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The ability of competitive (i.e., comparative) genomic hybridization (CGH) to assess similarity across entire microbial genomes suggests that it should reveal diversification within and between natural populations of free-living prokaryotes. We used CGH to measure relatedness of genomes drawn from Sulfolobus populations that had been shown in a previous study to be diversified along geographical lines. Eight isolates representing a wide range of spatial separation were compared with respect to gene-specific tags based on a closely related reference strain ( Sulfolobus solfataricus P2). For the purpose of assessing genetic divergence, 232 loci identified as polymorphic were assigned one of two alleles based on the corresponding fluorescence intensities from the arrays. Clustering of these binary genotypes was stable with respect to changes in the threshold and similarity criteria, and most of the groupings were consistent with an isolation-by-distance model of diversification. These results indicate that increasing spatial separation of geothermal sites correlates not only with minor sequence polymorphisms in conserved genes of Sulfolobus (demonstrated in the previous study), but also with the regions of difference (RDs) that occur between genomes of conspecifics. In view of the abundance of RDs in prokaryotic genomes and the relevance that some RDs may have for ecological adaptation, the results further suggest that CGH on microarrays may have advantages for investigating patterns of diversification in other free-living archaea and bacteria.  相似文献   

The distribution was examined of the mating type idiomorphs (MAT‐1 and ‐2) of Phaeosphaeria (anamorph Stagonospora) nodorum using DNA from 49 isolates collected from commercial and experimental fields in 2003 and 2004 in Central Asia. MAT‐1 and ‐2 isolates were present in the Kazakh and Russian origins of P. nodorum, but no MAT‐2 isolates were found in Tajikistan. The possibility of a skewed Tajik population cannot be excluded, considering that the sampled region in Tajikistan was geographically isolated from Kazakhstan and Russia.  相似文献   

The global migration patterns of the fungal wheat pathogen Phaeosphaeria nodorum were analysed using 12 microsatellite loci. Analysis of 693 isolates from nine populations indicated that the population structure of P. nodorum is characterized by high levels of genetic diversity and a low degree of subdivision between continents. To determine whether genetic similarity of populations was a result of recent divergence or extensive gene flow, the microsatellite data were analysed using an isolation-with-migration model. We found that the continental P. nodorum populations diverged recently, but that enough migration occurred to reduce population differentiation. The migration patterns of the pathogen indicate that immigrants originated mainly from populations in Europe, China and North America.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic microbial rhodopsins are widespread bacteriorhodopsin-like proteins found in many lower eukaryotic groups including fungi. Many fungi contain multiple rhodopsins, some significantly diverged from the original bacteriorhodopsin template. Although few fungal rhodopsins have been studied biophysically, both fast-cycling light-driven proton pumps and slow-cycling photosensors have been found. The purpose of this study was to characterize photochemically a new subgroup of fungal rhodopsins, the so-called auxiliary group. The study used the two known rhodopsin genes from the fungal wheat pathogen, Phaeosphaeria nodorum. One of the genes is a member of the auxiliary group while the other is highly similar to previously characterized proton-pumping Leptosphaeria rhodopsin. Auxiliary rhodopsin genes from a range of species form a distinct group with a unique primary structure and are located in carotenoid biosynthesis gene cluster. Amino acid conservation pattern suggests that auxiliary rhodopsins retain the transmembrane core of bacteriorhodopsins, including all residues important for proton transport, but have unique polar intramembrane residues. Spectroscopic characterization of the two yeast-expressed Phaeosphaeria rhodopsins showed many similarities: absorption spectra, conformation of the retinal chromophore, fast photocycling, and carboxylic acid protonation changes. It is likely that both Phaeosphaeria rhodopsins are proton-pumping, at least in vitro. We suggest that auxiliary rhodopsins have separated from their ancestors fairly recently and have acquired the ability to interact with as yet unidentified transducers, performing a photosensory function without changing their spectral properties and basic photochemistry.  相似文献   

We compared patterns of mitochondrial restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) diversity with patterns of nuclear RFLP diversity to investigate the effects of selection, gene flow, and sexual reproduction on the population genetic structure and evolutionary history of the wheat pathogen Phaeosphaeria nodorum. A total of 315 fungal isolates from Texas, Oregon, and Switzerland were analyzed using seven nuclear RFLP probes that hybridized to discrete loci and purified mitochondrial DNA that hybridized to the entire mtDNA genome. Forty-two different mitochondrial haplotypes and 298 different nuclear haplotypes were detected. The two most frequent mtDNA haplotypes were present in every population and represented 32% of all isolates. High levels of gene flow, low levels of population subdivision, no evidence for either host specificity or cyto-nuclear disequilibrium were inferred from the analysis of both genomes. The concordance in estimates of these population genetic parameters from both genomes suggests that the two genomes experienced similar degrees of migration, genetic drift and selection.  相似文献   

Background: Helicobacter pylori are a persistent colonizer of the human gastric mucosa, which can lead to the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinomas. However, H. pylori can asymptomatically colonize a host for years. One factor that has been hypothesized to contribute to such persistence is the production of Lewis (Le) antigens in the lipopolysaccharide layer of the bacterial outer membrane as a form of molecular mimicry, because humans also express these antigens on their gastric mucosa. Humans and H. pylori both are polymorphic for Le expression, which is driven in H. pylori by variation at the Le synthesis loci. In this report, we sought to characterize Le genotypic and phenotypic variation in geographically diverse H. pylori isolates. Materials and Methods: From patients undergoing endoscopy in 29 countries, we determined Le phenotypes of 78 H. pylori strains and performed genotyping of the galT and β‐(1,3)galT loci in 113 H. pylori strains. Results: Le antigen phenotyping revealed a significant (p < .0001) association between type 1 (Lea and Leb) expression and strains of East Asian origin. Genotyping revealed a significant correlation between strain origin and the size of the promoter region upstream of the Le synthesis gene, galT (p < .0001). Conclusion: These results indicate that the heterogeneity of human Le phenotypes is reflected in their H. pylori colonizing strains and suggest new loci that can be studied to assess the variation of Le expression.  相似文献   

Relationships between weather, agronomic factors and wheat disease abundance were examined to determine possible causes of variability on century time scales. In archived samples of wheat grain and leaves obtained from the Rothamsted Broadbalk experiment archive (1844-2003), amounts of wheat, Phaeosphaeria nodorum and Mycosphaerella graminicola DNA were determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Relationships between amounts of pathogens and environmental and agronomic factors were examined by multiple regression. Wheat DNA decayed at approx. 1% yr(-1) in stored grain. No M. graminicola DNA was detected in grain samples. Fluctuations in amounts of P. nodorum in grain were related to changes in spring rainfall, summer temperature and national SO(2) emission. Differences in amounts of P. nodorum between grain and leaf were related to summer temperature and spring rainfall. In leaves, annual variation in spring rainfall affected both pathogens similarly, but SO(2) had opposite effects. Previous summer temperature had a highly significant effect on M. graminicola. Cultivar effects were significant only at P = 0.1. Long-term variation in P. nodorum and M. graminicola DNA in leaf and grain over the period 1844-2003 was dominated by factors related to national SO(2) emissions. Annual variability was dominated by weather factors occurring over a period longer than the growing season.  相似文献   

Full-length coding sequences of the beta-tubulin gene (tubA) were PCR-amplified and sequenced from 42 Phaeosphaeria isolates, including 16 P. nodorum and 23 P. avenaria species from cereals, two Polish isolates from rye (Secale cereale L.), and one isolate from dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir). A tubA gene of size 1556bp was identified in wheat- and barley-biotype P. nodorum (PN-w and PN-b), P. avenaria f. sp. avenaria (Paa), homothallic P. avenaria f. sp. triticea (P.a.t.) (Pat1) and the P.a.t. isolate (Pat3) from the State of Washington. The tubA gene length polymorphisms were detected in two P.a.t. isolates (Pat2) from foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum L.), one from dallis grass and two Polish isolates from rye. These size differences were due to the variation of intron lengths among these three Phaeosphaeria species. All Phaeosphaeria isolates have identical 1344bp exons that can be translated into a 447 amino acid beta-tubulin. Like glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, the beta-tubulin amino acid sequence was identical in all Phaeosphaeria species used in this study, with the exception of the two Pat2 isolates. Six amino acid differences were evident in the beta-tubulin of these Pat2 isolates.  相似文献   

The Candida albicans ALS (agglutinin-like sequence) gene family encodes eight cell-surface glycoproteins, some of which function in adhesion to host surfaces. ALS genes have a central tandem repeat-encoding domain comprised entirely of head-to-tail copies of a conserved 108-bp sequence. The number of copies of the tandemly repeated sequence varies between C. albicans strains and often between alleles within the same strain. Because ALS alleles can encode different-sized proteins that may have different functional characteristics, defining the range of allelic variability is important. Genomic DNA from C. albicans strains representing the major genetic clades was PCR amplified to determine the number of tandemly repeated sequence copies within the ALS5 and ALS6 central domain. ALS5 alleles had 2-10 tandem repeat sequence copies (mean=4.82 copies) while ALS6 alleles had 2-8 copies (mean=4.00 copies). Despite this variability, tandem repeat copy number was stable in C. albicans strains passaged for 3000 generations. Prevalent alleles and allelic distributions varied among the clades for ALS5 and ALS6. Overall, ALS6 exhibited less variability than ALS5. ALS5 deletions can occur naturally in C. albicans via direct repeats flanking the ALS5 locus. Deletion of both ALS5 alleles was associated particularly with clades III and SA. ALS5 exhibited allelic polymorphisms in the coding region 5' of the tandem repeats; some alleles resembled ALS1, suggesting recombination between these contiguous loci. Natural deletion of ALS5 and the sequence variation within its coding region suggest relaxed selective pressure on this locus, and that Als5p function may be dispensable in C. albicans or redundant within the Als family.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been classified in the phylum Ascomycota, order Onygenales, family Ajellomycetaceae, even in the absence of a known sexual cycle or mating system. The objective of this work was to determine the presence of the mating type locus in 71 P. brasiliensis isolates from various sources. A PCR assay using specific primers for the MAT 1 gene was developed and applied for the detection of such genes. Two heterothallic groups (MAT1-1 or MAT1-2) were recognized and, in some isolates, gene expression was confirmed indicating the existence of a basal gene expression. The distribution of two mating type loci in the studied population suggested that sexual reproduction might occur in P. brasiliensis. This finding points towards the possibility of applying a more precise definition of the concept of biological species to P. brasiliensis. Further studies should be conducted to confirm the sexual capacity of this fungus and its implications among phylogenetic species and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢交配型基因的分析与检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过生物信息对灰葡萄孢的MAT1‐1‐1与MAT1‐2‐1氨基酸序列进行了系统进化与结构域保守氨基酸分析,表明灰葡萄孢的交配型蛋白与核盘菌的亲源关系最近,结构域氨基酸比对结果表明该基因具有保守氨基酸的一致性与部分氨基酸的相似性。应用PCR技术检测灰葡萄孢交配型基因MAT1‐1‐1与MAT1‐2‐1,结果表明各种植区交配型菌株所占比例有较大的差异,多数种植区灰葡萄孢同时存在MAT1‐1与MAT1‐2两种交配类型,快速检测灰葡萄孢的交配型等位基因对于灰葡萄孢种群结构分析非常有意义。  相似文献   

Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci and one minisatellite locus originating from expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries of Phaeosphaeria (syn. Stagonospora) nodorum were isolated and characterized. The satellite markers were used to genotype isolates from field populations collected in China, North America and South Africa. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 15. Genotype diversity ranged from 87.5 to 95.3 and gene diversity from 0.1 to 0.8. The variable levels of polymorphism within and among populations of P. nodorum renders these 12 satellite loci ideal markers for population genetic analysis of P. nodorum.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena thermophila mating type alleles specify temperature sensitive frequency distributions of multiple mating types. A-like alleles specify mating types I, II, III, V and VI, whereas B-like alleles specify mating types II through VII. We have characterized the mating type distributions specified by several A- and B-like genotypes segregated by genomic exclusion from cells isolated from a pond in northwestern Pennsylvania. The B-like genotypes are alike in specifying very low frequencies of mating type III, but differ with respect to the frequencies of other mating types, particularly II and VII. An A-like genotype specifies a high frequency of mating type III and is unstable in successive generations for the expression of mating type II, suggesting a possible modifier. Inter se crosses performed at 18 degrees C, 28 degrees C and 34 degrees C showed that each genotype specifies a frequency distribution that is uniquely affected by temperature. No mating type was affected the same way by temperature in all genotypes. In A/B heterozygotes, the B-like genotype exhibited partial dominance. The genotypes described here differ significantly from previously described genotypes from the same pond, indicating that there are numerous mating type alleles. For frequency-dependent selection to equalize mating type frequencies, it must act not only on complex multiple alleles but also on the response of mating type alleles to temperature.  相似文献   

Cochliobolus heterostrophus, a heterothallic Ascomycete, has a single mating type locus with two alternate forms called MAT-1 and MAT-2. MAT-1 was cloned by complementing a MAT-2 strain using a cosmid library from a MAT-1 strain and screening for a homothallic transformant. The cosmid recovered from this transformant was able to re-transform a MAT-2 strain to homothallism and MAT identity was proven by restriction fragment length polymorphism and conventional genetic mapping. All homothallic transformants could mate with either MAT-1 or MAT-2 strains, although the number of ascospores produced by self matings or crosses to MAT-2 strains was low. Progeny of selfed homothallic transformants were themselves homothallic. MAT-2 was cloned by probing a cosmid library from a MAT-2 strain with a fragment of insert DNA from the MAT-1 cosmid. A 1.5 kb subclone of either MAT-containing cosmid was sufficient to confer mating function in transformants. Examination of the DNA sequence of these subclones revealed that MAT-1 and MAT-2 contain 1297 by and 1171 bp, respectively, of completely dissimilar DNA flanked by DNA common to both mating types. Putative introns were found (one in each MAT gene) which, when spliced out, would yield open reading frames (ORFs) that occupied approximately 90% of the dissimilar DNA sequences. Translation of the MAT-1 ORF revealed similarity to the Neurospora crassa MATA, Podospora anserina mat?, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae MATα1 proteins; translation of the MAT-2 ORF revealed similarity to the N. crassa MATa, P. anserina mat+, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe mat-Mc proteins. These gene products are all proven or proposed DNA binding proteins. Those with similarity to MAT-2 are members of the high mobility group.  相似文献   

The origin of the fungal wheat pathogen Phaeosphaeria nodorum remains unclear despite earlier intensive global population genetic and phylogeographical studies. We sequenced 1683 bp distributed across three loci in 355 globally distributed Phaeosphaeria isolates, including 74 collected in Iran near the center of origin of wheat. We identified nine phylogenetically distinct clades, including two previously unknown species tentatively named P1 and P2 collected in Iran. Coalescent analysis indicates that P1 and P2 are sister species of P. nodorum and the other Phaeosphaeria species identified in our analysis. Two species, P. nodorum and P. avenaria f. sp. tritici 1 (Pat1), comprised ~85% of the sampled isolates, making them the dominant wheat-infecting pathogens within the species complex. We designed a PCR-RFLP assay to distinguish P. nodorum from Pat1. Approximately 4% of P. nodorum and Pat1 isolates showed evidence of hybridization. Measures of private allelic richness at SSR and sequence loci suggest that the center of origin of P. nodorum coincides with its host in the Fertile Crescent. We hypothesize that the origin of this species complex is also in the Fertile Crescent, with four species out of nine found exclusively in the Iranian collections.  相似文献   

The complete genomic sequence of a Nicaraguan plaque purified Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) genotype SfMNPV-B was determined and compared to previously sequenced isolates from United States (SfMNPV-3AP2) and Brazil (SfMNPV-19). The genome of SfMNPV-B (132,954 bp) was 1623 bp and 389 bp larger than that of SfMNPV-3AP2 and SfMNPV-19, respectively. Genome size differences were mainly due to a deletion located in the SfMNPV-3AP2 egt region and small deletions and point mutations in SfMNPV-19. Nucleotide sequences were strongly conserved (99.35% identity) and a high degree of predicted amino acid sequence identity was observed. A total of 145 open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in SfMNPV-B, two of them (sf39a and sf110a) had not been previously identified in the SfMNPV-3AP2 and SfMNPV-19 genomes and one (sf57a) was absent in both these genomes. In addition, sf6 was not previously identified in the SfMNPV-19 genome. In contrast, SfMNPV-B and SfMNPV-19 both lacked sf129 that had been reported in SfMNPV-3AP2. In an effort to identify genes potentially involved in virulence or in determining population adaptations, selection pressure analysis was performed. Three ORFs were identified undergoing positive selection: sf49 (pif-3), sf57 (odv-e66b) and sf122 (unknown function). Strong selection for ODV envelope protein genes indicates that the initial infection process in the insect midgut is one critical point at which adaptation acts during the transmission of these viruses in geographically distant populations. The function of ORF sf122 is being examined.  相似文献   

The diversity of bacteria isolated from creosote- contaminated soils in the United States, Norway, and Germany was determined by comparing their ability to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), their phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (GC-FAME) profiles, sole carbon source utilization patterns (Biolog assays (Use of trade names or specific products does not imply endorsement by the U.S. EPA.), and 16S rRNA sequences. Bacteria were initially obtained by enrichment with phenanthrene and fluoranthene. Many were capable of degrading a broad range of the PAHs found in creosote. Phenanthrene- or fluoranthene- degraders were abundant in most of the soils tested. Several of the fluoranthene-degrading isolates clustered with Sphingomonas (formerly Pseudomonas) paucimobilis strain EPA505 in the GC-FAME and Biolog analyses and three of the isolates examined by 16S rRNA sequence comparisons showed a close relationship with Sphingomonas. In addition, the Sphingomonas strains showed the most extensive degradation of 4- & 5-ring PAHs in creosote. Burkholderia cepacia strains isolated on phenanthrene from PAH-contaminated soils had limited ability to attack higher molecular weight PAHs either individually or in creosote. Thus, PAH degradation capabilities appeared to be associated with members of certain taxa, independent of the origin of the soils from which the bacteria were isolated.  相似文献   

BackgroundGastrointestinal (GI) cancers represent a diverse group of diseases. We assessed differences in geographic and racial disparities in cancer-specific mortality across subtypes, overall and by patient characteristics, in a geographically and racially diverse US population.MethodsClinical, sociodemographic, and treatment characteristics for patients diagnosed during 2009–2014 with colorectal cancer (CRC), pancreatic cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), or gastric cancer in Georgia were obtained from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program database. Patients were classified by geography (rural or urban county) and race and followed for cancer-specific death. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate stratified hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations between geography or race and cancer-specific mortality.ResultsOverall, 77% of the study population resided in urban counties and 33% were non-Hispanic Black (NHB). For all subtypes, NHB patients were more likely to reside in urban counties than non-Hispanic White patients. Residing in a rural county was associated with an overall increased hazard of cancer-specific mortality for HCC (HR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.02–1.31), pancreatic (HR = 1.11, 95% CI = 1.03–1.19), and gastric cancer (HR = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.03–1.32) but near-null for CRC. Overall racial disparities were observed for CRC (HR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.11–1.25) and HCC (HR = 1.12, 95% CI = 1.01–1.24). Geographic disparities were most pronounced among HCC patients receiving surgery. Racial disparities were pronounced among CRC patients receiving any treatment.ConclusionGeographic disparities were observed for the rarer GI cancer subtypes, and racial disparities were pronounced for CRC. Treatment factors appear to largely drive both disparities.  相似文献   

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