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Human survivin is a kinetochore-associated passenger protein   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Survivin, a dimeric baculovirus inhibitor of apoptosis repeat (BIR) motif protein that is principally expressed in G2 and mitosis, has been associated with protection against apoptosis of cells that exit mitosis aberrantly. Mammalian survivin has been reported to associate with centrosomes and with the mitotic spindle. We have expressed a human hemagglutinin-tagged survivin plasmid to determine its localization, and find instead that it clearly acts as a passenger protein. In HeLa cells, survivin first associates with the kinetochores, and then translocates to the spindle midzone during anaphase and, finally, to the midbody during cell cleavage. Its localization is similar to that of TD-60, a known passenger protein. Both a point mutation in the baculovirus IAP repeat motif (C84A) and a COOH-terminal deletion mutant (Delta106) of survivin fail to localize to either kinetochores or midbodies, but neither interferes with cell cleavage. The interphase localization of survivin is cell cycle regulated since in permanently transfected NIH3T3 cells it is excluded from the nuclei until G2, where it localizes with centromeres. Survivin remains associated with mitotic kinetochores when microtubule assembly is disrupted and its localization is thus independent of microtubules. We conclude that human survivin is positioned to have an important function in the mechanism of cell cleavage.  相似文献   

The first seven residues of the yeast cytochrome oxidase subunit IV presequence are insufficient to target attached mouse dihydrofolate reductase into isolated yeast mitochondria. However, the targeting function of this truncated presequence can be restored by presenting the fusion protein to isolated mitochondria either as nascent, unfolded chains, or as full-length chains whose dihydrofolate reductase moiety had been destabilized either by urea treatment or by point mutations. The targeting efficiency of a mitochondrial presequence can thus be strongly influenced by the conformation of the attached 'passenger protein'. These results also underscore the difficulty of defining a 'minimal' mitochondrial targeting signal.  相似文献   

Yeast cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV (an imported mitochondrial protein) is made as a larger precursor with a transient pre-sequence of 25 amino acids. If this pre-sequence is fused to the amino terminus of mouse dihydrofolate reductase (a cytosolic protein) the resulting fusion protein is imported into the matrix space, and cleaved to a smaller size, by isolated yeast mitochondria. We have now fused progressively shorter amino-terminal segments of the subunit IV pre-sequence to dihydrofolate reductase and tested each fusion protein for import into the matrix space and cleavage by the matrix-located processing protease. The first 12 amino acids of the subunit IV pre-sequence were sufficient to direct dihydrofolate reductase into the mitochondrial matrix, both in vitro and in vivo. However, import of the corresponding fusion protein into the matrix was no longer accompanied by proteolytic processing. Fusion proteins containing fewer than nine amino-terminal residues from the subunit IV pre-piece were not imported into isolated mitochondria. The information for transporting attached mouse dihydrofolate reductase into mitochondria is thus contained within the first 12 amino acids of the subunit IV pre-sequence.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster metaphases were stained with dansyl chloride to determine protein. Using a microfluorometer, the fluorescence of chromosome number one and the total of the fluorescence of the metaphase were measured. The two measurements were found to be correlated with a coefficient of 0.640, suggesting that protein content in a single chromosome is a dependent variable of the protein content of the respective metaphase.  相似文献   

Bacterial infection induces apoptotic cell death in human monoblastic U937 cells that have been pretreated with interferon gamma (U937IFN). Apoptosis occurs in a manner that is independent of bacterial virulence proteins. In the present study, we show that lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a membrane constituent of gram-negative bacteria, also induces apoptosis in U937IFN cells. LPS treatment led to the appearance of characteristic markers of apoptosis such as nuclear fragmentation and activation of caspases. While the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk prevented LPS-induced apoptosis as judged by its inhibition of nuclear fragmentation, it failed to inhibit cytochrome c release and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Transfection of peptides containing the BH4 (Bcl-2 homology 4) domain derived from the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL blocked LPS-induced nuclear fragmentation and the limited digestion of PARP. These results suggest that LPS does not require caspase activation to induce mitochondrial dysfunction and that mitochondria play a crucial role in the regulation of LPS-mediated apoptosis in U937IFN cells.  相似文献   

Bovine heart mitochondrial transhydrogenase, a redox-linked proton pump, can be functionally and asymmetrically inserted into liposomes by a cholate-dialysis procedure such that the active site faces the external medium. N-(4-Azido-2-nitrophenyl)-2-aminoethylsulfonate (NAP-taurine), a membrane-impermeant photoprobe, when encapsulated in the vesicles, covalently modified the enzyme and inhibited transhydrogenation between NADPH and the 3-acetylpyridine analog of NAD+ (AcPyAD+) in a light-dependent manner. External AcPyAD+ increased the rate of inactivation several fold, whereas NADPH, NADP+, and NADH were without effect. Labeling of the enzyme by intravesicular [35S]NAP-taurine was enhanced by AcPyAD+ and NADP+, decreased by NADH, and not significantly affected by NADPH. These results indicate that transhydrogenase spans the membrane and that substrate binding alters the conformation of that domain of the enzyme protruding from the inner surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

Subunit IV of yeast cytochrome oxidase is made in the cytoplasm with a transient pre-sequence of 25 amino acids which is removed upon import of the protein into mitochondria. To study the function of this cleavable pre-sequence in mitochondrial protein import, three peptides representing 15, 25 or 33 amino-terminal residues of the subunit IV precursor were chemically synthesized. All three peptides were freely soluble in aqueous buffers, yet inserted spontaneously from an aqueous subphase into phospholipid monolayers up to an extrapolated limiting monolayer pressure of 40-50 mN/m. The two longer peptides also caused disruption of unilamellar liposomes. This effect was increased by a diffusion potential, negative inside the liposomes, and decreased by a diffusion potential of opposite polarity. The peptides, particularly the two longer ones, also uncoupled respiratory control of isolated yeast mitochondria. The 25-residue peptide had little secondary structure in aqueous buffer but became partly alpha-helical in the presence of detergent micelles. Based on the amino acid sequence of the peptides, a helical structure would have a highly asymmetric distribution of charged and apolar residues and would be surface active. Amphiphilic helicity appears to be a general feature of mitochondrial pre-sequences. We suggest that this feature plays a crucial role in transporting proteins into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are separated from the remainder of the eukaryotic cell by the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM). The MOM plays an important role in different transport processes like lipid trafficking and protein import. In yeast, the ER–mitochondria encounter structure (ERMES) has a central, but poorly defined role in both activities. To understand the functions of the ERMES, we searched for suppressors of the deficiency of one of its components, Mdm10, and identified a novel mitochondrial protein that we named Mdm10 complementing protein 3 (Mcp3). Mcp3 partially rescues a variety of ERMES‐related phenotypes. We further demonstrate that Mcp3 is an integral protein of the MOM that follows a unique import pathway. It is recognized initially by the import receptor Tom70 and then crosses the MOM via the translocase of the outer membrane. Mcp3 is next relayed to the TIM23 translocase at the inner membrane, gets processed by the inner membrane peptidase (IMP) and finally integrates into the MOM. Hence, Mcp3 follows a novel biogenesis route where a MOM protein is processed by a peptidase of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

The reported NMR structure of RD3, a naturally occurring two-domain antifreeze protein, suggests that the two nearly identical domains are oriented to allow simultaneous binding of their active regions to the ice surface. It is implied that the nine residues linking the two domains play a role in this alignment, but this has not been established. We have designed and expressed a modified form of RD3 that replaces the nine-residue linker with a generic sequence of one serine and eight glycine residues to test the importance of the linker amino acid sequence. The modified linker is shown to have significantly different characteristics compared to the original linker. Heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect experiments show that the new linker residues have more mobility than the linker residues in the native protein. Further, NMR data show that the folding of the C-terminal domain is somewhat perturbed by the altered linker. Finally, distributions of residual dipolar couplings indicate that the two domains tumble and move independently of each other. Nevertheless, the thermal hysteresis activity of the modified protein is indistinguishable from that of native RD3, proving that increased activity of the two-domain antifreeze protein is not dependent on structure of the linker.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested a possible role for presenilin proteins in apoptotic cell death observed in Alzheimer's disease. The mechanism by which presenilin proteins regulate apoptotic cell death is not well understood. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we previously isolated a novel protein, presenilin-associated protein (PSAP) that specifically interacts with the C terminus of presenilin 1 (PS1), but not presenilin 2 (PS2). Here we report that PSAP is a mitochondrial resident protein sharing homology with mitochondrial carrier protein. PSAP was detected in a mitochondria-enriched fraction, and PSAP immunofluorescence was present in a punctate pattern that colocalized with a mitochondrial marker. More interestingly, overexpression of PSAP caused apoptotic death. PSAP-induced apoptosis was documented using multiple independent approaches, including membrane blebbing, chromosome condensation and fragmentation, DNA laddering, cleavage of the death substrate poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, and flow cytometry. PSAP-induced cell death was accompanied by cytochrome c release from mitochondria and caspase-3 activation. Moreover, the general caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone, which blocked cell death, did not block the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria caused by overexpression of PSAP, indicating that PSAP-induced cytochrome c release was independent of caspase activity. The mitochondrial localization and proapoptotic activity of PSAP suggest that it is an important regulator of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins directed to the secretory pathway in plants require a signal peptide for entry into the endoplasmic reticulum. In the absence of further targeting information, such proteins are generally secreted via the default pathway to the apoplast. This has been well documented in protoplasts and leaf tissue, but the trafficking of recombinant proteins in seeds and other storage tissues has rarely been investigated. We used Aspergillus niger phytase as a model glycoprotein to compare the intracellular fate of a recombinant protein in the leaves and seeds of rice (Oryza sativa). Using fluorescence and electron microscopy we showed that the recombinant protein was efficiently secreted from leaf cells as expected. In contrast, within endosperm cells it was retained in endoplasmic reticulum-derived prolamin bodies and protein storage vacuoles. Consistent with our immunolocalization data, the phytase produced in endosperm cells possessed oligomannose and vacuolar-type N-glycans [Man(3)(Xyl)(Fuc)GlcNAc(2)], whereas the phytase produced in leaves contained predominantly secretion-type N-glycans [GlcNAc(2)Man(3)(Xyl)(Fuc)GlcNAc(2)]. The latter could not be detected in preparations of the endosperm-derived phytase. Our results show that the intracellular deposition and modification of a recombinant protein is tissue dependent.  相似文献   

The nucleoside analogs 9-β-D-arabinofuranosylguanine (araG) and 1-β-d-arabinofuranosylthymine (araT) are substrates of mitochondrial nucleoside kinases and have previously been shown to be predominantly incorporated into mtDNA of cells, but the pharmacological importance of their accumulation in mtDNA is not known. Here, we examined the role of mtDNA in the response to araG, araT and other anti-cancer and anti-viral agents in a MOLT-4 wild-type (wt) T-lymphoblastoid cell line and its petite mutant MOLT-4 ρ0 cells (lacking mtDNA). The mRNA levels and activities of deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK), deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) and thymidine kinase 2 (TK2) were determined in the two cell lines. Compared to that in the MOLT-4 wt cells the mRNA level of the constitutively expressed TK2 was higher (p < 0.01) in the ρ0 cells, whereas the TK1 mRNA level was lower (p < 0.05). The enzyme activity of the S-phase restricted TK1 was also lower (p < 0.05) in the MOLT-4 ρ0 cells, whereas the activities of dGK, dCK and TK2 were similar in MOLT-4 wt and ρ0 cell lines. The sensitivities to different cytotoxic nucleoside analogs were determined and compared between the two cell lines. Interestingly, we found that the acute cytotoxicity of araG, araT and other anti-viral and anti-cancer agents is independent of the presence of mtDNA in MOLT-4 T-lymphoblastoid cells.  相似文献   

The soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti is capable of entering into a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with Medicago sativa (alfalfa). Particular low-molecular-weight forms of certain polysaccharides produced by S. meliloti are crucial for establishing this symbiosis. Alfalfa nodule invasion by S. meliloti can be mediated by any one of three symbiotically important polysaccharides: succinoglycan, EPS II, or K antigen (also referred to as KPS). Using green fluorescent protein-labeled S. meliloti cells, we have shown that there are significant differences in the details and efficiencies of nodule invasion mediated by these polysaccharides. Succinoglycan is highly efficient in mediating both infection thread initiation and extension. However, EPS II is significantly less efficient than succinoglycan at mediating both invasion steps, and K antigen is significantly less efficient than succinoglycan at mediating infection thread extension. In the case of EPS II-mediated symbioses, the reduction in invasion efficiency results in stunted host plant growth relative to plants inoculated with succinoglycan or K-antigen-producing strains. Additionally, EPS II- and K-antigen-mediated infection threads are 8 to 10 times more likely to have aberrant morphologies than those mediated by succinoglycan. These data have important implications for understanding how S. meliloti polysaccharides are functioning in the plant-bacterium interaction, and models are discussed.  相似文献   

We have recently identified a chondrocyte protein with a poly-proline region, referred to as CHPPR, and showed that this protein is expressed intracellularly in chick embryo chondrocytes. Conventional fluorescence and confocal localization of CHPPR shows that CHPPR is sorted to mitochondria. Furthermore, immunoelectron microscopy of CHPPR transfected cells demonstrates that this protein is mostly associated with the mitochondrial inner membranes. Careful analysis of CHPPR expressing cells reveals, instead of the regular mitochondrial tubular network, the presence of a number of small spheroid mitochondria. Here we show that the domain responsible for network-spheroid transition spans amino acid residues 182-309 including the poly-proline region. Functional analyses of mitochondrial activity rule out the possibility of mitochondrial damage in CHPPR transfected cells. Since cartilage expresses high levels of CHPPR mRNA when compared to other tissues and because CHPPR is associated with late stages of chondrocyte differentiation, we have investigated mitochondrial morphology in hypertrophic chondrocytes by MitoTracker Orange labeling. Confocal microscopy shows that these cells have spheroid mitochondria. Our data demonstrate that CHPPR is able to promote mitochondrial fission with a sequence specific mechanism suggesting that this event may be relevant to late stage of chondrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel peroxisomal targeting sequence (PTS) at the extreme COOH terminus of human catalase. The last four amino acids of this protein (-KANL) are necessary and sufficient to effect targeting to peroxisomes in both human fibroblasts and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, when appended to the COOH terminus of the reporter protein, chloramphenicol acetyl transferase. However, this PTS differs from the extensive family of COOH-terminal PTS tripeptides collectively termed PTS1 in two major aspects. First, the presence of the uncharged amino acid, asparagine, at the penultimate residue of the human catalase PTS is highly unusual, in that a basic residue at this position has been previously found to be a common and critical feature of PTS1 signals. Nonetheless, this asparagine residue appears to constitute an important component of the catalase PTS, in that replacement with aspartate abolished peroxisomal targeting (as did deletion of the COOH-terminal four residues). Second, the human catalase PTS comprises more than the COOH-terminal three amino acids, in that COOH-terminal-ANL cannot functionally replace the PTS1 signal-SKL in targeting a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase fusion protein to peroxisomes. The critical nature of the fourth residue from the COOH terminus of the catalase PTS (lysine) is emphasized by the fact that substitution of this residue with a variety of other amino acids abolished or reduced peroxisomal targeting. Targeting was not reduced when this lysine was replaced with arginine, suggesting that a basic amino acid at this position is required for maximal functional activity of this PTS. In spite of these unusual features, human catalase is sorted by the PTS1 pathway, both in yeast and human cells. Disruption of the PAS10 gene encoding the S. cerevisiae PTS1 receptor resulted in a cytosolic location of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase appended with the human catalase PTS, as did expression of this protein in cells from a neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy patient specifically defective in PTS1 import. Furthermore, through the use of the two-hybrid system, it was demonstrated that both the PAS10 gene product (Pas10p) and the human PTS1 receptor can interact with the COOH-terminal region of human catalase, but that this interaction is abolished by substitutions at the penultimate residue (asparagine-to- aspartate) and at the fourth residue from the COOH terminus (lysine-to-glycine) which abolish PTS functionality. We have found no evidence of additional targeting information elsewhere in the human catalase protein. An internal tripeptide (-SHL-, which conforms to the mammalian PTS1 consensus) located nine to eleven residues from the COOH terminus has been excluded as a functional PTS. Additionally, in contrast to the situation for S. cerevisiae catalase A, which contains an internal PTS in addition to a COOH-terminal PTS1, human catalase lacks such a redundant PTS, as evidenced by the exclusive cytosolic location of human catalase mutated in the COOH-terminal PTS. Consistent with this species difference, fusions between catalase A and human catalase which include the catalase A internal PTS are targeted, at least in part, to peroxisomes regardless of whether the COOH-terminal human catalase PTS is intact.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial proteins are encoded in the nucleus and synthesized in the cytoplasm as larger precursors containing NH2-terminal 'leader' peptides. To test whether a leader peptide is sufficient to direct mitochondrial import, we fused the cloned nucleotide sequence encoding the leader peptide of the mitochondrial matrix enzyme ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) with the sequence encoding the cytosolic enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The fused sequence, joined with SV40 regulatory elements, was introduced along with a selectable marker into a mutant CHO cell line devoid of endogenous DHFR. In stable transformants, the predicted 26-K chimeric precursor protein and two additional proteins, 22 K and 20 K, were detected by immunoprecipitation with anti-DHFR antiserum. In the presence of rhodamine 6G, an inhibitor of mitochondrial import, only the chimeric precursor was detected. Immunofluorescent staining of stably transformed cells with anti-DHFR antiserum produced a pattern characteristic of mitochondrial localization of immunoreactive material. When the chimeric precursor was synthesized in a cell-free system and incubated post-translationally with isolated rat liver mitochondria, it was imported and converted to a major product of 20 K that associated with mitochondria and was resistant to proteolytic digestion by externally added trypsin. Thus, both in intact cells and in vitro, a leader sequence is sufficient to direct the post-translational import of a chimeric precursor protein by mitochondria.  相似文献   

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