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Application of cyclic stretch (10% at 1 hertz) to vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) increased L-arginine uptake and this was associated with a specific increase in cationic amino acid transporter-2 (CAT-2) mRNA. In addition, cyclic stretch stimulated L-arginine metabolism by inducing arginase I mRNA and arginase activity. In contrast, cyclic stretch inhibited the catabolism of L-arginine to nitric oxide (NO) by blocking inducible NO synthase expression. Exposure of SMC to cyclic stretch markedly increased the capacity of SMC to generate L-proline from L-arginine while inhibiting the formation of polyamines. The stretch-mediated increase in L-proline production was reversed by methyl-L-arginine, a competitive inhibitor of L-arginine transport, by hydroxy-L-arginine, an arginase inhibitor, or by the ornithine aminotransferase inhibitor L-canaline. Finally, cyclic stretch stimulated collagen synthesis and the accumulation of type I collagen, which was inhibited by L-canaline. These results demonstrate that cyclic stretch coordinately stimulates L-proline synthesis by regulating the genes that modulate the transport and metabolism of L-arginine. In addition, they show that stretch-stimulated collagen production is dependent on L-proline formation. The ability of hemodynamic forces to up-regulate L-arginine transport and direct its metabolism to L-proline may play an important role in stabilizing vascular lesions by promoting SMC collagen synthesis.  相似文献   

Glucose transport in response to angiotensin II (AII) was assessed in cultured vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells by measuring the uptake of [3H]-2-deoxyglucose, a radiolabeled non-metabolizable glucose analog. Significant stimulation occurred by 2 hr of exposure with the maximum effect being observed between 6 and 8 hr. AII effects were concentration dependent with a threshold response being detected at 0.1 nM. AII-stimulated transport was blocked by saralasin, an AII receptor antagonist, indicating that AII binding to a specific receptor is required for AII to elicit the transport response. AII-stimulated transport was also blocked when cells were incubated with cycloheximide for 6 hr, suggesting that protein synthesis is required for the long-term effects of AII on glucose transport. A specific protein synthesized in response to AII stimulation was the GLUT 1 glucose transporter as assessed by western blot analysis. Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) by bisindolylmaleimide and staurosporine did not affect VSM responsiveness to AII, suggesting that AII is capable of stimulating glucose transport through a PKC-independent mechanism; however, VSM responsiveness to AII did appear to be dependent upon the presence of extracellular calcium. The importance of calmodulin in mediating the response of VSM cells to AII was indicated by the inhibition of AII-stimulated glucose transport when VSM cells were incubated in the presence of the calmodulin inhibitors, calmidazolium and W7. Finally, glucose uptake increased with decreasing levels of glucose in the incubation medium. This was accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the relative effectiveness of AII in stimulating glucose uptake. J. Cell. Physiol. 177:94–102, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) undergo morphological and phenotypic changes when cultured in vitro. To investigate whether SMC morphology regulates SMC functions, bovine aortic SMCs were grown on micropatterned collagen strips (50-, 30-, and 20-microm wide). The cell shape index and proliferation rate of SMCs on 30- and 20-microm strips were significantly lower than those on non-patterned collagen (control), and the spreading area was decreased only for cells patterned on the 20-microm strips, suggesting that SMC proliferation is dependent on cell shape index. The formation of actin stress fibers and the expression of alpha-actin were decreased in SMCs on the 20- and 30-microm collagen strips. SMCs cultured on micropatterned biomaterial poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) with 30-microm wide grooves also showed lower proliferation rate and less stress fibers than SMCs on non-patterned PLGA. Our findings suggest that micropatterned matrix proteins and topography can be used to control SMC morphology and that elongated cell morphology decreases SMC proliferation but is not sufficient to promote contractile phenotype.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) populate in the media of the blood vessel, and play an important role in the control of vasoactivity and the remodeling of the vessel wall. Blood vessels are constantly subjected to hemodynamic stresses, and the pulsatile nature of the blood flow results in a cyclic mechanical strain in the vessel walls. Accumulating evidence in the past two decades indicates that mechanical strain regulates vascular SMC phenotype, function and matrix remodeling. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) is a potential cell source for vascular regeneration therapy, and may be used to generate SMCs to construct tissue-engineered vascular grafts for blood vessel replacements. In this review, we will focus on the effects of mechanical strain on SMCs and MSCs, e.g., cell phenotype, cell morphology, cytoskeleton organization, gene expression, signal transduction and receptor activation. We will compare the responses of SMCs and MSCs to equiaxial strain, uniaxial strain and mechanical strain in three-dimensional culture. Understanding the hemodynamic regulation of SMC and MSC functions will provide a basis for the development of new vascular therapies and for the construction of tissue-engineered vascular grafts.  相似文献   

The Na(+) pump and its regulation is important for maintaining membrane potential and transmembrane Na(+) gradient in all mammalian cells and thus is essential for cell survival and function. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) have a relatively low number of pump sites on their membrane compared with other cells. We wished to determine the mechanisms for regulating the number of pump sites in these cells. We used canine saphenous vein VSMC cultured in 10% serum and passaged one time. These cells were subcultured in 5% serum media with low K(+) (1 mM vs. control of 5 mM), and their pump expression was assessed. These VSMC upregulated their pump sites as early as 4 h after treatment (measured by [(3)H]ouabain binding). At this early time point, there was no detectable increase in protein expression of either alpha(1)- or beta(1)-subunits of the pump shown by Western blots. When the cells were treated with the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI-3-K) inhibitor LY-294002 (which is known to inhibit cytoplasmic transport processes) in low-K(+) media, the pump site upregulation was inhibited. These data suggest that the low-K(+)-induced upregulation of Na(+) pump number can occur by translocation of preformed pumps from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

ERK5 is involved in proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). The proliferative actions of insulin and angiotensin-II (A-II) in VSMC are mediated in part by ERK1/2. We hypothesized that insulin and A-II also regulate ERK5 activity in VSMC. Acute treatment (<60min) with insulin or A-II increased phosphorylation of ERK1/2 at 15min and ERK5 at 5min. Chronic treatment (< or = 8h) with insulin increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation by 4h and ERK5 by 8h. A-II-stimulated phosphorylation of ERK1/2 by 8h and ERK5 by 4h. The EC(50) for insulin treatment effecting ERK1/2 and ERK5 phosphorylation was 1.5 and 0.1nM, whereas the EC(50) for A-II was 2nM, each. Insulin plus A-II induced an additive effect only on ERK5 phosphorylation. Inhibition of insulin- and A-II-stimulated phosphorylation of ERK5 and ERK1/2 by PD98059 and Wortmannin exhibited differential and time-dependent effects. Taken together, these data indicate that insulin and A-II regulate the activity of ERK5, but different from that seen for ERK1/2.  相似文献   

We have examined alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SM actin) protein and mRNA levels in proliferating and density-arrested rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) and also studied overall polypeptide synthesis in these cells by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Of the approximately 1,000 cellular polypeptides resolved by 2-D gel analysis, we consistently detected increased expression of 12 polypeptides in growth-arrested SMC. These polypeptides, with apparent molecular weights of 24,000 to 55,000 exhibited relative increases of between fourfold to greater than tenfold. Three of these polypeptides were expressed at undetectable levels in proliferating SMC. We also detected 12 secreted polypeptides that were expressed at higher levels in growth-arrested SMC. More changes were associated with the secreted polypeptides, since they represented approximately 4% of the total resolved secreted polypeptides, while only 1% of the cellular polypeptides were increased in high-density growth-arrested cells. Under these conditions we observed no change in relative alpha-SM actin protein content as determined by 2-D gel analysis and Western blots. This was corroborated by high levels of alpha-SM actin mRNA levels in both proliferating and high-density growth-arrested SMC. These results indicate rabbit vascular SMC maintain a high level of expression of a smooth muscle differentiation marker (alpha-SM actin) in a proliferation- and density-independent manner. We also examined polypeptide synthesis in SMC isolated by enzymatic digestion of the aorta vs. cells isolated by the explant method. We found that although overall protein patterns were remarkably similar, several differences were observed. These differences were not due to increased contamination by fibroblasts, since both enzymatically- and explant-derived SMC contained high levels of alpha-SM actin as determined by immunofluorescence and by Northern analysis.  相似文献   

Adaptive increases in intracellular glutathione (GSH) in response to oxidative stress are mediated by induction of L-cystine uptake via the anionic amino acid transport system x(c)(-). The recently cloned transporter xCT forms a heteromultimeric complex with the heavy chain of 4F2 cell surface antigen (4F2hc/CD98). Depletion of GSH by the electrophile diethylmaleate (DEM) induces the activity and expression of xCT in peritoneal macrophages. We here examine the effects of vitamin C on induction of xCT by DEM in human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells. DEM caused time- (3-24 h) and concentration- (25-100 microM) dependent increases in L-cystine transport, with GSH depleted by 50% after 6 h and restored to basal values after 24 h. xCT mRNA levels increased after 4 h DEM treatment with negligible changes detected for 4F2hc mRNA. DEM caused a rapid (5-30 min) phosphorylation of p38(MAPK). Inhibition of p38(MAPK) by SB203580 (10 microM) enhanced DEM-induced increases in L-cystine transport and GSH, whereas inhibition of p42/p44(MAPK) (PD98059, 10 microM) had no effect. Pretreatment of cells with vitamin C (100 microM, 24 h) attenuated DEM-induced adaptive increases in L-cystine transport and GSH levels. Inhibition of p38(MAPK), but not p42/p44(MAPK), reduced the cytoprotective action of vitamin C. Our findings suggest that DEM induces activation of xCT via intracellular signaling pathways involving p38(MAPK), and that vitamin C, in addition to its antioxidant properties, may modulate this signaling pathway to protect smooth muscle cells from injury.  相似文献   

Extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (ePP(i)) is an important endogenous inhibitor of vascular calcification, but it is not known whether systemic or local vascular PP(i) metabolism controls calcification. To determine the role of ePP(i) in vascular smooth muscle, we identified the pathways responsible for ePP(i) production and hydrolysis in rat and mouse aortas and manipulated them to demonstrate their role in the calcification of isolated aortas in culture. Rat and mouse aortas contained mRNA for ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterases (NPP1-3), the putative PP(i) transporter ANK, and tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). Synthesis of PP(i) from ATP in aortas was blocked by β,γ-methylene-ATP, an inhibitor of NPPs. Aortas from mice lacking NPP1 (Enpp1(-/-)) did not synthesize PP(i) from ATP and exhibited increased calcification in culture. Although ANK-mediated transport of PP(i) could not be demonstrated in aortas, aortas from mutant (ank/ank) mice calcified more in culture than did aortas from normal (ANK/ANK) mice. Hydrolysis of PP(i) was reduced 25% by β,γ-methylene-ATP and 50% by inhibition of TNAP. Hydrolysis of PP(i) was increased in cells overexpressing TNAP or NPP3 but not NPP1 and was not reduced in Enpp1(-/-) aortas. Overexpression of TNAP increased calcification of cultured aortas. The results show that smooth muscle NPP1 and TNAP control vascular calcification through effects on synthesis and hydrolysis of ePP(i), indicating an important inhibitory role of locally produced PP(i). Smooth muscle ANK also affects calcification, but this may not be mediated through transport of PP(i). NPP3 is identified as an additional pyrophosphatase that could influence vascular calcification.  相似文献   

Regulation of Na/K/Cl cotransport in vascular smooth muscle cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation of Na/K/Cl cotransport was investigated in vascular smooth muscle cells. That a Na/K/Cl cotransport system exists was established by the finding that the ouabain insensitive K influx was sensitive to the "loop" diuretic bumetanide. Furthermore, bumetanide sensitive K influx was dependent upon the presence of both Na and Cl in the extracellular milieu. Bumetanide sensitive K influx was inhibited by agents which elevate cellular cyclic AMP levels, and to a lesser extent by agents which elevate cellular cyclic GMP levels. When serum, EGF or TPA was added, bumetanide sensitive K influx was enhanced. These results suggest that vascular smooth muscle cells have a ouabain insensitive, bumetanide sensitive Na/K/Cl cotransport system which is stimulated by serum, EGF or TPA and inhibited by cAMP or cGMP.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the regulation of alpha2-adrenoceptors (alpha2-ARs) in human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMs). Saphenous veins and dermal arterioles or VSMs cultured from them expressed high levels of alpha2-ARs (alpha2C > alpha2A, via RNase protection assay) and responded to alpha2-AR stimulation [5-bromo-N-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-6-quinoxalinamine (UK-14,304, 1 microM)] with constriction or calcium mobilization. In contrast, VSMs cultured from aorta did not express alpha2-ARs and neither cultured cells nor intact aorta responded to UK-14,304. Although alpha2-ARs (alpha2C > alpha2A) were detected in aortas, alpha2C-ARs were localized by immunohistochemistry to VSMs of adventitial arterioles and not aortic media. In contrast with aortas, aortic arterioles constricted in response to alpha2-AR stimulation. Reporter constructs demonstrated higher activities for alpha2A- and alpha2C-AR gene promoters in arteriolar compared with aortic VSMs. In arteriolar VSMs, serum increased expression of alpha2C-AR mRNA and protein but decreased expression of alpha2A-ARs. Serum induction of alpha2C-ARs was reduced by inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) with 2 microM SB-202190 or dominant-negative p38 MAPK. UK-14,304 (1 microM) caused calcium mobilization in control and serum-stimulated cells: in control VSMs, the response was inhibited by the alpha2A-AR antagonist BRL-44408 (100 nM) but not by the alpha2C-AR antagonist MK-912 (1 nM), whereas after serum stimulation, MK-912 (1 nM) but not BRL-44408 (100 nM) inhibited the response. These results demonstrate site-specific expression of alpha2-ARs in human VSMs that reflects differential activity of alpha2-AR gene promoters; namely, high expression and function in venous and arteriolar VSMs but no detectable expression or function in aortic VSMs. We found that alpha2C-ARs can be dramatically and selectively induced via a p38 MAPK-dependent pathway. Therefore, altered expression of alpha2C-ARs may contribute to pathological changes in vascular function.  相似文献   

This study examined the actions of L-arginine, a putative precursor of endothelium-derived nitric oxide, and arginine analogs on endothelium-dependent relaxation of isolated rings of bovine pulmonary artery. L-Arginine did not consistently relax arterial rings unless rings were first rendered refractory to endothelium-dependent relaxation by pretreatment with 1 microM A23187 for 45 min. L-Arginine-elicited relaxation was endothelium-dependent, antagonized by oxyhemoglobin or methylene blue, and unaffected by indomethacin. L-Argininosuccinic acid caused endothelium-dependent contractions and irreversible inhibition of endothelium-dependent but not nitroglycerin-elicited relaxation, which was not overcome by addition of L-arginine. Inhibition of endothelium-dependent relaxation by L-NG-monomethyl arginine, however, was reversible and overcome by L-arginine. Therefore, endothelium-dependent relaxants may cause arginine depletion in endothelial cells and endogenous argininosuccinic acid may modulate the biosynthesis of endothelium-derived nitric oxide from arginine.  相似文献   

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