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A platform reef at Bach Long Vi Island (Gulf of Tonkin in the South China Sea) was investigated for the first time. In all, 264 species of corals and their accompanying species of macrobenthos were found. Among the scleractinian corals, acroporids, poritids, and mussids dominated. Monospecific aggregations of alcyonarians Sinularia and Lobophytum and the hydroid Millepora were rather numerous. Based on its geomorphological characteristics, coral species diversity and zonal distribution, the investigated reef is comparable with ribbon and platform reefs on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and in the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   



In order to understand feeding ecology and habitat use of coral reef fish, fatty acid composition was examined in five coral reef fishes, Thalassoma lunare, Lutjanus lutjanus, Abudefduf bengalensis, Scarus rivulatus and Scolopsis affinis collected in the Bidong Island of Malaysian South China Sea.


Proportions of saturated fatty acids (SAFA) ranged 57.2% 74.2%, with the highest proportions in fatty acids, the second highest was monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) ranged from 21.4% to 39.0% and the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was the lowest ranged from 2.8% to 14.1%. Each fatty acid composition differed among fishes, suggesting diverse feeding ecology, habitat use and migration during the fishes’ life history in the coral reef habitats.


Diets of the coral fish species might vary among species in spite of that each species are living sympatrically. Differences in fatty acid profiles might not just be considered with respect to the diets, but might be based on the habitat and migration.  相似文献   

In October 2003 and January 2005, comparative observations were made on the reefs of Mju and Moon islands near the city and port of Nha Trang, which we first investigated in 1981. Appreciable changes due to anthropogenic impact have occurred on the reefs that are the nearest to the city. There was a reduction in substrate cover by reef-building corals, a substitution of dominant scleractinian species, and a decrease in the numbers and diversity of common species of corallobionts. The index of species diversity for scleractinians also decreased. The seaweeds Chnoospora and Halimeda spread into all zones of the reefs. Changes in coral communities on more distant and protected reefs were not so marked.  相似文献   

Artemia cysts collected from inoculation experiments in Cam Ranh salterns are evaluated for their potential use in aquaculture. Cyst biometrics, hatching quality, naupliar fatty acid profile and naupliar growth were measured and compared to reference Artemia strains. Cyst characteristics reveal that the parthenogenetic strain (PR China) used in inoculations, was eliminated from the environment and that the remaining brine shrimp are likely to be composed of Macau and Great Salt Lake Artemia strains, and of their cross-breds. Differences in cyst diapause deactivation characteristics between Macau and Great Salt Lake Artemia may have resulted in the disappearance of Macau Artemia during the rainy season and the persistence of Great Salt Lake Artemia during the following dry season.  相似文献   

南沙群岛美济礁海域夏季浮游动物群落特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杜飞雁  王雪辉  林昭进 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1014-1021
浮游动物是珊瑚礁生态系统中的重要组成部分,但国内相关研究相对较少。利用2012年7月在南沙群岛美济礁海域开展的13个站次的海洋生物调查数据,对美济礁浮游动物的群落特征进行研究,表明:(1)美济礁浮游动物种类组成丰富,共出现15个类群138种(类)浮游动物;(2)优势种组成复杂、区域变化明显,单一种的优势度不高;(3)浮游动物平均密度和湿重生物量分别为117.70个/m3、69.01 mg/m3,浮游幼虫在总密度中所占比例最大;(4)浮游动物非常丰富,多样性程度较高。平均丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度分别为4.93、3.33和0.67;(5)浮游动物可划分为2个群落,分别为潟湖-礁坪区群落和向海坡群落;(6)受珊瑚礁不同生物地貌带的空间异质性和水动力条件的影响,美济礁浮游动物群落区域差异明显。潟湖区浮游动物多样性较高,生物量最低;礁坪区浮游动物数量大,但分布不均匀,且多样性水平最低;向海坡区浮游动物种类最多、多样性非常丰富,但栖息密度最低。  相似文献   

大亚湾大型底栖动物的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2004年3月、5月、9月和12月的大型底栖动物定量采样数据,对大亚湾大型底栖动物的群落结构进行研究.结果表明,大亚湾大型底栖动物大致可分为3个群落,分别分布于湾顶及湾中大部分海域、湾中部和湾口海域,湾中部海域群落的变化较为显著.大型底栖动物整体群落结构的季节变化总体较小,但雨季对大型底栖动物群落的影响较大,存在较明显的干湿季差异.大亚湾海域生态环境受到明显的扰动,处于扰动状态中的大型底栖动物群落稳定性较差;湾顶和湾中大部分海域内的群落Ⅰ,为大亚湾的主体群落,以软体动物为主,种类组成单一、季节变化小,以小鳞帘蛤Veremolpa micra和粗帝汶蛤Timoclea scabra 为特征种.该群落的稳定性最差,处于较强烈的扰动之中;稳定分布于湾口的群落Ⅲ稳定性最好,未受到扰动,以多毛类为主,种类组成较为复杂、变化较大;湾中部海域大型底栖动物群落结构变化较为复杂,主要变化区域为马鞭州附近海域.该群落系经强烈的人为扰动后,经次生演替而形成的新群落,其种类组成的季节变化非常显著,各季的种类几乎完全不同,群落的独立性和抗干扰能力均较弱;与1980's相比,大亚湾大部分区域内大型底栖动物基本保持了原有的群落,但群落稳定性大幅下降,群落的分布范围和种类组成发生较大程度的改变,主体群落组成呈明显的简单化趋势.在人类活动影响下,湾内同一区域内群落完全演替、湾中部海域出现新的群落.  相似文献   

Dynamics in reef cover, mortality and recruitment success of a high-latitude coral community in South Africa were studied over 20 yr with the aim to detect the effects of climate change. Coral communities at this locality are the southernmost on the African continent, non-accretive, attain high biodiversity and are dominated by soft corals. Long-term monitoring within fixed transects on representative reef was initiated in 1993 and has entailed annual photo-quadrat surveys and hourly temperature logging. Although sea temperatures rose by 0.15 °C p.a. at the site up to 2000, they have subsequently been decreasing, and the overall trend based on monthly means has been a significant decrease of 0.03 °C p.a. Despite this, minor bleaching was encountered in the region during the 1998 El Niño–Southern Oscillation event, again in the summer of 2000/2001 and in 2005. A significant decreasing trend of 0.95% p.a. in soft coral cover has been evident throughout the monitoring period, attributable to significant decreases in Sinularia and Lobophytum spp. cover. In contrast, hard coral cover gradually and significantly increased up to 2005, this being largely attributable to increases in cover by Acropora spp. Recruitment success and mortality of both soft and hard corals has displayed high inter-annual variability with increasing but non-significant trends in the last 5 yr. The reduction in soft coral cover has been more consistent and greater than that of hard corals, but it is difficult at this stage to attribute this to changes in water quality, acidification-linked accretion or temperature.  相似文献   

The relatively recent fields of terrestrial landscape and marine seascape genetics seek to identify the influence of biophysical habitat features on the spatial genetic structure of populations or individuals. Over the last few years, there has been accumulating evidence for the effect of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of gene flow and connectivity in marine systems. Here, we investigate the population genetic patterns of an anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. We collected nearly one thousand samples from 19 locations, spanning approximately 1500 km, and genotyped them at 38 microsatellite loci. Patterns of gene flow appeared to follow a stepping‐stone model along the northern and central Red Sea, which was disrupted by a distinct genetic break at a latitude of approximately 19°N. The Red Sea is characterized by pronounced environmental gradients along its axis, roughly separating the northern and central from the southern basin. Using mean chlorophyll‐a concentrations as a proxy for this gradient, we ran tests of isolation by distance (IBD, R2 = 0.52) and isolation by environment (IBE, R2 = 0.64), as well as combined models using partial Mantel tests and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR). We found that genetic structure across our sampling sites may be best explained by a combined model of IBD and IBE (Mantel: R2 = 0.71, MMRR: R2 = 0.86). Our results highlight the potential key role of environmental patchiness in shaping patterns of gene flow in species with pelagic larval dispersal. We support growing calls for the integration of biophysical habitat characteristics into future studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

The stability and persistence of coral reefs in the decades to come is uncertain due to global warming and repeated bleaching events that will lead to reduced resilience of these ecological and socio‐economically important ecosystems. Identifying key refugia is potentially important for future conservation actions. We suggest that the Gulf of Aqaba (GoA) (Red Sea) may serve as a reef refugium due to a unique suite of environmental conditions. Our hypothesis is based on experimental detection of an exceptionally high bleaching threshold of northern Red Sea corals and on the potential dispersal of coral planulae larvae through a selective thermal barrier estimated using an ocean model. We propose that millennia of natural selection in the form of a thermal barrier at the southernmost end of the Red Sea have selected coral genotypes that are less susceptible to thermal stress in the northern Red Sea, delaying bleaching events in the GoA by at least a century.  相似文献   

谭烨辉  黄良民  黄小平  苏强  时翔  黄建荣 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6835-6844
2004年8月通过对三亚珊瑚礁水域纤毛虫进行表、底层采集分析,共鉴定6纲14目33属58种浮游纤毛虫,其中旋毛纲41种,叶口纲6种,寡膜纲5种,叶咽纲4种,前口纲和伪纤毛纲各1种。在14个目中,以旋毛纲环毛亚纲砂壳目纤毛虫种类最多,达到31种。主要优势种为布氏拟铃虫 Tintinnopsis bütschlii、小拟铃虫 Tintinnopsis minuta、丁丁急游虫Strombidium tintinnodes和具沟急游虫Strombidium sulcatum等,底层纤毛虫数量和种类都较表层高,底、表层平均丰度分别为375个/L和346 个/L,表、底层纤毛虫种类差异明显,表层主要由浮游纤毛虫组成,以旋毛纲环毛亚纲砂壳目纤毛虫为主,急游目纤毛虫次之;而底层主要由缘毛目组成,如长圆靴纤虫 Cothurnia oblonga、透明鞘居虫Vaginicola crystalline、钟虫Vorticella sp.以及吸管目的壳吸管虫 Acineta sp. 等。结果显示,在活珊瑚覆盖率高的站位(S4,S7和S9)纤毛虫数量明显低于珊瑚覆盖率低或没有珊瑚覆盖的站位,这暗示了珊瑚对纤毛虫的摄食作用。典型对应分析结果表明,影响三亚湾海域纤毛虫分布的主要因素有Chla、颗粒悬浮物SS和活性磷,以及水体溶解有机碳含量。通过对纤毛虫数量与环境因子关系的分析表明,三亚湾珊瑚礁水域纤毛虫的数量与叶绿素呈明显的正相关性。  相似文献   

To improve understanding of reef fish communities of Vietnam’s first dedicated marine protected area, visual censuses were conducted seasonally from 2003–05 in Nha Trang Bay, south-central Vietnam using SCUBA. Results from this study show that species richness were usually higher in summer than winter and that decreased from summer to winter in both shallow and deep areas in this MPA, but this apparent decrease was not significant. There were significant variations in density of reef fish communities between seasons with higher densities in summer (from April to September) and lower densities in winter (from October to March). The families contributing most to the higher density during summer in the 3 years were acanthurids, chaetodontids, labrids, pomacentrids, scarids, siganids, pomacanthids and caesionids. The increased density of these families in summer was mostly due to increases of juveniles. Recruitment of acanthurids, chaetodontids, labrids, pomacentrids, scarids and siganids occurred primarily in shallow waters whereas caesionids and pomacanthids were mainly recruiting in deeper areas. There were no differences in spatial variations in both species richness and density within the same time periods over several years.  相似文献   

The Red Sea has long been recognized as a region of high biodiversity and endemism. Despite this diversity and early history of scientific work, our understanding of the ecology of coral reefs in the Red Sea has lagged behind that of other large coral reef systems. We carried out a quantitative assessment of ISI-listed research published from the Red Sea in eight specific topics (apex predators, connectivity, coral bleaching, coral reproductive biology, herbivory, marine protected areas, non-coral invertebrates and reef-associated bacteria) and compared the amount of research conducted in the Red Sea to that from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and the Caribbean. On average, for these eight topics, the Red Sea had 1/6th the amount of research compared to the GBR and about 1/8th the amount of the Caribbean. Further, more than 50 % of the published research from the Red Sea originated from the Gulf of Aqaba, a small area (<2 % of the area of the Red Sea) in the far northern Red Sea. We summarize the general state of knowledge in these eight topics and highlight the areas of future research priorities for the Red Sea region. Notably, data that could inform science-based management approaches are badly lacking in most Red Sea countries. The Red Sea, as a geologically “young” sea located in one of the warmest regions of the world, has the potential to provide insight into pressing topics such as speciation processes as well as the capacity of reef systems and organisms to adapt to global climate change. As one of the world’s most biodiverse coral reef regions, the Red Sea may yet have a significant role to play in our understanding of coral reef ecology at a global scale.  相似文献   

雷州半岛灯楼角珊瑚礁的生态特征与资源可持续利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
余克服 《生态学报》2005,25(4):669-675
分布于雷州半岛西南部灯楼角的珊瑚礁,自海向陆可分为6个生态带,已鉴定出现代活石珊瑚(Scleractinia) 13科2 5属39种3未定种。该珊瑚礁位于热带北缘,附近人口密集,它的发育受自然因素和人类活动双重制约。气候方面,近4 2 a来的温度总体上升有利于本区珊瑚礁的发育,而台风活动对本区珊瑚礁可能有负面的影响;人类活动对本区珊瑚礁的影响表现为旅游业的快速发展与保护行动滞后威胁珊瑚礁、渔业和养殖业影响珊瑚礁、作为建筑材料使用而破坏珊瑚礁等3个方面。作为一种重要的海洋生态资源,本区珊瑚礁若得以科学保护,将具有广阔的可持续利用前景  相似文献   

Patchiness and composition of coral reef demersal zooplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zooplankton samples were collected weekly for a full year withdemersal traps on a coral reef off the west coast of Barbados.There was a marked temporal variability in weekly catches bothin terms of abundance and biomass. Patchiness occurred at allsampling frequencies from 2 to 26 weeks, but spectral analysisindicated a variance shift at a frequency of 8–10 weeksAggregations of the two most abundant taxa, the copepoditesand the microzooplankton, occurred at 8–12 week intervalsand significant differences in abundance and biomass were foundbetween mean bimonthly zooplankton catches Lagged cross-correlationsat 7 and 11 weeks between chlorophyll and microzooplankton andcopepodites suggest that aggregations are connected to cyclesof primary production. There was a negative correlation betweenzooplankton abundance and surface water salinity in 8 of 16taxa Copepods were the most abundant taxon overall. Microzooplanktonand copepodites comprised 96% of the abundance and 66% of thebiomass Decreases in taxonomic richness and in diversity wereassociated with patchiness of small-sized copepodites and microzooplankton,suggesting that composition was altered and stability temporarilylessened during peaks of abundance  相似文献   

Sustainable dive ecotourism on a South African coral reef   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SCUBA ecotourism provides economic support for local human communities and for conservation. Such support should be sustainable and as ecologically non-destructive as possible to its coral reef foundation. In recent years, the major increase in SCUBA activity has become a significant consideration at some locations. Among these are the South African coral reefs at Sodwana Bay, which receive 80 000 dives per year. Between May 1998 and January 1999, assessments using line-intercept and belt transects showed that 5.9% of hard corals and 4.0% of soft corals were damaged from various causes, while only 0.02% of the hard corals were dead. Of the 222 diver contacts observed, only 1.63% produced instant and visually-clear damage, with no measurable decline in overall coral reef health. Direct observations on 89 recreational divers showed that photographers made damaging contacts on nine out of ten dives, while novice divers made one such contact per six dives, moderately experienced divers about once every 14 dives, and very experienced divers about once every 123 dives. Increased time lapsed since the last dive increased diver damage by novices. We calculated that the 80 000 dives were equivalent to 1 m2 of reef receiving 2.3 diver contacts per year. Acropora austera was by far the most significantly damaged coral, with one out of four branches broken per year. But as this species accounted for only 0.2% of reef benthos cover, this impact was not representative of overall reef health. This heavy species-specific impact makes A. austera a good bio-monitor.  相似文献   

Chemical investigation of the South China Sea soft coral Sarcophyton solidum has led to the isolation of one new (1) and seven known (28) diterpenoids, including three sarsolenanes (13), two capnosanes (4 and 5), and three cembranes (68). Sarsolilide B (4) was firstly confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Compounds 1, 3, 4, and 68 were isolated from S. solidum for the first time, and 1, 2, and 47 were considered as the chemotaxonomic markers for the species S. solidum.  相似文献   

Three levels of physical disturbance were applied to corals in permanent 10x10 m quadrats along a section of fringing reef at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef to investigate the response of fish assemblages. Tabular and corymbose corals were overturned and left in situ, reducing total hard coral cover from ˜55% to ˜47%, ˜43%, and ˜34%. Despite pre-existing associations with benthic cover, all fish groups examined (pomacentrids, labrids, chaetodontids, and acanthurids) were resistent to benthic disturbances at the level and scale at which they were applied. Partial Mantel's tests, in combination with partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis enabled spatial and temporal variation to be factored out from experimental effects. Most of the variation in the fish community could be assigned to spatio-temporal variables, indicating that spatial structure over the reef landscape may moderate localised disturbance effects. This study indicates that coral reef fish assemblages may be more resistant to disturbance than many correlative studies would suggest, and highlights a need for further information on levels and scales of natural habitat disturbance in order to apply a structured approach to the experimental investigation of the importance of habitat in structuring coral-reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Research over the past decade shows that fish populations on coral reefs can vary enormously, both spatially and temporally. Nonetheless, predictable patterns in structure are present at both small and regional scales. These have usually been interpreted as resulting from processes acting after settlement of fishes from the plankton. However, current research now suggests that planktonic processes could also result in deterministic patterns of community structure.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas are usually static, permanently closed areas. There are, however, both social and ecological reasons to adopt dynamic closures, where reserves move through time. Using a general theoretical framework, we investigate whether dynamic closures can improve the mean biomass of herbivorous fishes on reef systems, thereby enhancing resilience to undesirable phase-shifts. At current levels of reservation (10–30%), moving protection between all reefs in a system is unlikely to improve herbivore biomass, but can lead to a more even distribution of biomass. However, if protected areas are rotated among an appropriate subset of the entire reef system (e.g. rotating 10 protected areas between only 20 reefs in a 100 reef system), dynamic closures always lead to increased mean herbivore biomass. The management strategy that will achieve the highest mean herbivore biomass depends on both the trajectories and rates of population recovery and decline. Given the current large-scale threats to coral reefs, the ability of dynamic marine protected areas to achieve conservation goals deserves more attention.  相似文献   

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