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Kim JG  Vallet JL 《Theriogenology》2007,67(7):1279-1284
Previous experiments indicated that secreted (s) and membrane (m) forms of folate binding protein (FBP) are present in the intrauterine environment of the pig. Our previous studies indicated that the two forms were produced sequentially; the secreted form was present in the intrauterine glands until Day 20 of gestation, whereas binding analysis indicated that folate binding increased dramatically in placental membranes until Day 50 of gestation. However, the cell types expressing mFBP have not been investigated. In this experiment, uterine wall sections from Day 20, 35, 50, 70, 90, and 105 of gestation were collected at slaughter and fixed, and subjected to in situ hybridization analysis for mFBP expression. The mFBP mRNA was expressed by both columnar and cuboidal epithelia of the placental folds and expression appeared to be similar throughout gestation. Therefore, the placenta expressed mFBP from Day 35 of gestation onward, consistent with the concept that sFBP and mFBP occur sequentially during gestation in swine, and that placental mFBP expression plays a role in folate transport after a functional chorioallantoic placenta is established (between Day 20 and 35).  相似文献   

Folate-binding proteins were isolated from the particulate fraction (44,000 X g pellet) and the soluble fraction (44,000 X g supernate) of the homogenate of a spleen obtained from a patient who had an acute leukemic (blast) transformation of chronic myelogenous leukemia. The folate-binding activity which was obtained from the particulate fraction by solubilization with 1% Triton X-100 could be resolved into two binding proteins (Mr 310,000 and 28,000) by gel filtration through Sephadex G-200 after incubation with excess [3H]pteroylglutamic acid (PteGlu). The folate-binding protein in the solubilized particulate fraction and the soluble folate-binding protein in the 44,000 X g supernatant cytoplasm were purified by affinity chromatography. Only a 32 kDa protein was identified by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the final preparation of the purified folate-binding protein from the particulate, whereas two protein bands (Mr 42,000 and 32,000) were identified by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the purified preparation of the soluble folate-binding protein. Both of these species were immunologically crossreacting. Both the purified folate-binding protein from the particulate fraction and the purified soluble form had higher affinity for oxidized folate than for the reduced folate cofactors, and both proteins had very low affinity for the antifolate compound, methotrexate. The amino-acid composition of the soluble folate-binding protein was similar with regard to the content of apolar amino acids to that reported for the membrane-derived folate-binding protein purified from milk and human placenta.  相似文献   

To determine if low dietary protein concentration in the first two trimesters of pregnancy alters placental development, genetically similar heifers from closed herd were fed diets containing different levels of protein in the first and second trimesters of gestation. There were four animals per treatment group, the groups being: L/L = fed a diet containing 7% crude protein (CP) (low protein) in the first and second trimesters; H/H = fed a diet containing 14% CP (high protein) in the first and second trimesters; L/H = fed low protein in the first trimester and high in the second trimester and vice versa for the H/L group. Low protein diets in the first trimester increased dry cotyledon weight at term. Trophectoderm' volume density increased in the H/L and L/H group compared to the L/L and H/H groups. Blood vessel volume and volume density in foetal villi decreased in the H/L and L/H groups compared with the H/H and L/L groups. There was no effect of diet treatment on cotyledon number, diameter or wet weight and no effect on the volume density of connective tissue or fibroblasts in the foetal villi. These results show that a low dietary protein concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy followed by increased protein in the second trimester enhanced placental development. Further, trophectoderm volume was highly correlated with birth weight. Early protein restriction in the pregnant cow may enhance foetal growth in part by stimulating placental growth and function.  相似文献   

The pathological study of all placentas from women smoking at least five cigarettes daily during pregnancy (248 cases) and of those placentas from a corresponding control group randomised among all the non-smokers (196 cases) has been set up at the maternity hospital of Haguenau (France) since 1974. The systematic histological examination has shown among smokers a higher frequency of abonormal trophoblast and especially of nuclear clumps in the syncytiotrophoblast. On the other hand, according to a standard protocol, the grouping of various abnormalities has shown, among smokers, a higher frequency of "signs of hypoxia". The lack of relationship between these "signs of hypoxia" and the well-known decreased birthweight among smokers suggests that smoking during pregnancy could always go with a decreased birthweight without a corresponding decreased placental weight, and seldom with an intra-uterine hypoxia. These two effects are independent.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effect of the implanting cat blastocyst on endometrial morphology and protein synthesis. Placental and endometrial tissues were obtained from pregnant and pseudopregnant cats and then cultured with L-[35S]methionine and analyzed for protein synthesis by 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography, and also processed for light microscopy. The progesterone-dependent protein (PDP), described previously by Boomsma and Verhage (Biol Reprod 1987; 37:117-126) and Verhage et al. (Biol Reprod 1989; 41:347-354), was identified by immunocytochemical and immunoblot analysis. Attachment began after 12 days, and the deep glands contained large deposits of PDP. By 20 days the placenta was well developed, and the deep endometrial glands under the placenta had regressed and lacked deposits of PDP. The placenta continued to develop and thicken as pregnancy progressed. The surface epithelium in the non-implantation site regions developed extreme convolutions, while the well-developed deep glands with large deposits of PDP began to regress by 4 weeks, becoming similar to those in the implantation site. The endometrial glands in the pseudopregnant animals maintained deposits of PDP even though apoptotic bodies were observed between 20 and 35 days. PDP synthesis was not detected in the implantation site after 16 days, but it continued in the nonimplantation site through 5 weeks. The synthesis of nine other proteins was significantly altered by the end of implantation such that the pattern in the non-site endometrium was different from the implantation site but similar to the pattern found in the pseudopregnant endometrium. As pregnancy progressed, protein synthesis was altered in the placental/junctional zone and the non-site endometrium, but in the deep endometrial portion of the implantation site it was largely unchanged and similar to the deep portion of the non-site. Thus, the implanting cat blastocyst has a significant effect on the morphology of the implantation site and non-site endometrium, and alters the protein synthetic activity of the implantation site endometrium but apparently not the non-site region. The morphology and protein synthetic patterns of the pregnant cat uterus show regional differentiation and continue to change as pregnancy progresses.  相似文献   

The placenta acts a regulator of nutrient composition and supply from mother to fetus and is the source of hormonal signals that affect maternal and fetal metabolism. Thus, appropriate development of the placenta is crucial for normal fetal development. We investigated the effect of gestational protein restriction (GPR) on placental morphology and mitochondrial function on day 19 of gestation. Pregnant dams were divided into two groups: normal (NP 17 % casein) or low-protein diet (LP 6 % casein). The placentas were processed for biochemical, histomorphometric and ultrastructural analysis. The integrity of rat placental mitochondria (RPM) isolated by conventional differential centrifugation was measured by oxygen uptake (Clark-type electrode). LP animals presented an increase in adipose tissue and triacylglycerol and a decrease in serum insulin levels. No alterations were observed in body, liver, fetus, or placenta weight. There was also no change in serum glucose, total protein, or lipid content. Gestational protein restriction had tissue-specific respiratory effects, with the observation of a small change in liver respiration (~13 %) and considerable respiratory inhibition in placenta samples (~37 %). The higher oxygen uptake by RPM in the LP groups suggests uncoupling between respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. In addition, ultrastructural analysis of junctional zone giant cells from LP placenta showed a disorganized cytoplasm, with loss of integrity of most organelles and intense vacuolization. The present results led us to hypothesize that GPR alters placental structure and morphology, induces sensitivity to insulin, mitochondrial abnormalities and suggests premature aging of the placenta. Further studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Co-translational integration of a nascent viral membrane protein into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane takes place via the translocon. We have been studying the early stages of the integration of a double-spanning plant viral movement protein to gain insights into how viral membrane proteins are transferred from the hydrophilic interior of the translocon into the hydrophobic environment of the bilayer, where the transmembrane (TM) segments of the viral proteins can diffuse freely. Photocrosslinking experiments reveal that this integration involves the sequential passage of the TM segments past Sec61alpha and translocating chain-associating membrane protein (TRAM). Each TM segment is first adjacent to Sec61alpha and subsequently is adjacent to TRAM. TRAM crosslinking extends for a long period during nascent chain biogenesis. In addition, the replacement of the first viral TM segment with a non-viral TM sequence still yields nascent chain photo-adducts with TRAM. TRAM therefore appears to be involved in viral membrane protein integration, and nascent chain recognition by TRAM does not appear to rely solely on the TM domains.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the impact of protein malnutrition during early pregnancy on fetal and placental growth and on the protein synthesis capacity of placental and endometrial tissues. Twelve crossbred sows received 1.8 kg/d of a control (13% protein) or protein-restricted (0.5% protein) diet from the day of breeding to Day 63 of pregnancy, when dissections were performed on each conceptus unit. The de novo protein synthetic rate of placental and endometrial explants was measured using (35)S-methionine. These proteins and the proteins from amniotic and allantoic fluids were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Placental weight was significantly reduced in the sows fed the restricted diet, with a tendency for decreased fetal weight as well. No differences were found due to dietary treatment in de novo protein synthesis or in the electrophoretic patterns of secreted proteins of the placenta or endometrium. The apparent quantity of 3 proteins in the allantoic fluid of the restricted diet fetuses decreased, while 1 protein increased in comparison with that of the control fetuses. These data suggest that protein malnutrition in early pregnancy decreases placental growth, thereby decreasing both fetal growth and the opportunity for compensatory growth upon nutritional rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Myostatin (MSTN) functions as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass. In mammals, MSTN-deficient animals result in an increase of skeletal muscle mass with both hyperplasia and hypertrophy. A MSTN gene is highly conserved within the fish species, allowing speculation that MSTN-deficient fish could exhibit a double-muscled phenotype. Some strategies for blocking or knocking down MSTN in adult fish have been already performed; however, these fish show either only hyperplastic or hypertrophic growth in muscle fiber. Therefore, the role of MSTN in fish myogenesis during post-hatch growth remains unclear. To address this question, we have made MSTN-deficient medaka (mstnC315Y) by using the targeting induced local lesions in a genome method. mstnC315Y can reproduce and have the same survival period as WT medaka. Growth rates of WT and mstnC315Y were measured at juvenile (1–2 wk post-hatching), post-juvenile (3–7 wk post-hatching) and adult (8–16 wk post-hatching) stages. In addition, effects of MSTN on skeletal muscle differentiation were investigated at histological and molecular levels at each developmental stage. As a result, mstnC315Y show a significant increase in body weight from the post-juvenile to adult stage. Hyper-morphogenesis of skeletal muscle in mstnC315Y was accomplished due to hyperplastic growth from post-juvenile to early adult stage, followed by hypertrophic growth in the adult stage. Myf-5 and MyoD were up-regulated in mstnC315Y at the hyperplastic growth phase, while myogenin was highly expressed in mstnC315Y at the hypertrophic growth phase. These indicated that MSTN in medaka plays a dual role for muscle fiber development. In conclusion, MSTN in medaka regulates the number and size of muscle fiber in a temporally-controlled manner during posthatch growth.  相似文献   

Using immunochemical techniques, we identified forms of erythrocyte membrane proteins in apical and basal plasma membranes of human placental trophoblast. A wheat germ agglutinin-binding intrinsic protein was present in the microvillous (maternal facing) but not the basal (fetal facing) membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast epithelium. Conversely, erythrocyte-related proteins of the basal membrane included two intrinsic membrane proteins, a 95,000 Mr band 3 isoform and a form of spectrin. These four proteins were all absent from the microvillous membrane. The basal membrane spectrin isoform was also present in basal membrane skeletons. A 70,000 Mr polypeptide which reacted with antibodies to band 3 was present in both microvillous and basal plasma membranes. Therefore, certain isoforms of red cell membrane proteins are polarized between the two surfaces of the human placental syncytiotrophoblast. We propose that the localization of spectrin to the basal membrane is related to the less bundled organization of microfilaments at this membrane compared with that of the microvillous membrane. The band 3 isoforms are candidates for participation in maternofetal anion transport.  相似文献   

We obtained uterine and peripheral venous plasma, and samples of luteal and placental tissues from 2- to 7-year-old, Eurasian mountain reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) from a free-living, semi-domesticated herd in northern Norway in November 1995, and February and March 1996. In November, ovarian venous blood was also collected from four animals. Plasma samples were assayed for progesterone and oestradiol. The tissue samples were examined by light and electron microscopy, steroid dehydrogenase histochemistry, and northern blot analysis for RNAs for 3beta-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) and P450 (side chain cleavage (scc)). Peripheral blood was taken from non-pregnant females in the same herd on the same dates. Peripheral progesterone concentrations in pregnant reindeer (3.4 +/- 0.5 ng/ml, n = 8) clearly exceeded those in non-pregnant animals (0.40 +/- 0.14 ng/ml; P < 0.0004 , n = 10) but oestradiol levels were only marginally higher in pregnant (6.0 +/- 0.7 pg/ml) than in non-pregnant (4.8 +/- 0.5 pg/ml; P = 0.35) reindeer at the stages examined. In pregnant animals, peripheral progesterone and oestradiol concentrations rose slightly between November and March but the differences did not reach significance (progesterone, P = 0.083; oestradiol, P = 0.061). In November, progesterone concentrations in the ovarian vein (79 +/- 15 ng/ml) greatly exceeded (P < 0.03) those in the uterine vein ( 10 +/- 4 ng/ml) which in turn exceeded the levels in the peripheral blood (2.8 +/- 0.4 ng/ml; P < 0.29). Oestradiol concentrations were slightly but significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the ovarian (20 +/- 3 pg/ml) than the uterine vein (13 +/- 1 pg/ml) and, in turn, greater (P < 0.03) than in peripheral blood (4.6 +/- 0.4 pg/ml). All samples of luteal tissue consisted exclusively of normal fully-differentiated cells and stained intensely for 3beta-HSD. Isolated groups of placental cells also stained strongly for 3beta-HSD. RNA for P450 (scc) and 3beta-HSD was abundant in all corpora lutea and lower concentrations of P450 (scc) were present in the placenta. 3beta-HSD RNA in the placenta was below the limit of detection. We conclude that the corpus luteum remains an important source of progesterone throughout pregnancy in reindeer but that the placenta is also steroidogenic.  相似文献   

Early placental insulin-like protein (INSL4 or EPIL) is a member of the insulin superfamily of hormones, which is highly expressed in the placenta. We have confirmed this at term and shown it to be expressed by the maternal decidua. Although an abundance of locally acting growth factors are produced within the uterus during pregnancy, we hypothesized that INSL4 plays an important role in fetal and placental growth. We have demonstrated with cell lines and primary cells that it has a growth-inhibitory effect by causing apoptosis and loss of cell viability. We used primary amniotic epithelial cells for flow cytometry to show that INSL4 caused apoptosis, which was dose-related and significant (P < 0.05) at 50 ng/ml. This was confirmed by measurement of the nuclear matrix protein in the media. In comparison, relaxin treatment (up to 200 ng/ml) had no effect on apoptosis. The addition of INSL4 (3-30 ng/ml) also caused a loss of cell viability, although it had no effect on the numbers of cells at different phases of the cell cycle. Placental apoptosis is an important process in both normal placental development and in fetal growth restriction. Therefore, an in vivo clinical correlate was sought in fraternal twins exhibiting discordant growth. Expression of the INSL4 gene was doubled in the placenta of the growth-restricted twin compared to the normally grown sibling, suggesting that it may be linked to a higher level of apoptosis and loss of cell viability and, therefore, that it may contribute to fetal growth restriction.  相似文献   

H P Wessels  M Spiess 《Cell》1988,55(1):61-70
To study the insertion of multispanning membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum, we constructed novel proteins on the cDNA level by repeating, up to four times, the internal signal-anchor domain of the asialoglycoprotein receptor H1. Upon in vitro translation in the presence of microsomes, these polypeptides are indeed inserted as polytopic membrane proteins. The first hydrophobic domain functions as a signal and the second as a stop-transfer sequence, while the third initiates a second translocation process, halted again by the fourth. We were able to demonstrate that insertion occurs sequentially, starting with the first apolar segment from the amino terminus. By replacing the original signal-anchor domains by a mutant sequence not recognized by signal recognition particle (SRP), it was shown that only the first hydrophobic domain needs to be a signal sequence and that the second translocation event does not require SRP.  相似文献   

Syncytin is an envelope protein of the human endogenous retrovirus family W (HERV-W). Syncytin is specifically expressed in the human placenta and mediates trophoblast cell fusion into the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast layer. It is a polypeptide of 538 amino acids and is predicted to be posttranslationally cleaved into a surface (SU) subunit and a transmembrane (TM) subunit. Functional characterization of syncytin protein can aid understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying syncytin-mediated cell fusion. In this report, we studied the structure-function relationship of syncytin in 293T and HeLa cells transiently expressing wild-type syncytin or syncytin mutants generated by linker scanning and deletion mutagenesis. Of the 22 linker-inserted mutants, mutants InS51, InV139, InE156, InS493, InA506, and InL529 were fusogenic, suggesting that regions around amino acids S51, V139, and E156 in the SU subunit and S493, A506, and L529 in the cytoplasmic domain (CTM) of syncytin are flexible in conformation. Of the 17 deletion mutants, nine mutants with deletions in the region from amino acids 479 to 538 were fusogenic. The deletion mutant DelI480, containing only the first four amino acid residues in the cytoplasmic domain, had enhanced fusogenic activity in comparison with the wild-type. In addition, two heptad repeat regions (HRA and B) were defined in the TM subunit of syncytin. A peptide inhibitor derived from the C-terminal heptad repeat region (HRB) was shown to potently inhibit syncytin-mediated cell fusion. Our results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain of syncytin is not essential for syncytin-mediated fusion but may play a regulatory role, and an intramolecular interaction between HRA and B is involved in the fusion process.  相似文献   

The high-affinity FBP/FR (folate-binding protein/folate receptor) is expressed in three isoforms. FRalpha and FRbeta are attached to cell membranes by hydrophobic GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) anchors, whereas FBPgamma is a secretory protein. Mature neutrophil granulocytes contain a non-functional FRbeta on the surface, and, in addition, nanomolar concentrations of a secretory functional FBP (29 kDa) can be present in the secondary granules. A statistically significant correlation between the concentrations of functional FBP, probably a gamma isoform, in granulocytes and serum supported the hypothesis that serum FBP (29 kDa) mainly originates from neutrophils. The presence of FBP/FRalpha isoforms were established for the first time in human blood using antibodies specifically directed against human milk FBPalpha. The alpha isoforms identified on erythrocyte membranes, and in granulocytes and serum, only constituted an almost undetectable fraction of the functional FBP. The FBPalpha in neutrophil granulocytes was identified as a cytoplasmic component by indirect immunofluorescence. Gel filtration of serum revealed a peak of FBPalpha (>120 kDa), which could represent receptor fragments from decomposed erythrocytes and granulocytes. The soluble FBPs may exert bacteriostatic effects and protect folates in plasma from biological degradation, whereas FRs on the surface of blood cells could be involved in intracellular folate uptake or serve as signal proteins. The latter receptors have also been used for therapeutic targeting in malignancy.  相似文献   

EHD1 has been implicated in the recycling of internalized proteins to the plasma membrane. However, the mechanism by which EHD1 mediates recycling and its relationship to Rab-family-controlled events has yet to be established. To investigate further the mode of EHD1 action, we sought to identify novel interacting partners. GST-EHD1 was used as bait to isolate a approximately 120-kDa species from bovine and murine brain cytosol, which was identified by mass spectrometry as the divalent Rab4/Rab5 effector Rabenosyn-5. We mapped the sites of interaction to the EH domain of EHD1, and the first two of five NPF motifs of Rabenosyn-5. Immunofluorescence microscopy studies revealed that EHD1 and Rabenosyn-5 partially colocalize to vesicular and tubular structures in vivo. To address the functional roles of EHD1 and Rabenosyn-5, we first demonstrated that RNA interference (RNAi) dramatically reduced the level of expression of each protein, either individually or in combination. Depletion of either EHD1 or Rabenosyn-5 delayed the recycling of transferrin and major histocompatibility complex class I to the plasma membrane. However, whereas depletion of EHD1 caused the accumulation of internalized cargo in a compact juxtanuclear compartment, Rabenosyn-5-RNAi caused its retention within a dispersed peripheral compartment. Simultaneous RNAi depletion of both proteins resulted in a similar phenotype to that observed with Rabenosyn-5-RNAi alone, suggesting that Rabenosyn-5 acts before EHD1 in the regulation of endocytic recycling. Our studies suggest that Rabenosyn-5 and EHD1 act sequentially in the transport of proteins from early endosomes to the endosomal recycling compartment and back to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A specific transport system for folate and a high-affinity folate-binding protein have been identified in pig intestinal brush-border membranes. To determine if the binding protein plays a role in folic acid (PteGlu) uptake in to the cell, the inactivation of folate binding and transport by N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of folic acid (NHS-PteGlu) was compared. In addition, the number of brush-border proteins modified by the affinity reagent was assessed. Brush-border vesicles were incubated with various concentrations of NHS-PteGlu or NHS-methotrexate. Transport and binding of [3H]PteGlu by the vesicles were measured at 37 and 4 degrees C respectively by using the vacuum-filtration technique. NHS-methotrexate and NHS-PteGlu specifically inhibited PteGlu transport. Incubating the vesicles with 1 microM-NHS-PteGlu inactivated [3H]PteGlu transport by 60% and binding by 80%. Half-maximal inhibition of both transport and binding was observed at similar concentrations of the affinity reagent (0.05 and 0.07 microM-NHS-PteGlu respectively). Treating the vesicles with radiolabelled NHS-PteGlu followed by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography revealed a specifically labelled protein with an Mr of 56,000. These results indicate that the intestinal folate-binding and transport proteins are identical and that the function of the folate-binding protein is to transport folate into the cell.  相似文献   

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