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At Arctic and Antarctic latitudes, personnel are deprived of natural sunlight in winter and have continuous daylight in summer: light of sufficient intensity and suitable spectral composition is the main factor that maintains the 24-h period of human circadian rhythms. Thus, the status of the circadian system is of interest. Moreover, the relatively controlled artificial light conditions in winter are conducive to experimentation with different types of light treatment. The hormone melatonin and/or its metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) provide probably the best index of circadian (and seasonal) timing. A frequent observation has been a delay of the circadian system in winter. A skeleton photoperiod (2?×?1-h, bright white light, morning and evening) can restore summer timing. A single 1-h pulse of light in the morning may be sufficient. A few people desynchronize from the 24-h day (free-run) and show their intrinsic circadian period, usually >24?h. With regard to general health in polar regions, intermittent reports describe abnormalities in various physiological processes from the point of view of daily and seasonal rhythms, but positive health outcomes are also published. True winter depression (SAD) appears to be rare, although subsyndromal SAD is reported. Probably of most concern are the numerous reports of sleep problems. These have prompted investigations of the underlying mechanisms and treatment interventions. A delay of the circadian system with “normal” working hours implies sleep is attempted at a suboptimal phase. Decrements in sleep efficiency, latency, duration, and quality are also seen in winter. Increasing the intensity of ambient light exposure throughout the day advanced circadian phase and was associated with benefits for sleep: blue-enriched light was slightly more effective than standard white light. Effects on performance remain to be fully investigated. At 75°S, base personnel adapt the circadian system to night work within a week, in contrast to temperate zones where complete adaptation rarely occurs. A similar situation occurs on high-latitude North Sea oil installations, especially when working 18:00–06:00?h. Lack of conflicting light exposure (and “social obligations”) is the probable explanation. Many have problems returning to day work, showing circadian desynchrony. Timed light treatment again has helped to restore normal phase/sleep in a small number of people. Postprandial response to meals is compromised during periods of desynchrony with evidence of insulin resistance and elevated triglycerides, risk factors for heart disease. Only small numbers of subjects have been studied intensively in polar regions; however, these observations suggest that suboptimal light conditions are deleterious to health. They apply equally to people living in temperate zones with insufficient light exposure. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition of regularly occurring depressions in winter with a remission the following spring or summer. In addition to depressed mood, the patients tend to experience increased appetite and an increased duration of sleep during the winter. SAD is a relatively common condition, affecting 1-3% of adults in temperate climates, and it is more prevalent in women. The pathological mechanisms underlying SAD are incompletely understood. Certain neurotransmitters have been implicated; a dysfunction in the serotonin system in particular has been demonstrated by a variety of approaches. The role of circadian rhythms in SAD needs to be clarified. The phase-delay hypothesis holds that SAD patients' circadian rhythms are delayed relative to the sleep/wake or rest/activity cycle. This hypothesis predicts that the symptoms of SAD will improve if the circadian rhythms can be phase-advanced. There is some experimental support for this. SAD can be treated successfully with light therapy. In classical light therapy, the SAD sufferer sits in front of a light box, exposed to 2000-10,000 lux for 30-120 min daily during the winter. Other forms of light treatments, pharmacotherapy, and other therapies are currently being tested for SAD.  相似文献   

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition of regularly occurring depressions in winter with a remission the following spring or summer. In addition to depressed mood, the patients tend to experience increased appetite and an increased duration of sleep during the winter. SAD is a relatively common condition, affecting 1–3% of adults in temperate climates, and it is more prevalent in women.

The pathological mechanisms underlying SAD are incompletely understood. Certain neurotransmitters have been implicated; a dysfunction in the serotonin system in particular has been demonstrated by a variety of approaches. The role of circadian rhythms in SAD needs to be clarified. The phase-delay hypothesis holds that SAD patients' circadian rhythms are delayed relative to the sleep/wake or rest/activity cycle. This hypothesis predicts that the symptoms of SAD will improve if the circadian rhythms can be phase-advanced. There is some experimental support for this.

SAD can be treated successfully with light therapy. In classical light therapy, the SAD sufferer sits in front of a light box, exposed to 2000–10,000 lux for 30–120min daily during the winter. Other forms of light treatments, pharmacotherapy, and other therapies are currently being tested for SAD.  相似文献   

The circadian pacemaker is an endogenous clock that regulates oscillations in most physiological and psychological processes with a near 24-h period. In many species, this pacemaker triggers seasonal changes in behavior. The seasonality of symptoms and the efficacy of light therapy suggest involvement of the circadian pacemaker in seasonal affective disorder (SAD), winter type. In this study, circadian pacemaker characteristics of SAD patients were compared with those of controls. Seven SAD patients and matched controls were subjected to a 120-h forced desynchrony protocol, in which core body temperature and melatonin secretion profiles were measured for the characterization of circadian pacemaker parameters. During this protocol, which enables the study of unmasked circadian pacemaker characteristics, subjects were exposed to six 20-h days in time isolation. Patients participated twice in winter (while depressed and while remitted after light therapy) and once in summer. Controls participated once in winter and once in summer. Between the SAD patients and controls, no significant differences were observed in the melatonin-derived period or in the phase of the endogenous circadian temperature rhythm. The amplitude of this rhythm was significantly smaller in depressed and remitted SAD patients than in controls. No abnormalities of the circadian pacemaker were observed in SAD patients. A disturbance in thermoregulatory processes might explain the smaller circadian temperature amplitude in SAD patients during winter.  相似文献   

Human expeditions to Mars will require adaptation to the 24.65-h Martian solar day-night cycle (sol), which is outside the range of entrainment of the human circadian pacemaker under lighting intensities to which astronauts are typically exposed. Failure to entrain the circadian time-keeping system to the desired rest-activity cycle disturbs sleep and impairs cognitive function. Furthermore, differences between the intrinsic circadian period and Earth's 24-h light-dark cycle underlie human circadian rhythm sleep disorders, such as advanced sleep phase disorder and non-24-hour sleep-wake disorders. Therefore, first, we tested whether exposure to a model-based lighting regimen would entrain the human circadian pacemaker at a normal phase angle to the 24.65-h Martian sol and to the 23.5-h day length often required of astronauts during short duration space exploration. Second, we tested here whether such prior entrainment to non-24-h light-dark cycles would lead to subsequent modification of the intrinsic period of the human circadian timing system. Here we show that exposure to moderately bright light ( approximately 450 lux; approximately 1.2 W/m(2)) for the second or first half of the scheduled wake episode is effective for entraining individuals to the 24.65-h Martian sol and a 23.5-h day length, respectively. Estimations of the circadian periods of plasma melatonin, plasma cortisol, and core body temperature rhythms collected under forced desynchrony protocols revealed that the intrinsic circadian period of the human circadian pacemaker was significantly longer following entrainment to the Martian sol as compared to following entrainment to the 23.5-h day. The latter finding of after-effects of entrainment reveals for the first time plasticity of the period of the human circadian timing system. Both findings have important implications for the treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders and human space exploration.  相似文献   

The circadian pacemaker and sleep homeostasis play pivotal roles in vigilance state control. It has been hypothesized that age-related changes in the human circadian pacemaker, as well as sleep homeostatic mechanisms, contribute to the hallmarks of age-related changes in sleep, that is, earlier wake time and reduced sleep consolidation. Assessments of circadian parameters in healthy young (~20–30 years old) and older people (~65–75 years old)—in the absence of the confounding effects of sleep, changes in posture, and light exposure—have demonstrated that an earlier wake time in older people is accompanied by about a 1h advance of the rhythms of core body temperature and melatonin. In addition, older people wake up at an earlier circadian phase of the body temperature and plasma melatonin rhythm. The amplitude of the endogenous circadian component of the core body temperature rhythm assessed during constant routine and forced desynchrony protocols is reduced by 20–30% in older people. Recent assessments of the intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker in the absence of the confounding effects of light revealed no age-related reduction of this parameter in both sighted and blind individuals. Wake maintenance and sleep initiation are not markedly affected by age except that sleep latencies are longer in older people when sleep initiation is attempted in the early morning. In contrast, major age-related reductions in the consolidation and duration of sleep occur at all circadian phases. Sleep of older people is particularly disrupted when scheduled on the rising limb of the temperature rhythm, indicating that the sleep of older people is more susceptible to arousal signals genernpated by the circadian pacemaker. Sleep-homeostatic mechanisms, as assayed by the sleep-deprivation–induced increase of EEG slow-wave activity (SWA), are operative in older people, although during both baseline sleep and recovery sleep SWA in older people remains at lower levels. The internal circadian phase advance of awakening, as well as the age-related reduction in sleep consolidation, appears related to an age-related reduction in the promotion of sleep by the circadian pacemaker during the biological night in combination with a reduced homeostatic pressure for sleep. Early morning light exposure associated with this advance of awakening in older people could reinforce the advanced circadian phase. Quantification of the interaction between sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythmicity contributes to understanding age-related changes in sleep timing and quality. (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 285–311, 2000)  相似文献   

The circadian pacemaker and sleep homeostasis play pivotal roles in vigilance state control. It has been hypothesized that age-related changes in the human circadian pacemaker, as well as sleep homeostatic mechanisms, contribute to the hallmarks of age-related changes in sleep, that is, earlier wake time and reduced sleep consolidation. Assessments of circadian parameters in healthy young (∼20-30 years old) and older people (∼65-75 years old)—in the absence of the confounding effects of sleep, changes in posture, and light exposure—have demonstrated that an earlier wake time in older people is accompanied by about a 1h advance of the rhythms of core body temperature and melatonin. In addition, older people wake up at an earlier circadian phase of the body temperature and plasma melatonin rhythm. The amplitude of the endogenous circadian component of the core body temperature rhythm assessed during constant routine and forced desynchrony protocols is reduced by 20-30% in older people. Recent assessments of the intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker in the absence of the confounding effects of light revealed no age-related reduction of this parameter in both sighted and blind individuals. Wake maintenance and sleep initiation are not markedly affected by age except that sleep latencies are longer in older people when sleep initiation is attempted in the early morning. In contrast, major age-related reductions in the consolidation and duration of sleep occur at all circadian phases. Sleep of older people is particularly disrupted when scheduled on the rising limb of the temperature rhythm, indicating that the sleep of older people is more susceptible to arousal signals genernpated by the circadian pacemaker. Sleep-homeostatic mechanisms, as assayed by the sleep-deprivation-induced increase of EEG slow-wave activity (SWA), are operative in older people, although during both baseline sleep and recovery sleep SWA in older people remains at lower levels. The internal circadian phase advance of awakening, as well as the age-related reduction in sleep consolidation, appears related to an age-related reduction in the promotion of sleep by the circadian pacemaker during the biological night in combination with a reduced homeostatic pressure for sleep. Early morning light exposure associated with this advance of awakening in older people could reinforce the advanced circadian phase. Quantification of the interaction between sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythmicity contributes to understanding age-related changes in sleep timing and quality. (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 285-311, 2000)  相似文献   

Bright light is the recommended treatment for winter seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Previously we showed that the antidepressant effect of morning (but not evening) light was greater than placebo after 3 weeks of treatment. Here, we determined if the magnitude and direction of circadian rhythm phase shifts produced by the bright light in the previous study were related to the antidepressant effects. Twenty-six SAD patients from the original sample of 96 had their rectal temperature continuously monitored while they participated in a placebo-controlled parallel design conducted over six winters. After a baseline week, there were three treatments for 4 weeks—morning light, evening light, or morning placebo. Bright light was produced by light boxes (~6000 lux). Placebos were sham negative ion generators. All treatments were 1.5 h in duration. Depression ratings were made weekly by blind raters. Circadian phase shifts were determined from changes in the timing of the core body temperature minimum (Tmin). Morning light advanced and evening light delayed the Tmin by about 1 h. The placebo treatment did not alter circadian phase. As the sleep schedule was held constant, morning light increased and evening light decreased the Tmin to wake interval, or phase angle between circadian rhythms and sleep. Phase advance shifts and increases in the phase angle were only weakly associated with antidepressant response. However, there was an inverted U-shaped function showing that regardless of treatment assignment the greatest antidepressant effects occurred when the phase angle was about 3 h, and that patients who moved closer to this phase angle benefited more than those who moved farther from it. However 46% of our sample had a phase angle within 30 min of this 3 h interval at baseline. So it does not appear that an abnormal phase angle can entirely account for the etiology of SAD. A majority (75%) of the responders by strict joint criteria had a phase angle within this range after treatment, so it appears that obtaining the ideal phase relationship may account for some, but not all of the antidepressant response. In any case, regardless of the mechanism for the antidepressant effect of morning light, it can be enhanced when patients sleep at the ideal circadian phase and reduced when they sleep at a more abnormal circadian phase.  相似文献   

Decreased melatonin production, due to acute suppression of pineal melatonin secretion by light exposure during night work, has been suggested to underlie higher cancer risks associated with prolonged experience of night work. However, the association between light exposure and melatonin production has never been measured in the field. In this study, 24-h melatonin production and ambulatory light exposure were assessed during both night-shift and day/evening-shift periods in 13 full-time rotating shiftworkers. Melatonin production was estimated with the excretion of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), and light exposure was measured with an ambulatory photometer. There was no difference in total 24-h aMT6s excretion between the two work periods. The night-shift period was characterized by a desynchrony between melatonin and sleep-wake rhythms, as shown by higher melatonin production during work and lower melatonin production during sleep when working night shifts than when working day/evening shifts. Light exposure during night work showed no correlation with aMT6s excreted during the night of work (p?>?.5), or with the difference in 24-h aMT6s excretion between the two work periods (p >?.1). However, light exposure during night work was negatively correlated with total 24-h aMT6s excretion over the entire night-shift period (p?相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(4-5):759-775
Bright light is the recommended treatment for winter seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Previously we showed that the antidepressant effect of morning (but not evening) light was greater than placebo after 3 weeks of treatment. Here, we determined if the magnitude and direction of circadian rhythm phase shifts produced by the bright light in the previous study were related to the antidepressant effects. Twenty-six SAD patients from the original sample of 96 had their rectal temperature continuously monitored while they participated in a placebo-controlled parallel design conducted over six winters. After a baseline week, there were three treatments for 4 weeks—morning light, evening light, or morning placebo. Bright light was produced by light boxes (?6000 lux). Placebos were sham negative ion generators. All treatments were 1.5 h in duration. Depression ratings were made weekly by blind raters. Circadian phase shifts were determined from changes in the timing of the core body temperature minimum (Tmin). Morning light advanced and evening light delayed the Tmin by about 1 h. The placebo treatment did not alter circadian phase. As the sleep schedule was held constant, morning light increased and evening light decreased the Tmin to wake interval, or phase angle between circadian rhythms and sleep. Phase advance shifts and increases in the phase angle were only weakly associated with antidepressant response. However, there was an inverted U-shaped function showing that regardless of treatment assignment the greatest antidepressant effects occurred when the phase angle was about 3 h, and that patients who moved closer to this phase angle benefited more than those who moved farther from it. However 46% of our sample had a phase angle within 30 min of this 3 h interval at baseline. So it does not appear that an abnormal phase angle can entirely account for the etiology of SAD. A majority (75%) of the responders by strict joint criteria had a phase angle within this range after treatment, so it appears that obtaining the ideal phase relationship may account for some, but not all of the antidepressant response. In any case, regardless of the mechanism for the antidepressant effect of morning light, it can be enhanced when patients sleep at the ideal circadian phase and reduced when they sleep at a more abnormal circadian phase.  相似文献   

The human circadian timing system has previously been shown to free run with a period slightly longer than 24 h in subjects living in the laboratory under conditions of forced desynchrony. In forced desynchrony, subjects are shielded from bright light and periodic time cues and are required to live on a day length outside the range of circadian entrainment. The work schedule used for most personnel aboard American submarines is 6 h on duty alternating with 12 h off duty. This imposed 18-h cycle is too short for human circadian synchronization, especially given that there is no bright-light exposure aboard submarines. However, crew members are exposed to 24-h stimuli that could mediate synchronization, such as clocks and social contacts with personnel who are living on a 24-h schedule. The authors investigated circadian rhythms of salivary melatonin in 20 crew members during a prolonged voyage on a Trident nuclear submarine. The authors found that in crew members living on the 18-h duty cycle, the endogenous rhythm of melatonin showed an average period of 24.35 h (n = 12, SD = 0.18 h). These data indicate that social contacts and knowledge of clock time are insufficient for entrainment to a 24-h period in personnel living by an 18-h rest-activity cycle aboard a submarine.  相似文献   

Bright light is the recommended treatment for winter seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Previously we showed that the antidepressant effect of morning (but not evening) light was greater than placebo after 3 weeks of treatment. Here, we determined if the magnitude and direction of circadian rhythm phase shifts produced by the bright light in the previous study were related to the antidepressant effects. Twenty-six SAD patients from the original sample of 96 had their rectal temperature continuously monitored while they participated in a placebo-controlled parallel design conducted over six winters. After a baseline week, there were three treatments for 4 weeks-morning light, evening light, or morning placebo. Bright light was produced by light boxes (approximately 6000 lux). Placebos were sham negative ion generators. All treatments were 1.5 h in duration. Depression ratings were made weekly by blind raters. Circadian phase shifts were determined from changes in the timing of the core body temperature minimum (Tmin). Morning light advanced and evening light delayed the Tmin by about 1 h. The placebo treatment did not alter circadian phase. As the sleep schedule was held constant, morning light increased and evening light decreased the Tmin to wake interval, or phase angle between circadian rhythms and sleep. Phase advance shifts and increases in the phase angle were only weakly associated with antidepressant response. However, there was an inverted U-shaped function showing that regardless of treatment assignment the greatest antidepressant effects occurred when the phase angle was about 3h, and that patients who moved closer to this phase angle benefited more than those who moved farther from it. However 46% of our sample had a phase angle within 30 min of this 3 h interval at baseline. So it does not appear that an abnormal phase angle can entirely account for the etiology of SAD. A majority (75%) of the responders by strict joint criteria had a phase angle within this range after treatment, so it appears that obtaining the ideal phase relationship may account for some, but not all of the antidepressant response. In any case, regardless of the mechanism for the antidepressant effect of morning light, it can be enhanced when patients sleep at the ideal circadian phase and reduced when they sleep at a more abnormal circadian phase.  相似文献   

The use of electronic devices with light-emitting screens has increased exponentially in the last decade. As a result, humans are continuously exposed to unintentional artificial light. We explored the effects of acute and chronic exposure to artificial light at night (ALAN) via screen illumination on sleep, circadian rhythms, and related functional outcomes. Nineteen participants (11 female and 8 males, mean age 28.1 ± 7.2 years) underwent a six-night study with three experimental conditions using a repeated-measures design: baseline (first night, no light exposure), acute ALAN exposure (second night), and chronic ALAN exposure (third to sixth nights). Each light exposure lasted for 2 hours (21:00–23:00). Participants underwent an overnight polysomnography at the end of each condition (nights 1, 2, and 6). We collected urine samples (for melatonin metabolite analysis), while body (oral) temperatures were measured before and after exposure. Each morning, the participants filled out questionnaires and conducted a computerized attention test. Both acute and chronic illumination significantly disrupted sleep continuity and architecture and led to greater self-reported daytime sleepiness, negative emotions, and attention difficulties. Both exposure types also altered circadian rhythms, subduing the normal nocturnal decline in body temperature and dampening nocturnal melatonin secretion. In sum, ALAN exposure from electronic screens has an immediate, detrimental, yet stable effect on sleep, circadian regulation, and next-day functional outcomes. Given the widespread use of electronic devices today, our findings suggest that even one night of screen light exposure may be sufficient to cause adverse effects on health and performance.  相似文献   

A forced desynchrony methodology was used to assess postprandial blood glucose in 9 female volunteers during a 3-h period following a mixed meal presented at four times of day (08:00, 14:00, 20:00, 02:00). The influence of time of day on the postmeal glucose responses was evaluated by calculating the area under the curve, largest increase, time taken to reach peak, and fasting level. Circadian variations in meal tolerance were found for the area under the curve and largest increase, responses were greater (indicating poorer meal tolerance) in the evening than the morning. Fasting blood glucose exhibited diurnal variation although in the opposite direction to meal tolerance; levels were higher in the morning than the evening. Time taken to reach peak levels was not modulated by circadian rhythmicity. Estimates of the timing of poorest meal tolerance and the magnitude of this intolerance were computed for each subject. Individual differences in the magnitude of meal intolerance were found to influence hunger and self-reported calmness. Subjects with good tolerance had rhythms in both calmness and hunger, which were not found in those with poor tolerance. Subjects with good tolerance also tended to rate themselves as feeling more calm. These mood and hunger effects may result from differences in insulin resistance, which is hypothesized to underlie the circadian variations in meal tolerance. (Chronobiology International, 13(6), 435-447, 1996)  相似文献   

Significant disruptions in sleep–wake cycles have been found in advanced cancer patients in prior research. However, much remains to be known about specific sleep–wake cycle variables that are impaired in patients with a significantly altered performance status. More studies are also needed to explore the extent to which disrupted sleep–wake cycles are related to physical and psychological symptoms, time to death, maladaptive sleep behaviors, quality of life and 24-h light exposure. This study conducted in palliative cancer patients was aimed at characterizing patients’ sleep–wake cycles using various circadian parameters (i.e. amplitude, acrophase, mesor, up-mesor, down-mesor, rhythmicity coefficient). It also aimed to compare rest–activity rhythm variables of participants with a performance status of 2 vs. 3 on the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group scale (ECOG) and to evaluate the relationships of sleep–wake cycle parameters with several possible correlates. The sample was composed of 55 community-dwelling cancer patients receiving palliative care with an ECOG of 2 or 3. Circadian parameters were assessed using an actigraphic device for seven consecutive 24-h periods. A light recording and a daily pain diary were completed for the same period. A battery of self-report scales was also administered. A dampened circadian rhythm, a low mean activity level, an early mean time of peak activity during the day, a late starting time of activity during the morning and an early time of decline of activity during the evening were observed. In addition, a less rhythmic sleep–wake cycle was associated with a shorter time to death (from the first home visit) and with a lower 24-h light exposure. Sleep–wake cycles are markedly disrupted in palliative cancer patients, especially, near the end of life. Effective non-pharmacological interventions are needed to improve patients’ circadian rhythms, including perhaps bright light therapy.  相似文献   

Most night workers are unable to adjust their circadian rhythms to the atypical hours of sleep and wake. Between 10% and 30% of shiftworkers report symptoms of excessive sleepiness and/or insomnia consistent with a diagnosis of shift work disorder (SWD). Difficulties in attaining appropriate shifts in circadian phase, in response to night work, may explain why some individuals develop SWD. In the present study, it was hypothesized that disturbances of sleep and wakefulness in shiftworkers are related to the degree of mismatch between their endogenous circadian rhythms and the night-work schedule of sleep during the day and wake activities at night. Five asymptomatic night workers (ANWs) (3 females; [mean ± SD] age: 39.2 ± 12.5 yrs; mean yrs on shift = 9.3) and five night workers meeting diagnostic criteria (International Classification of Sleep Disorders [ICSD]-2) for SWD (3 females; age: 35.6 ± 8.6 yrs; mean years on shift = 8.4) participated. All participants were admitted to the sleep center at 16:00 h, where they stayed in a dim light (<10 lux) private room for the study period of 25 consecutive hours. Saliva samples for melatonin assessment were collected at 30-min intervals. Circadian phase was determined from circadian rhythms of salivary melatonin onset (dim light melatonin onset, DLMO) calculated for each individual melatonin profile. Objective sleepiness was assessed using the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT; 13 trials, 2-h intervals starting at 17:00 h). A Mann-Whitney U test was used for evaluation of differences between groups. The DLMO in ANW group was 04:42 ± 3.25 h, whereas in the SWD group it was 20:42 ± 2.21 h (z = 2.4; p 相似文献   

The human sleep-wake cycle is generated by a circadian process, originating from the suprachiasmatic nuclei, in interaction with a separate oscillatory process: the sleep homeostat. The sleep-wake cycle is normally timed to occur at a specific phase relative to the external cycle of light-dark exposure. It is also timed at a specific phase relative to internal circadian rhythms, such as the pineal melatonin rhythm, the circadian sleep-wake propensity rhythm, and the rhythm of responsiveness of the circadian pacemaker to light. Variations in these internal and external phase relationships, such as those that occur in blindness, aging, morning and evening, and advanced and delayed sleep-phase syndrome, lead to sleep disruptions and complaints. Changes in ocular circadian photoreception, interindividual variation in the near-24-h intrinsic period of the circadian pacemaker, and sleep homeostasis can contribute to variations in external and internal phase. Recent findings on the physiological and molecular-genetic correlates of circadian sleep disorders suggest that the timing of the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms is closely integrated but is, in part, regulated differentially.  相似文献   

Jet lag is caused by a misalignment between circadian rhythms and local destination time. As humans typically take longer to re-entrain after a phase advance than a phase delay, eastward travel is often more difficult than westward travel. Previous strategies to reduce jet lag have focused on shaping the perceived light-dark cycle after arrival, in order to facilitate a phase shift in the appropriate direction. Here we tested treatments that travelers could use to phase advance their circadian rhythms prior to eastward flight. Thus, travelers would arrive with their circadian rhythms already partially re-entrained to local time. We determined how far the circadian rhythms phase advanced, and the associated side effects related to sleep and mood. Twenty-eight healthy young subjects participated in 1 of 3 different treatments, which all phase advanced each subject's habitual sleep schedule by 1 h/day for 3 days. The 3 treatments differed in morning light exposure for the 1st 3.5 h after waking on each of the 3 days: continuous bright light (> 3000 lux), intermittent bright light (> 3000 lux, 0.5 h on, 0.5 off, etc.), or ordinary dim indoor light (< 60 lux). A phase assessment in dim light (< 10 lux) was conducted before and after the treatments to determine the endogenous salivary dim light melatonin onset (DLMO). The mean DLMO phase advances in the dim, intermittent, and continuous light groups were 0.6, 1.5, and 2.1 h, respectively. The intermittent and continuous light groups advanced significantly more than the dim light group (p < 0.01) but were not significantly different from each other. The side effects as assessed with actigraphy and logs were small. A 2-h phase advance may seem small compared to a 6- to 9-h time zone change, as occurs with eastward travel from the USA to Europe. However, a small phase advance will not only reduce the degree of re-entrainment required after arrival, but may also increase postflight exposure to phase-advancing light relative to phase-delaying light, thereby reducing the risk of antidromic re-entrainment. More days of preflight treatment could be used to produce even larger phase advances and potentially eliminate jet lag.  相似文献   

Eight healthy subjects were studied during 39-h spans (from 07:00 on one day until 22:00 the second) in which they remained awake. During one experiment, subjects were exposed to 100 lux of light between 18:00 and 8:00, and during a second experiment, they were exposed to 1000 lux during the same time span. Throughout the daytime period, they were exposed to normal daylight (1500 lux or more). The nighttime 1000-lux light treatment suppressed the melatonin metabolite aMT6s, while the 100 lux treatment did not. On the treatment day, the 1000 lux, in comparison to the 100 lux, light treatment resulted in both an elevated temperature minimum and a delay in its clock-time occurrence overnight. No real circadian phase shift in the temperature, urinary melatonin, or Cortisol rhythms was detected after light treatment. This study confirmed that nocturnal exposure to lower light intensities is capable of modifying circadian variables more than previously estimated. The immediate effects of all-night light treatment are essentially not different from those of evening light. This may be important if bright light is used to improve alertness of night workers. Whether subsequent daytime alertness and sleep recovery are affected by the protocol used in our study remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the availability of diurnal and nocturnal light in two residences for aged persons (R1 and R2, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain). We found that the R1 inmates were exposed to lower amounts of light during waking time and higher amounts during sleeping time. The main traits of the circadian rhythms and the quality of sleep in the inmates of the two residences were found to be positively related to the availability of light during waking time and negatively to the increased light exposure during bed time. In addition, the sleep of R1 inmates suffered higher disturbances as a consequence of the different policy for nocturnal diapers check and change. Altogether, these two factors may explain the differences observed in the two residences regarding the circadian rhythms, health status and quality of life. Two conclusions stem from these results: (1) the circadian rhythms of aged people are particularly sensitive to the contrast between diurnal and nocturnal light and (2) the nursing staff of institutions for aged people must receive specific formation on the best practices for maintaining the circadian health of aged people.  相似文献   

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