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动物肠道菌群与宿主在营养代谢、免疫、疾病等方面有密切的关系。鉴于肠道菌群的这种重要性,野生动物肠道菌群宏基因组学日益成为保护生物学的研究热点。本文主要综述了近年来野生哺乳动物肠道微生物组的若干最新研究进展,着眼于宿主食性适应、健康、宿主与微生物组的协同进化等若干重要问题,对食肉类、灵长类、有蹄类、有袋类、鲸类、啮齿类等几大比较受关注的动物类群分别进行了总结,以期为今后我国哺乳动物肠道微生物组的研究提供一些视角和方向,并为野生动物的保护提供新的理论基础及研究手段。  相似文献   

刘冬平  肖文发  陆军  张正旺 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6959-6966
由于具有独特的飞行能力和极强的地理扩散能力,鸟类活动为某些传染性疾病的快速传播和扩散带来了潜在风险.自20世纪以来,以禽霍乱、禽波特淋菌病、西尼罗河热、禽流感等为代表的鸟类疾病频繁暴发,导致为数众多的野生鸟类、家禽甚至人类死亡,给社会造成巨大的经济损失.因此,有关鸟类传染性疾病的研究已引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.从鸟类传染性疾病的生态学特征、疾病对鸟类与人类社会的影响、鸟类对疾病的传播、鸟类疾病的监测、预警和防控等方面对野生鸟类的传染性疾病研究进展进行了综述.不同疾病导致的鸟类死亡量、易感物种数量、暴发频率和地理扩散等特征差异显著.20世纪以来,疾病已成为全球生物多样性的七大威胁因子之一.疾病可能造成鸟类大量死亡,从而对鸟类种群,特别是濒危鸟类种群造成严重影响.其中,人畜共患病还会导致家禽家畜甚至人类的死亡,从而对社会产生严重的影响.野生鸟类作为多种疾病传播的媒介,其移动和迁徙可能会导致疾病的传播与扩散.开展全面的监测活动和建立疾病预警体系,对于疾病的防控具有重要意义.  相似文献   

野生鸟类疾病的研究现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野生鸟类是全人类的财富,但随着人类活动范围的加大,野生鸟类的种群和数量不断减少,导致野生鸟类资源日益减少的因素除环境因子和人类活动影响外,野生鸟类的疾病也是导致其种群数量减少的一个重要因素,野生鸟类感染或机械地携带的一些病源微生物和寄生虫不仅对野鸟的自身?..  相似文献   

肠道微生物与人类健康状况直接相关。目前,微生物研究者已对影响人及模式动物(主要为鼠和猪)肠道微生物菌群结构的因素展开了广泛研究,取得了较大研究进展。本文综述了影响肠道微生物菌群结构的因素,主要有年龄、宿主基因型、宿主所处环境、食物和抗生素等,以使人们了解和控制这些因素,从而保持良好的健康状态。  相似文献   

蜜蜂是全球范围内重要的授粉昆虫,具有很高的经济、生态效益。但是蜜蜂一生中可能会遇到许多挑战。肠道微生物与蜜蜂的健康息息相关,不仅在营养物质的消化吸收方面有重要作用,而且还能抵抗某些病原菌的侵袭以及增强机体免疫力。近年出现的蜜蜂大量死亡现象可能与肠道微生物失调有关。生物以及非生物的因素都可能密切影响着蜜蜂肠道微生物的存活,导致宿主生理功能紊乱甚至死亡。本文综述了蜜蜂的肠道核心微生物组成、分布、变化、影响因素以及主要作用和研究方法,为肠道微生物的研究和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

王倩  刘玉升 《微生物学通报》2023,50(7):3137-3145
蝗虫自古以来是我国农林牧业的一大害虫,蝗虫聚集成灾对农业造成了巨大的损失,国内外学者也因此对其进行了深入的研究。随着科研工作者对昆虫肠道微生态学理论的逐渐重视,蝗虫的肠道微生物也成为了研究的重点,同时测序技术的迅速发展促进了蝗虫肠道微生物的研究。本文从蝗虫肠道菌群的多样性、功能及研究方法入手,对近年来蝗虫肠道微生物的研究进展进行总结,并对今后的研究进行展望。  相似文献   

肠道不仅是消化和吸收的主要场所,也是机体重要的免疫器官。人类肠道中存在着超过百万亿的微生物,其在漫长的自然选择及共同进化中与宿主形成了紧密的共生关系。肠上皮是先天免疫的一个组成部分,通过各种黏膜保护屏障将肠腔内容物与机体内环境分隔开。各种肠上皮细胞相互协调维持肠道内稳态,并与肠道微生物、肠黏膜免疫系统共同形成抵御肠腔内有害抗原的第一道防线。肠上皮作为肠道微生物和肠黏膜免疫系统相互作用的枢纽,在黏膜免疫防御体系中具有重要作用,本文就肠上皮与肠道微生物之间的相互作用进行综述,旨在深入理解肠上皮,为探索肠道相关疾病的治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

王臻琪  李耀平 《微生物学通报》2023,50(12):5548-5562
越来越多的研究表明,肠道微生物可以影响大肠癌的发生发展。例如,产肠毒素脆弱拟杆菌、具核梭杆菌等已被证实与晚期的大肠癌和患者生存率降低相关。肠道微生物变化可以导致肠道稳态破坏,菌群数量以及类别的变化会导致宿主产生复杂的病理生理反应过程,促进大肠癌的发生发展。因此需要研究肠道微生物如何破坏肠道屏障、介导物质代谢、产生炎症因子及激活信号转导通路以及如何造成肠道微生物生态失调从而加速疾病进程。通过研究肠道微生物与大肠癌之间的相互作用,可以对大肠癌的早期诊断、治疗和预后有所帮助。本文就目前肠道微生物与大肠癌相关机制和前沿治疗的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

白蚁肠道微生物   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对近年来白蚁肠道微生物方面的研究成果作一综述,主要强调白蚁肠道中存在的原生动物、发酵性细菌、固氮菌、螺旋体、同型产乙酸细菌、产甲烷细菌和硫酸盐还原菌对白蚁消化木质纤维素类食物有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

肠道菌群是动物体内最复杂、最庞大的微生态系统,其多样性和组成在调节宿主的健康、生理、发育和环境适应等方面具有不可替代的作用。肠道菌群受多种因素的综合影响。综述宿主遗传因素、食物和高海拔环境对肠道菌群的影响。  相似文献   

西方化的高脂饮食方式造成了越来越多的肥胖人群。高脂饮食在一定程度上可以改变肠道菌群的结构组成和功能,促进宿主对食物营养的吸收,从而增加体重形成肥胖。高脂饮食诱导的肥胖者肠道菌群的改变会导致宿主能量吸收增加,肠道通透性和炎症增加,而有减肥功能的短链脂肪酸合成能力下降。最近研究发现肠道菌群也可以通过影响中枢神经系统,尤其是下丘脑相关基因的表达来控制食欲,从而调控肥胖的形成。本文系统介绍了最近几年高脂饮食诱导肥胖的研究,总结了一些与肥胖形成有密切关系的肠道菌群以及其在肥胖形成中的作用机制,为进一步研究肠道菌群与肥胖之间的调控作用奠定了基础。最后总结了肠道菌群可以作为一个预防和治疗肥胖的有效靶点,可以通过在食物中添加有益菌或者通过菌群移植来治疗肥胖。  相似文献   

The gut microbiota of birds is known to be characterized for different species, although it may change with feeding items. In this study, we compared the gut microbiota of birds with different feeding behaviors in the same habitat. We collected fecal samples from three Arctic species, snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis, sanderlings Calidris alba, and pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus that are phylogenetically quite distant in different families to evaluate effects of diet on gut microbiota. Also, we characterized the prevalence of fecal bacteria using the Illumina MiSeq platform to sequence bacterial 16S rRNA genes. Our NMDS results showed that fecal bacteria of snow buntings and sanderlings were significantly distant from those of pink‐footed geese. Although all three birds were occupied by three bacterial phyla, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes, dominant taxa still varied among the species. Our bacterial sequences showed that snow buntings and sanderlings were dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, while pink‐footed geese were dominated by Proteobacteria. In addition, the bacterial diversity in snow buntings and sanderlings was significantly higher than that in pink‐footed geese. Our results suggest that insectivorous feeding diet of snow buntings and sanderlings could be responsible for the similar bacterial communities between the two species despite the distant phylogenetic relationship. The distinctive bacterial community in pink‐footed geese was discussed to be related with their herbivorous diet.  相似文献   

肠道微生物在肠道稳态和大脑健康中发挥着举足轻重的作用.血清素是大脑的一种重要的单胺类神经递质,90%以上在结肠肠嗜铬细胞中由色氨酸代谢转化而来,在机体发挥广泛作用.近年来的研究表明,血清素对机体发挥的作用可能受到肠道微生物影响.肠道中某些微生物具有产生血清素的能力,同时,微生物群及其代谢产物(如丁酸)能通过影响色氨酸羟...  相似文献   

Termites are an important group of terrestrial insects that harbor an abundant gut microbiota, many of which contribute to digestion, termite nutrition and gas (CH(4), CO(2) and H(2)) emission. With 2200 described species, termites also provide a good model to study relationships between host diet and gut microbial community structure and function. We examined the relationship between diet and gut prokaryotic community profiles in 24 taxonomically and nutritionally diverse species of termites by using nucleic acid probes targeting 16S-like ribosomal RNAs. The relative abundance of domain-specific 16S-like rRNAs recovered from gut extracts varied considerably (ranges: Archaea (0-3%); Bacteria (15-118%)). Although Bacteria were always detectable and the most abundant, differences in domain-level profiles were correlated with termite diet, as evidenced by higher relative abundances of Archaea in guts of soil-feeding termites, compared to those of wood-feeding species in the same family. The oligonucleotide probes also readily distinguished gut communities of wood-feeding taxa in the family Termitidae (higher termites) from those of other wood-feeding termite families (lower termites). The relative abundances of 16S-like archaeal rRNA in guts were positively correlated with rates of methane emission by live termites, and were consistent with previous work linking high relative rates of methanogenesis with the soil (humus)-feeding habit. Probes for methanogenic Archaea detected members of only two families (Methanobacteriaceae and Methanosarcinaceae) in termite guts, and these typically accounted for 60% of the all archaeal probe signal. In four species of termites, Methanosarcinaceae were dominant, a novel observation for animal gut microbial communities, but no clear relationship was apparent between methanogen family profiles and termite diet or taxonomy.  相似文献   

Aims: Recent studies have suggested that Salmonella Typhimurium strains associated with mortality in UK garden birds are significantly different from strains that cause disease in humans and livestock and that wild bird strains may be host adapted. However, without further genomic characterization of these strains, it is not possible to determine whether they are host adapted. The aim of this study was to characterize a representative sample of Salm. Typhimurium strains detected in wild garden birds using multi‐locus sequence typing (MLST) to investigate evolutionary relationships between them. Methods and Results: Multi‐locus sequence typing was performed on nine Salm. Typhimurium strains isolated from wild garden birds. Two sequence types were identified, the most common of which was ST568. Examination of the public Salmonella enterica MLST database revealed that only three other ST568 isolates had been cultured from a human in Scotland. Two further isolates of Salm. Typhimurium were determined to be ST19. Conclusions: Results of MLST analysis suggest that there is a predominant strain of Salm. Typhimurium circulating among garden bird populations in the United Kingdom, which is rarely detected in other species, supporting the hypothesis that this strain is host adapted. Significance and Impact of the Study: Host–pathogen evolution is often assumed to lead to pathogens becoming less virulent to avoid the death of their host; however, infection with ST568 led to high mortality rates among the wild birds examined, which were all found dead at wild bird‐feeding stations. We hypothesize that by attracting unnaturally high densities of birds, wild bird‐feeding stations may facilitate the transmission of ST568 between wild birds, therefore reducing the evolutionary cost of this pathogen killing its host, resulting in a host‐adapted strain with increased virulence.  相似文献   

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