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A Bermudan population of the fissiparous holothurian Holothuria parvula (Selenka) was sampled over a 13-month period (1984–1985). Fission was most frequent in the summer when water temperatures were > 25 °C. During fission, the holothurian split into roughly equal parts, and there was little difference in survival of the oral and anal ends. Regeneration of a new gut is a priority and feeding was possible within 2 months of fission. The majority of growth following fission occurred between April and July, just prior to the peak occurrence of fission. Many individuals were fully regenerated within a year, so fission is possibly an annual event. Individuals showing evidence of multiple fission were found. The capacity for sexual reproduction was limited and it appeared to occur mainly during the summer, which was also the peak period for asexual reproduction. No small (< 18 mm) individuals were ever found suggesting that larval recruitment to this population had not recently been successful. The population has probably been maintained recently by fission.  相似文献   

Specialised respiratory organs, viz. the respiratory trees attached to the dorsal part of the cloaca, are present in most holothurians. These organs evolved within the class Holothuroidea and are absent in other echinoderms. Some holothurian species can regenerate their respiratory trees but others lack this ability. Respiratory trees therefore provide a model for investigating the origin and evolution of repair mechanisms in animals. We conducted a detailed morphological study of the regeneration of respiratory trees after their evisceration in the holothurian Apostichopus japonicus. Regeneration of the respiratory trees occurred rapidly and, on the 15th day after evisceration, their length reached 15–20 mm. Repair involved cells of the coelomic and luminal epithelia of the cloaca. Peritoneocytes and myoepithelial cells behaved differently during regeneration: the peritoneocytes kept their intercellular junctions and migrated as a united layer, whereas groups of myoepithelial cells disaggregated and migrated as individual cells. Although myoepithelial cells did not divide during regeneration, the peritoneocytes proliferated actively. The contractile system of the respiratory trees was assumed to develop during regeneration by the migration of myoepithelial cells from the coelomic epithelium of the cloaca. The luminal epithelium of the respiratory trees formed as a result of dedifferentiation, migration and transformation of cells of the cloaca lining. The mode of regeneration of holothurian respiratory trees is discussed. This work was funded by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 08–04–00284) to I.Y.D. and by a grant from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 09–04–98547) to T.T.G.  相似文献   

Development of the digestive tract of the holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix was examined using light and transmission electron microscopy. After the blastopore closes, the gut rudiment loses its connection with the blastoderm and becomes an enclosed, tubular chamber, ending blindly at both ends. The differentiation of the digestive and coelomic epithelia is mainly completed by day 12. Since no transient cell types are observed, this differentiation is definitive. By day 20, the mouth and anal openings appear. The cuticular lining in the anterior part of the gut rudiment has an endodermal origin and differentiates before the mouth is formed. The rest of the gut lining is composed of enterocytes typical of holothuroid intestine. At the early stages of development, mitotic figures are encountered among nonspecialized cells of the gut primordium. In more developed digestive epithelium, vesicular enterocytes are capable of mitotic division. Dividing enterocytes retain secretory vacuoles; thus mitosis occurs in actually differentiated cells. After mouth and anus formation, the oesophagus, stomach, intestine and rectum can be distinguished. In the wall of the stomach, powerful musculature is formed.  相似文献   

An observation on differences in the vertical migration patternbetween Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) and Thysanoessaraschii (M. Sars) caused by the presence of a thermocline isreported. Generally, M.norvegica did not migrate through a thermoclineat 50–60 m depth while T.raschii did. This observationis discussed in the context of how the combination of differencesin vertical migration and advection over sill depth may affectthe abundance of fjord stocks of these two euphausiid species.  相似文献   

Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) will feed upon the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. Fryxell & Hasle but cannot fulfil its energy requirement for metabolism on this food. Its daily metabolic requirement can be exceeded when the euphausiid feeds upon the copepods Calanus finmarchicus Gunner or Centropages typicus Krøeyer, but not when feeding upon the smaller copepods Pseudocalanus spp. or Acartia spp. When feeding upon a natural copepod assemblage Meganyctiphanes norvegica requires high concentrations of copepods to achieve its metabolic requirements, suggesting that the euphausiid may exploit vertically patchy concentrations of prey. Short-term predation rates on Pseudocalanus spp. were also used to estimate feeding rates. Feeding in Meganyctiphanes norvegica appears to be adapted to a spatially variable food supply and rapid exploitation of food sources concentrated into patches or layers. The filter area of the feeding basket of M. norvegica is proportionally smaller than the filter area of Euphausia superba Dana, but has the same allometric length exponent. The filter area probably reflects the difference between the primarily carnivorous diet of Meganyctiphanes norvegica and herbivorous diet of Euphausia superba.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis(Kröyer), T. raschii (M.Sars), and Meganyctiphanes norvegica(M.Sars) have been followed in Balsfjorden in 1976 and 1977.Seasonal variations in length-frequency distributions, growthin carapace length, sex-ratio, and spermatophore productionand attachment are presented and discussed in relation to changesin hydrography and phytoplanlcton standing-crop. An annual generationof T. inermis and T. raschii was spawned in April and May. Eggsand larvae of M. norvegica were not found in Balsfjorden, indicatingthat recruitment occurs from outside the fjord. T. inermis andT. raschii reached maximum carapace lengths of 7–8 mmand 6–7 mm respectively and had life-spans of c. 2 years3 months. M. norvegica had a life-span of c. 2 years 6 monthsand reached a maximum carapace length of c. 12.5 mm. In bothT. inermis and T. raschii 0-group underwent the greatest lengthincreases from May to October, I-group from March to Augustand II-group from April to June. The population structure, growthpatterns and growth periods of M. norvegica were difficult todiscern. The phytoplanlcton cycle appears to be the dominantfactor regulating both growth and spawning of the Thysanoessaspp in Balsfjorden, while temperature has no obvious influence.  相似文献   

The photophores of Meganyctiphanes were investigated with regard to the control of light production and with respect to their role in a hitherto unknown communication system using light flashes which became evident from observation of specialised signalling behaviour. To that purpose the light production was recorded during presentation of a range of stimuli delivered to the intact, tethered shrimp. Stimuli used were changes in ambient light, water turbulence, simulated predator approach and light flashes, as well as electric shocks and serotonin injections. Strong negative light gradients, exaggerating the natural sunset signal, reliably elicited light production, the peak of which lasted on average 2 min. In the late phase of this light production, low frequency water oscillations and turbulent flow (assumed intraspecific communication signals at close range) elicited transient increases in light production. Artificial light flashes presented to a group of shrimp evoked a signalling behaviour in which the animal points the light of its photophore beamers (positioned at the ventral side and normally directed downwards) for a fraction of a second at observers within the same depth level. The responses produced by the signalling behaviour indicate a fixed delay with respect to the triggering flash. Electric stimulation of the ventral nerve cord via implanted electrodes resulted in a strong light production with a latency of 160 ms. Injection of serotonin, resulting in haemolymph concentrations of 10–5 M and higher, initiated increasingly strong and increasingly long-lasting continuous light production. Implications for the control of the photophores are discussed. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The shells of Pearl mussels from the basins of the Solza, Keret’, and Umba rivers flowing into the White Sea have been measured to determine the ratio of shell convexity to its maximum height. This ratio is the main character that, according to Bogatov et al. (2003), allows one to distinguish between three species of the genus Margaritifera: M. margaritifera, M. elongata, and M. borealis. It has been found that the above ratio gradually increases as the shell grows. Therefore, this character is unsuitable for species diagnosis, the more so that no hiatus in it between the three forms of pearl mussels has been revealed in any of the samples studied. On this basis, it may be concluded that Northern Europe, including Russia, is inhabited by only one species of pearl mussels, M. margaritifera.  相似文献   

The Wnt5 protein localization in holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix tissues was examined in the norm and during regeneration. In healthy E. fraudatrix, Wnt5 was found in solitary cells of the hypodermis and in the radial nerve cords. During regeneration, the number of Wnt5 positive cells increased. They were observed in the connective tissue of the body wall and the pharyngeal bulb, in nervous system tissues, the coelomic epithelium, and amoebocytes. The Wnt5 protein may participate in regulating the regeneration in the holothurian E. fraudatrix; it probably modulates cell migration, extracellular matrix reorganization, and neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of envelopes of ovulated oocytes and spermatozoon ultrastructure are described in two closely related species of the family Mullidae, Upeneus tragula and U. cf. margarethae. Oocyte envelope is represented by the thin zona radiata and weakly expressed chorion. The spermatozoon is characterized by the presence of elongated head with a pointed bend in its apical part and nuclear fossa reaching approximately 90% of the head length. The centriolar complex and basal part of the flagellum are located inside of the nuclear fossa.  相似文献   

The morphology of two Neotropical taxa, Macrothrix elegans Sars, 1901 and M. superaculeata (Smirnov, 1982) (Macrothricidae, Anomopoda, Cladocera) was redescribed, based on type materials (a lectotype of M. elegans was selected here), and additional samples from the Americas. Previous conclusion about synonymy of both species was erroneous, because it was based on limited material from South America. M. superaculeata differs from M. elegans in the presence of a sharp spine at postero-dorsal angle of valves; a more fine ring around dorsal head pore; thinner hexagonal reticulation of valves; the presence of setules on basal segment of postabdominal seta; armature of exopod on antenna II, and some features of thoracic limbs. Previously, the discriminative features of the two species were not formulated accurately, and it was a reason of several misidentifications. Actually, M. superaculeata is found only in a limited set of localities from the Amazon basin, while M. elegans is one of the most common anomopod species in all Neotropics, from Argentina to Mexico.  相似文献   

The development of respiratory trees in the holothurian Apostichopus japonicus has been studied using light and electron microscopy. Primordial respiratory trees emerge in 2–3-mm-long animals (2 months after fertilization). They arise as two independent outgrowths from the dorsal wall of the anterior part of the cloaca. Upon first emerging and throughout the course of development, the left respiratory tree is longer than the right one. A common base develops in 4-mm-long animals (2–3 months after fertilization). In yearlings, the left respiratory tree grows into gaps between the loops of the intestinal tube interlaced with intestinal hemal vessels. The developing coelomic and luminal epithelia have ultrastructural peculiarities. The luminal epithelium of respiratory trees has been shown for the first time to comprise nerve cells and their processes. Characteristic structural features of the epithelia are shown to begin developing as early as in 4-mm-long animals (2–3 months after fertilization). In yearlings, the respiratory trees demonstrate definitive structural patterns and are entirely functional.  相似文献   

The lipid class composition of three krill species, Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars), Thysanoessa raschii (M. Sars), and T. inermis (Krøyer), was determined throughout the year in Balsfjorden, Northern Norway. Meganyctiphanes norvegica had triglycerides as its major neutral lipid, Thysanoessa raschii had mainly triglycerides with small amounts of wax esters, whereas T. inermis had mainly wax esters with lesser amounts of triglycerides. Neutral lipids were generally accumulated by the krill during spring-early summer, maintained at high levels through to mid-winter and then declined to minimal levels during early spring. Differences in rates of deposition and mobilization of neutral lipid between males and females occurred in Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa raschii but not in T. inermis. T. raschii accumulated lipid somewhat later in the year than T. inermis but earlier than Meganyctiphanes norvegica. A major rôle for lipid in the elaboration of gonads is indicated. The accumulation of either wax esters or triglycerides by euphausiids is considered in terms of the feeding habits and ecological niche differentiation of the species.  相似文献   

Mugil curema, M. liza, and M. platanus were collected from the southeastern and southern coast of Brazil. The second gill arches were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and histology. The highest density of chloride and mucus-secreting cells was observed in the gill filaments of M. liza and M. platanus. Spines are scarce and were found only in the pharyngeal region of M. curema. The dorsal angle of curvature of the simple projections is most reduced in the rakers of M. liza and M. platanus. The raker borderline on the internal side of the arches of M. curema has grooves that do not occur in the other two species. On the external side of the branchial arches, the borders of the rakers of M. liza and M. platanus are smooth. The shape of the rakers is characteristic for each species: in M. curema, it resembles the letter "D"; in M. liza, it is trapezoidal, and in M. platanus, it is triangular. Thus there is a morphologic similarity between M. liza and M. platanus, and both differ from M. curema. All three species show elongated and extremely elaborated rakers that are placed next to each other and turned toward the opercular cavity. There are few taste buds and only several mucus-secreting cells along the whole pharyngeal region. These characteristics suggest that these species do not select food chemically but obtain it mechanically with the rakers and aggregate it with mucus.  相似文献   

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