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The effect of calcitonin (CT) on the prolactin (PRL) surge of proestrus in rats was investigated under normal and perturbed lighting conditions. Salmon calcitonin (SCT) was injected i.p. on diestrus 2 or on proestrus, plasma PRL levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. SCT had no effect on the PRL surge under normal lighting conditions but it induced a small drop in PRL level measured on proestrus morning, 3 hours after CT injection. Animals submitted to perturbed light conditions had higher PRL levels than those kept under normal lighting. These data would indicate that for the female rats on proestrus the sensitivity to stress due to injection and blood sampling may be modulated by changing the photoperiod. SCT injection under these conditions may facilitate this destabilization in PRL level.  相似文献   

Urethane-anesthetized male rats have been used for the analysis of prolactin (PRL)-releasing substances on PRL secretion. However, there are only a few reports investigating the effect of urethane anesthesia on PRL secretion in female rats. In this study, we intended to examine the effects of urethane anesthesia on PRL secretion during proestrus in the rat. Proestrus PRL surge was completely blocked when urethane was administered to rats prior to the critical period of proestrus both at doses of 1.0 g/kg and 1.5 g/kg. Additionally, urethane, at a dose of 1.5 g/kg, was also effective in blocking spontaneous ovulation. An experiment examining pituitary PRL concentration at 1800 h confirmed that urethane (1.0 g/kg) anesthesia prevents the PRL surge from the pituitary. Similarly, urethane anesthesia blocked the LH surge from the pituitary, but LH levels in the urethane-treated group were higher than those in the pentobarbital-treated group.  相似文献   

During the estrous cycle, secretion of prolactin is largely restricted to a surge on proestrus. We investigated whether this proestrous prolactin surge initiates regression of the corpora lutea of the preceding cycle. Adult rats were killed prior to the prolactin surge (Proestrus group), following the prolactin surge (Estrus group), after chemical blockade of the prolactin surge with bromocryptine (Estrus+BRC group), and after blockade of the prolactin surge and administration of prolactin (Estrus+BRC+PRL group). Corpora lutea of the current (proestrus) or preceding (estrus) cycle were dissected out, weighed, and sectioned for immunohistochemistry or cultured for examination of in vitro progestin production. Numbers of luteal monocytes/macrophages, differentiated macrophages, and apoptotic nuclei per high-power field were greater for Estrus and Estrus+BRC+PRL than for Estrus+BRC, which in turn had greater numbers than Proestrus (P< 0.05). In contrast, BRC completely reversed the decline in luteal weight observed between Proestrus and Estrus (P<0.05). Number of major histocompatibility complex II-positive cells was not different between groups (P>0.05). Finally, progestin production by corpora lutea in vitro was lower for Proestrus than for the other groups (P<0.05). The results indicate that the prolactin surge alone is not responsible for initiation of apoptosis or immune cell infiltration in regressing corpora lutea of the estrous cycle, although prolactin increases these markers of regression. Prolactin does cause a decline in luteal weight; however, the corpora lutea retain the capacity for steroidogenesis. We conclude that although prolactin has a role in luteal regression, it is not solely responsible for the initiation of this process.  相似文献   

The effect of continuous anesthesia produced by ether, ketamine, urethane and althesin on the afternoon prolactin (PRL) surge was examined using aortic catheters in ovariectomized, estrogentreated rats. Ether and ketamine (ip or ia) completely abolished the diurnal PRL surge. Urethane (ip) from two sources and administered at two doses, which produced surgical anesthesia, initially suppressed the PRL surge, however, PRL levels rose slightly in the early evening. The effect of althesin (ip) on the afternoon PRL surge was variable; in some animals the surge was similar to that seen in unanesthetized controls, while in others the surge was reduced or absent. The variable effect of althesin (ip) seemed to be a result of fluctuations in the depth of anesthesia since ia infusion of althesin at a constant rate did not suppress the afternoon PRL surge.  相似文献   

The involvement of androgens in the control of ovulation has been assessed by administration of the androgen antagonist, hydroxyflutamide, to prepubertal rats treated with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) to induce first estrus and ovulation. Without human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection, only 46% of rats that received six 5-mg, s.c. injections of hydroxyflutamide at 12-h intervals, beginning an hour before s.c. injection of 4 IU PMSG on Day-2 (Day 0 = the day of proestrus), had ovulated a mean of 1.3 +/- 0.4 oocytes per rat when killed on the morning of Day 1, whereas 92% of sesame oil-treated controls had ovulated a mean of 6.9 +/- 0.6 oocytes. After i.p. injection of hCG at 1600 h on Day 0, 92% of hydroxyflutamide-treated rats ovulated a mean of 8.3 +/- 1.2 oocytes compared to 100% of controls, which ovulated 7.3 +/- 0.4 oocytes per rat: these groups were not significantly different from each other, nor from control rats that received no hCG. Thus, exogenous hCG completely overcame the inhibitory effect of hydroxyflutamide on ovulation. Rats treated with PMSG and hydroxyflutamide without hCG were killed either on the morning of Day 0 to determine serum and ovarian steroid levels or on the afternoon of Day 0 to determine serum LH levels. Serum levels of estradiol-17 beta and testosterone in hydroxyflutamide-treated rats were significantly higher (178% and 75%, respectively; p less than 0.01) than levels observed in controls on the morning of Day 0. Ovarian concentrations of the steroids were also elevated in hydroxyflutamide-treated rats (p less than 0.01 for testosterone only).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of acute alcohol infusion on the established suckling-induced prolactin surge in lactating rats was examined. Dams were implanted with an atrial catheter on Day 6 of lactation and blood sampling was done on Day 10. Following the separation of litters from dams for a 6-hr period, a baseline blood sample was removed via a catheter extension. Pups were weighed and returned to dams. Subsequent blood samples were obtained 10, 30, and 60 min after initiation of suckling. Dams were then infused with alcohol doses of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 2.5 g/kg body wt. Infusion (0.1 ml/min) was completed in approximately 30 min. Additional blood samples were obtained 10 30, 60, and 120 min after the termination of infusion. In a separate group of rats, pups were removed from the dam after the first 60 min of suckling and additional blood samples were obtained 40, 70, 90, and 150 min after removal of pups (corresponding to 10-, 30-, 60-, and 120-min samples for rats infused with various alcohol doses). Alcohol, when administered after the establishement of suckling-induced prolactin surge and resulting in blood alcohol levels equal to or greater than legal human intoxication levels, inhibited prolactin release. However, continued suckling for an extended period (120 min in the present study) overcame this inhibitory effect, even when the blood alcohol level was comparable to (2.0 g/kg group) or greater than (2.5 g/kg group) the human legal intoxication level. Furthermore, in rats with established prolactin surges, the patterns of prolactin decline that followed alcohol administration or pup removal were comparable, indicating that similar mechanism(s) may be involved.  相似文献   

Basal concentrations of plasma prolactin in immature, Wistar-Imamichi strain rats at 25, 28 and 31 days of age were 5-12 ng/ml and no prolactin surges were observed in intact immature rats. Plasma progesterone values ranged from 5 to 9 ng/ml, while plasma oestradiol concentrations increased from 11 to 27 pg/ml between 25 and 31 days of age. When oestradiol was administered to ovariectomized 25- or 28-day-old rats by s.c. insertion of an implant, plasma prolactin concentrations at 05:00 and 12:00 h were similarly elevated 3 days after the operation. Oestradiol did not induce a nocturnal prolactin surge. The progesterone implants in ovariectomized rats at 28 days of age or on the first day of oestrus increased plasma prolactin values at 05:00 h. The magnitude of the progesterone-induced prolactin surge was greater when progesterone was given closer to the time of the first ovulation (about 34 days old). Pretreatment with oestradiol amplified the progesterone-induced prolactin surge. Mechanisms causing nocturnal prolactin surges are more sensitive to, and respond over a longer time period, to progesterone in pubertal rats than in adult animals. The results suggest that progesterone initiates the nocturnal surge of prolactin release and that oestradiol can amplify the effects of progesterone.  相似文献   

Injection of bromocriptine from 5 days before until 5 days after mating clearly suppressed the periovulatory prolactin surge in ewes in the anoestrous and oestrous season but did not change the litter size significantly. Progesterone, GH, TSH or thyroid hormone concentrations were not influenced by the bromocriptine treatment. The progesterone concentrations were lower during the first weeks after mating in the anoestrous season compared to the oestrous season, while there was no difference between pregnant and non-pregnant ewes. During later gestation this seasonal difference was only observed in the non-pregnant ewes. At the same time there was a clear difference between pregnancy and non-pregnancy in both seasons. The prolactin, GH and thyroid hormone values also varied significantly during gestation. Since these patterns are identical in pregnant and non-pregnant ewes, the fluctuations are due to environmental factors and not to pregnancy or altered progesterone concentrations. In the anoestrous season prolactin, GH, T4 and T3 levels were higher than in the breeding season, while rT3 showed the opposite pattern. The TSH concentration did not differ between the two seasons. These results suggest that seasonal variations in prolactin, GH and thyroid hormones or the periovulatory prolactin surge do not affect litter size of ewes during pregnancy in the oestrous or the anoestrous season.  相似文献   

A single injection of 2.5 mg perphenazine (PH)/kg body wt to rats on the day of estrus (day 0) did not result in increased serum progesterone 24 hr later. Continued daily injections, however, resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in serum progesterone between days 1 and 3 and a 1.6-fold increase between days 3 and 5 to a final concentration of 58 plus or minus 4 ng/ml on day 5 in serially anesthetized and bled rats. Neither daily administration of 5.0 nor 10.0 mg PH/kg body wt to rats subjected to the stressful conditions of this regimen resulted in further increases in serum progesterone, but the 5.0 mg dose of PH in unstressed rats bled only on day 5 resulted in a highly significant increase in serum progesterone to 110 plus or minus 7 ng/ml. In unstressed rats the increase in serum progesterone over control values after five daily injections of 2.5 mg PH/kg body wt could be attributed to decreased 20alpha-reduction of progesterone, but when the dose of PH was increased to 5.0 mg/kg, a highly significant increase in both progesterone and total progestins occurred indicating that prolactin can increase steroidogenesis as well as reduce 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity. After inhibition of ovulation, the 5.0 mg daily dose of PH resulted in serum progesterone of only 25 plus or minus 8 ng/ml on day 5 in unstressed rats. Thus, serum progesterone in ovulating rats treated with PH originated primarily in the corpora lutea. Perphenazine, 5.0 mg/kg, administered only on estrus and the first day of diestrus was sufficient to induce pseudopregnancy of 14.5 plus or minus 1.6 days. No evidence for gonadotropin stimulation of the ovaries of any rats was observed. The effect of stress on the progesterone response was not mimicked by administration of cortisol acetate and is assumed to be medicated by suppression of prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

The temporal effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of prolactin (PRL) on endogenous PRL secretion was investigated in intact, freely moving, cycling rats. An icv infusion of 10 ng or 100 ng rat-PRL/min from 13.00 to 17.00 h during the proestrous afternoon did not affect endogenous PRL secretion; infusion from 09.00 to 13.00 h showed a tendency to delay the time of onset of the PRL proestrous afternoon surge. The results do not indicate the involvement of an autoregulatory mechanism in the expression or the termination of the proestrous afternoon surge of PRL secretion.  相似文献   

Proestrous rats were treated with porcine follicular fluid (pFF) or porcine serum (pS) extract, afterwards they were put with males together. Next morning, the sperm positive females were considered as day 1 pregnant animals. On days 2, 8 and 14 of pregnancy serum progesterone level was determined by RIA. On days 2 and 8 of pregnancy serum progesterone level of pFF treated animals was significantly lower than that of pS treated ones, but it was not different from the controls on day 14 of pregnancy. The decreased progesterone level indicates that there are biologically active endogenous substances in the pFF (presumably inhibin or granulosa cell luteinization inhibitor) which may responsible for some forms of corpus luteum insufficiency and for some unexplained infertility cases.  相似文献   

It has been described that throughout the estrous cycle of the rat, plasma prolactin (PRL) is basal except on proestrus afternoon when a preovulatory surge occurs. However, there have been controversies about PRL levels on the estrus day. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the existence of a secondary surge of PRL on estrus afternoon and correlate it with plasma estradiol levels. The jugular vein of cycling rats was cannulated at 14:00 h on proestrus and a blood sample was withdrawn at 17:00 h for plasma LH measurement and determination of the preovulatory LH surge occurrence. In order to exclude the regular cycling rats that do not present the gonadotropins preovulatory surge and do not ovulate, only rats showing the LH surge on proestrus were considered in this study. Blood samples were collected hourly during estrus from midnight to 9:00 h (group 1) and from 10:00 to 18:00 h (group 2). In group 1, PRL showed a descending profile from midnight to 9:00 h, whereas the estradiol concentrations were constant. In group 2, a secondary surge of PRL was observed in 20 of 25 (80%) rats and plasma estradiol remained constant, but was higher in animals with the PRL surge. Thus the present data suggest the occurrence of a secondary surge of PRL in the afternoon of estrus that seems to be related to plasma estradiol levels of estrus day, which might exert only a permissive role in this surge generation.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, PMSG was injected to 26-day-old prepubertal rats to induce ovulations. On Day 2 (2 days later, the equivalent of the day of pro-oestrus) they received at 08:00 h 5 mg hydroxyflutamide or vehicle and at 12:00 h 2 mg progesterone or testosterone or vehicle. Animals were killed at 18:00 h on Day 2 or at 09:00 h on Day 3. Progesterone but not testosterone restored the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation in hydroxyflutamide-treated rats. In Exp. 2, 2 mg progesterone or testosterone were injected between 10:30 and 11:00 h on Day 2, to advance the pro-oestrous LH surge and ovulation in PMSG-primed prepubertal rats. Injection of hydroxyflutamide abolished the ability of progesterone to advance the LH surge or ovulation. Testosterone did not induce the advancement of LH surge or ovulation. In Exp. 3, ovariectomized prepubertal rats implanted with oestradiol-17 beta showed significantly (P less than 0.01) elevated serum LH concentrations at 18:00 h over those observed at 10:00 h. Progesterone injection to these animals further elevated the serum LH concentrations at 18:00 h, in a dose-dependent manner, with maximal values resulting from 1 mg progesterone. Hydroxyflutamide treatment significantly (P less than 0.003) reduced the serum LH values in rats receiving 0-1 mg progesterone but 2 mg progesterone were able to overcome this inhibition. It is concluded that progesterone but not testosterone can reverse the effects of hydroxyflutamide on the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation. It appears that hydroxyflutamide may interfere with progesterone action in induction of the LH surge, suggesting a hitherto undescribed anti-progestagenic action of hydroxyflutamide.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol (4 g/kg) as well as the role of serotoninergic neurons on the rate of ovulation and plasma LH, FSH and prolactin secretion have been studied in rats at preovulatory periods (18th hour of diestrus). It has been found that administration of ethanol in preovulatory periods decreased the number of ovules per rat (p less than 0.001), the number of ovulating rats and LH levels (p less than 0.001). These effects were accompanied by an increase in prolactin concentration (0.05 greater than p greater than 0.02), which was followed by a diffuse luteinization in the ovarian tissue. These results showed that ethanol had an effect of central depression in preovulatory periods. These effects could be mediated through the hypothalamic releasing factors. Under previous serotonin depletion with p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA: 300 mg/kg), ethanol caused similar effects on LH and FSH levels as compared with the control group with PCPA. However, prolactin concentration was not increased. These results showed that serotoninergic neurons could be mediated in changes caused by ethanol on prolactin secretion, but do not affect directly in changes caused on LH and FSH secretion.  相似文献   

In aging, persistently estrous (PE) female rats, there are no estrous cycles or cyclic increases in luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, but the sexual receptivity to the male is consistently maintained. We recently reported that caging and mating with fertile males elicits an LH surge followed by ovulation in aging PE rats. The present study examined the relationship between the LH surge, the increase in progesterone (P) secretion and ovulation in PE females exposed to males, and assessed whether intromission was essential for the male-induced pre-ovulatory LH surge. PE rats were implanted with intra-atrial cannulae. Six to eight days later, these females were individually caged with a fertile male and repeatedly sampled (once every 30 or 60 min) between 1400 and 1900 h for assays of plasma LH and P. Sexual behavior of the female was recorded and correlated with the changes in plasma LH and P values. Similar experiments were also performed on cannulated PE rats with their vaginal orifice blocked with adhesive tape during the caging and sampling session. In both experiments, over 90% of the PE females displayed a high degree of lordosis response to mounting by the male, and over 60% of those sexually receptive PE females exhibited an LH surge followed by ovulation. The male-induced preovulatory LH surge occurred in PE females without actual intromission. Caging with fertile males also elicited a marked increase in plasma P concentrations in PE rats and in PE females prevented from experiencing intromission.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The prediction of ovulation time is one of the most important and yet difficult processes in pig production, and it has a considerable impact on the fertility of the herd and litter size. The objective of this study was to assess the vulvar skin temperature of sows during proestrus and estrus using infrared thermography and to establish a possible relationship between the variations in vulvar temperature and ovulation. The experimental group comprised 36 crossbred Large White × Landrace females, of which 6 were gilts and 30 were multiparous sows. Estrus was detected twice daily and the temperature was obtained every 6 hours from the vulvar area and from two control points in the gluteal area (Gluteal skin temperature [GST]). A third variable, vulvar–gluteal temperature (VGT) was obtained from the difference between the vulvar skin temperature and the GST values. The animals were divided into two subgroups: group A consisting of 11 animals with estrus detected at 6:00 AM, Day 4 postweaning, and group B comprising seven animals with estrus detected at 6:00 AM, Day 5 post-weaning. Both groups showed a similar trend in the VGT. The VGT increased during the proestrus, reaching a peak 24 hours before estrus in group A and 48 hours before estrus in group B. The VGT then decreased markedly reaching the lowest value in groups A and B, respectively, 12 and 6 hours after estrus. Although the time of ovulation was only estimated on the basis of a literature review, the matching between the temporal variations of the VGT values and the predicted time of the peak of estradiol secretion that ultimately leads to the ovulation processes suggests that the VGT values represent a potential predictive marker of the ovulatory events.  相似文献   

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