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Extracellular teichoic acid, an essential constituent of the biofilm produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis strain RP62A, is also an important constituent of the extracellular matrix of another biofilm producing strain, Staphylococcus aureus MN8m. The structure of the extracellular and cell wall teichoic acids of the latter strain was studied by NMR spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Both teichoic acids were found to be a mixture of two polymers, a (1-->5)-linked poly(ribitol phosphate), substituted at the 4-position of ribitol residues with beta-GlcNAc, and a (1-->3)-linked poly(glycerol phosphate), partially substituted with the D-Ala at 2-position of glycerol residue. Such mixture is unusual for S. aureus.  相似文献   

Colonization of implanted medical devices by coagulase-negative staphylococci such as Staphylococcus epidermidis is mediated by the bacterial polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA), a polymer of beta-(1-->6)-linked glucosamine substituted with N-acetyl and O-succinyl constituents. The icaADBC locus containing the biosynthetic genes for production of PIA has been identified in both S. epidermidis and S. aureus. Whereas it is clear that PIA is a constituent that contributes to the virulence of S. epidermidis, it is less clear what role PIA plays in infection with S. aureus. Recently, identification of a novel polysaccharide antigen from S. aureus termed poly N-succinyl beta-(1-->6)-glucosamine (PNSG) has been reported. This polymer was composed of the same glycan backbone as PIA but was reported to contain a high proportion of N-succinylation rather than acetylation. We have isolated a glucosamine-containing exopolysaccharide from the constitutive over-producing MN8m strain of S. aureus in order to prepare polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines. In this report we demonstrate that MN8m produced a high-molecular-weight (>300,000 Da) polymer of beta-(1-->6)-linked glucosamine containing 45-60% N-acetyl, and a small amount of O-succinyl (approx 10% mole ratio to monosaccharide units). By detailed NMR analyses of polysaccharide preparations, we show that the previous identification of N-succinyl was an analytical artifact. The exopolysaccharide we have isolated is active in in vitro hemagglutination assays and is immunogenic in mice when coupled to a protein carrier. We therefore conclude that S. aureus strain MN8m produces a polymer that is chemically and biologically closely related to the PIA produced by S. epidermidis.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is the major cause of nosocomial infections world-wide, with increasing prevalence of community-acquired diseases. The recent dramatic increase in multi-antibiotic resistance, including resistance to the last-resort drug, vancomycin, together with the lack of an effective vaccine highlight the need for better understanding of S.aureus pathogenicity. Comparative analysis of available bacterial genomes allows for the identification of previously uncharacterized S.aureus genes with potential roles in pathogenicity. A good example is a cluster of six serine protease-like (spl) genes encompassed in one operon, which encode for putative proteases with similarity to staphylococcal glutamylendopeptidase (V8 protease). Here, we describe an efficient expression system for the production of recombinant SplB and SplC proteases in Escherichia coli, together with structural and functional characterization of the purified enzymes. A unique mechanism of cytoplasm protection against activity of misdirected SplB was uncovered. Apparently, the co-translated signal peptide maintains protease latency until it is cleaved by the signal peptidase during protein secretion. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the SplC protease revealed a fold resembling that of the V8 protease and epidermolytic toxins. Arrangement of the active site cleft and substrate-binding pocket of SplC explains the mechanism of enzyme latency and suggests that some Spl proteases possess restricted substrate specificity similar to that of the V8 protease and epidermolytic toxins.  相似文献   

Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus is an important bacterial pathogen associated with hospital- and community-acquired infections leading to endocarditis, skin tissue infection and pneumonia. The objective of this study was to determine both the genetic characteristics of methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) strains, and the occurrence of virulence factors produced by S. aureus strains isolated from UMMC and healthy students in the University from year 2009. Out of 429 nasal swab samples, 67 were MSSA. The prevalence of 21 different virulence genes among 67 Malaysian clinical and community MSSA strains was determined by PCR, and their genetic features were assessed by PCR-RFLP of coa gene, agr types, spa typing and PFGE. The five predominant virulence genes were ica (79 %), efb and fnbA (61 % each), sdrE (57 %) and hlg (45 %). Toxin genes (enterotoxin, etd and pvl) were significantly more common (P < 0.05) in clinical strains compared to community strains. Three agr genotypes were observed: agr type I (45 %), agr type III (25 %) and agr type II (19 %). All 67 MSSA strains were distinguished into 26 profiles by PCR-RFLP of coa, 55 pulsotypes and 21 spa types. Four novel spa types (t7312, t7581, t7582 and t7583) were observed. In conclusion, different virulence profiles were observed in MSSA strains in Malaysia where toxin genes were more prevalent among clinical strains. No correlation between DNA profiles (coa-RFLP, PFGE and spa) and virulotypes was observed. The Malaysian MSSA strains from clinical and community sources were genetically diverse and heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Aureocin A53 is produced by Staphylococcus aureus A53. It is encoded on a 10.4 kb plasmid, pRJ9, and is active against Listeria monocytogenes. Aureocin A53 is a highly cationic 51-residue peptide containing ten lysine and five tryptophan residues. Aureocin A53 was purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic-interaction, cation-exchange, and reverse-phase chromatography. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry yielded a molecular mass of 6012.5 Da, which was 28 Da higher than predicted from the structural gene sequence of the bacteriocin. The mass increment resulted from an N-formylmethionine residue, indicating that the aureocin A53 is synthesised and secreted without a typical bacteriocin leader sequence or sec-dependent signal peptide. The structural identity of aureocin A53 was verified by Edman sequencing after de-blocking with cyanogen bromide and extensive mass spectrometry analysis of enzymatically and laser-generated fragments. The complete sequence of pRJ9 was determined and none of the open reading frames identified in the vicinity of the structural gene aucA showed similarity to genes that are typically found in bacteriocin gene clusters. Thus, neither a dedicated protease or transporter, nor modifying enzymes and regulatory elements seemed to be involved in the production of aureocin A53. Further unique features that distinguish aureocin A53 from other peptide bacteriocins include remarkable protease stability and a defined, rigid structure in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen whose infectious capacity depends on surface proteins, which enable bacteria to colonize and invade host tissues and cells. We analyzed “trypsin-shaved” surface proteins of S. aureus cultures by high resolution LC-MS/MS at different growth stages and culture conditions. Some modified peptides were identified, with a mass shift corresponding to the addition of a CH2O group (+ 30.0106 u). We present evidence that this shift corresponds to a hyxdroxymethylation of asparagine and glutamine residues. This known but poorly documented post-translational modification was only found in a few proteins of S. aureus grown under specific conditions. This specificity seemed to exclude the hypothesis of an artifact due to sample preparation. Altogether hydroxymethylation was observed in 35 peptides from 15 proteins in our dataset, which corresponded to 41 modified sites, 35 of them being univocally localized. While no function can currently be assigned to this post-translational modification, we hypothesize that it could be linked to modulation of virulence factors, since it was mostly found on some surface proteins of S. aureus.  相似文献   

The effect of a bacteriocin of Enterococcus on the oxidative metabolism of sensitive bacteria was investigated through the detection of oxidative stress by chemiluminescence (CL). The bacteriocin named EntB was purified to study the action on Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cosmetic. Chromatographic separation of EntB indicated different states of oligomerization with molecular weights multiple of 12,000Da monomeric form. The monomer purified by ion exchange was studied in its capacity to affect the oxidative metabolism of S. aureus, which showed increase of anion superoxide (O(2)(-)) when incubated with EntB. This effect was compared to the action of EntB on leukocytes as an assay of toxicity. EntB did not generate significant oxidative stress in leukocytes. Pyoverdin, a leukotoxic pigment of Pseudomonas fluorescens, was taken as reference, and it was found that this pigment caused similar oxidative stress to EntB in S. aureus; however, pyoverdin generated high production of anion superoxide (O(2)(-)) in leukocytes, while EntB did not increase the level of O(2)(-).  相似文献   

Abstract In order to check the relationship between capsular polysaccharide (CP) type 5 and 8 and certain phage patterns, previously described in human Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates, we typed 100 CP types 5 and 8 S. aureus strains isolated from cow, goat and ewe milk, with the human set of phages. The proportion of typable strains was much less than that found with human strains. The association between CP types 5 and 8 and phage patterns reported for human isolates was only partially confirmed and an original correlation between susceptibility to group III phages and CP type 5 was found.  相似文献   

A quadruplex real-time (RT) qPCR assay for the detection and quantification in 4 h of Staphylococcusaureus, Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Acinetobacterbaumannii and Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia directly from bronchoalveolar lavage specimens was developed. The specificity of the assay was 100% for all four species.  相似文献   

Strains (n = 99) of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from a large number of clinical sources and tested for methicillin sensitivity were analysed by MALDI-TOF-MS using the Weak Cation Exchange (CM10) ProteinChip Array (designated SELDI-TOF-MS). The profile data generated was analysed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Analysis modelling techniques. Seven key ions identified by the ANNs that were predictive of MRSA and MSSA were validated by incorporation into a model. This model exhibited an area under the ROC curve value of 0.9147 indicating the potential application of this approach for rapidly characterising MRSA and MSSA isolates. Nearly all strains (n = 97) were correctly assigned to the correct group, with only two aberrant MSSA strains being misclassified. However, approximately 21% of the strains appeared to be in a process of transition as resistance to methicillin was being acquired.  相似文献   

A method for rapid identification of antiseptic- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) based on 3 loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays was developed. LAMP targeting the femB gene identified S. aureus with 100% specificity, and LAMP targeting the mecA gene associated with methicillin resistance identified methicillin-resistant staphylococci with 100% specificity. LAMP targeting the qacA/B gene encoding an efflux pump responsible for antiseptic resistance identified high-acriflavine-resistant (MIC ≥ 100 mg/L) MRSA (92.5% positive) and acriflavine-susceptible (MIC < 25 mg/L) MRSA (100% negative). They were performed under the same reaction conditions within 60 min at 63 °C. The combined LAMP assays will be useful for rapid identification of S. aureus isolates and determination of their antibiotic and antiseptic resistance patterns with regard to methicillin and organic cationic substrates.  相似文献   

The chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus (CHIPS) is a 121 residue excreted virulence factor. It acts by binding the C5a- (C5aR) and formylated peptide receptor (FPR) and thereby blocks specific phagocyte responses. Here, we report the solution structure of a CHIPS fragment consisting of residues 31-121 (CHIPS31-121). CHIPS31-121 has the same activity in blocking the C5aR compared to full-length CHIPS, but completely lacks FPR antagonism. CHIPS31-121 has a compact fold comprising an alpha-helix (residues 38-51) packed onto a four-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet. Strands beta2 and beta3 are joined by a long loop with a relatively well-defined conformation. Comparison of CHIPS31-121 with known structures reveals striking homology with the C-terminal domain of staphylococcal superantigen-like proteins (SSLs) 5 and 7, and the staphyloccocal and streptococcal superantigens TSST-1 and SPE-C. Also, the recently reported structures of several domains of the staphylococcal extracellullar adherence protein (EAP) show a high degree of structural similarity with CHIPS. Most of the conserved residues in CHIPS and its structural homologues are present in the alpha-helix. A conserved arginine residue (R46 in CHIPS) appears to be involved in preservation of the structure. Site-directed mutagenesis of all positively charged residues in CHIPS31-121 reveals a major involvement of arginine 44 and lysine 95 in C5aR antagonism. The structure of CHIPS31-121 will be vital in the further unraveling of its precise mechanism of action. Its structural homology to S.aureus SSLs, superantigens, and EAP might help the design of future experiments towards an understanding of the relationship between structure and function of these proteins.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important pathogens in humans and animals. In this study eighty strains were analyzed by RAPD-PCR to assess the genetic relationship between S. aureus isolates from bovine and human hosts. Results were compared with those obtained by biotyping. Fifty-two percent of the S. aureus isolates belonged to a host specific biotype (human, bovine and poultry). Bovine and human ecovars were the most prevalent. Dendrogram obtained by RAPD results showed that all the isolates clustered into eleven groups (A-K) at a relative genetic similarity of less than 30% when analyzed with the three primers. Group A clustered 95% of the human host isolates and the remaining groups (B-K) clustered the bovine host isolates. Principal coordinate analysis also showed that the isolates could be arbitrarily divided into two groups, bovine and human, by the second coordinate. Only 9 isolates (11%) were not clustered into these groups. The genetic diversity among the S. aureus isolates from bovine hosts is relatively low compared to that of isolates from human hosts. There were no statistically significant differences among isolated from bovine and human hosts. This study shows that RAPD-PCR assayed with three primers can be successfully applied to assess the genetic relationship of S. aureus isolates from different hosts.  相似文献   

【目的】探索低浓度红霉素对猪链球菌蛋白表达、交叉耐药性与荚膜多糖的影响,为进一步研究饲料中低浓度抗生素促生长剂对环境中微生物的影响奠定基础。【方法】猪链球菌接触低浓度红霉素后,利用蛋白质组学iTRAQ技术,筛选关键差异表达蛋白。同时测定猪链球菌的交叉耐药性和荚膜多糖含量。【结果】共鉴定到差异表达蛋白181个,占总鉴定蛋白的12%,猪链球菌通过改变自身蛋白质组的表达量,以适应红霉素的选择性压力。多数差异表达蛋白参与催化和代谢过程,属于膜蛋白,其中13个ATP结合盒转运蛋白、3个核糖体蛋白、DNA回旋酶上调表达,8个荚膜多糖蛋白、DNA聚合酶Ⅳ下调表达。接触低浓度红霉素后,猪链球菌对多种抗生素出现交叉耐药性,消除红霉素后,药物敏感性恢复。接触低浓度红霉素后,荚膜多糖含量也未发生大幅度变化。【结论】猪链球菌为适应低浓度红霉素的选择性压力,大量表达多重耐药的主动外排泵,增加核糖体蛋白的表达量,降低荚膜多糖蛋白的表达量。  相似文献   

The development of fast, reliable and inexpensive phenol protocol is described for the isolation of RNA from bacterial biofilm producers. The method was tested on Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and other biofilm-producing gram-negative microorganisms and provided the highest integrity of RNA recovery in comparison to other methods reported here. In parallel experiments, bacterial lysis with Qiagen, NucleoSpin RNAII, InnuREP RNA Mini, Trizol and MasterPure RNA extraction Kits using standard protocols consistently gave low RNA yields with an absence of integrity. The boiling method presented here yielded high concentration of RNA that was free from 16S and 23S rRNA, contained 5S RNA. Higher yields due to improved biofilm bacterial cell lysis were achieved with an added hot phenol incubation step without the need for a bead mill or the enzyme. This method when used in conjunction with the Qiagen RNeasy Mini kit, RNA isolation was a success with greater integrity and contained undegraded 16S and 23S rRNA and did not require further purification. Contaminating DNA was a problem with the RNA processing samples; we used quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) to measure the recovery of RNA from bacterial biofilm cells using the method described here.  相似文献   

beta-Ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH), an essential enzyme for bacterial viability, catalyzes the initiation of fatty acid elongation by condensing malonyl-ACP with acetyl-CoA. We have determined the crystal structure of FabH from Staphylococcus aureus, a Gram-positive human pathogen, to 2 A resolution. Although the overall structure of S. aureus FabH is similar to that of Escherichia coli FabH, the primer binding pocket in S. aureus FabH is significantly larger than that present in E. coli FabH. The structural differences, which agree with kinetic parameters, provide explanation for the observed varying substrate specificity for E. coli and S. aureus FabH. The rank order of activity of S. aureus FabH with various acyl-CoA primers was as follows: isobutyryl- > hexanoyl- > butyryl- > isovaleryl- > acetyl-CoA. The availability of crystal structure may aid in designing potent, selective inhibitors of S. aureus FabH.  相似文献   

CapE is an essential enzyme for the synthesis of capsular polysaccharide (CP) of pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Herein we demonstrate that CapE is a 5-inverting 4,6-dehydratase enzyme. However, in the absence of downstream enzymes, CapE catalyzes an additional reaction (5-back-epimerization) affording a by-product under thermodynamic control. Single-crystal X-ray crystallography was employed to identify the structure of the by-product. The structural analysis reveals a network of coordinated motions away from the active site governing the enzymatic activity of CapE. A second dynamic element (the latch) regulates the enzymatic chemoselectivity. The validity of these mechanisms was evaluated by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Nature uses thioredoxin-like folds in several disulfide bond oxidoreductases. Each of them has a typical active site Cys-X-X-Cys sequence motif, the hallmark of thioredoxin being Trp-Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys. The intriguing role of the highly conserved proline in the ubiquitous reducing agent thioredoxin was studied by site-specific mutagenesis of Staphylococcus aureus thioredoxin (Sa_Trx). We present X-ray structures, redox potential, pK(a), steady-state kinetic parameters, and thermodynamic stabilities. By replacing the central proline to a threonine/serine, no extra hydrogen bonds with the sulphur of the nucleophilic cysteine are introduced. The only structural difference is that the immediate chemical surrounding of the nucleophilic cysteine becomes more hydrophilic. The pK(a) value of the nucleophilic cysteine decreases with approximately one pH unit and its redox potential increases with 30 mV. Thioredoxin becomes more oxidizing and the efficiency to catalyse substrate reduction (k(cat)/K(M)) decreases sevenfold relative to wild-type Sa_Trx. The oxidized form of wild-type Sa_Trx is far more stable than the reduced form over the whole temperature range. The driving force to reduce substrate proteins is the relative stability of the oxidized versus the reduced form Delta(T(1/2))(ox/red). This driving force is decreased in the Sa_Trx P31T mutant. Delta(T(1/2))(ox/red) drops from 15.5 degrees C (wild-type) to 5.8 degrees C (P31T mutant). In conclusion, the active site proline in thioredoxin determines the driving potential for substrate reduction.  相似文献   

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