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官前鑫  赵长林 《菌物学报》2021,40(3):447-461
依据形态学和分子系统学研究结果,描述了产自中国云南省的丝皮革菌属2个新种,即中国丝皮革菌Hyphoderma sinense和棉絮丝皮革菌H. floccosum。中国丝皮革菌以光滑子实层体表面、被结晶和念珠状的囊状体及圆柱形至腊肠状的担孢子(8-11.5×3-5μm)为主要识别特征。棉絮丝皮革菌具有棉絮状至粉状子实层体表面、管状和分隔状囊状体及椭圆形至腊肠状担孢子。对新种的ITS和nLSU片段进行了测序和分析,采用最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯推断法对研究样本的ITS+nLSU nrRNA基因序列进行系统发育分析,结果显示两个新种隶属于丝皮革菌属,其中,中国丝皮革菌与变形丝皮革菌聚在一起;棉絮丝皮革菌与松生丝皮革菌、丝皮革菌和拟丝皮革菌聚为一类。本研究提供了两新种的详细描述、线条图、生态照片及与相似种的区别,同时编写了我国丝皮革菌属23个种的检索表。  相似文献   

Steccherinum cremicolor and S. elongatum are described and illustrated as new species from Taiwan. Steccherinum cremicolor is characterized by strictly resupinate basidiocarps, a fimbriate margin, short spines, generative hyphae dominating in the trama and subiculum, encrusted skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid basidiospores. Steccherinum elongatum has strictly resupinate and membranaceous basidiocarps, bearing fairly long spines, generative hyphae-dominated subiculum, elongated skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid to subglobose basidiospores.  相似文献   

Two new Daedalea species were described from South China based on morphological and molecular evidences. Daedalea circularis sp. nov. was discovered from Guangdong and Yunnan provinces, it is characterized by its bluish gray to peach, glabrous, concentrically sulcate and zonate pileal surface with irregular, white to cream outgrowth and fuscous to black patches spreading from the base, round hymenophore, colorless, thin-walled cystidioles present in the hymenium which sometimes with branched apiculus and occasionally collapsed and septate. Daedalea radiata sp. nov. was discovered from Yunnan Province, it is easily recognizable by its effused-reflexed, grayish-brown to fuscous, hispid pileal surface with angular to daedaleoid pores, tissue darkening and skeletal hyphae slightly swollen in KOH, and a typical catahymenium formed by apices of skeletal hyphae in the hymenium.  相似文献   

赵长林  崔宝凯 《菌物学报》2012,31(5):789-794
报道了多年卧孔菌属Perenniporia 3个中国新记录种。竹生多年卧孔菌P. bambusicola采自云南省,孔口表面橙色且仅生长于竹子上;树状多年卧孔菌P. dendrohyphidia采自广西,具树状菌丝;灰黄多年卧孔菌P. isabellina采自云南省,担子果平伏,孔口灰黄色,具树状骨架菌丝,且担孢子较大。根据采集的标本材料提供了它们的详细描述和显微结构图。  相似文献   

赵长林  崔宝凯 《菌物学报》2013,32(2):192-201
报道了多年卧孔菌属Perenniporia5个中国新记录种。非洲多年卧孔菌Perenniporia africana采自安徽省,孔口表面浅黄色至赭色,且骨架菌丝不分枝;下延多年卧孔菌P.decurrata采自云南省,担子果盖形,具较小孔口和担孢子;椭圆孢多年卧孔菌P.ellipsospora采自云南省,担子果平伏,孔口圆形至多角形,担孢子不平截;硬多年卧孔菌P.inflexibilis采自福建省,担子果盖形,孔口表面灰白至浅褐色,担孢子无色至浅黄色;黄多年卧孔菌P.xantha采自海南省,孔口较小,表面呈黄色,且在KOH试剂中呈深褐色。根据采集的标本材料提供了它们的详细描述和显微结构图。  相似文献   

Based on a biochemical-genetic approach, heterozygosity and divergence of structural genes of 30 enzyme loci were analyzed in six dace species. In addition, intra- and interspecific divergence of gene expression was analyzed based on a sample of 12 to 15 loci. Mean heterozygosities per individual varied as follows: Tribolodon species, Hobs = 0.007 +/- 0.007 and Hexp = 0.007 +/- 0.007; T. ezoe, Hobs = 0.045 +/- 0.016 and Hexp = 0.067 +/- 0.029. Several variants of genetic distances were estimated. Standard Nei's distances (DN) varied from 0.145 to 0.284 in four dace species studied. As related to Tribolodon dace species, the following genetic distances were obtained for two members of other genera: Pseudaspius leptocephalus, DN = 0.269; Leuciscus waleckii, DN = 0.769. Based on the distance matrices, different clustering algorithms were realized. The main feature shared by different dendrograms was a separate position of the cluster joining Far-Eastern dace species, to which P. leptocephalus and L. waleckii are successively added. Among the species studied, the proportion of loci similar by expression (E) varied from 87 to 100%. The greatest difference was found between anadromous and nonanadromous ecotypes of T. hakonensis, E = 67%. The following conclusions can be made: (1) Four studied species of the genus Tribolodon are rather well genetically differentiated. Diagnostic loci are available. (2) A nominal dace species, T. species, should be considered the fourth isolated species of this genus, which is confirmed by its recent zoological acceptance of this species. (3) The origin and divergence of dace species belonging to the genus Tribolodon are relatively late (1 to 3 Myr ago) historical events. (4) Taxonomically, the genus Tribolodon belong to the tribe Pseudaspinini together with P. leptocephalus, which is confirmed by genetic data. (5) Data on heterozygosity and the divergence of structural and regulatory elements of genome, along with the proposed scheme of speciation types, suggest the following speciation modes for the species studied: for four species, adaptive divergence and for two species, genetic transformation.  相似文献   

Based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence analysis, the history of true sheep (Ovis) began approximately 3.12 million years ago (MYA). The evolution of Ovis resulted in three generally accepted genetic groups: Argaliforms, Moufloniforms, and Pachyceriforms. The Pachyceriforms of the subgenus Pachyceros comprise the thin-horn sheep Ovis nivicola (snow sheep), Ovis dalli (Dall and Stone sheep), and Ovis canadensis (Rocky Mountain and desert bighorn). North America wild sheep (O. canadensis and O. dalli) evolved separately from Eurasian wild sheep and diverged from each other about 1.41 MYA. Ancestral stock that gave rise to snow sheep, Moufloniforms, and Argaliforms occurred 2.3 MYA, which then gave rise to two different extant lines of snow sheep that diverged from each other about 1.96 MYA. The more recent nivicola line is genetically closer to the North American wild sheep and may represent a close association during the refugium when Alaska and Siberia were connected by the Bering land bridge. The earlier period of evolution of the Pachyceriforms suggests they may have first evolved in Eurasia, the oldest ancestor then giving rise to North American wild sheep, and that a canadensis-like ancestor most likely gave rise to nivicola. Cytogenetic analysis further validates that the standard diploid number for modern nivicola is 52.  相似文献   

Three new Perenniporia species, P. lacerata, P. luteola and P. tianmuensis, are described based on morphological and molecular characters. Perenniporia lacerata is characterized by an annual habit, resupinate and papery basidiocarps with lacerate pores, a dimitic hyphal system with weakly dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, truncate and dextrinoid basidiospores. Perenniporia luteola is distinguished by a perennial habit, resupinate basidiocarps with buff-yellow pore surface, a dimitic hyphal system with dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, non-truncate and dextrinoid basidiospores. Perenniporia tianmuensis differs in its annual habit, pileate basidiocarps, a dimitic hyphal system with strongly dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, non-truncate and dextrinoid basidiospores. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS and LSU-rDNA regions revealed five clades for 29 species of Perenniporia used in this study. Both morphological and molecular evidence confirmed the placement of three new species in Perenniporia and showed its relationships with similar species in the genus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diploid representatives from the related polyploid complexes of Cardamine amara, C. pratensis and C. raphanifolia (Brassicaceae), were studied to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among the complexes and among the individual taxa included. METHODS: Two independent molecular data sets were used: nucleotide sequences from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nrDNA, and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Seventeen diploid taxa from the studied groups were sampled. KEY RESULTS: Both ITS and AFLP analyses provided congruent results in inferred relationships, and revealed two main lineages. While the C. amara group, consisting of C. wiedemanniana and four subspecies of C. amara, was resolved as a well-supported monophyletic group, taxa from the C. pratensis and C. tenera groups (the latter representing diploid taxa of the complex of C. raphanifolia) all appeared together in a single clade/cluster with no support for the recognition of either of the groups. Intra-individual polymorphisms and patterns of nucleotide variation in the ITS region in C. uliginosa and C. tenera, together with the distribution of AFLP bands, indicate ancient hybridization and introgression among these Caucasian diploids. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of supported hierarchical structure suggests that extensive reticulate evolution between these groups, even at the diploid level, has occurred (although an alternative explanation, namely ancestral polymorphism in ITS data, cannot be completely excluded). Several implications for the investigation of the polyploid complexes of concern are drawn. When tracing origins of polyploid taxa, a much more complex scenario should be expected, taking into account all relatives as potential parents, irrespective of the group in which they are classified.  相似文献   

Host discrimination studies were conducted with different species of Asobara, which are larval endo-parasitoids of Drosophilidae. Results indicated variable host discrimination which depended on the relatedness of the species. The closely related sibling species Asobara tabida (Nees) and A. rufescens (Foerster) were not only capable of intraspecific discrimination, but also avoided multiparasitism by discriminating between unparasitized host larvae and larvae previously parasitized by females of the other species. This ability to discriminate interspecifically does not seem functional as each species occupies its own microhabitat. As it was shown to be absent in less closely related Asobara species we concluded that interspecific discrimination by A. tabida and A. rufescens was due to their close relationship.  相似文献   

Melanoderma boninense is described and illustrated as a new species from the Bonin Islands, Japan, on the basis of morphological and phylogenetic investigations. This species is characterized by sessile basidiocarps with an ungulate pileus, a black crust on the pileus surface, pores 4–6/mm, a dimitic hyphal system comprising clamped generative hyphae and cyanophilous skeletal binding hyphae with or without a dextrinoid reaction, cylindrical basidiospores measuring 5.5–7.5 × 2–3 μm, and cystidioles on the sides of tubes and near the pore surface. Morphological examination of authentic specimens of other Melanoderma species revealed that the genus is variable in terms of the shape and size of cystidioles. A black crust on the pileus surface composed of palisade and highly agglutinated hyphae is a distinctive diagnostic morphological feature of Melanoderma that differentiates it from allied genera. Melanoderma boninense, which is currently known from a restricted area of the Bonin Islands, is potentially threatened by environmental reduction of the type locality due to the invasive tree Bischofia javanica.  相似文献   

We developed novel microsatellite markers for D alechampia scandens L. (Euphorbiaceae). The target plants belong to a distinct, but undescribed, species in the D . scandens species complex, characterized by small resin‐producing glands. In total, 110 alleles over 36 novel markers were identified across 39 individuals from three populations. The number of alleles varied from one to seven, with an average of 3.06 ± 0.26 alleles per locus. The developed markers, along with previously developed ones for a large‐glanded D . scandens species, were tested for amplification in 11 additional species of the genus D alechampia. Four markers did not produce any detectable allele in 37 individuals from two populations of the large‐glanded species. Average expected heterozygosity across all small‐ and large‐glanded specific loci was 0.36 and 0.15, for the small and large glanded populations, respectively. Cross‐species amplification showed that 89% of all markers were successfully amplified in at least one of the 11 other D alechampia species. These microsatellite markers may be useful for detecting undescribed species in the D . scandens species complex, and can be used for comparative analyses of genetic structure, mating system and phylogeography of other D alechampia species.  相似文献   

Here, we introduce a new method for efficiently sampling Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and closely related species using a colony PCR-based screen with novel primer sets designed to specifically detect these important model microalgae. To demonstrate the utility of our new method, we collected 130 soil samples from a wide range of habitats in Ontario, Canada and identified 33 candidate algae, which were barcoded by sequencing a region of the rbcL plastid gene. For select isolates, 18S rRNA gene and YPT4 nuclear markers were also sequenced. Based on phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses of these three loci, seven novel isolates were identified as C. reinhardtii, and one additional isolate appeared to be more closely related to C. reinhardtii than any other known species. All seven new C. reinhardtii strains were interfertile with previously collected C. reinhardtii field isolates, validating the effectiveness of our molecular screen.  相似文献   

Cinereomyces clade is a newly proposed monophyletic group of polypores containing currently four genera and five species, including two promising biopulping fungi, Ceriporiopsis rivulosa and C. subvermispora. The Cinereomyces clade is well-delimited in nrDNA-based phylogenetic analysis, but its position in Polyporales remains unclear. Its closest relative may be found in the core polyporoid clade. Only a few morphological characters are common for all the species in the clade, e.g. CB– and CRB+ hyphae, white fruiting bodies, presence of oil, and middle-sized spores. Culturally, the species are unified by producing simple-septate generative hyhpae in the margin, which produce simple-clamped hyphae backwards. The genus Gelatoporia is the correct place for Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. Two new genera are described in the group: Obba to incorporate C. rivulosa and a new austral species, Obba valdiviana, known from southern Argentina and recorded here also from Tasmania, and Sebipora to accommodate a new species from tropical Asia, S. aquosa. ITS sequences imply that Eurasian Gelatoporia subvermispora may belong to a different species from the North American one. G. subvermispora is recorded as new to Indonesia.  相似文献   

Lignosus hainanensis sp. nov., is described and illustrated on the basis of collections originating from tropical forest in Hainan Province, southern China. Both the morphology and phylogeny support this new species. It is characterized by its centrally stipitate basidiocarps arising from a distinct sclerotium, yellowish brown to cinnamon-brown pileal surface, cream to cream-buff pore surface, trimitic hyphal system with clamped generative hyphae, and oblong ellipsoid to cylindrical basidiospores. Lignosus hainanensis may be confused with L. rhinocerus, also occurring in southern China, but L. rhinocerus can be distinguished by its smaller pores (6–8 per mm) and smaller and distinctly broadly ellipsoid basidiospores (4–5 × 2.8–3 μm).  相似文献   

In the present study, three new strains of the rare volvocalean green alga Lobomonas were isolated from field‐collected samples, one from Sardinia (Italy) and two from Argentina, and comparatively studied. The Sardinian and one of the Argentinian strains were identified as Lobomonas francei, the type species of the genus, whereas the second Argentinian strain corresponded to L. panduriformis. Two additional nominal species of Lobomonas from culture collections (L. rostrata and L. sphaerica) were included in the analysis and shown to be morphologically and molecularly identical to the L. francei strains. The presence, number, and shapes of cell wall lobes, the diagnostic criterion of Lobomonas, were shown to be highly variable depending on the chemical composition of the culture medium used. The analyses by SEM gave evidence that the cell wall lobes in Lobomonas originate at the junctions of adjacent cell wall plates by extrusion of gelatinous material. The four L. francei strains had identical nrRNA gene sequences and differed by only one or two substitutions in the ITS1 + ITS2 sequences. In the phylogenetic analyses, L. francei and L. panduriformis were sister taxa; however, another nominal Lobomonas species (L. monstruosa) did not belong to this genus. Lobomonas, together with taxa designated as Vitreochlamys, Tetraspora, and Paulschulzia, formed a monophyletic group that in the combined analyses was sister to the “Chlamydomonas/Volvox‐clade.” Based on these results, Lobomonas was revised, the diagnosis of the type species emended, a lectotype and an epitype designated, and several taxa synonymized with the type species.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from an AAG‐enriched genomic library of Sinojackia xylocarpa. The average allele number of these microsatellites was 3.3 per locus, ranging from two to seven. The observed and expected heterozygosities at population level were 0.10–0.83 and 0.10–1.00, respectively. In addition, successful cross‐species amplification of this set of microsatellites in three other species of Sinojackia and a closely related taxon, Changiostyrax dolichocarpa, suggested that this set of microsatellite markers should provide a useful tool for genetic and conservation studies of Sinojackia species and other closely related taxa in the Styracaceae.  相似文献   

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