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关节软骨损伤后的自我修复是医学界一直在研究和探讨的难题。3D生物打印技术可以精准的分配载细胞生物材料,构建复杂的三维活体组织,在优化软骨缺损修复组织的内部结构、机械性能以及生物相容性上有很大优势,因此近年来成为软骨修复组织工程领域的研究热点。重点介绍了软骨生物3D生物打印的最新进展,包括软骨生物打印“墨水”材料的选择、种子细胞的来源以及3D生物打印技术的发展。此外,还阐述了3D生物打印技术在组织工程学应用上的部分局限性,并对其在软骨修复领域的发展与应用进行了预测。  相似文献   

目的 了解医院骨科医师和管理者对3D打印技术在骨科应用的安全性、有效性、经济性和伦理性的感知。方法 对上海市4所三级综合性医院的所有骨科临床医师和相关管理部门的负责人或管理者进行问卷调查,并邀请4名骨科专家进行定性访谈。结果 3所被调查医院在骨科领域应用了3D打印技术,但使用量有限。被调查的医师和管理者认为:骨科3D打印主要优点是手术时间短、增加手术便利性和手术成功率高,主要缺点是费用高且价格昂贵、缺乏相关规范标准和整个过程相对复杂且耗时长。结论 3D打印技术在骨科临床应用的安全性和有效性需长期评价,骨科3D打印技术的临床应用需要规制。  相似文献   

目的:揭示3D生物打印产业技术研发态势和专利布局,以期为相关机构提供竞争情报,为行业发展提供数据支撑。方法:基于3D生物打印领域产业调研和技术分解,构造检索式获取数据,多维度量化分析领域专利。结果:3D生物打印产业发展可分为孕育期、萌芽期和高速发展期;该产业集中度较低,处于分散竞争阶段;申请人多依据地缘因素选择合作对象,合作方之间多为不同类型的机构;中国申请人的专利申请量占全球的比重已接近50%,但美国申请人的专利篇均被引频次仍远超中国;美国申请人更关注海外市场。结论:3D生物打印产业尚未形成规模效应,有必要整合业内资源,打造产业集群;中、美两国在该产业都具有优势地位,中国亟待加强海外专利布局;综合权衡专利数量和质量,美国申请人的专利竞争力仍高于中国,中国需培育更多核心专利。  相似文献   

目的:探讨3D打印聚醚醚酮在先天性缺牙患者修复中的应用价值。方法:2013年5月至2019年10月选择在本院诊治的先天性缺牙患者72例,根据随机数字表法把患者分为观察组与对照组各36例。对照组给予传统口腔修复治疗,观察组在对照组治疗的基础上给予3D打印聚醚醚酮修复治疗,记录与随访两组预后情况。结果:所有患者都顺利完成修复,治疗3个月观察组的总有效率为100.0%,显著高于对照组的88.9%(P<0.05)。两组治疗3个月的牙龈指数都低于治疗前,观察组也低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后3个月观察组的感染、刺激痛、出血、修复体脱落等并发症发生率为5.6%,显著低于对照组的27.8%(P<0.05)。治疗后3个月与4个月,观察组的美学评分都显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:3D打印聚醚醚酮在先天性缺牙患者修复中的应用能够促进牙周清洁,减少并发症的发生,从而提高临床疗效与美学效果。  相似文献   

目的 评价3D打印技术骨科临床应用的效应。方法 通过系统性综述和Meta分析,比较3D打印技术与传统常规技术在骨科临床应用的效应。 结果 对25篇纳入的文献进行Meta分析显示,3D打印技术可减少骨科手术时间(26分钟左右),降低术中出血量(77毫升左右),提高植钉准确率或成功率(为传统常规技术的2.10倍),但未减少并发症发生率。结论 3D打印技术骨科临床应用的短期效应总体较好,但在我国骨科临床应用应谨慎发展。  相似文献   

伴随着人口增长,工业化和城市化的进程,无机物和有机物引起的环境污染一直在稳定的持续增长。无机物和有机物污染给生物多样性,公众健康和生态系统带来的整体性的损害促使科学家们寻求有效的方法冶理污染。微生物技术应用于污染环境中外源性化学物质的降解和重金属的生物转化受到越来越广泛的关注。在过去的几年里,生物修复技术发生了巨大的变化,  相似文献   

生物三维打印的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
三维(3D)打印具有灵活性和精密性的特点,已在军工、航天等制造行业中发挥重要作用.随之兴起的生物3D打印在再生医学领域同样具有广泛的应用前景.生物3D打印是将打印的墨水改成含有活细胞的混合物,从而构建活体组织器官.目前生物3D打印更多的是应用于硬组织的仿生重建和新型给药装置的制备,但具有生物活性、更复杂的组织器官的重建还处于探索阶段.本文主要对3D打印在生物医学上的应用进行综述,讨论生物3D打印目前面临的问题,并探讨生物3D打印的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

微生物分子生态学技术及其在环境污染研究中的应用   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:23  
较为系统地概述了核酸探针检测技术、利用引物的PCR技术、DNA序列分析技术和电泳分离及显示技术在国内外的研究进展,并探讨了这些技术在环境污染研究中的应用及其方向。结果表明,这些被认为是重要的微生物分子生态学技术,在探索微生物与污染环境之间的相互关系中发挥了重要作用。促进了污染环境的微生物遗传适应进化机制的研究,污染物的微生物降解有关基因的定位及微生物工程菌的构建等方面的工作,从而推进了污染环境微生物修复的分子生态学的发展。  相似文献   

微生物展示技术在重金属污染生物修复中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自然界对环境金属污染物的迁移和转化具有微秒而复杂的选择控制机理,生物修复技术以其投资少,效率高,可以原位处理低浓度有害污染物的特性而在环境治理中具有极大潜力。考虑传统的生物修复技术常常不能满足重金属治理的要求,基于重金属离子高效结合肽的微生物展示技术,有望在重金属生物修复中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

微生物表面展示技术是通过基因工程手段,将短的外源肽或蛋白质表达在微生物细胞表面,该技术可以应用于开发活的细菌疫苗、筛选抗体库、生产生物细胞吸附剂以及制备整细胞生物催化剂。通过金属高效结合肽的肽库筛选和微生物展示技术,将金属结合肽直接展示在微生物的表面,用于处理环境中的重金属污染,为环境中重金属污染的防治提供了一条崭新的途径。利用微生物表面展示技术制备整细胞催化剂,用于有毒有机污染物的处理,可以极大地加快污染物的降解速率。简要介绍了微生物表面展示技术及其在重金属污染治理和毒性有机污染物的脱毒等环境生物修复方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

There has been a surge in mass media reports extolling the potential for using three‐dimensional printing of biomaterials (3D bioprinting) to treat a wide range of clinical conditions. Given that mass media is recognized as one of the most important sources of health and medical information for the general public, especially prospective patients, we report and discuss the ethical consequences of coverage of 3D bioprinting in the media. First, we illustrate how positive mass media narratives of a similar biofabricated technology, namely the Macchiarini scaffold tracheas, which was involved in lethal experimental human trials, influenced potential patient perceptions. Second, we report and analyze the positively biased and enthusiastic portrayal of 3D bioprinting in mass media. Third, we examine the lack of regulation and absence of discussion about risks associated with bioprinting technology. Fourth, we explore how media misunderstanding is dangerously misleading the narrative about the technology.  相似文献   

土壤与水体有机污染的生物修复及其应用研究进展   总被引:45,自引:1,他引:45  
系统论述了土壤、水有机污染物的主要来源、特点、有机污染生物修复的概念、应用范围、成功实例与研究进展等,特别是对于泄漏石油污染的生物成功降解方法、效果,土壤中易爆炸物如TNT、废水中有机污染的有效降解等,评价了生物修复所具有突出优势,对有机、无机污染物降解过程中植物、微生物筛选、基因修饰、分子克隆与转基因植物方面近年来所取得的惊人成果与突破性进展,无疑正激励着人们开拓更大的应用范围。预计不久的将来,更多具有环境净化与生物修复功能的商业性综合技术与高效性工程生物将投入应用。  相似文献   

Alicycliphilus is a promising candidate for participating in the development of novel xenobiotics bioremediation processes. Members of the Alicycliphilus genus are environmental bacteria mostly found in polluted sites such as landfills and contaminated watercourses, and in sewage sludges from wastewater treatment plants. They exhibit a versatile metabolism and the ability to use oxygen, nitrate and chlorate as terminal electron acceptors, which allow them to biodegrade xenobiotics under oxic or anoxic conditions. Pure cultures of Alicycliphilus strains are able to biodegrade some pollutants such as industrial solvents (acetone, cyclohexanol and N-methylpyrrolidone), aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and anthracene), as well as polyurethane varnishes and foams, and they can even transform Cr(VI) to Cr(III). In addition, Alicycliphilus has also been identified in bacterial communities involved in wastewater treatment plants for denitrification, and the degradation of emerging pollutants such as triclosan, nonylphenol, N-heterocyclic aromatic compounds (indole and quinoline), and antibiotics (tetracycline and oxytetracycline). This work summarizes the current knowledge on the Alicycliphilus genus, describing its different metabolic characteristics, focusing on its xenobiotic biodegradation abilities and examining the distinct pathways and molecular bases that sustain them. We also discuss the progress made in genetic manipulation and ‘omics’ analyses, as well as Alicycliphilus participation in novel bioremediation strategies.  相似文献   

Bioprinting as an enabling technology for tissue engineering possesses the promises to fabricate highly mimicked tissue or organs with digital control. As one of the biofabrication approaches, bioprinting has the advantages of high throughput and precise control of both scaffold and cells. Therefore, this technology is not only ideal for translational medicine but also for basic research applications. Bioprinting has already been widely applied to construct functional tissues such as vasculature, muscle, cartilage, and bone. In this review, the authors introduce the most popular techniques currently applied in bioprinting, as well as the various bioprinting processes. In addition, the composition of bioink including scaffolds and cells are described. Furthermore, the most current applications in organ and tissue bioprinting are introduced. The authors also discuss the challenges we are currently facing and the great potential of bioprinting. This technology has the capacity not only in complex tissue structure fabrication based on the converted medical images, but also as an efficient tool for drug discovery and preclinical testing. One of the most promising future advances of bioprinting is to develop a standard medical device with the capacity of treating patients directly on the repairing site, which requires the development of automation and robotic technology, as well as our further understanding of biomaterials and stem cell biology to integrate various printing mechanisms for multi‐phasic tissue engineering.  相似文献   

生物修复技术,作为可持续发展的重要方向,因其环境友好、高效且无二次污染并能从根本上解决土壤污染问题而受到关注,已经在土壤污染治理中得到了广泛的应用。为了梳理和凝练生物修复技术的发展状况,本专刊收录了该研究领域的16篇论文,分别从植物修复、微生物修复、联合修复、重金属吸收积累的相关分子机制、资源化再利用等方面,详细阐述生物修复技术的发展动态,展望未来的发展趋势,为促进生物修复技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Currently, there is a lack of suitable models for in-vitro studies of malignant melanoma and traditional single cell culture models no longer reproduce tumor structure and physiological complexity well. The tumor microenvironment is closely related to carcinogenesis and it is particularly important to understand how tumor cells interact and communicate with surrounding nonmalignant cells. Three-dimensional (3D) in vitro multicellular culture models can better simulate the tumor microenvironment due to their excellent physicochemical properties. In this study, 3D composite hydrogel scaffolds were prepared from gelatin methacrylate and polyethylene glycol diacrylate hydrogels by 3D printing and light curing techniques, and 3D multicellular in vitro tumor culture models were established by inoculating human melanoma cells (A375) and human fibroblasts cells on them. The cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and drug resistance of the 3D multicellular in vitro model was evaluated. Compared with the single-cell model, the cells in the multicellular model had higher proliferation activity and migration ability, and were easy to form dense structures. Several tumor cell markers, such as matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), MMP-2, and vascular endothelial growth factor, were highly expressed in the multicellular culture model, which were more favorable for tumor development. In addition, higher cell survival rate was observed after exposure to luteolin. The anticancer drug resistance result of the malignant melanoma cells in the 3D bioprinted construct demonstrated physiological properties, suggesting the promising potential of current 3D printed tumor model in the development of personalized therapy, especially for discovery of more conducive targeted drugs.  相似文献   

抗癌药物在进行动物和临床试验以前,需要用体外肿瘤组织模型评估药效.由于三维(3D)多细胞球体(multicellular tumor spheroids MCTSs)在抗药性和组织结构等方面与体内肿瘤组织相似,常被用作体外肿瘤组织模型.为监测MCTSs在形成过程中,肿瘤细胞之间和肿瘤细胞与基质之间的相互作用,基于微流控技术基础上自行设计和构建MCTSs模型.该肿瘤MCTSs模型实验结果表明,在3D微环境下,血清能够诱导MDA-MB-231形成直径为289μm的MCTSs,肿瘤细胞MCTSs之间有相互靠近的趋势,并且发现凋亡细胞多分布在MCTSs之间.肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)诱导MDA-MB-231形成MCTSs之间没有相互靠近的趋势,并且MCTSs直径的长度很难达到100μm.以上结果表明,该模型有望为研究肿瘤形成MCTSs机制和药物筛选提供有用的体外肿瘤模型.  相似文献   

Current research tools for preclinical drug development such as rodent models and two-dimensional immortalized monocultures have failed to serve as effective translational models for human central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Recent advancements in the development of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and three-dimensional (3D) culturing can improve the in vivo-relevance of preclinical models, while generating 3D cultures though novel bioprinting technologies can offer increased scalability and replicability. As such, there is a need to develop platforms that combine iPSC-derived cells with 3D bioprinting to produce scalable, tunable, and biomimetic cultures for preclinical drug discovery applications. We report a biocompatible poly(ethylene glycol)-based matrix which incorporates Arg-Gly-Asp and Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg peptide motifs and full-length collagen IV at a stiffness similar to the human brain (1.5 kPa). Using a high-throughput commercial bioprinter we report the viable culture and morphological development of monocultured iPSC-derived astrocytes, brain microvascular endothelial-like cells, neural progenitors, and neurons in our novel matrix. We also show that this system supports endothelial-like vasculogenesis and enhances neural differentiation and spontaneous activity. This platform forms a foundation for more complex, multicellular models to facilitate high-throughput translational drug discovery for CNS disorders.  相似文献   

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