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This report documents the presence of fecal indicators and bacterial pathogens in sand at 53 California marine beaches using both culture-dependent and -independent (PCR and quantitative PCR [QPCR]) methods. Fecal indicator bacteria were widespread in California beach sand, with Escherichia coli and enterococci detected at 68% and 94% of the beaches surveyed, respectively. Somatic coliphages and a Bacteroidales human-specific fecal marker were detected at 43% and 13% of the beaches, respectively. Dry sand samples from almost 30% of the beaches contained at least one of the following pathogens: Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which were detected at 15%, 13%, 14%, and 3% of tested beaches, respectively. Fecal indicators and pathogens were poorly correlated to one another and to land cover. Sands were dry at the time of collection, and those with relatively high moisture tended to have higher concentrations or a more frequent occurrence of both indicators and pathogens. Using culture-dependent assays, fecal indicators decayed faster than pathogens in microcosm experiments using unaltered beach sand seeded with sewage and assessed by culture-dependent assays. The following order of persistence was observed (listed from most to least persistent): Campylobacter > Salmonella > somatic coliphages > enterococci > E. coli > F(+) phages. In contrast, pathogens decayed faster than fecal indicators in culture-independent assays: enterococci > Bacteroidales human-specific marker > Salmonella > Campylobacter. Microcosm experiments demonstrated that both indicators and pathogens were mobilized by wetting with seawater. Decay rates measured by QPCR were lower than those measured with culture-dependent methods. Enterococcal persistence and possible growth were observed for wetted microcosms relative to unwetted controls.  相似文献   

The value of total coliforms, faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci in predicting the presence of Salmonella spp. and the numbers of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans in sewage polluted coastal water were assessed. All indicators had strong positive association with Salmonella and moderate positive correlations with Staph. aureus and C. albicans. Total coliforms correlated better with salmonellas and Staph. aureus than did the two faecal groups. Regression analysis revealed that total coliforms have a better value as predictors of the presence of Salmonella and Staph. aureus , while faecal coliforms are better predictors of C. albicans , in moderately polluted areas. The conclusion reached is that enumeration of total coliforms is sufficient to predict the presence of Salmonella spp. or Staph. aureus in sea water moderately affected by sewage pollution, without the additional measurement of faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a water- and food-borne pathogen that causes hemorrhagic colitis. EHEC uses a type III secretion system (T3SS) to translocate effector proteins that subvert host cell function. T3SS-substrates encoded outside of the locus of enterocyte effacement are important to E. coli pathogenesis. We discovered an EHEC secreted protein, NleF, encoded by z6020 in O-island 71 of E. coli EDL933 that we hypothesized to be a T3SS substrate. Experiments are presented that probe the function of NleF and its role in virulence. Immunoblotting of secreted and translocated proteins suggest that NleF is secreted by the T3SS and is translocated into host cells in vitro where it localizes to the host cytoplasm. Infection of HeLa cells with E. coli possessing or lacking nleF and transient expression of NleF-GFP via transfection did not reveal a significant role for NleF in several assays of bacterial adherence, host cytoskeletal remodeling, or host protein secretion. However, competitive coinfection of mice with Citrobacter rodentium strains possessing or lacking nleF suggested a contribution of NleF to bacterial colonization. Challenge of gnotobiotic piglets also revealed a role for NleF in colonization of the piglet colon and rectoanal junction.  相似文献   


Peroxidases are well-known biocatalysts produced by all organisms, especially microorganisms, and used in a number of biotechnological applications. The enzyme DypB from the lignin-degrading bacterium Rhodococcus jostii was recently shown to degrade solvent-obtained fractions of a Kraft lignin. In order to promote the practical use, the N246A variant of DypB, named Rh_DypB, was overexpressed in E. coli using a designed synthetic gene: by employing optimized conditions, the enzyme was fully produced as folded holoenzyme, thus avoiding the need for a further time-consuming and expensive reconstitution step. By a single chromatographic purification step, > 100 mg enzyme/L fermentation broth with a > 90% purity was produced. Rh_DypB shows a classical peroxidase activity which is significantly increased by adding Mn2+ ions: kinetic parameters for H2O2, Mn2+, ABTS, and 2,6-DMP were determined. The recombinant enzyme shows a good thermostability (melting temperature of 63–65 °C), is stable at pH 6–7, and maintains a large part of the starting activity following incubation for 24 h at 25–37 °C. Rh_DypB activity is not affected by 1 M NaCl, 10% DMSO, and 5% Tween-80, i.e., compounds used for dye decolorization or lignin-solubilization processes. The enzyme shows broad dye-decolorization activity, especially in the presence of Mn2+, oxidizes various aromatic monomers from lignin, and cleaves the guaiacylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether (GGE), i.e., the Cα-Cβ bond of the dimeric lignin model molecule of β-O-4 linkages. Under optimized conditions, 2 mM GGE was fully cleaved by recombinant Rh_DypB, generating guaiacol in only 10 min, at a rate of 12.5 μmol/min mg enzyme.


Inactivation of host Rho GTPases is a widespread strategy employed by bacterial pathogens to manipulate mammalian cellular functions and avoid immune defenses. Some bacterial toxins mimic eukaryotic Rho GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) to inactivate mammalian GTPases, probably as a result of evolutionary convergence. An intriguing question remains whether eukaryotic pathogens or parasites may use endogenous GAPs as immune-suppressive toxins to target the same key genes as bacterial pathogens. Interestingly, a RhoGAP domain-containing protein, LbGAP, was recently characterized from the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi, and shown to protect parasitoid eggs from the immune response of Drosophila host larvae. We demonstrate here that LbGAP has structural characteristics of eukaryotic RhoGAPs but that it acts similarly to bacterial RhoGAP toxins in mammals. First, we show by immunocytochemistry that LbGAP enters Drosophila immune cells, plasmatocytes and lamellocytes, and that morphological changes in lamellocytes are correlated with the quantity of LbGAP they contain. Demonstration that LbGAP displays a GAP activity and specifically interacts with the active, GTP-bound form of the two Drosophila Rho GTPases Rac1 and Rac2, both required for successful encapsulation of Leptopilina eggs, was then achieved using biochemical tests, yeast two-hybrid analysis, and GST pull-down assays. In addition, we show that the overall structure of LbGAP is similar to that of eukaryotic RhoGAP domains, and we identify distinct residues involved in its interaction with Rac GTPases. Altogether, these results show that eukaryotic parasites can use endogenous RhoGAPs as virulence factors and that despite their differences in sequence and structure, eukaryotic and bacterial RhoGAP toxins are similarly used to target the same immune pathways in insects and mammals.  相似文献   

Lipidomics is a subspecialty of metabolomics that focuses on water insoluble metabolites that form membrane barriers. Most lipidomic databases catalog lipids from common model organisms, like humans or Escherichia coli. However, model organisms' lipid profiles show surprisingly little overlap with those of specialized pathogens, creating the need for organism-specific lipidomic databases. Here we review rapid progress in lipidomic platform development with regard to chromatography, detection and bioinformatics. We emphasize new methods of comparative lipidomics, which use aligned datasets to identify lipids changed after introducing a biological variable. These new methods provide an unprecedented ability to broadly and quantitatively describe lipidic change during biological processes and identify changed lipids with low error rates.  相似文献   

Aerobic bacterial cultures of the tympanic cavity of the middle ear were performed in eight eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) with aural abscesses and 15 eastern box turtles without aural abscesses (controls) that were admitted to The Wildlife Center of Virginia, Virginia, USA during 2003. Twenty-two bacterial isolates were identified from 17 turtles including 10 gram-negative and 12 gram-positive bacteria. Ten of 15 control animals had bacterial growth, resulting in identification of 13 bacteria, including six gram-negative and seven gram-positive agents. Seven of eight turtles with aural abscesses had bacterial growth, and 10 isolates were identified, including four gram-negative and six gram-positive organisms. The most frequently isolated bacteria from control animals were Micrococcus luteus (n = 3) and Pantoea agglomerans (n = 2). Morganella morganii (n = 2) was the only species isolated from the tympanic cavity of more than one turtle with aural abscesses. Staphylococcus epidermidis (n = 2) was the only species isolated from both groups. A trend toward greater bacterial growth in tympanic cavities of affected turtles compared with turtles without aural abscesses was noted. No single bacterial agent was responsible for aural abscesses in free-ranging eastern box turtles in this study, an observation consistent with the hypothesis that aerobic bacteria are not primary pathogens, but secondary opportunistic invaders of environmental origin.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells possess two extensive endomembrane systems, each consisting of several sub-compartments connected by vesicular trafficking. One of these systems, the endocytic pathway, serves incoming traffic, and the other system, the secretory pathway (SP), is responsible for surface-bound traffic of intracellularly formed vesicles. Compartments derived of either system can be colonized by intracellular pathogens. In this review, we discuss the interactions between the SP and prominent intracellular bacterial pathogens of the genera Legionella, Brucella, Chlamydia and Salmonella. We emphasize secreted bacterial effector proteins, which directly manipulate host components of this pathway.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in order to investigate human enteric virus contaminants in mussels from three sites on the west coast of Sweden, representing a gradient of anthropogenic influence. Mussels were sampled monthly during the period from February 2000 to July 2001 and analyzed for adeno-, entero-, Norwalk-like, and hepatitis A viruses as well as the potential viral indicator organisms somatic coliphages, F-specific RNA bacteriophages, bacteriophages infecting Bacteroides fragilis, and Escherichia coli. The influence of environmental factors such as water temperature, salinity, and land runoff on the occurrence of these microbes was also included in this study. Enteric viruses were found in 50 to 60% of the mussel samples, and there were no pronounced differences between the samples from the three sites. E. coli counts exceeded the limit for category A for shellfish sanitary safety in 40% of the samples from the sites situated in fjords. However, at the site in the outer archipelago, this limit was exceeded only once, in March 2001, when extremely high levels of atypical indole-negative strains of E. coli were registered at all three sites. The environmental factors influenced the occurrence of viruses and phages differently, and therefore, it was hard to find a coexistence between them. This study shows that, for risk assessment, separate modeling should be done for every specific area, with special emphasis on environmental factors such as temperature and land runoff. The present standard for human fecal contamination, E. coli, seems to be an acceptable indicator of only local sanitary contamination; it is not a reliable indicator of viral contaminants in mussels. To protect consumers and get verification of "clean" mussels, it seems necessary to analyze for viruses as well. The use of a molecular index of the human contamination of Swedish shellfish underscores the need for reference laboratories with high-technology facilities.  相似文献   

The complex ecosystem of humans and microbes has been presented as an associative symbiosis based on a mutual support of symbionts with different consequences for them. Conditions for the persistence of bacteria have been defined: their resistance to environmental factors, antagonism in biocenosis, and stability to withstand host defense mechanisms. The key role of bacterial peptidoglycan has been defined for their survival in an infected organism, and the classification for persistent mechanisms of pathogens has been given. The group of bacterial secreted protease providing microbial resistance to defense factors of the organism has been described. Host colonizing resistance has been presented as a physiological regulatory system controlling bacterial penetration into an organism. Regulatory mechanisms for bacterial persistence have been discussed.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the effects of the removal of forage in high‐concentrate diets on rumen fermentation conditions and rumen bacterial populations using culture‐independent methods. Methods and Results: Detectable bacteria and fermentation parameters were measured in the solid and liquid fractions of digesta from cattle fed two dietary treatments, high concentrate (HC) and high concentrate without forage (HCNF). Comparison of rumen fermentation conditions showed that duration of time spent below pH 5·2 and rumen osmolality were higher in the HCNF treatment. Simpson’s index of 16S PCR‐DGGE images showed a greater diversity of dominant species in the HCNF treatment. Real‐time qPCR showed populations of Fibrobacter succinogenes (P = 0·01) were lower in HCNF than HC diets. Ruminococcus spp., F. succinogenes and Selenomonas ruminantium were at higher (P 0·05) concentrations in the solid vs the liquid fraction of digesta regardless of diet. Conclusions: The detectable bacterial community structure in the rumen is highly diverse. Reducing diet complexity by removing forage increased bacterial diversity despite the associated reduction in ruminal pH being less conducive for fibrolytic bacterial populations. Quantitative PCR showed that removal of forage from the diet resulted in a decline in the density of some, but not all fibrolytic bacterial species examined. Significance and Impact of the Study: Molecular techniques such as DGGE and qPCR provide an increased understanding of the impacts of dietary changes on the nature of rumen bacterial populations, and conclusions derived using these techniques may not match those previously derived using traditional laboratory culturing techniques.  相似文献   

The incidence of serotypes of Salmonella in three types of environmental water (sea, river and fresh reservoirs) from north-east Spain was investigated. The study was performed at specific sampling locations during the summer for a period of five years (1992–1996). A total of 823 strains were isolated and 55 different serotypes were identified, 42 were recovered from sea water, 32 from river water and 12 from freshwater reservoirs. The most frequently isolated serotypes coincided with those involved in clinical cases in the area studied. Salmonella enteritidis was the most common (111 isolates), it was found in all types of water, although most predominantly in sea water (16.1% of the isolates). This serotype, together with S. hadar, significantly increased in frequency during the five year study period. The most frequent serotypes in river water and freshwater reservoirs were S. virchow (9.5%) and S. mikawasima (23.8%) respectively. Significant differences were assessed in the indicator organism densities between the samples with serotypes of clinical significance (S. enteritidis, S. infantis, S. typhimurium, S. virchow and S. paratyphi B) and those without clinical significance. Therefore their presence in all environmental waters may be of epidemiological significance.  相似文献   

The identification of bacterial genes regulated in response to the intracellular environment is crucial to the understanding of host-pathogen interactions. Several techniques have been developed to identify and characterize bacterial genes that are induced during the intracellular infection and, potentially, may play a role in pathogenesis. This review discusses the strategies that have been utilized to examine differential gene expression by bacterial pathogens during the intracellular infection. Furthermore, a number of the differentially expressed genes are described.  相似文献   

We report the quantitative and simultaneous detection of four species of bacteria, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella choleraesuis serotype typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, and Campylobacter jejuni, using an eight-channel surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor based on wavelength division multiplexing. Detection curves showing SPR response versus analyte concentration were established for each species of bacteria in buffer at pH 7.4, apple juice at native pH 3.7, and apple juice at an adjusted pH of 7.4, as well as for a mixture containing all four species of bacteria in buffer. Control experiments were performed to show the non-fouling characteristics of the sensor surface as well as the specificity of the amplification antibodies used in this study. The limit of detection (LOD) for each of the four species of bacteria in the tested matrices ranges from 3.4 x 10(3) to 1.2 x 10(5) cfu/ml. Detection curves in buffer of an individual species of bacteria in a mixture of all four species of bacteria correlated well with detection curves of the individual species of bacteria alone. SPR responses were higher for bacteria in apple juice at pH 7.4 than in apple juice at pH 3.7. This difference in sensor response could be partly attributed to the pH dependence of antibody-antigen binding.  相似文献   

The existence of bacterial clones was evident in early phenotypic studies that recognised high levels of similarity in geographically and temporally separated isolates. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) has become the most common method for genetically characterizing clones of several bacterial pathogens, allowing the tracking of hypervirulent/antibiotic-resistant lineages. MLST has also been used to examine the way that bacterial populations, and in particular, bacterial clones evolve. Visualisation of MLST datasets has required the development of novel tools, such as 'eBURST', a key program in constructing evolutionary models that detail how methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other clones emerge and spread.  相似文献   

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