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The amphipathic helix, in which hydrophobia and hydrophilic residues are grouped on opposing faces, is a structural mot if found in many peptides and proteins that bind to membranes. One of the physical properties of membranes that can be altered by the binding of amphipathic helices is membrane monolayer curvature strain. Class A amphipathic helices, which are present in exchangeable plasma lipoproteins, can stabilize membranes by reducing negative monolayer curvature strain; proline-punctuated class A amphipathic helical segments are particularly effective in this regard. This property is suggested to be associated with some of the beneficial biological effects of this protein. On the other hand, lytic amphipathic helical peptides can act by increasing negative curvature strain or by forming pores composed of helical clusters. Thus, different amphipathic helical peptides can be membrane stabilizing or be lytic to membranes, depending on the structural motif of the helix, which in turn determines the nature of its association with membranes. Features of these peptides that are responsible for their specific properties are discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The discharge of Aplysia pacemaker neurons varies with temperature over the range 10 to 22°C. Three types of frequency-temperature plots are found, with maximal discharge at lowest, intermediate or highest temperatures. In the presence of ouabain, however, all cells show maximal discharge at the highest temperature, suggesting that the steady state activity of an electrogenic sodium pump is an important determinant of membrane excitability. The average magnitude of pump current, as indicated by the applied current necessary to restore discharge to control values after ouabain application, was about 4 namps at 20°C but near zero at 10°C. These neurons may be excellent models of mammalian thermoreceotprs.  相似文献   

Series of short amino terminal modified cationic peptides were designed and synthesized. All of the synthesized compounds were tested against gram-positive as well as gram-negative bacterial strain. Some of the compounds exhibit potent antibacterial activity and no hemolytic activity even at high dose level (1000 microg/mL) in mammalian erythrocytes was observed.  相似文献   

Postinhibitory rebound (PIR) is defined as membrane depolarization occurring at the offset of a hyperpolarizing stimulus and is one of several intrinsic properties that may promote rhythmic electrical activity. PIR can be produced by several mechanisms including hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) or deinactivation of depolarization-activated inward currents. Excitatory swim motor neurons in the leech exhibit PIR in response to injected current pulses or inhibitory synaptic input. Serotonin, a potent modulator of leech swimming behavior, increases the peak amplitude of PIR and decreases its duration, effects consistent with supporting rhythmic activity. In this study, we performed current clamp experiments on dorsal excitatory cell 3 (DE-3) and ventral excitatory cell 4 (VE-4). We found a significant difference in the shape of PIR responses expressed by these two cell types in normal saline, with DE-3 exhibiting a larger prolonged component. Exposing motor neurons to serotonin eliminated this difference. Cs+ had no effect on PIR, suggesting that Ih plays no role. PIR was suppressed completely when low Na+ solution was combined with Ca2+ -channel blockers. Our data support the hypothesis that PIR in swim motor neurons is produced by a combination of low-threshold Na+ and Ca2+ currents that begin to activate near –60 mV.  相似文献   

Direct innervation of GnRH neurons by encephalic photoreceptors in birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In nonmammalian vertebrates, photic cues that regulate the timing of seasonal reproductive cyclicity are detected by nonretinal, nonpineal deep brain photoreceptors. It has long been assumed that the underlying mechanism involves the transmission of photic information from the photoreceptor to a circadian system, and thence to the reproductive axis. An alternative hypothesis is that there is direct communication between the brain photoreceptor and the reproductive axis. In the present study, light and confocal microscopy reveal that gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons and processes are scattered among photoreceptor cells (identified by their opsin-immunoreactivity) in the lateral septum (SL). In the median eminence (ME), opsin and GnRH immunoreactive fibers overlap extensively. Single and double label ultrastructural immunocytochemistry indicate that in the SL and preoptic area (POA), opsin positive terminals form axo-dendritic synapses onto GnRH dendrites. In the ME, opsin and GnRH terminals lie adjacent to each other, make contact with tanycytes, or terminate on the hypophyseal portal capillaries. These results reveal thatbrain photoreceptors communicate directly with GnRH-neurons; this represents a means by which photoperiodic information reaches the reproductive axis.  相似文献   

Rapid temperature increases (1 degree C for 5-10 sec) cause inhibition of firing rate of L. stagnalis pacemakers due to fast activation of the sodium pump. Slow warming to 22 degrees-24 degrees C has an opposite effect; it increases the firing rate. Different responses of the pacemakers to the heating rate explain the features of the microwave effect on the neuron electrical activity.  相似文献   

By genetically targeting tumorigenesis to specific hypothalamic neurons in transgenic mice using the promoter region of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) gene to express the SV40 T-antigen oncogene, we have produced neuronal tumors and developed clonal, differentiated, neurosecretory cell lines. These cells extend neurites, express the endogenous mouse GnRH mRNA, release GnRH in response to depolarization, have regulatable fast Na+ channels found in neurons, and express neuronal, but not glial, cell markers. These immortalized cells will provide an invaluable model system for study of hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons that regulate reproduction. Significantly, their derivation demonstrates the feasibility of immortalizing differentiated neurons by targeting tumorigenesis in transgenic mice to specific neurons of the CNS.  相似文献   

Calcium plays roles in excitability, rhythm generation, and neurosecretion. Identifying channel subtypes that regulate calcium influx is thus important to understanding rhythmic GnRH secretion, which is a prerequisite for reproduction. Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were made from short-term dissociated GnRH adult ovariectomized (OVX) mice (n = 21) to identify channel subtypes that carry calcium current using selective channel blockers and voltage characteristics. Low-voltage activated (LVA) currents were not observed in 42 GnRH neurons tested, although most non-GnRH neurons (4/6) displayed LVA current. The L-type component of the high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium current was 25% +/- 2%. The remaining HVA calcium current passed through N-type (27% +/- 3%), P-type (15% +/- 1%), Q-type (18% +/- 3%), and R-type (15% +/- 1%) channels. Because these data differ substantially from reports on cultured GnRH neurons, which may represent reproductively immature models, we also examined GnRH neurons from gonadal-intact young (Postnatal Days 4-10, n = 8 mice) mice. LVA currents were still rare (2/28) in young mice. Although the same HVA components were observed, the proportions were shifted toward significantly more L-type and less N-type current, suggesting a possible developmental shift in calcium currents in GnRH neurons. These data suggest that calcium channel subtypes in GnRH neurons prepared in the short term from brain slices differ substantially from those in long-term cultured GnRH models. These findings provide a vital foundation to examine the role of calcium channels in the secretory and rhythmic machinery of GnRH neurons.  相似文献   

Pan BX  Wu ZH 《生理学报》2001,53(2):89-92
在新生大鼠延髓脑片上同步记录舌下神经根和双相呼气神经元/吸气神经元单位的放电活动,并在灌流的改良Kredbs液中先后加以非NMDA受体的激动剂KA和拮抗剂DNQX,观察对神经元单位放电的影响,以进一步探讨非NMDA受体在对双相呼气神经元之间交互兴奋和吸气神经元兴奋性突触输入中的作用,结果表明,使用非NMDA受体激动剂KA以后,双相呼气神经元的放电频率和蜂频率都明显增大,吸气神经元中期放电的频率和非NMDA受体激动剂KA以后,双相呼气神经元的放电频率和峰频率都明显增大,吸气神经元中期放电的频率和峰频率也显著增大,而早期和晚期放电的频率无明显改变,用相应拮抗剂以后,上述效应明显被抑制,结果提示,非NMDA受体参与了双相呼气神经元之间的交互兴奋作用,并且也介导了吸气神经元的兴奋性突触输入/  相似文献   

Previous in vitro and in vivo studies showed that the frequency of rhythmic pyloric network activity in the lobster is modulated directly by oxygen partial pressure (PO(2)). We have extended these results by (1) increasing the period of exposure to low PO(2) and by (2) testing the sensitivity of the pyloric network to changes in PO(2) that are within the narrow range normally experienced by the lobster (1 to 6?kPa). We found that the pyloric network rhythm was indeed altered by changes in PO(2) within the range typically observed in vivo. Furthermore, a previous study showed that the lateral pyloric constrictor motor neuron (LP) contributes to the O(2) sensitivity of the pyloric network. Here, we expanded on this idea by testing the hypothesis that pyloric pacemaker neurons also contribute to pyloric O(2) sensitivity. A 2-h exposure to 1?kPa PO(2), which was twice the period used previously, decreased the frequency of an isolated group of pacemaker neurons, suggesting that changes in the rhythmogenic properties of these cells contribute to pyloric O(2) sensitivity during long-term near-anaerobic (anaerobic threshold, 0.7-1.2?kPa) conditions.  相似文献   

Background activity of brain cortex neurons in ontogenesis appears very early, soon after completion of their migration. At the moment of its appearance, the background activity has several peculiarities, the most characteristic of which are its episodic character and synchronous bursts of adjacent neurons forming domains. This paper considers mechanisms determining the appearance and the most characteristic peculiarities of the background activity of cerebral cortex neurons in ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Although they share the active-site catalytic triad of less-specific enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin, the serine proteinases of the complement and coagulation cascades each cleave a highly restricted set of substrates. Peptides with sequences similar to that at which C3 is cleaved by the alternative-pathway complement proteinase CVFBb were synthesized by solid-phase methodology and examined for their effects on the activity of this enzyme as measured by three different types of assays. It was found that a peptide methylated at the scissile bond was a far more effective inhibitor of the cleavage of the protein substrate C5 and of the lysis of guinea-pig erythrocytes by the alternative pathway than was the equivalent unmethylated peptide. Whereas the unmethylated peptide inhibited cleavage of the peptide substrate, the methylated peptide actually stimulated cleavage in this assay. This stimulation was found to be due to a 2.8-fold increase in kcat; the dissociation constant for the substrate was not altered significantly. One model consistent with this behaviour is that the binding of the activator peptide in the extended substrate-recognition region stabilizes a catalytically more active conformation of the active site. A small peptide substrate may have access to such an activated active site, whereas the larger substrate, C5, may be excluded from the site. These results demonstrate that the observed effect of a given compound on activity of an enzyme with an extended substrate-recognition region may depend upon the substrate.  相似文献   

Tryptophan-containing peptides are selectively isolated from complex digests by taking advantage of changes in hydrophobicity and chromatographic mobility induced by reaction with o-nitrophenylsulfenyl chloride. The peptides are first located in crude fractions by monitoring the fluorescence during high-performance liquid chromatography and then chemically modified to facilitate their separation from contaminants during subsequent rechromatography.  相似文献   

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