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Genome scans in Icelandic, Australian and New Zealand, and Finnish families have localized putative susceptibility loci for preeclampsia/ eclampsia to chromosome 2. The locus mapped in the Australian and New Zealand study (designated PREG1) was thought to be the same locus as that identified in the Icelandic study. In both these studies, two distinct quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions were evident on chromosome 2. Here, we describe our fine mapping of the PREG1 locus and a genetic analysis of two positional candidate genes. Twenty-five additional microsatellite markers were genotyped within the 74-cM linkage region defined by the combined Icelandic and Australian and New Zealand genome scans. The overall position and shape of the localization evidence obtained using nonparametric multipoint analysis did not change from that seen previously in our 10-cM resolution genome scan; two peaks were displayed, one on chromosome 2p at marker D2S388 (107.46 cM) and the other on chromosome 2q at 151.5 cM at marker D2S2313. Using the robust two-point linkage analysis implemented in the Analyze program, all 25 markers gave positive LOD scores with significant evidence of linkage being seen at marker D2S2313 (151.5 cM), achieving a LOD score of 3.37 under a strict diagnostic model. Suggestive evidence of linkage was seen at marker D2S388 (107.46 cM) with a LOD score of 2.22 under the general diagnostic model. Two candidate genes beneath the peak on chromosome 2p were selected for further analysis using public single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within these genes. Maximum LOD scores were obtained for an SNP in TACR1 (LOD = 3.5) and for an SNP in TCF7L1 (LOD = 3.33), both achieving genome-wide significance. However, no evidence of association was seen with any of the markers tested. These data strongly support the presence of a susceptibility gene on chromosome 2p11-12 and substantiate the possibility of a second locus on chromosome 2q23.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of the idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Recent genome scans and replication studies have identified replicated linkage between CD and a locus on chromosome 16 (the IBD1 locus), replicated linkage between IBD (especially UC) and a locus on chromosome 12q (the IBD2 locus), and replicated linkage between IBD (especially CD) and a locus on chromosome 6p (the IBD3 locus). Since the estimated locus-specific lambdas values for the regions of replicated linkage do not account for the overall lambdas in CD, and since the published genome scans in IBD show at least nominal evidence for linkage to regions on all but two chromosomes, we performed an independent genome scan using 751 microsatellite loci in 127 CD-affected relative pairs from 62 families. Single-point nonparametric linkage analysis using the GENEHUNTER-PLUS program shows evidence for linkage to the adjacent D14S261 and D14S283 loci on chromosome 14q11-12 (LOD = 3.00 and 1.70, respectively), and the maximal multipoint LOD score is observed at D14S261 (LOD = 3.60). In the multipoint analysis, nominal evidence for linkage (P<.05) is observed near D2S117 (LOD = 1.25), near D3S3045 (LOD = 1.31), between D7S40 and D7S648 (LOD = 0.91), and near D18S61 (LOD = 1.15). Our finding of significant linkage to D14S261 and the finding of suggestive linkage to the same locus in an independent study (multipoint LOD = 2.8) satisfies criteria for confirmed linkage, so we propose that the region of interest on chromosome 14q11-12 should be designated the IBD4 locus.  相似文献   

We performed a genomewide scan for genes that predispose to low serum HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) in 25 well-defined Finnish families that were ascertained for familial low HDL-C and premature coronary heart disease. The potential loci for low HDL-C that were identified initially were tested in an independent sample group of 29 Finnish families that were ascertained for familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL), expressing low HDL-C as one component trait. The data from the previous genome scan were also reanalyzed for this trait. We found evidence for linkage between the low-HDL-C trait and three loci, in a pooled data analysis of families with low HDL-C and FCHL. The strongest statistical evidence was obtained at a locus on chromosome 8q23, with a two-point LOD score of 4.7 under a recessive mode of inheritance and a multipoint LOD score of 3.3. Evidence for linkage also emerged for loci on chromosomes 16q24.1-24.2 and 20q13.11, the latter representing a recently characterized region for type 2 diabetes. Besides these three loci, loci on chromosomes 2p and 3p showed linkage in the families with low HDL-C and a locus on 2ptel in the families with FCHL.  相似文献   

To study genetic loci influencing obesity in nuclear families with type 2 diabetes, we performed a genome‐wide screen with 325 microsatellite markers that had an average spacing of 11 cM and a mean heterozygosity of ~75% covering all 22 autosomes. Genotype data were obtained from 562 individuals from 178 families from the Breda Study Cohort. These families were determined to have at least two members with type 2 diabetes. As a measure of obesity, the BMI of each diabetes patient was determined. The genotypes were analyzed using variance components (VCs) analysis implemented in GENEHUNTER 2 to determine quantitative trait loci influencing BMI. The VC analysis revealed two genomic regions showing VC logarithm of odds (LOD) scores ≥1.0 on chromosome 1 and chromosome 11. The regions of interest on both chromosomes were further investigated by fine‐mapping with additional markers, resulting in a VC LOD score of 1.5 on chromosome 1q and a VC LOD of 2.4 on chromosome 11q. The locus on chromosome 1 has been implicated previously in diabetes. The locus on chromosome 11 has been implicated previously in diabetes and obesity. Our study to determine linkage for BMI confirms the presence of quantitative trait loci influencing obesity in subjects with type 2 diabetes on chromosomes 1q31‐q42 and 11q14‐q24.  相似文献   

Genomewide linkage analysis has been extremely successful at identification of the genetic variation underlying single-gene disorders. However, linkage analysis has been less successful for common human diseases and other complex traits in which multiple genetic and environmental factors interact to influence disease risk. We hypothesized that a highly heritable complex trait, in which the contribution of environmental factors was relatively limited, might be more amenable to linkage analysis. We therefore chose to study stature (adult height), for which heritability is approximately 75%-90% (Phillips and Matheny 1990; Carmichael and McGue 1995; Preece 1996; Silventoinen et al. 2000). We reanalyzed genomewide scans from four populations for which genotype and height data were available, using a variance-components method implemented in GENEHUNTER 2.0 (Pratt et al. 2000). The populations consisted of 408 individuals in 58 families from the Botnia region of Finland, 753 individuals in 183 families from other parts of Finland, 746 individuals in 179 families from Southern Sweden, and 420 individuals in 63 families from the Saguenay-Lac-St.-Jean region of Quebec. Four regions showed evidence of linkage to stature: 6q24-25, multipoint LOD score 3.85 at marker D6S1007 in Botnia (genomewide P<.06), 7q31.3-36 (LOD 3.40 at marker D7S2195 in Sweden, P<.02), 12p11.2-q14 (LOD 3.35 at markers D12S10990-D12S398 in Finland, P<.05) and 13q32-33 (LOD 3.56 at markers D13S779-D13S797 in Finland, P<.05). In a companion article (Perola et al. 2001 [in this issue]), strong supporting evidence is obtained for linkage to the region on chromosome 7. These studies suggest that highly heritable complex traits such as stature may be genetically tractable and provide insight into the genetic architecture of complex traits.  相似文献   

Recently, a new locus (PARK8) for autosomal dominant parkinsonism has been identified in one large Japanese family. Linkage has been shown to a 16-cM centromeric region of chromosome 12, between markers D12S1631 and D12S339. We tested 21 white families with Parkinson disease and an inheritance pattern compatible with autosomal dominant transmission for linkage in this region. Criteria for inclusion were at least three affected individuals in more than one generation. A total of 29 markers were used to saturate the candidate region. One hundred sixty-seven family members were tested (84 affected and 83 unaffected). Under the assumption of heterogeneity and through use of an affecteds-only model, a maximum multipoint LOD score of 2.01 was achieved in the total sample, with an estimated proportion of families with linkage of 0.32. This LOD score is significant for linkage in a replication study and corresponds to a P value of.0047. Two families (family A [German Canadian] and family D [from western Nebraska]) reached significant linkage on their own, with a combined maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.33, calculated with an affecteds-only model (family A: LOD score 1.67, P=.0028; family D: LOD score 1.67, P=.0028). When a penetrance-dependent model was calculated, the combined multipoint LOD score achieved was 3.92 (family A: LOD score 1.68, P=.0027; family D: LOD score 2.24, P=.0007). On the basis of the multipoint analysis for the combined families A and D, the 1-LOD support interval suggests that the most likely disease location is between a CA repeat polymorphism on genomic clone AC025253 (44.5 Mb) and marker D12S1701 (47.7 Mb). Our data provide evidence that the PARK8 locus is responsible for the disease in a subset of families of white ancestry with autosomal dominant parkinsonism, suggesting that it could be a more common locus.  相似文献   

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder that affects 5%-12% of all whites. To genetically dissect this complex disease, we characterized 15 large and extended multiplex pedigrees, consisting of 453 subjects (134 affected with RLS). A familial aggregation analysis was performed, and SAGE FCOR was used to quantify the total genetic contribution in these families. A weighted average correlation of 0.17 between first-degree relatives was obtained, and heritability was estimated to be 0.60 for all types of relative pairs, indicating that RLS is a highly heritable trait in this ascertained cohort. A genomewide linkage scan, which involved >400 10-cM-spaced markers and spanned the entire human genome, was then performed for 144 individuals in the cohort. Model-free linkage analysis identified one novel significant RLS-susceptibility locus on chromosome 9p24-22 with a multipoint nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 3.22. Suggestive evidence of linkage was found on chromosome 3q26.31 (NPL score 2.03), chromosome 4q31.21 (NPL score 2.28), chromosome 5p13.3 (NPL score 2.68), and chromosome 6p22.3 (NPL score 2.06). Model-based linkage analysis, with the assumption of an autosomal-dominant mode of inheritance, validated the 9p24-22 linkage to RLS in two families (two-point LOD score of 3.77; multipoint LOD score of 3.91). Further fine mapping confirmed the linkage result and defined this novel RLS disease locus to a critical interval. This study establishes RLS as a highly heritable trait, identifies a novel genetic locus for RLS, and will facilitate further cloning and identification of the genes for RLS.  相似文献   

Here, we present the results of two genome-wide scans in two diverse populations in which a consistent use of recently introduced migraine-phenotyping methods detects and replicates a locus on 10q22-q23, with an additional independent replication. No genetic variants have been convincingly established in migraine, and although several loci have been reported, none of them has been consistently replicated. We employed the three known migraine-phenotyping methods (clinical end diagnosis, latent-class analysis, and trait-component analysis) with robust multiple testing correction in a large sample set of 1675 individuals from 210 migraine families from Finland and Australia. Genome-wide multipoint linkage analysis that used the Kong and Cox exponential model in Finns detected a locus on 10q22-q23 with highly significant evidence of linkage (LOD 7.68 at 103 cM in female-specific analysis). The Australian sample showed a LOD score of 3.50 at the same locus (100 cM), as did the independent Finnish replication study (LOD score 2.41, at 102 cM). In addition, four previously reported loci on 8q21, 14q21, 18q12, and Xp21 were also replicated. A shared-segment analysis of 10q22-q23 linked Finnish families identified a 1.6-9.5 cM segment, centered on 101 cM, which shows in-family homology in 95% of affected Finns. This region was further studied with 1323 SNPs. Although no significant association was observed, four regions warranting follow-up studies were identified. These results support the use of symptomology-based phenotyping in migraine and suggest that the 10q22-q23 locus probably contains one or more migraine susceptibility variants.  相似文献   

Twin cohorts provide a unique advantage for investigations of the role of genetics and environment in the etiology of variation in common complex traits by reducing the variance due to environment, age, and cohort differences. The GenomEUtwin (http://www.genomeutwin.org) consortium consists of eight twin cohorts (Australian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, and United Kingdom) with the total resource of hundreds of thousands of twin pairs. We performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of one of the most heritable human complex traits, adult stature (body height) using genome-wide scans performed for 3,817 families (8,450 individuals) derived from twin cohorts from Australia, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, and United Kingdom with an approximate ten-centimorgan microsatellite marker map. The marker maps for different studies differed and they were combined and related to the sequence positions using software developed by us, which is publicly available (https://apps.bioinfo.helsinki.fi/software/cartographer.aspx). Variance component linkage analysis was performed with age, sex, and country of origin as covariates. The covariate adjusted heritability was 81% for stature in the pooled dataset. We found evidence for a major QTL for human stature on 8q21.3 (multipoint logarithm of the odds 3.28), and suggestive evidence for loci on Chromosomes X, 7, and 20. Some evidence of sex heterogeneity was found, however, no obvious female-specific QTLs emerged. Several cohorts contributed to the identified loci, suggesting an evolutionarily old genetic variant having effects on stature in European-based populations. To facilitate the genetic studies of stature we have also set up a website that lists all stature genome scans published and their most significant loci (http://www.genomeutwin.org/stature_gene_map.htm).  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity is a growing and important public health problem in Western countries and worldwide. There is ample evidence that both environmental and genetic factors influence the risk of developing obesity. Although a number of genes influencing obesity and obesity‐related measures have been localized, it is clear that others remain to be identified. The rate of obesity is particularly high in American Indian populations. This study reports the results of a genome‐wide scan for loci influencing BMI and weight in 963 individuals in 58 families from three American Indian populations in Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota participating in the Strong Heart Family Study. Research Methods and Procedures: Short tandem repeat markers were genotyped, resulting in a marker map with an average spacing of 10 centimorgans. Standard multipoint variance component linkage methods were used. Results: Significant evidence of linkage was observed in the overall sample, including all three study sites, for a locus on chromosome 4q35 [logarithm of the odds (LOD) = 5.17 for weight, 5.08 for BMI]. Analyses of the three study sites individually showed that the greatest linkage support for the chromosome 4 locus came from Arizona (LOD = 2.6 for BMI), but that LOD scores for weight were >1 in all three samples. Suggestive linkage signals (LOD >2) were also observed on chromosomes 5, 7, 8, and 10. Discussion: The chromosome 4 locus detected in this scan is in a region lacking any obvious positional candidate genes with known functions related to obesity. This locus may represent a novel obesity gene.  相似文献   

To identify genetic loci for autism-spectrum disorders, we have performed a two-stage genomewide scan in 38 Finnish families. The detailed clinical examination of all family members revealed infantile autism, but also Asperger syndrome (AS) and developmental dysphasia, in the same set of families. The most significant evidence for linkage was found on chromosome 3q25-27, with a maximum two-point LOD score of 4.31 (Z(max )(dom)) for D3S3037, using infantile autism and AS as an affection status. Six markers flanking over a 5-cM region on 3q gave Z(max dom) >3, and a maximum parametric multipoint LOD score (MLS) of 4.81 was obtained in the vicinity of D3S3715 and D3S3037. Association, linkage disequilibrium, and haplotype analyses provided some evidence for shared ancestor alleles on this chromosomal region among affected individuals, especially in the regional subisolate. Additional potential susceptibility loci with two-point LOD scores >2 were observed on chromosomes 1q21-22 and 7q. The region on 1q21-22 overlaps with the previously reported candidate region for infantile autism and schizophrenia, whereas the region on chromosome 7q provided evidence for linkage 58 cM distally from the previously described autism susceptibility locus (AUTS1).  相似文献   

When activated, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) inhibits fibrinolysis by modifying fibrin, depressing its plasminogen binding potential. Polymorphisms in the TAFI structural gene (CPB2) have been associated with variation in TAFI levels, but the potential occurrence of influential quantitative trait loci (QTLs) located elsewhere in the genome has been explored only in families ascertained in part through probands affected by thrombosis. We report the results of the first genome-wide linkage screen for QTLs that influence TAFI phenotypes. Data are from 635 subjects from 21 randomly ascertained Mexican American families participating in the San Antonio Family Heart Study. Potential QTLs were localized through a genome-wide multipoint linkage scan using 417 highly informative autosomal short tandem repeat markers spaced at approximately 10-cM intervals. We observed a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.09 on chromosome 13q, the region of the TAFI structural gene. A suggestive linkage signal (LOD = 2.04) also was observed in this region, but may be an artifact. In addition, weak evidence for linkage occurred on chromosomes 17p and 9q. Our results suggest that polymorphisms in the TAFI structural gene or its nearby regulatory elements may contribute strongly to TAFI level variation in the general population, although several genes in other regions of the genome may also influence variation in this phenotype. Our findings support those of the Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia (GAIT) project, which identified a potential TAFI QTL on chromosome 13q in a genome-wide linkage scan in Spanish thrombophilia families.  相似文献   

Improved molecular understanding of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes is essential if current therapeutic and preventative options are to be extended. To identify diabetes-susceptibility genes, we have completed a primary (418-marker, 9-cM) autosomal-genome scan of 743 sib pairs (573 pedigrees) with type 2 diabetes who are from the Diabetes UK Warren 2 repository. Nonparametric linkage analysis of the entire data set identified seven regions showing evidence for linkage, with allele-sharing LOD scores > or =1.18 (P< or =.01). The strongest evidence was seen on chromosomes 8p21-22 (near D8S258 [LOD score 2.55]) and 10q23.3 (near D10S1765 [LOD score 1.99]), both coinciding with regions identified in previous scans in European subjects. This was also true of two lesser regions identified, on chromosomes 5q13 (D5S647 [LOD score 1.22] and 5q32 (D5S436 [LOD score 1.22]). Loci on 7p15.3 (LOD score 1.31) and 8q24.2 (LOD score 1.41) are novel. The final region showing evidence for linkage, on chromosome 1q24-25 (near D1S218 [LOD score 1.50]), colocalizes with evidence for linkage to diabetes found in Utah, French, and Pima families and in the GK rat. After dense-map genotyping (mean marker spacing 4.4 cM), evidence for linkage to this region increased to a LOD score of 1.98. Conditional analyses revealed nominally significant interactions between this locus and the regions on chromosomes 10q23.3 (P=.01) and 5q32 (P=.02). These data, derived from one of the largest genome scans undertaken in this condition, confirm that individual susceptibility-gene effects for type 2 diabetes are likely to be modest in size. Taken with genome scans in other populations, they provide both replication of previous evidence indicating the presence of a diabetes-susceptibility locus on chromosome 1q24-25 and support for the existence of additional loci on chromosomes 5, 8, and 10. These data should accelerate positional cloning efforts in these regions of interest.  相似文献   

To detect potentially imprinted, obesity-related genetic loci, we performed genomewide parent-of-origin linkage analyses under an allele-sharing model for discrete traits and under a family regression model for obesity-related quantitative traits, using a European American sample of 1,297 individuals from 260 families, with 391 microsatellite markers. We also used two smaller, independent samples for replication (a sample of 370 German individuals from 89 families and a sample of 277 African American individuals from 52 families). For discrete-trait analysis, we found evidence for a maternal effect in chromosome region 10p12 across the three samples, with LOD scores of 5.69 (single-point) and 4.52 (multipoint) for the pooled sample. For quantitative-trait analysis, we found the strongest evidence for a maternal effect (single-point LOD of 2.85; multipoint LOD of 4.01 for body mass index [BMI] and 3.69 for waist circumference) in region 12q24 and for a paternal effect (single-point LOD of 4.79; multipoint LOD of 3.72 for BMI) in region 13q32, in the European American sample. The results suggest that parent-of-origin effects, perhaps including genomic imprinting, may play a role in human obesity.  相似文献   

Li X  Wang D  Yang K  Guo X  Lin YC  Samayoa CG  Yang H 《BMC genetics》2003,4(Z1):S35
To evaluate linkage evidence for body mass index (BMI) using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data, we performed genome-wide multipoint linkage analyses on subjects who had complete data at four selected time points (initial, 8th, 12th, and 16th year following the initial visit) from the Framingham Heart Study. The cross-sectional measures included BMI at each of the four selected time points and the longitudinal measure was the within-subject mean of BMI at the above four time points. Using the variance components method, we consistently observed the maximum LOD score out of the genome scan using BMI at each time point and the mean of BMI between 049xd2 and GATA71H05 on chromosome 16. The highest LOD score (3.0) was at time point 1, while the lowest (1.9) was at time point 4. We also observed other suggestive linkages on chromosome 6, 10, and 18 at time point 1 only. The longitudinal measure we studied (mean of BMI) did not provide greater power to identify a positive linkage than some of the cross-sectional measures (e.g., time point 1). The changing of linkage evidence over time provided some insights on the variation of genetic effect on BMI with aging. There may be a QTL on chromosome 16 that contributes to BMI and this locus, and maybe others, is more likely to affect BMI during early adulthood.  相似文献   

Migraine headaches are a common comorbidity in Rolandic epilepsy (RE) and familial aggregation of migraine in RE families suggests a genetic basis not mediated by seizures. We performed a genome‐wide linkage analysis of the migraine phenotype in 38 families with RE to localize potential genetic contribution, with a follow‐up in an additional 21 families at linked loci. We used two‐point and multipoint LOD (logarithm of the odds) score methods for linkage, maximized over genetic models. We found evidence of linkage to migraine at chromosome 17q12‐22 [multipoint HLOD (heterogeneity LOD) 4.40, recessive, 99% penetrance], replicated in the second dataset (HLOD 2.61), and suggestive evidence at 1q23.1‐23.2, centering over the FHM2 locus (two‐point LOD 3.00 and MP HLOD 2.52). Sanger sequencing in 14 migraine‐affected individuals found no coding mutations in the FHM2 gene ATP1A2. There was no evidence of pleiotropy for migraine and either reading or speech disorder, or the electroencephalographic endophenotype of RE when the affected definition was redefined as those with migraine or the comorbid phenotype, and pedigrees were reanalyzed for linkage. In summary, we report a novel migraine susceptibility locus at 17q12‐22, and a second locus that may contribute to migraine in the general population at 1q23.1‐23.2. Comorbid migraine in RE appears genetically influenced, but we did not obtain evidence that the identified susceptibility loci are consistent with pleiotropic effects on other comorbidities in RE. Loci identified here should be fine‐mapped in individuals from RE families with migraine, and prioritized for analysis in other types of epilepsy‐associated migraine.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) is a rare, clinically and genetically heterogeneous genodermatosis. One gene (transglutaminase 1, on 14q11) and one additional locus (on 2q33-35, with an unidentified gene) have been shown to be associated with a lamellar, nonerythrodermic type of ARCI. We performed a genomewide scan, with 370 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, on five affected individuals from one large Finnish family with nonerythrodermic, nonlamellar ARCI. The only evidence for linkage emerged from markers in a 6.0-cM region on chromosome 19p13.1-2. The maximum two-point LOD score of 7.33 was obtained with the locus D19S252, and multipoint likelihood calculations gave a maximum location score of 5.2. The affected individuals share two common core haplotypes, which makes compound heterozygosity possible. The novel disease locus is the third locus linked to ARCI, supporting previous evidence for genetic heterogeneity of ARCI. This is also the first locus for a nonlamellar, nonerythrodermic phenotype of ARCI.  相似文献   

Genetic homogeneity of autoimmune polyglandular disease type I.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Autoimmune polyglandular disease type I (APECED) is an autosomal recessive autoimmune disease (MIM 240300) characterized by hypoparathyroidism, primary adrenocortical failure, and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. The disease is highly prevalent in two isolated populations, the Finnish population and the Iranian Jewish one. Sporadic cases have been identified in many other countries, including almost all European countries. The APECED locus has previously been assigned to chromosome 21q22.3 by linkage analyses in 14 Finnish families. Locus heterogeneity is a highly relevant question in this disease affecting multiple tissues and with great phenotypic diversity. To solve this matter, we performed linkage and haplotype analyses on APECED families rising from different populations. Six microsatellite markers on the critical chromosomal region of 2.6 cM on 21q22.3 were analyzed. Pairwise linkage analyses revealed significant LOD scores for all these markers, maximum LOD score being 10.23. The obtained haplotype data and the geographic distribution of the great-grandparents of the Finnish APECED patients suggest the presence of one major, relatively old mutation responsible for approximately 90% of the Finnish cases. Similar evidence for one founder mutation was also found in analyses of Iranian Jewish APECED haplotypes. These haplotypes, however, differed totally from the Finnish ones. The linkage analyses in 21 non-Finnish APECED families originating from several European countries provided independent evidence for linkage to the same chromosomal region on 21q22.3 and revealed no evidence for locus heterogeneity. The haplotype analyses of APECED chromosomes suggest that in different populations APECED is due to a spectrum of mutations in a still unknown gene on chromosome 21.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that hereditary prostate cancer is a complex disease involving multiple susceptibility genes and variable phenotypic expression. While conducting a genomewide search on 162 North American families with > or =3 members affected with prostate cancer (PRCA), we found evidence for linkage to chromosome 20q13 with two-point parametric LOD scores >1 at multiple sites, with the highest two-point LOD score of 2.69 for marker D20S196. The maximum multipoint NPL score for the entire data set was 3.02 (P=.002) at D20S887. On the basis of findings from previous reports, families were stratified by the presence (n=116) or absence (n=46) of male-to-male transmission, average age of diagnosis (<66 years, n=73; > or =66 years, n=89), and number of affected individuals (<5, n=101; > or =5, n=61) for further analysis. The strongest evidence of linkage was evident with the pedigrees having <5 family members affected with prostate cancer (multipoint NPL 3.22, P=.00079), a later average age of diagnosis (multipoint NPL 3.40, P=.0006), and no male-to-male transmission (multipoint NPL 3.94, P=.00007). The group of patients having all three of these characteristics (n=19) had a multipoint NPL score of 3.69 (P=.0001). These results demonstrate evidence for a PRCA susceptibility locus in a subset of families that is distinct from the groups more likely to be linked to previously identified loci.  相似文献   

Objective: Interest in mapping genetic variants that are associated with obesity remains high because of the increasing prevalence of obesity and its complications worldwide. Data on genetic determinants of obesity in African populations are rare. Research Methods and Procedures: We have undertaken a genome‐wide scan for body mass index (BMI) in 182 Nigerian families that included 769 individuals. Results: The prevalence of obesity was only 5%, yet polygenic heritability for BMI was in the expected range (0.46 ± 0.07). Tandem repeat markers (402) were typed across the genome with an average map density of 9 cM. Pedigree‐based analysis using a variance components linkage model demonstrated evidence for linkage on chromosome 7 (near marker D7S817 at 7p14) with a logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 3.8 and on chromosome 11 (marker D11S2000 at 11q22) with an LOD score of 3.3. Weaker evidence for linkage was found on chromosomes 1 (1q21, LOD = 2.2) and 8 (8p22, LOD = 2.3). Several candidate genes, including neuropeptide Y, DRD2, APOA4, lamin A/C, and lipoprotein lipase, lie in or close to the chromosomal regions where strong linkage signals were found. Discussion: The findings of this study suggest that, as in other populations with higher prevalences of obesity, positive linkage signals can be found on genome scans for obesity‐related traits. Follow‐up studies may be warranted to investigate these linkages, especially the one on chromosome 11, which has been reported in a population at the opposite end of the BMI distribution.  相似文献   

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