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Synthesis and assembly of leader peptidase of Escherichia coli (signal peptidase I), was studied by heterologous expression of its lep gene in three species of phototrophic purple bacteria. Cell extracts of the recipient species showed neither cross reaction with antibodies against E. coli leader peptidase nor cleavage of the model substrate M13-procoat in vitro. The lep gene was transferred via conjugation using the plasmid expression vector for phototrophic bacteria pJAJ9. Plasmidborne leader peptidase enzyme was identified by immunochemical means. However, extracts of transconjugant cells showed no cleavage function. Trypsin digestion studies revealed that the enzyme was not properly integrated across the host membranes. The data suggest that cleaving enzymes for protein export and/or their assembly pathway in purple bacteria differ from the E. coli type.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Proteins destined for translocation across the prokaryotic cytoplasmic membrane are synthesized as precursors carrying transient N-terminal extensions known as signal sequences. They facilitate initial engagement of precursor proteins with the sec-dependent translocase to initiate active threading of the polypeptide across the membrane. The translocated precursor is then processed by a transcytoplasmic signal peptidase anchored to the inner membrane. The temporal nature of cleavage of the signal sequence during pre-protein translocation has remained elusive. Using an engineered mammalian cytochrome b5 precursor we demonstrate that the signal peptide processing in Escherichia coli is an event that can occur after almost complete exocytoplasmic translocation of the preprotein is accomplished. We discuss implications of the findings in light of the known working model of sec-dependent pre-protein translocon.  相似文献   

Leader peptidase, a novel serine protease in Escherichia coli, catalyzes the cleavage of the amino-terminal leader sequences from exported proteins. It is an integral membrane protein containing two transmembrane segments with its carboxy-terminal catalytic domain residing in the periplasmic space. Here, we report a procedure for the purification and the crystallization of a soluble non-membrane-bound form of leader peptidase (Δ2-75). Crystals were obtained by the sitting-drop vapor diffusion technique using ammonium dihydrogen phosphate as the precipitant. Interestingly, we have found that the presence of the detergent Triton X-100 is required to obtain crystals sufficiently large for X-ray analysis. The crystals belong to the tetragonal space group P42212, with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 115 Å and c = 100 Å, and contain 2 molecules per asymmetric unit. This is the first report of the crystallization of a leader (or signal) peptidase. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Translocation, processing and secretion of YvaY, a Bacillus subtilis protein of unknown function, were characterised both in B. subtilis and in Escherichia coli. In its natural host B. subtilis, YvaY was transiently synthesised at the end of the exponential growth phase. It was efficiently secreted into the culture supernatant in spite of a calculated membrane spanning domain in the mature part of the protein. In E. coli, despite the high conservation of Sec-dependent transport components, processing of preYvaY was strongly impaired. To uncover which elements of E. coli and B. subtilis translocation systems are responsible for the observed substrate specificity, components of the B. subtilis Sec-system were co-expressed besides yvaY in E. coli. Expression of B. subtilis secA or secYEG genes did not affect processing, but expression of B. subtilis signal peptidase genes significantly enhanced processing of preYvaY in E. coli. While the major signal peptidases SipS or SipT had a strong stimulatory effect on preYvaY processing, the minor signal peptidases SipU, SipV or SipW had a far less stimulatory effect in E. coli. These results reveal that targeting and translocation of preYvaY is mediated by the E. coli Sec proteins but processing of preYvaY is not performed by E. coli signal peptidase LepB. Thus, differences in substrate specificities of E. coli LepB and the B. subtilis Sip proteins provide the bottleneck for export of YvaY in E. coli. Significant slower processing of preYvaY in absence of SecB indicated that SecB mediates targeting of the B. subtilis precursor.  相似文献   

The stromal processing peptidase (SPP) of chloroplasts is a metalloendopeptidase that cleaves in vitro a broad range of precursor substrates. Here, we have investigated SPP's role in vivo. Two pea cDNA antisense constructs encoding either full-length SPP (AS4.0) or its N-terminal half (AS2.2) are introduced into Arabidopsis, which contains one gene for SPP that codes for one isoform. Our analyses show that AS4.0 produces a strong mutant phenotype, with a large percentage of the plants dying as seedling lethals. Surviving plants exhibited slower shoot and root growth, and grossly aberrant leaf morphology. Green and white sectoring, and purple pigmentation was observed. In cells where chloroplasts could be identified, they were fewer in number by at least 40%, thylakoids were not fully developed, and starch granules accumulated. The phenotype produced by AS2.2 was less severe. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to a transit peptide as a reporter, we examined import into chloroplasts in vivo. In the Arabidopsis antisense lines, GFP was located primarily in the cytosol, indicating that an early step in the import pathway was impeded. In a tobacco AS14 line expressing AS2.2, GFP was located in the cytosol, on the envelope, and in the stroma. The three patterns were observed in different cells, suggesting that the import capacity of individual cells was not the same. Our in vivo studies demonstrate that SPP is essential for chloroplast biogenesis and plant survival. SPP does not act independently in the stroma, but its activity influences earlier steps in the import pathway.  相似文献   

The leader peptide of bacteriophage M13 procoat inhibited the cleavage of M13 procoat or pre-maltose-binding protein by purified Escherichia coli leader peptidase. This finding confirms inferences that the leader is the primary site of enzyme recognition and suggests a rationale for the rapid hydrolysis of leader peptides in vivo.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant, Y815, has a temperature-sensitive prolipoprotein signal peptidase. IPTG-induced synthesis of the major outer membrane prolipoprotein (PLP) results in the inhibition of cell growth because of accumulation of PLP in its envelope [J. Bacteriol. (1982) 152, 1163-1168]. The 2000 E. coli strains of Clarke and Carbon's collection were screened for the presence of a plasmid complementing the IPTG-sensitivity of the growth of Y815. One plasmid, pLC3-13, complemented the IPTG-sensitivity. The envelope fraction prepared from Y815 transformed by pLC3-13 showed high activity of the PLP signal peptidase in vitro at high temperature. A 4 kb AccI fragment subcloned onto plasmid pHY001 was shown to carry the gene for the PLP signal peptidase.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclear yeast mutant pet ts2858 is defective in the removal of pre-sequences from the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COXII) and the processing intermediate of cytochrome b 2 (Cytb 2), a nuclear gene product. In order to identify the genetic lesion in this mutant we have cloned and characterized a DNA region which complements the pet ts2858 mutation. The DNA sequence revealed three open reading frames, one of which is responsible for the complementation. A 570 by reading frame represents the structural gene PET2858, as demonstrated by in vitro mutagenesis, gene expression from a foreign promoter, and allelism tests. PET2858 encodes a 21.4 kDa protein, which is essential for growth on non-fermentable carbon sources and for the proteolytic processing of COXII and the Cytb 2 intermediate. When the N-terminus of the PET2858 protein is fused to a reporter protein, the resulting hybrid molecule is imported into mitochondria. Interestingly, the N-terminal half of the deduced PET2858 protein exhibits 30.7% amino acid identity to the leader peptidase of Escherichia coli. These results suggest that PET2858 codes for a mitochondrial inner membrane protease (IMP1) or at least a subunit of it. This protease is involved in protein processing and export from the mitochondrial matrix.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Peter Starlinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Miksovská J  Gennis RB  Larsen RW 《FEBS letters》2005,579(14):3014-3018
Here, we report the volume and enthalpy changes accompanying CO photodissociation from the mixed valence form of cytochrome bo3 oxidase from Escherichia coli. The results of photoacoustic calorimetry indicate two kinetic phases with distinct volume and enthalpy changes accompanying CO photodissociation from heme o3 and its transfer to CuB. The first phase occurring on a timescale of <50 ns is characterized by a volume decrease of -1.3+/-0.3 mL mol-1 and enthalpy change of 32+/-1.6 kcal mol-1. Subsequently, a volume increase of 2.9 mL mol-1 with an enthalpy change of -5.3+/-2.5 kcal mol-1 is observed with the lifetime of approximately 250 ns (this phase has not been detected in previous optical studies). These volume and enthalpy changes differ from the volume and enthalpy changes observed for CO dissociation from fully reduced cytochrome bo3 oxidase indicating that the heme o3/CuB active site dynamics are affected by the redox state of heme b.  相似文献   

Leader peptidase, an integral transmembrane protein of Escherichia coli, requires two apolar topogenic elements for its membrane assembly: a 'hydrophobic helper' and an internal signal. The highly basic cytoplasmic region between these domains is a translocation poison sequence, which we have shown blocks the function of a preceding signal sequence. We have used oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis to remove positively charged residues within this polar domain to determine if it is the basic character in this region that has the negative effect on translocation. Our results show that mutations that remove two or more of the positively charged residues within the polar region no longer block membrane assembly of leader peptidase. In addition, when the translocation poison domain (residues 30-52) is replaced with six lysine residues, the preceding apolar domain cannot function as an export signal, whereas it can with six glutamic acids. Thus, positively charged residues within membrane proteins may have a major role in determining the function of hydrophobic domains in membrane assembly.  相似文献   

Trigger factor (TF) is a multi-domain molecular chaperone that binds to the bacterial ribosome at the tunnel exit from which nascent polypeptides emerge. We present here the NMR assignments of the ribosome binding domain (RBD) of TF from Escherichia coli as a stable 26 kDa dimer, using conditions that are similar to a crystallographic study from which an X-ray crystal structure of the identical construct was determined.  相似文献   

The gene for plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. Expression of the gene for cytochrome f resulted in the production of holocytochrome f in the periplasmic space of E. coli, but the yield was low. Expression in Paracoccus denitrificans yielded no holoprotein. When the region encoding the cytochrome f leader sequence was replaced with more typical bacterial leader sequences (those from the P. laminosum plastocyanin gene and the Paracoccus versutus cytochrome c-550 gene), much higher yields were consistently obtained in both species. Overexpressed proteins were compared to those isolated from P. laminosum and found to be identical in mass, isoelectric point, redox midpoint potential and (for plastocyanin) 1H-NMR spectrum.  相似文献   

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