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Seed protein analysis and morphological characterization were carried out in one cultivated and one wild species of Sesamum, Sesamum indicum L. and S. occidentale Regel and Heer. Data on 13 quantitative and 33 qualitative characters of the cultivated species and seven accessions of the wild taxa were analyzed. The genetic diversity of the taxa was assessed using UPGMA dendrogram and one-way ANOVA (p?<?0.05). Principal component analysis (PCA) was executed to identify the significant characters to delimit the taxa. Seed protein analysis showed diverse bands, ranging from 16 to 88?kDa. A dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis of seed protein suggested intraspecific relationships of the wild taxa as evidenced from the morphological characterization.  相似文献   

Stomatal Response to Environment with Sesamum indicum. L   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Leaf resistance of Sesamum indicum L. increased when the humidity gradient between leaf and air was increased, at moderate temperatures, even though calculated carbon dioxide concentrations within the leaf decreased slightly. Mesophyll resistance remained relatively constant when humidity gradients were changed, indicating that the increases in leaf resistance were mainly caused by reductions in stomatal aperture and that nonstomatal aspects of photosynthesis and respiration were not affected. Low carbon dioxide concentrations inside the leaf decreased but did not eliminate resistance response to the humidity gradient. Internal carbon dioxide concentrations had little effect on resistance in humid air but had moderate effects on resistance with large humidity gradients between leaf and air. Stomatal response to humidity was not present at high leaf temperatures. Effects of humidity gradients on photosynthetic and stomatal responses to temperature suggested that large humidity gradients may contribute to mid-day closure of stomata and depressions in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Fifty microsatellite sequences (SSRs) were isolated from an enriched library of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) using a modified protocol. After screening, 10 polymorphic microsatellites were used to determine their usefulness in diversity analysis among 16 sesame accessions. The number of alleles ranged from three to six alleles per locus with an average of 4.6 alleles. The fragment size varied from 150 bp to 307 bp. Expected heterozygosites (HE) and polymorphism information contents (PICs) ranged from 0.437 to 0.858 and 0.34 to 0.80, respectively, which indicates the highly informative nature of the microsatellites reported here. These microsatellite markers will be very useful in diversity analysis among a large germplasm collection of sesame present in our Korean gene bank and also in the establishment of its core collection.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology (shape, exine wall pattern, diameter, volume, surface area) of mature pollen grains from eight genotypes, four within each of two capsule types (dehiscent, indehiscent) was studied. The shape was a flattened sphere (oblate) with a P (polar axis diameter): E (equatorial axis diameter) ratio = 0.69. The exine wall pattern consisted of a series of furrows passing through the poles and intersecting the equatorial plane at right (90°) angles. In cross section, the furrows appeared to be associated with shallow U-shaped structures with the intine protruding between these structures. Over the eight genotypes, the diameter, volume, and surface area were 65 m, 147300 m3, and 13444 m2, respectively. For all three related characters, highly significant differences between capsule type and genotypes within capsule type were obtained. For each character, the dehiscent capsule type mean was larger than the indehiscent capsule type mean with minimum overlap among the four genotype means within each capsule type. Possibly, the numerous and diverse pleiotropic effects associated with this simply-inherited recessive indehiscent capsule type character includes pollen dimensions.  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the oldest oilseed crops with high seed oil quality. The first sesame genetic linkage map based on F2 segregating population of an intraspecific cross between two cultivars was constructed. Using three types of PCR-based markers, 284 polymorphic loci including 10 EST-SSR marker, 30 AFLP marker and 244 RSAMPL marker, respectively, had been screened. Subsequently, a total of 220 molecular markers were mapped in 30 linkage groups covering a genetic length of 936.72 cM, and the average distance between markers was 4.93 cM. In this map, the linkage groups contained from 2 to 33 loci each and ranged in distance from 6.44 cM to 74.52 cM. Based on map information, sesame genome length was estimated to be approximately 1,232.53 cM, and genome coverage of this map was about 76.0%. As a starting point of sesame genome study, the genetic linkage map will be hopeful to tag traits of breeding interest and further aid in the sesame molecular breeding. Furthermore, RSAMPL marker had been also appreciated in this paper, for its first usage in genetic map construction and higher utilization potential in some crop species lacking much genome information.  相似文献   

The genetic characterization of Indian sesame cultivars and related wild species was analysed using 102 simple sequence repeat (SSR; microsatellite) markers. Of these, 62 were novel sesame-specific microsatellites isolated in the course of the present investigation by constructing genomic libraries. Characterization of the 68 sesame accessions and three related wild species using 72 polymorphic SSR primers resulted in the detection of 170 alleles. The number of alleles ranged from two to four with an average of 2.5 alleles per locus. Polymorphic information content of the markers ranged from 0.43 to 0.88 with an average of 0.66. UPGMA cluster analysis grouped all the accessions into two major clusters with a genetic similarity ranging from 0.40 to 0.91. A moderate to high level of genetic variability was observed. The three wild accessions used in the study formed separate clades and distant genetic relationships were observed between the cultivar lines and wild species. Differentiation of genotypes according to geographical region was not observed. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) analysis revealed that a high percentage of variation was within populations (87.1 %). An overall F st of 0.11 among the populations indicated low population differentiation. The SSR markers developed will be useful for further genetic analysis, linkage mapping and selection of parents in future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The Sesame Genome Working Group (SGWG) has been formed to sequence and assemble the sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genome. The status of this project and our planned analyses are described.  相似文献   

The sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) oil was extracted from the seeds of the sesame that grows in Diyarbakir, SE Anatolia of Turkey. Sesame seed oil was obtained in 58wt/wt%, by traditional solvent extraction. The methylester of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed oil was prepared by transesterification of the crude oil. Transesterification shows improvement in fuel properties of sesame seed oil. This study supports the production of biodiesel from sesame seed oil as a viable alternative to the diesel fuel.  相似文献   

The determination of genetic differences among crop genotypes has become the primary need to grant patent and the protection of Plant Breeder Rights (PBR). In the present study RAPD and ISSR markers were employed for the characterization of 16 sesame genotypes. Twenty six RAPD and 17 ISSR primers that generated clear and reproducible banding patterns amplified 194 and 163 bands, respectively among 16 sesame genotypes. Both RAPD and ISSR primers showed maximum discrimination power, and produced putative variety specific bands, which could be used for the identification of all the sesame genotypes, individually. However, only AG and CA based ISSR primers were found effective in the discrimination of genotypes. A poor correlation was observed between the matrices produced by RAPD and ISSR primers, which might be due to the array of different sites of the genome. Though, there was greater similarity among sesame genotypes (0.78 for RAPD and 0.71 for ISSR), the observed genetic diversity (0.22 for RAPD and 0.29 for ISSR), was found effective for the characterization of sesame genotypes. It is suggested that putative variety specific RAPD and ISSR markers could be converted to Codominant sequence characterized amplified region/sequence tagged site (SCAR /STS) markers to develop robust variety specific markers.  相似文献   

芝麻种质资源及相关分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芝麻是重要的优质传统油料作物,素有"油料皇后"的美称。我国拥有丰富的芝麻种质资源,深入研究、评价和有效利用芝麻种质资源是保护其遗传多样性、拓宽遗传基础进而提高芝麻产量和品质的关键。本文对芝麻种质资源的收集保存、鉴定评价、利用现状、品种选育概况及相关分子生物学研究进展进行综述,期望能对芝麻遗传及应用研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

In the research for alternative tools and botanical products to control Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Sesamum indicum (L.) (Lamiales: Pedaliaceae) oil was assayed as an ovicide. The mortality increased with existence of fatty acids. Chemical analysis of S. indicum oil using GLC analysis showed palmitic acid as the major fatty acid (51.27%), while the major hydrocarbon and sterols were found to be heneicosane (58.63%) and β-sitosterol (2.60%), respectively. Generally, the values of LC50s indicated that one-day-old egg masses are more susceptible than three-day-old eggs. Also, the leaf dip technique is more efficient than the spraying one. Results showed several features of chorionic surface deformation treated with sesame and KZ oils than control using scanning electron microscopy. Meanwhile, the tested oils caused significant reduction in both total soluble protein and transaminase enzymes as compared to control. Additionally, the oils elongated the incubation period and larval duration than control.  相似文献   

Waterlogging stress lowers yields in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). A major component of waterlogging stress is the lack of oxygen available to submerged tissues. Although the morphology and physiology of plants grown under anaerobic conditions have been studied in detail, limited work has been done to elucidate adaptations at the molecular level. To gain comprehensive insight into how sesame responds to hypoxia at the genome level, we performed gene expression profiling at two time points during a 36-h period following hypoxic treatment using a whole-genome RNA-Seq analysis. We identified sets of significantly positively and negatively expressed genes (induced and repressed, respectively) in response to hypoxia with distinct temporal profiles. The genes that were affected were associated with glycolysis, nitrogen metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism and plant hormone signal transduction and indicated the upregulation of particular pathways (glycolysis/glycogenesis) in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Moreover, significant changes in the expression of genes were found for pathways, including flavone and flavonol biosynthesis, steroid biosynthesis, photosynthesis, cysteine and methionine metabolism, glutathione metabolism, as well as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, spliceosome, circadian rhythm. This study helps in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of waterlogging tolerance and provides a basis for the genetic engineering of sesame.  相似文献   

Abstract The phototropic response in stems of higher plants is brought about by blue/UV light. The problem studied here is to what extent long-wavelength light, which is absorbed by phytochrome, affects the phototropic response. A refined measurement of phototropism — a curvature index — was applied to the hypocotyl of the sesame seedling (Sesamum indicum L.). The time course of the phototropic response was followed in continuous unilateral weak blue light (B, 460 nm, 8 mW m?2). Long term red light (R) pretreatments, operating through phytochrome, strongly increase the rate and extent of the phototropic response once it is elicited by unilateral B, while the pretreatments decrease the sensitivity towards B. If a R pulse is given immediately prior to the onset of unilateral B, the rate of the response is strongly reduced compared to the time course of curvature observed when the pretreatment was terminated with a long wavelength far-red light (FR) pulse. R and FR were then applied simultaneously with unilateral B to manipulate the status of the phytochrome system during actual curvature. It was found that a low Pfr/P ratio (established by FR) stimulates the phototropic response far above the control (B alone), while a high Pfr/P ratio (established by R) reduces the response below the control. During bending a positive effect of phytochrome on the rate and extent of the phototropic response, which is saturated at a low level of Pfr, appears to be counteracted by an inhibitory effect which dominates at higher levels of Pfr, such as established by omnilateral R. However, if R is applied unilaterally from the same direction as B, R increases the rate of curvature. Apparently the sesame seedling is capable of detecting the direction of R relative to the direction of B. While a mechanistic explanation of these effects cannot be advanced at present, it is clear that the seedling is capable of super-imposing information about the actual light conditions during bending on a ‘memory’ of the light conditions prior to the onset of bending. Thus, the previous as well as the actual light conditions determine its phototropic responsiveness.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study was prompted by the question as to whether the strong effect of red and far-red light treatments on blue-light-mediated phototropism in the sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) hypocotyl (Woitzik & Mohr, 1988) should be attributed in part to changes initialed by light in the gravitropic counter-response. Light treatments, operating through phytochrome, do indeed strongly affect the gravitropic response. However, the direction of the light effect is the same in gravitropism, as in phototropism. Thus, the gravitropic counter-response leads to an underestimate, rather than an overestimate, of the importance of phytochrome action on phototropic responsiveness. The effect of red and far-red light, operating via phytochrome, on the gravitropic response of the sesame hypocotyl could be studied in the present paper without any interference due to phototropism or light control of longitudinal growth. It was found that the effects of red and far-red pretreatments (given prior to the onset of the stimulus) as well as the action of simultaneously applied red or far-red light (simultaneous to the phototropic or gravitropic stimulus) are very similar in both phototropism and gravitropism. In particular, the seedling is capable of superimposing information about the actual light conditions during bending on the ‘memory’ it has about the light conditions prior to the onset of phototropism or gravitropic stimulation, This striking similarity between the phototropic and gravitropic responses possibly indicates that phytochrome affects the signal-response-chain at a relatively late stage, after the phototropic and the gravitropic signal-response chains have merged. From a teleonomic point of view the action of red and far-red light on phototropic, as well as gravitropic, responsiveness can be conceived as part of a shade escape strategy.  相似文献   

Field cultivation experiments on white sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)seeds implanted with low-energy C ion showed that different dosages of C ion implantation produce different biological effects.Sesame plants in 6 different dosage groups with C ion density respectively at 1×1011,1×1012,1×1015,5×1015,1×1016,5×1016 ion/cm2 were superior to the control group in plant height,leaf number,stalk diameter and leaf size.Further,sesame plants in these groups flower and seed earlier than those in the control group,and single plant yield also increased.Of all the groups,the 5×1015 ion/cm2 dosage group yielded the best effect,whereas the 1×1017/cm2 dosage group showed an evident inhibitory effect of ion implantation on the germination and growth of the sesame seeds.  相似文献   

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