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Dicyemid mesozoans are endoparasites found in the renal sacs of benthic cephalopods. Adult dicyemids insert the distinct anterior region, termed a "calotte," into renal tubules of the host. We cloned cDNA encoding chitinase-like protein from the dicyemid Dicyema japonicum (Dicyema-clp 1), and also cloned the gene fragment corresponding to the cDNA. Dicyema-clp1 has the hydrophobic amino acid-rich region, but not the chitin-binding domains at the C terminus. Analyses using the SignalP prediction program suggest this hydrophobic amino acid-rich region is the anchor sequence to plasma membranes. The putative catalytic site in glyco18 domain exhibited 1 substitution from aspartic acid to asparagine. The gene fragment had short 9 introns (22-26 bp), and the coding sequence consisted of 10 exons (30-233 bp). Specific and strong expression of Dicyema-clpl was detected in the calotte of vermiform stages by whole mount in situ hybridization. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine was detected on the outer surface of both peripheral cells of dicyemids and epidermal cells of host renal appendages. Dicyema-clp appears to be associated with N-acetyl-D-glucosamine in the interface between dicyemid peripheral cells and epidermal cells of the host renal appendage, and possibly aids in adhering the calotte to host epidermal cells.  相似文献   

Cell numbers and cellular composition were examined in infusoriform larvae of 44 species of dicyemid mesozoans belonging to 6 genera; Conocyema, Dicyema, Dicyemennea, Dicyemodeca, Microcyema, and Pseudicyema. In addition, literature on infusoriform larvae of another 20 species was reviewed. Infusoriform larvae consist of a constant cell number which is species-specific. Small interspecific variations are found in total cell numbers, 35, 37, 39, 41 and 42. The most frequent cell number encountered in infusoriform larvae studied is either 37 or 39. Infusoriform larvae with 35 cells are found in three genera. Infusoriform larvae with 37 cells are found in four genera. Infusoriform larvae with 39 cells are found in four genera. Most differences in total cell numbers are due to the absence or presence of particular ventral cells. In all infusoriform larvae, the lateral, dorsal and caudal areas are cell constant, whereas in the apical and ventral areas a distinct and variable configuration of cells are present. In cellular composition, a total of 29 cells (15 cell types) were recognized in all infusoriform larvae examined. Additional cell types are characteristic of a relatively few species. Even in infusoriform larvae with the same total cell numbers, cellular composition varies by species. Thus, there are 7 variations of cellular composition in infusoriform larvae with 37 cells. Differences in larval cell numbers and types do not warrant traditional generic separation of dicyemids.  相似文献   

Dicyemid mesozoans (Phylum Dicyemida) are endoparasites (or endosymbionts) that typically are found in the renal sac of benthic cephalopod mollusks such as octopuses and cuttlefishes. Adult dicyemids likely adhere to the renal appendage of hosts via cilia of calotte peripheral cells. These cilia seem to be continuously worn away in the interaction between the dicyemids and the epidermal cells of host renal appendages. We cloned 4 cDNAs and genes, alpha-tubulin, beta-tubulin, tektin B, and tektin C, which are thought to play a key role in ciliogenesis, from Dicyema japonicum, and studied expression patterns of these genes by whole-mount in situ hybridization. We detected coexpression of these genes in the calotte peripheral cells, but not in the trunk peripheral cells. This suggests that regeneration and turnover of cilia continuously occur in the calotte. In vermiform and infusoriform embryos, we also detected coexpression patterns of these genes, which might correlate with ciliogenesis during the embryogenesis. We also predicted the secondary structure and the coiled-coil regions of dicyemid tektins.  相似文献   

Patterns of cell division and cell lineages of the vermiform embryos of dicyemid mesozoans were studied in four species belonging to four genera: Conocyema polymorpha, Dicyema apalachiensis, Microcyema vespa, and Pseudicyema nakaoi. During early development, the following common features were apparent: (1) the first cell division produces prospective cells that generate the anterior peripheral region of the embryo; (2) the second cell division produces prospective cells that generate the posterior peripheral region plus the internal cells of the embryo; (3) in the lineage of prospective internal cells, several divisions ultimately result in cell death of one of the daughter cells. Early developmental processes are almost identical in the vermiform embryos of all four dicyemid genera. The cell lineages appear to be invariant among embryos and are highly conserved among species. Species-specific differences appear during later stages of embryogenesis. The number of terminal divisions determines variations in peripheral cell numbers among genera and species. Thus, the numbers of peripheral cells are fixed and hence species-specific.  相似文献   

Cell numbers and cellular composition were examined in vermiform larvae of 44 species of dicyemid mesozoans phylum Dicyemida belonging to six genera: Conocyema , Dicyema , Dicyemennea , Dicyemodeca , Microcyema and Pseudicyema . In addition, the literature on vermiform larvae of another 59 species was reviewed. Vermiform larvae typically have a constant number of peripheral cells that are species specific. Interspecific variations in the total number of peripheral cells range from 10 to 39. The most frequent number is either 22 or 23. Differences in the total number of peripheral cells are mostly due to differences in the number of trunk peripheral cells, such as parapolar cells, diapolar cells and uropolar cells. The body length of vermiform larvae is positively correlated with the number of trunk peripheral cells. Interspecific variations in the total number of trunk peripheral cells range from 2 to 31. The most frequent number is 14. In species with 14 trunk peripheral cells, individual variations of cell numbers were minimal. In species with more trunk peripheral cells, some individual variations appeared. Increase and decrease of trunk cell number might cause diversity of dicyemids, which is possibly related to speciation in these simple multicellular animals.  相似文献   

Five new species of dicyemid mesozoans in two genera are described from two Australian cuttlefish species, Sepia apama Gray (giant Australian cuttlefish) and S. novaehollandiae Hoyle (nova cuttlefish): Dicyema coffinense n. sp. from S. apama collected from Coffin Bay, South Australia (SA), Australia; D. koinonum n. sp. from S. apama and S. novaehollandiae collected from Gulf St Vincent (GSV) and Spencer Gulf (SG), SA, Australia; D. multimegalum n. sp. from S. apama collected from Cronulla and North Bondi, New South Wales, Australia; D. vincentense n. sp. from S. novaehollandiae collected from GSV, SA, Australia; and Dicyemennea spencerense n. sp. from S. novaehollandiae and S. apama collected from SG, SA, Australia. Totals of 51 S. apama and 27 S. novaehollandiae individuals were examined, of which all except for four S. apama were infected by at least one dicyemid species. Dicyemid parasites were also observed in host individuals that were held in tanks for 2–3 months prior to examination, including nematogen-exclusive infections, leading to questions about persistence of dicyemids after host death and the mechanism responsible for the switch between a nematogen phase and a rhombogen phase. Variations in host size, calotte shape and collection locality are explored as predictors of differences in observed composition of the parasite fauna. In particular, dicyemid parasite fauna varied with host collection locality. As these parasites are highly host-species specific, their use as biological tags to assess cephalopod population structure using a combined morphological and molecular approach is discussed. This study increases the number of dicyemid species described from Australian cephalopods from five to ten, and from 117 to 122 species described worldwide.  相似文献   

Three new species of dicyemid mesozoans are described from the renal appendages of Amphioctopus fangsiao, collected off Akashi, in Harima Nada, and from Osaka Bay. Dicyema akashiense n. sp. is a small species that reaches about 900 microm in length. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 15-17 peripheral cells, a conical calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the base of the metapolar cells. Infusoriform embryos consist of 37 cells; two nuclei are present in each urn cell, and the refringent bodies are solid. Dicyema helocephalum n. sp. is a small species that reaches about 800 microm in length. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 22 peripheral cells, a disc-shaped calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the base of the propolar cells. Infusoriform embryos consist of 37 cells; a single nucleus is present in each urn cell, and the refringent bodies are solid. Dicyema awajiense n. sp. is a small species that reaches about 300 microm in length. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 22 peripheral cells, a conical calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the middle of the propolar cells. Infusoriform embryos consist of 37 cells; a single nucleus is present in each urn cell, and the refringent bodies are solid. In A. fangsiao various occurrence patterns of dicyemid species were observed, including instances where different dicyemid species were found in the renal appendage on each side. This suggests that dicyemids infect each renal appendage independently. The prevalence, reproductive traits, calotte shapes, and co-occurrence patterns of dicyemids are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of gonad structure in hermaphroditic gobies (Teleostei Gobiidae)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Synopsis Hermaphroditism has been reported for a small number of gobiid fishes, but the extent of this sexual pattern within the family is not known. Gonad structure was examined in one or more species from twenty-one gobiid genera. No evidence of hermaphroditism was found in the species selected from 14 genera. Laboratory studies supported the conclusion of gonochorism for the examined species in four of them:Asterropteryx, Bathygobius, Gnatholepis, andPsilogobius. Currently, the absence of precursive testicular tissues associated with the ovary in females, in conjunction with no retained ovarian features in the testes of males, appear to be reliable indicators of a gonochoristic sexual pattern in gobiid fishes. Evidence for hermaphroditism was observed in seven genera:Eviota, Trimma, Fusigobius, Lophogobius, Priolepis, Gobiodon, andParagobiodon. Protogyny was experimentally confirmed inE. epiphanes, and the gonad structure in another nine of ten species ofEviota suggested either protogyny or protogynous tendencies. With the exception ofGobiodon andParagobiodon, which exhibited similar gonadal structure, ovarian and testicular structure varied considerably among the hermaphroditic genera examined, both with regard to the configuration and to the degree of development of ovarian and testicular tissues, or testicular tissue precursors. Findings of this study indicate that hermaphroditic gonad structure will prove to be a useful trait in determining evolutionary relationships within the Gobiidae.  相似文献   

A species of dicyemid mesozoan is redescribed from the giant Pacific octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini (Wülker, 1910), collected off Iwase in Toyama Bay, Honshu, Japan. Dicyemennea nouveli McConnaughey, 1959, is a large species that reaches about 12,000 microm in length. This species lives in folds of the renal appendages. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 30-41 peripheral cells, a conical calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the middle of the metapolar cells. An anterior abortive axial cell is present in vermiform embryos. Full-grown vermiform embryos have as many as 4 agametes. Infusoriform embryos consist of 39 cells; 2 nuclei are present in each urn cell and the refringent bodies are solid.  相似文献   

Two species of dicyemid mesozoan are redescribed from Rossia pacifica Berry, 1911, collected off Iwase in Toyama Bay, Honshu, Japan. Dicyemennea brevicephaloides Bogolepova-Dobrokhotova, 1962, is a large species that reaches about 4,000 microm in length. This species attaches to the surface of the branchial heart appendages. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 23 peripheral cells, a disc-shaped calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the propolar cells. An anterior abortive axial cell is absent in vermiform embryos. Infusoriform embryos consist of 35 cells; a single nucleus is present in each urn cell and the refringent bodies are absent. Dicyemennea rossiae Bogolepova-Dobrokhotova, 1962, is a medium species that reaches about 2000 microm in length. This species lives in folds of the renal appendages. The vermiform stages are characterized as having 29-34 peripheral cells, a conical calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the middle of the metapolar cells. An anterior abortive axial cell is present in vermiform embryos. Infusoriform embryos consist of 39 cells; 2 nuclei are present in each urn cell and the refringent bodies are solid.  相似文献   

The mechanism of sexualization of the tubular gonad in seawater bivalves is unknown, and no information regarding the genes involved in this process is yet available, except for the identification of esterase (Est)-like "male-associated polypeptide" in the male gonad of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Our present work reveals distinct protein profiles specific for the testicular or ovarian portion of the ovotestis of Pecten maximus. Two proteins exhibiting testis- or ovary-dependent enrichment in the ovotestis have been identified and partially characterized as Est-like and fibronectin (Fn)-like polypeptides, respectively. Immunofluorescence has demonstrated a close association between the localization of these polypeptides and the gonad tubule network and interstitial stroma of the ovotestis of P. maximus. We also present evidence of Est-like and Fn-like protein enrichment, respectively, in testicular and ovarian tissue in hermaphroditic, sex-reversal, and gonochoric species of seawater bivalves. Together, the results (1) strongly suggest that sex-cell-biased expression of Est-like and Fn-like polypeptides in gonad tissue is a widespread phenomenon among bivalve mollusks, despite the high diversification of their sexual patterns, (2) confirm and expand our previous demonstration of sex-biased protein expression in M. galloprovincialis, and (3) indicate a direct link between germ cell differentiation and sexual specialization of the bivalve somatic gonad.  相似文献   

Synopsis Heterosexual gonad development in a sparid species, Lithognathus mormyrus, was studied by histological and cytological examination, during the first three years of life. Gonad bisexuality is achieved after two months of development, according to the cytological dynamics known in sparids. In one-year-old fishes, a variability in the gonad morphology of the juvenile is shown: three different types of ovotestis have been identified within the same cohort: ovotestes with testicular prevalence (25%), testicular and ovarian equivalence (20%), and ovarian prevalence (55%). This morphological variability of the juvenille ovotestes was consistent with the histological analysis of the sexual structure of the adult stock at the first sexual maturity, which constituted 55.5% of functional males (stemming from the first types of ovotestis) and 44.5% of primary females (from the third type). The plasticity of sexual expression in sparids is emphasized, revealing the potentialities of the ovotestis.  相似文献   

A new species of dicyemid mesozoan is described from a cuttlefish Sepia latimanus Quoy and Gaimard collected off Nago, Naha and Onnason, Okinawa Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Dicyemennea ryukyuense n. sp. is a large species that reaches about 5 mm in length. The vermiform stage is characterised by 23 peripheral cells, a conical calotte and an axial cell that extends to the base of the propolar cells. The infusoriform embryo consists of 37 cells; two nuclei are present in each urn cell and the refringent bodies are solid. In the type of reproductive strategy, rhombogens of D. ryukyuense form a small number of infusorigens and produce a relatively large number of gametes per infusorigen. In the family Dicyemidae, Dicyemennea Whitman, 1883 is the largest group after Dicyema von Kölliker, 1849. Other dicyemid species, including those belonging to Dicyema, were not detected. Dicyemids have never previously been detected in cephalopods living on corals and rocks off the Ryukyu Islands, even though they are benthonic in habitat. This is the first report of a dicyemid mesozoan from S. latimanus and also from off the Ryukyu Islands. S. latimanus inhabits coral reefs, often swimming over the coral but usually lying on the sandy bottom. Dicyemids cannot possibly infect cephalopods which live exclusively over coral and rock.  相似文献   

Variations in progesterone (P4) and testosterone (T) levels in the gonad of Octopus maya from Sisal in Yucatan State, Mexico, were investigated by radioimmunoassays and in relation to four gonad maturation stages (GMS) and to the reproductive cycle, as represented by two maturity indices (microscopic ‘MiMI’ and macroscopic ‘MaMI’). According to the GMS and the maturity indices, the reproductive season of O. maya from Yucatan occurred from February to June. In females, P4 and T displayed the same pattern, with a tendency to increase at the same time, although on average, P4 had seven-fold higher concentrations than T. In contrast, P4 and T in male gonads displayed a different pattern, where T concentrations were relatively stable throughout all of the study months. In the female gonad P4 was lowest (close to 0 pg?g–1) during both developing (GMS-I) and maturing (GMS-II) stages, and increased (189?±?53?pg?g–1) approaching the mature stage (GMS-III) to a maximum value of 611?pg?g–1. Concentrations of T in the male gonad were lowest (106?±?9?pg?g–1) during the maturing stage (GMS-II) and increased up to the mature stage (GMS-III), reaching a maximum of 440?pg?g–1. Pearson's correlation (r) between hormones and maturity indices showed strong relationships for females (around 0.4 and ?0.7; p?<?0.05), but there were negligible or weak relationships for males (0.2 and ?0.1; p?>?0.05). Hormone correlations in females were inverse with MaMI and direct with MiMI. Our major findings showed that gonadal P4 levels were elevated during GMS-III and GMS-IV (i.e. periods of vitellogenic oocytes), where the characteristic aspect is an ovary with very high oocyte diameters, with the primary follicle cells deeply infolded in the ooplasm for yolk synthesis. These results suggested a synchrony between P4 and the process of folliculogenesis, and in turn, vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem is a group of rapidly dividing cells that generate all aerial parts of the plant. It is a highly organised structure, which can be divided into functionally distinct domains, characterised by specific proliferation rates of the individual cells. Genetic studies have enabled the identification of regulators of meristem function. These factors are involved in the formation and maintenance of the meristem, as well as in the formation of the primordia. Somehow, they must also govern cell proliferation rates within the shoot apex. Possible links between meristem regulators and the cell cycle machinery will be discussed. In order to analyse the role of cell proliferation in development, cell cycle gene expression has been perturbed using transgenic approaches and mutation. The effect of these alterations on growth and development at the shoot apex will be presented. Together, these studies give a first insight into the regulatory networks controlling the cell cycle and into the significance of cell proliferation in plant development.  相似文献   

Dicyemids (phylum Dicyemida) are endoparasites, or endosymbionts, typically found in the renal sac of benthic cephalopod molluscs. The body organization of dicyemids is very simple, consisting of only 9 to 41 somatic cells. Dicyemids appear to have no differentiated tissues. Although categorization of somatic cells, to some types, is based on differences in the pattern of cilia and their position in the body, whether or not these cells are functionally different remains to be revealed. To provide insight into the functional differentiation, we performed whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) to detect expression patterns of 16 genes, i.e., aquaglyceroporin, F-actin capping protein, aspartate aminotransferase, cathepsin-L-like cysteine peptidase, Ets domain-containing protein, glucose transporter, glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, glycine transporter, Hsp 70, Hsp 90, isocitrate dehydrogenase subunit alpha, Rad18, serine hydroxymethyltransferase, succinate-CoA ligase, valosin-containing protein, and 14-3-3 protein. In certain genes, regional specific expression patterns were observed among somatic cells of vermiform stages and infusoriform larvae of dicyemids. The WISH analyses also revealed that the Ets domain-containing protein and Rad18 are molecular markers for agametes.  相似文献   

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