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The Odc-rs8 locus belongs to a family of mouse DNA sequences related to the gene encoding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). Odc-rs8 was mapped by recombinant inbred (RI) strain analysis to the region of Chromosome (Chr) 12 occupied by the variable region genes of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (Igh) complex. In the present study, alleles at Odc-rs8 were shown to cosegregate with those for Igh variable region (Igh-V or V H) genes among 37 inbred mouse strains that had been characterized previously for their haplotypes at Igh. For a more precise definition of the location of Odc-rs8 relative to Igh-V, DNAs from 17 Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV)-transformed pre-B cell lines cultured from mice heterozygous at Igh and Odc-rs8 were analyzed for the presence of DNA restriction fragments (RFs) derived from each parental Odc-rs8 allele. These cell lines, each of which has rearranged one or both Igh genes, previously were employed in mapping members of nine V H gene families by deletion analysis (Brodeur et al. 1988). Comparing the deletion profiles of the cell lines for Odc-rs8 with those for the V H gene families has located Odc-rs8 b within the VHJ558/VH3609 gene cluster and Odc-rs8 c either within or upstream of the 5-most 9% of VHJ558, identifying Odc-rs8 as a potentially useful marker for the 5 end of the Igh complex.  相似文献   

Physical mapping distal to the DMD locus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report a new locus, designated JC-1, which maps between the gene responsible for adrenal hypoplasia (AHC) and the gene that encodes glycerol kinase (GK) in Xp21.2-21.3. The probe identifying this locus was obtained by cloning the distal sequence of a junction fragment from a Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patient with a large deletion. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis shows that a region of at least 4 Mb separates the 3' end of the dystrophin gene and the closest distal marker to AHC, DXS28. This region of the human genome contains few genes whose deletion results in a clinical phenotype. JC-1 is a useful probe from which to initiate strategies directed at cloning the AHC and GK loci.  相似文献   

Colinearity between wheat and rice genomes is quite well established at the chromosome level, but less is known at a finer level. We tried to specify these relationships for the wheat 5BS chromosome-arm distal region, where a major locus for crossability was located. By developing AFLP markers, we succeeded to locate this major QTL more precisely. One cloned AFLP fragment mapped to rice chromosome 11, which was in agreement with a rice chromosome-11 linkage block reported in this region. However a second marker, a RFLP probe, showed a break in synteny because it mapped to rice long-arm chromosomes 1 and 5, while screening a rice BAC library with the same probe identified rice chromosomes 5 and 6. Therefore, we concluded that the syntenic relationships were more complex at the fine level. The observed results might indicate the presence of a linkage block carrying a crossability gene on wheat groups 1, 5 and 7, and also on rice chromosomes 5 and 6.  相似文献   

Zöllner S  Pritchard JK 《Genetics》2005,169(2):1071-1092
We outline a general coalescent framework for using genotype data in linkage disequilibrium-based mapping studies. Our approach unifies two main goals of gene mapping that have generally been treated separately in the past: detecting association (i.e., significance testing) and estimating the location of the causative variation. To tackle the problem, we separate the inference into two stages. First, we use Markov chain Monte Carlo to sample from the posterior distribution of coalescent genealogies of all the sampled chromosomes without regard to phenotype. Then, averaging across genealogies, we estimate the likelihood of the phenotype data under various models for mutation and penetrance at an unobserved disease locus. The essential signal that these models look for is that in the presence of disease susceptibility variants in a region, there is nonrandom clustering of the chromosomes on the tree according to phenotype. The extent of nonrandom clustering is captured by the likelihood and can be used to construct significance tests or Bayesian posterior distributions for location. A novelty of our framework is that it can naturally accommodate quantitative data. We describe applications of the method to simulated data and to data from a Mendelian locus (CFTR, responsible for cystic fibrosis) and from a proposed complex trait locus (calpain-10, implicated in type 2 diabetes).  相似文献   

以单核苷酸多态性(Single-nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)为遗传标记, 采用全基因组关联研究(Genome-wide association studies, GWAS)的策略, 已经在660多种疾病(或性状)中发现了3800多个遗传易感基因区域。但是, 其中最显著关联的遗传变异或致病性的遗传变异位点及其生物学功能并不完全清楚。这些位点的鉴定有助于阐明复杂疾病的生物学机制, 以及发现新的疾病标记物。后GWAS时代的主要任务之一就是通过精细定位研究找到复杂疾病易感基因区域内最显著关联的易感位点或致病性的易感位点并阐明其生物学功能。针对常见变异, 可通过推断或重测序增加SNP密度, 寻找最显著关联的SNP位点, 并通过功能元件分析、表达数量性状位点(Expression quantitative trait locus, eQTL)分析和单体型分析等方法寻找功能性的SNP位点和易感基因。针对罕见变异, 则可采用重测序、罕见单体型分析、家系分析和负荷检验等方法进行精细定位。文章对这些策略和所面临的问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

Thymic-derived lymphocytes (T cells) recognize and respond to antigens through the mediation of the T-cell receptor complex. Here we report polymorphism at each of the five loci that encode the different components of the T-cell receptor complex in cattle. These genes were mapped on the bovine genome by genetic linkage analysis in the International Bovine Reference Panel (IBRP). These mapping data provide additional type I markers for linking the bovine genetic map with the human and mouse maps and also permit investigation of the effect of T-cell receptor polymorphism on immune responsiveness and disease susceptibility.  相似文献   



Statistical power calculations are a critical part of any study design for gene mapping. Most calculations assume that the locus of interest is biallelic. However, there are common situations in human genetics such as X-linked loci in males where the locus is haploid. The purpose of this work is to mathematically derive the biometric model for haploid loci, and to compute power for QTL mapping when the loci are haploid.  相似文献   

R Lathe 《Journal of bacteriology》1977,131(3):1033-1036
The firA (Ts)200 mutation not only eliminates the resistance to rifampin of certain genetically resistant strains, but, moreover, renders ribonucleic acid synthesis thermolabile. The firA gene has been mapped by P1 tranduction and is located extremely close to the structural gene for deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase III at 4 min on the Escherichia coli linkage map.  相似文献   

A recurring issue in studies of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) is whether QTLs that appear to have pleiotropic effects are indeed caused by pleiotropy at single loci or by linked QTLs. Previous work identified a QTL that affected tail length in mice and the lengths of various bones, including the humerus, ulna, femur, tibia, and mandible. The effect of this QTL on tail length has since been found to be due to multiple linked QTLs and so its apparently pleiotropic effects may have been due to linked QTLs with distinct effects. In the present study we examined a line of mice segregating only for a 0.94-Mb chromosomal region known to contain a subset of the QTLs influencing tail length. We measured a number of skeletal dimensions, including the lengths of the skull, mandible, humerus, ulna, femur, tibia, calcaneus, metatarsus, and a tail bone. The QTL region was found to have effects on the size of the mandible and length of the tail bone, with little or no effect on the other traits. Using a randomization approach, we rejected the null hypothesis that the QTL affected all traits equally, thereby demonstrating that the pleiotropic effects reported earlier were due to linked loci with distinct effects. This result underlines the possibility that seemingly pleiotropic effects of QTLs may frequently be due to linked loci and that high-resolution mapping will often be required to distinguish between pleiotropy and linkage.  相似文献   

The location of thereeler (rl) locus in mice in the paracentromeric part of chromosome (Chr) 5, proximal to theT(5;12)31H translocation breakpoint, has been confirmed. Analysis of DNA from animals with different doses of the proximal part of Chr 5 and from congenic mice showed that thePgy-1 locus is the closest marker torl, whereasEn-2 is located farther, distal to theT31H breakpoint. Together with recently published evidence (Martin et al. 1989), our data suggest the following order:Cen-rl/Pgy-1-T31H-En-2.  相似文献   

A genetic map of the cysB region of the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome was constructed using bacteriophage P22-mediated transduction. Strains bearing delta (supX cysB) mutations were employed to divide this regulatory locus into 12 segments containing a total of 39 single-site mutations. Twenty-five of these single-site mutations were further ordered by reciprocal three-point crosses. The results do not support the concept of multiple cistrons at cysB and suggest that the abortive transductants previously observed in crosses between certain cysB mutants were due to intracistronic complementation. The prototrophic cys-1352 mutation, which causes the constitutive expression of the cysteine biosynthetic enzymes, was found to lie within the cysB region itself. It is bracketed by mutations, which lead to an inability to derepress for these enzymes and result in auxotrophy for cysteine.  相似文献   

We have tested linkage between the locus for the fragile-X [fra(X)] syndrome at Xq27.3 and five polymorphic restriction sites identified by four DNA probes mapping distal to Xq26.1. A maximum distance of approximately 15 centimorgans (cM) between Xq27.3 and the marker loci mapping to this region was predicted based on the physical chromosome length. Close linkage between the disease and marker loci was excluded for probes DXS19 and DXS37 (theta = .05, Z = -2.94 and Z = -4.17, respectively). These marker loci were estimated to be less than five cM apart but approximately 40 cM proximal to the fragile site, indicating that there is a significantly greater frequency of recombination in this region of the X chromosome than expected from the physical length. Linkage results for the other marker loci and the fra(X) syndrome were inconclusive. However, the pX45d probe locus appears very closely linked to the factor IX locus (Z = 1.94 at theta = 0) and is approximately 20 cM proximal to Xq27.3. A relative map of the polymorphic restriction sites, fra(X) syndrome locus, and factor IX locus was constructed by maximizing lod scores over the Xq26.1----q27.3 region.  相似文献   

The daughterless (da) gene provides an essential maternally supplied component for Drosophila sex determination and dosage compensation. In this connection, it is required as a positive regulator of a female-specific master regulatory gene, Sex-lethal (Sxl). In addition, zygotic da gene function is required for male and female viability. Thus, the phenotype da is complex; it includes both maternal and zygotic aspects, as well as both sex-specific and nonsex-specific aspects. Assessment of wild-type da function has relied on the characterization of only a single leaky mutant da allele. In order to better understand the nature of this allele and the relationships between the various aspects of its complex phenotype, tandem duplications of both the mutant and wild-type da alleles were isolated and used in a dose study of this gene's function. Three conclusions were reached: 1) by the most stringent genetic criteria, the mutant da allele is a simple hypomorph, an allele with reduced but non-zero levels of wild-type functions; 2) since increased dose of da+ had no effect on viability or progeny sex ratio, this gene seems not to be a dose-sensitive element of the X/A ratio sex determination signal; and 3) expression of the maternal da+ allele does make a contribution to the nonsex-specific developmental processes that require zygotic da+ function; however, that contribution is clearly minor. In contrast, the zygotic genotype with respect to da appears to have no effect on the expression of Sxl+ in the zygote, the sex-specific process that requires maternal da+ function.  相似文献   

Priiatkina SN 《Genetika》2002,38(5):678-694
For mapping nonlinked interacting genes relative to marker loci, the recombination fractions can be calculated by using the log-likelihood functions were derived that permit estimation of recombinant fractions by solving the ML equations on the basis of F2 data at various types of interaction. In some cases, the recombinant fraction estimates are obtained in the analytical form while in others they are numerically calculated from concrete experimental data. With the same type of epistasis the log-functions were shown to differ depending on the functional role (suppression or epistasis) of the mapped gene. Methods for testing the correspondence of the model and the recombination fraction estimates to the experimental data are discussed. In ambiguous cases, analysis of the linked marker behavior makes it possible to differentiate gene interaction from distorted single-locus segregation, which at some forms of interaction imitate phenotypic ratios.  相似文献   

Bayesian mapping of quantitative trait loci for complex binary traits   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Yi N  Xu S 《Genetics》2000,155(3):1391-1403
A complex binary trait is a character that has a dichotomous expression but with a polygenic genetic background. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for such traits is difficult because of the discrete nature and the reduced variation in the phenotypic distribution. Bayesian statistics are proved to be a powerful tool for solving complicated genetic problems, such as multiple QTL with nonadditive effects, and have been successfully applied to QTL mapping for continuous traits. In this study, we show that Bayesian statistics are particularly useful for mapping QTL for complex binary traits. We model the binary trait under the classical threshold model of quantitative genetics. The Bayesian mapping statistics are developed on the basis of the idea of data augmentation. This treatment allows an easy way to generate the value of a hypothetical underlying variable (called the liability) and a threshold, which in turn allow the use of existing Bayesian statistics. The reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to simulate the posterior samples of all unknowns, including the number of QTL, the locations and effects of identified QTL, genotypes of each individual at both the QTL and markers, and eventually the liability of each individual. The Bayesian mapping ends with an estimation of the joint posterior distribution of the number of QTL and the locations and effects of the identified QTL. Utilities of the method are demonstrated using a simulated outbred full-sib family. A computer program written in FORTRAN language is freely available on request.  相似文献   

Sixty-two point mutations were isolated in Escherichia coli by means of transduction with mutagenized phage P1. Twenty-two deletions extending into cysB but able to recombine with at least some of the point mutations were isolated on a transmissible E. coli plasmid. Mapping of the point mutations against the deletions divided the former into 16 deletion groups. Nine merodiploids were constructed in which the chromosome carried one of the three point mutations most distal to the trp operon and in which a plasmid carried one of the three point mutations most proximal to the trp operon. All of these showed a Cys-phenotype. It follows that mutations at the two extreme ends of the region belong to the same complementation group.  相似文献   

The dinucleotide repeat sequences at the DXS454 and DXS458 loci have been mapped genetically to Xq22, to the interval between DXS3 and DXS17. We have now mapped them with respect to XLA and five other loci, to within the DXS3 to XLA interval. The more precise localisation of these polymorphic loci will be useful for the fine-mapping of disease loci on the long arm of the X chromosome and enable these probes to be used for prenatal diagnosis and carrier status determination in families with XLA.  相似文献   

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