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世界珍稀水兽白豚(Lipotes vexillifer.)是我国名贵特产之一,属齿鲸亚目(Odontoceti),淡水豚总科(Platanistoidea),白鱀豚科(Lipotidae)。白鱀豚生活在长江中、下游。借回声定位系统以探知外界情况(荆显英等,1981)。通常认为,在声发射过程中,齿鲸类饱含油分的额隆组织起着声透镜的作用。额隆的这种特殊生理机能,与其所含脂质的脂肪酸组成密切相关。1980年陆佩洪等报道了白鱀豚额隆油的酸价、碘价、皂化价、不皂化物及甘油三酯(比色法)的含量。有关白鱀豚额隆油的脂肪酸组成,迄今尚未研究。目前我们才开始进行该项工作。  相似文献   

北京地区五种常见鸣虫的鸣声结构   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文对寒蝉、蚱蝉、鸣鸣蝉、锐声鸣螽和大扁头蟋五种鸣虫雄虫的鸣声结构进行了较系统的研究。这些昆虫鸣声节律以及声谱和声压的瞬时变化均有显著的不同。一种昆虫的鸣声频谱范围虽然很大,但不同频率的图象却都和主频率的图象一样。  相似文献   

塔里木河隆额高原鳅形态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木河是我国面积最大的沙漠——塔克拉玛干沙漠中的生命之河,是我国最长的内流河,众多的支流和干流两侧密布的湖沼,孕育了大漠中的片片绿洲,同时也孕育了南疆独具特色的动植物资源,世界脊椎动物中的26种新疆特有物种大部分分布于南疆地区,隆额高原鳅(Triplophysa bombifrons)便名列其中(图1)。图1隆额高原鳅隆额高原鳅,曾名球吻条鳅,属鱼纲鲤形目鳅科高原鳅属,为我国特有的狭域物种,仅分布于塔里木河水系的阿克苏河、塔里木河等河段。为典型的青藏高原鱼类区系物种,常栖息于砂质底河流的浅水处,以水生植物、底栖动物及昆虫幼虫为食,我们…  相似文献   

采用基于标志点的几何形态学测量方法对青海循化撒拉族自治县的撒拉族男性82人侧面轮廓形状进行了分析。撒拉族人群额部的变异主要体现在第7、8特征点区域(鼻凹点之上区域),额部其他区域的形态变异较小,而鼻区、嘴唇及下巴区域的形态变异较大,这些特征与土族较相似。同时,撒拉族也显示出明显区别于土族、藏族的形态。如撒拉族额部比较突出,显得前倾,额部相对较长,唇部相对土族较回缩。撒拉族额部特征点集的面积较大,可能反映了撒拉族额部的变异大于土族、藏族。聚类分析显示,男性两类侧面轮廓的差异主要集中在额部,与土族的类别间差异有相似之处。异速生长分析显示,尺寸大小能够解释形状变异的5.51%,随着CS值的增大,额部和下巴部变化明显,额度由陡直趋向于变得平缓,下巴部也随CS值的增大由较突出变为明显回缩。土族、藏族也是随着CS值的增大,额部由陡直趋向于变得平缓,下巴部由较突出变为明显回缩,似乎提示撒拉族、土族、藏族有相似的面部形态变化规律:长面型者的额部较低平,下巴部较回缩。  相似文献   

中国日萤叶甲属四新种(鞘翅目:叶甲科, 萤叶甲亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜胜巧 《昆虫学报》1989,32(2):221-225
本文记述萤叶甲亚科日萤叶甲属Japonitata Strand四新种,分别采自西藏墨脱地区、湖北神农架、云南西双版纳等地。模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所和上海昂虫研究所。 红日萤叶甲Japonitata ruficollis新种 棕红色;腹面棕黄;触角黄色,端末1节或2节黑色。 头部光亮,上唇较小,宽约为长的1.5倍,前缘完整,表面中部有一排具刚毛的刻点;额唇基呈三角形隆凸,无刻点;额瘤较平,不甚显突,横形,前内角向触角间延伸;头顶微凸,无刻点。触角微短于体长,第2节短小,第3节略短于第2节的两倍,第4节明显长于  相似文献   

在齿鲸类的头部,有两个特殊的富含油脂的构造,即额隆和一对下颌脂肪体。在全身的皮下有很厚的皮脂层。Litchfield等(1974,1975)对齿鲸类中近20个属的额隆、下颌脂肪体和皮脂的脂质类型作比较研究,发现不同类群的油脂组分有差别,任何类群的额隆和下颌脂肪体的油脂--头脂的组分,与皮脂油的组分有明显区别,而额隆和下颌脂肪体的油脂组分是相近的。  相似文献   

雄性:头宽于长。颜面扁平,上窄下宽,侧面观鼻状,覆浓密白色绵毛。口鬃白色,上升至颜面达触角节的基部,口缘两侧的口鬃黑色。触角黑色,基部两节被黑毛,触角第1节略长于第2节,第3节长为第1、2节长度总和的1.3倍,触角芒与触角第1、2节长度的总和相等。额黑色光亮,额宽与触角节基部水平处的颜宽相等,两侧缘被黑毛。单眼瘤略隆,被黑毛。眼后鬃黑色,短粗,排列成一行,在眼角处的数根较粗,此外,还具数根排列不规则的黑鬃。后头扁平,覆灰白色粉被,后头上半部和下半部沿眼缘后方被白色  相似文献   

凹距族飞虱一新属(同翘目:飞虱科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隆脊飞虱属Carinodelphax,新属 新属与梯顶飞虱属Arcofacies Muir 1915近缘,两者主要区别为:前者触角不伸达额唇基缝,第一节长微大于宽,前、中胸背板脊发达,高耸隆起,前、后唇基相交成钝角;后者触角伸达额唇基缝,第一节长于宽近2倍,前、中胸背板脊正常不隆起,唇基与额相交成直角。  相似文献   

1980年夏,在广西进行蟹类调查中,发现溪蟹科 Potamidae 内溪蟹属 Tiwaripotamon一新种,兹描述如下: 小巧内溪蟹 Tiwaripotamon pusillum,新种 正模(GX83056),配模,副模(1幼)1 ♀(幼),广西防城,1980年6月8日;存中国科学院动物研究所。 头胸甲背部稍隆,表面分区不甚明显。额部稍斜向下方,背面可见额缘,中部略凹。额后叶突出,具细皱襞。眼后隆脊显著,向两侧延至前鳃齿。颈沟浅,稍可辨;胃、心区之间具“H”形浅沟。前鳃区具皱襞。外眼窝角三角形,侧缘与前鳃齿之间具小缺刻。前鳃齿  相似文献   

分析了网翅蝗科4种蝗虫雄性的鸣声。研究结果表明,宽翅曲背蝗Pararcyptera microptera meridionalis(Ikonn.)具有2类脉冲组,脉冲组持续时间分别为0.016~0.028s,0.20±0.01s;隆额网翅蝗Arcyptera coreanaShiraki有3类脉冲组,脉冲组的持续时间分别为0.11±0.02s,0.034±0.005,0.885±0.020s。曲线越度蝗Podismopsis sinucarinataZhengetLian每1脉冲序列含4~7脉冲组,脉冲组持续时间为0.023~0.030s;二声越度蝗Podismopsis bisonita Zheng etal.每1脉冲序列含2~4个脉冲组,脉冲组持续时间为0.119~0.140s。  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the acoustic properties of a neonate finless porpoise’s head was performed using X-ray computed tomography (CT). The head of the deceased neonate porpoise was also segmented across the body axis and cut into slices. The averaged sound velocity and density were measured, and the Hounsfield units (HU) of the corresponding slices were obtained from computed tomography scanning. A regression analysis was employed to show the linear relationships between the Hounsfield unit and both sound velocity and density of samples. Furthermore, the CT imaging data were used to compare the HU value, sound velocity, density and acoustic characteristic impedance of the main tissues in the porpoise’s head. The results showed that the linear relationships between HU and both sound velocity and density were qualitatively consistent with previous studies on Indo-pacific humpback dolphins and Cuvier’s beaked whales. However, there was no significant increase of the sound velocity and acoustic impedance from the inner core to the outer layer in this neonate finless porpoise’s melon.  相似文献   

Physical properties (e.g. specific gravity, adiabatic compressibility and sound velocity) of lipids isolated from tissues from contiguous areas of the fatty melon of an echo-locating porpoise (Delphinus delphis) were determined to elucidate relations between lipid composition and structure, and sound transmission in the head. Lipid content varied greatly within the melon (13.6–77.6% of the tissue weight) and triacylglycerols (80–100%) were the major lipid components. This lipid class was composed of diisovaleroylglycerides (triacylglycerols containing two isovaleroyl moieties and a long-chain acyl moiety), monoisovaleroyldiacylglycerols and triacylglycerols consisting of long-chain acids. The lipid-rich (>45%) areas in the melon contained a high proportion (>45% of total triacylglycerols) of diisovaleroylglycerides. There were gradations of sound velocities within the melon; the lowest sound velocities were associated with high concentrations of diisovaleroylglycerides (<1400 m/s) and the highest with high concentrations of long-chain triacylglycerols. Assuming an average sound frequency of 75 kHz, and considering dimensions of melon (path length and width of 12–14 cm and 5 cm, respectively), a forward radiating lobe of 15–25 degrees is produced. Thus, the deposition of lipids of different acoustic properties in a three-dimensional matrix within the porpoise melon results in a lens for the projection of sound into the marine environment.  相似文献   

The melon is a lipid‐rich structure located in the forehead of odontocetes that functions to propagate echolocation sounds into the surrounding aquatic environment. To date, the melon's ability to guide and impedance match biosonar sounds to seawater has been attributed to its unique fatty acid composition. However, the melon is also acted upon by complex facial muscles derived from the m. maxillonasolabialis. The goal of this study was to investigate the gross morphology of the melon in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and to describe how it is tendinously connected to these facial muscles. Standard gross dissection (N = 8 specimens) and serial sectioning (N = 3 specimens) techniques were used to describe the melon and to identify its connections to the surrounding muscles and blubber in three orthogonal body planes. The dolphin forehead was also thin‐sectioned in three body planes (N = 3 specimens), and polarized light was used to reveal the birefringent collagen fibers within and surrounding the melon. This study identified distinct regions of the melon that vary in shape and display locally specific muscle‐tendon morphologies. These regions include the bilaterally symmetric main body and cone and the asymmetric right and left caudal melon. This study is the first to identify that each caudal melon terminates in a lipid cup that envelopes the echolocation sound generators. Facial muscles of the melon have highly organized tendon populations that traverse the melon and insert into either the surrounding blubber, the connective tissue matrix of the nasal plug, or the connective tissue sheath surrounding the sound generators. The facial muscles and tendons also lie within multiple orthogonal body planes, which suggest that the melon is capable of complex shape change. The results of this study suggest that these muscles could function to change the frequency, beam width, and directionality of the emitted sound beam in bottlenose dolphins. The echolocation sound propagation pathway within the dolphin forehead appears to be a tunable system. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A functional analysis of the striated swim-bladder muscles engaged in the sound production of the toadfish has been performed by simultaneous recording of muscle action potentials, mechanical effects, and sound. Experiments with electrical nerve stimulation were made on excised bladder, while decerebrate preparations were used for studies of reflex activation of bladders in situ. The muscle twitch in response to a single maximal nerve volley was found to be very fast. The average contraction time was 5 msec. with a range from 3 to 8 msec., the relaxation being somewhat slower. The analysis of muscle action potentials with surface electrodes showed that the activity of the muscle fibers running transversely to the long axis of the muscle was well synchronized both during artificial and reflex activation. With inserted metal microelectrodes monophasic potentials of 0.4 msec. rise time and 1.2 to 1.5 msec. total duration were recorded. The interval between peak of action potential and onset of contraction was only 0.5 msec. Microphonic recordings of the characteristic sound effect accompanying each contraction showed a high amplitude diphasic deflection during the early part of the contraction. During relaxation a similar but smaller deflection of opposite phase could sometimes be distinguished above the noise level. The output from the microphone was interpreted as a higher order derivative function of the muscle displacement. This interpretation was supported by complementary experiments on muscle sound in mammalian muscle. The dependence of the sound effects on the rate of muscle contraction was demonstrated by changing the temperature of the preparation and, in addition, by a special series of experiments with repeated stimulation at short intervals. Results obtained by varying the pressure within the bladder provided further evidence for the view that the sound initiated in the muscle is reinforced by bladder resonance. Analysis of spontaneous grunts confirmed the finding of a predominant sound frequency of about 100 per second, which was also found in reflexly evoked grunts. During these, muscle action potentials of the same rate as the dominant sound frequency were recorded, the activity being synchronous in the muscles on both sides. Some factors possibly contributing to rapid contraction are discussed.  相似文献   


The substitution method was adopted from industrial acoustics (Francois and de Montussaint 1972) to “eliminate the influence of the environment” on measurements of the amplitude of vocalizations given by blue monkeysCercopithecus mitis and grey-cheeked mangabeysCercocebus albigena. Measurements were conducted of sound power and sound pressure level of representative utterances. Monkey vocal radiation patterns were also measured. The results showed that vocal amplitude ranged from 62 dB to 100 dB in sound pressure (re 1 pw). At a distance of 2 m, the loudest calls approached an amplitude of 110 dB SPL, a level about equal to the loudest human yell. The measurements of call amplitude conducted here exceeded those derived from the field by approximately 10 dB. It was shown that the discrepancy in amplitude between these laboratory based measurements and earlier measurements conducted under field conditions (Waser and Waser 1977) was probably due to destructive interference between the direct wave and the “ground wave”, a phase shifted wave reflected from the ground. Measurements of radiation patterns of primate vocalizations showed that, like human speech, directivity was a function of frequency, with high-frequency components being radiated more directionally than lower-frequency components. However, primate utterances were in general radiated more omnidirectionally than was human speech.  相似文献   

香溪河库湾春季水华期间水体光学特征及相关分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
研究了香溪河库湾春季水华期间(2006年3月3日—4月16日)透明度水层可见光衰减系数KSd的时空特征,分析其与表层水叶绿素a浓度、DOC浓度和透明度Sd的相关关系。结果表明:香溪河库湾春季水华可见光衰减系数KSd时空变异很大;除峡口河段(样点X7—X8)外,可见光衰减系数KSd的变化特征取决于叶绿素a浓度和DOC浓度的时空变化,类似于深水湖泊;除峡口河段(样点X7—X8)外,香溪河库湾可见光衰减系数KSd和透明度之间呈反比的关系具有显著的相关,但它们之间的反比关系因水体叶绿素a和无机悬浮颗粒的空间差异而有所不同。    相似文献   

Abstract– (1) The uptake and release of glutamic acid by guinea-pig cerebral cortex slices and rat synaptosomal fractions were studied, comparing the naturally occurring l - and non-natural d -isomers. Negligible metabolism of d -glutamic acid was observed in the slices. (2) Whereas in the cerebral slices the accumulation of glutamic acid was almost the same for the two isomers, d -glutamic acid was accumulated into the synaptosomal fraction at a markedly lower rate than was the L-isomer. (3) The uptake systems for d -isomer into the slices and synaptosomal fraction were found to be of single component, in contrast with the two component systems, high and low affinity components, for the uptake of l -glutamic acid. The apparent Km values for the uptake of d -glutamic acid into the slices and synaptosomal fraction were comparable with those reported for the low affinity components for l -isomer. The uptake systems for d -glutamic acid were dependent on the presence of Na+ ions in the medium, like those for l -glutamic acid and GABA. (4) The evoked release of radioactive preloaded d -glutamic acid was observed both from the slices and synaptosomal fraction following stimulation by high K+ ions in the medium. From these observations, it is evident that the evoked release of an amino acid by depolarization in vitro is not necessarily accompanied by a high affinity uptake process. (5) The uptake of l -glutamic acid, expecially into the synaptosomal fraction, was highly resistant to ouabain. On the other hand, the uptake rate of d -glutamic acid and GABA into the synaptosomal fraction was inhibited by varying concentrations of ouabain in accordance with the inhibition for brain Na-K ATPase. (6) The uptake of l -glutamic acid into subfractions of the P2 fraction was studied in relation to the distribution of the ‘synaptosomal marker enzymes’. An attempt to correlate the activities of enzymes of glutamic acid metabolism with the uptake of l -glutamic acid into the synaptosomal fraction from various parts of brain was unsuccessful. The high affinity uptake of l -glutamic acid was found to be very active in the synaptosomal fraction from any part of brain examined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The propagation of sound in the frequency band (2–12 kHz) used by the Corixidae was measured in two shallow natural ponds. At distances of more than 1 m from the shore the water was at least O.4 m deep. The first pond was eutrophic and contained no plants. The spread of sound into the open water obeyed approximately the geometric attenuation of the sound pressure level (SPL); a loss of 6dB for each doubling of the distance from the point sound source. Near the shore the attenuation was considerably greater, especially for low frequencies; for a 2 kHz signal the damping of the SPL was c. 40–50 dB/m.
The second pond had dense plant growth, and the sound attenuation depended strongly on the photosynthetic activity of the waterplants. Measurements in winter, with an overcast sky, revealed only a slight damping effect of the plants for a 10kHz test signal. During intense sunlight in summer, however, in addition to the geometric attenuation the damping effect of the plants over a distance of O.5 m was 50 dB for a 2 kHz signal and 80 dB for 10 kHz. This effect was due to gas bubbles produced during intense photosynthesis.
Song A of Corixa dentipes Thms. (Heteroptera) males elicits usually a response by male conspecifics. The threshold SPL for this response was measured to be c. 40 dB lower than the SPL at a distance of O.1 m from a stridulating animal. From the measurements of sound propagation it follows, therefore, that the effective range of Song A in the most favourable case is at least 10m, though in a pond overgrown with plants it can be less than O.4 m.  相似文献   

The fresh-cut produce industry has been the fastest-growing portion of the food retail market during the past 10 years, providing consumers with convenient and nutritious food. However, fresh-cut fruits and vegetables raise food safety concerns, because exposed tissue may be colonized more easily by pathogenic bacteria than intact produce. This is due to the higher availability of nutrients on cut surfaces and the greater potential for contamination because of the increased amount of handling. We found that applied Listeria monocytogenes populations survived and increased only slightly on fresh-cut Red Delicious apples stored at 10 degrees C but increased significantly on fresh-cut honeydew melons stored at 10 degrees C over 7 days. In addition, we examined the effect of lytic, L. monocytogenes-specific phages via two phage application methods, spraying and pipetting, on L. monocytogenes populations in artificially contaminated fresh-cut melons and apples. The phage mixture reduced L. monocytogenes populations by 2.0 to 4.6 log units over the control on honeydew melons. On apples, the reduction was below 0.4 log units. In combination with nisin (a bacteriocin), the phage mixture reduced L. monocytogenes populations by up to 5.7 log units on honeydew melon slices and by up to 2.3 log units on apple slices compared to the control. Nisin alone reduced L. monocytogenes populations by up to 3.2 log units on honeydew melon slices and by up to 2.0 log units on apple slices compared to the control. The phage titer was stable on melon slices, but declined rapidly on apple slices. The spray application of the phage and phage plus nisin reduced the bacterial numbers at least as much as the pipette application. The effectiveness of the phage treatment also depended on the initial concentration of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

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