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Diversity of blastogenesis and embryogenesis in animals with different reproductive strategy and different variants of the specification of germ lineage cells, defined in the literature as preformation, epigenesis, and somatic embryogenesis, is discussed. In the course of somatic embryogenesis (or, more precisely, blastogenesis), the oozooid that has developed from the egg is naturally cloning and forms numerous genetically and morphologically identical clonal individuals or modular units of a colony. This cloning results in amplification of the parent genotype; the subsequent sexual reproduction provides for genetic recombination, and the emergence of a huge number of larvae with dispersal function provides for reproductive success. In invertebrates that reproduce asexually, no isolation of the germ cell lineage takes place; the population of stem cells capable of realizing the complete developmental program, which includes gametogenesis and blastogenesis, is represented by a diaspora of cells dispersed in the organism and possessing evolutionarily conservative features of morphofunctional organization typical to cells of the germ lineage. The plasticity of early animal embryogenesis is revealed in experiments with embryonic cells cultivated in vitro. Asexual reproduction emerged repeatedly in the course of metazoan evolution; blastogenesis in animals of different taxa is more variable and less conservative than embryogenesis, but the integration of blastogenesis into the process of early embryogenesis undermines the conservatism of embryonic development.  相似文献   

The effect of anaerobic metabolism on the osmotic and ionic regulation of the extracellular fluid was examined. Larvae of three species, characterized by different hypoxia tolerance, were studied: Chaoborus crystallinus, Culex pipiens and Chironomus gr. plumosus. The use of the capillary electrophoresis technique made it possible to determine approximately 15 different ions from individual hemolymph samples. The hemolymph concentration of both inorganic and organic anions and cations as well as the osmolality were measured. A correlation between the hypoxia tolerance and the capability to avoid net changes in the ion concentration or in the osmolality of the three species studied here is proposed: Culex larvae, which have the lowest hypoxia tolerance, show a very large and very rapid lactate accumulation in their hemolymph under experimental hypoxia. This lactate accumulation is not compensated for by a change in the concentration of any other ion. Chaoborus larvae, with a medium hypoxia tolerance, utilize their very large hemolymph malate pool as a source of anaerobic energy. It is converted into succinate, thus inducing little net changes in the sum of the anions. There is a marked increase of the hemolymph osmolality, though. Chironomus larvae have the highest hypoxia tolerance and there are remarkably little changes in their hemolymph under hypoxia. Although these larvae are described as relying mainly on ethanol fermentation under environmental anaerobiosis, we demonstrated a marked lactate fermentation in severe hypoxia. The lactate accumulation observed in our study was compensated by a concomittant decrease of the hemolymph chloride concentration.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects that prolonged desiccation has on osmotic and ionic balance in Carausius morosus, an insect with a rather unusual haemolymph composition (it is rich in divalent cations and has a low sodium content). After 7 days at 0% r.h., there is a 50 per cent decrease in water content of the animal. This loss is largely confined to the haemolymph, which declines in volume to about one-seventh of its previous value. In spite of these drastic changes, the osmotic concentration of the haemolymph increases only by about 20 per cent while the concentrations of the main blood ions increase by similar or smaller amounts. So, as with other insects so far examined, Carausius turns out to have very effective control of the osmotic and ionic concentrations of its internal milieu in the face of severe stress upon it.  相似文献   

Multiple recording of transcallosal responses (TCRs) from different cortex areas has been carried out by means of acute experiments with immobilized and anesthetized kittens at the age of 1 to 30 days after birth. Homotopical TCRs in kittens at the age of 2-15 days appear earlier, are presented wider and reveal features of a greater maturity configuration and of amplitudinal-temporal parameters in association zone (parietal and sensorimotor) in comparison with projection zones (somatosensory, visual and auditory). Interhemispheric interrelations in association cortex of kittens are carried out not only by means of callosal but extracallosal system. In the course of animal developing in the parietal cortex the drain of the surface-positive oscillation moves from V to III layer and the drain of the surface-negative deviation remains at the level of II-III layers. The late component is registered up to the depth of III-IV layers, having the drain in I-II layers. In sensorimotor cortex the surface-negative oscillation has the drain in I-II layers, surface-positive--in III and V--VI layers. The interhemispheric asymmetry emerging from the moment of responses appearance is peculiar to TCRs of projection and association zones. In the first month of the postnatal development the asymmetry of positive and negative TCR oscillation amplitude has an individual character in sensorimotor cortex and a specific one--in parietal. The temporal parameters of TCR in association areas of the left hemisphere cortex are significantly shorter than of the right one. The data given testify to the possibility of interhemispheric interrelation realization and the presence of interhemispheric asymmetry in cat's brain on the early stages of postnatal ontogenesis.  相似文献   

To determine estrogen effects on osmotic regulation of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and body fluids, we suppressed endogenous estrogen and progesterone using the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analog leuprolide acetate (GnRHa). Subjects were assigned to one of two groups: 1) GnRHa alone, then GnRHa + estrogen (E, n = 9, 25 +/- 1 yr); 2) GnRHa alone, then GnRHa + estrogen with progesterone (E/P, n = 6, 26 +/- 3). During GnRHa alone and with hormone treatment, we compared AVP and body fluid regulatory responses to 3% NaCl infusion (HSI, 120 min, 0.1 ml. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)), drinking (30 min, 15 ml/kg body wt), and recovery (60 min of seated rest). Plasma [E(2)] increased from 23.9 to 275.3 pg/ml with hormone treatments. Plasma [P(4)] increased from 0.6 to 5.7 ng/ml during E/P and was unchanged (0.4 to 0.6 ng/ml) during E. Compared with GnRHa alone, E reduced osmotic AVP release threshold (275 +/- 4 to 271 +/- 4 mosmol/kg, P < 0.05), and E/P reduced the AVP increase in response during HSI (6.0 +/- 1.3 to 4.2 +/- 0.6 pg/ml at the end of HSI), but free water clearance was unaffected in either group. Relative to GnRHa, pre-HSI plasma renin activity (PRA) was greater during E (0.8 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.2 +/- 0.2 ng ANG I. ml(-1). h(-1)) but not after HSI or recovery. PRA was greater than GnRHa during E/P at baseline (1.1 +/- 0.2 vs. 2.5 +/- 0.6) and after HSI (0.6 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.1 +/- 1.1) and recovery (0.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.2 ng ANG I. ml(-1). h(-1)). Baseline fractional excretion of sodium was unaffected by E or E/P but was attenuated by the end of recovery for both E (3.3 +/- 0.6 vs. 2.4 +/- 0.4%) and E/P (2.8 +/- 0.4 vs 1.7 +/- 0.4%, GnRHa alone and with hormone treatment, respectively). Fluid retention increased with both hormone treatments. Renal sensitivity to AVP may be lower during E due to intrarenal effects on water and sodium excretion. E/P increased sodium retention and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone stimulation.  相似文献   

To reveal character of interaction of catecholamines (CA) and NO in regulation of development and of the functional state of vasopressinergic (VP-ergic) neurons of supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei, the female rats were injected intraperitoneally with the inhibitor of CA synthesis α-methyl-p-tyrosine, daily, from the 13th to the 20th days of pregnancy. Rat pups born by the females administered with saline at the same period of pregnancy as well as intact pups and adult rats were used as control. Expression of neuronal NO-synthase (nNOS) in neurons of SON and PVN of rat pups at early stages of postnatal development was found to be significantly higher than the definitive level, which allows suggesting participation of NO in development of hypothalamic VP-ergic neurons. The revealed differences of periods of the maximal nNOS expression in the SON and PVN neurons have permitted suggesting development of SON to be completed earlier than that of PVN. The pups exposed to stress at the last third of embryonic development had a long-lasting effect on the state of VP-ergic neurons of the pups after birth. The nNOS expression in neurons does not change, which suggests that NO is not involved in regulation of VP-ergic neurons after exposure to stress at early stages of ontogenesis. A decrease of CA level in the brain at the last third of embryogenesis led to a long preserved decrease of the functional activity of VP-ergic neurons. The nNOS expression in VP-ergic neurons of SON and PVN rose substantially under effect of a compensatory enhancement of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression in neurons of SON and of an increase of the level of CA-ergic innervation of PVN. Thus, we have shown that a decrease of CA level in the embryonic brain leads to an increase of nNOS expression of hypothalamic VP-ergic neurons of rat pups after birth and that the character of NO action on function of VP-ergic neurons does not differ from that of adult animals as soon as at early stages of ontogenesis.  相似文献   

The decapeptide gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is the primary factor responsible for the hypothalamic control of gonadotropin (GTH) secretion. This review focuses on a family of neuropeptides, LPXRFamide (LPXRFa) peptides, which have been implicated in the regulation of GTH secretion. LPXRFa acts on the pituitary via a G protein-coupled receptor, LPXRFa-R, to enhance gonadal development and maintenance by increasing gonadotropin release and synthesis. Because LPXRFa exists and functions in several fish species, LPXRFa is considered to be a key neurohormone in fish reproduction control. The precursors to LPXRFamide peptides encoded plural LPXRFamide peptides and were highly divergent in vertebrates, particularly in lower vertebrates. Tissue distribution analyses indicated that LPXRFamide peptides were highly concentrated in the hypothalamus and other brainstem regions. In view of the localization and expression of LPXRFamide peptides in the hypothalamo-hypophysial system, LPXRFamide peptide in fish increase GTH release in vitro and in vivo. This review summarizes the advances made in our understanding of the biosynthesis, mode of action and functional significance of LPXRFa, a newly discovered key neurohormone.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Weight change after submerging the earthworm into water varied remarkably according to the environmental humidity in which animals were placed before submergence.
  • 2.2. Pretreatment with physiological saline solution before submergence in water gave stable values for the ionic concentrations of the body fluid.
  • 3.3. Brain removal caused decrease of both sodium and chloride ion concentrations and increase of potassium ion concentration of the coelomic fluid when animals were submerged in water.
  • 4.4. Although brain replacement failed, action of a brain hormone is suggested to regulate the decrease of both sodium and choride ions and increase of potassium ion of the coelomic fluid to normal level when animals were submerged in water.

Histological (tissular and cellular) indices have a tradition of determining the nutritional condition of fish both in the laboratory and in the wild. The assessment of condition by means of microscopical methods is probably the mos accurate indicator of nutritional status during the early life stages of fish. This success is partly attributable large amount of information that can be derived from their study and because they are thought to be the only true starvation indices. The technique usually consists of the examination of cells and organs and the establishment of a grading system based on the presence/absence of standardised biomarkers. Each organ is examined, and the cellular aspect or tissular cohesion is evaluated qualitatively and even quantitatively in order to obtain a measure of the general condition of a larva. The literature indicates that there are certain tissular and cellular responses to food availability and quality, particularly in the digestive and muscular tissues, which are common to most teleost fish larvae. These responses, which are independent of water temperature, can be used for assessing fish larvae nutritional condition. In this regard, the microscopical organization of the liver hepatocytes, the intestinal mucosa, the exocrine pancreas and the muscular fibers, which are generally used as target tissues and organs to assess the nutritional condition of fish larvae, is deeply reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of different cellular biomarkers of effect are discussed considering different conditions.  相似文献   

Intact internodal cells of Chara are known to maintain their osmotic pressures at constant levels in artificial pond water at room temperature. Cell fragments with osmotic pressures higher and those cell fragments with osmotic pressures lower than the original, both of which are prepared from intact internodal cells using transcellular osmosis and ligation with threads, can also return their osmotic pressures to the original level within a week in artificial pond water. These regulatory phenomena are realized mainly by extrusion of K+ and Cl in the cytoplasm and/or vacuole or by absorption of K+ and Cl from the external solution. According to the electrochemical potential difference calculated for K+ between the vacuole and the external solution, the cells should be able to maintain these regulatory functions even in 50–100 m M KCl+ 1 m M CaCl2 solutions. However, novel phenomena were observed when they were immersed in such concentrated KCl solutions. To maintain electroneutrality, their osmotic pressures increased up to ca l MPa in 2 days due to absorption of K+ and Cl and many gradually died over time. Ionic and osmotic reguratory functions of Chara cells were lost when they were immersed in 50–100 m M K-salt solutions containing 1 m M Ca2+.  相似文献   

Long standing research of the Neural Crest embodies the most fundamental questions of Developmental Biology. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for specification, delamination, migration and phenotypic differentiation of this highly diversifying group of progenitors has been a challenge for many researchers over the years and continues to attract newcomers into the field. Only a few leaps were more significant than the discovery and successful exploitation of the quail-chick model by Nicole Le Douarin and colleagues from the Institute of Embryology at Nogent-sur-Marne. The accurate fate mapping of the neural crest performed at virtually all axial levels was followed by the determination of its developmental potentialities as initially analysed at a population level and then followed by many other significant findings. Altogether, these results paved the way to innumerable questions which brought us from an organismic view to mechanistic approaches. Among them, elucidation of functions played by identified genes is now rapidly underway. Emerging results lead the way back to an integrated understanding of the nature of interactions between the developing neural crest and neighbouring structures. The Nogent Institute thus performed an authentic "tour de force" in bringing the Neural Crest to the forefront of Developmental Biology. The present review is dedicated to the pivotal contributions of Nicole Le Douarin and her collaborators and to unforgettable memories that one of the authors bears from the time spent in the Nogent Institute. We summarize here recent advances in our understanding of early stages of crest ontogeny that comprise specification of epithelial progenitors to a neural crest fate and the onset of neural crest migration. Particular emphasis is given to signaling by BMP and Wnt molecules, to the role of the cell cycle in generating cell movement and to possible interactions between both mechanisms.  相似文献   

Water balance of conifer logs in early stages of decomposition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seasonal and long-term changes in the water balance of conifer logs during the first 8 years of decomposition were studied in an old-growth Pseudotsuga/Tsuga forest in the Oregon Cascade Mountains. Measurements were made of the moisture content of outer bark, inner bark, sapwood, and heartwood and of the flow of water into and out of logs of four species (Abies amabilis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Thuja plicata, and Tsuga heterophylla). After the logs had decomposed from 1 to 2 years, 38–47% of the canopy throughfall landing upon them ran off the surface, 29–34% leached from the bottom, and 21–30% was absorbed and evaporated. After 8 years of decomposition, water entering and then leaching from logs increased 1.3 times while runoff decreased a similar amount. The proportion of water stored by and evaporated from logs in this study indicates that in old growth forests they may intercept 2–5% of the canopy throughfall to the forest floor and that, even in early stages of decomposition, they may affect the hydrological cycle of Pacific Northwest old-growth forests.This is paper 2945 of the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Corvallis  相似文献   

Huss M  Persson L  Byström P 《Oecologia》2007,153(1):57-67
Size variation among individuals born at the same time in a common environment (within cohorts) is a common phenomenon in natural populations. Still, the mechanisms behind the development of such variation and its consequences for population processes are far from clear. We experimentally investigated the development of early within-cohort size variation in larval perch (Perca fluviatilis). Specifically we tested the influence of initial variation, resulting from variation in egg strand size, and intraspecific density for the development of size variation. Variation in egg strand size translated into variation in initial larval size and time of hatching, which, in turn, had effects on growth and development. Perch from the smallest egg strands performed on average equally well independent of density, whereas larvae originating from larger egg strands performed less well under high densities. We related this difference in density dependence to size asymmetries in competitive abilities leading to higher growth rates of groups consisting of initially small individuals under high resource limitation. In contrast, within a single group of larvae, smaller individuals grew substantially slower under high densities whereas large individuals performed equally well independent of density. As a result, size variation among individuals within groups (i.e. originating from the same clutch) increased under high densities. This result may be explained by social interactions or differential timing of diet shifts and a depressed resource base for the initially smaller individuals. It is concluded that to fully appreciate the effects of density-dependent processes on individual size variation and size-dependent growth, consumer feedbacks on resources need to be considered.  相似文献   

In 63 series of histological sections of human embryos and prefetuses (4-13 weeks) and in 30 corpses of fetuses and stillborns it has been stated that during the 4th week certain changes occur resulting in formation of the lesser peritoneal sac. It further develops into 3 sections: vestibulum bursae omentalis, bursa omentalis proper and cavity of the omentum majus. Spatial-temporal organization of the lesser peritoneal sac is neither connected with development of separate organs or structures, nor with independent growth, but with the process of development of the whole organocomplex of the upper part of the abdominal cavity, formation of topography and organs' fixation, growth peculiarities of the dorsal mesogastrium. The bursa omentalis proper is forming at the expense of retransformation of the hepatogastric pocket, dependent on growth of the dorsal mesogastrium and on a change in the stomach position. The vestibulum bursae omentalis appears in connection with development and formation of the liver topography, lesser omentum and duodenum. The right pulmoesophagial pocket is interrupted by a developing diaphragm with formation of the superior torsion of the bursa omentalis. Disorders in fixation processes of the organs in the superior part of the abdominal cavity and formation of the bursa omentalis topography can serve as a morphological prerequisite for cysts developing in the retroperitoneal space and hernias of the foramen epiploicum.  相似文献   

We administered prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) or anti-PrRP antiserum to goldfish in fresh water and analyzed their effects on prolactin and osmoregulatory mechanisms. The pituitary mRNA level of prolactin increased by PrRP but decreased by anti-PrRP. The rate of water inflow in the gills decreased by PrRP and increased by anti-PrRP, showing that PrRP restricts branchial water permeability, as also restricted by prolactin. PrRP also expanded the mucous cell layers on the scales, which may restrict efficiently water inflow by the mucous system. Eventually, the plasma osmotic pressure decreased by anti-PrRP. We conclude that PrRP is essential to maintain prolactin levels and osmotic balance in fresh water.  相似文献   

M S Mitskevich 《Ontogenez》1990,21(3):242-253
Published and author's data on hypothalamic control over the most important endocrine functions during mammalian ontogenesis were reviewed. The data presented indicates that adenohypophyseotropic protein neurohormones are synthesized and accumulated in hypothalamus long before birth. At the end of the prenatal period most of hypothalamic neurohormones reached the adenohypophysis and were involved in regulation of the tropic hormones secretion. Exceptionally, regulative properties of thyroliberin and somatostatin are only manifested in immature-born animals (rats) in early postnatal period.  相似文献   

金丽  宋少东 《生物学通报》2004,39(12):17-18
鱼类与高等脊椎动物相比其繁殖方式具有多样性,不仅有卵生、胎生和卵胎生,还有孤雌生殖、雌核发育和杂合发育。  相似文献   

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