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The seedling growth and the content of endogenous phytohormones in wheat seedlings were estimated 3, 6, and 9 days after infection with the bunt pathogen (Tilletia caries) (DC.)TUL. The infection of a pathogen-susceptible species Triticum aestivum L. and a resistant species T. timopheevii Zhuk. resulted, respectively, in an increase and a decrease in the seedling growth and the IAA content as compared to the control. The cytokinin content increased in both species, and the increase in T. timopheevii was more rapid. The pathogen-induced increase in auxin content is suggested to enhance fungal invasion of plants. In the susceptible species, a high ABA concentration was retained for a longer period of time and could act as a factor of virulence. At the same time, in the resistant species, an increase in ABA content was transient and seems to trigger plant defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

IAA-induced elongation of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki)coleoptiles is regulated by cooperation between IAA and ethyleneproduced in response to IAA. However, the presence of some solutes,such as K$, Na$, Rb$, glucose and sucrose, in the incubationmedia was found to be indispensable for this cooperation. Withoutthose solutes, the IAA-induced elongation was not sustainedover a long time period. IAA caused increases in both the osmoticpotentials of the coleoptile cells and the extensibility oftheir cell wall. In epidermal cells of IAA-treated coleoptiles,the osmotic potential increased from –0.87 to –0.62MPa during a 4-h incubation with 1 mM KCl. Moreover, IAA promotedthe uptake of K$ or Na$ from the media into the coleoptiles.However, these effects of IAA were partially prevented by aminoethoxyvinylglycine(AVG), and all the AVG effects were completely nullified byethylene applied simultaneously and exogenously. Both IAA andethylene did not affect the wall yield stress. These resultssuggested that the long-term elongation induced by IAA in ricecoleoptile segments results from inhibiting increases in osmoticpotentials of their cells. The maintenance by IAA of low osmoticpotentials may be partly due to the promotive action of ethyleneproduced in response to IAA on the solute uptake from the media. (Received July 6, 1983; Accepted February 15, 1984)  相似文献   

Peroxidase and IAA-oxidase activity, electrophoretic patterns of total proteins and isoenzymes and the effect of Ethephon (= Ethrel, 2-chloroethane phosphonic acid) on these patterns were compared in extracts of monoecious and gynoecious cucumber plants. The activity of both peroxidase and IAA oxidase was greater in gynoecious than in monoecious plants. Ethephon treatments given at the 2-leaf stage increased peroxidase activity, especially in monoecious plants, and decreased IAA-oxidase activity. Ethephon treatment did not affect total protein or isoenzyme patterns, but increased band intensity, especially that of one band in monoecious plant extracts. No differences between monoecious and gynoecious plants were found in total protein, peroxidase and IAA-oxidase isoenzyme patterns. Peroxidase and IAA-oxidase activity sites on the gel were similar.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of gibberellin (GA) as well as IAA and cytokininsin teratomas and unorganized crown gall tissues of tobacco wereexamined by GC-SIM (for GA and cytokinin) or HPLC with a fluorescencedetector (for IAA). Two different types of crown gall inducedby octopine-type and nopaline-type Ti-plasmids were used. Inboth types, GA contents were higher in shoot-forming teratomasthan in unorganized calluses, while IAA contents were higherin unorganized calluses. But cytokinin contents in octopine-typecells were higher in unorganized calluses than in teratomas,whereas the contents in nopaline-type cells were higher in teratomas.Our results suggest that there is not always a relationshipbetween the cytokinin/IAA balance and tobacco crown gall morphology,but GA production in tobacco tissues is closely related to itsdifferentiation. 4 Present address: Agency for the Assessment and Applicationof Technology (BPPT), Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. (Received September 1, 1986; Accepted February 16, 1987)  相似文献   

Fuchs Y  Lieberman M 《Plant physiology》1968,43(12):2029-2036
Kinetin in concentrations of 10−8 to 10−4 m, stimulated ethylene production in 3 and 4-day old etiolated seedlings of Alaska pea (Pisum sativum L. var. Alaska). Seedlings of other species responded similarly. The response to kinetin depended on the age of the seedlings.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of peroxidase activity and isoenzyme pattern wasinvestigated in the stem of dwarf pea plants. Peroxidase activityper unit soluble protein was a given internode is highest inthe youngest growth stage, drops during elongation, remainsconstant upon cessation of growth, and increase at senescence.The lower the internode on the stem the higher is its peroxidaseactivity. These developmental differences are already apparentat the youngest growth stage of the internodes adn increaseduring elongation. Several anodic and five cathodic isoperoxidasesare apparent after starch gel electrophoresis. This patternis constant for all internodes at all growth stages, but therelative importance of particular isoenzymes changes with time. Gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment causes greatly elongated internodes,decreased soluble protein, and inhibition of the rise in peroxidaseactivity within 4–8 h. Application of GA3 to young internodesleads to a persistent depression in peroxidase activity, whiletreated older internodes suffer only a temporary depression.GA3 causes no qualitative changes in the isoenzyme pattern butproduces some quantitative alterations in internodes in whichits influence on peroxidase activity is persistent. Decapitation of untreated and GA3-treated dwarfs has littleinfluence on internode elongation, causes an increase in peroxidaseactivity, especially in the upper internodes, and alters therelative activity of particular isoenzymes. By contrast, decapitationinhibits elongation of young internodes in genetically tallpea plants.  相似文献   

高等植物脱落酸生物合成途径及其酶调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万小荣  李玲 《植物学通报》2004,21(3):352-359
脱落酸(ABA)生物合成一般有两条途径:C15直接途径和C40间接途径,前者经C15法呢焦磷酸(FPP)直接形成ABA;后者经由类胡萝卜素的氧化裂解间接形成ABA,是高等植物ABA生物合成的主要途径.9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素氧化裂解为黄质醛是植物ABA生物合成的关键步骤,然后黄质醛被氧化形成一种酮,该过程需NAD为辅因子,酮再转变形成ABA-醛,ABA-醛氧化最终形成ABA.在该途径中,玉米黄质环氧化酶(ZEP)、9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(NCED)和醛氧化酶(AO)可能起重要作用.  相似文献   

万小荣  李玲 《植物学报》2004,21(3):352-359
脱落酸(ABA)生物合成一般有两条途径:C15直接途径和C40间接途径, 前者经C15法呢焦磷酸(FPP)直接形成ABA;后者经由类胡萝卜素的氧化裂解间接形成ABA, 是高等植物ABA生物合成的主要途径。9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素氧化裂解为黄质醛是植物ABA生物合成的关键步骤, 然后黄质醛被氧化形成一种酮, 该过程需NAD为辅因子, 酮再转变形成ABA-醛, ABA-醛氧化最终形成ABA。在该途径中,玉米黄质环氧化酶(ZEP)、9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(NCED)和醛氧化酶(AO)可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of gibberellins, auxins and cytokinins incrown gall tissues of Catharanthus roseus G. Don. (Vinca roseaL.) of two different tumor types, induced by a nopaline-typeand an octopine-type Ti-plasmid, were examined. The levels of gibberellins were higher in nopaline-type V208cells than in octopine-type V277 cells. GA12 and GA24 were identifiedfrom V208 cells. The level of IAA was 20-fold higher in V208cells than in V277 cells. The level of trans-ribosylzeatin washigher in V277 cells than in V208 cells, whereas trans-zeatinwas present at higher levels in V208 cells than in V277 cells. Our results revealed that the production of gibberellins, aswell as of IAA and cytokinins, in the crown gall tissues ofCatharanthus roseus differed between the octopine- and nopaline-typetumors, even though the crown galls apparently grow as unorganizedaggregates of cells in both cases. 4Present address: Facultad de Ciencias, Pontificia UniversidadJaveriana, Bogota, Colombia. (Received September 29, 1989; Accepted February 2, 1990)  相似文献   

Previous structural studies of less-polar dimers in autoxidized methyl linoleate (ML) have been extended to polar dimers. After isolation by successive silicic acid and gel permeation chromatography, the dimeric fraction of linoleate was separated into two major fractions, A1 and A2, according to their polarities. The polar dimers (A1) were further fractionated by HPLC either directly or after reduction with triphenyl phosphine on a micro silica column. Isolated subfractions were characterized by UV, IR, GC-MS and FD-MS after suitable derivatizations. FD-MS of all these dimers showed a molecular ion peak which corresponds to 2 × ML + 6 × O and the reduction of each subfraction with stannous chloride gave equimolar amounts of 9 and 13-hydroxy octadecadienoate, and 9, 10, 13 and/or 9, 12, 13-trihydroxy octadecenoate. These results combined with others show that the A1 dimers are composed of isomeric mixtures containing a peroxide bridge linking a methyl octadecadienoate and a 9, 12 and/or 10, 13-dihydroperoxy octadecenoate across C-9 and/or 13 on each of them.  相似文献   

研究了重穗型杂交水稻培矮 6 4s/E3 2的灌浆过程和强、弱势颖花中内源IAA、ABA和GA1 GA3水平的动态状况。籽粒发育过程中不同内源激素水平高低依次为 :IAA >GA1 GA3>ABA。IAA和ABA水平在强势颖花中较高而GA1 GA3水平在弱势颖花中较高。 3种激素水平的变化与谷粒增重速率之间均存在正相关 ,两个最高的相关系数值分别存在于单位鲜重样本的IAA含量(ng/gFW ) 与籽粒鲜重的增重速率之间 (r =0 .82 1 8 )和单个籽粒IAA含量 (ng/grain)与籽粒干重的增重速率之间 (r =0 .8485 )。推测启动和维持籽粒灌浆过程可能需要较高的IAA水平 ;ABA可能具有促进籽粒中同化物的累积和种子成熟的作用 ;GA1 GA3可能具有保持弱势颖花活性的特殊作用  相似文献   

研究了重穗型杂交水稻培矮 6 4s/E3 2的灌浆过程和强、弱势颖花中内源IAA、ABA和GA1 GA3水平的动态状况。籽粒发育过程中不同内源激素水平高低依次为 :IAA >GA1 GA3>ABA。IAA和ABA水平在强势颖花中较高而GA1 GA3水平在弱势颖花中较高。 3种激素水平的变化与谷粒增重速率之间均存在正相关 ,两个最高的相关系数值分别存在于单位鲜重样本的IAA含量(ng/gFW ) 与籽粒鲜重的增重速率之间 (r =0 .82 1 8 )和单个籽粒IAA含量 (ng/grain)与籽粒干重的增重速率之间 (r =0 .8485 )。推测启动和维持籽粒灌浆过程可能需要较高的IAA水平 ;ABA可能具有促进籽粒中同化物的累积和种子成熟的作用 ;GA1 GA3可能具有保持弱势颖花活性的特殊作用  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] homozygous for ma3R lacks a type II, light-stable phytochrome of 123 kD and has a number of phenotypic characteristics consistent with the absence of functional phytochrome B. We have used plants heterozygous at Ma3 (Ma3/ma3R and ma3/ma3R) to determine the effect of dosage of ma3R on plant growth, flowering, gibberellin (GA) levels, and content of the 123-kD phytochrome. Both Ma3/ma3R and ma3/ma3R produced the same number of tillers per plant as their respective homozygous non-ma3R parents. Height of the heterozygotes was intermediate between the homozygous parents, although it was more similar to the non-ma3R genotypes. In both field and growth-chamber environments, the timing of floral initiation and anthesis in the heterozygotes also was intermediate, again more similar to non-ma3R plants. In Ma3/ma3R, levels of GA53, GA19, GA20, and GA1 were almost exactly intermediate between levels detected in Ma3/Ma3 and ma3R/ma3R plants. Immunoblot analysis indicated that there was less of the 123-kD phytochrome in Ma3/ma3R than in homozygous Ma3, whereas none was detected in ma3R/ma3R. The degree of dominance of Ma3 and ma3 over ma3R varies with phenotypic trait, indicating that mechanisms of activity of the 123-kD phytochrome vary among the biochemical processes involved in each phenotypic character. Although the heterozygotes were similar to homozygous Ma3 and ma3 plants in growth and flowering behavior, Ma3/ma3R contained 50% less of the bioactive GA (GA1) than non-ma3R genotypes. Thus, sensitivity to endogenous GAs also may be regulated by the 123-kD phytochrome. To fully regulate plant growth and development, two copies of Ma3 or ma3 are required to produce sufficient quantities of the light-stable, 123-kD phytochrome.  相似文献   

The growth and the content of endogenous cytokinins (CKs) of current-year-old shoots from juniper plants (Juniperus communis L.) growing over and off ore site were compared. The juniper shoots from ore site (M plants) had higher metal content and exhibited delayed growth. Less bases and nucleosides of Z- and iP- type CK and more iP-conjugates were present in the M shoots. These changes were probably due to inhibited CK export from the roots and/or altered CK metabolism forming less biologically active CKs.  相似文献   

Plants respond differentially to wounding and pathogens usingdistinct signaling pathways, so that wound signals are transmittedto jasmonic acid (JA) which induces basic pathogenesis-related(PR) proteins, whereas pathogenic signals cause, in additionto JA, accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) which stimulatesproduction of acidic PR proteins. Transgenic tobacco plantsexpressing a gene for a small GTP binding protein respond abnormallyto mechanical wounding to produce SA and consequently acidicPR proteins, suggesting that wound signals cross with pathogensignaling pathways [Sano et al. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 91: 10556]. This unusual signal crossing is associated witha highly sensitive wound-response of transgenic plants which,upon wounding, produce JA at least eighteen hours earlier thanwild-type plants. When wildtype plants are wounded in the presenceof the synthetic cytokinin, benzylaminopurine, production ofJA begins six hours earlier than in untreated samples, and alsoSA begins to accumulate. The cytokinin antagonist, 2-chloro-4-cyclohexylamino-6-ethylamino-s-triazine,erases these effects. Because transgenic plants constitutivelyproduce four-to six-fold higher amounts of endogenous cytokininsthan wild-type plants, it is concluded that cytokinins are indispensablefor control of endogenous levels of SA and JA. (Received April 23, 1996; Accepted June 10, 1996)  相似文献   

Changes in the IAA and ABA contents in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves during adaptation to drought were studied. An increase in the water-retaining capacity and heat resistance of leaves indicating the onset of adaptation occurred when the leaf growth has been already suppressed. There was a transient increase in the ABA content during the initial stage of adaptation. An increased IAA content was maintained for a longer period, throughout about two-third of the adaptation period. A second increase in the ABA content was observed before the onset of leaf permanent wilting, when IAA content already decreased. Our data suggest that not only ABA, but also IAA are involved in the development of defense responses during the adaptation to drought.  相似文献   

Penicillin induces the synthesis of -amylase in embryoless riceendosperm and enhances the gibberellin-induced response. Penicillininduction of -amylase can be prevented by inhibitors of nucleicacid and protein synthesis, CCC and 2,4-DNP. A characteristic gibberellin-like activity in the extracts frompenicillin-treated endosperms becomes detectable after 12 hfrom the addition of penicillin. This gibberellin-like activityis located on paper chromatograms at the RF typical for GA3and its formation is blocked by CCC, an inhibitor of GA biogenesis.Glucose has no effect on the biosynthesis of either gibberellinor -amylase induced by penicillin. The time-course study of the levels of different constituentsshows that penicillin probably induces RNA and DNA synthesisin the first place, which results in gibberellin biosynthesis,which in turn stimulates the synthesis of -amylase. The possiblemode of action of penicillin in higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   

紫外光B辐射增强对水稻叶片内IAA和ABA含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 两个水稻品种CK46和Dular生长在人工气候箱的条件下,在0.0和13.0kJm-2 day-1(模拟臭氧浓度下降20%的UVB强度)的紫外光B(UV-B 280 nm-320 nm)下进行4周的照射处理,研究UV-B对水稻体内内源IAA和ABA含量的影响。结果表明:随着UV—B处理时间的延长,CK46和Dular叶片内的IAA含量下降。相反,UV-B辐射增强使两个品种叶片内的ABA含量上升。  相似文献   

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