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目前,白血病复发是患者死亡的主要原因之一。肿瘤细胞和微环境的相互作用,以及隐匿在骨髓中的肿瘤干细胞,促进了白血病的复发和向淋巴组织的转移,因此白血病的治疗、转移和复发问题受到广泛关注。外泌体是由绝大多数细胞分泌的双层脂质膜囊泡,可以调控细胞间的交流和信息传递。在白血病细胞、基质细胞和内皮细胞之间的相互联系中都涉及到外泌体,白血病细胞来源的外泌体存在于白血病患者的血浆中,能把其携带的白血病相关抗原及微小RNA呈递给靶细胞,促进白血病肿瘤细胞的增殖,有助于肿瘤细胞实现免疫逃避,保护白血病细胞抵抗化疗药物导致的细胞毒性作用,促进血管生成及肿瘤细胞的迁移。因此,外泌体与白血病的转移、治疗及预后密切相关,可以用来检测和监测白血病的进展。本文综述了外泌体的来源、形成与分泌机制,以及外泌体在白血病发生前、发展中、预后和免疫治疗中所扮演的重要角色。  相似文献   

Exosomes are naturally occurring extracellular vesicles released by most mammalian cells in all body fluids. Exosomes are known as key mediators in cell‐cell communication and facilitate the transfer of genetic and biochemical information between distant cells. Structurally, exosomes are composed of lipids, proteins, and also several types of RNAs which enable these vesicles to serve as important disease biomarkers. Moreover, exosomes have emerged as novel drug and gene delivery tools owing to their multiple advantages over conventional delivery systems. Recently, increasing attention has been focused on exosomes for the delivery of drugs, including therapeutic recombinant proteins, to various target tissues. Exosomes are also promising vehicles for the delivery of microRNAs and small interfering RNAs, which is usually hampered by rapid degradation of these RNAs, as well as inefficient tissue specificity of currently available delivery strategies. This review highlights the most recent accomplishments and trends in the use of exosomes for the delivery of drugs and therapeutic RNA molecules.

Toxoplasma gondii infection induces alteration of the host cell cycle and cell proliferation. These changes are not only seen in directly invaded host cells but also in neighboring cells. We tried to identify whether this alteration can be mediated by exosomes secreted by T. gondii-infected host cells. L6 cells, a rat myoblast cell line, and RH strain of T. gondii were selected for this study. L6 cells were infected with or without T. gondii to isolate exosomes. The cellular growth patterns were identified by cell counting with trypan blue under confocal microscopy, and cell cycle changes were investigated by flow cytometry. L6 cells infected with T. gondii showed decreased proliferation compared to uninfected L6 cells and revealed a tendency to stay at S or G2/M cell phase. The treatment of exosomes isolated from T. gondii-infected cells showed attenuation of cell proliferation and slight enhancement of S phase in L6 cells. The cell cycle alteration was not as obvious as reduction of the cell proliferation by the exosome treatment. These changes were transient and disappeared at 48 hr after the exosome treatment. Microarray analysis and web-based tools indicated that various exosomal miRNAs were crucial for the regulation of target genes related to cell proliferation. Collectively, our study demonstrated that the exosomes originating from T. gondii could change the host cell proliferation and alter the host cell cycle.  相似文献   

Stool and cellotape anal swab examinations were carried out in August 1997 on handicapped people at an institution located in Chorwon-gun, Kangwon-do, Korea. A total of 112 stool samples (78 males and 34 females) revealed three cases of Trichuris trichiura infection and one case of Enterobius vermicularis infection. Other helminth eggs were not detected. The overall prevalence rate was 35.7% (38.5% for males and 29.4% for females). More than two different kinds of parasites were found in 42.0% of the positive stool samples (17 cases). The infection rates for protozoan cysts are as follow: Entamoeba coli (25.0%), E. histolytica (1.8%), Endolimax nana (21.4%), Iodoamoeba bütschlii (1.8%) and Giardia lamblia (0.9%). In cellotape anal swab examinations (165 samples), the prevalence rate of E. vermicularis was 20.6% (25.7% of males and 9.6% of females). In conclusion, the handicapped people in the institution showed higher infection rates of protozoan parasites and E. vermicularis, possibly due to more accessibility to the infection.  相似文献   

外泌体(exosomes)是细胞分泌的纳米级别膜性小泡,在20世纪80年代初就已经被发现,但其在细胞间所起到的信息交流作用,直至最近才开始为人们所认知.应用大规模分析技术使得exosomes中的复杂成分不断被确定,因为其中的脂质、蛋白质和RNA成分在脂质膜的保护下具有充分的生物学活性,可有效发挥对受体细胞的调节作用,引起科学界的极大兴趣,逐渐成为研究热点之一.我们综述了近几年关于exosomes的研究成果,总结了其参与细胞间信息交流的三种主要方式,包括膜表面信号分子的直接作用、膜融合时内容物的胞内调节以及生物活性成分的释放调节.Exosomes的发现使得细胞间的信息交流更加精细和全面,尤其重要的是,它的发现揭示了存在于机体自身的RNA胞间转移途径.我们还进一步综述了exosomes的三种作用方式在神经系统及肿瘤发生发展中的作用,探讨了exosomes在疾病监测、自身免疫性疾病与缺血性疾病治疗中的临床应用价值.在基因治疗领域,由于具有安全有效的靶向运输能力,exosomes将有望成为理想的基因治疗载体.  相似文献   

《Animal biotechnology》2013,24(2):133-143

Expressed sequenced tags (ESTs) and microarray resources have a great impact on the ability to study host response in mice and humans. Unfortunately, these resources are not yet available for domestic farm animals. The aim of this study was to provide genomic resources to study chicken intestinal health, in particular malabsorption syndrome (MAS), which affects mainly the intestine. Therefore a normalized and subtracted cDNA library containing more than 7000 clones was prepared. Randomly chosen clones were sequenced for control purposes. New ESTs were found and multiple ESTs not identified in the chicken intestine before were observed. The number of non‐specific ESTs in this cDNA library was low. Based on this normalized and subtracted library a cDNA microarray was made. In a preliminary hybridization experiment with the microarray, genes were identified to be up‐ or downregulated in MAS infected chickens. This indicates that the generated resources are valuable tools to investigate chicken intestinal health by whole genome expression analysis approaches.  相似文献   

可变淋巴细胞受体(variable lymphocyte receptor, VLR)是2004年于无颌类脊椎动物七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonicum)中发现的一种新型受体。VLR具有分子结构简单、识别抗原种类广泛、对蛋白质和聚糖的结合特异性强且亲和力高、化学性质稳定等多方面优点。研究表明,VLR可识别表达于腺癌和鳞状细胞癌等细胞表面的碳水化合物,以及多发性骨髓瘤浆细胞表面的特异性标志物。VLR经改造后构建的重组分子可用于恶性肿瘤的成像、诊断和治疗。近年来,VLR在抗肿瘤免疫反应中的作用及以其作为疫苗的研究不断深入。本文对VLR研究的最新进展进行综述,以期为进一步的药物开发及临床研究等提供参考。  相似文献   

Toxins penetrate mammalian cells through various means. In this study, we report a unique strategy used by trichosanthin (TCS), a plant toxin with ribosome-inactivating activity, to penetrate host cells. We found that in both JAR and K562 cells, endocytosed TCS is incorporated into intraluminal vesicles of the multivesicular body (MVB) and is then secreted in association with these vesicles upon fusion of the MVB with the plasma membrane. The secreted TCS-loaded vesicles secreted by K562 cells move throughout the intercellular space and target syngeneic and specific allogeneic cells. Subsequent internalization permits delivery of the toxin into the cytosol, resulting in ribosomal inactivation and cell death. Thus, our findings provide a novel mechanism by which foreign proteins pass between and penetrate into mammalian cells.  相似文献   

APOBEC(“载脂蛋白质B mRNA编辑催化多肽”)是一类进化保守的胞苷脱氨酶家族。在人体内,已知含有保守的DNA胞嘧啶脱氨酶结构域的基因共有11种,包括AID、APOBEC1、APOBEC2、APOBEC3基因家族APOBEC3A、APOBEC3B、APOBEC3C、APOBEC3DE、APOBEC3F、APOBEC3G、APOBEC3H(分别称为A3A、A3B、A3C、A3D、A3F、A3G和A3H)和APOBEC4。APOBEC利用其脱氨酶活性通过与RNA和/或DNA结合,催化mRNA或使DNA中的胞嘧啶核苷酸转变为尿嘧啶,或者胞嘧啶核苷酸转变为胸腺嘧啶核苷酸,进而完成各自不同的功能。目前研究发现,AID及APOBEC3(A3s)的7种脱氨酶在人类的天然免疫和适应性免疫防御过程中发挥重要的作用,且在口腔癌,肺癌(腺癌和鳞状细胞癌),结直肠癌和乳腺癌等的诊疗过程中具有重要的潜在应用价值。AID可以通过将胞嘧啶脱氨基成尿嘧啶,来启动SHM (体细胞超突变)和CSR (类别转换重组),进而在抗体多样性方面发挥作用。它的异常表达能够使B细胞淋巴瘤等恶性肿瘤的发病频率显著增加。而A3A、A3B通过胞嘧啶到尿嘧啶转换,以及自身表达量上调而在乳腺癌和肺癌诊疗中起作用。A3G通过APOBEC3G/miR 29/MMP2为了解结直肠癌肝转移和开发治疗晚期结肠癌的有效疗法开辟了新的途径。综上所述,本文将以AID,A3A,A3B,A3G为例子,对APOBEC在癌症诊断和治疗方面的应用进行综述,以期为进一步药物研究和临床应用等提供参考。  相似文献   

APOBEC(“载脂蛋白质B mRNA编辑催化多肽”)是一类进化保守的胞苷脱氨酶家族。在人体内,已知含有保守的DNA胞嘧啶脱氨酶结构域的基因共有11种,包括AID、APOBEC1、APOBEC2、APOBEC3基因家族APOBEC3A、APOBEC3B、APOBEC3C、APOBEC3DE、APOBEC3F、APOBEC3G、APOBEC3H(分别称为A3A、A3B、A3C、A3D、A3F、A3G和A3H)和APOBEC4。APOBEC利用其脱氨酶活性通过与RNA和/或DNA结合,催化mRNA或使DNA中的胞嘧啶核苷酸转变为尿嘧啶,或者胞嘧啶核苷酸转变为胸腺嘧啶核苷酸,进而完成各自不同的功能。目前研究发现,AID及APOBEC3(A3s)的7种脱氨酶在人类的天然免疫和适应性免疫防御过程中发挥重要的作用,且在口腔癌,肺癌(腺癌和鳞状细胞癌),结直肠癌和乳腺癌等的诊疗过程中具有重要的潜在应用价值。AID可以通过将胞嘧啶脱氨基成尿嘧啶,来启动SHM (体细胞超突变)和CSR (类别转换重组),进而在抗体多样性方面发挥作用。它的异常表达能够使B细胞淋巴瘤等恶性肿瘤的发病频率显著增加。而A3A、A3B通过胞嘧啶到尿嘧啶转换,以及自身表达量上调而在乳腺癌和肺癌诊疗中起作用。A3G通过APOBEC3G/miR 29/MMP2为了解结直肠癌肝转移和开发治疗晚期结肠癌的有效疗法开辟了新的途径。综上所述,本文将以AID,A3A,A3B,A3G为例子,对APOBEC在癌症诊断和治疗方面的应用进行综述,以期为进一步药物研究和临床应用等提供参考。  相似文献   

Wu F 《Transgenic research》2006,15(3):277-289
Genetically modified (GM) Bt corn, through the pest protection that it confers, has lower levels of mycotoxins: toxic and carcinogenic chemicals produced as secondary metabolites of fungi that colonize crops. In some cases, the reduction of mycotoxins afforded by Bt corn is significant enough to have an economic impact, both in terms of domestic markets and international trade. In less developed countries where certain mycotoxins are significant contaminants of food, Bt corn adoption, by virtue of its mycotoxin reduction, may even improve human and animal health. This paper describes an integrated assessment model that analyzes the economic and health impacts of two mycotoxins in corn: fumonisin and aflatoxin. It was found that excessively strict standards of these two mycotoxins could result in global trade losses in the hundreds of millions $US annually, with the US, China, and Argentina suffering the greatest losses. The paper then discusses the evidence for Bt corn’s lower levels of contamination of fumonisin and aflatoxin, and estimates economic impacts in the United States. A total benefit of Bt corn’s reduction of fumonisin and aflatoxin in the US was estimated at $23 million annually. Finally, the paper examines the potential policy impacts of Bt corn’s mycotoxin reduction, on nations that are making a decision on whether to allow commercialization of this genetically modified crop.  相似文献   

Helminth infections are prevalent in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). This study aimed at determining the prevalence and risk factors of intestinal helminthiasis in remote mountainous villages of northern Lao PDR. During the dry season in January 2017, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in 3 remote mountainous villages in Oudomxay province, Lao PDR. Villagers older than 18 years of age who agreed to submit stool samples or undergo an interview, were recruited. Stool samples from 198 individuals were examined by the Kato-Katz method, and a questionnaire surveyed 161 individuals among them. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to identify risk factors associated with the intestinal helminthiasis. An overall prevalence of intestinal helminthiasis was 75.8%. Hookworm infection was the most common (63.1%), followed by Opisthorchis viverrini/minute intestinal flukes (17.7%), Taenia spp. (15.2%), Trichuris trichiura (2.0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (1.5%), and Enterobius vermicularis (1.0%). Questionnaire analysis revealed sex (male) and absence of latrine to be significant risk factors for hookworm infection and consumption of raw meat for taeniasis. These results suggest that the mountainous area in northern Lao PDR has a different composition of helminth infections from other studies conducted in Lao PDR; a high prevalence of hookworm infection and taeniasis and low prevalence of T. trichiura and A. lumbricoides infections were observed. Also, liver flukes or intestinal flukes were similarly prevalent in the mountainous area.  相似文献   

Mouse models are widely used to study pathogenesis of human diseases and to evaluate diagnostic procedures as well as therapeutic interventions preclinically. However, valid assessment of pathological alterations often requires histological analysis, and when performed ex vivo, necessitates death of the animal. Therefore in conventional experimental settings, intra-individual follow-up examinations are rarely possible. Thus, development of murine endoscopy in live mice enables investigators for the first time to both directly visualize the gastrointestinal mucosa and also repeat the procedure to monitor for alterations. Numerous applications for in vivo murine endoscopy exist, including studying intestinal inflammation or wound healing, obtaining mucosal biopsies repeatedly, and to locally administer diagnostic or therapeutic agents using miniature injection catheters. Most recently, molecular imaging has extended diagnostic imaging modalities allowing specific detection of distinct target molecules using specific photoprobes. In conclusion, murine endoscopy has emerged as a novel cutting-edge technology for diagnostic experimental in vivo imaging and may significantly impact on preclinical research in various fields.  相似文献   

How dietary fatty acids are absorbed into the enterocyte and transported to the ER is not established. We tested the possibility that caveolin-1 containing lipid rafts and endocytic vesicles were involved. Apical brush border membranes took up 15% of albumin bound 3H-oleate whereas brush border membranes from caveolin-1 KO mice took up only 1%. In brush border membranes, the 3H-oleate was in the detergent resistant fraction of an OptiPrep gradient. On OptiPrep gradients of intestinal cytosol, we also found the 3H-oleate in the detergent resistant fraction, separate from OptiPrep gradients spiked with 3H-oleate or 3H-triacylglycerol. Caveolin-1 immuno-depletion of cytosol removed 91% of absorbed 3H-oleate whereas immuno-depletion using IgG, or anti-caveolin-2 or -3 or anti-clathrin antibodies removed 20%. Electron microscopy showed the presence of caveolin-1 containing vesicles in WT mouse cytosol that were 4 fold increased by feeding intestinal sacs 1 mM oleate. No vesicles were seen in caveolin-1 KO mouse cytosol. Caveolin-1 KO mice gained less weight on a 23% fat diet and had increased fat in their stool compared to WT mice. We conclude that dietary fatty acids are absorbed by caveolae in enterocyte brush border membranes, are endocytosed, and transported in cytosol in caveolin-1 containing endocytic vesicles.  相似文献   

【目的】对林氏按蚊Anopheles lindesayi完整的线粒体基因组进行测序及分析,依据已知的线粒体基因组构建并讨论按蚊属蚊虫的分子系统发育关系。【方法】对林氏按蚊线粒体基因组进行测序、注释,并对其基本特征和基本组成进行分析。基于串联的13个蛋白质编码基因的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列,用ML法和贝叶斯法构建林氏按蚊和按蚊属其他32种蚊虫的系统发育树,据此探讨按蚊属蚊虫的系统发育关系和系统分类。【结果】林氏按蚊线粒体基因组全长为15 366 bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因,22个tRNA基因,2个rRNA基因和一段控制区。林氏按蚊线粒体基因组呈现明显的AT偏斜和GC偏斜,AT偏斜为正,GC偏斜为负。除了COX1使用TCG和ND5使用GTG作为起始密码子以外,其他蛋白质编码基因的起始密码子均遵循ATN原则;终止密码子为TAA或者T。除了tRNASer(AGN)以外,其他的tRNA基因均呈现典型的三叶草二级结构。控制区AT含量最高,为94.54%。滑窗分析显示蛋白质编码基因是用于构建亚属或属水平系统发育关系的最佳分子标记。系统发育树强烈支持塞蚊亚属Cellia、按蚊亚属Anopheles、徕蚊亚属Nyssorhynchus和柯特蚊亚属Kerteszia均为单系群。小五斑按蚊An. atroparvus和四斑按蚊An. quadrimaculatus A这两个种聚到一起,从传统的形态分类上讲,它们和林氏按蚊均属于按蚊亚属按蚊系蚊虫。但本研究构建的4个系统发育树均显示,(小五斑按蚊An. atroparvus+四斑按蚊An. quadrimaculatus A)和林氏按蚊被属于迈蚊系的中华按蚊分开,这为两个系的分类提供了新的论点。【结论】本研究获得了林氏按蚊的完整的线粒体基因组,探析了按蚊属的线粒体基因组特征和系统发育关系,为进一步研究蚊科线粒体基因组和系统发育关系提供了依据。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Gastrointestinal helminths of Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) from the Belgrade area were studied as a part of a wider ecological research of rats in Serbia (data on the distribution, population ecology, economic and epizoothiological-epidemiological importance, and density control). Rats were captured from May 2005 to July 2009 at both urban and suburban-rural sites. Of a total of 302 trapped rats 48% were males and 52% females, with 36.5% and 38.8% of juvenile-subadult individuals, per sex respectively. Intestinal helminth infection was noted in 68.5% of rats, with a higher prevalence in male hosts and in adult individuals. Higher numbers of infected juveniles-subadults were noted in suburban-rural habitats, while an opposite tendency was noted in adult rats. Seven helminth species were recovered, of which five were nematode (Heterakis spumosa, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Capillaria sp., Trichuris muns and Syphacia muris) and two cestode species (Hymenolepis diminuta and Rodentolepis fraterna). The most prevalent parasites were Heterakis spumosa (36.7%) and Hymenolepis diminuta (30.5 %). Sex and habitat-related differences were noted in the prevalence of infection with Capillaria sp. and Trichuris muris, while there were no age-related differences in the prevalence of infection with any individual helminth species. Significantly higher prevalence of infection was noted in summer as compared to spring or winter, with a tendency to be higher in autumn as compared to spring. The only significant difference in the prevalence of infection between habitat-related was noted during spring. H. spumosa was most prevalent in summer, while H. diminuta and N. brasiliensis in autumn. The mean intensity of infection with H. spumosa, R. fraterna, S. muris and T muris was higher in autumn than in the other seasons, while N. brasiliensis and Capillaria sp. occured in winter. No more than four helminth species were found in one host.  相似文献   

Objective: Effective treatment of obesity is based on the restriction of food intake or reduction of absorption or both. The aim of this study was to study whether intestinal electric stimulation (IES) would reduce fat absorption and, thus, would be a potential therapy for obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: Forty rats implanted with serosal electrodes and two jejunal cannulas were divided into 4 groups of 10 each: control (no stimulation), IES with long pulses, IES with trains of short pulses, and IES with trains of short pulses plus treatment with lidocaine. Jejunal transit and fat absorption of a 20‐cm jejunal segment (between two cannulas) were investigated during a 45‐minute period with or without IES. Results: It was found that both methods of IES accelerated intestinal transit measured by recovery of phenol red and increased the percentage of triglycerides recovered from the distal cannula in comparison with the control group. IES with trains of short pulses was more effective than IES with long pulses in accelerating jejunal transit and reducing fat absorption. Neither of the two IES methods altered the output of fatty acids from the distal cannula. The effects of IES with trains of short pulses on the transit and fat absorption were partially abolished with the treatment of lidocaine. Discussion: It was concluded that IES accelerates intestinal transit and reduces fat absorption, suggesting a therapeutic potential for obesity. IES with trains of short pulses is more effective than IES with long pulses, and its effects are partially mediated by enteric nerves, jejunum.  相似文献   

Few models currently exist to realistically simulate the complex human intestine''s micro-environment, where a variety of interactions take place. Proper homeostasis directly depends on these interactions, as they shape an entire immunological response inducing tolerance against food antigens while at the same time mounting effective immune responses against pathogenic microbes accidentally ingested with food.Intestinal homeostasis is preserved also through various complex interactions between the microbiota (including food-associated beneficial bacterial strains) and the host, that regulate the attachment/degradation of mucus, the production of antimicrobial peptides by the epithelial barrier, and the "education" of epithelial cells'' that controls the tolerogenic or immunogenic phenotype of unique, gut-resident lymphoid cells'' populations. These interactions have been so far very difficult to reproduce with in vitro assays using either cultured cell lines or peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In addition, mouse models differ substantially in components of the intestinal mucosa (mucus layer organization, commensal bacteria community) with respect to the human gut. Thus, studies of a variety of treatments to be brought in the clinics for important stress-related or pathological conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer have been difficult to carry out.To address these issues, we developed a novel system that enables us to stimulate explants of human intestinal mucosa that retain their in situ conditioning by the host microbiota and immune response, in a polarized fashion. Polarized apical stimulation is of great importance for the outcome of the elicited immune response. It has been repeatedly shown that the same stimuli can produce completely different responses when they bypass the apical face of the intestinal epithelium, stimulating epithelial cells basolaterally or coming into direct contact with lamina propria components, switching the phenotype from tolerogenic to immunogenic and causing unnecessary and excessive inflammation in the area.We achieved polarized stimulation by gluing a cave cylinder which delimited the area of stimulation on the apical face of the mucosa as will be described in the protocol. We used this model to examine, among others, differential effects of three different Lactobacilli strains. We show that this model system is very powerful to assess the immunomodulatory properties of probiotics in healthy and disease conditions.  相似文献   

We have studied the responsiveness of vascular adenylate cyclase to vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) using preparations of cerebral microvessels and arteries. Cerebral microvessels obtained from rats, guinea-pigs, cattle, and pigs all responded potently to bovine (b) PTH-(1-34), whereas considerable between-species variability was observed in the responsiveness to VIP. The homologous peptide to VIP, PHI (porcine heptacosapeptide), stimulated adenylate cyclase in both rat microvessels and a broken-cell preparation of bovine arteries. The ED50 values for activation of bovine arterial adenylate cyclase by VIP, PHI, and bPTH-(1-34) were 6.9 nM, 10 nM, and 100 nM, respectively, with the following order of efficacy: VIP = PHI greater than bPTH-(1-34). The other related peptides, hpGRF (human pancreatic growth hormone releasing factor), secretin, and glucagon, and the fragment VIP-(10-28) were inactive. The PTH antagonist, [Nle8, Nle18, Tyr34]bPTH-(3-34) amide, inhibited bPTH-(1-34) activation of vascular adenylate cyclase but did not affect activation by VIP using either microvessels or arteries. VIP or PHI demonstrated an additive effect with bPTH-(1-34) on vascular adenylate cyclase activity. However, the effects of VIP and PHI were nonadditive with each other. These data suggest that VIP and bPTH-(1-34) activate cerebral vascular adenylate cyclase by interacting with pharmacologically distinct receptors, whereas PHI and VIP likely interact with a common receptor.  相似文献   

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