12 × 10 ?5 M) showed that phosphoinositol kinase B had a greater affinity for ATP. ATP could be partially replaced as phosphate donor by UTP and phosphoenolpyruvate in the case of phosphoinositol kinase A but not in the case of phosphoinositol kinase B.  相似文献   

P.M. Dey 《Phytochemistry》1985,25(1):51-53
High levels of ‘alkaline’ invertase activity occur in dormant mung bean seeds. During germination this activity decreases rapidly and is replaced by high ‘acid’ invertase activity. Cycloheximide prevented the formation of the latter activity and also inhibited germination. It is suggested that de novo synthesis of ‘acid’ invertase occurs during germination. Both enzymes bind to concanavalin A and, hence, are presumed to be glycoproteins. Affinity-purified enzyme samples show similar ratios of ‘acid’ and ‘alkaline’ invertase activities to the crude preparations indicating that specific enzyme inhibitors or activators are probably not involved in controlling the activities in vivo.  相似文献   

The presence of nine different glycosidases was demonstrated in the crude extract of mature mung bean seeds. N-Acetyl β-D-glucosaminidase, α-D-galactosidase and β-D-glucosidase were each resolved into two respective active forms by gel filtration. The other glycosidases showed single forms only. The apparent MWs of the glycosidases were determined. The glycosidases were absorbed to Con A-Sepharose column, with the exception of a small percentage of α-galactosidase and α-mannosidase which were eluted unretarded. The bound enzymes displayed varying affinities for the immobilized lectin, indicating differences in glycosylation. With the exception of β-galactosidase and invertase, all the glycosidase activities were detected in the protein bodies isolated from the seeds.  相似文献   

A crude enzyme preparation from mung bean cotyledons was separated into peroxidative and non-peroxidative IAA oxidase on a DEAE-cellulose column. Both fractions differed in their pH optima, Km and Vmax. The Km and Vmax of non-peroxidative IAA oxidase were higher than those of peroxidative IAA oxidase. Peroxidative IAA oxidase showed a linear increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm after a short lag of 2–3 min. The addition of catalytic amounts of hydrogen peroxide eliminated the lag period and also enhanced the rate of IAA degradation. The non-peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction, however, did not exhibit any significant increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm and showed a lag period of 5 min which was not affected by hydrogen peroxide. Instead, addition of the same catalytic amount of hydrogen peroxide inhibited the rate of IAA degradation. The peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction exhibited the reaction kinetics characteristic of peroxidase-catalysed IAA degradation. The rate of IAA oxidation by purified non-peroxidative IAA oxidase was very low. The slow rate of catalysis shown by non-peroxidative IAA oxidase appears to be due to the presence of inhibitor(s).  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactivity into sterols by transmethylation of methionine-[14C-methyl] was studied in mung bean hypocotyl sections. Young hypocotyl sections (1 cm) synthesized 4 times more radioactive sterols than older sections (5 cm). The transmethylation reactions may be rate limiting in older tissues. Wounding has only a quantitative effect on sterol biosynthesis, as seen by incorporation experiments with MVA-[2-14C]. Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) stimulates sterol biosynthesis in both wounded surfaces and intact tissues of mung bean hypocotyl sections.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation plays a key regulatory role in a variety of cellular processes. To better understand the function of protein phosphorylation in seed maturation, a PCR-based cloning method was employed and five cDNA clones (pvcipk1-5) for protein kinases were isolated from a cDNA library prepared from immature seeds of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The deduced amino acid sequences showed that the five protein kinases (PvCIPK1-5) are members of the sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase type 3 (SnRK3) family, which interacts with calcineurin B-like proteins (CBLs). Two cDNA clones (pvcbl1 and 2) for CBLs were further isolated from the cDNA library. The predicted primary sequences of the proteins (PvCBL1 and 2) displayed significant identity (more than 90%) with those of other plant CBLs. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the isolated genes, except pvcbl1, are expressed in leaves and early maturing seeds, whereas pvcbl1 is constitutively expressed during seed development. Yeast two-hybrid assay indicated that among the five PvCIPKs, only PvCIPK1 interacts with both PvCBL1 and PvCBL2. These results suggest that calcium-dependent protein phosphorylation-signaling via CBL-CIPK complexes occurs during seed development.  相似文献   

Dry mature seeds of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L., DC.) (WB) contain several proteinase inhibitors. Two-dimensional gel analysis of WB seed protein followed by activity visualization using a gel-X-ray film contact print technique revealed at least 14 trypsin inhibitors (TIs) in the range of 28-6 kD. A total of seven inhibitors (WBTI-1 to 7) were purified by heat treatment and gel filtration followed by elution from preparative native gels. Based on their biochemical characterization such as molecular mass, pI, heat stability, and susceptibility to inactivation by reducing agents, WBTI-1 to 4 are Kunitz type inhibitors while WBTI-5 to 7 are classified as Bowman-Birk type serine proteinase inhibitors. Although Kunitz type TIs (20-24 kD) of WB have been reported, the smaller TIs that belong to the Bowman-Birk type have not been previously characterized. Seven major TIs isolated from WB seed were individually assessed for their potential to inhibit the gut proteinases (HGP) of Helicoverpa armigera, a pest of several economically important crops, which produces at least six major and several minor trypsin/chymotrypsin/elastase-like serine proteinases in the gut. WBTI-1 (28 kD) was identified as a potent inhibitor of HGP relative to trypsin and among the other WBTIs; it inhibited 94% of HGP activity while at the same concentration it inhibited only 22% of trypsin activity. WBTI-2 (24 kD) and WBTI-4 (20 kD) inhibited HGP activity greater than 85%. WBTI-3,-5,-6 and-7 showed limited inhibition of HGP as compared with trypsin. These results indicate that WBTIs have different binding potentials towards HGP although most of the HGP activity is trypsin-like. We also developed a simple and versatile method for identifying and purifying proteinase inhibitors after two-dimensional separation using the gel-X-ray film contact print technique.  相似文献   

研究了绿豆总黄酮的提取工艺。通过对固液比、乙醇体积分数、提取温度与提取时间的单因素实验确定水平点,设计4因素3水平实验,选用L9(3^4)正交表,优选绿豆总黄酮的最佳提取工艺为固液比1:50,φ(乙醇)为40%,提取温度70℃,提取时间120min。在此基础上得到绿豆皮中总黄酮的提取量为27.57mg/g,且5次平行的相对标准偏差为0.75%,总黄酮的平均回收率达97.5%。  相似文献   

Germinating seedlings of mung bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. K-16) were treated with different concentrations of cadmium acetate (10, 50 and 100 μ M ). Cd2+ lowered the chlorophyll and heme levels. The level of lipid peroxides were higher on day 3 than on day 6. However, Cd2+ treatment significantly enhanced the level of lipid peroxides. Similarly, a dose-dependent induction of lipoxygenase (EC activity was observed with Cd2+ treatment. Further, the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (EC and catalase (EC were decreased. Our results suggest that lipoxygenase-mediated accumulation of lipid peroxides on the one hand and inhibition of free radical scavenging enzymes like superoxide dismutase and catalase on the other caused a pronounced reduction in the chlorophyll and heme levels of the seedlings. The experiments conducted on the effect of Cd2+ on dark-grown seedlings did not conform with the result of light-grown seedlings. Though chlorophyll and heme levels decreased in a dose-dependent manner, no accumulation of lipid peroxides was observed, suggesting that the inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis by Cd2+ is achieved both by reaction with constituent biosynthetic enzymes as well as peroxide-mediated degradation.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (L-glutamate : ammonia ligase, EC fromPhaseolus aureus (mung bean) seedlings was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, Sephadex G-200 gel filtration and affinity chromatography on histidine-Sepharose. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 775,000 ± 25,000. The enzyme consisted of identical subunits with an approximate subunit molecular weight of 50,000. Hyperbolic saturation curves were obtained with the substrates, glutamate, ATP and hydroxylamine. Antibody, raised in the rabbit, against mung bean glutamine synthetase, completely inhibited the activity of the enzyme. Preincubation of the enzyme with glutamate and ATP, prior to the addition of the antibody, partially protected the enzyme against inhibition. TheK m values of this enzyme-antibody complex and the native enzyme were identical (glutamate, 2.5mM; ATP, 1 mM; hydroxylamine, 0.5 mM). The Km values of the partially inhibited enzyme (the enzyme pretreated with antibody prior to the addition of substrates) were 2-fold higher than those of the native enzyme. These results suggested that the substrate-induced conformational changes in the enzyme were responsible for the protection against inhibition of the enzyme activity by the antibody.  相似文献   

Inositol hexaphosphate guanosine diphosphate phosphotransferase which transfers phosphate from inositol hexaphosphate to guanosine diphosphate, synthesizing guanosine triphosphate, has been isolated from germinating mung bean. A purification of 86-fold with 33% recovery has been obtained and the protein was made homogeneous after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The MW of this enzyme was ca 92000. The optimal pH was 7·0 and Mn2+ was stimulatory. Inositol hexaphosphate was the most active donor of the phosphoryl group (P) to GDP. Inositol penta- or tetra-phosphate (mixed) was partially active, but inositol pentaphosphate produced in this reaction did not act further as phosphate donor. The transfer of P from inositol hexaphosphate was mediated through a phosphoprotein. Polyphosphate (poly Pi), pyrophosphate (PPi) and orthophosphate (Pi) were inactive in this reaction. ADP, CDP and UDP could not substitute for GDP, neither could dGDP nor GMP accept P from inositolphosphate. GTP inhibited the reaction, but ATP did not interfere with the reaction. The products have been shown to be [GMP- 32P] and inositol pentaphosphate by several criteria. The reaction is practically irreversible. Km values for GDP and inositol hexaphosphate were 1·1 × 10−4 M and 1·6 × 10−6 M respectively.  相似文献   

Enzymes catalyzing the deamidation of seed storage proteins were found in germinating seeds of kidney beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Moldavian) and squash ( Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Mozoleevskaya). They were partially purified and characterized. The properties of these enzymes closely resemble those of the protein deamidase in germinating wheat grains. The detection of similar protein deamidases in germinating seeds of plants belonging to phytogenetically unrelated species indicates that protein deamidases are of considerable physiological significance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Characteristics of the geotropic response of de-etiolated mung bean hypocotyls are presented. Geotropic sensitivity is not confined to the apical tissue but exists throughout the responding zone. The presentation time is estimated to lie between 0 and 30 s for this tissue. Anatomical features of the presumed geoperceptive tissues are described. Rapid sedimentation and cyclosis of statolith amyloplasts in living tissue are reported, which are fast enough not to preclude the possibility of receptor sites situated at or near the lateral wall of statocytes.  相似文献   

Several characteristics of mitochondrial respiration and energy status have been studied during growth and senescence of mung bean ( Phaseolus radiatus L.) cotyledons. The results showed that mitochondrial oxygen consumption, respiratory control, ADP:O ratios, and energy charge changed in the cotyledons during germination and growth of the seedlings. The respiration rate of intact cotyledons approximately reflected the trend of the oxidative activities of the isolated mitochondria. An increase was observed in both whole cotyledon respiration and mitochondrial oxygen uptake at the onset of senescence of mung bean cotyledons (day 3 after germination), which thereafter declined gradually. The capacity and activity of the alternative pathway increased markedly in mitochondria isolated from senescent cotyledons. After the onset of senescence, the mung bean cotyledon mitochondria exhibited a decrease both in the respiratory control ratios and ADP:O ratios, and the cotyledons exhibited a gradual decline in energy charge. All these results showed an irreversible deterioration of energy conservation in mung bean cotyledons. The role(s) of the alternative pathway in senescent mung bean cotyledons is discussed.  相似文献   

Three new plant constituents were isolated from the primary leaves of Vigna radiata (= Phaseolus aureus) and their structures elucidated and characterized with the aid of negative-ion fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB MS), 1H NMR and UV spectroscopy, thin-layer, gas-liquid and high performance liquid chromatography. The new conjugates are (E)-p-coumaroyl-, (E)-caffeoyl- and (E)-feruloyltartronic acids. Their structures were unequivocally confirmed by comparison with synthetic material. The metabolism of the new hydroxycinnamic acid conjugates in young plants of Vigna radiata is described.  相似文献   

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