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In order to elucidate the role of proteins CLV1, CLV2, CLV3, and WUS in the mechanism underlying the maintenance of compartmental structure (spatial arrangement of the zones of biosynthesis of marker proteins) of the shoot apical meristem, a model of such mechanism was developed. Computational experiments led to biologically plausible solutions only when synthesis of substance W in a space between the organizing center and meristem apex was limited by the mechanism based on interaction of CLV3 with membrane receptor CLV1/CKV2 and lower boundary of the zone of W synthesis was determined by isoline of the corresponding threshold level of substance Y concentration. The model of the "reaction-diffusion" type formalizing the role proteins CLV1, CLV2, CLV3, and WUS can describe the basis of the mechanism underlying regulation of the compartmental structure of the shoot apical meristem and positioning of the organizing center in a certain site of the cell ensemble of such meristem.  相似文献   

水稻幼穗形态发生与顶端分生组织的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用“铸模”扫描电镜法和组织切片技术对水稻幼穗的形态发生过程和顶端分生组织( Apicalm eristem )进行了系统而细致的研究。研究表明:从营养生长转入到生殖生长早期,水稻生长锥发生了显著的变化,根据苗端分生组织( Shoot apicalm eristem , S A M )中原基分化的属性,将水稻幼穗早期起源和发育过程分为花序顶端分生组织期( Inflorescence apical m eristem phase, I A M P)、小穗顶端分生组织期( Spikelet apical m eristem phase, S P A M P)、花顶端分生组织期( Floral m eristem phase, F M P)。在这 3 个大的发育时期,又根据每一发育时期中的原基分生组织生长发育的程度及先后顺序分别又可分为:花序 0 期、花序Ⅰ期、花序Ⅱ期;小穗期Ⅰ期、小穗Ⅱ期、小穗Ⅲ期;内稃原基分化期、浆片原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、心皮原基分化期。同时,在研究过程中还发现了一些与前人所不同的形态发生特征,并初步探讨了水稻幼穗早期的起源及分化发育的机理。  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis PINHEAD/ZWILLE (PNH/ZLL) gene is thought to play an important role in the formation of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and in leaf adaxial cell specification. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of rice development, we have isolated a rice homologue of PNH/ZLL, called OsPNH1. Around the SAM, OsPNH1 was strongly expressed in developing leaf primordia, specifically in the presumptive vascular domains, developing vascular tissues, a few cell-layers of the adaxial region, and future bundle sheath extension cells. In the SAM, only weak expression was observed in the central region, whereas strong expression was detected in the mid-vein region of leaf founder cells in the peripheral SAM domain. We produced transgenic rice plants containing the antisense OsPNH1 strand. The antisense OsPNH1 plants developed malformed leaves with an altered vascular arrangement and abnormal internal structure. These plants also formed an aberrant SAM with reduced KNOX gene expression. We examined the subcellular localization of the OsPNH1-GFP fusion protein and found that it was localized in the cytoplasm. On the basis of these observations, we propose that OsPNH1 functions not only in SAM maintenance as previously thought, but also in leaf formation through vascular development.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis mutant induced by T-DNA insertion was studied with respect to its phenotype, micro-structure of shoot apical meristem (SAM) and histo-chemical localization of the GUS gene in comparison with the wild type. Phenotypical observation found that the mutant exhibited a dwarf phenotype with smaller organs (such as smaller leaves, shorter petioles), and slower development and flowering time compared to the wild type. Optical microscopic analysis of the mutant showed that it had a smaller and more flattened SAM, with reduced cell layers and a shortened distance between two leaf primordia compared with the wild type. In addi-tion, analysis of the histo-chemical localization of the GUS gene revealed that it was specifically expressed in the SAM and the vascular tissue of the mutant, which suggests that the gene trapped by T-DNA may function in the SAM, and T-DNA insertion could influence the functional activity of the related gene in the mutant, lead-ing to alterations in the SAM and a series of phenotypes in the mutant.  相似文献   

Models of shoot apical meristem function   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  

Post-embryonic plant growth is dependent on a functional shoot apical meristem (SAM) that provides cells for continuous development of new aerial organs. However, how the SAM is dynamically maintained during vegetative development remains largely unclear. We report here the characterization of a new SAM maintenance mutant, sha1-1 (shoot apical meristem arrest 1-1), that shows a primary SAM-deficient phenotype at the adult stage. The SHA1 gene encodes a novel RING finger protein, and is expressed most intensely in the shoot apex. We show that, in the sha1-1 mutant, the primary SAM develops normally during the juvenile vegetative stage, but cell layer structure becomes disorganized after entering the adult vegetative stage, resulting in a dysfunctional SAM that cannot initiate floral primordia. The sha1-1 SAM terminates completely at the stage when the wild-type begins to bolt, producing adult plants with a primary inflorescence-deficient phenotype. These observations indicate that SHA1, a putative E3 ligase, is required for post-embryonic SAM maintenance by controlling proper cellular organization.  相似文献   

Postembryonic growth and development in higher plants are ultimately reliant on the activity of meristems, where the cells divide frequently to provide source cells for new organs and tissues while in part maintain their pluripotent nature as stem cells. The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is maintained throughout the life of plants and responsible for the development of all areal tissues. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the size of SAM is controlled by a peptide ligand, CLAVATA3 (CLV3). Previously, genetic studies have identified several genes that function downstream of CLV3, many of which, intriguingly, encode receptors. Recently we identified an E3 ubiquitin ligase, PLANT U-BOX 4 (PUB4), as a key regulatory component of root meristem maintenance that functions downstream of an exogenous synthetic CLV3 peptide. Here, we report an additional function of PUB4 in the SAM.  相似文献   

The formation of shoot and root meristems that ultimately give rise to all tissues of the plant body occurs for the first time during embryogenesis. Meristem formation has traditionally been defined in terms of the appearance of histological features of meristems; this approach has led to varying interpretations of the timing of meristem formation relative to other events in embryogenesis. Markers that would provide more objective criteria for the analysis of meristem formation have not been widely available. The maize homeobox gene, knotted1 (kn1), is expressed in shoot meristems throughout postembryonic stages of shoot development. In order to determine whether this gene is expressed in the shoot meristem from its earliest inception, we examined the expression of kn1 in embryos at a series of stages by in situ hybridization to kn1 mRNA and immunolocalization of KN1 protein. Our results show that the onset of kn1 expression is temporally and spatially coincident with the earliest histologically recognizable signs of shoot meristem formation in the embryo, and thus provides a valuable marker for this process. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Stem cells in plants, established during embryogenesis, are located in the centers of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and the root apical meristem (RAM). Stem cells in SAM have a capacity to renew themselves and to produce new organs and tissues indefinitely. Although fully differentiated organs such as leaves do not contain stem cells, cells in such organs do have the capacity to re-establish new stem cells, especially under the induction of phytohormones in vitro. Cytokinin and auxin are critical in creating position signals in the SAM to maintain the stem cell organizing center and to position the new organ primordia, respectively. This review addresses the distinct features of plant stem cells and focuses on how stem cell renewal and differentiation are regulated in SAMs.  相似文献   


Recent work on hormone mediated regulation of the SAM is reviewed, emphasizing how combinations of genetic, molecular and modelling approaches have refined models based on classic experimental and physiological work. Special emphasis is given to newly described mechanisms that modulate the responsiveness of specific tissues to hormones and their potential to direct position dependent determination processes.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis mutant induced by T-DNA insertion was studied with respect to its phenotype, microstructure of shoot apical meristem (SAM) and histochemical localization of the GUS gene in comparison with the wild type. Phenotypical observation found that the mutant exhibited a dwarf phenotype with smaller organs (such as smaller leaves, shorter petioles), and slower development and flowering time compared to the wild type. Optical microscopic analysis of the mutant showed that it had a smaller and more flattened SAM, with reduced cell layers and a shortened distance between two leaf primordia compared with the wild type. In addition, analysis of the histo-chemical localization of the GUS gene revealed that it was specifically expressed in the SAM and the vascular tissue of the mutant, which suggests that the gene trapped by T-DNA may function, in the SAM, and T-DNA insertion could influence the functional activity of the related gene in the mutant, leading to alterations in the SAM and a series of phenotypes in the mutant. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2007, 27(2): 228–232 [译自: 西北植物学报]  相似文献   

Critical developmental and gene expression profiles were charted during the formation of shoots from root explants in Arabidopsis tissue culture. Shoot organogenesis is a two-step process involving pre-incubation on an auxin-rich callus induction medium (CIM) during which time root explants acquire competence to form shoots during subsequent incubation on a cytokinin-rich shoot induction medium (SIM). At a histological level, the organization of shoot apical meristems (SAMs) appears to occur during incubation on SIM about the time of shoot commitment, i.e. the transition from hormone-dependent to hormone-independent shoot development. Genes involved in SAM formation, such as SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) and CLAVATA1 (CLV1), were upregulated at about the time of shoot commitment, while WUSCHEL (WUS) was upregulated somewhat earlier. Genes required for STM expression, such as CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON 1 and 2 (CUC1 and 2) were upregulated prior to shoot commitment. Gene expression patterns were determined for two GFP enhancer trap lines with tissue-specific expression in the SAM, including one line reporting on CUC1 expression. CUC1 was generally expressed in callus tissue during early incubation on SIM, but later CUC1 was expressed more locally in presumptive sites of shoot formation. In contrast, the expression pattern of the enhancer trap lines during zygotic embryogenesis was more localized to the presumptive SAM even in early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The cell cycle plays an important role in the development and adaptation of multicellular organisms; specifically, it allows them to optimally adjust their architecture in response to environmental changes. Kip-related proteins (KRPs) are important negative regulators of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), which positively control the cell cycle during plant development. The Arabidopsis genome possesses seven KRP genes with low sequence similarity and distinct expression patterns; however, why Arabidopsis needs seven KRP genes and how these genes function in cell cycle regulation are unknown. Here, we focused on the characterization of KRP3, which was found to have unique functions in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and leaves. KRP3 protein was localized to the SAM, including the ground meristem and vascular tissues in the ground part of the SAM and cotyledons. In addition, KRP3 protein was stabilized when treated with MG132, an inhibitor of the 26S proteasome, indicating that the protein may be regulated by 26S proteasome-mediated protein degradation. KRP3-overexpressing (KRP3 OE) transgenic plants showed reduced organ size, serrated leaves, and reduced fertility. Interestingly, the KRP3 OE transgenic plants showed a significant reduction in the size of the SAM with alterations in cell arrangement. In addition, compared to the wild type, the KRP3 OE transgenic plants had a higher DNA ploidy level in the SAM and leaves. Taken together, our data suggest that KRP3 plays important regulatory roles in the cell cycle and endoreduplication in the SAM and leaves.  相似文献   

In plants, most of the above-ground body is formed post-embryonically by the continuous organogenic potential of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Proper function of the SAM requires maintenance of a delicate balance between the depletion of stem cell daughters into developing primordia and proliferation of the central stem cell population. Here we show that initiation and maintenance of the Arabidopsis SAM, including that of floral meristems, requires the combinatorial action of three members of the BELL-family of TALE homeodomain proteins, ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 1 (ATH1), PENNYWISE (PNY) and POUND-FOOLISH (PNF). All three proteins interact with the KNOX TALE homeodomain protein STM, and combined lesions in ATH1 , PNY and PNF result in a phenocopy of stm mutations. Therefore, we propose that ath1 pny pnf meristem defects result from loss of combinatorial BELL-STM control. Further, we demonstrate that heterodimerization-controlled cellular localization of BELL and KNOX proteins involves a CRM1/exportin-1-mediated nuclear exclusion mechanism that is probably generic to control the activity of BELL and KNOX combinations. We conclude that in animals and plants corresponding mechanisms regulate the activity of TALE homeodomain proteins through controlled nuclear-cytosolic distribution of these proteins.  相似文献   

As the shoot apex produces most of the cells that comprise the aerial part of the plant, perfect orchestration between cell division rates and fate specification is essential for normal organ formation and plant development. However, the inter‐dependence of cell‐cycle machinery and meristem‐organizing genes is still poorly understood. To investigate this mechanism, we specifically inhibited the cell‐cycle machinery in the shoot apex by expression of a dominant negative allele of the A‐type cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) CDKA;1 in meristematic cells. A decrease in the cell division rate within the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS domain of the shoot apex dramatically affected plant growth and development. Within the meristem, a subset of cells was driven into the differentiation pathway, as indicated by premature cell expansion and onset of endo‐reduplication. Although the meristem structure and expression patterns of the meristem identity genes were maintained in most plants, the reduced CDK activity caused splitting of the meristem in some plants. This phenotype correlated with the level of expression of the dominant negative CDKA;1 allele. Therefore, we propose a threshold model in which the effect of the cell‐cycle machinery on meristem organization is determined by the level of CDK activity.  相似文献   

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