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DNA polymerase epsilon interacts with the CMG (Cdc45-MCM-GINS) complex by Dpb2p, the non-catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon. It is postulated that CMG is responsible for targeting of Pol ɛ to the leading strand. We isolated a mutator dpb2-100 allele which encodes the mutant form of Dpb2p. We showed previously that Dpb2-100p has impaired interactions with Pol2p, the catalytic subunit of Pol ɛ. Here, we present that Dpb2-100p has strongly impaired interaction with the Psf1 and Psf3 subunits of the GINS complex. Our in vitro results suggest that while dpb2-100 does not alter Pol ɛ’s biochemical properties including catalytic efficiency, processivity or proofreading activity – it moderately decreases the fidelity of DNA synthesis. As the in vitro results did not explain the strong in vivo mutator effect of the dpb2-100 allele we analyzed the mutation spectrum in vivo. The analysis of the mutation rates in the dpb2-100 mutant indicated an increased participation of the error-prone DNA polymerase zeta in replication. However, even in the absence of Pol ζ activity the presence of the dpb2-100 allele was mutagenic, indicating that a significant part of mutagenesis is Pol ζ-independent. A strong synergistic mutator effect observed for transversions in the triple mutant dpb2-100 pol2-4 rev3Δ as compared to pol2-4 rev3Δ and dpb2-100 rev3Δ suggests that in the presence of the dpb2-100 allele the number of replication errors is enhanced. We hypothesize that in the dpb2-100 strain, where the interaction between Pol ɛ and GINS is weakened, the access of Pol δ to the leading strand may be increased. The increased participation of Pol δ on the leading strand in the dpb2-100 mutant may explain the synergistic mutator effect observed in the dpb2-100 pol3-5DV double mutant.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in understanding the influence of physical and genetic factors on the patterns of cell division in various model systems. However, how each of these factors directs changes in subcellular structures has remained unclear. Generic machineries for the execution of cell expansion and division have been characterized, but how these are influenced by genetic regulators and physical cell properties remains an open question. To a large degree, the complexity of growing post‐embryonic tissues and a lack of precise predictability have prevented the extraction of rigid correlations between subcellular structures and future orientation of cell division. The Arabidopsis embryo offers an exquisitely predictable and simple model for studying such correlations, but so far the tools and methodology for studying subcellular structures in the early embryo have been lacking. Here, we describe a set of markers to visualize a range of subcellular structures in the early Arabidopsis embryo. We have designed a series of fluorescent cellular reporters optimized for embryos, and demonstrate the effectiveness of using these ‘ACE’ reporters with simple three‐dimensional imaging procedures that preserve delicate cellular structures. We describe the ontogeny of subcellular structures in the early embryo and find that central/peripheral cell polarity is established much earlier than suspected. In addition, we show that the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton has distinct topologies in the embryo. These tools and methods will allow detailed analysis of the events of cellular reorganization that underlie morphogenesis in the Arabidopsis embryo.  相似文献   

It is during embryogenesis that the body plan of the developing plant is established. Analysis of gene expression during embryogenesis has been limited due to the technical difficulty of accessing the developing embryo. Here we demonstrate that laser capture microdissection can be applied to the analysis of embryogenesis. We show how this technique can be used in concert with DNA microarray for the large-scale analysis of gene expression in apical and basal domains of the globular-stage and heart-stage embryo, respectively, when critical events of polarity, symmetry and biochemical differentiation are established. This high resolution spatial analysis shows that up to approximately 65% of the genome is expressed in the developing embryo, and that differential expression of a number of gene classes can be detected. We discuss the validity of this approach for the functional analysis of both published and previously uncharacterized essential genes.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase (Pol) lambda is a DNA repair enzyme involved in base excision repair, non-homologous end joining and translesion synthesis. Recently, we identified Pol lambda as an interaction partner of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) that is central to the cell cycle G1/S transition and S-phase progression. This interaction leads to in vitro phosphorylation of Pol lambda, and its in vivo phosphorylation pattern during cell cycle progression mimics the modulation of CDK2/cyclin A. Here, we identify several phosphorylation sites of Pol lambda. Experiments with phosphorylation-defective mutants suggest that phosphorylation of Thr 553 is important for maintaining Pol lambda stability, as it is targeted to the proteasomal degradation pathway through ubiquitination unless this residue is phosphorylated. In particular, Pol lambda is stabilized during cell cycle progression in the late S and G2 phases. This most likely allows Pol lambda to correctly conduct repair of damaged DNA during and after S phase.  相似文献   

The interactions between the N-terminal domain of the epsilon (epsilon186) and theta subunits of DNA polymerase III of Escherichia coli were investigated using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The epsilon186-theta complex was stable in 9 M ammonium actetate (pH 8), suggesting that hydrophobic interactions have a predominant contribution to the stability of the complex. Addition of primary alkanols to epsilon186-theta in 0.1 M ammonium acetate (pH 8), led to dissociation of the complex, as observed in the mass spectrometer. The concentrations of methanol, ethanol, and 1-propanol required to dissociate 50% of the complex were 8.9 M, 4.8 M, and 1.7 M, respectively. Closer scrutiny of the effect of alkanols on epsilon186, theta, and epsilon186-theta showed that epsilon186 formed soluble aggregates prior to precipitation, and that the association of epsilon186 with theta stabilized epsilon186. In-source collision-induced dissociation experiments and other results suggested that the epsilon186-theta complex dissociated in the mass spectrometer, and that the stability (with respect to dissociation) of the complex in vacuo was dependent on the solution from which it was sampled.  相似文献   

Yang ZX  An GY  Zhu ZP 《Cell research》2001,11(1):74-80
INTRODUCTIONThe establishment of embryonic polarity is oneof the critical events in embryogenesis. The polar distribution of maternal mRNA can be tracedto the unfertilized egg cell. After fertilization, itstranslational products trigger the zygotic targetgenes which define the embryonic region and fUIther direct the pattern formation and body planduring embryogenesis. In Drosophila, Bicoid is oneof the important maternal genes involved in thecontrol of embryo polarity and larvae segmen…  相似文献   

Changes in the amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have never been investigated in plant zygotes or early plant embryos due to the difficulty in isolating these cells, although such changes have been investigated in mammalian embryos. Using the single‐cell quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and laser confocal microscopy, we surveyed the changes in mtDNA levels during early embryogenesis in Torenia fournieri and Arabidopsis thaliana. In contrast with the amount of mtDNA in early mammalian embryos, which does not change, we found that mtDNA doubling occurred during zygotic development in T. fournieri and during two‐cell proembryo development in A. thaliana. These findings reveal that mtDNA doubling occurs during early embryogenesis in T. fournieri and A. thaliana, indicating that the dynamics of mtDNA in early plant embryos differs from that in early mammalian embryos.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis was inhibited during embryogenesis of Habrotrocha rosa with mitomycin C and hydroxyurea. Inhibition of DNA replication in early stages of embryogenesis, at the beginning of organogenesis, just after cavitation of the stomodeum, resulted in a complete inhibition of further development. After this stage of embryogenesis development was insensitive to inhibition of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Cullin (CUL)-dependent ubiquitin ligases form a class of structurally related multisubunit enzymes that control the rapid and selective degradation of important regulatory proteins involved in cell cycle progression and development, among others. The CUL3-BTB ligases belong to this class of enzymes and despite recent findings on their molecular composition, our knowledge on their functions and substrates remains still very limited. In contrast to budding and fission yeast, CUL3 is an essential gene in metazoans. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes two related CUL3 genes, called CUL3A and CUL3B. We recently reported that cul3a loss-of-function mutants are viable but exhibit a mild flowering and light sensitivity phenotype. We investigated the spatial and temporal expression of the two CUL3 genes in reproductive tissues and found that their expression patterns are largely overlapping suggesting possible functional redundancy. Thus, we investigated the consequences on plant development of combined Arabidopsis cul3a cul3b loss-of-function mutations. Homozygous cul3b mutant plants developed normally and were fully fertile. However, the disruption of both the CUL3A and CUL3B genes reduced gametophytic transmission and caused embryo lethality. The observed embryo abortion was found to be under maternal control. Arrest of embryogenesis occurred at multiple stages of embryo development, but predominantly at the heart stage. At the cytological level, CUL3 loss-of-function mutations affected both embryo pattern formation and endosperm development.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol ε) is a multi-subunit enzyme required for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. Here, we report the cloning of two fission yeast genes, called dpb3+ and dpb4+ that encode proteins homologous to the two smallest subunits of Pol ε. Although Dpb4 is not required for cell viability, Δdpb4 mutants are synthetically lethal with mutations in four genes required for DNA replication initiation, cdc20+ (encoding DNA Pol ε), cut5+ (homologous to DPB11/TopBP1), sna41+ (homologous to CDC45) and cdc21+ (encoding Mcm4, a component of the pre-replicative complex). In contrast to Dpb4, Dpb3 is essential for cell cycle progression. A glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay indicates that Dpb3 physically interacts with both Dpb2 and Dpb4, suggesting that Dpb3 associates with other members of the Pol ε complex. Depletion of Dpb3 leads to an accumulation of cells in S phase consistent with Dpb3 having a role in DNA replication. In addition, many of the cells have a bi-nucleate or multinucleate phenotype, indicating that cell separation is also inhibited. Finally, we have examined in vivo localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Dpb3 and Dpb4 and found that both proteins are localized to the nucleus consistent with their proposed role in DNA replication. However, in the absence of Dpb3, GFP-Dpb4 appears to be more dispersed throughout the cell, suggesting that Dpb3 may be important in establishing or maintaining normal localization of Dpb4.  相似文献   

HeLa DNA polymerase epsilon (pol epsilon), possibly involved in both DNA replication and DNA repair, was previously isolated as a complex of a 261-kDa catalytic subunit and a tightly bound 59-kDa accessory protein. Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol epsilon, however, consists of four subunits: a 256-kDa catalytic subunit with 39% identity to HeLa pol epsilon p261, a 80-kDa subunit (DPB2) with 26% identity to HeLa pol epsilon p59, a 23-kDa subunit (DPB3), and a 22-kDa subunit (DPB4). We report here the identification and the cloning of two additional subunits of HeLa pol epsilon, p17, and p12. Both proteins contain histone fold motifs which are present also in S. cerevisiae DPB4 and DPB3. The histone fold motifs of p17 and DPB4 are related to that of subunit A of the CCAAT binding factor, whereas the histone fold motifs found in p12 and DPB3 are homologous to that in subunit C of CCAAT binding factor. p17 together with p12, but not p17 or p12 alone, interact with both p261 and p59 subunits of HeLa pol epsilon. The genes for p17 and p12 can be assigned to chromosome locations 9q33 and 2p12, respectively.  相似文献   

The simple deletion of nucleotides is common in many organisms. It can be advantageous when it activates genes beneficial to microbial survival in adverse environments, and deleterious when it mutates genes relevant to survival, cancer or degenerative diseases. The classical idea is that simple deletions arise by strand slippage. A prime opportunity for slippage occurs during DNA synthesis, but it remains unclear how slippage is controlled during a polymerization cycle. Here, we report crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations of mutant derivatives of DNA polymerase lambda bound to a primer-template during strand slippage. Relative to the primer strand, the template strand is in multiple conformations, indicating intermediates on the pathway to deletion mutagenesis. Consistent with these intermediates, the mutant polymerases generate single-base deletions at high rates. The results indicate that dNTP-induced template strand repositioning during conformational rearrangements in the catalytic cycle is crucial to controlling the rate of strand slippage.  相似文献   

The success rate of diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis is lowered by inhibitory substances present in the samples. Recently, we showed that tolerance to PCR inhibitors in crime scene saliva stains can be improved by replacing the standard DNA polymerase AmpliTaq Gold with alternative DNA polymerase-buffer systems (Hedman et al., BioTechniques 47 (2009) 951-958). Here we show that blending inhibitor-resistant DNA polymerase-buffer systems further increases the success rate of PCR for various types of real crime scene samples showing inhibition. For 34 of 42 “inhibited” crime scene stains, the DNA profile quality was significantly improved using a DNA polymerase blend of ExTaq Hot Start and PicoMaxx High Fidelity compared with AmpliTaq Gold. The significance of the results was confirmed by analysis of variance. The blend performed as well as, or better than, the alternative DNA polymerases used separately for all tested sample types. When used separately, the performance of the DNA polymerases varied depending on the nature of the sample. The superiority of the blend is discussed in terms of complementary effects and synergy between the DNA polymerase-buffer systems.  相似文献   


In eukaryotes three DNA polymerases (Pols), α, δ, and ε, are tasked with bulk DNA synthesis of nascent strands during genome duplication. Most evidence supports a model where Pol α initiates DNA synthesis before Pol ε and Pol δ replicate the leading and lagging strands, respectively. However, a number of recent reports, enabled by advances in biochemical and genetic techniques, have highlighted emerging roles for Pol δ in all stages of leading-strand synthesis; initiation, elongation, and termination, as well as fork restart. By focusing on these studies, this review provides an updated perspective on the division of labor between the replicative polymerases during DNA replication.  相似文献   

Captan inhibits DNA polymerases of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic sources. When polymerases were employed in assays with various polynucleotides as template-primer, no specificity in the base sequence of polynucleotide was required for inhibition. Sucrose gradient centrifugation and preincubation studies showed the inhibition was caused by an irreversible alteration of the polymerase. Captan and DNA compete for the same site on the polymerase, thus DNA can serve a protective role in the elimination of captan's action. The pyrophosphate exchange activity associated with the polymerase is not inhibited by captan and the fidelity with which DNA polymerase I copies the DNA template also is not altered by captan treatment.  相似文献   

Modification by ubiquitin-like proteins is now known to be important for the functions of many proteins involved in DNA replication and repair. We have investigated the modification of human DNA polymerase delta by ubiquitin and SUMO proteins. We find that while the p125 and p50 subunits were not modified, the p12 subunit is ubiquitinated and the p66 subunit can be modified by ubiquitin and SUMO3. We show that levels of p12 are regulated by the proteasome, either directly or indirectly, through a mechanism that is not dependent upon p12 ubiquitination. We have mapped two sites of SUMO3-specific modification on the p66 subunit. SUMOylation by SUMO3 but not SUMO2 is unusual: their level of homology is so high that they are normally classified as variants of the same protein. However, our findings show that these two proteins can be distinguished in vivo and may have specific functions.  相似文献   

The inhibitory activities against DNA polymerases (pols) of catechin derivatives (i.e., flavan-3-ols) such as (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-gallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin, (+)-catechin gallate, (-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)-gallocatechin gallate, and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) were investigated. Among the eight catechins, some catechins inhibited mammalian pols, with EGCg being the strongest inhibitor of pol alpha and lambda with IC(50) values of 5.1 and 3.8 microM, respectively. EGCg did not influence the activities of plant (cauliflower) pol alpha and beta or prokaryotic pols, and further had no effect on the activities of DNA metabolic enzymes such as calf terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, T7 RNA polymerase, and bovine deoxyribonuclease I. EGCg-induced inhibition of pol alpha and lambda was competitive with respect to the DNA template-primer and non-competitive with respect to the dNTP (2'-deoxyribonucleotide 5'-triphosphate) substrate. Tea catechins also suppressed TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate)-induced inflammation, and the tendency of the pol inhibitory activity was the same as that of anti-inflammation. EGCg at 250 microg was the strongest suppressor of inflammation (65.6% inhibition) among the compounds tested. The relationship between the structure of tea catechins and the inhibition of mammalian pols and inflammation was discussed.  相似文献   

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