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This study presents the tidal exchange of ammonium, nitrite + nitrate, phosphate and silicate between two salt marshes and adjacent estuarine waters. Marsh nutrient fluxes were evaluated for Pointe-au-Père and Pointe-aux-épinettes salt marshes, both located along the south shore of the lower St. Lawrence Estuary in Rimouski area (QC, Canada). Using nutrients field data, high precision bathymetric records and a hydrodynamic numerical model (MIKE21-NHD) forced with predicted tides, nutrients fluxes were estimated through salt marsh outlet cross-sections at four different periods of the year 2004 (March, May, July and November). Calculated marsh nutrient fluxes are discussed in relation with stream inputs, biotic and abiotic marsh processes and the incidence of sea ice cover. In both marshes, the results show the occurrence of year-round and seaward NH4 + fluxes and landward NO2  + NO3 fluxes (ranging from 9.06 to 30.48 mg N day−1 m−2 and from −32.07 to −9.59 mg N day−1 m−2, respectively) as well as variable PO4 3− and Si(OH)4 fluxes (ranging from −3.73 to 6.34 mg P day−1 m−2 and from −29.19 to 21.91 mg Si day−1 m−2, respectively). These results suggest that NO2  + NO3 input to marshes can be a significant source of NH4 + through dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). This NH4 +, accumulating in marsh sediment rather than being removed through coupled nitrification–denitrification or biological assimilation, is exported toward estuarine waters. From average P and Si tidal fluxes analysis, both salt marshes act as a sink during high productivity period (May and July) and as a source, supplying estuarine water during low productivity period (November and March).  相似文献   

During the last few years, extensive sea ice melting in the Arctic due to climate change has been detected, which could potentially modify the organic carbon fluxes in these waters. In this study, the effect of sea ice melting on bacterial carbon channelling by phages and protists has been evaluated in the northern Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean. Grazing on bacteria by protists was evaluated using the FLB disappearance method. Lysis of bacteria due to viral infections was measured using the virus reduction approach. Losses of bacterial production caused by protists (PMMBP) dominated losses caused by viruses (VMMBP) throughout the study. Lysogenic viral production was detected in 7 out of 21 measurements and constituted from 33.9 to 100.0% of the total viral production. Significantly higher PMMBP and lower VMMBP were detected in waters affected by ice melting compared with unaffected waters. Consequently, significantly more bacterial carbon was channelled to the higher trophic levels in affected waters (13.05 ± 5.98 μgC l−1 day−1) than in unaffected waters (8.91 ± 8.33 μgC l−1 day−1). Viruses channelled 2.63 ± 2.45 μgC l−1 day−1 in affected waters and 4.27 ± 5.54 μgC l−1 day−1 in unaffected waters. We conclude that sea ice melting in the Arctic could modify the carbon flow through the microbial food web. This process may be especially important in the case of massive sea ice melting due to climate change.  相似文献   

Part of the Larsen A Ice Shelf (64°15′S to 74°15′S) collapsed during January 1995. A first oceanographic and biological data set from the newly free waters was obtained during December 1996. Typical shelf waters with temperatures near and below the freezing point were found. A nutrient-rich water mass (max: PO4 3− 1.80 μmol L−1 and NO3 27.64 μmol L−1) was found between 70 and 200 m depth. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) values (max 14.24 μg L−1) were high; surface oxygen saturation ranged between 86 and 148%. Diatoms of the genera Nitzschia and Navicula and the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis sp. were the most abundant taxa found. Mean daily primary production (Pc) estimated from nutrient consumption was 14.80 ± 0.17 mgC m−3 day−1. Pc was significantly correlated with total diatom abundance and Chl-a. Calculated ΔpCO2 (difference of the CO2 partial pressure between surface seawater and the atmosphere) was –30.5 μatm, which could have contributed to a net CO2 flux from the atmosphere to the sea and suggests the area has been a CO2 sink during the studied period. High phytoplankton biomass and production values were found in this freshly open area, suggesting its importance for biological CO2 pumping.  相似文献   

We studied concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the eutrophic Temmesjoki River and Estuary in the Liminganlahti Bay in 2003–2004 and evaluated the atmospheric fluxes of the gases based on measured concentrations, wind speeds and water current velocities. The Temmesjoki River was a source of CO2, CH4 and N2O to the atmosphere, whereas the Liminganlahti Bay was a minor source of CH4 and a minor source or a sink of CO2 and N2O. The results show that the fluxes of greenhouse gases in river ecosystems are highly related to the land use in its catchment areas. The most upstream river site, surrounded by forests and drained peatlands, released significant amounts of CO2 and CH4, with average fluxes of 5,400 mg CO2–C m−2 d−1 and 66 mg CH4–C m−2 d−1, and concentrations of 210 μM and 345 nM, respectively, but N2O concentrations, at an average of 17 nM, were close to the atmospheric equilibrium concentration. The downstream river sites surrounded by agricultural soils released significant amounts of N2O (with an average emission of 650 μg N2O–N m−2 d−1 and concentration of 22 nM), whereas the CO2 and CH4 concentrations were low compared to the upstream site (55 μM and 350 nM). In boreal regions, rivers are partly ice-covered in wintertime (approximately 5 months). A large part of the gases, i.e. 58% of CO2, 55% of CH4 and 36% of N2O emissions, were found to be released during wintertime from unfrozen parts of the river.  相似文献   

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) occur in the eastern Canadian Arctic during the open-water season, but their seasonal movements in Arctic waters and overall distribution are poorly understood. During August 2009, satellite transmitters were deployed onto two killer whales in Admiralty Inlet, Baffin Island, Canada. A whale tracked for 90 days remained in Admiralty and Prince Regent Inlets from mid-August until early October, when locations overlapped aggregations of marine mammal prey species. While in Admiralty and Prince Regent Inlets, the whale traveled 96.1 ± 45.3 km day−1 (max 162.6 km day−1) and 120.1 ± 44.5 km day−1 (max 192.7 km day−1), respectively. Increasing ice cover in Prince Regent Inlet in late September and early October was avoided, and the whale left the region prior to heavy ice formation. The whale traveled an average of 159.4 ± 44.8 km day−1 (max 252.0 km day−1) along the east coast of Baffin Island and into the open North Atlantic by mid-November, covering over 5,400 km in approximately one month. This research marks the first time satellite telemetry has been used to study killer whale movements in the eastern Canadian Arctic and documents long-distance movement rarely observed in this species.  相似文献   

A method to estimate net community metabolism (NCM) in natural waters using vertical profiles of water temperature, salinity, dissolved O2, gas tension, and calculated dissolved N2 is presented. The method utilizes the disparate biological activity of dissolved O2 and N2 to estimate metabolism at different depths in the water column. For well-mixed surface waters, N2 saturation levels are assumed to be the result of a quasi steady state balance of net warming or cooling and air–water gas exchange. Dissolved O2 levels are assumed to maintain a similar balance, subject to net biological activity, and NCM is then calculated based on the difference between N2 and O2 saturation levels and the estimated timescale required to equilibrate the layer with the atmosphere. For deeper stratified layers of water that warmed after layer formation in isolation from the atmosphere, the temperature at formation is calculated using the measured N2 concentration and an assumed N2 saturation level of 100% at formation. By assuming that initial N2 and O2 saturation levels were equal, the initial O2 concentration is calculated based on solubility relationships. NCM of the deeper waters is then estimated based on this information and knowledge of the general seasonal heating cycle of the waters. Daily mean water temperature and dissolved gas levels are used in the calculations. The method was assessed using profile measurements collected at Long Pond, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, on 23 August 2002. Oxygen was supersaturated relative to N2 by approximately 4% in the 0–6 m deep epilimnion, and undersaturated relative to N2 by approximately 7% in the stratified water at 9 m depth. The estimated 4-day average NCM for the epilimnion was 140 ± 70 mgC m−2day−1. For waters at 9 m depth, the temperature at formation was calculated to be 6.58 °C, and the estimated 100-day average NCM was −2.5 ± 0.6 mgC m−3 day−1. An independent estimate of −4.6 ± 0.9 mgC m−3 day−1 was derived from the measured O2 decline at 9 m depth over the same period of 2003.  相似文献   

Sediment pore water concentrations of Fe2+, Mn2+, NH inf4 sup+ and CH4 were analyzed from both diver-collected cores and anin situ equilibration device (peeper) in Lake Erie's central basin. Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) was measured at the same station with a hemispheric chamber (including DO probe and recorder) subtending a known area of sediments. The average SOD was 9.4 mM m−2 day−1 (0.3 g m−2 day−1). From pore water gradients within the near-surface zone, the chemical flux across the interface was calculated indirectly using Fick's first law modified for sediments. These calculations, using core and peeper gradients, always showed sediment loss to overlying waters, and variations between the two techniques differed by less than an order of magnitude for Fe2+ and CH4. The transport of these reduced constituents can represent a sizeable oxygen demand, ranging from less than 1% for Fe2+ and Mn2+ to as high as 26% for NH inf4 sup+ , and 30% for CH4. The average flux of these constituents could account for about a third of the SOD at the sediment-water interface of this station.  相似文献   

The biodegradation potential of an innovative enclosed tubular biofilm photobioreactor inoculated with a Chlorella sorokiniana strain and an acclimated activated sludge consortium was evaluated under continuous illumination and increasing pretreated (centrifuged) swine slurry loading rates. This photobioreactor configuration provided simultaneous and efficient carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous treatment in a single-stage process at sustained nitrogen and phosphorous removals efficiencies ranging from 94% to 100% and 70–90%, respectively. Maximum total organic carbon (TOC), NH4 +, and PO4 3− removal rates of 80 ± 5 g C mr −3 day−1, 89 ± 5 g N mr −3 day−1, and 13 ± 3 g P mr −3 day−1, respectively, were recorded at the highest swine slurry loadings (TOC of 1,247 ± 62 mg L−1, N–NH4 + of 656 ± 37 mg L−1, P–PO4 3+ of 117 ± 19 mg L−1, and 7 days of hydraulic retention time). The unusual substrates diffusional pathways established within the phototrophic biofilm (photosynthetic O2 and TOC/NH4 + diffusing from opposite sides of the biofilm) allowed both the occurrence of a simultaneous denitrification/nitrification process at the highest swine slurry loading rate and the protection of microalgae from any potential inhibitory effect mediated by the combination of high pH and high NH3 concentrations. In addition, this biofilm-based photobioreactor supported efficient biomass retention (>92% of the biomass generated during the pretreated swine slurry biodegradation).  相似文献   

Using experimental mesocosms, we tested the strength of bottom–up controls by nutrients and top–down controls by an omnivorous fish (Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus; family Characidae), and the interaction between them on the CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) in the surface waters of a tropical humic lake (Lake Cabiúnas, Brazil). The experiment included the addition of nutrients and fish to the mesocosms in a factorial design. Overall, persistent CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, supported by an intense net heterotrophy, were observed in all treatments and replicates over the 6-week study period. The CO2 efflux (average ± standard error) integrated over the experiment was similar among the control mesocosms and those receiving only fish or only nutrients (309 ± 2, 303 ± 16, and 297 ± 17 mmol CO2 m−2 day−1, respectively). However, the addition of nutrients in the presence of fish resulted in a high algal biomass and daytime net autotrophy, reducing the CO2 emissions by 35% (by 193 ± 7 mmol CO2 m−2 day−1). These results indicate that high CO2 emissions persist following the eutrophication of humic waters, but that the magnitude of these emissions might depend on the structure of the food web. In conclusion, fish and nutrients may act in a synergistic manner to modulate persistent CO2 emissions from tropical humic lakes.  相似文献   

Physical, biogeochemical and photosynthetic parameters were measured in sea ice brine and ice core bottom samples in the north-western Weddell Sea during early spring 2006. Sea ice brines collected from sackholes were characterised by cold temperatures (range −7.4 to −3.8°C), high salinities (range 61.4–118.0), and partly elevated dissolved oxygen concentrations (range 159–413 μmol kg−1) when compared to surface seawater. Nitrate (range 0.5–76.3 μmol kg−1), dissolved inorganic phosphate (range 0.2–7.0 μmol kg−1) and silicic acid (range 74–285 μmol kg−1) concentrations in sea ice brines were depleted when compared to surface seawater. In contrast, NH4 + (range 0.3–23.0 μmol kg−1) and dissolved organic carbon (range 140–707 μmol kg−1) were enriched in the sea ice brines. Ice core bottom samples exhibited moderate temperatures and brine salinities, but high algal biomass (4.9–435.5 μg Chl a l−1 brine) and silicic acid depletion. Pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry was used for the determination of the photosynthetic parameters F v/F m, α, rETRmax and E k. The maximum quantum yield of photosystem II, F v/F m, ranged from 0.101 to 0.500 (average 0.284 ± 0.132) and 0.235 to 0.595 (average 0.368 ± 0.127) in the sea ice internal and bottom communities, respectively. The fluorometric measurements indicated medium ice algal photosynthetic activity both in the internal and bottom communities of the sea ice. An observed lack of correlation between biogeochemical and photosynthetic parameters was most likely due to temporally and spatially decoupled physical and biological processes in the sea ice brine channel system, and was also influenced by the temporal and spatial resolution of applied sampling techniques.  相似文献   

Controlled cultivation of marine macroalgal biomass such as Ulva species, notably Ulva lactuca, is currently studied for production of biofuels or functional food ingredients. In a eutrophic environment, this macrophyte is exposed to varying types of nutrient supply, including different and fluctuating levels of nitrogen sources. Our understanding of the influences of this varying condition on the uptake and growth responses of U. lactuca is limited. In this present work, we examined the growth response of U. lactuca exposed to different sources of nitrogen (NH4+; NO3; and the combination NH4NO3) by using photo-scanning technology for monitoring the growth kinetics of U. lactuca. The images revealed differential increases of the surface area of U. lactuca disks with time in response to different N-nutrient enrichments. The results showed a favorable growth response to ammonium as the nitrogen source. The NH4Cl and NaNO3 rich media (50 μM of N) accelerated U. lactuca growth to a maximum specific growth rate of 16.4 ± 0.18% day−1 and 9.4 ± 0.72% day−1, respectively. The highest biomass production rate obtained was 22.5 ± 0.24 mg DW m−2·day−1. The presence of ammonium apparently discriminated the nitrate uptake by U. lactuca when exposed to NH4NO3. Apart from showing the significant differential growth response of U. lactuca to different nitrogen sources, the work exhibits the applicability of a photo-scanning approach for acquiring precise quantitative growth data for U. lactuca as exemplified by assessment of the growth response to two different N-sources.  相似文献   

Global urbanization trends impose major alterations on surface waters. This includes impacts on ecosystem functioning that can involve feedbacks on climate through changes in rates of greenhouse gas emissions. The combination of high nutrient supply and shallow depth typical of urban freshwaters is particularly conducive to high rates of methane (CH4) production and emission, suggesting a potentially important role in the global CH4 cycle. However, there is a lack of comprehensive flux data from diverse urban water bodies, of information on the underlying drivers, and of estimates for whole cities. Based on measurements over four seasons in a total of 32 water bodies in the city of Berlin, Germany, we calculate the total CH4 emission from various types of surface waters of a large city in temperate climate at 2.6 ± 1.7 Gg CH4/year. The average total emission was 219 ± 490 mg CH4 m?2 day?1. Water chemical variables were surprisingly poor predictors of total CH4 emissions, and proxies of productivity and oxygen conditions had low explanatory power as well, suggesting a complex combination of factors governing CH4 fluxes from urban surface waters. However, small water bodies (area <1 ha) typically located in urban green spaces were identified as emission hotspots. These results help constrain assessments of CH4 emissions from freshwaters in the world's growing cities, facilitating extrapolation of urban emissions to large areas, including at the global scale.  相似文献   

We compared on eight dates during the ice-free period physicochemical properties and rates of phytoplankton and epipelic primary production in six arctic lakes dominated by soft bottom substrate. Lakes were classified as shallow ( < 2.5 m), intermediate in depth (2.5 m <  < 4.5 m), and deep ( > 4.5 m), with each depth category represented by two lakes. Although shallow lakes circulated freely and intermediate and deep lakes stratified thermally for the entire summer, dissolved oxygen concentrations were always >70% of saturation values. Soluble reactive phosphorus and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NO3 –N + NH4 +–N) were consistently below the detection limit (0.05 μmol l−1) in five lakes. However, one lake shallow lake (GTH 99) periodically showed elevated values of DIN (17 μmol l−1), total-P (0.29 μmol l−1), and total-N (33 μmol l−1), suggesting wind-generated sediment resuspension. Due to increased nutrient availability or entrainment of microphytobenthos, GTH 99 showed the highest average volume-based values of phytoplankton chlorophyll a (chl a) and primary production, which for the six lakes ranged from 1.0 to 2.9 μg l−1 and 0.7–3.8 μmol C l−1 day−1. Overall, however, increased resulted in increased area-based values of phytoplankton chl a and primary production, with mean values for the three lake classes ranging from 3.6 to 6.1 mg chl a m−2 and 3.2–5.8 mmol C m−2 day−1. Average values of epipelic chl a ranged from 131 to 549 mg m−2 for the three depth classes, but levels were not significantly different due to high spatial variability. However, average epipelic primary production was significantly higher in shallow lakes (12.2 mmol C m−2 day−1) than in intermediate and deep lakes (3.4 and 2.4 mmol C m−2 day−1). Total primary production (6.7–15.4 mmol C m−2 day−1) and percent contribution of the epipelon (31–66%) were inversely related to mean depth, such that values for both variables were significantly higher in shallow lakes than in intermediate or deep lakes. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

In fjord systems, freshwater inputs occur by ice melting and river discharge, affecting seawater salinity along fjord and adjacent waters, and potentially the ecology of early life stages of marine fish occurring in the area. During austral spring 2008, a bio-oceanographic cruise was carried out in southern Chile between 47°00′ and 50°09′S, an area influenced by Baker River discharge and ice melting of Northern and Southern Ice Fields, the largest glaciers from Patagonia. Surface salinity and temperature ranged from 1.22 to 32.80, and from 8.11 to 10.68°C, respectively. Larval lightfish Maurolicus parvipinnis (Sternoptychidae) and Falkland sprat Sprattus fuegensis (Clupeidae) were the dominant species, with abundances of 2.2–39.9 larvae 10 m−2 and 3.4–77.1 larvae 10 m−2, respectively. Postflexion stages of both species were collected mainly in surface density fronts. Otolith-based growth analyses estimated linear growth rates of 0.136 mm day−1 for M. parvipinnis of 4.1–15.1 mm, and 0.448 mm day−1 for S. fuegensis of 5.4–20.5 mm. Recent Otolith Growth Index (ROGI), based on the residual analysis of the relationship between increment width of outermost five microincrements and otolith radius, indicates that larval M. parvipinnis collected in low salinity waters showed a reduction of its recent growth rate compared those collected in saltier waters. Also, ROGI was positively correlated with salinity of the water column for larval M. parvipinnis. Gut content analysis showed that large larvae collected near sources of freshwater had lower number of prey in its guts and preyed on different items than fish larvae collected in saltier waters. Therefore, freshwater inputs from rivers and glaciers from Patagonia affected horizontal distribution, recent growth and feeding of larval fish in fjords and channels of southern Chile.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to improve the biological water–gas shift reaction for producing hydrogen (H2) by conversion of carbon monoxide (CO) using an anaerobic thermophilic pure strain, Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans. Specific hydrogen production rates and yields were investigated at initial biomass densities varying from 5 to 20 mg volatile suspended solid (VSS) L−1. Results showed that the gas–liquid mass transfer limits the CO conversion rate at high biomass concentrations. At 100-rpm agitation and at CO partial pressure of 1 atm, the optimal substrate/biomass ratio must exceed 5 mol CO g−1 biomass VSS in order to avoid gas–liquid substrate transfer limitation. An average H2 yield of 94 ± 3% and a specific hydrogen production rate of ca. 3 mol g−1 VSS day−1 were obtained at initial biomass densities between 5 and 8 mg VSS−1. In addition, CO bioconversion kinetics was assessed at CO partial pressure from 0.16 to 2 atm, corresponding to a dissolved CO concentration at 70°C from 0.09 to 1.1 mM. Specific bioactivity was maximal at 3.5 mol CO g−1 VSS day−1 for a dissolved CO concentration of 0.55 mM in the culture. This optimal concentration is higher than with most other hydrogenogenic carboxydotrophic species.  相似文献   

Large Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Temperate Peatland Pasture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agricultural drainage is thought to alter greenhouse gas emissions from temperate peatlands, with CH4 emissions reduced in favor of greater CO2 losses. Attention has largely focussed on C trace gases, and less is known about the impacts of agricultural conversion on N2O or global warming potential. We report greenhouse gas fluxes (CH4, CO2, N2O) from a drained peatland in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California, USA currently managed as a rangeland (that is, pasture). This ecosystem was a net source of CH4 (25.8 ± 1.4 mg CH4-C m−2 d−1) and N2O (6.4 ± 0.4 mg N2O-N m−2 d−1). Methane fluxes were comparable to those of other managed temperate peatlands, whereas N2O fluxes were very high; equivalent to fluxes from heavily fertilized agroecosystems and tropical forests. Ecosystem scale CH4 fluxes were driven by “hotspots” (drainage ditches) that accounted for less than 5% of the land area but more than 84% of emissions. Methane fluxes were unresponsive to seasonal fluctuations in climate and showed minimal temporal variability. Nitrous oxide fluxes were more homogeneously distributed throughout the landscape and responded to fluctuations in environmental variables, especially soil moisture. Elevated CH4 and N2O fluxes contributed to a high overall ecosystem global warming potential (531 g CO2-C equivalents m−2 y−1), with non-CO2 trace gas fluxes offsetting the atmospheric “cooling” effects of photoassimilation. These data suggest that managed Delta peatlands are potentially large regional sources of greenhouse gases, with spatial heterogeneity in soil moisture modulating the relative importance of each gas for ecosystem global warming potential.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of dissolved CH4 were determined from 1987–1990 in Lake Fryxell, Antarctica, an amictic, permanently ice-covered lake in which solute movement is controlled by diffusion. CH4 concentrations were < 1 υM in the upper oxic waters, but increased below the oxycline to 936 μM at 18 m. Sediment CH4 was 1100 μmol (1 sed)−1 in the 0–5 cm zone. Upward flux from the sediment was the source of the CH4, NH4 +, and DOC in the water column; CH4 was 27% of the DOC+CH4 carbon at 18 m. Incubations with surficial sediments indicated that H14CO3 reduction was 0.4 μmol (1 sed)−1 day−1 or 4× the rate of acetate fermentation to CH4. There was no measurable CH4 production in the water column. However, depth profiles of CH4, NH4, and DIC normalized to bottom water concentrations demonstrated that a significant CH4 sink was evident in the anoxic, sulfate-containing zone of the water column (10–18 m). The δ13CH4 in this zone decreased from −72 % at 18 m to −76% at 12 m, indicating that the consumption mechanism did not result in an isotopic enrichment of 13CH4. In contrast, δ13CH4 increased to −55 % at 9 m due to aerobic oxidation, though this was a minor aspect of the CH4 cycle. The water column CH4 profile was modeled by coupling diffusive flux with a first order consumption term; the best-fit rate constant for anaerobic CH4 consumption was 0.012 yr−1. On a total carbon basis, CH4 consumption in the anoxic water column exerted a major effect on the flux of carbonaceous material from the underlying sediments and serves to exemplify the importance of CH4 to carbon cycling in Lake Fryxell.  相似文献   

Termites produce methane (CH4) as a by-product of microbial metabolism of food in their hindguts, and are one of the most uncertain components of the regional and global CH4 exchange estimates. This study was conducted at Howard Springs near Darwin, and presents the first estimate of CH4 emissions from termites based on replicated in situ seasonal flux measurements in Australian savannas. Using measured fluxes of CH4 between termite mounds and the atmosphere, and between soil and the atmosphere across seasons we determined net CH4 flux within a tropical savanna woodland of northern Australia. By accounting for both mound-building and subterranean termite colony types, and estimating the contribution from tree-dwelling colonies it was calculated that termites were a CH4 source of +0.24 kg CH4-C ha−1 y−1 and soils were a CH4 sink of −1.14 kg CH4-C ha−1 y−1. Termites offset 21% of CH4 consumed by soil resulting in net sink strength of −0.90 kg CH4-C ha−1 y−1 for these savannas. For Microcerotermes nervosus (Hill), the most abundant mound-building termite species at this site, mound basal area explained 48% of the variation in mound CH4 flux. CH4 emissions from termites offset 0.1% of the net biome productivity (NBP) and CH4 consumption by soil adds 0.5% to the NBP of these tropical savannas at Howard Springs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization and the presence of N2 fixing leguminous trees on soil fluxes of greenhouse gases. For a one year period, we measured soil fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), related soil parameters (temperature, water-filled pore space, mineral nitrogen content, N mineralization potential) and litterfall in two highly fertilized (250 kg N ha−1 year−1) coffee cultivation: a monoculture (CM) and a culture shaded by the N2 fixing legume species Inga densiflora (CIn). Nitrogen fertilizer addition significantly influenced N2O emissions with 84% of the annual N2O emitted during the post fertilization periods, and temporarily increased soil respiration and decreased CH4 uptakes. The higher annual N2O emissions from the shaded plantation (5.8 ± 0.3 kg N ha−1 year−1) when compared to that from the monoculture (4.3 ± 0.1 kg N ha−1 year−1) was related to the higher N input through litterfall (246 ± 16 kg N ha−1 year−1) and higher potential soil N mineralization rate (3.7 ± 0.2 mg N kg−1 d.w. d−1) in the shaded cultivation when compared to the monoculture (153 ± 6.8 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 2.2 ± 0.2 mg N kg−1 d.w. d−1). This confirms that the presence of N2 fixing shade trees can increase N2O emissions. Annual CO2 and CH4 fluxes of both systems were similar (8.4 ± 2.6 and 7.5 ± 2.3 t C-CO2 ha−1 year−1, −1.1 ± 1.5 and 3.3 ± 1.1 kg C-CH4 ha−1 year−1, respectively in the CIn and CM plantations) but, unexpectedly increased during the dry season.  相似文献   

Experimental ecology methods and chlorophyll fluorescence technology were used to study the effects of different concentrations of manganese (10−12– 10−4 mol L−1) on the growth, photosystem II and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of Amphidinium sp. MACC/D31. The results showed that manganese had a significant effect on the growth rate, fluorescence parameters (maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (F v /F m ), photochemical quenching (qP) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)) in the exponential stage (days 1–3) and SOD activity of Amphidinium sp. (P < 0.05). F v/F m in the exponential stage in 10−12 mol L−1 manganese concentration was significantly lower whilst qP and NPQ significantly higher than those in the other concentrations. F v /F m (days 6–9) in 10−4 mol L−1 manganese was significantly higher than those in the other concentrations. F v /F m (days 3–6) increased with increased concentration of manganese from 10−12 to 10−4 mol L−1. The values of qP and NPQ decreased with decreased concentrations of manganese, except for those in days 4–6. F v /F m under each concentration increased earlier and decreased later with culture stage whilst NPQ decreased earlier and increased later. The SOD activity increased with increased concentration of manganese from 10−12 to 10−8 mol L−1. The SOD activity in 10−4 mol L−1 manganese was significantly higher than those in the other concentrations and in 10−12 mol L−1 manganese, it was significantly lower than those in the other concentrations.  相似文献   

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